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Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2019 / Track Organizational Transformation & Information Systems (SIG OSRA) / Call for Papers
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2019 17:47:09 +0100
From: Paul Drews <paul.drews@leuphana.de>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

AMCIS 2019 Call for Papers
Track Organizational Transformation & Information Systems (SIG OSRA)
August 15 - 17, 2019, Cancún, Mexico

Dear colleagues,

if you are working in the area of organizational transformation & IS / digital transformation, please consider submitting a paper to one of minitracks in the track „Organizational transformation & Information Systems“ sponsored by SIG OSRA.

This year, the minitracks seek to attract papers related to innovation & BPM, agile methods, knowledge management, smart services and shadow IT. The general minitrack is also open for further topics related to the track's theme.
Track description:
By adopting, adapting, or developing Information Systems (IS), organizations and their IS continually undergo a considerable transformation often referred to as “digital transformation”. As a result, information systems, business models, business processes, and end-user workplaces are perpetually analyzed, rethought, and changed. Nowadays, many systems in organizations are already interconnected to form inter-organizational IS, contributing to a complex IS landscape in current organizations. This renews the importance of analyzing the interplay between IS and organizations from socio-technical and end-user perspectives and the implications of changing IS on end-users and customers, who are increasingly technologically savvy and immersed in this digital transformation. This year, we invite research papers and real-life teaching cases to be submitted on topics related to organizational transformation and IS, business process management, changing workplaces and IS integration, knowledge management and training, end-user computing, IT consulting and inter-organizational information systems.

Minitracks of the track "Organizational transformation & Information Systems":
- Minitrack 1: Innovation and Business Process Management (MT chair: Joseph Nwankpa)
- Minitrack 2: Organizational Transformation by Scaling and Extending the Use of Agile Methods (MT co-chairs: Andreas Drechsler, Bettina Horlach)
- Minitrack 3: Knowledge Management in an Age of Disruptive Technologies and Consumer Engagement (MT chair: Elizabeth Regan)
- Minitrack 4: Digital transformation with smart services (MT co-chairs: Thang Le Dinh, Jolita Ralyte, Elaine Mosconi)
- Minitrack 5: Shadow Information Technologies and Practices (MT co-chairs: Howard Rosenbaum, Chase McCoy)
- Minitrack 6: SIG OSRA General Minitrack (MT co-chairs: Paul Drews, Joao Porto de Albuquerque, Frank Ulbrich, Lauri Wessel)

Please find the full description of the minitracks on the AMCIS 2019 website:
https://amcis2019.aisconferences.org/submissions/track-descriptions/ <https://amcis2019.aisconferences.org/submissions/track-descriptions/>

Important dates:
- March 1, 2019 AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for authors at 10:00am PST
- April 15, 2019 Track Chairs recommendations are due
- April 24, 2019 Camera-ready papers are due


Paul Drews, Frank Ulbrich, Lauri Wessel
AMCIS 2019 Track Organizational Transformation & Information Systems (SIG OSRA)

Prof. Dr. Paul Drews
Institute of Information Systems
Research Center for Digital Transformation
School of Business and Economics
Leuphana University of Lüneburg

Universitätsallee 1
Building 4, Room 304
D-21335 Lüneburg

Tel:  +49 (4131) 677-1993
Fax:  +49 (4131) 677-1749

Mail: paul.drews@leuphana.de
Web:  www.leuphana.de/iis

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