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Subject: CFP: the Web Intelligence & Agent Systems journal Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 13:50:42 -0500 From: Peter Brusilovsky peterb@mail.sis.pitt.edu To: Adilah Nisman m4hsuri@time.net.my, Amnonarbel amnon@canaan.co.il, Antonio Braz cstore@vetorialnet.com.br, "CATAI-Prof.Dr.Ferrer-Roca" catai@teide.net, CHEN Liang lchen@alfin.mine.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp, Claude Ghaoui C.Ghaoui@livjm.ac.uk, DAOUDI ABDELKRIM daoudi_abdelkrim@hotmail.com, David Schwartz dschwar@mail.biu.ac.il, "Di Silvestro Alessandra;Hypermedia adattativi modali" disilves@pmair1.elet.polimi.it, Djamel Fezzani fezzani@inrs-telecom.uquebec.ca, "Dr. Craig Kaplan" 73424.2052@compuserve.com, Frankie fkiecarrero@wanadoo.es, "Gamper Johann (P)" JGamper@unibz.it, Gil Regev giliregev@yahoo.com, Haido Samaras hsamara@uom.gr, haiyan xu hyxu@mail.ustc.edu.cn, Henrry koala.shu@msa.hinet.net, Isabela Gasparini isagasp@sercomtel.com.br, Jat Hothi jathothi@hotmail.com, jspark jspark@microframe.co.kr, "K. Koidl" koidl@rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de, "Kim.Do-Wan" KIM@alf4.ngate.uni-regensburg.de, Lynn Thomas lynner@nb.sympatico.ca, "! m.c. schraefel" mc@cs.toronto.edu, "Mohamed M. Khatib" m.kh@link.com.eg, "Neil W. Van Dyke" nwv@media.mit.edu, Nelis Franken igor@global.co.za, "Pedro M. Hontangas" pedro.m.hontangas@uv.es, Rafael Morales Gamboa rmorales@iie.org.mx, Riccardo Ortale ortale@si.deis.unical.it, Robert Farrell robfarr@us.ibm.com, Rolf Zajonc zajonc@physik.hu-berlin.de, Samir sam@manner44.freeserve.co.uk, sariya binsaleh sariyab@hotmail.com, Sejin Chung chungs@state.mi.us, "Sherry Y. Chen" Sherry.Chen@brunel.ac.uk, Susanne van Mulken mulken@ai-gate.cs.uni-sb.de, Talha Khan talha_khan25@hotmail.com, "Tomas A. Perez Fernandez" jippefet@si.ehu.es, Vagelis Mennis v.mennis@aegean.gr, Vangelis Triantafillou vtrianta@csd.auth.gr, Zhou Xuehai xhzhou@ustc.edu.cn, Alan Hoshor alanhos@microsoft.com, alenka.kavcic@fri.uni-lj.si, Anastasia Adila m4hsuri@yahoo.com, elisabeth.andre@dfki.de, Elisabeth Andre andre@informatik.uni-augsburg.de, ANDRE CX2V@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA! , Andre Koehorst Koehorst@EDUC.UNIMAAS.NL, Angel Garcia Crespo acrespo@ia.uc3m.es, anna.stefani@infotn.it, Arouna WOUKEU warouna@yahoo.co.uk, AShapiro@UMassD.Edu, Bart Verhoeven Bart.Verhoeven@cs.kuleuven.ac.be, Boaz Mermelshtein boazme@oumail.openu.ac.il, Bob Young ryoung@SciComp.com, boecker@darmstadt.gmd.de (Dr. Heinz Dieter Boecker), Brigitte Trousse Brigitte.Trousse@sophia.inria.fr, Carlo Strapparava strappa@irst.itc.it, cckathy@sunset.backbone.olemiss.edu (Kathy Gates), Charles Nicholas nicholas@cs.umbc.edu, Christian Süß suess@fmi.uni-passau.de, Christoph von Uthmann ischut@wi.uni-muenster.de, Chuck Amburn chuck@oir.ucf.edu, Clara Ines Pena de Carrillo clarenes@silver.udg.es, Claude Ghaoui C.Ghaoui@livjm.ac.uk, Claudia Engel cengel@cesga.es, coelho@comp.ita.cta.br, Cord.Hockemeyer@kfunigraz.ac.at (Cord Hockemeyer), Cornelia Seeberg Cornelia.Seeberg@KOM.tu-darmstadt.de, cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt (Christopher Staff), d.mullier@lmu.ac.uk, damien! @cometway.com, daniel@passage.com (Daniel Chang), Daryl McCullough daryl@cogentex.com, David Brown dcb@sequoia.WPI.EDU, David Bueno Vallejo bueno@lcc.uma.es, Paul De Bra debra@win.tue.nl, Fiorella de Rosis fide@flashnet.it, dlamas@telepac.pt (David Ribeiro Lamas), dlamas@ufp.pt, Don.Raikes@pni.com, dparra@cutipay.inf.uach.cl, dubrau@inf.tu-dresden.de, dufresne@iro.umontreal.ca (Aude Dufresne), duncanm@annec.co.uk, dunja@cs.cmu.edu, "Eklund, John" JohnE@testingcentre.com, Eric Schwarzkopf schwarzk@dfki.de, Erica Melis melis@ags.uni-sb.de, Fabio Paterno fabio.paterno@cnuce.cnr.it, Fahri Yetim fahri.yetim@njit.edu, Fiorella de Rosis fide@mbox1.flashnet.it, Florina Almenárez florina@it.uc3m.es, Franca Garzotto garzotto@elet.polimi.it, Francisco Saiz francisco.saiz@ii.uam.es, Fresta Giuseppe Giuseppe.Fresta@cnuce.cnr.it, Fulantelli fulantelli@itdf.pa.cnr.it, G.Fresta@cnuce.cnr.it, gandolla@sirius.nucleo.inpe.br, Gary Katzenstein mngary@ust.hk, ga! rzotto@elet.polimi.it, gd1@mail.inf.tu-dresden.de (Gunter Dubrau), Gene Golovchinsky gene@pal.xerox.com, "Juan E. Gilbert" gilbert@eng.auburn.edu, gloria teo teo@gmd.de, grb@psyc.nott.ac.uk, Gustaf Neumann neumann@nestroy.wi-inf.uni-essen.de, Nicola Henze henze@kbs.uni-hannover.de, hester21@hotmail.com, hockemey@BPSLG51.kfunigraz.ac.at (Cord Hockemeyer), Hubertus.Hohl@mchp.siemens.de, Kristina Höök kia@sics.se, IKSAL Sebastien sebastien.iksal@enst-bretagne.fr, j.eklund@uts.edu.au (John Eklund), James Ohene-Djan map01jo@gold.ac.uk, Jana Trnková jana@tk.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de, Jean-Luc Guerin Jean-Luc.Guerin@utc.fr, jean-luc.guerin@u-picardie.fr (Jean-Luc Guérin ), jhaynes@i-a-i.com, jhothi@csc.com, Jim Mayfield mayfield@cs.umbc.edu, Julita Vassileva jiv@cs.usask.ca, jlguerin@hds.univ-compiegne.fr, jlguerin@hds.utc.fr, Johan Bollen jbollen@lanl.gov, jon@cogsci.ed.ac.uk, judy@cs.su.oz.au, jwantz@i-a-i.com, Késsia Nina kessia@gmx.net, kamba@ccm.cl! .nec.co.jp, Karen Lemone kal@cs.WPI.EDU, kasihara@ai.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp, KC Clibbon K.C.Clibbon@lut.ac.uk, kedar@ils.nwu.edu, keller@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov (Rich Keller), kentw@bellcore.com, kfg@cypress.mcsr.olemiss.edu, Klaus.Langer@lan.wiso.uni-erlangen.de, kmcelroy@central.murdoch.edu.au, Knapp Judith Judith.Knapp@eurac.edu, Alfred Kobsa kobsa@ics.uci.edu, KRAUS Jürgen j.kraus@ged.rwth-aachen.de, KW Pang K.W.Pang@lboro.ac.uk, Levi Justo Junior levi.justo@comsat.com.br, Lori Kettel lak131@cs.usask.ca, lthompso@glam.ac.uk, Lynda Hardman Lynda.Hardman@cwi.nl, Manolis Vozalis mans@uom.gr, Marcelo de Miranda Coelho coelho@ita.cta.br, Marco Carvalho marco@cic.unb.br, Marcus Specht marcus.specht@fit.fraunhofer.de, Maria Barra marbar@almaden.ibm.com, Maria Kropfberger maria.k@xpoint.at, Maria Milosavljevic dm@dynamicmultimedia.com, Mario Cannataro cannataro@si.deis.unical.it, mark mann mmann@cooltutor.com, mark@compsmart.com (Mark Mann), mas01j! o@gold.ac.uk, Hermann Maurer hmaurer@iicm.tu-graz.ac.at, mb@ikaros.harvard.edu (Mark Bernstein), mgraves@dcs.qmw.ac.uk (Marianne Graves Petersen), Alessandro Micarelli micarel@dia.uniroma3.it, Michael Bieber bieber@homer.njit.edu, Michael Miller mm@i-a-i.com, Michael White mike@cogentex.com, Michiaki Katsumoto katsu@yosemite.sb.cs.toyo.ac.jp, miguel@aptix.com, mike@cogentex.com, mimi@netscape.com (Mimi Hui), Mizue KAYAMA kayama@ai.is.uec.ac.jp, mm@i-a-i.com, mmann@microageokc.com, mohit goel goelmohitin@yahoo.co.in, mohitg@cse.iitkgp.ernet.in, Mona LAROUSSI mona.laroussi@planet.tn, Monza Lui monzalui@pitt.edu, Johanna Moore jmoore@cogsci.ed.ac.uk, mulken@dfki.uni-sb.de (Susanne van Mulken), Myriam Lancha Rojas mlancha@iris.uc3m.es, nadja de carolis decarolis@di.uniba.it, neide@rio.cos.ufrj.br (Neide Santos), Wolfgang Nejdl nejdl@kbs.uni-hannover.de, Nico.Jacobs@cs.kuleuven.ac.be, Nicolas.Delestre@insa-rouen.fr, Nora Koch koch@fast.de, Nora Koch ! kochn@informatik.uni-muenchen.de, Nuria nmedina@ugr.es, Nykänen Ossi onykane@butler.cc.tut.fi, O.Signore@cnuce.cnr.it, Jon Oberlander jon@cogsci.ed.ac.uk, J.Oberlander@ed.ac.uk, Ossi Nykanen osanny@math.jyu.fi, Pablo Díaz Luque pablo@eumed.net, Paul Maglio pmaglio@almaden.ibm.com, Paul Martin Paul.Martin@MCS.VUW.AC.NZ, pedrod@cs.washington.edu, Leonid Pesin leonid.pesin@fit.fraunhofer.de, Peter Innocent pri@dmu.ac.uk, Denise Pilar da Silva deniserps@sbcglobal.net, pmaglio@almaden.ibm.com, prog prog progp@yahoo.com, R.Bartoli@cnuce.cnr.it, raad@larrun.iutbayonne.univ-pau.fr, Riccardo Mazza riccardo.mazza@lu.unisi.ch, Riccardo Rizzo rrizzo@mail.sis.pitt.edu, Riccardo Rizzo bradipo@yahoo.it, Riccardo Rizzo rizzo@itdf.pa.cnr.it, Rizzo rizzo@itdf.pa.cnr.it, Rosario Urzua murzua@campus.gda.itesm.mx, Ruel Ellis rellis@eng.uwi.tt, Sandra de Albuquerque Siebra sas@di.ufpe.br, sciarro@inf.uniroma3.it, serge Garlatti <serge.garlatti@enst-bretagne! .fr>, shai_l@cet.ac.il (Shai Litvak), shavlik@cs.wisc.edu, sheilan@cogs.susx.ac.uk, Simon.Taylor3@student.shu.ac.uk (Simon Taylor3), Barry Smyth barry.smyth@ucd.ie, smyuan@tiger.cis.nctu.edu.tw (smyuan), Stefani Anna 2809EC astefani@student.gelso.unitn.it, Dan Suthers suthers@hawaii.edu, Tanja Mitrovic tanja@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz, text@demand.xs4all.nl, Thomas Slattery tslttery@tcd.ie, Tim Philip philip@cs.usask.ca, tmoone10@caledonian.ac.uk, Ivan Tomek ivan.tomek@acadiau.ca, Trude Heift heift@sfu.ca, "Tudhope D S (Comp)" dstudhop@glam.ac.uk, Vittorio Scarano vitsca@dia.unisa.it, weber@cogpsy.uni-trier.de, Yacine Lafifi ylafifi@yahoo.fr, Yoshitaka Shibata shibata@yosemite.sb.cs.toyo.ac.jp, Massimo Zancanaro zancana@irst.itc.it, Romain Zeiliger zeiliger@gate.cnrs.fr, sraza@cs.dal.ca
Consider a journal paper in one of the two most relevant journals! PB.
====================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS ======================================================================
Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal ----------------------------------------------------------- Publisher: IOS Press (http://www.iospress.nl/site/html/15701263.html) (http://wi-consortium.org/journal.html) ISSN 1570-1263
Home Page: http://wi-consortium.org/ ====================================
Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal (WIAS) is an official journal of Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC, homepage: http://wi-consortium.org/), an international organization dedicated to promoting collaborative scientific research and industrial development in the era of Web and agent intelligence. WIAS seeks to collaborate with major societies and international conferences in the fields. Presently, it has established a tie with the IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence and the IEEE/WIC International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology.
WIAS is a peer-reviewed journal, which publishes 4 issues a year, in both electronic and hard copies.
WIAS aims to achieve a disciplinary balance between Web technology and intelligent agent technology. It is committed to deepening the understanding of computational, logical, cognitive, physical, and social foundations as well as the enabling technologies for developing and applying Web-based intelligence and autonomous agents systems.
The journal features high-quality, original research papers (including state-of-the-art reviews), brief papers, and letters in all theoretical and technology areas that make up the field of WIAS. The papers should clearly focus on some of the following areas of interest:
o Agent infrastructure and architecture o Agent self-organization, learning, and adaptation o Agent-based knowledge discovery o Agent-mediated markets o Autonomy-oriented or autonomic computing o Cooperative problem solving o Distributed intelligence and emergent behavior o Emerging agent-based, Web-based systems and computing paradigms o Evaluation and standards for agent-based Web intelligence technologies o Knowlegde Grid and Grid intelligence o Information ecology o Knowledge management, networks, and communities o Mediators and middleware o Ontology engineering o Personalization techniques o Security issues in Web and agent systems o Semantic Web, Web services and interoperability o Ubiquitous computing and social intelligence o Web information filtering and retrieval o Web mining and farming o Wisdom Web
WIAS Paper Submission Guidelines ================================
Authors are invited to submit complete and original papers, which have not been published elsewhere and are not currently under consideration for another journal or conference.
Each manuscript prepared for WIAS must fall into one of the following categories:
(1) Original research papers
Articles will be full-length papers (approximately 20 journal pages) reporting well-defined theoretical results and empirical studies that have potential impact on understanding of computational, logical, cognitive, physical, and social foundations, as well as the enabling technologies for developing and applying Web-based intelligence and autonomous agents systems. It is assumed that the ideas presented are important, have been well analyzed or empirically validated, and are of value to Web and agent intelligence research community.
(2) State-of-the-art reviews
Articles can also be state-of-the-art reviews, which will be either perspective tutorial articles in rapidly evolving fields or comprehensive scholarly reviews of significant topics.
(3) Brief papers
A brief paper presents results that are important and original and are presented in concise form.
(4) Letters
A letter is used to convey only a few principal ideas or to comment on work previously published in the WIAS.
The manuscripts submitted to WIAS are subjected to a rigorous review process handled by the Editors-in-Chief and designated Editorial Board Member(s).
All manuscripts for consideration must be submitted electronically through an Electronic Submission Form, available from the Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC) homepage at http://www.wi-consortium.org (under "WIAS journal").
In order to facilitate the review process, authors are required to mark the topics (within the Electronic Submission Form) to which their submissions are most relevant.
Peter Brusilovsky peterb@mail.sis.pitt.edu Department of Information Science and Telecommunications School of Information Sciences University of Pittsburgh 135 North Bellefield Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Phone: 412 624 9404 Fax: 412 624 2788 WWW: http://www2.sis.pitt.edu/~peterb
Visit the Web page of: User Modeling'2003 conference http://www2.sis.pitt.edu/~um2003/