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Workshop on
Collaboration and Coordination in the Context of Informal Care: Pervasive Technology and Ethics (CCCiC 2016)
May 16, 2016, Cancun, Mexico
at the 10th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare
Paper submission deadline: March 11, 2016
CCCiC 2016 is the third edition of the CCCiC international workshop series (http://www.cccic.org), which will place at the 10th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare held in Cancun, Mexico, May 16-19, 2016.
Technological developments for informal care are a very important and timely topic. Following up two successful editions of the CCCiC workshop (http://www.cccic.org), this chapter of the workshop elaborates on the discussions and outcomes of the two previous events, focusing on ethical issues of the development and the use of pervasive technologies in informal care.
** Objectives **
The main output of the workshop will be the identification of elements of an ethics roadmap concerning the design, development and deployment of pervasive health technologies to allow future research on the matter to deepen their understanding on such issues. The workshop will seek answers for questions such as: Which types of ethical concerns does pervasive heath technology raise? Which types of policies do we need to regulate their use and what are the variables associated to their definition? Who should be in charge of deciding whether and how such technologies can be offered in particular settings? Is it ethical at all to decide for the users? How is UCD supposed to work? Should the users not be autonomous in deciding what is good or bad for them? How about when what they want affect the others? What should be the position of researchers and practitioners who intervene in projects which are designing and offering pervasive technologies to elderly people? How to end the projects wi
thout “abandoning” the participants? How to ensure a sustainability of the provided technologies after the end of a project? How to avoid the frustration of elderly people who got used to the technologies provided during the project, but not available anymore at the end of the project?
** Themes **
Contributions are welcomed on the following themes, but not limited to:
* Ethical issues concerning the user-centered and participatory design and development of technologies to support coordination, communication, and collaboration between informal caregivers, their friends, family members, and health professionals;
* Sustainable technology development;
* Ethnographic studies and associated challenges (e.g., getting access to the field, collecting and analyzing data, etc.);
* Cross-cultural studies;
* Usage studies of current technological solutions for informal caregivers.
** Workshop Format and Activities **
Interdisciplinary participation from designers, developers, psychologists, ethnographers, among others, is appreciated. Therefore, this workshop will provide an important opportunity for researchers from both academia and industry to share ideas and possibly coordinate their efforts. In this way, it will be possible to gain insights that would otherwise be beyond reach.
Those interested in participating in the workshop should submit a position paper (long or short), a poster or demos on one of the workshop themes. The workshop will start with short presentations on the position papers accepted for it. Authors will be encouraged to give demonstrations or present video prototypes of their ideas.
We will aim at a maximum of 15 participants in the workshop in order to have a more focused discussion and the possibility to produce interesting results – a few places will be available for participants not presenting in the workshop. Following the presentations and discussions, there will be a brainstorming session to define the elements of a roadmap, which should include the conditions, implications and restrictions of using pervasive health technologies. Finally, a mind map will be created and the topics from the presentations and discussions will be positioned on a common future roadmap.
** Type of Submission **
Those interested in presenting at the workshop should submit a position paper (long or short), a poster or demos. All submissions should contain a brief overview over the key ideas of the presentation and some information on their occupational background.
Full papers should describe novel and mature work, and are limited to 8 pages including references. Short papers should describe more focused and succinct, but mature work. CCCiC 2016 will not accept papers that are currently under review, published or accepted in another venue.
Papers must be submitted through the EasyChair Conference System: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cccic2016
All submissions must be anonymized. No identifying information on authors or their affiliation should appear on the paper (except for neutral references to their own work).
* Please prepare your paper using the 2-column format. View the ACM guidelines and templates here, and please read the below instructions.
* Please be sure to use the correct Category and Subject Descriptor in your paper. See the above guidelines for instructions and visit http://www.acm.org/about/class/2012 for more information.
* Your paper must be submitted in PDF format.
* Failure to meet the formatting guidelines set by ACM could result in your paper not being included in the ACM Digital Library.
* Please note that you will see a box at the bottom of the first page. This must remain in this location on your paper, i.e., at the bottom of the left column. This is the ACM copyright and document/conference identification.
** Reviewing Process and Publication **
Each paper will be blind, peer-reviewed by members of the CCCiC 2016 program committee with additional expert reviewers drawn from relevant research domains.
Submissions will be evaluated based on their originality, quality, significance of the contribution to the field,compliance with the workshop themes, the extent (and diversity) of their backgrounds in design, technical correctness and presentation. The paper should make explicit how the work offers unique and substantial contribution beyond what has already been published or submitted. Authors will be invited to submit their camera-ready papers in ACM format, to be published in ACM Digital Library. Proceedings are also submitted for inclusion to the leading indexing services: DBLP, Google Scholar, Thomson Scientific ISI Proceedings, EI Elsevier Engineering Index, CrossRef, Scopus, as well as ICST's own EU Digital Library (EUDL).
The final version of the position papers or posters, adjusted to satisfy reviewers’ recommendations, will be published in the conference proceedings of the 10th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare 2016 where this workshop is facilitated.
** Important dates **
Paper submission deadline: March 11, 2016
Notification of acceptance: April 8, 2016
Camera ready: April 15, 2016
Workshop day: May 16, 2016
** Organisers **
E-Mail: hilda.tellioglu@tuwien.ac.at
Hilda Tellioglu, Vienna University of Technology
Aparecido Fabiano Pinatti De Carvalho, Vienna University of Technology
Myriam Lewkowicz, Universite de Technologie de Troyes
Matthieu Tixier, Universite de Technologie de Troyes
Maren Schorch, University of Siegen
More information can be found at https://cccic2016.wordpress.com/
Mailing-Liste: wi@lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request@lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi