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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: ISCRAM - Disaster Public Health & Healthcare Informatics in the Pandemic
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2020 09:14:42 -0500
From: Nick Lalone <nick.lalone@gmail.com>
To: AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org

Hi all,

The Conference Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
(ISCRAM) is in Blacksburg, Virginia USA - May 23rd- 26th, 2021.

https://www.drrm.fralinlifesci.vt.edu/iscram2021/call-papers.php - General
- CFP in PDF

We are seeking papers for our track focused on:

*Disaster Public Health & Healthcare Informatics in the Pandemic. *

*Description Below: *
The COVID-19 pandemic places renewed focus on informatics-based approaches
for healthcare systems responding to crises. The domain of disaster
healthcare informatics is unique in that it involves multiple medical
subdisciplines ranging from global/emergency medicine to primary care.
Public health infrastructure, from community engagement to laboratory
services also play a pivotal role in responding to major health crises.
Health systems also must interface effectively with joint emergency
operations centers often at multiple levels of government. These systems
rely heavily on physicians, nurses, and EMT practitioners, and concern both
population level and individual patient level data. Given these factors,
data fusion/integration, data security and privacy, and the legal and
ethical implications of information systems designed to support healthcare
systems in crisis are of particular importance. Areas of significant
innovation in disaster health informatics are occurring in part because of
the complexity of the current pandemic, but also more broadly in the field.
Areas of particular interest for the track include computational
epidemiology, hotspotting, community situated case management, contact
tracing, automated/autonomous/robotic clinical systems, human-machine
collaboration, and disaster mortuary.

Possible topics of interest for this track include the following:

- Pandemic data management, analysis and visualization
- Computational epidemiology
- Digital contact tracing strategies
- Autonomous/robotic clinical systems
- Virtual / eVisits in healthcare
- Healthcare worker’s experiences with technology supported work
- Healthcare/public health data fusion in crisis events
- Public health laboratories
- Sentinel events and superspreaders
- Simulation of healthcare processes, Covid-19 spread and responses
- Hotspot detection
- Disaster eHealth
- eTriage
- Health related mapping and geographical information
- Disaster mortuary
- Healthcare transformation through crisis learning
- Human-machine collaborative systems for crisis

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at


Nick LaLone
*Assistant Professor*
*Department of Information Systems & Quantitative Analysis*
College of Information Sciences and Technology
*University of Nebraska at Omaha*
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