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2nd Call for Papers - 14th International Workshop on Value
Modelling and Business Ontologies - VMBO 2020
January 16-17, 2020, Brussels, Belgium
Submission deadline: November 24, 2019
It is our pleasure to invite you to submit a paper to the 14th
International Workshop on Value Modelling and
Business Ontologies (VMBO 2020) on January 16th to 17th, 2020.
This workshop will be held in the Université
Saint-Louis in Brussels, Belgium.
The importance of modeling the essence of enterprises on a level
that abstracts from operational details is
increasingly recognized. Two established enterprise modeling
approaches are value modeling and business
ontology. Business ontology provides abstract descriptions of
enterprises in their business context, focusing
on what is needed to create and transfer value. Value modeling is
a business modeling approach that focuses
on the value objects exchanged in business networks. Business
ontology and value modeling research is
conducted using instruments like REA (Resources, Events, Agents),
the Business Model Canvas, the e3value
tool set, VDML and the Enterprise Engineering framework.
The goals of the VMBO workshop series are to bring together
researchers with an interest in value modeling
and business ontology in order to present and discuss the current
state of enterprise or business modeling
and to identify key areas for further research, including,
specifically but not exclusively, innovative business
model design, service design, systemic trust for value exchanges,
ontologies for modelling economic concepts
and institutions, and value-aware systems design.
Important dates:
* Paper submission: November 24, 2019
* Notification of acceptance: December 8, 2019
* VMBO 2020: January 16-17, 2020
Instructions for submissions:
If you are interested in joining, please submit a paper in the
following categories:
* Full paper (maximum of eight pages): describes original research
contributions, presents problems or
challenges encountered in practice or reports on industrial cases
and practices.
* Short paper (maximum of four pages): describes your main ideas.
We encourage you to focus on ideas in
progress for which you would like to get feedback from other
workshop participants.
If wanted, the accepted papers can be published with CEUR online
We support the submission of VMBO papers afterwards to a special
issue of a journal, e.g. Journal of Applied
Ontology (JAO) or Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting
(JETA), if possible. Note that submitted papers
will be reviewed only marginally. The program committee will use
the papers to put together a final program; the
aim is to accommodate all relevant papers with sufficient quality.
Submit your short paper preferably in PDF format and following the
(Proceedings) style of Springer LNCS to
Program Committee:
* Wim Laurier (chair)
* Geert Poels (chair)
* Ben Roelens (chair)
* Hans Weigand (chair)
* Birger Andersson
* Jaap Gordijn
* Nicola Guarino
* Giancarlo Guizzardi
* Pavel Hruby
* Christian Huemer
* Joris Hulstijn
* Paul Johannesson
* Bill McCarthy
* Erik Proper
* Ivan Razo-Zapata
* Walter Schwaiger
* Yao-Hua Tan
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