-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP: JOCEC Special Issue on Social Media and KM Datum: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 15:42:24 -0330 Von: Dianne P. Ford dpford@mun.ca Antwort an: dpford@mun.ca Organisation: Memorial University of Newfoundland An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
Apologies for any cross-postings.
Call forsubmissions for:
*/Journal ofOrganizational Computing andElectronicCommerce/*/(JOCEC http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/10919392.asp//)/
SpecialIssueon: "KnowledgeManagement and Social Media: TheChallenges"
Guest Co-Editors:
Robert M. Mason
TheInformation School, UniversityofWashington rmmason@uw.edu mailto:rmmason@uw.edu
DianneP. Ford
FacultyofBusiness Administration Memorial UniversityofNewfoundland
dpford@mun.ca mailto:dpford@mun.ca
Papers solicited forthis special issuecoverissues,challenges, ideas, and solutions fortwo
aspects ofknowledgemanagement (KM)and social media(SM). As oneexample, knowledge managers often perceiveatension between potential benefits and risks associated with social media. On theonehand, SM offers unprecedented opportunities forsharinginformation and knowledgeboth amongcolleagues closelyboundbyshared interests but also amongthose representingthe"strength ofweak ties"(Granovetter, 1973). On theotherhand, SM, becauseof theeasewith which information can bedisseminated, threatens organizational control of information and increases therisk oftheloss ormisuseofintellectual propertyand proprietary knowledge.
Forthis special issue, weencourageauthorsfromacademia, industry,governments, and non- profits, especiallycollaborations amongthesegroups, to address theseandothertensions or synergies that mayarisebetween KMand SM. Wewelcomeexamination ofthesetensions at thesocietal, organizational, group/team, and individual levels ofanalysis. Wesolicit case studies, surveys,experiments, qualitativeresearch,and collaborativeactionresearch among academics, executives, and policymakers that illustrateinnovativeapproaches, resolutions, and solutions to thesetensions, risks, and opportunities. Weespeciallyseek papers that offer conceptual models combined with empirical evidenceoftheconsequencesorfindings of observations related to thesemodels.
March 15, 2012 -- full papersubmission deadlineforJOCECSpecialIssuereview process.
October31, 2012 -- final versions ofaccepted papers will besubmitted forpublication process, with thespecial issuetargeted forpublication in thefirst 1-2 issues (dependingon thenumberof high-qualityaccepted papers)of2013.
Submit thedigital manuscript in standard MSWord format (.docnot .docx)as an attachment to an email with "JOCEC"(without quotes)as thefirst word in thesubject lineto both Guest Co- Editors, Dr. Robert M. Mason at rmmason@uw.ed mailto:rmmason@uw.eduu and Dr. DianneP. Fordat dpford@mun.ca. mailto:dpford@mun.ca Specifically, all papers submitted should conform to JOCECstandards andhaveno identifying information in thepapersto allow forthedouble-blind review process.
Articles should beconciseand in English, not morethan 40 pagesand/or12,000 words. This limitation applies to theentirepaper-coverpage,abstract, narrative,footnotes, figures, and references included. Manuscripts (includingtitlepage, abstract, text, quotes, acknowledgments, references, appendixes, tables, figurecaptions, and footnotes)should betyped, double-spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides, using8 1/2''11''pagesettings. Each pageofthemanuscript should benumbered, startingwith thetitlepage. Thetitlepageshould contain thearticletitle, author(s), affiliations, ashort form ofthetitle(less than 50 characters includinglettersand spaces),and thename,completemailingaddress, and telephonenumberoftheauthorto whom correspondenceshould besent. Page2 should contain ashort abstract (200-250 words), and 5-10 related keywords. All acronyms should bespelledout wherefirst used. Each tableand figure should becalled out within thetext.
Formorespecificformattinginformation, pleasereferto theInstructions forAuthors found on thejournal's website:
http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~db=all~content=t775653688~tab=submit~... http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title%7Edb%3Dall%7Econtent%3Dt775653688%7Etab%3Dsubmit%7Emode%3Dpaper_submission_instructionsr_submission_instructions http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title%7Edb%3Dall%7Econtent%3Dt775653688%7Etab%3Dsubmit%7Emode%3Dpaper_submission_instructions
Granovetter, M.S. (1973)TheStrength ofWeak Ties. /American Journal ofSociology. /*78*:6,
Dr. Dianne P. Ford
Associate Professor, OB/HR, MIS
Faculty of Business Administration
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St.John's, NL, A1B 3X5
Ph: (709) 864-8511
Fax: (709) 864-7680
Website: www.busi.mun.ca/dpford http://www.busi.mun.ca/dpford
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