---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: CfP - The First World Congress on Mass Customization and Personalization - Hong Kong Oct 2001 Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 23:27:22 +0100 From: "Frank T. Piller" Frank.Piller@aib.wiso.tu-muenchen.de To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Call for Papers, Presentations and Participation ================================================ (sorry for cross-postings)
The First World Congress on Mass Customization and Personalization Hong Kong, October 1 and 2, 2001 Info: http://ami.ust.hk/MC01/Mcpc.htm
Mass Customization and Personalization (MCP) aim to provide goods and services serving individual customers' personal needs with near mass production efficiency. MCP are rapidly gaining broad attention by businesses of all branches of industry -- often in the context of eBusiness. Furthermore, research and development of the theoretical and managerial aspects of MCP is increasing.
The First World Congress on Mass Customization and Personalization (MCP) focuses on the recent development in the theories, practices, business models and technologies, with special attention to the recent e-business and m-commerce revolution.
We kindly invite you to participate and present at the World Congress on Mass Customization and Personalization (MCP 2001) -- the first international congress dedicated to mass customization and personalization. The congress shall promote the exchange and knowledge sharing from a broad, interdisciplinary perspective of scientists and practitioners from various fields of industry.
The event is organized
- to provide a forum for discussions, exchange of new approaches and to foster further collaboration, - to share best practices and case studies of Mass Customization and Personalization, - to accelerate the development of core technologies and IT infrastructures for mass customization and personalization, - to discuss appropriate business models in the "old" and "new" economy.
We are inviting submissions of extended abstracts for presentations at the congress. An international program committee will evaluate all proposals. Successful submissions are invited to submit full papers, present in the congress and publish in a soft copy format.
Proposals should address (but are not limited to) the following aspects:
1. Business strategy and Theory of Mass Customization and Personalization
a. General Principles of Mass Customization and Personalization b. Business implementation of Mass Customization and Personalization c. Marketing aspects of Mass Customization and Personalization d. One to one marketing
2. Mass Customization and Personalization in eBusiness
a. Web-based Mass Customization and Personalization techniques b. Success factors of Web-based Mass Customization and Personalization c. Intermediaries for Mass Customization d. Online Communities for Mass Customization
3. Design for Mass Customization
a. The role of design for mass customization b. Product life cycle management c. Design aspects of configuration d. Product family development, product family structure and representation
4. Manufacturing for Mass Customization
a. Product design and configuration b. Process planning and scheduling c. Flexible manufacturing systems for Mass Customization d. Agile Manufacturing e. Supply Chain Management for Mass Customization
5. Consumer Behavior Issues
a. Buying behavior towards mass customized products b. Cognitive modeling of consumer behavior c. Consumer satisfaction d. Profiling and extracting consumer preference e. privacy concerns with mass customization
6. Information systems for MC and Personalization
a. Information system structure b. Product Configuration c. Data mining d. Representation of company capability e. Collaborative Filtering f. CRM technologies and systems g. Special aspects of MC planning (XML, agent technologies etc.)
7. Best practices and case studies
- from all branches of industry, for this track we especially invite founders and managers of MCP pioneer companies - a special focus track will concentrate on the apparel and shoe industry
A copy of 300 word abstract in English should be submitted by March 31, 2001 to the World Congress Chair. Authors will be notified of acceptance of their abstracts by April 30, 2001. Manuscripts of papers must be received by July 31, 2001.
Please submit your proposal via e-mail, fax and followed via airmail directly to the Congress Chair as below:
Professor Mitchell M. Tseng Advanced Manufacturing Institute Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong E-mail: tseng@ust.hk Fax: ++852 2358 0062
The congress will be held at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong. The University is situated in front of a broad natural bay with an open environment and atmosphere conducive to the exchange of knowledge, views, and innovative ideas. The University campus occupies a 150-acre site of sweeping natural beauty on the Clear Water Bay peninsula in East Kowloon, less than 30 minutes' driving time from central Hong Kong.
Registration fees:
General Registration: US$ 350 (US$ 300 until July 31, 2001) Academic and Presenter Registration: US$ 250 (US$ 200) Student Registration: US$ 150 (US$ 100)
Affordable on-campus and all classes of off-campus accommodation will be available during the event.
Further Information at the conference co-chairs:
Prof. Mitchell M. Tseng Director of Advanced Manufacturing Institute The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Fax: (852) 2358-0191 E-mail: mcpc@ust.hk http://ami.ust.hk/MC01/Mcpc.htm
Dr. Frank T. Piller Technische Universitaet Muenchen /(TUM) Chair of General and Industrial Management Leopoldstrasse 139 80804 Munich, Germany Tel: +49 / 89 / 36078 216 Fax: +49 / 89 / 36078 222 E-mail: piller@ws.tum.de www.mass-customization.de
Visit the conference site at: http://ami.ust.hk/MC01/Mcpc.htm