-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] ACM RecSys 2012 Combined Call for Contributions
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 11:20:56 +0100
From: Alan Said <alan.said@dai-labor.de>
Reply-To: Alan Said <alan.said@dai-labor.de>
To: <wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>, <ak-kd-list@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>, <kdml@cs.uni-kassel.de>, <fg-db@informatik.uni-rostock.de>, <fca-list@cs.uni-kassel.de>, <dl@dl.kr.org>

[Please forward to interested colleagues]

Combined CALL FOR Contributions

ACM International Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys) 2012
September 9-13, 2012, Dublin, Ireland

Important Dates
Workshop Proposal Deadline: March 15th, 2012
Research Abstract Submission Deadline: April 2nd, 2012
Research Paper Submission Deadline: April 9th, 2012
Tutorial Proposal Deadline: April 9th, 2012
Demo Submission Deadline: April 23rd, 2012
Doctoral Symposium Submission Deadline: April 23rd, 2012


We are pleased to invite you to participate in the premier annual event 
on research and
applications of recommendation technologies, the Sixth ACM Conference on 
Systems (RecSys 2012). The conference will be held on September 9-13 in 
Dublin, Ireland.
Previous conferences have been distinguished by a strong level of 
interaction between
researchers and practitioners in the sharing of ideas, problems and 
solutions, and the 2012
conference will continue in this tradition. The fully-refereed 
proceedings will be
published by the ACM and, like past RecSys proceedings, are expected to 
be widely read and

Please see the complete list of calls for contribution at 

Topics of Interest
We construe recommender systems broadly, including applications ranging 
from e-commerce to
social networking, platforms from web to mobile and beyond, and a wide 
variety of
technologies ranging from collaborative filtering to case-based 
reasoning. Topics of
interest for RecSys 2012 include (but are not limited to):

- Algorithm scalability
- Case studies of real-world implementations
- Computational advertising
- Conversational recommender systems
- Context-aware and multidimensional models
- Evaluation metrics and studies
- Explanations and evidence
- Group recommenders
- Impact studies
- Innovative/New applications
- Machine learning for recommendation
- Novel paradigms
- Personalization
- Preference elicitation
- Recommendation algorithms
- Social recommenders
- User interfaces
- Security, privacy, trust, and reputation
- Semantic web technologies for recommendation
- Theoretical foundations
- User modelling
- User studies

Submission Information

All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically in PDF 
format. RecSys 2012
submissions should be prepared according to the standard ACM SIG 
proceedings format. For
your convenience, we provide paper templates in Microsoft Word and LaTeX 
on the conference
website. More details on the submission procedure are available at 

There are two paper submission categories:

Long paper submissions should report on substantial contributions of 
lasting value. The
maximum length is 8 pages in the standard ACM SIG proceedings format. 
Each accepted long
paper will be presented in a plenary session as part of the main 
conference program. We
expect the review process to be highly selective: in 2011, the 
acceptance rate for full
papers was 20%.

Short paper submissions typically discuss exciting new work that is not 
yet mature enough
for a long paper. The maximum length is 4 pages in the standard ACM SIG 
proceedings format.
Each accepted short paper will be presented in a poster session. The 
presentation may
include a system demonstration.
Note: Please note that rejected long paper submissions will not be 
automatically considered
as short papers

Demos should be submitted via e-mail to dalyeliz@ie.ibm.com and
ekstrand@cs.umn.edu  and must include:

1. A two page, camera-ready extended abstract describing the demonstrated
technology for publication in the conference proceedings (proceedings are
published by ACM; use the ACM SIG format used by the long & short papers
to format your abstract). For formatting templates please see

2. A one-page summary of the demo system and the required setup and any
additional user engagement envisioned such as pre-registration of
attendees. If the system will feature an installable component (e.g.
mobile app) or web site for users to use throughout or after the
conference, please mention this; exact URLs and installation instructions
can be provided as the conference approaches. The summary should also
provide information about the presenter(s), including their relationship
to the project.

The tutorial proposal should be a PDF document no more than 2 pages 
long, submitted by e-mail to werner.geyer@us.ibm.com and organized as 

1. Tutorial Title
2. Name, email address, and affiliation for tutorial instructor(s). Each 
listed instructor should present at the conference.
3. Detailed bulleted outline of the tutorial (this should take most of 
the proposal's space)
4. Targeted audience, prerequisite knowledge,
5. Importance of this topic for the RecSys community
6. History of prior tutorials from the instructor(s)

The workshop proposal should be a PDF document no more than 4 pages long,
submitted by e-mail to jill.freyne@csiro.au and organized as follows:

1.    Workshop Title
2.    Name, email address, and affiliation for workshop chair(s)
3.    Requested duration (half day or full day), and maximum number of
4.    Short description of workshop for use in advertising workshop to
prospective participants. This description should include the topic,
format, and details about what type of submission is requested from
prospective attendees. It should not include the title, organizers, or fee
structure (all of which will be inserted by the conference).
5.    Description of workshop activities. Outline how the workshop will be
organized and how the time will be spent. If the workshop is selective,
also outline the process of selecting participants.
6.    Description of plans for promoting the workshop (aside from the
conference website and announcements, how will you let people know about
this workshop).
7.    Plans for disseminating the results of the workshop (if any).
8.    History of prior workshops on this topic (if any).

Doctoral Symposium
Submissions are invited from current graduate students pursuing a PhD
project who would benefit from detailed workshop discussions of their
doctoral research by a panel of established researchers. Funding for
selected applicants may be available to offset some accommodation expenses
­ please check back here or email the chairs for updates.

Submission materials consist of:

1. An extended abstract (see below).
2. A curriculum vitae.
3. A one-paragraph statement of expected benefits of participation (see
4. A letter of recommendation from the student's primary dissertation

Submit your contribution to
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=recsys12doctoralsymp by April
23rd, 5:00 PM (1700) PST. Furthermore, your supervisor should send a
recommendation letter in the form of a single PDF file to
recsys12doctoralsymposium@ist.tugraz.at. Your contribution should be named
lastname_ds.pdf, where lastname is your family name. The file must be no
larger than 5 Mbytes in size. Please ask your advisor to name the file
(and set the email subject) according to the convention:
studentLastName_ds_ref. We will send email acknowledgements to you when
your application is received and to your advisor when his/her
recommendation is received.

M.Sc.(Eng.) Alan Said
Competence Center Information Retrieval&  Machine Learning
Technische Universität Berlin DAI-Labor Sekr. TEL 14 Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7
10587 Berlin / Germany
Phone:  0049 - 30 - 314 74072
Fax:    0049 - 30 - 314 74003
E-mail: alan.said@dai-labor.de

Mailing-Liste: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi