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We are currently accepting submissions for the AMCIS 2022 SIGGreen
minitrack on "Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability."
Environmental sustainability, widely recognized as a wicked
problem, has become a global priority. The challenge of
sustainability is multi-dimensional, involves multiple natural and
human systems engaged in complex interactions, and requires
trade-offs between conflicting values of multiple stakeholders.
Slowing the pace of climate change, mitigating adverse impacts,
and adapting to new planetary conditions will depend on robust
artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. Machine-based intelligence
can help organizations tackle the complex issues of sustainability
by transcending the limitations of conventional computing and
human intelligence and opening up new possibilities for
innovation. This minitrack adopts a socio-technical-ecological
perspective to explore how AI can be used to support environmental
sustainability and respond to the challenges of climate change.
Research of all types is invited, from conceptual work that
develops theories around AI to empirical investigations of the
interplay between AI and sustainability-related phenomenon and
design work that develops new solutions and approaches.
Short (ERF) and completed research papers will be accepted in the
AMCIS paper submission system until March 1, 2022. For more
details see:
Jacqueline Corbett
Associate Professor, Management Information Systems
Director, Centre of Research on Intelligent Communities (CeRCI)
FSA ULaval, Université Laval
2325 rue de la Terrasse, room 1439
Quebec (QC) G1V 0A6
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