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Dear colleagues,
Please consider submitting your research to a Special Issue of the
European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) on the topic of
"Digital-enabled Strategic Agility: The Next Frontier". Detailed
information on the call for papers, including submission dates,
can be found online at the EJIS website
https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tjis20/current or here:
Initial submissions are due by January 17, 2021.
The guest editors of the EJIS Special Issue are also planning to
organize an optional workshop for prospective authors at AMCIS in
August 2020. Since AMCIS is now virtual, the workshop will also be
virtual. Additional details on this workshop are provided in the
call for papers. Submissions to this workshop are due no later
than June 1, 2020.
Please direct any questions regarding the special issue to the
guest editors.
Guest Editors:
Paul Tallon, Loyola University Maryland
Tim Coltman, University of Waikato, NZ
Magno Queiroz, Utah State University
Prof. Paul P. Tallon
Professor of Information Systems
Chartered Accountant (Institute of Chartered Accountants in
Ireland) Executive Director, David D. Lattanze Center for
Information Value
Information Systems, Law, and Operations (ISLO)
Sellinger School of Business and Management (Room 325)
Loyola University Maryland
4501 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21210
Office: (410) 617-5614 Cell: (617) 308-7340
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