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We invite you to submit a paper to the Text Analytics Minitrack
for the upcoming HICSS taking place in beautiful Maui from
Jan.4-7, 2022.
We are pleased to announce that this year we are collaborating
with the Cambridge University Press journal Data & Policy to
provide fast-track publication opportunities after the conference
for accepted papers
Full papers are due for anonymous review by 15 June, with
notification of acceptance or rejection by 17 August. More
information for prospective authors may be found here:
If you have any questions about the conference, or fit with our
minitrack, please do not hesitate to contact any of the co-chairs
listed below.
Full details of the minitrack follow.
Call for Papers
Text Analytics Minitrack
4-7 January 2022 - Hyatt Regency, Maui, Hawaii
Global collaboration and information systems of all types generate
enormous amounts of unstructured textual data. This data includes
system logs, email archives, websites, blog posts, meeting
transcripts, speeches, annual reports, published material, social
media posts, and much more. While this data is readily available,
it presents tremendous challenges to researchers trying to analyze
these large bodies of text with traditional methods. Text
analytics is an increasingly important technique for an
interdisciplinary group of scholars, practitioners, government
officials, and international organizations. This minitrack
provides an interactive forum for researchers to discuss critical
issues of text mining and contributes to the focus on big data at
HICSS. Our minitrack welcomes papers that take both theoretical
and applied approaches, and papers that apply text mining
approaches to a wide variety of substantive domains.
For HICSS-55, we have forged a fast track publication opportunity
with Data & Policy published by Cambridge University Press.
Data & Policy is a peer-reviewed, open access journal
dedicated to data science and governance.
Topics for papers submitted to this minitrack include, but are not
limited to:
* Websites and blog posts
* Twitter and social media
* Email archives
* Published articles
* Meeting and call center transcripts
* Speeches
* Online discussion forums
* Online communities
* Computer logs
* Incident and maintenance reports
* Patents, contracts and other legal documents
* Public policies and public comments
* News transcripts
* Customer feedback and employee evaluations
* Resumes and CVs
* Insurance claims
* Annual reports
And addressing methodological challenges, such as:
* Automated acquisition and cleaning data
* Working on distributed, high-performance computers
* Overcoming API limitations
* Using LDA, LSA, and other techniques
* Robust Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques
* Text summarization, classification, clustering, and
categorization models/dictionary development
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Derrick L. Cogburn
American University
Michael Hine
Carleton University
Normand Peladeau
Provalis Research Corporation
Victoria Yoon
VA Commonwealth U.
Mike Hine, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
Sprott School of Business
Carleton University
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