The submission deadline for PMIA2014 has been extended by a
week and is now Apr 8.
Call for Papers
International Workshop on Personalised Multilingual
Information Access (PMIA 2014)
held in conjunction with the 22nd Conference on User
Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2014), Aalborg,
Denmark, July 7-11, 2014.
With the unrelenting rise in global information production
and usage, systems increasingly need to handle 1) a growing
variety of user differences (including language, culture,
situational context), and 2) heterogeneous and multilingual
information sources. This full-day workshop aims tackle these
challenges by bringing together researchers working on
cross-/multi-lingual information access, personalisation for
web and hypermedia, personalised search, information seeking,
multilingual interfaces, multilingual semantic web, and
recommender systems. The aim is to share, discuss, and combine
ideas for novel solutions that support users according to
their particular language abilities, as well as other
characteristics (e.g. culture, domain expertise) and contexts
(e.g. intent, topic) that influence what and how information
should be retrieved, composed, and presented. The workshop
aims to both advance the current state of the art in
personalised multilingual information access, as well as to
develop a detailed roadmap that identifies the most pressing
current and future research challenges (e.g. novel information
access interfaces, evaluation of complex systems).
Themes of interest include, but are not limited to, the
following areas:
• Individual user characteristics that influence
information access, e.g. language proficiency, culture,
personality, user intent, topic domain
• Modeling of user profiles, e.g. multilingual data
collection, model creation, model exploitation
• Adaptive systems for personalised multilingual
information access, e.g. personalised search, recommender
• Novel interfaces, e.g. presentations of content in
multiple languages, search result presentation beyond the
ranked list paradigm, document summarisation
• Tools and methods for multilingual and cross lingual
• Content analysis and processing, e.g. knowledge
extraction, duplication detection
• Content translation and localisation
• Multilingual semantic web, including search and
• External knowledge resources for personalised
multilingual information access (e.g. ontologies)
• Domain modeling (e.g. adaptation to different domains)
• Issues and dangers of personalisation, e.g.
over-personalisation (also known as “the filter bubble”),
privacy issues
• Personalisation of multilingual tools
• Evaluation methods and metrics for personalised
multilingual information access, e.g. how to evaluate
compositions from multiple languages, aggregate search
We encourage submissions from diverse backgrounds and aim
to promote the exchange of ideas between researchers working
in the above-mentioned areas. In addition, submissions that
focus on non-English data, or research with a clear
application in a multilingual scenario are equally welcome. We
invite submissions of more established ideas and methods as
long papers (8 pages), preliminary work as short papers (4
pages), and demo/poster papers (2 pages). For full details on
the submission format and procedure, please refer to the
Submission Instructions page at
Papers will be selected based on originality, quality, and
ability to promote discussion. Accepted papers will be
included in the workshop proceedings and published by CEUR.
Extended versions of selected workshop papers may be included
in a special journal issue (TBD). At least one author of each
accepted paper must attend the workshop.
Important dates
Apr 08, 2014: Submission Deadline
May 01, 2014: Notification to Authors
May 15, 2014: Camera-ready Due
Jul 07 (tentative): Workshop day
Organizing Committee
For further questions please contact a member of the
organising committee.
Dr. Ben Steichen
Department of Computer Science
University of British Columbia
2366 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC
V6T14Z, Canada