-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] Deadline extended to 01 June: 1st International Workshop on Business Process Management in the Cloud (BPMC) at BPM 2013 Datum: Wed, 22 May 2013 14:41:15 +0200 Von: Christian Janiesch christian.janiesch@kit.edu An: wi@lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Deadline extended to 01 June 2013
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st International Workshop on Business Process Management in the Cloud (BPMC) Beijing, China, 26 August, 2013 http://projects.aifb.kit.edu/bpmc2013/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cloud computing is a new paradigm for the on-demand delivery of infrastructure, platform, or software as a service. Cloud computing enables network access to a shared pool of configurable computing and storage resources as well as applications which can be tailored to the consumer's needs. They can be rapidly provisioned and released and are billed based on actual use, thus reducing investment costs. Not only can individual services be hosted on virtual infrastructures but also complete process platforms. Further, besides benefits to run-time Business Process Management (BPM), during design-time cloud-based services can enable collaboration between geographically dispersed teams and assist the design process in general - amongst others, Process Modeling as a Service removes the need for installation of software, and is thus more attractive for the occasional user.
A cloud-based architecture for BPM may provide important benefits: * Elasticity: process engines or process tasks can scale up/out or down/in depending on the actual load to reduce investment cost and manage load peaks. * Flexibility: processes can be assembled with more flexibility as service selection can not only include the software but also the platform or infrastructure for it to run on. * Measurement: as service applications in the cloud are individually metered, detailed measurement data is available and can be used to provide additional services such as process monitoring.
Among a number of challenges, there is a lack of conceptualization and theory on BPM with respect to cloud computing. For the most part, the topic of cloud computing has only been implicitly regarded in BPM research when discussing design-time tools. However, a detailed research agenda which covers theory, design-time, run-time, and use cases is missing. The goal of the 1st International Workshop on Business Process Management in the Cloud is to lay the foundation for such a research agenda.
Topics ------------ Authors are invited to submit novel contributions in the above mentioned problem domain. Specifically, the relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
* Cloud and BPM: concepts and theory, e.g. cloud-centric flexibility, adaptability and evolution in BPM Business Process or BPM as a Service (BPaaS/ BPMaaS) BPM as a platform or software service business process analytics as a service compliance in cloud-based BPM security, privacy, and trust in cloud-based BPM socio-technical aspects of cloud computing for BPM
* Design-time BPM in the cloud, e.g. methods, tools, techniques to design cloud aspects of BPM systems cloud support for BPM design design-time optimization of process models and systems description languages for cloud-based processes
* Run-time BPM in the cloud, e.g. automated service and virtual resource selection and allocation load balancing of BPM engines/ processes/ process instances/ process tasks scaling of BPM engines/ processes/ process instances/ process tasks monitoring of processes and process steps running in the cloud security enforcement in cloud-based BPM
* Use cases for BPM in the cloud, e.g. best practices, success factors and empirical studies on cloud-based BPM new delivery models for BPM, application scenarios reports on use cases within companies and government requirements definition issues for use cases
Submission ------------------ The following types of submission are solicited: Full paper submissions, describing substantial contributions of novel ongoing work. Full papers should be at most 12 pages long. Short paper submissions, describing work in progress. These papers should be at most 6 pages long. Use case submissions, describing results from a cloud-based use case. These papers should be at most 6 pages long.
Papers should be submitted in LNBIP format. Papers have to present original research contributions not concurrently submitted elsewhere. The title page must contain a short abstract, a classification of the topics covered, preferably using the list of topics above, and an indication of the submission category (Full Paper/ Short Paper/ Use case).
Papers can be uploaded via the submission system: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bpmc13
Important Dates ------------------------ Deadline paper submissions: 01 June 2013 Notification of acceptance: 25 June 2013 Camera-ready papers due: 23 July 2013 Workshop: 26 August 2013
Organizing Committee ------------------------------- Christian Janiesch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Stefan Schulte, Vienna University of Technology Ingo Weber, NICTA
Program Committee ---------------------------- Arun Anandasivam, IBM Soeren Balko, Queensland University of Technology Gero Decker, Signavio Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology Jan Mendling, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Hajo Reijers, Eindhoven University of Technology Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, University of Vienna Ralf Steinmetz, Technische Universität Darmstadt Stefan Tai, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Srikumar Venugopal, University of New South Wales Xiwei (Sherry) Xu, NICTA
Sorry for crossposting and regards!
Ingo Weber, Stefan Schulte und Christian Janiesch -- ---------------------------------- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute of Applied Informatics (AIFB)
Christian Janiesch, Dr. Senior Research Associate
Englerstrasse 11 Building 11.40 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Phone: +49 721 608-45770 Fax: +49 721 608-46690
Email: christian.janiesch@kit.edu www.kit.edu www.eorganization.de
KIT - University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association
-- Mailing-Liste: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de Administrator: wi-request@lists.uni-karlsruhe.de Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi