-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [AISWorld] ACM Group 2012 - 2nd Call for Posters and Demonstrations Datum: Tue, 5 Jun 2012 08:42:56 +0000 Von: Stephan Lukosch - TBM S.G.Lukosch@tudelft.nl An: bcs-hci@jiscmail.ac.uk bcs-hci@jiscmail.ac.uk, fgcscw@gi-ev.de fgcscw@gi-ev.de, cscw-sig@jiscmail.ac.uk cscw-sig@jiscmail.ac.uk, CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG, aisworld@lists.aisnet.org aisworld@lists.aisnet.org, siksleden@cs.uu.nl siksleden@cs.uu.nl Kopie (CC): posters@group2012.org posters@group2012.org
========================================================================= International Conference on Supporting Group Work ACM Group 2012
27-31, October 2012, Sanibel Island, FL, USA
Poster and demonstration submission deadline: July 1, 2012
http://www.group2012.org/ =========================================================================
Group 2012 seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners from different areas working on the development, introduction, management, deployment, and analysis of computer-based collaborative systems. We particularly encourage submissions and participation from industry.
Posters and demos are an opportunity to present late-breaking and preliminary results, smaller results not suitable for a Paper or a Note submission, innovative ideas not yet validated through user studies, student research, and other research best presented in this open format. Posters and demos will be displayed at a special session in the conference when poster and demo authors will be available to discuss their work.
Accepted poster and demos will be published in the ACM Digital Library Extended Abstracts.
Organizational and Social Issues - Benefits of computing applications, services and systems for organizations and organizational processes - Emerging computing technologies and their impact on work, home, healthcare, entertainment, or education - Keys to effective collaboration in teams and organizations - Cross-cultural studies - New theories of socio-technical systems in organizations - Advantages of social computational systems for information seeking, problem solving, and decision making - Mobile and wearable technologies for cooperative work - New forms of Internet behavior, including social media and social computing - New forms of education, entertainment, and social relations based on cooperation technologies - Strategies for successful online organizing - Organizational change and its relationship to information technologies - Understanding and modeling of groups or organizations - Strategies and solutions for the integration of emerging Internet businesses - Virtual organizations - Online communities: experiences and evaluation
Technical and Implementation Issues - Innovative groupware solutions and technologies - Architectures to support collaboration - New development tools/toolkits/programming environments for collaborative systems - Coordination and workflow technology - Community Systems and Social Software - Cooperative knowledge management, organizational learning, and organizational memory - Tailorability and End User Developments - Highly flexible architectures, such as service- and component-based systems - Concurrency control - Innovative forms of human-computer interaction for cooperative technologies
Poster submissions should include an extended abstract no longer than 4 pages, including all figures and references, in Extended Abstract format (http://chi2012.acm.org/cfp-formatting-instructions.shtml). This extended abstract will be published in the ACM Digital Library as part of the Conference Extended Abstracts. In addition, submissions should also include a separate Tabloid sized draft of the poster for review purposes. A Tabloid is an 11 × 17 inches format. Please submit the 4-page paper in PDF format and name this file ContactAuthorsLastName.pdf. Both the extended abstract and the poster draft should include author names (these are not anonymous submissions).
Poster submissions should be e-mailed to the Poster Co-Chairs at posters@group2012.org. All attachments must be less than 5MB. If your poster draft is over 5MB, please email the co-chairs with your 4-page extended abstract attached, and a URL from where the poster draft can be downloaded. Any questions regarding this process or from complications due to large files can be directed to posters@group2012.org. All submissions must be received by the chairs by July 1, 2012 at 24.00 PDT. Submissions received after this date/time will not be considered. All submissions will be acknowledged by email. All questions should be directed toposters@group2012.org.
Group 2012 demonstrations present implementations of new CSCW systems and concepts. The peer-reviewed demonstrations allow conference participants to view novel and noteworthy CSCW systems in action, discuss the systems with those who created them, and try them out. Appropriate demonstrations include applications, technologies, and research prototypes, and may include work that has been previously published at CSCW or elsewhere. Demonstrations can also serve to showcase novel commercial products not previously described in the research literature. Demonstrations should be interactive and provide attendees a hands-on experience. The demo forum is not an opportunity for marketing or sales presentations. Presenters must have been directly involved with the development of the system and be able to explain the unique and novel contributions of the system.
The demo system summary is a two page description of the demo and the required setup in Extended Abstract format (http://chi2012.acm.org/cfp-formatting-instructions.shtml). This extended abstract will be published in the ACM Digital Library as part of the Conference Extended Abstracts. It provides information about the presenter(s), including their relationship to the project. It also provides a detailed description of needed space, equipment support, Internet connectivity, and any other related requirements.
Demo submissions should be e-mailed to the Poster Co-Chairs at posters@group2012.org. All attachments must be less than 5MB. If your submission is over 5MB, please email the co- a URL from where the demo submission draft can be downloaded. Any questions regarding this process or from complications due to large files can be directed to posters@group2012.org. All submissions must be received by the chairs by July 1, 2012 at 24.00 PDT. Submissions received after this date/time will not be considered. All submissions will be acknowledged by email. All questions should be directed to posters@group2012.org.
Group 2012 Posters Co-Chairs Libby Hemphill, Illinois Institute of Technology Stephan Lukosch, Delft University of Technology posters@group2012.org