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Subject: [AISWorld] EMMSAD'2023 CFP (in conjunction with CAISE'2023, Zaragoza, Spain)
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2023 15:04:56 +0100
From: Bork, Dominik <dominik.bork@tuwien.ac.at>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org


The 28h International Conference on Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems

Analysis and Development (EMMSAD’2023)

held in conjunction with CAiSE’23, Zaragoza, Spain

http://www.emmsad.org/    @EMMSADconf

Submission deadline: March 12th, 2023 (Abstract – March 5th)


Dear Colleague,

We cordially invite you to submit your papers to the *** 28th International Conference on Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Development (EMMSAD'2023) *** that will be held in conjunction with CAiSE'23, Zaragoza, Spain, on June 12-13, 2023 (https://caise23.svit.usj.es/).

Objective & Scope
The EMMSAD conference series provides a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in modeling methods for Systems Analysis and Development to meet and exchange research ideas and results. This includes standardized modeling methods (e.g. UML, ArchiMate, and BPMN) as well as new modeling methods that deal with emerging trends and technologies: Digital Transformation, Digital Twins, Digital Ecosystems, Big Data, Industry 4.0, IoT, Cyber-physical Systems, Blockchain, AI, etc. Theses interests are considered in the following disciplinary tracks:

1. Foundations of modeling & method engineering - Track Chairs: Jolita Ralyte & Janis Stirna
2. Enterprise, business, process & capability modeling - Track Chairs: Janis Grabis & Paul Grefen
3. Information Systems & requirements modeling - Track Chairs: Roman Lukyanenko & Marcela Ruiz
4. Domain-specific & knowledge modeling - Track Chairs: Tiago Prince Sales & Arnon Sturm
5. Evaluation of models & modeling approaches - Track Chairs: Renata Guizzardi & Qin Ma

*** More details on the tracks and their topics can be found at the end of this email and on the EMMSAD website.

*** EMMSAD'2023 will also support presentation of case reports on the creation and use of models, through the models-at-work initiative, for more details please visit https://www.models-at-work.org/.

Important dates:
* Abstract submissions: March 5, 2023 (recommended)
* Full paper submissions: March 12, 2023
* Notification of acceptance: April 7, 2023
* Camera-ready copies: April 17, 2023
* Conference: June 12-13, 2023
For further information, please visit the conference website http://www.emmsad.org/.

Submission & Publication:
The working conference accepts long papers (up to 15 pages overall, including references and appendices) that report Completed Research or Research-In-Progress and short papers (up to 8 pages overall) reporting innovative ideas, experience, or tools. Only electronic submissions in PDF format, and in Springer's LNBIP style (See http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-791344-0) will be accepted through the conference management system available at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=caise2023, please select the "Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Development (EMMSAD)" track.

Top papers will be invited to submit an extended and enhanced version for consideration for publication in *** SoSyM -- Software and System Modelling journal ***.

Dominik Bork, TU Wien, Austria
Henderik Proper, TU Wien, Austria
(EMMSAD’2023 conference chairs)

EMMSAD'2023 detailed track descriptions:

Track 1: Foundations of modeling & method engineering

* Definition and representation: conceptual modeling, metamodeling, method knowledge infrastructure, and method ontologies
* Agility in modeling and method engineering
* Situational method engineering
* Adaptation, extension, and configuration of methods & tools
* Maturity and quality of models and methods
* Evolution and interoperability of models
* Modeling and method engineering for emerging computing technologies and approaches
* Ethical foundations of modeling
* Teaching and learning of modeling & method engineering

Track 2: Enterprise, business, process & capability modeling

* Enterprise modeling approaches, architectures, and platforms
* Business models and ecosystems
* Modeling data-driven organizations
* Business process modeling, architectures, and evolution
* Reference modeling
* Capability-driven development

Track 3: Information Systems & requirements modeling

* Model-Driven development
* Requirements modeling for emerging technologies
* Modeling in agile development
* Crowd-based and collaborative modeling
* Social media, user-generated content modeling
* Quality & NFRs of models and modeling
* Traceability between software artifacts
* Experience in practice and education

Track 4: Domain-specific & knowledge modeling

* Metamodel and model engineering
* Design of DSLs and supporting tools
* Multi-level and multi-perspective modeling
* Knowledge graphs
* Ontology and domain-specific analogy
* Applications of/with ontology and Domain Specific Modeling (DSM)
* Applying AI Algorithms (e.g., Reasoning, ML, Planning) to/with DSL and Domain Ontologies

Track 5: Evaluation of models & modeling approaches

* Empirical / Experimental evaluation techniques
* Formal evaluation
* Evaluation through practice
* Evaluation through model simulation
* New methods for model or modeling evaluation
* Ontological-based evaluation and comparison
* Evaluation of MDD-based methods and tools
* Applications in education

Ass. Prof. Dr. Dominik Bork
Assistant Professor for Business Systems Engineering
Business Informatics Group (BIG)
Institute of Information Systems Engineering
TU Wien
Favoritenstr. 9-11 / 194-3
Stiege 2, 2. Stock, Raum HG0206
1040 Wien, Österreich

Tel: +43 (1) 58801-194308
Web: https://model-engineering.info/