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The 7th International Conference CORES 2011
Computer Recognition Systems
Call for Paper
May 23-25, 2011, Wroclaw, Poland
The CORES 2011 Conference aims to bring together researches and to provide an international
forum for the sharing, exchange, presentation and discussion of original research results
in both methodological issues and different application areas of pattern recognition.
The conference covers all topics in pattern recognition including:
* Classification and interpretation of text, video, voice
* Statistical, soft and structural methods of pattern recognition
* Image processing, analysis and interpretation
* Features extraction and selection
* Machine learning
* Trends and relations recognition and analysis
* Data and Web mining
* Machine-oriented knowledge representation and inference methods
* Knowledge-based decision support systems
* Advanced signal processing methods
* Special hardware architecture
* Applications
The list is not exhaustive. Papers on all aspects of pattern recognition,
image processing and data interpretation are welcome.
Accepted and presented papers will be included in the Proceedings published by Springer-Verlag in the series Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing.
Proceedings will be indexed by ISI Proceedings, DBLP. Ulrich's, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math, MetaPress, Springerlink
Selected best papers will be invited for further revisions and extensions for possible publications by prestigious journals.
Juliusz Lech Kulikowski, Poland
Marek Kurzynski, Poland
Local Chairman
Michal Wozniak
Sergey Ablameyko, Belarus
Mayer Aladjem, Israel
Piotr Augustyniak, Poland
Horst Bischof, Austria
Leon Bobrowski, Poland
Robert Burduk, Poland
Hans Burkhardt, Germany
Dmitry Chetverikov, Hungary
Leszek Chmielewski, Poland
Ryszard Choras, Poland
Luigi Cordella, Italy
Emilio Corchado, Spain
Wlodzislaw Duch, Poland
Robert Duin, Netherlands
Mariusz Flasinski, Poland
Siegfried Fuchs, Germany
Bogdan Gabrys, United Kingom
Igor Gourevitch, Russian Federation
Ewa Grabska, Poland
Wlodzimierz Greblicki, Poland
Laurent Heutte, France
Zdzislaw Hippe, Poland
Vaclav Hlavac, Czech Republic
Wojciech Jedruch, Poland
Adam Jozwik , Poland
Janusz Kacprzyk, Poland
Andrzej Kasinski, Poland
Andrzej Kasprzak , Poland
Jozef Korbicz, Poland
Adam Krzyzak, Canada
Ludmila Kuncheva, United Kingom
Jacek Leski, Poland
Witold Malina , Poland
Jerzy Moczko , Poland
Wojciech Mokrzycki, Poland
Heinrich Niemann, Germany
Petra Perner, Germany
Maria Petrou, United Kigdom
Jan Piecha, Poland
Matti Pietikainen, Finland
Ewa Pietka, Poland
Piotr Porwik, Poland
Edward Puchala, Poland
Pavel Pudil, Czech Republic
Sarunas Raudys, Lithuania
Danuta Rutkowska, Poland
Leszek Rutkowski, Poland
Alberto Sanfeliu, Spain
Gabriella Sanniti di Baja, Italy
Sameer Singh, United Kingdom
Bogdan Smolka, Poland
Roman Slowinski, Poland
Katarzyna Stapor, Poland
Jan Stefan, Czech Republic
Piotr S. Szczepaniak, Poland
Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, Poland
Ewaryst Tkacz, Poland
Karl Tombre, France
Elif Derya Ubeyli, Turkey
Ventislav Valev, Bulgaria
Taras Vintsiuk, Ukraine
Konrad Wojciechowski, Poland
Michal Wozniak, Poland
Zygmunt Wrobel, Poland
Important dates
1. Submission of papers December 15, 2011
2. Notification of acceptance: February 01, 2011
3. Submission of camera-ready papers: February 15,2011
4. Payment deadline: February 28, 2011
5. Conference date: May 23-25, 2011
Information for Authors
Papers must be written in English. Only original, unpublished papers are invited.
Authors should submit an electronic version of papers as pdf files by paper submission system (see CORES WebPage).
All submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance, originality, significance and clarity.
After the notification of acceptance, authors will be allowed to make a correction in accordance with
the suggestions of the reviewers and submit final camera-ready papers.
The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag series "Advances in Soft Computing" and distributed among the participants during the conference.
The maximum length of the paper is 8 pages.
The only allowed format of final-camera ready papers is Springer Latex style.
Manuscript guidelines and templates will be available at CORES WebPage.
For each accepted paper, at least one author must register for the CORES 2011 with the FULL Conference fee.
Department of Systems and Computer Networks, Faculty of Electronics, Wroclaw University of Technology
Polish Association for Image Processing
CORES 2011
Department of Systems and Computer Networks
Faculty of Electronics
Wroclaw University of Technology
Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27
50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
mail: cores@pwr.wroc.pl
voice: +48 71 320 29 72 or +48 71 320 35 39
fax: +48 71 320 29 72
Web Page: http://cores.pwr.wroc.pl