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45th HICSS 2012
Call for Papers: Global Virtual Teams [A Minitrack of Collaboration Systems and Technology]
Today business processes and technology projects are commonly executed by geographically dispersed virtual teams. Team members may belong to different companies and different cultures and commonly do not speak English as their first language. These differences present unique opportunities for management and leadership. This minitrack invites papers that offer insights into the successful operation of global virtual teams. Session topics include, but are not limited to:
• Temporal separation and its effects on collaboration and global virtual teams
• Cultural differences in perception of time and its effects on
• Conflict resolution across cultures
• Project management styles and differences across cultures
• Differences in (English) language understanding and its effects on collaboration
• Power distance and its effects on collaboration
• Uncertainty (risk) avoidance and its effects on collaboration
• Collaboration and communication tools
• Differences between academic and non-academic virtual teams
• Global virtual team case studies
HICSS papers must contain original material, and not be previously published, nor currently submitted elsewhere. Abstracts are optional. You may contact the Minitrack Chairs Mike Hine, Derrick Cogburn, or Frederick Zarndt for guidance or verification of content. If you are not sure of the appropriate Minitrack, submit an abstract to Mike Hine, Derrick Cogburn, or Frederick Zarndt. To submit a paper, follow author instructions found at http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu.
You may submit a paper to only one minitrack. Duplicate submissions may be rejected by any or all minitracks, without consultation with author. An individual may be listed as author/co-author on no more than 5 submitted papers. Track Chairs must approve any names added after submission.
For descriptions of all HICSS 45 minitracks please see http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/hicss_45/45tracks.htm.
Important Deadlines
Jun 15: Submit full manuscripts for review. The review is double-blind; therefore this submission must be without author names.
Aug 15: Acceptance notices are emailed to authors by the Review System. (Make sure your server accepts the address.) At least one author of each accepted paper must immediately make plans to attend the conference.
Sept 15: Accepted authors submit Final Paper. At least one author of each paper must register by this date. This is the Early Registration fee deadline.
Oct 15: Papers without at least one registered author will be deleted from the Proceedings.
The conference venue is Grand Wailea ~ 13850 Wailea Alanui Drive, Wailea, Maui HI 96753 USA Tel +1.800.888.6100 http://www.grandwailea.com/
Minitrack chairs
Michael Hine
Sprott School of Business
Carleton University
Frederick Zarndt
Global Connexions
Coronado CA 92118
Derrick Cogburn
School of International Service
American University
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