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Call for Papers
2nd International Workshop on The Web and Requirements Engineering (WeRE'11)
In conjuntion with 11th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2011)
Paphos, Cyprus, July 20-21, 2011
Conference Web Site: http://icwe2011.webengineering.org/
Motivation& Purpose
The International Workshop on the Web and Requirements Engineering (WeRE) will offer an international forum for exchanging ideas on both using Web technologies as a platform for requirements engineering, and applying requirements engineering in the development and use of web-based applications. We invite to submit original, high-quality papers that present on-going work on new ideas and experiences with Requirements Engineering and the Web. The workshop will focus on discussion and exchange of ideas among researchers, designers, and users who are working or are interested in any combination of these two main topics. In the last decade, the number and complexity of web-based applications and the amount of information they offer has been growing exponentially. In the context of Software Engineering, design methods and methodologies have been introduced to support the development of these complex applications in a systematic way. However, most of these methodologies focus on des
ign and neglect other tasks, notably requirement analysis and quality management. However, in the development of traditional (non-web) applications both practitioners and process experts regard requirements engineering as a phase of crucial importance in the development process. It is well-known that the most common and time-consuming errors as well as the most expensive ones to repair, are those caused by inadequate engineering of requirements. Moreover, web-based applications demand new requirements engineering techniques that need to be adapted to a large, open and changing community of, can deal with navigational requirements and broad in scope so that they can account for business processes as well as web usability. These new techniques will need to offer more participatory environments to support effective collaboration among stakeholders. In this context, the Web (especially Web 2.0 applications), provide a convenient platform to allow stakeholders and users alike more
active participation in requirements engineering.
Topics of interest
The scope of the WeRE workshop includes but is not limited to: -Web requirements elicitation and analysis-Web requirements validation and verification -Web engineering methods and tools supporting requirements-Traceability in Web requirements-Modeling of requirements, goals, and domains in Web engineering-Prototyping and simulation in Web requirements engineering-Evolution of Web requirements-Alignment between business and Web requirements-Social, cultural, and cognitive factors in Web requirements engineering -User-centred analysis and design-Domain specific modelling languages addressing requirements for Web applications-Web 2.0 and requirements engineering-Requirements engineering for rich internet applications-Model-driven approaches based on requirements models for Web applications and rich internet applicationsSubmission
Paper submission will be electronic by using the EasyChair system at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=were2011
The length of submitted papers should not exceed 10 pages. Paper submissions should be formatted according to the LNCS guidelines at
Accepted papers will be published as post-proceeding in the Springer LNCS series and be mailed to all the conference attendees. We are also negotiating a special issue in a JCR journal for the publication of extended versions of the best contributions to the workshop.
Important Dates
Paper submission: April 26, 2011
Notification to authors: May 26, 2011
Camera-ready papers: June 10, 2011
Workshop date: July 20, 2011
Workshop Chairs
Irene Garrigos
Dept. of Software and Computing Systems,
Lucentia Research Group
University of Alicante, Spain
Email: igarrigos@dlsi.ua.es
Jose-Norberto Mazón
Dept. of Software and Computing Systems,
Lucentia Research Group
University of Alicante, Spain
Email: jnmazon@dlsi.ua.es
Nora Koch
Programming and Software Engineering Department,
Institute for Informatics
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munchen,
GermanyEmail: kochn@pst.ifi.lmu.de
María Jose Escalona
Department of Computer Languages and Systems
University of Seville, Spain
Email: mjescalona@us.es
Program Committee
Silvia Abrahao (UP Valencia, Spain)
Joao Araujo (U. Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
Davide Bolchini (Indiana University, USA)
Marco Brambilla (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Travis Breaux (North Carolina State University)
Jordi Cabot (Ecole des Mines de Nantes , France)
Fabio Casati (University of Trento, Italy)
Sven Casteleyn (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels)
Jean Louis Cavarero (University of Nice, France)
Florian Daniel (University of Trento, Italy)
Xavi Franch (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)
Piero Fraternalli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Martin Gaedke (Chemnitz U. of Tech., Germany)
Athula Ginige (U. of Western Sydney, Australia)
Paolo Giorgini (University of Trento, Italy)
Geert-Jan Houben (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Emilio Insfran (UP Valencia, Spain)
Ivan Jureta (University of Namur, Belgium)
David Lowe (University of Technology, Sydney)
Manuel Mejias (University of Sevilla, Spain)
Maria Angeles Moraga (U. of C. La Mancha, Spain)
Ana Moreira (U. Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
Óscar Pastor (UP Valencia, Spain)
Vicente Pelechano (UP Valencia, Spain)
Gustavo Rossi (University of La Plata, Argentina)
Norbert Seyff (City University London, UK)
Ambrosio Toval (University of Murcia, Spain)
Roel Wieringa (U. of Twente, The Netherlands)
Marco Winckler (University Toulouse, France)
Eric Yu (University of Toronto, Canada)
Konstantinos Zachos (City University London, UK)
Didar Zowghi (University of Technology, Sydney)
Jose Jacobo Zubcoff (University of Alicante, Spain)
Jose-Norberto Mazón
Lucentia Research Group
University Institute for Computing Research (IUII)
Dept. Software and Computing Systems
PO BOX 99. E-03080
Phone : +34-965903400 ext:2737
Fax : +34-965909326
E-mail: jnmazon@dlsi.ua.es
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