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Betreff: [WI] CfP: WOP2015 @ ISWC2015, Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns
Datum: Tue, 5 May 2015 13:38:24 -0400
Von: Pascal Hitzler <pascal.hitzler@wright.edu>
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Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (6th edition) - WOP2015 
will take place at the 14th International Semantic Web Conference, 
ISWC2015, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in October 2015 

Workshop website: <http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/WOP:2015>

Submission deadline (papers and patterns): July 1, 2015

Call for Papers

The main aim of the workshop is to discuss and collect solutions to 
recurrent problems that matter to researchers and practitioners of the 
Semantic Web field, and that impact on design and engineering of 
ontologies, linked data, knowledge extraction, and other semantic web 
applications. We invite the submission of original research results 
related to the focus areas of the workshop. Research papers (maximum 12 
pages LNCS style) should present mature work and document established 
results, or be short papers presenting proposed research directions and 
novel ideas (maximum 4 pages LNCS style).

Submission instructions can be found at the submission page at 

This year we particularly welcome contributions of patterns concerning 
Linked Data, as well as patterns geared towards applications in specific 
domains, such as geosciences, biomedical sciences, as well as digital 

Original research papers and short papers are invited to consider the 
following (non exhaustive) list of topics:

    Ontology design patterns (ODPs) and pattern-based ontology design
    Anti-patterns and their relations to ODPs
    Pattern-based ontologies
    Ontology patterns and their relation with standards
    Ontology pattern extraction
    Analysis of ontology pattern usage
    Pattern-based ontology evaluation and selection
    Correspondence patterns for ontology matching and integration
    Best practices and examples for using existing ontologies/datasets 
to instantiate ODPs
    Discussion of use cases of particular ODPs across ontologies
    Evaluation of ODPs (methods, benchmarks)
    Patterns and Linked data (usage, emerging patterns, etc.)
    Linked Data patterns, patterns for using different vocabularies 
    Web semantics from a pattern perspective
    ODPs used for interaction with data
    Data mining patterns
    Automatic ontology construction (ontology learning) based on patterns
    Reasoning pipelines
    Usage of patterns in business intelligence
    Relation between NLP patterns (either for learning, or procedural) 
and ontologies/linked data design
    Frame semantics in text and knowledge representation
    Knowledge patterns and knowledge reengineering based on patterns
    Pattern-based information extraction
    Nary-fact extraction and representation
    Patterns in semantic social networks, semantic wikis, semantic blogs
    Reengineering patterns for conceptual models, folksonomies, 
lexicons, thesauri
    Usage of patterns in conceptual modeling
    Processes and services process patterns
    Problem solving methods and patterns
    Contextual reasoning and patterns as context
    Pattern-based methods and methodologies for development of semantic 
    Usage of patterns in Semantic Web design
    Collaborative ontology design and collaboration patterns
    Tools and applications for pattern-based knowledge engineering
    Ontology Patterns for specific domains (cultural heritage, digital 
humanities, geosciences, biomedical sciences, multimedia, etc).

Call for Patterns

Submission instructions can be found at the submission page at 

We invite the submission of research results in the form of ontology 
design patterns (ODPs). Patterns submitted should have a general 
relevance to the ontology engineering field, or specific interest within 
a knowledge domain. Patterns should solve some particular modeling 
problem, and be of significant interest for discussion at the workshop. 
Patterns should be original, in the sense that they are the intellectual 
product of the author(s), however they may still be based on the 
collective experience of a community.

Pattern submissions for the pattern session will be collected:

   * through the ODP portal and
   * by submitting a description of the pattern (pattern description) 
via EasyChair.

Detailed instructions for patterns submission, including how to submit 
via the ontologydesignpatterns.org portal, are found at the submission 
page. Note that an account in the ODP portal is needed for submitting 
patterns; thus, authors should take care to request an account at least 
one week before their intended submission.

Pattern submissions can be made in any type of ODPs. Currently, portal 
templates for submission are provided for the following types of 
patterns (see general typology for explanation of the types):

    * Content patterns
    * Structural patterns: logical and architecture patterns.
    * Correspondence patterns: re-engineering and alignment patterns.

For other types of patterns, the author is welcome to submit only a 
pattern description.

Submission and Important Dates

For details on how to submit to WOP2015 see the submission page.

Important dates

    Submission date: July 1, 2015
    Author notifications: July 30, 2015
    Camera-ready papers: to be determined
    Workshops will be held on to be determined


Accepted research papers and pattern descriptions will be published 
online as CEUR-Workshop Proceedings.

WOP2015 Chairs

        Eva Blomqvist, Linköping University, Sweden (patterns co-chair)
        Pascal Hitzler, Wright State University, USA (papers co-chair)
        Adila Krisnadhi, Wright State University, USA (proceedings chair)
        Thomas Narock, Marymount University, USA (papers co-chair)
        Monika Solanki, Aston University, UK (patterns co-chair)

For general inquiries, please contact Pascal Hitzler at 

Prof. Dr. Pascal Hitzler
Dept. of Computer Science, Wright State University, Dayton, OH
pascal@pascal-hitzler.de   http://www.pascal-hitzler.de
Semantic Web Textbook: http://www.semantic-web-book.org
Semantic Web Journal: http://www.semantic-web-journal.net

Mailing-Liste: wi@lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request@lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi