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***************************** COVI-19 Information
We would like to assure everybody that FedCSIS 2020 will take
place, the
submitted and accepted papers will be published and sent for
indexations as
usual. In case the conference cannot be staged in real setting of
Sofia, we will provide a virtual web-based avenue for it. We look
to receiving your contributions as usual and guarantee that
FedCSIS 2020
will be another memorable and rewarding conference.
The deadline for paper submission is May 29, 2020.
Track 4: Information Systems and Technologies IST'2020
15th Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
06-09 September 2020
Dear friends and colleagues,
Are you interested in sharing and discussing your research on
and creating synergy between disciplines of information
information systems, and social sciences, i.e. economics,
business, finance, and education? If yes, then please consider
our Track 4 IST'2020.
The track addresses the issues relevant to information technology
necessary for practical, everyday needs of business, other
and society at large. This track takes a socio-technical view on
information systems and, at the same time, relates to ethical,
social and
political issues raised by information systems. It seeks new
studies in
many disciplines to foster a growing body of conceptual,
experimental, and applied research that could inform design,
deployment and
usage choices for information systems and technology within
business and
public organizations as well as households.
Extended versions of high-marked papers presented at technical
sessions of
IST 2015-2019 have been published with Springer in volumes of
Lecture Notes
in Business Information Processing: LNBIP 243, LNBIP 277, LNBIP
311, LNBIP
346, and LNBIP 380.
Extended versions of selected papers presented during IST'2020
will be
published in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
(LNBIP, Springer).
Authors can submit their paper to the technical sessions:
Advances in Information Systems and Technology (AIST'20),
Data Science in Health, Ecology and Commerce (DSH'19) (2nd Special
DSH'20), *
Information Systems Management (15th Conference ISM'20),
Knowledge Acquisition and Management (26th Conference KAM'20),
Important dates:
Paper submission (sharp / no extension): May 29, 2020
Position paper submission: June 23, 2020
Author notification: July 14, 2020
Final paper submission and registration: July 29, 2020
Conference date: September 6-9, 2020
Chairs of IST'2020 Track:
Ewa Ziemba, University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
Guangming Cao, Ajman University, United Arab Emirates
Daphne Raban, University of Haifa, Israel
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