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Subject: [WI] Workshop on Advances in Separation Logics (ASL 2022 @
FLOC 2022)
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2022 12:42:44 +0100 (CET)
From: RADU IOSIF <radu.iosif(a)univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>
Reply-To: RADU IOSIF <radu.iosif(a)univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>
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Workshop on Advances in Separation Logics (ASL 2022), Haifa, Israel,
July 31st 2022
The past two decades have witnessed important progress in static
analysis and verification of code with low-level pointer and heap
manipulations, mainly due to the development of Separation Logic
(SL). SL is a resource logic, a dialect of the logic of Bunched
Implications (BI) designed to describe models of the heap memory and
the mutations that occur in the heap as the result of low-level
pointer updates. The success of SL in program analysis is due to the
support for local reasoning, namely the ability of describing only the
resource(s) being modified, instead of the entire state of the
system. This enables the design of compositional analyses that
synthesize specifications of the behavior of small parts of the
program before combining such local specifications into global
verification conditions. Another interesting line of work consists in
finding alternatives to the underlying semantic domain of SL, namely
heaps with aggregative composition, in order to address other fields
in computing, such as self-adapting distributed networks, blockchain
and population protocols, social networks or biological systems.
We consider submissions on topics including:
* decision procedures for SL and other resource logics,
* computational complexity of decision problems such as satisfiability,
entailment and abduction for SL and other resource logics,
* axiomatisations and proof systems for automated or interactive theorem
proving for SL and other resource logics,
* verification conditions for real-life interprocedural and concurrent
programs, using SL and other resource logics,
* alternative semantics and computation models based on the notion of
* application of separation and resource logics to different fields,
such as sociology and biology.
ASL 2022 is a workshop affiliated to IJCAR 2022 at FLOC 2022.
Keynote Speakers
* Philippa Gardner, Imperial College London
* Ralf Jung, MIT CSAIL
Important Dates
* Papers due: May 10, 2022 (AoE)
* Authors notification: June 15, 2022 (AoE)
* Workshop: July 31, 2022
Program Committee
Nadia Polikarpova (UCSD, San Diego, USA)
James Brotherston (UCL, London, UK)
Qinxiang Cao (Shanghai Jiaotong University)
Dan Frumin (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Lennart Beringer (Princeton University, USA)
Arthur Charguéraud (INRIA Strasbourg, France)
Radu Iosif (Verimag, CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France)
Le Quang Loc (UCL, London, UK)
Alessio Mansutti (University of Oxford, UK)
Christoph Matheja (DTU, Lyngby, Denmark)
Daniel Méry (University of Loraine, France)
Koji Nakazawa (Nagoya University, Japan)
Nicolas Peltier (LIG, CNRS, Grenoble, France)
Adam Rogalewicz (Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic)
Mihaela Sighireanu (LMF, ENS Paris-Saclay, France)
Florian Zuleger (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Organizing committee
Radu Iosif (Verimag, CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France)
Nikos Gorogiannis (Meta, London, UK)
Robbert Krebbers (Radboud Univ. Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Mihaela Sighireanu (LMF, ENS Paris-Saclay, France)
Makoto Tatsuta (NII, Tokyo, Japan)
Thomas Noll (RWTH, Aachen, Germany)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP HMD 349 - Logistik 4.0
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2022 12:20:24 +0100
From: Christian Leyh <christian.leyh(a)w.thm.de>
Reply-To: Christian Leyh <christian.leyh(a)w.thm.de>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
*Call for Papers*
Zeitschrift: HMD – Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Schwerpunktheft Februar 2023 (HMD 349): *Logistik 4.0*
Blockchain, Big Data und IoT durchdringen immer stärker die
Unternehmensprozesse und damit zwangsläufig alle Logistikketten und die
gesamte Supply Chain. Doch wo stehen wir tatsächlich bei der
Digitalisierung der Supply Chain? Sind wir angekommen in der Logistik
4.0? Welche Erkenntnisse können wir aus Störungen wie der Havarie der
"Ever Given" und aus schwarzen Schwänen wie der Corona-Pandemie für die
Gestaltung künftiger Logistikprozesse und -netzwerke gewinnen?
In dieser Schwerpunktausgabe der HMD mit Erscheinungsdatum Februar 2023
sollen diese Fragen aufgegriffen, dargestellt und diskutiert werden.
Vorgesehen sind aktuelle praxisorientierte Beiträge über Grundlagen,
Strategien, Methoden und Techniken zum Thema Logistik 4.0; darüber
hinaus auch Erfahrungsberichte, die auf die Realisierbarkeit aktueller
Modelle in der betrieblichen Praxis eingehen.
*Mögliche Themen könnten umfassen:* Business Intelligence-Anwendungen
und neue Planungs-Tools, etwa mit KI-Unterstützung, die Integration von
Blockchain-Konzepten oder die fortschreitende Digitalisierung im
E-Commerce durch neuartige Services und Geschäftsmodelle. Fragen des
Umgangs mit Stammdaten oder der Datenqualität sind dabei ebenso wichtig,
wie ein Blick auf neueste Entwicklungstrends und Forschungsvorhaben.
Fortschreitende Automatisierung, zunehmende Transparenz und Vernetzung,
hohe Flexibilität und Echtzeitfähigkeit sind weitere Aspekte, um die
reale mit der digitalen Welt zu verbinden.
* Artikelidee per E-Mail an Hrsg. gerne bis 01.05.2022
* Einreichung des vollständigen Beitrags bis 18.07.2022
* Übermittlung der Gutachten an die Autor:innen bis ca. 22.09.2022
* Finale Überarbeitung durch die Autor:innen bis 30.11.2022
* Redaktionsschluss: 15.12.2022
Weitere Informationen, *Autorenhinweise* sowie den Link zur Einreichung
von Beiträgen über den *Editorial Manager* finden Sie unter
www.springer.com/hmd <http://www.springer.com/hmd>
Kontaktieren Sie gerne die zuständigen Heftherausgeber, um Ihre
Artikelideen zu besprechen:
Dr. Christian Leyh (christian.leyh(a)w.thm.de)
Prof. Dr. Knut Hildebrand (knut.hildebrand(a)hswt.de)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ITAIS&MCIS 2022 CFP - The 19th Conference of the
Italian Chapter of AIS and the 14th Mediterranean Conference on
Information Systems: a joint event
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2022 10:59:14 +0000
From: Stefano Za <sza(a)luiss.it>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues,
This year the 19th conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (ItAIS2022)
and the 14th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS2022)
will be organized as a joint conference.
The conference will be held at University “Magna Græcia” of Catanzaro,
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Economia e Sociologia, on October
14th–15th, 2022, Catanzaro
Submissions will be evaluated through a standard double blind review
process. Although it is not compulsory, we suggest authors to submit an
abstract in order to receive a feedback by the track chairs before the
full paper submission.
ITAIS and MCIS have two different traditions concerning the proceedings
publication. For this reason, authors must specify on which kind of
proceedings publication are interested during the full paper submission
process on the Easychair platform. A selection of the best papers will
be published in a Springer volume indexed on Scopus. We are also
arranging agreements for fast access to journals.
Further details can be found on the conference website:
www.itais.org/conference<http://www.itais.org/conference> or
Deadline for encouraged abstract submission: April 25, 2022
Deadline for full paper submission: May 29, 2022
Notification of acceptance: July 25, 2022
Final paper submission: August 30, 2022
Final notification of acceptance: September 10, 2022
Doctoral Consortium: October 13 – 14, 2022
Conference: October 14 – 15, 2022
T01 – Organizational Change: Enabling Technologies & Business Process Design
T02 – Digital transformation and the future of work: Processes,
competencies, and HRM challenges
T03 – Socio-Technical Perspectives to lead the change towards a
sustainable society
T04 – Digital Accounting Information Systems for moving towards a
sustainable future
T05 – Digital Ecosystems: A Sustainable Future for Business and Platforms
T06 – Digital Public Administration for Innovation and Sustainable
T07 – Emerging Technologies and Organizational Culture
T08 – Healthcare systems: toward a sustainable digital future?
T09 – (ir)responsible exponential technologies in organizations:
managerial issues and organizational dilemmas
T10 – Participation, engagement and coproduction for social innovation
in turbulent times
T11 – e-Services, Social Networks, and Online Communities
T12 – Evolution and development of cities in a “smart” perspective:
Re-shaping the urban context in the digital and sustainable era
T13 – Data management, statistics and data analytics for sustainability
T14 – Digital, organizational and managerial tools to support
sustainable Open Innovation in improving firm performance
T15 – Innovating Sustainability: Strategic Impact of Digital Processes,
Products, and Services
T16 – Digital Transformation: new entrepreneurial strategies and mindset
T17 – Sustainable service design and innovation for creating a smart
future in digital and turbulent times
The conference chairs, the programme chairs and the organizing committee
are looking forward to meeting you in Catanzaro!
The ItAIS and MCIS 2022 conference team
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AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [wkwi] CfP Electronic Markets: "Financial technology
(fintech): The continuing revolution in financial services"
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2022 11:56:37 +0100
From: editors(a)electronicmarkets.org
Reply-To: editors(a)electronicmarkets.org
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de
--- Apologies for cross-postings---
*Call for Papers: “Financial technology (fintech): The continuing
revolution in financial services”*
Submission deadline: April 30, 2022
*Guest Editors*
* Christopher P. Holland, Loughborough University, UK
c.p.holland(a)lboro.ac.uk <mailto:c.p.holland@lboro.ac.uk>
* Rainer Alt, Leipzig University, Germany, rainer.alt(a)uni-leipzig.de
* Younghoon Chang, Beijing Institute of Technology, China,
younghoonchang(a)bit.edu.cn <mailto:younghoonchang@bit.edu.cn>
This call for papers focuses on financial technology (fintech) and its
role in the continuing revolution in financial services. Fintech
comprises the transformation of business processes, strategies and
business models in the financial sector with digital technologies.
Numerous start-up companies have launched novel services that are
unrestrained by legacy systems and old business models, and have already
disrupted financial markets (Goldstein, Jiang and Karolyi, 2019).
Managerial roles and structures are being redefined and modified to
exploit combined human and machine intelligence. New business models are
emerging that could replace those of incumbents (i.e. banks, insurance
companies, brokers) and today’s market leaders. These innovations are
part of the broader phenomena of digital transformation and business
innovation (Brynjolfsson & Mcafee, 2016). There is worldwide adoption of
fintech though there are large regional variances in terms of the scale
of adoption (Frost, 2020).
Digital technologies such as cloud-based computing, ubiquitous mobile,
tracking and sensor devices, novel algorithms (Christian & Griffiths
2017), blockchain technology (Ali /et al./, 2020; Chang /et al./, 2020),
an abundance of big data and the potential of smart AI or even
super-intelligent machines (Bostrom, 2017; Tegmark, 2017) continue to
create new possibilities and options for the design of financial
services, which are in the early stages of a radical shift in the way
that they function and operate. Among the examples that point towards
more automation are cryptocurrencies with smart contracts for payments
and trading or AI systems with adaptive algorithms that allow image and
speech recognition, expert judgement, categorization of groups and
forecasting in many areas (Fry, 2018). At the same time, the potentials
create risks and raise regulatory issues. The special issue encourage
theoretical and empirical research on how fintech is transforming and
shaping financial services. All forms of empirical research are welcome,
including case study research, surveys and technical models. Distinctive
and novel theoretical approaches are also encouraged.
*Central issues and topics*
Possible topics of submissions include, but are not limited to:
1. Electronic markets and business models
* New, emergent digital platforms that shape market exchanges and
* New business models in financial services that are disrupting the market
* Design and implementation of data-driven and algorithmic digital
* Collaboration between fintech and established financial services
* Customer experience in fintech apps and new types of customer behavior
2. Financial technology (fintech) and implementation
* Barriers and enablers of fintech implementations
* Distributed ledger applications and decentralized finance (Defi)
* Novel applications of AI, e.g. chatbots in online customer search
and robot-advisory
* Data sharing in financial service value chains
* The dark sides of fintech, e.g., privacy, security, technology
3. Related topics
* Algorithmic bias in the design of automated decision-making systems
* Strategies to tackle the ethical issues of transparent and
explainable AI in fintech systems
* Actions of regulators to monitor and advise on the ethical use of
* Analysis of economic activity related to cryptocurrency payments and
* Novel use of fintech to support and facilitate new regulatory
systems and techniques
Financial technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning,
big data and digital platforms, business models, analytics, blockchain
technology, privacy and ethics of AI.**
Electronic Markets is a Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)-listed
journal (IF 4.765 in 2020) in the area of information systems. We
encourage original contributions with a broad range of methodological
approaches, including conceptual, qualitative and quantitative research.
Please also consider position papers and case studies for this special
issue. All papers should fit the journal scope (for more information,
see www.electronicmarkets.org/about-em/scope/
<http://www.electronicmarkets.org/about-em/scope/>) and will undergo a
double-blind peer-review process. Submissions must be made via the
journal’s submission system and comply with the journal's formatting
standards. The preferred average article length is approximately 8,000
words, excluding references. If you would like to discuss any aspect of
this special issue, you may either contact the guest editors or the
Editorial Office.
*Important deadline*
* Submission Deadline: April 30, 2022
Ali, O., Ally, M., Clutterbuck, P., & Dwivedi, Y.K. (2020). The state of
play of blockchain technology in the financial services sector: A
systematic literature review. /International Journal of Information
Management, 54,/ 102199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2020.102199.
Alt, R., Beck, R., & Smits, M.T. (2018). FinTech and the transformation
of the financial industry. /Electronic Markets/, /28/(3), 235–243.
Bostrom, N. (2017). /Superintelligence - paths, dangers, strategies/.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Brynjolfsson, E., & Mcafee, A. (2016). /The second machine age: work,
progress, and prosperity in a time of brilliant technologies/. New York
and London: W.W. Norton & Company.
Chang, V., Baudier, P., Zhang, H., Xu, Q., Zhang, J., & Arami, M.
(2020). How blockchain can impact financial services – the overview,
challenges and recommendations from expert interviewees. /Technological
Forecasting and Social Change, 158/, 120166.
Frost, J. (2020). The economic forces driving fintech adoption across
countries. In: King, M., & Nesbitt, R. (eds.), /The technological
revolution in financial services: how banks, fintechs, and customers win
together,/ pp. 70–89. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3515326.
Fry, H. (2018). /Hello world: how to be human in the age of the machine.
/Penguin Random House, UK.
Goldstein, I., Jiang, W., & Karolyi, G. A. (2019). To fintech and
beyond. /The Review of Financial Studies, 32/(5), 1647–1661.
Tegmark, M. (2017). /Life 3.0. Being human in the age of artificial
intelligence/. Penguin Random House, UK.
Best regards,
Rainer Alt, Hans-Dieter Zimmermann, Ramona Coia
Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked Business
Editors-in-Chief: Rainer Alt, Leipzig University and Hans-Dieter
Zimmermann, FHS St.Gallen, University of Applied Sciences
Executive Editor: Ramona Coia, Leipzig University
Editorial Office:
c/o Information Systems Institute
Leipzig University
Grimmaische Str. 12,
04109 Leipzig, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 341 - 97 33 611
Fax: +49 (0) 341 - 97 33 612
Journal Impact Factor: *4.765*
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] HICSS 56: “Explainable Artificial Intelligence
(XAI)” mini-track with publication opportunity in Information Systems
Management (ISM).
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2022 15:16:52 +1100
From: Babak Abedin <babak.abedin(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*Call for Papers: “Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)” Minitrack at
the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)*
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the context of decision
analytics and service science has received significant attention in
academia and practice alike. Yet, much of the current efforts have focused
on advancing underlying algorithms and not on decreasing the complexity of
AI systems. AI systems are still “black boxes” that are difficult to
comprehend—not only for developers, but particularly for users and
decision-makers (Meske et al. 2022). In addition, the development and use
of AI is associated with many risks and pitfalls like biases in data or
predictions based on spurious correlations (“Clever Hans” phenomena)
(Lapuschkin et al. 2019), which eventually may lead to malfunctioning or
biased AI and hence technologically driven discrimination.
This is where research on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) comes
in. Also referred to as “transparent,” “interpretable,” or “understandable
AI”, XAI aims to “produce explainable models, while maintaining a high
level of learning performance (prediction accuracy); and enable human users
to understand, appropriately, trust, and effectively manage the emerging
generation of artificially intelligent partners” (DARPA 2017). XAI hence
refers to “the movement, initiatives, and efforts made in response to AI
transparency and trust concerns, more than to a formal technical concept”
(Adadi and Berrada 2018, p. 52140). XAI is designed user-centric in that
users are empowered to scrutinize and appropriately trust AI (Förster et
al. 2020), eventually impacting task performance of users (Kühl et al.
With a focus on decision support, this minitrack aims to explore and extend
research on how to establish explainability of intelligent black box
systems—machine learning-based or not. We especially look for contributions
that investigate XAI from either a developer’s or user’s perspective. We
invite submissions from all application domains, such as healthcare,
finance, e-commerce, retail, public administration or others. Technically
and method-oriented studies, case studies as well as design science or
behavioral science approaches are welcome.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
· The users’ perspective on XAI
o Theorizing XAI-human interactions
o Presentation and personalization of AI explanations for different
target groups
o XAI to increase situational awareness, compliance behavior and task
o XAI for transparency and unbiased decision making
o Impact of explainability on AI-based decision support systems use and
o Explainability of AI in crisis situations
o Potential harm of explainability in AI
o Identifying user-centric requirements for XAI systems
· The developers’ perspective on XAI
o XAI to open, control and evaluate black box algorithms
o Using XAI to identify bias in data
o Explainability and Human-in-the-Loop development of AI
o XAI to support interactive machine learning
o Prevention and detection of deceptive AI explanations
o XAI to discover deep knowledge and learn from AI
o Designing and deploying XAI systems
o Addressing user-centric requirements for XAI systems
· The governments’ perspective on XAI
o XAI and compliance
o Explainability and transparency policy guidelines
o Evidence base benefits and challenges of XAI expectations and
*Submission Deadline: *
June 15th, 2022
Further information for authors: https://hicss.hawaii.edu/authors/
*Fast track:*
We provide the opportunity for the (extended) best paper of this minitrack
to be fast-tracked to the journal Information Systems Management (ISM)
*Minitrack Co-Chairs: *
Christian Meske
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Babak Abedin
Macquarie University
Mathias Klier
University of Ulm
Fethi Rabhi
University of New South Wales
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Updated CFP with NEW DATES- WER 2022 – 25th
Workshop on Requirements Engineering
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2022 13:20:56 +0000
From: Maria Pinto Albuquerque <maria.albuquerque(a)iscte-iul.pt>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
(Apologies for multiple postings)
WER 2022 – 25th Workshop on Requirements Engineering
August 23 - 26, 2022
UFRN, Natal, Brazil VIRTUAL https://wer2022.dimap.ufrn.br/
Regular Research Track and Software Requirement Tools Track
Abstract submission: March 07th, 2022 March 21th, 2022
Paper submission: March 14th, 2022 March 28st, 2022 (HARD DEADLINE!!!)
Master's and Doctoral Track, Tutorial Track and Journal First Track
Abstract submission: March 07th, 2022 April 11th, 2022
Paper submission: March 14th, 2022 April 18th, 2022 (HARD DEADLINE!!!)
Notification: May 20th, 2022
Camera-ready: June 10th, 2022
The Workshop on Requirements Engineering 2022 is now in its
twentieth-fifth edition (Silver Jubilee!). This series of workshops on
the area started in 1998 as a meeting of the Ibero-American requirements
engineering community. However, since then, it has attracted attention
from researchers and practitioners from other parts of the world. The
WER format promotes discussion and knowledge exchange between the
academy and industry members. As in the last editions, this one will
also feature invited lectures from well-known researchers and
practitioners, and tutorials. This edition will introduce a track for
journal manuscript presentations. WER 2022 invites authors of papers on
the topics of interest of the conference and accepted in journals to
present their research at WER. This is an opportunity for the authors to
discuss their work in order to obtain feedback and improve their research.
Accepted papers will be published at WERPapers
(http://wer.inf.puc-rio.br/WERpapers/), a repository indexed by DBLP.
Therefore, the accepted papers will be listed by Google Scholar.
Best papers will be invited to publish an extended version to the
journal Cadernos do IME -série informática
- Requirements elicitation, analysis, and documentation, management,
traceability, prioritization, validation, verification, and negotiation;
- Requirements engineering education and training;
- Requirements engineering for specific software development paradigms,
such as the agent-driven, aspect-driven, model-driven, or service-driven;
- Requirements engineering for specific fields, like safety-critical,
web-based, or mobile applications systems;
- Requirements engineering in agile methodologies;
- Requirements specification languages, methods, processes, and tools;
- Model-driven software engineering
- Regulatory compliance.
* The topics of interest are not exhaustive listed
Submissions must be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. They must
be formatted according to the LNCS page format.
All accepted papers will be published with Open Access through the
WERpapers repository.
Please submit your work in PDF format via EasyChair:
For further questions, please contact
WER 2022 invites submission in the field of Requirements Engineering as
part of the following tracks:
Papers presenting original results on research, teaching and industrial
viewpoints on all aspects of Requirements Engineering are welcome. The
selection process will consider applicability and relevance to
Requirements Engineering, originality, and clarity.
The paper should not exceed 14 pages according to the LNCS format.
The proposal for a 3-hour tutorial should not exceed two pages,
formatted according to the LNCS page format.
The paper should not exceed 7 pages of content for Master's work and 10
pages of content for Doctoral work, according to the LNCS page format.
We recommend, although it is not compulsory, that the research be at an
intermediate stage so that experts’ suggestions could be included in the
MSc and PhD work.
The works will receive feedback from the Program Committee with
questions and suggestions about its content. The author should use these
comments in the preparation of the paper's final version. Selected works
must be presented by students during the MDT. On this occasion, they
will receive opinions and constructive criticism from a Guest Panel,
composed of researchers in the field of Requirements Engineering, as
well as the audience.
Submissions for the Software Requirements Tool track must include a
paper and a demo video with audio comments. The paper must have at most
10 pages, formatted according to the LNCS paper format.
The Journal-First Track at WER 2022 welcomes submissions from authors of
top peer reviewed journal papers that address the topics of interest of
the workshop. This offers an opportunity for the authors to discuss
their work with the community as well as to enrich the technical program
of WER. Presentations of journal-first papers will be included into WER
2022 Regular Track.
A submission to the WER 2022 Journal-First Track must be a journal paper
accepted or published no earlier than September 1, 2020. The paper must
report original results that are not extensions of previous conference
papers. The paper must not have been presented at, and is not under
consideration for, journal-first programs of other conferences. At least
one author per selected submission must register and attend the workshop
to present it.
Isabel Nunes, Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Lyrene Fernandes da Silva, Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Norte,
Márcia Lucena, Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Maria Lencastre, Universidade de Pernambuco, Brazil.
Leandro Antonelli, Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina.
Victor Santander, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Brazil
Fernanda Alencar, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil.
Johnny Marques, Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil.
João Henrique Correia Pimentel, Universidade Federal Rural de
Pernambuco, Brazil
Jaelson Castro, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Julio Leite, CNPq Researcher 1, Brazil
Gladys Kaplan, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Argentina
Enyo Gonçalves, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil
Maria Pinto-Albuquerque, Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
Roxana Portugal, Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Peru
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP Informatik 2022: (Agiles) Enterprise Architecture
Management in Forschung und Praxis
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2022 20:22:42 +0000
From: Brockmann, Carsten <carsten.brockmann(a)sap.com>
Reply-To: Brockmann, Carsten <carsten.brockmann(a)sap.com>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
Konferenz INFORMATIK 2022
(Agiles) Enterprise Architecture Management in Forschung und Praxis
Einreichung von Beiträgen: 30.04.2022
Benachrichtigung über Review Ergebnisse: 17.06.2022
Abgabe der überarbeiteten Beiträge: 03.07.2022
INFORMATIK 2022 Workshopzeitraum: 26.09.2022 - 30.09.2022
Die angenommenen Beiträge werden in der GI-Edition der Lecture Notes in
Informatics (LNI) veröffentlicht.
Einreichungsprozedur: Bitte Beitrag per eMail versenden an
Der Workshop „(Agiles) Enterprise Architecture Management“ wird sich mit
Methoden und Modellen des EAM auseinandersetzen, dies auch unter dem
Blickwinkel der verschiedenen Themenrichtungen der INFORMATIK 2022.
Gerade im Hinblick auf die Informatik in den Naturwissenschaften ist ein
konsistentes und agiles Architekturmanagement eine wichtige
Voraussetzung, die es ermöglicht, flexibel und schnell auf neue
Anforderungen reagieren zu können um dabei sowohl die Systeme selbst wie
auch externe Komponenten (bspw. Industrie 4.0) anzusteuern..
Im Rahmen des Workshops wird eine übergreifende Sichtweise auf EAM
eingenommen, so dass die IT-, Geschäfts- und Finanzauswirkungen sowie
deren Rückkopplungen auf das Architekturmanagement betrachtet werden.
Ferner sollen existierende klassische und agile EAM-Frameworks und
Anwendung in Wirtschaft und im öffentlichen Sektor verglichen und
Änderungspotenziale aufgezeigt werden. Ansätze für agiles EAM und das
„Agilisieren“ von TOGAF werden als weitere Schwerpunktthemen gesehen.
Ein weiteres Themenfeld spielen Methodiken für die Einführung von
Anwendungssytemen sowie Referenzarchitekturen für spezifische
Industrien. Darüber hinaus werden die Auswirkungen von intelligenten
Technologien (z. B. Künstliche Intelligenz, Robotic Process Automation)
auf Architekturen betrachtet.
Beiträge können u.a. zu folgenden Themen eingereicht werden:
·Agile EAM
·Lean EAM
·Leanisieren von TOGAF
·Ganzheitliche Vorgehensmodelle für Projekte
·EAM im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung
·Neue EAM-Ansätze im Kontext der Digitalisierung
·IT-Strategie und Architekturmanagement
·EAM im privaten Sektor
·EAM im öffentlichen Sektor
·Industrie- und Organisationsspezifische Referenzarchitekturen
·Maschinelles Lernen und Künstliche Intelligenz
·Fallstudien für die Einführung von EAM-Frameworks in Organisationen
·Erfolgsfaktoren für EAM im Mittelstand
·Marktstudien zu EAM-Tools
·Themen, die mit den oben genannten oder mit EAM allgemein verwandt sind
Folgende Beitragstypen werden angenommen:
·Ausführliche Forschungsbeiträge mit bis zu 14 Seiten
·Kurze Forschungsbeiträge (Research in progress) mit bis zu 6 Seiten
·Praxisbeiträge/Fallstudien mit bis zu 6 Seiten
·Dr. Carsten Brockmann (Hauptansprechpartner), Senior Project Manager, SAP
·Prof. Dr. Christian Czarnecki, FH Aachen
Beste Grüße:
Carsten Brockmann
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Second call for demos: 20th International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2022)
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2022 20:46:46 +0000
From: William Van Woensel <William.Van.Woensel(a)Dal.Ca>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
AIME 2022 provides opportunities for presenting software demos of
healthcare applications. The demo track invites submissions from
academia and industry for live demonstrations of either prototype or
production software systems that apply AI methods for solving problems
in the biomedical field, suiting any of the AIME topic areas. The demo
should be the result of innovative work including solving novel
technical or research problems or creating novel user interfaces.
We also welcome submissions related to the use of data analytics, data
management and machine learning to manage relevant data and learn about
the COVID-19 epidemic, including but not limited to epidemic modelling,
healthcare, disease detection, and logistics.
Authors of accepted demo track papers will be expected to be present at
the conference site and perform a live demo. Accepted demos will appear
in the proceedings of the conference.
More details on software demos are available at
=== Submission ===
The submission should describe the technical innovation that produced
the demonstrated system, as well as the biomedical problem that is being
solved. A submission should contain an introduction, brief description,
screenshots, a description of the technical or research novelty, and its
potential applications for solving biomedical problems. Submissions
should not exceed 4 pages (LNCS format) with 1 additional page for
references. Submissions should further specify what the hardware
requirements are for the demo, if any (for the organizers). Authors are
also encouraged to submit a URL to a 2-minute YouTube video showing the
demo, or link to an online version of the deployed software.
Demo submissions should be sent to the Demo Chair, William Van Woensel.
All submissions will undergo a common review process with 2-3 reviewers
per demo.
For more information about submitting a demo, please contact the chair
=== Important Dates ===
Demo submission deadline: Mar 31 2022
Notification of acceptance: Apr 30 2022
Camera-ready submission deadline: May 20 2022
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Call for Papers - KMIS 2022
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2022 21:55:06 +0000
From: KMIS Secretariat <KMIS(a)scitevents.net>
Reply-To: KMIS Secretariat <KMIS(a)scitevents.net>
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu.ac.at
14th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information
Submission Deadline: *May 19, 2022*
*https://kmis.scitevents.org* <https://kmis.scitevents.org>
October 24 - 26, 2022
Valletta, Malta
Knowledge Management (KM) is a discipline concerned with the analysis
and technical support of practices used in an organization to identify,
create, represent, distribute and enable the adoption and leveraging of
good practices embedded in collaborative settings and, in particular, in
organizational processes. Effective knowledge management is an
increasingly important source of competitive advantage, and a key to the
success of contemporary organizations, bolstering the collective
expertise of its employees and partners. There are several perspectives
on KM, but all share the same core components, namely: People, Processes
and Technology. Some take a techno-centric focus, in order to enhance
knowledge integration and creation; some take an organizational focus,
in order to optimize organization design and workflows; some take an
ecological focus, where the important aspects are related to people
interaction, knowledge and environmental factors as a complex adaptive
system similar to a natural ecosystem. An information system (IS) is an
organized system for the collection, organization, storage and
communication of information.
*Conference Chair(s)
Joaquim Filipe, Polytechnic Institute of Setubal / INSTICC, Portugal
*Program Chair(s)
Jorge Bernardino, Polytechnic of Coimbra - ISEC, Portugal
Elio Masciari, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy
Colette Rolland (honorary), Université De Paris1 Panthèon Sorbonne, France
With the presence of internationally distinguished keynote speakers:
Bart Verheijen <https://ic3k.scitevents.org/InvitedLectures.aspx#1>,
GuruScan, Netherlands
Giancarlo Guizzardi
<https://ic3k.scitevents.org/KeynoteSpeakers.aspx#2>, Free University of
Bolzano-Bozen, Italy
Proceedings will be submitted for *indexation by:*
Google Scholar
The DBLP Computer Science Bibliography
Semantic Scholar
Engineering Index
Web of Science / Conference Proceedings Citation Index
A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and
extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer
<https://www.springer.com/gp/> in a CCIS Series book.
Also, another set of papers will be selected and published in a special
issue of the Springer Nature Computer Science Journal
All papers presented at the conference venue will also be available at
the SCITEPRESS Digital Library
Kind regards,
Ana Rita Paciência
KMIS Secretariat
*Address:* Av. S. Francisco Xavier Lote 7 Cv. C, Setubal 2900-616, Portugal
*Tel:* +351 265 520 185
*Web:* https://kmis.scitevents.org
*e-mail:* kmis.secretariat(a)insticc.org
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