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Subject: [WI] Call for Participation: Fifth Workshop on Information
System Design and Economic Behavior (ISDEB) im Rahmen der WI 2020
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2020 09:39:45 +0000
From: Dennis Kundisch <dennis.kundisch(a)wiwi.uni-paderborn.de>
Reply-To: Dennis Kundisch <dennis.kundisch(a)wiwi.uni-paderborn.de>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
/Call for Participation/
*Fifth Workshop on Information System Design and Economic
Behavior*(ISDEB 2020)
Montag, 9.3.2020, 13:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Im Rahmen der 15. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2020 in
Vorläufiges Programm unter: https://blogs.uni-paderborn.de/econ-of-is-dach/
Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
Wir möchten alle Interessierten sehr herzlich dazu einladen, am
diesjährigen Workshop /Information System Design and Economic Behavior
(ISDEB) /teilzunehmen. Der Workshop findet im Rahmen der WI 2020 in
Potsdam am Montagnachmittag, dem 9.3.2020, von 13:00 bis 18:00 Uhr statt.
Sie können sich direkt über das Registrierungsportal der WI-Tagung
(https://wi2020.de/de/registrierung) anmelden, wenn Sie sich für die
Hauptkonferenz registrieren. Falls Sie ausschließlich am Workshop
teilnehmen möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail direkt an die
Die Teilnahme ist dank des Sponsorings durch den SFB 901 On-The-Fly
Computing und die Unterstützung der Organisatoren der WI 2020 kostenlos.
/Zielgruppe & Format/:
Der ISDEB-Workshop richtet sich an Forscherinnen und Forscher, die sich
mit ökonomischen Aspekten des Designs von Informationssystemen befassen.
An der Schnittstelle zwischen IS & Economics bietet der Workshop ein
Forum, um die deutschsprachige Community zu vernetzen und den
inhaltlichen Austausch zu vertiefen. Es werden fortgeschrittene, aber
noch nicht publizierte, aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten präsentiert und
Der Workshop sieht einen einzelnen Track mit einer Stunde Vortragszeit
pro Artikel vor und bietet somit Raum für die fokussierte und intensive
Diskussion unter den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern. In diesem Jahr
werden die folgenden vier eingeladenen Arbeiten vorgestellt:
* Oliver Hinz (GU Frankfurt): „The Dynamics of Algorithmic Discrimination“
* Jan Krämer (U Passau): „Ranking Algorithms and the Quality of Free
Content on Dominant Online Platforms”
* Timm Teubner (TU Berlin): „Bring your own stars: Reputation
portability between online platforms“
* Verena Tiefenbeck (FAU Nürnberg Erlangen/ETH Zürich): „Peer-to-Peer
Trading of Solar Energy: Empirical Evidence and Simulation Results“
Alle Teilnehmenden sind herzlich eingeladen, die Forschungsarbeiten in
offener Atmosphäre aktiv und konstruktiv zu diskutieren.
/Weitere Informationen:/
ISDEB 2020 wird in Kooperation mit dem Department “Economics of
Information Systems” der Zeitschrift Business & Information Systems
Engineering (BISE) durchgeführt.
Weitere Informationen sind unter
https://blogs.uni-paderborn.de/econ-of-is-dach/und auf der Website der
WI-Tagung https://wi2020.de/de/node/433zu finden.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dennis Kundisch, Daniel Schnurr, Lukas Wiewiorra
Prof. Dr. Dennis Kundisch
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik,
insb. Digitale Märkte
Direktor Center of Competence „Digital Business“,
Software Innovation Campus Paderborn
Department Editor "Economics of Information Systems"
Business & Information Systems Engineering
Post: Universität Paderborn, Fakultät WiWi, 33095 Paderborn
Besucher: Warburger Strasse 100, Gebäude Q, Raum 149, 3. Stock, 33098
Telefon: +49-5251-60-5533
E-Mail: Dennis.Kundisch(a)wiwi.uni-paderborn.de
Web: http://www.upb.de/digitalemaerkte
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalmarkets.upb/
Facebook: http://www.fb.com/digitalemaerkte
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Extended CFP: JMWAIS Special Issue on Security and
Privacy (Jan 31, 2020)
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2020 21:08:42 +0000
From: Biros, David <david.biros(a)okstate.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
of Information Systems (JMWAIS)
The recent proliferation of new information technologies such as
artificial intelligence/machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT),
cryptocurrencies, blockchain and cloud storage and computing have
created new challenges for advocates of information security and
privacy. Traditional controls such as demilitarized zones, intrusion
detection systems, patch management systems, and firewalls may not be
sufficient to protect data, systems, and privacy. Existing research
extolls the benefits of these new technologies in a variety of scenarios
and contexts. Smart home automation can be beneficial to the handicapped
and elderly. Home security camera can protect property and belongings,
and have even been used to help law enforcement solve crimes. Wearable
technologies like smart watches with ECG technology can warn users when
a serious health issue may be present. Other new technologies like
cryptocurrencies (e.g. Bitcoin) and cloud computing promise new
opportunities for business and commerce.
However, research to date has yet to consider the security and privacy
implications of these promising new technologies. For example, recent
news reports of major data breach in fitness-tracking apps (Dickey 2018)
and wearable devices data compromising the location of secret military
bases (Taylor 2018) underscore the security consequences and instigate a
lack of trust. It has been reported that an AI algorithm lead to the
erroneous firing of teachers (Thomas 2019). In another report, a company
AI human resource recruiting initiative concluded that all female
applicants were unacceptable for corporate leadership positions (Harrer
2018). In other cases, home security camera that are easy for users to
install are also easy for hackers to exploit. Along with the security
implications are the privacy issues. Wearables and other IoT devices
enable the collection of vast amounts of data involving millions of
people. Users need to understand these privacy implications in order to
make informed choices with respect to the devices used and configured.
This special issue calls for research papers that investigate the
information security and privacy challenges that accompany the new
generation of technologies.
We seek completed research papers in topics including but not limited to:
* Privacy and Security risks posed by home automation on personal data.
* Proliferation of security risks posed by home automation to organizations.
* Future of cyber-crime and cyber-terrorism in the age of ubiquitous
* Privacy and Security risks posed by wearables on personal health
* Policy considerations for new technologies such as IoT
* Privacy and Security risks posed by cryptocurrencies on financial
* Policy considerations for cryptocurrencies.
* Implications of sharing economy on information privacy and security.
* Feasibility of expansion of existing security controls to IoT.
* Privacy and Security standards in IoT-enabled devices that contain
cameras and microphones.
* Ownership and Informed consent of information generated by IoT and
Ubiquitous technologies
* Security Implications of novel financial technologies (FinTech)
including mobile payments and blockchain.
* Security considerations for cloud computing and storage
* Cloud storage security configurations
* Legal and contractual issues in cloud storage
* Security implications when aggregating large data sets for analytics
* Public knowledge and perceptions of artificial intelligence
* Ethical issues of artificial intelligence and machine learning
* Risks and mitigation strategies for artificial intelligence and
machine learning
* Unintended consequence of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Dickey, M. R. 2018. "Under Armour Says Myfitnesspal Data Breach Affected
150 Million Users." from
Last accessed July 24, 2019
Harrer, A. 2018. "Amazon Scraps a Secret A.I. Recruiting Tool That
Showed Bias against Women," from
Last accessed July 24, 2019
Taylor, G. L. a. R. 2018. "Pentagon Reviewing Troops' Use of Fitness
Trackers in Light of Security Concerns," in: The Wall Street Journal.
Washington D.C.
Thomas, R. 2019. "Five Things That Scare Me About Ai." from
https://www.fast.ai/2019/01/29/five-scary-things/ Last accessed July 24,
Important Dates:
January 31, 2020
Deadline for manuscript submission: by midnight PST
March 15, 2020
First round reviews sent to authors
April 15, 2020
Submission of requested revisions
April 30, 2020
Authors notified of final publication decision
May 31, 2020
For accepted articles, camera ready article for publication due by
midnight PST for final editorial review
July 2020
Publication in Journal of the Midwest Association for Information
Systems (JMWAIS)
Submitted papers should adhere to JWMAIS<http://www.jmwais.org/>
submission guidelines. Submit papers to: David Biros
(david.biros(a)okstate.edu<mailto:david.biros@okstate.edu>). Please use
email title "SI-Security and Privacy"
For further information contact the Special Issue Editor David Biros,
Management Science and Information Systems, Oklahoma State University
Guest Editor Information
David P. Biros, PhD
Associate Professor of Management Science
and Information Systems
Fleming Chair in Technology Management
MSIS PhD Program Chair
Oklahoma State Univeristiy
Office (405) 744-7156 Fax (405) 744-5180
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP - AMCIS 2020 Minitrack: Digital Transformation
through Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Other Epistemic
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2020 14:41:15 +0000
From: Joshi, Mayur <mjoshi.phd(a)ivey.ca>
To: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers
Conference: Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2020),
August 12-16, 2020, Salt Lake City, Utah
Track: Organizational Transformation and Information Systems
Minitrack: Digital Transformation through Data Analytics, Artificial
Intelligence and Other Epistemic
(see Minitrack #6).
Please consider submitting your paper to our minitrack on how analytics,
AI and other Epistemic Technologies transform organizing at AMCIS 2020.
This minitrack aims to explore how the use of new epistemic technologies
in organizations influence key aspects of organizing, including
processes of information processing, insight generation, decision
making, organizational structuring, and strategizing. We define
epistemic technologies as tools that play a key part in the ongoing
construction of knowledge (Anthony 2018). Such technologies include, for
example, big data analytics tools, Artificial Intelligence tools,
augmented reality applications, and technologies that leverage the
Internet of Things (IoT). The reliance of these new epistemic
technologies on data and algorithms poses unique challenges for
organizations and has given rise to several debates in the academic
community (Günther et al. 2017). The emergence of new epistemic
technologies calls for a better understanding of distinct digital
practices that are enacted as organizations actually leverage such
technologies in practice (Baiyere et al. 2017), as well as how this may
or may not allow organizations to actually create social and economic
value (Sumbal et al. 2019).
To understand how organizations may leverage such technologies requires
examinations of the processes around the information value chain (Abbasi
et al. 2016) as they take place in organizational context. The minitrack
is open to any methodology that suitably examines the phenomenon
including quantitative, qualitative as well as conceptual papers. We
highly value work that takes a longitudinal perspective and aims to
understand how organizations, and people, actually work with epistemic
technologies in practice. In doing so, scholars may rely on different
types of data and a range of (mixed) methods, such as qualitative
observations, document content analysis, and advanced analytical
techniques to model and understand people's actions and behavior.
Emphasis will be placed on interdisciplinary studies that bridge the
domains of organizational theory and information systems as well as
information sciences. Overall, this mini-track endeavors to initiate a
discussion about the use of new epistemic technologies, thereby going
beyond the examination of these technologies at discrete level (Sharma,
Mithas & Kankanhalli 2014) as many anecdotal examples suggest that the
incumbent firms fail to reap benefits of these technologies against the
promise (Bean & Devenport 2019; Marchand & Peppard 2013; Sumbal et al.
Broadly the topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
* Data-driven decision-making v/s intuition-based decision-making in
* New epistemic technologies and transformation of organizational
decision-making processes
* New epistemic technologies and transformation of organizational
decision-making structure
* New epistemic technologies and transformation of strategizing /
strategy making processes
* New epistemic technologies and transformation of organizational as
well as individual identity
* New epistemic technologies and the emergence of data science as a new
* New epistemic technologies and insights generation processes
Submission Process:
Paper submissions must be made electronically through AMCIS 2020
Manuscript Submission Site
Papers will be peer reviewed basis a double-blind process.
Important Dates:
Jan 6, 2020: Submission system opens
Feb 28, 2020: Completed Research and ERF submissions due (5:00p.m. MST)
April 22, 2020: Camera-ready papers due (5:00p.m. MST)
Please refer the minitrack description on AMCIS Website>
(See Mini-Track #6 under the Track Organizational Transformation and
Information Systems) or see the full Call for Papers here>
Feel free to contact us for more details or clarifications.
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Dr Wendy
Lecturer, Initiative for the Digital Economy at Exeter (INDEX),
University of Exeter, London, United Kingdom. Email:
Mayur P.
PhD Candidate, Ivey Business School, Western University, London, Canada.
Email: mjoshi.phd(a)ivey.ca<mailto:mjoshi.phd@ivey.ca>
Mayur P. Joshi,
PhD Candidate in Information Systems,
Ivey Business School at Western University,
1255 Western Road, London, ON, Canada N6G 0N1
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Last Call for Papers: SAIS 2020 - Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina, March 27-28, 2020
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 23:02:30 +0000
From: Bernie Farkas <BFARKAS(a)ut.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: Call for Papers SAIS 2020 - Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, March
27-28, 2020
DEADLINE: January 17, 2020
You can find the detailed CFP and paper templates on the SAIS website -
Twenty-Second Annual Conference of the Southern Association for
Information Systems March 27-28, 2020 Marina Inn at Grande Dunes, Myrtle
Beach, South Carolina
The annual Southern Association for Information Systems (SAIS), an
official chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), will
hold its 23rd SAIS conference at Marina Inn at Grande Dunes in beautiful
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina from March 27-28, 2020. We invite
submissions of abstracts, papers, panels, tutorials, and workshops, from
academia, business, or government on current topics in all areas of
information systems. Accepted abstracts and papers will be included in
the conference proceedings and published in the AIS eLibrary.
Papers submitted by student authors are eligible for one of three award
categories: Best Undergraduate Student Paper, Best Graduate Student
Paper, Best Ph.D. Student Paper. The Best Graduate and Ph.D. Student
Paper selection(s) are eligible for cash prizes up to $200. The other
submitted papers are eligible for the Best Conference Paper Award. The
author(s) of the selected Best Conference Paper will be invited to
submit an extended version of the submitted paper to be fast-tracked for
publication in the Journal of the Southern Association for Information
Systems (JSAIS).
January 17, 2020 - Submission deadline for abstracts, completed papers,
research-in-progress, panels/ tutorials/ workshops February 7, 2020 -
Acceptance notification February 20, 2020 - Deadline to make hotel
reservations at the group conference rate February 28, 2020 - Deadline
for author registration & submission of final versions of accepted
papers March 27-28, 2020 - SAIS 2019 Conference
For more information on the Conference, please consult the SAIS website
(http://southernais.org) or the VP-Program Chair at
Bernie Farkas, Ph.D., PMP
Program Chair, 2020 SAIS Conference
Assistant Professor of Information and Technology Management Co-Advisor,
Business and Technology Club Information & Technology Management
Department University of Tampa
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: International Journal of Art, Culture and
Design Technologies
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 18:36:48 -0600
From: Jeff Morris <morris(a)tamu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Hello all,
I hope you will keep our journal in mind for any relevant work you or your
advanced graduate students are doing. The following is our current call for
papers. Apologies for cross-posting.
Call for papers: International Journal of Art, Culture and Design
Deadline for next issue: April 15, 2020.
The mission of the International Journal of Art, Culture and Design
Technologies is to promote interdisciplinary research concerning the
influence of technological innovation on creativity and other human issues.
Our journal bridges the humanities, artistic, scientific, and technical
disciplines. It is a nexus for information exchange among academia and
industry addressing theory, criticism, and practice.
Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to) the
- Aesthetics of technology
- Artificial intelligence
- Computational creativity
- Cybernetics
- Design and professional applications
- Digital humanities, identity, and heritage
- Human issues and cultural impacts of technology
- Human-computer interaction
- Information visualization and sonification
- Internet culture
- Music and sound art, new media art, net art, performance art, and visual
- Psychology and cognition
- Social and ethical issues
- Technology in arts and humanities education
- Video games
- Virtual, augmented, and mixed realities
- Visual, aural, and other modes of communication or expression
Only original, previously unpublished articles will be considered.
Interested authors must consult the journal’s guidelines for manuscript
submissions at
prior to submission. All submissions will be subjected to double-blind peer
review by at least three members of the IJACDT Editorial Review Board.
Final decision regarding acceptance, revision, or rejection will be based
on these reviews. Only electronic submissions will be accepted.
All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of:
Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey M. Morris at morris(a)tamu.edu
Jeff Morris, D. Mus. Arts in Composition | Assoc. Prof.
Department of Performance Studies
4240 TAMU | College Station, TX 77843-4240
Tel. 979.845.6751 | Fax 979.862.2666 | perf.tamu.edu
Liberal Arts—Arts & Humanities Building | Room 229
Texas A&M University
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] Sunbelt 2020 - CfA - Applying Complex Network Analysis to
Industrial Risk Studies
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2020 10:54:13 +0100
From: Martin Atzmüller <m.atzmuller(a)uvt.nl>
Reply-To: Martin Atzmüller <m.atzmuller(a)uvt.nl>
To: kdml(a)cs.uni-kassel.de, wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de,
Dear All,
Please consider submitting an abstract for the Paris Sunbelt 2020
session on:
*Applying Complex Network Analysis to Industrial Risk Studies*.
Submission URL: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sunbelt2020
Deadline: 31 January 2020
* Rushed Kanawati (University Sorbonne Paris Nord)
* Martin Atzmueller (Tilburg University)
* Mohamed Hibti (EDF)
Session Description:
With the emergence of the Internet of Things and complex networked
systems, safety and security in such complex application contexts
is becoming critical, especially also in the industrial domain
providing critical infrastructures, but also in the context of
initiatives such as Industry 4.0.
Here, network analysis provides for an emerging research field to
be applied for safety and security analytics, e.g. for anomaly and
threat detection and risk assessment. This special session aims at
providing a forum for the discussion of this emerging research field.
The meeting targets both researchers and practitioners interested in
applying network analysis methods for investigating safety and
security aspects in the industrial domain. A non-exhaustive list of
targeted topics include:
* Complex/multiplex networks models for the industrial settings
* Dynamic network analysis for risk estimation
* Community detection for risk estimation
* Link prediction for risk and security issues
* Hotspot detection
* Anomaly detection
For more information, please see the information available
via the following link:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. habil. Martin Atzmueller
Associate Professor, Tilburg University | https://martin.atzmueller.net
Head of the Computational Sensemaking Lab (CSLab) | http://www.cslab.cc
Email: m.atzmuller(a)uvt.nl | Phone: +31-(0)13 466 4736
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Update: THCI Fast-Track Opportunity for the 2020
Dewald Roode Workshop papers
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 22:03:51 +0000
From: Chen, Rui [ISBA] <ruichen(a)iastate.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CC: Li, Yuan <yli213(a)utk.edu>, Mark J Keith <mark.keith(a)gmail.com>,
Mala Kaul <mkaul(a)unr.edu>
We are pleased to announce that authors of high-quality papers will be
invited to submit extended versions of their work for fast-tracked
submissions to the AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction
(THCI). We appreciate THCI for supporting this event!
------------------- Updated CFP -------------------------
The 2020 Dewald Roode Workshop on Information Systems Security Research
IFIP WG8.11/WG11.13 Friday October 2 – Saturday October 3, 2020
Ames, Iowa
The 12th Dewald Roode Workshop on Information Systems Security Research
will continue the efforts to advance the discipline of information
systems security through the creation, dissemination, and preservation
of well-formed research, following the success of the first eleven
Information Systems Security Research Workshops (University of Cape
Town, 2009; Bentley University, 2010;
Virginia Tech, 2011; Brigham Young University, 2012; University at
Buffalo, 2013; Newcastle University, 2014; University of Delaware, 2015;
University of New Mexico, 2016; University of South Florida, 2017;
University of Cape Town, 2018; Louisiana Tech University, 2019).
The active discussions in the workshop are intended to provide
participants specific and actionable feedback on their research. We
anticipate that this process will facilitate the successful development
of workshop papers for further consideration at important journals (See
https://ifip.byu.edu/ for past DRW papers which have been published in
journals). High quality papers will be fast tracked to the AIS
Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction. Selection for the workshop
is competitive, and only authors of the accepted papers and the active
working group members will be invited to participate.
Anchoring the workshop to information systems means that the research
will attend to and extend the social, organizational, and managerial
literature in the focal area. Note that this is not an appropriate venue
for papers with a purely technical, design-science, or econometric
approach. While we assume an effective foundation in information
security technology, we regard information systems risk broadly, for
example, computer crime, employee misconduct, cyber warfare, cyber
terrorism, human error and/or accident, natural events, etc. We also
address information systems security broadly, for example, policies and
policy compliance, diverse security behaviors, privacy, awareness,
strategy, audit, planning and control. These and related research topics
will be the focus of this workshop.
The 2020 Dewald Roode Workshop on Information Systems Security Research
Topics may include (but are not limited to):
• Theoretical and empirical analyses of information security behavior
• Adoption, use, and continuance of information security technologies
and policies
• Compliance with information security and privacy policies, procedures,
and regulations
• Investigations of computer crime and security violations
• Motivators and inhibitors of employee computer crime
• Forensic analysis of security breaches and computer crimes
• Individual, organizational, and group information privacy concerns and
• Legal, societal, and ethical issues in information security
• Neurosecurity (NeuroIS) investigations of information security behavior
• Behavioral analyses of design science treatments enhancing or
balancing security and privacy tradeoffs
Honorary Chair
Joey George, Iowa State University
General Chair
Rui (Ray) Chen, Iowa State University
Program Co-Chairs (alphabetically)
Mala Kaul, University of Nevada, Reno
Mark J Keith, Brigham Young University
Yuan Li, University of Tennessee
Submission deadline: June 1, 2020
Notification to authors: August 1, 2020
Attending participants must register by August 15, 2020
Deadline for final papers: September 5, 2020 (to be distributed to
workshop attendees in advance)
Submission Link (TBA)
Manuscripts will be prescreened by the program chairs to ensure that all
papers sent to reviewers are reasonably complete, well-formed, and
appropriate to the scope and mission of the workshop. Double blind
reviews will follow for prescreened papers. Authors can submit the
manuscripts as “early stage” or “completed papers.” Manuscripts must be
anonymous for the review process.
In recognition that the review process greatly relies upon a scarce
resource of the services of reviewers, authors, by the act of
submission, are implicitly promising to serve as a reviewer on one to
two conference papers, if requested.
For general questions about the workshop, please contact Rui (Ray) Chen
at ruichen(a)iastate.edu
For questions about the program, please contact Mala Kaul
(mkaul(a)unr.edu), Mark J Keith (mark.keith(a)gmail.com), or Yuan Li
The workshop, hosted by the Iowa State University will take place on
October 2-3, 2019 at the Ivy College of Business
(ivybusiness.iastate.edu) and the Reiman Garden (reimangardens.com). The
nearest airport is the Des Moines International Airport, which is 45
minutes away from the conference location.
The Ivy College of Business at Iowa State University sponsors this event.
The IFIP Working Group 8.11/11.13 holds The Dewald Roode Workshop on
Information Systems Security Research annually. WG 8.11/11.13 (Allen
Johnston, Chair; Manish Agrawal, Vice Chair) is the IFIP Working Group
on Information Systems Security Research. Please visit
http://ifip.byu.edu for more information on the IFIP Working Group
8.11/11.13 and for past workshop proceedings.
Rui (Ray) Chen, PhD
Dean's Fellow in Management Information Systems
Director of Graduate Education in Information Systems
MBA Core Faculty
Associate Professor of Information Systems
Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics
Debby and Jerry Ivy College of Business
Iowa State University
3256 Gerdin Business Building, Ames, IA 50010
Phone: (515) 294-6309 Email: ruichen(a)iastate.edu
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [wkwi] CfP: BPM 2020 in Sevilla, Spanien
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 11:28:28 +0100
From: Armin Stein <armin.stein(a)ercis.uni-muenster.de>
Reply-To: Armin Stein <armin.stein(a)ercis.uni-muenster.de>
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de
Liebe WKIWI-Community,
am 16.03.2020 ist die Deadline für Einreichungen bei der BPM 2020 (18th
International Conference on Business Process Management) in Sevilla,
Der Call for Papers ist unten zu finden.
Schöne Grüße
Armin Stein
18th International Business Process Management Conference (BPM 2020) Sevilla
(Spain), September 13-18, 2020 https://congreso.us.es/bpm2020/
The International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM) is the
premium forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of BPM. The
conference embraces the interdisciplinary nature of BPM to its fullest
To this end, the conference explicitly seeks to bring together the finest
research contributions and viewpoints from the fields of computer science,
information systems engineering, and information system management,
insofar as
they enhance or refine the existing portfolio of theories, methods and tools
for managing and improving business processes.
To accommodate for this diversity, the BPM conference is structured into
tracks: Foundations, Engineering, and Management. Each track covers
phenomena of interest and different research methods and, accordingly, each
track has different evaluation criteria, a separate track chair and a
dedicated program committee.
-- Track I: Foundations (Chair: Dirk Fahland)
Track I invites papers that follow computer science research methods. This
includes papers that investigate the underlying principles of BPM systems,
computational theories, algorithms, semantics, and methods for modeling and
analyzing business processes. This track also covers papers on novel
languages, architectures, and other concepts underlying process aware
information systems, as well as papers that use conceptual modeling
to investigate problems in the design and analysis of BPM systems.
-- Track II: Engineering (Chair: Chiara Ghidini)
Track II invites papers that focus on engineering aspects of information
systems research. The focus is on the investigation of artifacts and systems
in business environments. All papers in this track must include strong
empirical evaluations that are rigorous and repeatable and that critically
test criteria like usefulness or added value of the proposed artifact (for
example by showing considerable performance improvements compared to past
work). This track covers business process intelligence, including process
mining techniques, and the use of process models for enactment, model-driven
engineering, as well as interaction with services and deployment
like the Cloud. It also covers BPM systems in particular domains, such as
digital health, smart mobility, or Internet of Things.
-- Track III: Management (Chair: Jörg Becker)
Track III invites papers that aim to advance our understanding of how
BPM can
deliver business value or competitive advantage, for instance by developing
capabilities to improve, innovate, or transform organizations or to
tackle the
challenges and opportunities of digitalization. Papers that study process
thinking, organizational routines, process innovation, and the
application and
impact of BPM methods and tools in use contexts based on empirical
are highly welcome, too. Areas of interest include a wide range of
areas that are relevant for BPM, such as strategic alignment, governance,
methods, information technology, and human aspects including people and
Each paper must be submitted to exactly one track. Papers must be formatted
according to Springer’s LNCS formatting guidelines. Submissions must be in
English and must not exceed 16 pages. The title page must contain a short
abstract clarifying the relation of the paper with the topics above. The
must clearly state the problem being addressed, the goal of the work, the
results achieved, and the relation to other work. Student papers are treated
as regular papers in the review process. Importantly, the contribution
lying a student paper must be carried out mainly by the (PhD)
student(s), but
others (advisors, collaborators, etc.) can appear as authors as well. When
submitting the paper, student papers must be clearly marked as such in the
EasyChair system. To be eligible for the best student paper award, student
papers have to be presented at the conference by a student author.
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format via
Submissions must be original contributions that have neither been published
previously nor submitted to other conferences or journals while being
submitted to BPM 2020. Accepted papers will be included in the conference
proceedings published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Innovative papers which have high potential of stimulating discussion at the
conference but does not fully meet the quality criteria for the main
conference will be invited for presentation at the BPM Forum. Those papers
will be published in full length in a separate post-proceedings volume
in the
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing series.
First-time submitters to BPM may request to be considered for a
shepherding program in which a selected BPM PC member advises on the
presentation and positioning of a shepherded paper.
* Full paper submission (strict deadline): 16 March 2020
* Notification: 11 May 2020
* Camera-ready paper submission: 8 June 2020
* Conference: 15-17 September 2020
There is no separate deadline for abstract submission.
Deadlines correspond to anywhere on earth (AoE).
Marlon Dumas, University of Tartu, Estonia.
Contact bpm2020(a)easychair.org for more information.
Dr. Armin Stein
Geschäftsführer / Managing Director
ERCIS – European Research Center for Information Systems Institut für
Wirtschaftsinformatik / Department of Information Systems Westfälische
Wilhelms-Universität Münster / University of Münster Leonardo-Campus 3
48149 Münster
P +49 (0) 251 83 38 085
M armin.stein(a)ercis.uni-muenster.de
W https://www.ercis.org
W https://www.wi.uni-muenster.de/is
W http://erc.is/p/armin.stein
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] BPM 2020 Call for Papers
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 10:26:42 +0100
From: Cristina Cabanillas Macías <ccabanillasmacias(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
18th International Business Process Management Conference (BPM 2020)
Sevilla (Spain), September 13-18, 2020
https://congreso.us.es/bpm2020/ <https://congreso.us.es/bpm2020/>
The International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM) is the
premium forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of BPM. The
conference embraces the interdisciplinary nature of BPM to its fullest
extent. To this end, the conference explicitly seeks to bring together
the finest research contributions and viewpoints from the fields of
computer science, information systems engineering, and information
system management, insofar as they enhance or refine the existing
portfolio of theories, methods and tools for managing and improving
business processes.
To accommodate for this diversity, the BPM conference is structured into
three tracks: Foundations, Engineering, and Management. Each track
covers different phenomena of interest and different research methods
and, accordingly, each track has different evaluation criteria, a
separate track chair and a dedicated program committee.
Track I: Foundations (Chair: Dirk Fahland)
Track I invites papers that follow computer science research methods.
This includes papers that investigate the underlying principles of BPM
systems, computational theories, algorithms, semantics, and methods for
modeling and analyzing business processes. This track also covers papers
on novel languages, architectures, and other concepts underlying
process aware information systems, as well as papers that use conceptual
modeling techniques to investigate problems in the design and analysis
of BPM systems.
Track II: Engineering (Chair: Chiara Ghidini)
Track II invites papers that focus on engineering aspects of information
systems research. The focus is on the investigation of artifacts and
systems in business environments. All papers in this track must include
strong empirical evaluations that are rigorous and repeatable and that
critically test criteria like usefulness or added value of the proposed
artifact (for example by showing considerable performance improvements
compared to past work). This track covers business process intelligence,
including process mining techniques, and the use of process models for
enactment, model-driven engineering, as well as interaction with
services and deployment architectures like the Cloud. It also covers BPM
systems in particular domains, such as digital health, smart mobility,
or Internet of Things.
Track III: Management (Chair: Jörg Becker)
Track III invites papers that aim to advance our understanding of how
BPM can deliver business value or competitive advantage, for instance by
developing capabilities to improve, innovate, or transform organizations
or to tackle the challenges and opportunities of digitalization. Papers
that study process thinking, organizational routines, process
innovation, and the application and impact of BPM methods and tools in
use contexts based on empirical observation are highly welcome, too.
Areas of interest include a wide range of capability areas that are
relevant for BPM, such as strategic alignment, governance, methods,
information technology, and human aspects including people and culture.
Each paper must be submitted to exactly one track. Papers must be
formatted according to Springer’s LNCS formatting guidelines.
Submissions must be in English and must not exceed 16 pages. The title
page must contain a short abstract clarifying the relation of the paper
with the topics above. The paper must clearly state the problem being
addressed, the goal of the work, the results achieved, and the relation
to other work. Student papers are treated as regular papers in the
review process. Importantly, the contribution underlying a student
paper must be carried out mainly by the (PhD) student(s), but others
(advisors, collaborators, etc.) can appear as authors as well. When
submitting the paper, student papers must be clearly marked as such in
the EasyChair system. To be eligible for the best student paper award,
student papers have to be presented at the conference by a student author.
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format via
Submissions must be original contributions that have neither been
published previously nor submitted to other conferences or journals
while being submitted to BPM 2020. Accepted papers will be included in
the conference proceedings published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series.
Innovative papers which have high potential of stimulating discussion at
the conference but does not fully meet the quality criteria for the main
conference will be invited for presentation at the BPM Forum. Those
papers will be published in full length in a separate post-proceedings
volume in the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing series.
First-time submitters to BPM may request to be considered for a
pre-submission shepherding program in which a selected BPM PC member
advises on the presentation and positioning of a shepherded paper.
* Full paper submission (strict deadline): 16 March 2020
* Notification: 11 May 2020
* Camera-ready paper submission: 8 June 2020
* Conference: 15-17 September 2020
There is no separate deadline for abstract submission.
Deadlines correspond to anywhere on earth (AoE).
Marlon Dumas, University of Tartu, Estonia.
Contact bpm2020(a)easychair.org <mailto:bpm2020@easychair.org> for more
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