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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP SI: Business Analytics for the Management of
Information Systems Development
Date: Mon, 11 May 2020 16:23:17 +0000
From: Dennehy, Denis <denis.dennehy(a)nuigalway.ie>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Business Analytics for the Management of Information Systems Development
Special issue call for papers from Information Technology & People
Submission deadline: 30th September 2020
Special issue editors:
Denis Dennehy, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Email: denis.dennehy(a)nuigalway.ie<mailto:denis.dennehy@nuigalway.ie>
Ilias Pappas, University of Agder, Norway
Email: ilias.pappas(a)uia.no<mailto:%20ilias.pappas@uia.no>
Samuel Fossa Wamba, Toulouse Business School, France
Email: s.fosso-wamba(a)tbs-education.fr<mailto:s.fosso-wamba@tbs-education.fr>
Katina Michael, Arizona State University, USA
Email: katina.michael(a)asu.edu <mailto:katina.michael@asu.edu>
<mailto:katina.michael@asu.edu>Overview of Special Issue
Information Systems Development (ISD) has been part of the intellectual
core of information systems for over 40 years (Obrand et al., 2018;
Sidorova et al., 2008). Its chequered history of successes and failures
has, however, been an ongoing concern of the IS research community
(Dwivedi et al., 2015; Hassan & Mathiassen, 2017). Despite efforts to
improve the management of ISD projects, these efforts have not had the
desired effect (Lim et al., 2011). There is anecdotal evidence that
business analytics can help project managers to (i) understand the
dynamics and collective state of complex projects, (ii) detect and
forecast trends, (iii) improve the effectiveness of risk models, (iv)
evaluate the effectiveness of a change to the development process, and
(v) distinguish questions of ‘information’ from questions of ‘insight’
(Davenport et al., 2010).
Business analytics are frequently referred to as ‘the techniques,
technologies, systems, practices, methodologies, and applications that
analyse critical business data to help an enterprise better understand
its business and market and make timely decisions’ (Chen et al., 2012,
p.1166). Yet, much of the research conducted to date has focused on the
technologies of business analytics and not enough on the people and
their organisational context in which such technologies are intended to
be used (Abbasi et al, 2017; Conboy et al., 2018; Mikalef et al., 2019).
This is a significant limitation given that the ISD environment is a
highly metric oriented, complex, and socially embedded activity that is
continuously changing (Conboy, 2009; Kudaravalli et al., 2017; Windeler
et al., 2017).
This special issue seeks to collect contemporary research on the latest
developments and challenges of how organisations exploit business
analytics to support project/portfolio managers, project teams, and
other project stakeholders.
Indicative List of Anticipated Themes
This special issue seeks a wide range of articles that draw on diverse
project settings, theories, and approaches to understand the different
aspects of business analytics as applied to the context of ISD. The
following questions are of interest for the special issue:
• How can business analytics be used to better understand and manage ISD
• What value does business analytics provide to ISD management and
development teams?
• What tensions arise from the integration of business analytics with
traditional and agile methods and practices?
• What are the emerging best practices that enable business analytics to
be embedded within the ISD process and the wider organisation?
• Does the deployment of business analytics make existing agile methods
and practices less valuable or even obsolete?
• What new metrics and standards can business analytics provide to
manage and control ISD projects more effectively?
• How can business analytics enable organisational learning and
innovation in the context of ISD?
• How are business analytics being applied in various types
(distributed, large scale) of ISD projects?
• How can business analytics support the scaling of ISD projects?
• What are the change management and organisational cultural issues that
need to be considered when developing analytical capabilities?
• How can business analytics provide new ways of working in ISD projects?
• What ethical issues stem from the use of business analytics in ISD
• How can business analytics be used to support more effective decision
• What are the new theories and theoretical developments to explain the
implementation and use of business analytics in ISD projects?
These questions are not intended to be exhaustive. Rather they are
intended to stimulate thinking about the role of business analytics in
the management of ISD projects across various levels of analysis - from
participants in individual projects through projects, programs,
portfolios, organisations, and the wider society. We welcome submissions
that address questions pertaining to all aspects of the intersection of
business analytics and ISD project management.
Important Dates:
• Initial paper submission deadline: 30th September, 2020
• First round authors notification: 30th November, 2020
• Invited revisions deadline: 31st January, 2021
• Second round authors notification: 31st March, 2021
• Final revision deadline: 31st May, 2021
• Final authors notification: 30th June, 2021
• Projected publication date: Winter 2021
Submission Details
To view the author guidelines for this journal, please visit:
Please submit your manuscript via our review website:
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] [ITAIS CfP] 17th Conference of the Italian Chapter
of AIS (ITAIS 2020) - submission deadline: May 29
Date: Sat, 9 May 2020 12:10:03 +0000
From: Stefano Za <sza(a)luiss.it>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
***************** Apologies for cross-posting *************************
**************** SUBMISSION DEADLINE - May, 29 ********************
*** Follow us on Twitter @ItAISConnect --
https://twitter.com/itaisconnect ***
Dear Colleagues,
The 17th conference of the Italian chapter of the Association for
Information Systems will be held at University of Chieti-Pescara
(https://en.unich.it/), Department of Management and Business
Administration (https://dea.unich.it/), on October 16-17, 2020, Pescara.
As you already know, the ITAIS2020 Program is continuing with the
original schedule. At the moment, we hope the conference can be held
traditionally (in presence, as usual). In any case, we will grant the
possibility to attend the conference virtually. Anyway, at the beginning
of September we will evaluate if we need to switch totally online or
not. We will keep you posted!
Submissions will undergo a double blind peer review and a selection of
the best papers will be published in a Springer volume indexed on
Scopus. We are also arranging agreements for fast access to journals.
Formatting rules and submission guidelines are available on conference
website (www.itais.org/conference<http://www.itais.org/conference>).
Following the previous editions of ItAIS, we are also organizing the
“ItAIS Junior Faculty and Doctoral Consortium 2020” in the same venue
and the day before the conference. Specifically, it will take place in
the afternoon Thursday (October 15th) and in the morning Friday (October
16th). Please encourage your students and researchers at the early stage
of their career to participate in this event. More information are
available on the following webpage:
Below you will find the important dates and the titles of the tracks.
Deadline for encouraged abstract submission: May 2, 2020
Deadline for full paper submission: May 29, 2020
Notification of acceptance: July 23, 2020
Final paper submission: September 4, 2020
Junior Faculty and Doctoral Consortium: October 15-16, 2020
Conference: October 16 – 17, 2020
T01 – Organizational Change and Enabling Technologies.
Co-Chairs: F. Bolici (U. of Cassino), K. Jacobs (RWTH Aachen U.),
P.Lindgren (Aarhus U.), F. Virili (U. Sassari)
T02 – The role of e-HRM and digital innovation in Human Resources
Co-Chairs: R. Bissola (U.Cattolica), A. Lazazzara (U. Milano), S.
Strohmeier (Saarland U.), T. Torre (U. Genova)
T03 – Socio-Technical perspectives for a sustainable future of work and
Co-Chairs: P. Bednar (U. of Portsmouth), A. Locoro (LIUC), A. Ravarini
(LIUC), M. Sadok (U. of Portsmouth)
T04 – Organizing in an automated world: emerging tensions and paradoxes.
Co-Chairs: C. Alaimo (LUISS), O. Hanset (Oslo U.), N.Kazemargi (LUISS)
T05 – Accounting Information Systems for non-financial communication.
Co-Chairs: D. Mancini (U. Teramo), F. De Luca (U. Chieti-Pescara), E.
Bonson (Huelva U.), P. Piedepalumbo (U. Napoli)
T06 – New technologies for company financing.
Co-Chairs: F. Masciarelli (U. Chieti-Pescara), F. Di Pietro (Trinity
College Dublin), S. Leonelli (U. Padova)
T07 – Participation, engagement and coproduction for social innovation
and sustainable development.
Co-Chairs: W. Castelnovo (U. Insubria), P. Depaoli (Sapienza U.), N. G.
Badr (San Joseph U.)
T08 – e-Services, Social Networks, and Smartcities.
Co-Chairs: C. Metallo (U. Parthenope), L. Mola (Skema), M.Guillamon (U.
T09 – Sustainable Business Model and Digital Transformation.
Co-Chairs: C. Rossignoli (U. Verona), S. Kraus (Durham U.), A. Zardini
(U. Verona)
T10 – Digitalization and innovation in healthcare, welfare and third sector.
Co-Chairs: R. Bernardi (U. of Bristol), M. Grisot (U. of Oslo). V.
Iacopino (LUISS), A. Resca (LUISS)
T11 – Digitalizing the last mile. Organisational and societal
implication of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Industry 4.0.
Co-Chairs: A. M. Braccini (U. della Tuscia), L. Caporarello (SDA
Bocconi), E. Scornavacca (Merrick School of Business), S. Fosso Wamba
(TBS Business School)
T12 – Technological Innovations and Consumer Research.
Co-Chairs: M. Christofi (U. of Nicosia); L. Iaia (U. Chieti-Pescara)
The conference chairs, the programme chairs and the organizing committee
are looking forward to meeting you in Pescara!
The ItAIS2020 conference team
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP_International Journal of Distributed Artificial
Intelligence (IJDAI)
Date: Sun, 10 May 2020 03:03:38 +0300
From: firas raheem <60124(a)uotechnology.edu.iq>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues
Submit a Paper to the
International Journal of Distributed Artificial Intelligence (IJDAI)
The International Journal of Distributed Artificial Intelligence (IJDAI) is
a specialized journal that publishes high-quality research in all fields of
Artificial Intelligence (AI). Distributed Artificial Intelligence is a
subfield of AI concerned with coordinated, concurrent action,
decision-making, and problem-solving. This journal not only emphasis on
Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI), but it also concerned with other
fields of artificial intelligence as real-world problems. In general, it is
also covers novel ideas in emerging fields that unlimitedly include: Expert
Systems, Multi-robot systems, Intelligent Mechatronic Applications, Natural
Language Processing, Neural networks, Fuzzy Systems, Intelligent control
systems, optimization techniques, intelligent robotic systems and path
planning, learning systems, Heuristic and Metaheuristic methods. This
journal turns in abroad scope of AI Fields theoretically and practically by
encouraging scientists from different areas of science as well as
researchers from various fields studying similar concepts. IJDAI publishes
scientific research articles, reviews, technical reports, patent alerts,
and case studies on the recent advances of new AI methodologies and
IJDAI covers conceptual frameworks, case studies, empirical analysis,
analytical and simulation models of AI anthropologies and sociologies, and
their application. Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are
not limited to) the following:
Agent Environments, Languages, Models and Architectures
Agent-Based Data Mining and Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation
Agent-Based Social Simulation and Organizational Structure
Agents Emergent Behavior and Emerging Technologies
Agents in Electronic Business and Virtual Organizations
Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms
Artificial Intelligence in Embedded Systems
Artificial Intelligence Tools and Applications
Artificial Intelligent Social Systems
Artificial Swarm Intelligence and Cooperative System
Automatic Control Systems
Bayesian Methods
Bioinformatics Applications (Recognition of Face, Iris, Fingerprint,
Hand Gestures, Patterns , and Objects)
Bio-Inspired Optimization Algorithms
Data Mining and Web Mining
Distributed and Intelligent Information Fusion
Distributed Artificial Intelligent Algorithms, Techniques and
Distributed Computing and Decision Making
Dynamics of Cooperative Systems
Ethical and Legal Issues Pertaining to Agency and Multi-Agent Systems
Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence Tools
Expert Systems
Flocking System and Control
Formation Control
Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic, and Rough Sets
Graph Theory of Multi-Agent Systems
Heuristic and Metaheuristic Computing Methods
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Information Propagation and Exchange in Multi-Agent Systems
Integrated Intelligent Systems Combining Multiple Knowledge Sources
Integration of Artificial Intelligence With Other Technologies
Intelligent and Cognitive Agents
Intelligent Control Systems
Intelligent Databases
Intelligent Measurement Systems
Intelligent Mechatronic Systems and Applications
Intelligent Motion Planning Systems
Intelligent Problem Solving
Intelligent Recommender Systems
Intelligent Semantic Web Techniques and Technologies
Interactive Agents, Human-Agent Interaction, and Agent-Based User
Knowledge Management and Ontologies
Learning Methods in Multi-Agent Systems
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Multi-Agent Circuits and Systems
Multi-Robot Systems
Natural Language Processing (Processing of Text, Sign, and Speech)
Neural Networks
Parallel Computational System
Representation of Agents, Modeling Other Agents and Self
Robot Teams and Cooperative Robotic Systems
Robotic Vision Systems and Computer Vision
Robotics and Path Planning Methods
Best Regards
Dr. Firas A. Raheem
Editor-in-Chief of IJDAI
Phone: +9647704215021
Scopus Author ID: 57195571445
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-9059-5874
EDAS identifier : 1456876
ResearcherID: A-7429-2019
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [WI] CfP "Human-Centered Design for Digital Innovations” HICSS
Date: Sat, 9 May 2020 19:04:10 +0000
From: Söllner, Matthias, Uni.-Prof. Dr. <soellner(a)uni-kassel.de>
Reply-To: Söllner, Matthias, Uni.-Prof. Dr. <soellner(a)uni-kassel.de>
To: Söllner, Matthias, Uni.-Prof. Dr. <soellner(a)uni-kassel.de>
CC: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de <wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de>, WI(a)lists.kit.edu
Liebe Kolleginnen,
liebe Kollegen,
gerne möchte ich Sie dazu einladen auf unserem HICSS-Minitrack
einzureichen und gleichzeitig ich bitte Mehrfachzustellungen zu
Beste Grüße und bleiben Sie gesund
Matthias Söllner
CALL FOR PAPERS: HICSS54 “Human-Centered Design for Digital Innovations”
Minitrack (in “Knowledge Innovation and Entrepreneurial Systems” Track)
Digital products and services are progressing in their importance for
our nowadays economy. Beside technological considerations, the alignment
to human and user needs is of high relevance for the success and
sustainable use of digital innovations and related software systems.
The Minitrack offers a stimulating forum where researchers and
practitioners, who are investigating the field of „human-centered
design“ in close relationship with digital innovations, digitization and
requirements engineering, can present and discuss recent research
results on a wide range of topics, in addition to exchanging ideas,
experiences and challenging problems. We are looking for qualitative and
quantitative contributions and encourage the submission of articles in
the following domains:
* The impact of human- and user-needs on technology decisions
* Innovation management practices for digital innovations
* Archetypes of human behavior in relationship to digital innovations
and innovation outcomes
* The interlink between requirements engineering and human-centered design
* Incorporation of human-centered design and software development methods
* Measurement and impact of human-centered design on organizational
and project level on digital innovations
* Skills and capabilities for human-centered design in organizations
* Incorporation of human-centered design in business process modeling
* (Advanced) techniques for human-centered design in the development
process for digital innovations
* The application of human-centered design and Design Thinking as part
of digital transformation programs
* Testing procedures and prototyping techniques
* Approaches to increasing the acceptance of digital innovations by
users and other stakeholders
* Effectiveness of human-centered design training
* Human-centered design and innovation management practices for
digital innovation
* Governance models for digital innovations
The Minitrack encourages the submission of novel work, new ideas, and
position statements alike pertaining to solutions in the above-mentioned
areas and their empirical evaluations.
Minitrack Co-Chairs
Falk Übernickel, University of Potsdam, falk.uebernickel(a)hpi.de
Matthias Söllner, University of Kassel, soellner(a)uni-kassel.de
Manuel Wiesche, TU Dortmund University, manuel.wiesche(a)tu-dortmund.de
Daniel Mendez, Blekinge Institute of Technology, daniel.mendez(a)bth.se
Since 1968, the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
(HICSS) has been known worldwide as the longest-standing working
scientific conferences in Information Technology Management. HICSS
provides a highly interactive working environment for top scholars from
academia and the industry from over 60 countries to exchange ideas in
various areas of information, computer, and system sciences. According
to Microsoft Academic, HICSS ranks the 36th in terms of citations among
4,444 conferences in all fields worldwide.
Presented papers will be included in the Proceedings of HICSS-54
April 20, 2020: Paper submission opens
June 15, 2020: Paper Submission Deadline (11:59 pm HST)
August 17, 2020: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
September 22, 2020: Deadline for Authors to Submit Final Manuscript for
October 1, 2020: Deadline for at least one author of to register for
January 5-8, 2021: Paper presentations
Uni.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Söllner
Universitätsprofessor | Full Professor and Chair
Universität Kassel | University of Kassel
Fachgebiet Wirtschaftsinformatik und Systementwicklung (WISE) |
Information Systems and Systems Engineering
Henschelstraße 4, D-34127 Kassel
Tel. +49 561 804 3450 | Fax. +49 561 804 3621
soellner(a)uni-kassel.de <mailto:soellner@uni-kassel.de>|
www.uni-kassel.de/go/wise <http://www.uni-kassel.de/go/wise>
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] ACM RecSys 2020 3rd Call for Industry Talk Proposals and
COVID Update
Date: Fri, 08 May 2020 19:44:13 +0000
From: flaviovdf(a)dcc.ufmg.br
Reply-To: flaviovdf(a)dcc.ufmg.br
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Call for Industry Talk Proposals
Due to concerns about COVID-19, RecSys 2020 will cancel its physical
component and go fully virtual. To support authors through these
stressful times, deadlines are extended.
The ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2020) is the premier
venue for research and applications of recommendation technologies. One
of our goals is to connect communities of researchers and practitioners
from both academia and industry in order to exchange ideas, discuss
problems, and share solutions.
Industry practitioners are invited to submit talk proposals to the
RecSys conference industry track. The industry track is focused on
challenges and practical solutions to significant real-world issues
faced by industry practitioners. We encourage submissions that describe
substantial real-world challenges and novel deployed systems that power
recommendations in commercial settings. All submissions will be reviewed
by the Industry chairs and the best proposals will be chosen based on
merit and contribution to the community.
Examples of talk topics include, but are not limited to:
* Challenges faced by practitioners that are under-studied in the
research community and practical solutions
* Novel techniques that solve significant issues in practice
* Case studies of real-world implementations
* Evaluation metrics and studies
* Field and user studies
* Lessons learned from real-world deployments
* Novel recommender system applications
* Fairness and bias of recommender systems
Authors of the selected proposals will give an oral presentation in the
Industry Track and will also be invited to present a poster at the
conference poster sessions.
All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically. Papers must
be submitted to PCS by 23:59, AoE (Anywhere on Earth) on June 8th, 2020.
There will be no extensions to the submission deadline.
Formatting. ACM is changing the archive format of its publications to
separate content from presentation in the new Digital Library, enhance
accessibility, and improve the flexibility and resiliency of our
publications. Following the new ACM publication workflow, all authors
should submit manuscripts for review in a single-column format. The
maximum length for industry talk proposals is 2 pages (excluding
references) in the new single-column format. Instructions for Word and
LaTeX authors are given below:
* Microsoft Word: Write your paper using the Submission Template (Review
Submission Format). Follow the embedded instructions to apply the
paragraph styles to your various text elements. The text is in
single-column format at this stage and no additional formatting is
required at this point.
* LaTeX: Please use the latest version of the Master Article Template -
LaTeX to create your submission. You must use the "manuscript" option
with the \documentclass[manuscript]{acmart} command to generate the
output in a single-column format which is required for review. Please
see the LaTeX documentation and ACM's LaTeX best practices guide for
further instructions. To ensure 100% compatibility with The ACM
Publishing System (TAPS), please restrict the use of packages to the
whitelist of approved LaTeX packages.
Authors are strongly encouraged to provide "alt text" (alternative text)
for floats (images, tables, etc.) in their content so that readers with
disabilities can be given descriptive information for these floats that
are important to the work. The descriptive text will be displayed in
place of a float if the float cannot be loaded. This benefits the author
as well as it broadens the reader base for the author's work. Moreover,
the alt text provides in-depth float descriptions to search engine
crawlers, which helps to properly index these floats.
Should you have any questions or issues going through the instructions
above, please contact support at acmtexsupport(a)aptaracorp.com for both
LaTeX and Microsoft Word inquiries.
Accepted proposals will be later submitted to ACM's new production
platform where authors will be able to review PDF and HTML output
formats before publication.
Contents. Industry talk proposals must include the following:
* Title and abstract of the proposal presentation
* Short CV of the presenter(s) (up to 300 words)
Anonymity. All submissions will be single-blind peer reviewed. This
means that submissions should include information identifying the
authors and their organization.
* Proposal submission deadline: June 8th, 2020
* Author notification: July 13th, 2020
* Camera-ready version deadline: July 27th, 2020
* Kim Falk, Binary Vikings, Denmark
* Noam Koenigstein, Microsoft & Tel-Aviv University, Israel
* Edleno Moura, Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brazil
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Blockchain Research eWorkshop
Date: Fri, 8 May 2020 11:00:06 +0000
From: Trevor Clohessy <Trevor.Clohessy(a)gmit.ie>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Blockchain Research eWorkshop:
Beyond the Horizon - June 5th (2pm - 5pm Irish Standard
Blockchain Research eWorkshop
Title: Blockchain: Beyond the Horizon
Call for Abstracts: Deadline May 10th, 2020
Description of eWorkshop
Building on the success of two previous ECIS workshops in Portsmouth,
UK, in 2018 and in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2019, the aim of this virtual
eWorkshop is to advance the theoretical and practical discussions on
Blockchain and to provide substantial feedback to authors with an
interactive format. This eWorkshop is open to both early-stage and
advanced blockchain research projects and offers networking opportunities.
The goal of the eWorkshop is twofold: (1) giving feedback to the authors
and helping them to develop their ideas, and (2) providing virtual
networking and collaboration opportunities.
Abstract Submission Requirements/Limits
This virtual eWorkshop is open to academic, public sector, governmental
and industry participants. eWorkshop participants are selected based on
extended abstracts. These abstracts can either be ideas or suggestions
for academic papers or research collaborations or insights from proposed
or current industry blockchain projects. Either way, they should be
early stage, but show some potential.
In the abstract the authors should provide a concrete idea on the topic
they are interested in. The extended abstracts should not exceed two (2)
pages. The submitted abstracts should outline a research question, the
research method being used and the expected findings. There are no
restrictions pertaining to the academic approach. Conceptual abstracts
are fine, as are empirical (theory building and testing) and design
science papers.
The eWorkshop will be restricted to 10 presenters. Non-presenters are
also welcome to attend. Please contact the facilitating team to register
for the free eWorkshop.
All accepted authors will be expected to read all accepted papers prior
to the eWorkshop. Initially, the authors will briefly present an
overview of their research. They will then receive constructive feedback
on how they can advance their own blockchain research or projects.
Relevant Dates:
Submissions due by May 10, 2020, to be sent to eWorkshop organizers below.
Replies by May 20th, 2020
Workshops and Tutorials will be held on Friday June 5th (2pm – 5pm IST).
The eWorkshop will be held on Microsoft Teams.
Please Send Abstracts to the Facilitating team:
Trevor Clohessy, Assistant Professor,
Department of Enterprise and Technology, Galway-Mayo Institute of
Technology, Ireland
Email: trevor.clohessy(a)gmit.ie<mailto:trevor.clohessy@gmit.ie>
Eamon Walsh, Lecturer, PhD Researcher and Head of Department, Department
of Enterprise and Technology, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland
Email: eamon.walsh(a)gmit.ie<mailto:eamon.walsh@gmit.ie>
Horst Treiblmaier, Professor,
Modul University Vienna, Austria
Email: horst.treiblmaier(a)modul.ac.at<mailto:horst.treiblmaier@modul.ac.at>
Theo Stratopoulos, Associate Professor,
School of Accounting and Finance, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Email: tstratopoulos(a)uwaterloo.ca<mailto:tstratopoulos@uwaterloo.ca>
Tá an ríomhphost seo faoi réir an tséanta seo leanas atá le fáil ag
Séanadh Ríomhphost GMIT<http://www.gmit.ie/general/seanadh-riomhphoist>
This email is subject to the following disclaimer available at GMIT
Email Disclaimer<http://www.gmit.ie/general/email-disclaimer>
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP HICSS-54 minitrack on Value, Success and
Performance Measurements of Knowledge, Innovation and Entrepreneurial
Systems - Deadline: June 15
Date: Fri, 8 May 2020 18:05:00 +0200
From: Stefan Smolnik <fuh(a)smolnik.net>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
(Apologies for cross-postings of this announcement.)
54th Annual Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-54)
January 5-8, 2021 (Tuesday-Friday)
Grand Hyatt Kauai, Kauai (
Minitrack: Value, Success and Performance Measurements of Knowledge,
Innovation and Entrepreneurial Systems
Part of the Track: Knowledge Innovation and Entrepreneurial Systems
Minitrack description: Research into knowledge systems, knowledge
management (KM), organizational memories, and organizational learning has
been affected by investigations such as implementation aspects, system
developments, or knowledge flows during a number of years. Therefore, a
high maturity level of KM research has been achieved. However,
organizational knowledge/KM initiatives are more and more faced with budget
cuts and justification demands due to intense competition in today’s
business environments. The influences of the rapid pace of globalization
and of the ongoing liberalization of national and international markets
lead to the emergence of increased pressure on existing companies. Project
managers of knowledge/KM initiatives like Chief Knowledge Officers need to
justify their budgets and, thus, are in need of qualitative and
quantitative evidence of the initiatives’ success. In addition, ROI
calculations and traditional accounting approaches do not tell an adequate
story when proposing knowledge-based initiatives.
This minitrack explores research into strategies, methodologies, and
stories that relate to measuring this success. In addition, this minitrack
will be used to explore the bodies of performance measurements that define
the current state of research in measuring knowledge system, KM,
organizational memory, and organizational learning success. Eventually,
another purpose of this minitrack is to present research on how to value
knowledge-based initiatives.
Possible topics include:
- Frameworks and models for assessing knowledge systems, knowledge
management, and/or organizational memory systems
- Methodologies and processes for measuring knowledge systems, knowledge
management and/or organizational memory success and performance
- Impact of knowledge use, knowledge management strategy, organization,
systems, culture, and other issues on knowledge management/organizational
memory success
- Organizational effectiveness/efficiency due to knowledge
management/organizational memory/organizational learning, knowledge and
organizational memory use
- Knowledge systems, knowledge management, organizational memory, and
organizational learning metrics
- Knowledge systems, knowledge management, organizational memory, and
organizational learning success factors and key performance indicators
- Benchmarking of knowledge systems/knowledge management/organizational
memory initiatives
- Case studies of knowledge systems, knowledge management and
organizational memory success and performance measurements
- Measuring knowledge systems, knowledge management and/or organizational
memory performance in global organizations and globally dispersed
- Effectiveness and/or efficiency of knowledge systems/knowledge
management/organizational memory systems and/or innovation,
entrepreneurship and crowd systems
- Modeling and measuring the impact of social software on knowledge
system/knowledge management performance
- Measuring the effects and value of AI and AR implementations in/for
- Measuring the role and impact of diversity in knowledge systems/knowledge
management/organizational memory systems
- Defining knowledge systems, knowledge management and organizational
memory success
- Rigorous anecdotes and user stories and their theoretical basis to
facilitate the value of knowledge-based initiatives
- Developing grounded theory approaches to valuing knowledge-based
- Understanding knowledge-based initiatives’ activities and output as
service offerings and exploring their productivity
- Usage, adoption and success of knowledge management methods
For additional information or to submit abstracts, please contact the
minitrack co-chairs:
Murray Jennex (Primary Contact), San Diego State University, USA,
Stefan Smolnik, University of Hagen, Germany, stefan.smolnik<at>
David Croasdell, University of Nevada, Reno, USA, davec<at>unr.edu
Important Dates for HICSS-54 Paper Submission:
April 20, 2020: Paper submission begins
June 15, 2020 | 11:59 pm HST: Paper submission deadline
August 17, 2020: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
September 4, 2020: Deadline for authors to submit the revised version of
papers accepted with mandatory changes (A-M)
September 11, 2020: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection for A-M papers
September 22, 2020: Deadline for authors to submit final manuscript for
October 1, 2020: Deadline for at least one author of each paper to register
for HICSS-54
For further submission information, please see the general HICSS-54 Call
for Papers (https://hicss.hawaii.edu/authors/).
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Subject: [AISWorld] 2nd Call For Book Chapters: Handbook of Research on
Intelligent Analytics with Multi-Industry Applications
Date: Fri, 8 May 2020 09:20:29 +1000
From: Zhaohao Sun <zhaohao.sun(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CC: cmoyer(a)igi-global.com
BOOK: Handbook of Research on Intelligent Analytics with Multi-Industry
Intelligent analytics is an emerging scientific paradigm that integrates
big data/information/knowledge/wisdom, analytics and artificial
intelligence (AI) to provide smart services to our work, business, life,
industry and society. From a fundamental perspective, intelligent analytics
at least includes intelligent big data analytics, intelligent big
information analytics, intelligent big knowledge analytics, intelligent big
wisdom analytics. Intelligent analytics has been revolutionizing our work,
life, business, management, organization and industry. It becomes
disruptive technology for healthcare, web services, service computing,
cloud computing, 5G development, blockchain and social networking
computing. However, many fundamental, technological and managerial issues
in developing and applying intelligent analytics with multi-industry
applications remain open. For example, what is the foundation of
intelligent analytics? what are the elements of intelligent analytics? What
are the real big characteristics of intelligent analytics? How can apply
intelligent analytics to improve healthcare, mobile commerce, web services,
cloud services, blockchain, 5G development, digital transformation and
industries? What is the effect of intelligent analytics on business,
management, the Internet of things, cloud computing, blockchain, service
and society? This book will address these issues by exploring the
cutting-edge theory, technologies and methodologies of intelligent
analytics with multi-industry applications and emphasize integration of AI,
business intelligence, big data/information/knowledge/wisdom, and analytics
from a perspective of computing, service and management. This book also
provides applications of the proposed theory, technologies and
methodologies of intelligent analytics to e-SMACS (electronic, social,
mobile, analytics, cloud and service) commerce and services, healthcare,
the Internet of things, sharing economy, cloud computing, blockchain, and
Industry 4.0 in the real world.
This book titled “Intelligent Analytics with Multi-industry Applications”
is the first book to reveal the cutting-edge theory, technologies,
methodologies of intelligent analytics with applications. This is also the
first book demonstrating that intelligent analytics is an important enabler
for developing cloud computing, 5G, blockchains, digital transformation,
business, management, governance and services in multi-industry
applications. The proposed approaches will facilitate research, development
and applications of intelligent analytics, big
data/information/knowledge/wisdom analytics, data science, digital
transformation, e-business and web service, service computing, cloud
computing and social computing.
Aims, Scope and Target Audience
This book’s primary aim is to convey the foundations, technologies,
thoughts, and methods of intelligent analytics with multi-industry
applications to scientists, engineers, educators and university students,
business, service and management professionals, policy makers and decision
makers and others who have interest in big data, big information, big
knowledge and big intelligence and wisdom, intelligent analytics, AI, cloud
computing, the Internet of things (IoT), digital transformation, SMACS
intelligence and computing, commerce and service as well as data science,
information science, and knowledge science.
Primary audiences for this book are undergraduate, postgraduate students
and variety of professionals in the fields of big data, data science,
information science and technology, knowledge technology and engineering,
intelligence science, analytics, AI, computing, commerce, business,
services, management and government. The variety of readers in the fields
of government, consulting, marketing, business and trade as well as the
readers from all the social strata can also be benefited from this book to
improve understanding of the cutting-edge theory, technologies,
methodologies and applications of intelligent analytics with applications.
Papers as book chapters of all theoretical and technological approaches,
and applications of intelligent analytics are welcome.
Submissions that cross multiple disciplines such as management, service,
business, artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, data science,
optimization, statistics, information systems, decision sciences, and
industries to develop theory and provide technologies and applications that
could move theory and practice forward in intelligent analytics, are
especially encouraged.
Topics of contributions to this book include four parts: foundations,
technologies, applications and emerging technologies and applications of
intelligent analytics as follows.
Part I. Foundations of intelligent analytics
Topics: fundamental concepts, models/architectures, frameworks/schemes or
foundations for developing, operating, evaluating, managing intelligent
analytics. The following topics might also include, but not limited to.
• Intelligent analytics as a Science and Technology (IAaaST)
• Big Data science
• Big Data intelligence
• Intelligent Analytics for big data, information, knowledge, intelligence
and wisdom
• Intelligent analytics in business ecosystems
• Decision science for intelligent analytics
• Computing and foundations of intelligent analytics
• New computational models for Big Data
• Mathematical fundamentals of intelligent Big Data analytics
• Fuzzy logic approach to intelligent analytics
• Graph theory for intelligent analytics
• ICT fundamentals for analytics
• Intelligent visualization techniques for analytics
• Statistical modelling for intelligent analytics
• Machine learning for intelligent analytics
• Optimization techniques for intelligent analytics
• Data mining for intelligent analytics
• Business models for intelligent analytics
• Real-time algorithms for intelligent analytics
• Computing thinking for intelligent analytics
Part II. Technologies for intelligent analytics
Topics: Technologies for developing intelligent analytics might also
include the following topics, but not limited to.
* Intelligent Analytics as a System (IAaaSy)
* Intelligent Analytics as a Service (IAaaSe)
* Intelligent Analytics as a Management (IAaaM)
* Intelligent Analytics as a Business (IAaaB)
* Rule-based systems,
* Machine learning,
* Multi-agent systems,
* Neural networks systems,
* Fuzzy logic,
* Cased-based reasoning,
* Genetic algorithms,
* Data mining algorithms,
* Intelligent agents,
* Intelligent user interfaces
* Web technologies,
* Intelligent big data/information/knowledge technologies,
* Intelligent service technologies,
* Social networking technologies,
* Intelligent decision technologies,
* Intelligent management technologies and business technologies.
* Machine-to-machine communication
Part III. Multi-industry Applications of intelligent analytics
Topics: cases for using foundations and technologies in Part I, II in
multi-industry applications and various domains such as digital
transformation, blockchain, 5G, SMACS computing, commerce and services,
financial services, legal services, healthcare services, educational
services, and military services taking into account intelligent diagnostic,
descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics. The following topics
might also include, but not limited to.
* Intelligent Analytics as an application
* Intelligent analytics with applications
* Intelligent analytics-based innovation and entrepreneurship
* Intelligent analytics in business ecosystems
* Intelligent analytics with public and open data
* Intelligent analytics and markets
* Intelligent analytics for e-commerce
* Intelligent analytics for cloud computing
* Intelligent analytics for IoT
* Intelligent analytics for blockchain
* Intelligent analytics for 5G applications
* Intelligent analytics in business decision making
* Intelligent analytics in healthcare
* Marketing Analytics
* Intelligent analytics in banking industry
* Intelligent analytics in social networking services
* Intelligent analytics for Big Data, information, knowledge and
* Cybersecurity and privacy issues in Intelligent analytics.
* Intelligent analytics for management
* Intelligent analytics for risk management
* Organization analytics
Part IV. Emerging technologies and applications for intelligent analytics
Topics: Emerging technologies, methodologies, and applications for
intelligent analytics. The following topics might also include, but not
limited to
* Emergent AI-based technologies
* Emergent intelligent analytics technologies
* Challenges for intelligent big data analytics
* Challenges for intelligent big information analytics
* Challenges for intelligent big knowledge analytics
* Challenges for intelligent analytics research
* Challenges for intelligent analytics applications
* Challenges for intelligent analytics tools
Submission Procedure
Please submit a brief summary (abstract) consisting of title and round
150-200 words for the proposed chapter clearly identifying the main
objectives of your contribution online by clicking “propose a chapter” at
https://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/4539 or to
the editor at zhaohao.sun(a)gmail.com by May 30, 2020. Authors of the
accepted proposals will be notified and provided with detailed guidelines.
Full chapters are to be submitted by June 30, 2020.
Submission Format and Evaluation
This book will be developed using the eEditorial Discovery™ online
submission manager. Therefore, all manuscripts of book chapter must be
submitted online using
Every book chapter submission should consist of 8,000-12,000 words, and be
structured into sections including Abstract, Introduction, background (or
related work), main sections, future research directions, conclusion,
references. Every book chapter must be submitted in Microsoft® Word, and be
typewritten in English in APA style based on “manage source” and “insert
citation” function.
Every book chapter submission is original. Only ORIGINAL articles will be
accepted for publication by IGI-Global. Upon acceptance of your article,
you will be required to sign a warranty that your article is original and
has NOT been submitted for publication or published elsewhere.
All chapter submissions undergo a double-blind peer-review using the
eEditorial Discovery™ online submission manager. Conditioned chapters will
have an additional opportunity for being improved and evaluated. In the
second evaluation, a definitive editorial decision among: accepted or
rejected will be reported. All of the accepted chapters must be submitted
according to the Editorial publishing format rules timely. Instructions for
authors can be downloaded at:
The final chapters are copy edited/proofed by the authors prior to
submission, following the IGI Global chapter formatting and submission
Important Dates
* May 30, 2020: Proposal Submission Deadline
*June 10, 2020: Notification of Acceptance
* June 30, 2020: Full Chapter Submission
* July 30, 2020: Review Results Returned
* August 19, 2020: Final Acceptance Notification
* September 2, 2020: Final Chapter Submission.
* September – November 2020: estimated publishing period.
Editor Information
Prof. Dr. Zhaohao Sun, Ph.D.
Editor of Handbook of Research on Intelligent Analytics with Multi-Industry
Research Centre of Big Data Analytics and Intelligent Systems (BAIS)
Department of Business Studies
PNG University of Technology
Morobe, PNG
Federation University Australia
zhaohao.sun(a)gmail.com; z.sun(a)federation.edu.au
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] HICSS 2021 [CFP] Explainable Artificial
Intelligence (XAI) mini track
Date: Fri, 8 May 2020 06:34:32 +1000
From: Babak Abedin <babak.abedin(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues,
Please consider submitting to HICSS 2021: Explainable Artificial
Intelligence (XAI) mini track (
Fast track journal opportunity at *Information Systems Frontiers *
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the context of decision
analytics and service science has received significant attention in
academia and practice alike. Yet, much of the current efforts have focused
on advancing underlying algorithms and not on decreasing the complexity of
AI systems. AI systems are still “black boxes” that are difficult to
comprehend—not only for developers, but particularly for users and
decision-makers. Also, the development and use of AI is associated with
many risks and pitfalls like biases in data or predictions based on
spurious correlations (“Clever Hans” phenomena), which eventually may lead
to malfunctioning or biased AI and hence technologically driven
This is where research on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) comes
in. Also referred to as “transparent,” “interpretable,” or “understandable
AI,” XAI aims to “produce explainable models, while maintaining a high
level of learning performance (prediction accuracy); and enable human users
to understand, appropriately, trust, and effectively manage the emerging
generation of artificially intelligent partners”. XAI hence refers to “the
movement, initiatives, and efforts made in response to AI transparency and
trust concerns, more than to a formal technical concept”, eventually
impacting task performance of users.
With a focus on decision support, this minitrack aims to explore and extend
research on how to establish explainability of intelligent black box
systems—machine learning-based or not. We especially look for contributions
that investigate XAI from either a developer’s or user’s perspective. We
invite submissions from all application domains, such as healthcare,
finance, e-commerce, retail, public administration or others. Technically
and method-oriented studies as well as design science or behavioral science
approaches are welcome.
*Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:*
- *The developers’ perspective on XAI*
- XAI to open, control and evaluate black box algorithms
- Using XAI to identify bias in data
- Explainability and Human-in-the-Loop development of AI
- XAI to support interactive machine learning
- Prevention and detection of deceptive AI explanations
- XAI to discover deep knowledge and learn from AI
- *The users’ perspective on XAI*
- Presentation and personalization of AI explanations for different
target groups
- XAI to increase situational awareness, compliance behavior and task
- XAI for transparency and unbiased decision making
- Impact of explainability on AI-based decision support systems use
and adoption
- Explainability of AI in crisis situations
- Potential harm of explainability in AI
We provide the opportunity for (extended) best papers of this minitrack to
be fast-tracked to the Information Systems Frontiers (ISF) journal.
Important Dates for Paper Submission
June 15, 2020: Paper Submission Deadline (11:59 pm HST)
August 17, 2020: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Christian Meske (Primary Contact)
Freie Universität Berlin and Einstein Center Digital Future
Babak Abedin
University of Technology Sydney
Iris Junglas
College of Charleston
Fethi Rabhi
University of New South Wales
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 2nd call extension - 14th Multi Conference on
Computer Science and Information Systems 2020
Date: Thu, 07 May 2020 11:20:24 -0500
From: nat(a)iadis.org
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested colleagues and
- MCCSIS 2020 CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline for submissions (2nd call
extension): 27 May 2020 -
14th Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
(MCCSIS 2020)
21 to 25 July 2020
* IMPORTANT: Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the conference
will now be held online via Zoom.
The Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2020
(MCCSIS 2020) aims to address subjects like Computer Science,
Information Systems and other emergent related fields. The multi
conference has different conferences according to several themes.
* Conferences part of the MCCSIS 2020:
- e-Learning 2020 - eL2020 (http://www.elearning-conf.org/)
- Theory and Practice in Modern Computing 2020 - TPMC2020
- Game and Entertainment Technologies 2020 - GET2020
- ICT, Society, and Human Beings 2020 – ICT2020 (http://www.ict-conf.org/)
- Web Based Communities and Social Media 2020 - WBC2020
- Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2020 - IHCI2020
- Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing
2020 - CGVCVIP2020 (http://www.cgv-conf.org/)
- e-Health 2020 - eH2020 (http://www.ehealth-conf.org/)
- Connected Smart Cities 2020 – CSC2020 (http://www.smartcities-conf.org/)
- Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence 2020 –
BigDaCI2020 (http://www.bigdaci.org/)
* Paper Submission
These are blind peer-reviewed conferences. Authors are invited to submit
their papers in English through each conferences’ submissions system by
May 27, 2020. Submissions must be original and should not have been
published previously.
* Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline (2nd call extension): 27 May 2020
- Notification to Authors (2nd call extension): 15 June 2020
- Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration (2nd call
extension): Until 24 June 2020
- Late Registration (2nd call extension): After 24 June 2020
* Paper Publication
The papers will be published in book and electronic format with ISBN,
will be made available through the Digital Library available at
The conference proceedings will be submitted for indexation by IET’s
INSPEC, Elsevier, EI Compendex, Scopus, Thomson Reuters Web of Science,
ERIC, EBSCO and other important indexing services.
Selected authors of best papers will be invited to submit extended
versions of their papers to selected journals (i.e. IADIS International
Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems - ISSN: 1646-3692).
Best papers will also be invited to submit for review extended versions
for potential publication in journals from INDERSCIENCE Publishers.
* Organized by: International Association for Development of the
Information Society
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