-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Request for posting CFP
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2020 14:46:13 +0800
From: 陳庭安 <anna910003(a)gmail.com>
To: cfp-owner(a)alice.wu-wien.ac.at
I would like to request for posting CFP on the website. Thanks.
ICS 2020: http://ics2020.ncku.edu.tw/
DASFAA 2020: http://dm.iis.sinica.edu.tw/DASFAA2021/index.html
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Ting-An Chen
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] SLSP 2020: call for posters
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2020 05:24:45 +0200
From: IRDTA <irdta(a)irdta.eu>
Reply-To: IRDTA <irdta(a)irdta.eu>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
SLSP 2020: call for posters *To be removed from our mailing list, please
respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line*
The 8th International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech
Processing (SLSP 2020) invites researchers to submit poster
presentations. SLSP 2020 will be held in Cardiff on October 14-16, 2020.
Poster presentations are intended to enhance informal interactions with
conference participants, at the same time allowing for in-depth discussion.
Presentations displaying novel work in progress on statistical models
(including machine learning) for language and speech processing are
encouraged. Posters do not need to show final research results. Work
that might lead to new interesting developments is welcome.
Poster submission deadline: September 7, 2020
Notification of poster acceptance or rejection: September 14, 2020
Please upload a .pdf submission to:
It should contain the title, author(s) and affiliation, and should not
exceed 500 words.
Posters will be allocated 10 minutes each in the programme for oral
presentation. Moreover, they will remain hanging out during the whole
conference for discussion.
Posters will not appear in the LNCS/LNAI proceedings volume of SLSP
2020. However, they will be eligible for submission to the
post-conference journal special issue in Language Resources and
Evaluation (Springer, JCR 2018 impact factor: 1.029).
At least one author of each accepted poster must register to the
conference by September 21, 2020. The registration fare is reduced: 285
Euros. It gives the same rights all other conference participants will
have (attendance, copy of the proceedings volume, coffee breaks,
lunches). Contributors of regular papers who in addition get a poster
accepted must register for the latter independently.
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: 20th Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2020)
Conference - Scopus - Springer - Online
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2020 22:31:17 +0530
From: Ajith Abraham <ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org>
Reply-To: ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org
To: SUPPORT-VECTOR-MACHINES(a)jiscmail.ac.uk,
GASCHEDULING(a)jiscmail.ac.uk, dbworld(a)cs.wisc.edu, aisworld
<aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>, aco-list(a)iridia.ulb.ac.be, agents(a)cs.umbc.edu
** First Call for Papers - please circulate this CFP to your
colleagues and networks **
-- The 20th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems
(HIS'20) --
On the World Wide Web
December 14-16, 2020
Proceedings of HIS'2019: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030493356
Indexed by: SCOPUS, Thomson ISI Web of Science, DBLP etc.
History of HIS series: http://www.mirlabs.net/his20/previous.php
HIS 2020: Scopus & UGC Approved Proceedings:
All accepted and registered papers will be published in AISC Series of
Springer, indexed in ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, DBLP, SCOPUS,
Google Scholar and Springerlink. Proceedings will be made available
during the conference.
** Important Dates **
Paper submission due: October 15, 2020
Notification of paper acceptance: November 15, 2020
Registration and Final manuscript due: November 25, 2020
Conference: December 14-16, 2020
**About HIS 2020**
Hybridization of intelligent systems is a promising research field of
modern artificial/computational intelligence concerned with the
development of the next generation of intelligent systems. A
fundamental stimulus to the investigations of Hybrid Intelligent
Systems (HIS) is the awareness in the academic communities that
combined approaches will be necessary if the remaining tough problems
in artificial/computational intelligence are to be solved. Recently,
Hybrid Intelligent Systems are getting popular due to their
capabilities in handling several real world complexities involving
imprecision, uncertainty and vagueness. HIS'20 builds on the success
of last years. HIS'20 is the 20th International conference that brings
together researchers, developers, practitioners, and users of soft
computing, computational intelligence, agents, logic programming, and
several other intelligent computing techniques. The aim of HIS'20 is
to increase the awareness of the research community of the broad
spectrum of hybrid techniques, to bring together AI researchers from
around the world to present their cutting-edge results, to discuss the
current trends in HIS research, to develop a collective vision of
future opportunities, to establish international collaborative
opportunities, and as a result to advance the state of the art of the
**Author guidelines**
Proceedings are expected to be published by:
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, which is now indexed by
ISI Proceedings, DBLP. Ulrich's, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt
Math, MetaPress, Springerlink
Papers maximum length is 10 pages.
- Papers must be formatted according to Springer format (Latex/word)
available at: http://www.springer.com/series/11156
**Submission system**
HIS 2020: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=his20201
HIS 2020 Organization:
General Chairs
Ajith Abraham, Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs), USA
Thomas Hanne, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern
Switzerland, Switzerland
Oscar Castillo, Tijuana Institute Technology, Mexico
Program Chairs
Tatiane Nogueira Rios, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil
Tzung-Pei Hong, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
**Technical Contact**
Dr. Ajith Abraham
Email: ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Last CFPs: [IMISC2020] - (MDPI Proceedings) Virtual
Conference, December 9-11, 2020
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2020 14:33:20 +0300
From: Serhat Peker <serhatpeker77(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
# *7th International Management Information Systems Conference (IMISC2020)*:
Call for Papers
* Izmir Bakircay University, Turkey *(will be held virtually)*
* December 9-11, 2020
* http://2020.imisc.net/en/homepage/
* Contact: imisc2020(a)bakircay.edu.tr
All papers registered and presented at the conference will be
submitted to *MDPI
Proceedings*. Authors of selected accepted papers presented at the
conference will be invited to submit extended versions of their manuscripts
for consideration in international journals.
*Important Dates*
Paper submission deadline: 15 Sep. 2020
Notification of the evaluation results to authors: 18 Oct. 2020
Final Manuscript Due: 25 Oct. 2020
Paper acceptance letters to authors: 1 Nov. 2020
Early registration: 8 Nov. 2020
Preliminary Program: 24 Nov. 2020
*Main Topics*
· Information Security and Law
· Information Management
· Information Systems
· Cloud Computing and Business Applications
· Big Data and Analytics
· Digital Transformation and Media
· Industry 4.0
· E-applications
· Internet Technologies
· Innovation and Management
· Decision Support Systems & Business Intelligence
· Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
· Internet of Things
· Data Science and Business Applications
· Data Mining and Process Mining
· Data Governance
· Cybersecurity & Connectedness
· Social Media
· Health Informatics
· Information Systems in Pandemic and Crisis Management
*Registration Fees*
Early Registration
Late Registration
*40 Euro *
*50 Euro*
Additional Paper
*20 Euro*
*25 Euro*
Best Regards,
IMISC2020 Organizing Committee
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CRC Press/Routledge (T&F): Call for Book Chapters
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2020 07:12:32 +0000
From: #KULKARNI ANAND JAYANT# <KULK0003(a)e.ntu.edu.sg>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Metaheuristic Algorithms in Industry 4.0
Aim and Scope
Optimization is widely used in all disciplines for various industrial
applications including product design, static/transient analyses, plant
layout, supply chain, inventory planning, production
planning/scheduling, automation, robotics, building architecture,
material handling, tooling, assembly line balancing, system
modeling/identification, tuning of various controllers, machine learning
and many more. Due to increasing industry 4.0 practices, massive
industrial process data is now available for researchers for modeling
and optimization. Artificial intelligence methods can be applied to the
ever-increasing process data to achieve robust control against foreseen
/ unforeseen system fluctuations. Smart computing techniques, machine
learning, deep learning and computer vision will be inseparable from the
highly automated factories of tomorrow. Effective cybersecurity will be
a must for all internet of things (IoT) enabled work and office spaces.
Optimization promises to play a pivotal role in this interplay of
physical machines, control systems and artificial intelligence. However,
the traditional optimization methodologies are inept at handling
complexities of big data analytics and new age dynamic systems.
Metaheuristics are nature inspired answers to such 21st century world
problems. Metaheuristics are typically socio inspired, bio inspired or
physics derived algorithms based on simple principles that have proven
effective in varied domains. With respect to advanced control systems,
metaheuristics can be applied for selection of controllers as per
different applications such as auto tuning of systems. Effective
industry 4.0 implementation will include integration of cyber physical
systems, control systems, IoT, smart computing, novel sensor
applications, collaborative robotics, intelligent fault diagnosis and
predictive maintenance for smart factories of tomorrow.
We invite original chapter contributions (industrial case studies will
be preferred) associated with metaheuristics in industry 4.0 as per the
following list (not limited to) -
1. Introduction to Metaheuristics
2. Introduction to Industry 4.0
3. Survey on Metaheuristics in Control Systems
4. Survey on Metaheuristic Applications in Sensor Networks
5. Real Time System Identification and Advanced Controllers for Industry
4.0 - case studies involving metaheuristics
6. Wireless Sensor Networks and Metaheuristics in Industry 4.0
7. Survey on Cyber Physical Systems and Smart Computing
8. Cyber Physical Systems and Metaheuristics in Industry 4.0
9. Metaheuristics in Machine Learning / Deep Learning and Cybersecurity
(Industry 4.0 perspective)
10. Survey on Evolution of Robotics and Smart Factories
11. Metaheuristics in Robotics and Smart Manufacturing
12. Metaheuristics in Predictive Analytics / Predictive Maintenance
Interested contributors are requested to prepare chapter(s) from the
above list and send submissions to the Editors at
Important Dates
Full Chapter Submission: October 31, 2020
(No more than 30 pages)
Chapter Review Notification: November 25, 2020
Revised Chapter Due: December 25, 2020
Final Acceptance: January 15, 2021
Expected Publication Date: March 15, 2021
Pritesh Shah
Symbiosis Institute of Technology
Symbiosis International (Deemed University)
Pune 412115, MH, India
Email: pritesh.shah(a)sitpune.edu.in<mailto:pritesh.shah@sitpune.edu.in>
Ravi Sekhar
Symbiosis Institute of Technology
Symbiosis International (Deemed University)
Pune 412115, MH, India
Email: ravi.sekhar(a)sitpune.edu.in<mailto:ravi.sekhar@sitpune.edu.in>
Anand J Kulkarni
Symbiosis Center for Research and Innovation
Symbiosis International (Deemed University)
Pune 412115, MH, India
Patrick Siarry
Laboratory of Image, Signal and Intelligent Systems
Paris-Est Creteil University, France
Email: siarry(a)u-pec.fr<mailto:siarry@u-pec.fr>
Anand J Kulkarni PhD, MASc, BEng, DME
Associate Professor
Symbiosis Center for Research and Innovation
Symbiosis International (Deemed University)
Pune 412 115, MH, India
Email: anand.kulkarni(a)sitpune.edu.in<mailto:anand.kulkarni@sitpune.edu.in>
Ph: 91 20 6193 6790
Google Scholar:
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Pre-ICIS SIGDSA 2020 Symposium (Virtual): Research
Track CFP
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2020 09:55:18 -0400
From: Deokar, Amit <deokar.amit(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Pre-ICIS SIGDSA 2020 Symposium (Virtual)
Research Track: Call for Papers
The Association for Information Systems’ Special Interest Group on Decision
Support and Analytics (SIGDSA) is seeking forward-thinking research in all
the areas of Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning,
Business Intelligence, and Decision Support with a special focus on
Analytics for Solving Grand and Global Challenges.
The symposium aims to bring together researchers and scholars to present
their work on harnessing analytics and data science techniques for enabling
innovative applications, products, and services for addressing societal and
organizational challenges. Research submissions particularly related to the
theme of the symposium are especially invited for submission. Selected
papers from the symposium will receive additional feedback at the SIGDSA
symposium. Selected papers will be invited for the special issue of the
Journal of Business Analytics on the symposium theme. Other traditional
areas are equally encouraged as well.
In recent years, organizations have made progress in moving towards
data-driven decision-making that allows them to be more agile and
responsive in the face of global uncertainties and challenges. Yet, with an
unprecedented global pandemic that has shaken the world, many of these
challenges have exacerbated and new ones emerged. Research is needed to
examine the role of data and analytics in addressing such challenges and to
make organizations and societies more resilient. Further research is also
required for societal, organizational, and individual issues stemming from
the anytime/anywhere connectedness and the abundance of data becoming
available from the Internet of Things (IoT), social media, and
technology-facilitated human networks. Additionally, applying a fundamental
understanding of human decision-making theories and established principals
of decision support systems and approaches – we recognize the need to lift
the current body of knowledge in this area to come up with robust new
business models and technical architectures that may transform
organizations and societies.
This research track aims to promote computational, theoretical
(mathematical or social sciences driven) as well as empirical studies in
the areas of data analytics, big data, and their various applications in
different domains. We seek comprehensive Completed Research or early-stage
Research-in-Progress papers on topics including, but not limited to:
- Covid-19, pandemic, crisis, emergency management research
- Application of analytics to solve grand and global problems such as
healthcare, sustainability, food, poverty, clean energy, climate, inclusive
societies, More examples can be found on this United Nations webpage (
www.un.org/en/sections/issues-depth/global-issues-overview/ ).
- Data and analytics for diverse societal applications, e.g., smart cities,
smart and connected communities, smart health, smart energy management
- Risks and benefits of interconnected decision-making e.g. privacy
considerations in the use of data and analytics
- Ethical considerations of data analytics and artificial intelligence
- Dark side of artificial intelligence
- Supporting innovation and data-driven decision making with analytics
- Analytics and data science techniques for creating innovative
applications and offering innovative products and services
- Data analytics in various business sectors, e.g., financial services,
manufacturing, retail, pharmaceutical, healthcare, government,
agribusiness, hospitality, and entertainment, etc.
- Artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for organizations: models,
methods, cases, and examples
- Machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, and active
learning methodologies and applications for organizational decision support
- Social media and marketing analytics
- Analytics connecting data and processes, e.g., process mining
- Analytics using IoT devices such as wearables, RFID, etc.
- Data analytics applications and use for customer relationship management
- Data analytics applications and use for supply chain management
- Data mining with blockchains and cryptocurrencies
- Data analytics and business intelligence theory and applications
- Data analytics in behavioral research
- Text analytics / Natural language processing applications
- Data analytics technologies and applications
- Data and analytics in shaping public policy
- Methodological issues of developing systems based on connected, big data
Important Dates
The submission deadline is *September 10, 2020 (11:59 PM Pacific Standard
Time)*. Visit the Important Dates section for up-to-date information on
other key dates at https://preicissigdsa2020.wordpress.com/important-dates/.
Submission Categories in Research Track
Completed research papers are full-length papers documenting the results of
finished research projects. They should be similar to journal submissions,
but shorter. They should include analyses and results. Completed research
papers must not exceed fourteen (14) single-spaced pages. All text,
figures, tables, and appendices must be included within the page limit. The
abstract, keywords and references are excluded from this page count.
Research-in-progress papers typically describe work that is promising, but
ongoing and incomplete. Research-in-progress papers must not exceed seven
(7) single-spaced pages. All text, figures, tables, and appendices must be
included within the page limit. The abstract, keywords and references are
excluded from this page count.
If accepted, full research papers will get 20 min for presentation plus 5
min for discussion, Research-in-progress papers will get 10 for
presentation and 5 min for discussion.
Submission and Publication Guidelines
All original submissions and camera-ready versions must conform to the
submission template. Download the submission template from
Original submissions must not contain any author information. Upon
acceptance, the camera-ready version of the manuscript must contain author
information, as mentioned in the submission template.
Papers will be submitted through the EasyChair submission system
(submitting author needs to create an account to submit the paper):
EasyChair Paper Submission Link (
All submitted manuscripts will go through a double-blind review process.
Authors of accepted papers will have the option of publishing: (a) the
complete manuscript OR (b) an extended abstract (single-spaced 2-3 pages)
as part of the symposium proceedings on AIS eLibrary. If authors choose to
publish only the extended abstract, authors will retain the copyright of
the manuscript submitted for review and feedback.
When submitting the camera-ready version of the manuscript, we suggest that
authors share any pertinent data with the symposium attendees as feasible
(optional, but encouraged). This guideline is meant to encourage data
sharing with the broader research community and replicability of research
results. In preparing your submission, we suggest that the authors review
the following helpful tips. Ensure that —
- The topic is relevant to the symposium theme and will draw an audience
- Objectives are clear and well-described
- Paper is clearly written
- Paper is well organized and flows logically
- The literature review is relevant, comprehensive and up-to-date
- Analyses (conducted or proposed) are appropriate
- Evidence supports the authors’ arguments
- Paper makes useful contributions (or, has the potential to make
contributions) to the field
- The reference list is complete
Journal Publication Opportunity
Selected papers from the research track in the symposium will be eligible
for a fast-track review for publication consideration in the following
journals. Nominated papers nominated will receive more feedback through a
workshop from the journal editors. It should be noted that the papers will
go through a rigorous review process with no guarantee of acceptance. The
papers will need to be extended and then submitted to the journal to be
considered for publication.
Special Issue of Journal of Business Analytics on Analytics for Grand and
Global Challenges, (Guest Editors: Ashish Gupta, Haya Ajjan, and Ciara
Heavin). Submissions will be selected from SIGDSA 2020 symposium
submissions and will be invited for presentation at a special workshop at
SIGDSA 2020 symposium to receive feedback from the editors. These papers
will be invited for full submission in this special issue. More information
on this will be available on the symposium website shortly. In the
meantime, please send your queries to the guest editor (Ashish Gupta,
Best Paper Award
One paper from the research track will be selected for the “Best Paper”
award recognition at the symposium.
Best Reviewer Award
One reviewer from the research track will be selected for the “Best
Reviewer” award recognition at the symposium.
Doctoral Research Award
The objective of this award is to encourage doctoral students to
participate in AIS SIGDSA events and to financially support the
presentation of their research at the Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium. One or two
awards will be given on a competitive basis.
The award entails:
- Recognition as a recipient of the SIGDSA Doctoral Research Award at the
Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium
- Waived registration for the symposium.
Eligibility: To be considered for the doctoral research award, a student
must be:
- A doctoral student in IS or related field in good standing at his/her
- The sole or primary author of a paper accepted for presentation at the
research track in the Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium
- Able to (virtually) attend and present in a research session at the
Pre-ICIS SIGDSA symposium.
- A student must submit a manuscript by the deadline stated in the call for
papers for the pre-ICIS symposium research track call for papers.
- To be considered for the award, a student must email Program Co-Chairs
and Research Track Co-Chairs (see
preicissigdsa2020.wordpress.com/committees-advisory-board/) with the
following details:
(a) Email Subject line: Pre-ICIS SIGDSA 2020 Research Track Submission:
Submission for Doctoral Research Award
(b) The email should contain the paper title, abstract, and author name(s).
(c) The email should specify the doctoral student’s name, institution, and
doctoral student’s primary advisor name (optional).
(d) The email should specify the role of the doctoral student as the sole
or primary author of the paper.
• All papers will be subject to the general review process for the
symposium research track.
• All papers submitted for award consideration will be reviewed by a
special SIGDSA committee as designated by the symposium program chairs.
Research Track Co-Chairs
For questions regarding the submissions to the research track, please
Amit Deokar, amit_deokar(a)uml.edu, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
Babita Gupta, bgupta(a)csumb.edu, California State University Monterey Bay,
Samuel Fosso Wamba, s.fosso-wamba(a)tbs-education.fr, Toulouse Business
School, France
We recommend including the ‘Pre-ICIS SIGDS 2020 Research Track Question’ as
your email subject line.
Amit Deokar
Associate Professor of Management Information Systems
Robert J. Manning School of Business
University of Massachusetts Lowell
1 University Ave., Pulichino Tong Business Center, Room 436, Lowell, MA
Phone: 978.934.5524 (O) • E-mail: amit_deokar(a)uml.edu
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Final Notice: Six Current Topics in ICT
Standardisation - Free Online Panel Discussions
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2020 10:53:06 +0200
From: Kai Jakobs <kai.jakobs(a)cs.rwth-aachen.de>
Reply-To: kai.jakobs(a)cs.rwth-aachen.de
Organization: RWTH Aachen University
To: AISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
***With apologies for cross-posting***
Dear All,
This year's conference on 'Standardisation and Innovation in IT' has
been postponed until Autumn 2021. Instead, we are organising six online
panel discussions on current standardisation-related topics
* The Role of ICT Standardisation in Combatting Covid-19
* The Future of Intellectual Property and Standards -- What Do the
Data Tell Us?
* Can API Standardisation Ensure Fair Competition with the Tech Giants?
* Standards and Global Trade: TBT vs. Digital Trade Barriers?
* Re-designing Standardisation for Inclusivity
* Big Data and AI Standards as Contributors to UN SDGs
The panels will be held on 2-3 September.
More information may be found on the event's web site
<https://siit2020.org/>. Registration (via the web site) is free of
charge, but required. So, feel free to register and to listen in or to
take part in the discussions.
Greetings from Aachen and enjoy the weekend.
Kai Jakobs
RWTH Aachen University
Computer Science Department
Informatik 4 (Communication and Distributed Systems)
Ahornstr. 55, D-52074 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: +49-241-80-21405
Fax: +49-241-80-22222
EURAS - The European Academy for Standardisation.
The International Journal of Standardization Research.
The 'Advances in Standardization Research' book series.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] JSD - CFP special issue on Decision-Making
Frameworks and Methods for Crisis Management in a Global Pandemic
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 20:05:05 +0000
From: Jose Manuel Mora Tavarez <jose.mora(a)edu.uaa.mx>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CC: Gloria Wren <gwren(a)loyola.edu>, Fen Wang <Fen.Wang(a)cwu.edu>,
jorge.marx.gomez(a)uni-oldenburg.de <jorge.marx.gomez(a)uni-oldenburg.de>
Journal of Decision Systems
Special Issue on Decision-Making Frameworks and Methods for Crisis
Management in a Global Pandemic
SUBMISSION DUE DATE: October 31, 2020
Global pandemics can be considered infrequent events (Lepan, 2020). In
the 1900-2020 time period, there were nine pandemics including the
Spanish Flu (1918-1919), HIV/AIDS (1981 - present), MERS (2015 -
present) and now COVID-19 (2020). These pandemics have had significant
impacts on global health, and some of them, including the current
COVID-19 pandemic, have drastically modified all human dimensions -
health, economic, educational, social, and recreational (Walker et al.,
2020; IMF, 2020; Burgess & Sievertsen; Nicola et al., 2020; Liu et al.,
2020; Gössling et al., 2020).
Thus, the pressing global COVID-19 pandemic calls for scientific efforts
to cope with its consequential negative effects on human health and
activities. One way to mitigate some of these impacts is to develop and
employ decision systems and analytics to provide data and analysis to
support decision making. Descriptive, predictive and prescriptive
analytics (Delen & Ram, 2018) together with advanced decision-making
processes can provide effective, efficient, and ethical decisional
support to core stakeholders and decision makers (Araz, 2013; Mora et
al., 2014; Moberg et al., 2018; Rehfuess et al., 2019; Currie et al.,
2020; Shearer et al., 2020; Squazzoni et al., 2020).
Consequently, the COVID-19 crisis has revealed that new and updated
decisional concepts, frameworks, methods and technologies (Hevner et
al., 2004; Arnott & Pervan, 2014) are required to assist decision makers
and policymakers in the context of a global pandemic crisis (Ionnadis,
2020; Currie et al., 2020).
The objective of this special issue is to advance decision support
methods and decision-making processes to efficiently, effectively, and
ethically manage critical decisions on core human dimensions (health,
economic, educational, social, and recreational) impacted by global
pandemics such as COVID-19. High-quality conceptual and empirical
research papers are invited from
the international interdisciplinary scientific community interested in
helping to devise potential solutions from a decision-making perspective.
Consistently with the overall aim of the Journal of Decision Systems,
the following topics are welcome in this special issue (but are not
limited to):
* Theoretical aspects of decision making in a crisis
* Methods and applications of decision support in a crisis
* Machine learning to support decision making in a crisis
* Case studies of decision support in a crisis
* Decision systems with descriptive analytics (visualization,
dashboards, reporting, spatial systems)
* Decision systems with predictive analytics (data mining, text/web
mining, machine learning, soft systems)
* Decision systems with prescriptive analytics (DSS, MADM, MCDM, KBS,
KMS, networking science, optimization, simulation)
* Collaborative decision-making frameworks, methods, and processes
* Distributed decision-making frameworks, methods, and processes
* Ethical decision-making frameworks, methods, and processes
* Post-pandemic era implications for business decision makers
* Post-pandemic era implications for policy makers
First submission deadline – October 31, 2020
First editorial decision deadline – December 15, 2020
Second version submission deadline (conditioned papers) - January 31, 2021
Definitive editorial decision deadline – February 28, 2021
Camera-ready paper submission deadline – March 15, 2021
Information on the Journal of Decision
Information about submission
Prof. Gloria Phillips-Wren, Loyola University Maryland, USA,
Prof. Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico,
Prof. Fen Wang, Central Washington University, USA, fen.wang(a)cwu.edu
Prof. Jorge Marx Gomez, University of Oldenburg, Germany,
Araz, O. (2013). Integrating complex system dynamics of pandemic
influenza with a multi-criteria decision making model for evaluating
public health strategies. Journal of Systems Science and Systems
Engineering, 22(3), 319-339.
Arnott, D., & Pervan, G. (2014). A Critical Analysis of Decision Support
Systems Research Revisited: The Rise of Design Science. Journal of
Information Technology, 29(4), 269-293.
Burgess, S., & Sievertsen, H. H. (2020). Schools, skills, and learning:
The impact of COVID-19 on education. VoxEu. org, 1. Online document at:
Currie, C. S., Fowler, J. W., Kotiadis, K., Monks, T., Onggo, B. S.,
Robertson, D. A., & Tako, A. A. (2020). How simulation modelling can
help reduce the impact of COVID-19. Journal of Simulation, 1-15.
Delen, D., & Ram, S. (2018). Research challenges and opportunities in
business analytics. Journal of Business Analytics, 1(1), 2-12.
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