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Subject: [WI] CFP: Towards the Future of Enterprise Systems Minitrack
(HICSS 2022)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 14:00:02 +0200
From: Benedict.Bender(a)wi.uni-potsdam.de
Reply-To: Benedict.Bender(a)wi.uni-potsdam.de
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
HICSS 2022 CFP: Towards the Future of Enterprise Systems Minitrack
The minitrack is located within the Organizational Systems and
Technology track:
Minitrack Co-chairs: Norbert Gronau (norbert.gronau(a)wi.uni-potsdam.de),
Benedict Bender (benedict.bender(a)wi.uni-potsdam.de)
Deadline for submission of manuscripts: June 15, 2021
Enterprise systems have long played an important role in businesses of
various sizes. With the increasing complexity of today’s business
relationships, specialized application systems are being used more and
more. Moreover, emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence are
becoming accessible for enterprise systems and entail new requirements.
This raises the question of the future role of enterprise systems. In
particular, the integrative, all-encompassing approach of early system
versions is in question.
In order for ERP systems to continue to fulfill their essential role,
the systems must adapt to the new needs of organizations and respond to
the technological advancements in the market. From an architectural
perspective, this requires adaptations at all major architectural levels
of ERP systems architecture. From an organizational perspective, new
solutions for technical integration and interoperability are needed.
With regards to the selection and implementation process, new topics
such as cloud-based operation models increase the complexity of decision
This minitrack covers topics that contribute to the future role of
enterprise systems. This include but are not limited to the following
* Architecture of enterprise systems
* Reference models for enterprise systems and processes
* Industry-specific adoption of enterprise systems
* Enterprise architecture management (system & interface management)
* Interoperability of enterprise systems with the firm and along the
* Decision support (data-driven decisions)
* User interface — usability, personalization of enterprise systems,
mobile ERP, new forms of interaction (e.g., speech recognition in ES)
* Decision support for managerial decision on enterprise systems
(e.g., cloud vs. on-premises vs. hybrid)
* Artificial intelligence and machine learning in enterprise systems
(sales, procurement, logistics, financial accounting, master data
* ERP as (software) platforms: openness of ERP systems, new level of
modularity of enterprise systems (extensions)
* Processes and workflows in enterprise systems (workflow management
systems as part of enterprise systems)
* Database approaches in enterprise systems
Submissions may include, but are not limited to research papers
(conceptual, theoretical, and empirical studies), as well as case
studies, and best practices with managerial guidance.
Papers accepted for presentation at HICSS in the minitrack with the
potential to shape the future role of enterprise systems will be
considered for fast-track submission to the AIS Transactions on
Enterprise Systems Journal (https://enterprise-systems.net/
June 15, 2021 Submission full manuscripts
August 17, 2021 Acceptance Notifications
September 22, 2021 Deadline for Final Manuscript
October 1, 2021 Deadline for at least one author to register
Best regards,
Norbert Gronau
Benedict Bender
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Subject: [AISWorld] Advances in AI and Machine Learning: Applications,
Challenges & Concerns; 4th IEEE Intl Workshop at COMPSAC, Madrid, July 2021
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 22:28:27 +1000
From: San Murugesan <san1(a)internode.net>
Reply-To: san(a)computer.org
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML):
Applications, Challenges & Concerns
Call for Papers and Participation
Submissions Due: 21 April 2021
The goals of AIML 2021 are to present a variety of novel AI applications and
case studies; to examine risks and concerns of AI and machine learning (ML);
to outline practical challenges in formulating an AI strategy and deploying
AI applications; to facilitate interaction and information exchange among AI
researchers, practitioners, and business executives; and to discuss new
concepts such as AI for good, Responsible AI, and Explainable AI.
After decades of generous promises and frustrating disappointments,
artificial intelligence (AI) is delivering real-world benefits, and adopters
in businesses and industry in different sectors are embracing the promise of
AI reaping significant benefits. To make the connected, smartening world,
smarter and to embrace AI for good for the benefit of the society,
information on recent and ongoing progress and new innovative applications,
as well as challenges and lessons learned need to be shared and discussed.
This workshop is aligned with this year’s conference theme, “Intelligent and
Resilient Computing for a Collaborative World.”. It’ll cover several
elements of AI research and practice and socio-technical challenges facing
adoption of AI in new innovative applications, outline status of AI in
practice, and examine AI’s yet to be realised potential.
This workshop will facilitate much needed interaction and information
exchange among AI researchers, practitioners and business executives. It
will provide an interactive forum for discussion on recent and ongoing
developments, key issues and challenges, and practices related to AI
applications. It will also serve as a platform to present case studies and
application experience as well as to demonstrate applications and software
tools. Researchers and practitioners from all over the world, from academia,
industry, and government will be invited to present their work and
perspectives and participate in the workshop.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Advances in AI and machine learning, deep learning, cognitive
computing, intelligent agent, chatbot
* AI strategy for business and industry
* AI applications in industry, business, healthcare, and education and
* AI in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic
* AI in government
* AI for social good
* AI in legal practice, and legal aspects of AI (liability, etc)
* Entertainment in the AI age
* AI for enhancing information security and privacy
* Work in the age of AI
* Trust, resilience, privacy and security issues in AI applications
* Testing and validation of AI and ML applications
* Risks, limitations, and challenges of AI and ML
* Legal, regulatory, ethical aspects of AI
* AI: promise vs practice
* Societal implication of the rise of AI
* Cloud AI
* Human-centered AI
* Explainable AI
* Responsible AI
* Human-machine co-existence and collaboration
* Intelligent, autonomous robots and cars
* Industry 4.0
* Smart society
* AI and IoT
* Case studies, experience reports, lessons learned
* Overview of AI activities in a region/country
* The Future of AI
Important Dates
Workshop papers due: 21 April 2021
Workshop paper notifications: 15 May 2021
Camera-ready and registration due: 31 May 2021
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research work, as well
as industrial practice reports. Simultaneous submission to other publication
venues is not permitted. In accordance with IEEE policy, submitted
manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism. Instances of alleged misconduct
will be handled according to the IEEE Publication Services and Product Board
Operations Manual.
Please note that in order to ensure the fairness of the review process,
COMPSAC follows the double-blind review procedure. Therefore we kindly ask
authors to remove their names, affiliations and contacts from the header of
their papers in the review version. Please also redact all references to
authors’ names, affiliations or prior works from the paper when submitting
papers for review. Once accepted, authors can then include their names,
affiliations and contacts in the camera-ready revision of the paper, and put
the references to their prior works back.
Workshop papers are limited to 6 pages. Page limits are inclusive of tables,
figures, appendices, and references. Workshop papers can add an additional 2
pages with additional page charges ($250USD/page).
Paper Templates
ml> IEEE Paper templates are available in MS Word 2003 and LaTex. All
submissions must use US 8.5×11 letter page format.
Workshop Organizers
San Murugesan, Director BRITE Professional Services; Editor in Chief
Emeritus, IEEE CS IT Professional, Australia, san1(a)internode.net
<mailto:san1@internode.net> , www.tinyurl.com/san1bio
<http://www.tinyurl.com/san1bio> ’
Yunji Liang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, P.R.China,
liangyunji(a)nwpu.edu.cn <mailto:liangyunji@nwpu.edu.cn>
Lia Morra, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, lia.morra(a)polito.it
Piyush Saxena, Direct Supply, USA, piyush.saxena.phd(a)gmail.com
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP HICSS Minitrack "Business Rule Management Technologies"
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 11:20:35 +0000
From: Patrick Delfmann <delfmann(a)live.uni-koblenz.de>
Reply-To: Patrick Delfmann <delfmann(a)live.uni-koblenz.de>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
Dear Colleagues,
we invite you to contribute to the minitrack "Business Rule Management
Technologies" at the 55th Hawai’i International Conference on System
Sciences (HICSS55), which will be held from January 4 to 7, 2022, at the
Hyatt Regency Maui, Hawai’i, USA.
*Call for papers: Business Rule Management Technologies*
A minitrack at HICSS55, January 4 to 7, 2022, at the Hyatt Regency Maui
Business rules are currently evolving into a central artifact for
enabling Business Process Management and Compliance Management.
While standards for rule modeling such as Decision Model and Notation
(DMN) or Declare are more and more maturing, the actual management of
business rules seems strongly neglected in research.
This track therefore welcomes submissions that ad-dress sustainable
business rules management (BRM) in organizations, including, but not
limited to:
Strategic alignment of BRM, e.g., maturity models, organizational or
economic aspects regarding the implementation of BRM
•Rule capturing and mining
•(Collaborative) rule modelling
•Rule organizing and verification
•Rule integration into (collaborative) processes
•Rule-based system automation
•Rule-based model query and compliance monitoring
•Business rule management lifecycle approaches
We welcome works from a variety of theoretical backgrounds such as
qualitative research, design science research or case-studies.
Research regarding state-of-the art rule management systems and tools is
also encouraged.
*Important Dates for Paper Submission*
June 15, 2021, 11:59 pm HST: Paper Submission Deadline
August 17, 2021: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
September 22, 2021: Deadline for Authors to Submit Final Manuscript for
October 1, 2021: Deadline for at least one author of each paper to
register for HICSS-55
Further information can be found at
Best regards!
*Minitrack Co-Chairs:*
Carl Corea (Primary Contact)
University of Koblenz-Landau
ccorea(a)uni-koblenz.de <mailto:ccorea@uni-koblenz.de>
Patrick Delfmann
University of Koblenz-Landau
delfmann(a)uni-koblenz.de <mailto:delfmann@uni-koblenz.de>
Faruk Hasic
KU Leuven
faruk.hasic(a)kuleuven.be <mailto:faruk.hasic@kuleuven.be>
Estefanía Serral Asensio
KU Leuven
*Prof. Dr. Patrick Delfmann*
*Research Group Corporate Communication Systems*
Faculty of Computer Science, University of Koblenz-Landau
Universitätsstraße 1 – 56070 Koblenz – Germany
Phone: +49 (0)261 287 2516 – E-Mail: delfmann(a)uni-koblenz.de
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Fwd: Call for papers: Blockchain-based Applications
for Information Sharing and Management in e-Government
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 13:53:03 +0200
From: Svein Ølnes <sol(a)vestforsk.no>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear researcher,
As Topic Editors for Frontiers in Blockchain's "Blockchain-based
Applications for Information Sharing and Management in e-Government
we invite you to submit your research within the topic (see CfP text
below). Ideally, we should have the abstract within April 30th and a full
paper within the 21st of July this year.
We hope the topic is interesting to you and that we can publish more
research in this important area and application of blockchain technology.
Best regards,
Svein Ølnes, Western Norway Research Institute
- on behalf of the Topic Editors
*About the topic*
In the past years, researchers and practitioners have highlighted the
potential of Blockchain Technology (BCT) and distributed ledger technology
(DLT) to revolutionize government processes. Transactions and information
exchange between governmental organizations (G2G), between business and
government (B2G), as well as between governments and citizens (G2C), can be
transformed by using blockchain-based applications. These applications can
benefit stakeholders by improving the efficiency of information exchanges
(e.g. leading to less fraud and fewer mistakes than paper-based
registrations) and can contribute more widely to an inclusive society (e.g.
by means of secure and user-controlled digital identities, access to data
for all, rule of law and at the same time privacy protection). All papers
should include detailed consideration of how the work contributes to
‘good’, and for whom.
BCT offers the opportunity to organize information exchange and retrieval
between multiple government agencies on the one hand and with other
organizations on the other hand: with private organizations, NGO’s, but
also with citizens. These processes relate to information exchange at
different levels of government, be it national, federal, provincial or at a
municipal level. Blockchain-based applications can be an efficient and
effective way to deliver government services by means of breaking down
centralized information silos that exist between these organizations.
Subsequently, BCT has the potential to create secure and immutable data
processes that support services delivery in all kinds of governmental
processes: land registry, identities, permits, procurements, taxation,
health care provision, simplified access to data, maintaining a history of
all transactions, data protection etc.
Digital innovations for information sharing and management in e-government
require solid analysis of extant information architectures, processes and
involved stakeholders to design the necessary digital innovation.
Governmental organisations need a thorough understanding of the blockchain
design principles, the possible applications in the domain of e-government
and the exploration of governance mechanisms to deal with the limitations
and challenges of the BC technology. Governance of blockchain technology is
important for its use in both the public sector and the private sector.
Governance can also be *of* the technology, which will typically be a
responsibility for governments, and *by* the technology, which will concern
both public and private sectors.
Case studies can contribute to this understanding and illustrate the
potential of blockchain in G2G, B2G and C2G processes, highlighting the
benefits it brings to transactions and information exchange in these
contexts. We welcome original research papers, (literature) review papers
and case-oriented papers that address the design and implementation of
blockchain-based applications for information sharing and management in
e-government. Submissions are preferably linked to empirical use cases,
demonstrations, and evaluations of applications, and all papers should
consider and emphasize for whom the use of these applications creates
benefit or value.
This Research Topic seeks papers that cover (but are not limited to) the
following topics in the domain of e-government:
• Use cases in a diversity of domains for B2G and G2G information exchange
• Building BCT-based platforms and infrastructures
• Interoperability issues: communication and cooperation between blockchain
• Standardization for blockchain architectures for public services
• Scalability of blockchain-based applications in public sector
• Legal aspects of smart contracts in public services delivery
• The role of Self-Sovereign Identities and its legal aspects
• Quality of data to address the garbage in/garbage out problem
• Governance and control in practice, including related legal issues of
decentralized applications
• Organizational and institutional factors in the adoption and deployment
of blockchain platforms and applications
Keywords: Blockchain Technology, Digital Government, Information Sharing,
Public Service Delivery, Interoperability, Standardization, Governance
*Important Note*: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within
the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as
defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide
an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any
stage of peer review.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP ISWC 2021 - Call for Research, In-Use, Resource,
Doctoral Consortium papers
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 10:06:50 +0200
From: International Semantic Web Conference <iswc.conf(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: International Semantic Web Conference <iswc.conf(a)gmail.com>
To: agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, connectionists(a)mailman.srv.cs.cmu.edu,
sem-grd(a)ogf.org, semantic-web(a)w3.org, wi(a)lists.kit.edu,
AIAI(a)listserv.heanet.ie, obo-discuss(a)lists.sourceforge.net,
public-owled(a)w3.org, public-semweb-lifesci(a)w3.org,
SIGIR(a)listserv.acm.org, SIGAI-ANNOUNCE(a)listserv.acm.org,
public-lod(a)w3.org, dl(a)dl.kr.org, semantic_web(a)googlegroups.com,
owlapi-developer(a)lists.sourceforge.net, aixia(a)aixia.it,
20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2021)
Virtual, October 24-28, 2021
https://iswc2021.semanticweb.org <https://iswc2021.semanticweb.org>
In this announcement:
1. Call for Research papers
2. Call for In-Use papers
3. Call for Resource papers
4. Call for Doctoral Consortium papers
1. Call for Research papers
In this track of ISWC 2021, we are looking for novel and significant
research contributions addressing theoretical, analytical and empirical
aspects of the Semantic Web. While we welcome work that relates to the
W3C Semantic Web recommendations (e.g., RDF, OWL, SPARQL, etc.), we also
encourage contributions to research at the intersection of the Semantic
Web and other scientific disciplines. Submissions to the research track
should describe original, significant, and replicable research on the
Semantic Web. All papers must include method evaluations that are
rigorous, repeatable and reproducible. This will be one of the key
reviewing criteria. We also strongly encourage papers that provide links
to the data sets, source code and queries used to evaluate their
approach, and/or live deployments.
Topics of interest and further details:
Track Chairs:
- Eva Blomqvist (University of Linköping, Sweden)
- Andreas Hotho (University of Würzburg, Germany)
Contact: iswc2021-program(a)easychair.org
2. Call for In-Use papers
The In-Use track at ISWC 2021 continues the tradition of demonstrating
and sharing the increasing adoption of Semantic Web technologies by
providing a forum for the community to explore the benefits and
challenges of applying such technologies in concrete, practical use
cases, beyond the research communities from which they originate, in
contexts ranging from industry to government and society. The In-Use
track thus seeks submissions describing applied and validated solutions
such as software tools, systems or architectures that benefit from the
use of Semantic Web technologies (including, but not limited to,
technologies based on the Semantic Web standards).
Topics of interest and further details:
Track Chairs:
- Ying Ding (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
- Payam Barnaghi (Imperial College London, UK)
Contact: iswc2021-in-use(a)easychair.org
3. Call for Resource papers
The ISWC 2021 Resources Track aims to promote the sharing of resources
which support, enable or utilise semantic web research. Resources
include, but not restricted to: datasets, ontologies/vocabularies,
ontology design patterns, evaluation benchmarks or methods, software
tools/services, APIs and software frameworks, workflows, crowdsourcing
task designs, protocols, methodologies and metrics, that have
contributed or may contribute to the generation of novel scientific
work. In particular, we encourage the sharing of such resources
following best and well-established practices within the Semantic Web
community. As such, this track calls for contributions that provide a
concise and clear description of a resource and its usage.
Topics of interest and further details:
Track Chairs:
- Stefan Dietze (GESIS, Cologne & Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf,
- Achille Fokoue (IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA)
***** Important Dates (common to all paper tracks above) *****
- Abstracts Due: 12 April 2021
- Full Papers Due: 19 April 2021
- Author Rebuttals: 2–6 June 2021
- Notifications: 23 June 2021
4. Call for Doctoral Consortium papers
The ISWC 2021 Doctoral Consortium (DC) will provide PhD students with an
opportunity to:
● present and discuss their research ideas in a supportive,
formative and yet critical environment;
● receive feedback from mentors, typically senior members of the
Semantic Web research community, and peers;
● explore career pathways available after completing their PhD
degree, and finally
● network and build collaborations with other members of the community.
The event is intended for students who are midway through their PhD,
therefore at a stage where they have articulated a reasonably detailed
research proposal, preferably supported by some preliminary results. The
aim is to support the students in refining their proposal and suggest
possible ways to improve their research plan and achieve results with
prospective greater impact. While doctoral degrees can vary in format
and conduct, we aim this Call for Papers to PhD candidates in their
second, or early in their third year and who will have already partially
investigated some specific problems. Students will be required to submit
a paper to the doctoral consortium, structured like a research proposal.
All proposals submitted to the Doctoral Consortium will undergo a
rigorous review process by the International Programme Committee, who
will provide detailed and constructive feedback and select those
submissions to be presented at the Doctoral Consortium. If accepted,
students will have to register and attend the event, which will include
a range of interactive activities.
Details: https://iswc2021.semanticweb.org/doctoral-consortium-call
DC Chairs:
- Miriam Fernandez (Open University, UK)
- Valentina Tamma (University of Liverpool, UK)
***** Important Dates (DC track) *****
- Papers due: 3 May, 2021
- Notification to proposers: 31 May 2021
- DC Day: 25 October, 2021
*** All deadlines are AoE (Anywhere on Earth) ***
Submission link for all papers:
Follow ISWC on social media:
- Twitter: @iswc_conf #iswc_conf (https://twitter.com/iswc_conf
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13612370
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ISWConf
The ISWC 2021 Organising Team
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP_The 23rd International Conference on
Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2021)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 11:56:31 +0200
From: Hesti Sudjana <hesti.sudjana(a)jku.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
The 23rd International Conference on Information Integration and
Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2021)
29 November - 1 December 2021
Linz, Austria (Virtual)
email: iiwas2021(a)iiwas.org
Paper submission:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iiwas2021
******* Collecting, Processing, Analysing and Storing Data/Information
to Support Human Activities *********
**** Important Dates *****
01 June 2021 : Full Papers (12 pages), Short papers, demos and work in
progress (6 pages)
01 September 2021: Acceptance Notifications
20 September 2021: Camera-Ready Papers and Authors Registration
29 Nov - 01 Dec 2021: Conference Dates
***** Publication *****
ALL accepted iiWAS2021 papers will be published by ACM International
Conference Proceedings Series (to be confirmed) and the supplemental
proceedings (ISBN: pending) which will be archived in the ACM Digital
Library, and indexed by DBLP, Ei Compendex, Scopus and submitted to be
reviewed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI
Web of Science). Selected high-quality papers will be invited to be
published, after revision and extension, in special issues of
international journals.
**** Scope *****
Data and information are crucial in providing evidence based decision
making in many aspect of human activities, as an individual or as a
group. The way information and communication technology are used to
collect, process, analysis and store data has always evolves. New
techniques are invented, existing techniques are improved and old
techniques are integrated to the new. Each of these provided some
challenges and opportunities to our research community in finding the
best way to meet these challenges. iiWAS provides research community
with the opportunity to share and discuss their ideas.
Prior to 2020, iiWAS has been held in Munich (2019), Yogyakarta (2018),
Salzburg (2017), Singapore (2016), Brussels (2015), Hanoi (2014), Vienna
(2013), Bali (2012), Ho Chi Minh City (2011), Paris (2010), Kuala Lumpur
(2009), and Linz (2008). Last year, iiWAS2020 conference was held as a
virtual conference. Again this year, iiWAS2021 will be held virtually
with the host managing the conference from the campus of JKU in Linz,
**** Submissions *****
iiWAS accepted four different types of contributions:
- Original theoretical work: The contributions are expected to show
original work that provide foundations to further progress research in
the area. Rigorous proofs and/or performance measurements are expected
for this type of contribution.
- Real life case study: The contributions are expected to show a real
life case study of an adopted concept and technology. The analysis of
the case study should provide an original insight and findings, backing
up by data collected from experiments and/or observation.
- Experimental work: The contributions are expected to show reporting of
rigorous comparative experiments of existing algorithms/systems to
provide insight to the current state of the art in a research domain.
- Lessons learnt reports: The contributions are expected to show lessons
learnt from adoption of complex technology integration or implementation.
***** Topics *****
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Big data
- Cloud data management
- NoSQL databases
- Crowdsourcing
- Social networks analysis
- Sensors data management
- Data Mining
- Semantic Web and Ontology
- Search and Information Technology
- Query Language and Processing
- Advanced web technology and application
- Spatial data storage, query and processing
- Health informatics
- Education informatics
- Data Integration, Metadata Management, and Interoperability
- Distributed, parallel and cloud databases
- Social media analytics and processing
- Data modelling and analysis
- Big data processing
- Web content analysis, semantic and knowledge
- Data systems integration
- Data connectivity in internet of things
- Blockchain Technologies
- Linked Open Data
- Deep/Hidden Web
**** Submission Guidelines ****
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF through the conference
website. Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers
that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a
journal or a conference with proceedings. Submitted papers will be
subject to stringent peer review by at least three members of the
international program committee and carefully evaluated based on
originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of
exposition. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to
be published by ACM (to be confirmed). Format requirements for
submissions of papers are: - Maximum 12 pages, including the abstract
(no more than 150 words), all figures and references for Full Technical
papers. - Maximum 6 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150
words), all figures and references for Short Position Papers.
- All submissions should be formatted according to ACM guidelines
- Submissions must be entered into the Submission System
**** Awards ****
iiWAS2021 best paper awards and student paper awards will be conferred
on the authors at the conference.
**** Past Conferences ****
ACM Digital library: https://dl.acm.org/conference/iiwas
DBLP: http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/iiwas/
**** PC Members *****
*** Contact ***** Maria Indrawan-Santiago, Program Committee Chair,
Monash University, Australia
Eric Pardede, Program Committee CoChair, La Trobe University, Australia
Hesti Sudjana
Telecooperation Departement
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Science Park 3, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP_The 19th International Conference on Advances
in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM2021)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 11:59:39 +0200
From: Hesti Sudjana <hesti.sudjana(a)jku.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
The 19th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and
Multimedia (MoMM2021) 29 November - 1 December 2021
Linz, Austria (Virtual)
http://www.iiwas.org/conferences/momm2021/ email: momm2021(a)iiwas.org
Paper submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=momm20210
***** Designing and Developing Innovative Mobile and Ubiquitous
Solutions for Social Good *****
**** IMPORTANT DATES ***** 01 June 2021 : Full Papers (12 pages), Short
papers, demos and work in progress (6 pages)
01 September 2021: Acceptance Notifications
20 September 2021: Camera-Ready Papers and Authors Registration
29 Nov - 01 Dec 2021: Conference Dates
***** Publication *****
ALL accepted MoMM2021 papers will be published by ACM International
Conference Proceedings Series (to be confirmed) and the supplemental
proceedings which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library, and
indexed by DBLP, Ei Compendex, Scopus and submitted to be reviewed by
Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of
Science). Selected high-quality papers will be invited to be published,
after revision and extension, in special issues of international journals.
**** Scope *****
During the last decade, mobile computing and multimedia have gone
through massive advancements in terms of both hardware innovations and
software solutions. The emerging and exponential technologies have
accelerated research across a wide array of topics such as smart cities,
digital twins, nanotechnology, augmented and virtual reality, artificial
intelligence, chatbots and conversational interfaces, edge computing and
server-less cloud computing. While the new technologies and developments
have the potential to affect our lives and create positive social
impact, they introduce huge challenges in terms of the design,
underlying algorithms, implementation and technology adoption. MoMM
provides an opportunity for researchers to present, share and discuss
their research results and experiences with other researchers and
experts in the same or similar fields.
Prior to 2020, MoMM has been held in Munich (2019), Yogyakarta (2018),
Salzburg (2017), Singapore (2016), Brussels (2015), Kaohsiung (2014),
Vienna (2013), Bali (2012), Ho Chi Minh City (2011), Paris (2010), Kuala
Lumpur (2009), and Linz (2008). Last year, MoMM2020 conference was held
as virtual conference. Again this year, MoMM2021 will be held virtually
with the host managing the conference from the campus of JKU in Linz,
**** Submissions *****
MoMM accepted four different types of contributions:
- Original theoretical work: The contributions are expected to show
original work that provide foundations to further progress research in
the area. Rigorous proofs and/or performance measurements are expected
for this type of contribution.
- Real world case study: The contributions are expected to show a real
world case study of an adopted concept and technology. The analysis of
the case study should provide an original insight and findings, backing
up by data collected from experiments and/or observation.
- Experimental work: The contributions are expected to show reporting of
rigorous comparative experiments of existing algorithms/systems to
provide insight to the current state of the art in a research domain.
- Lessons learnt reports: The contributions are expected to show lessons
learnt from adoption of complex technology integration or
implementation. Accepted papers and demonstrations from all three
categories will be published in the ACM International Conference
Proceedings Series.
***** Topics *****
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia
- Internet of Things solutions and applications
- Smart cities
- Mobile sensing technologies and applications
- Mobile healthcare applications
- Wearable computing - Mobile crowd sensing
- Mobile multimodal interfaces
- Chatbots and conversational interfaces
- Cloud and edge computing
- Immersive computing
- Context-aware applications and recommender systems
- Data Visualisation on mobile devices
- Localisation, positioning and tracking systems
- Mobile distributed reasoning and processing - Spatial searching and
- Multi-agent systems
**** Submission Guidelines ****
Papers and demonstration descriptions must be submitted electronically
in PDF through the conference website. Submitted papers must not
substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are
simultaneously submitted to a journal, conference, or workshop with
proceedings. Submitted demonstrations should convey a scientific result
and should not be advertisements for commercial software packages.
Submitted papers and demonstrations will be subject to stringent peer
review by at least three members of the international program committee
and carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical
soundness, and clarity of exposition. Accepted papers and demonstration
descriptions will appear in the conference proceedings to be published
by ACM (to be confirmed). Format requirements for submissions of papers
and demonstrations are:
- Maximum 12 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150 words), all
figures and references for Full Technical papers.
- Maximum 6 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150 words), all
figures and references for Short Position Papers.
- A video clip (for review purpose only) and a description of maximum 4
pages for the demonstration. The description should outline the
underlying novel concepts, methods and/or approaches, and details about
implementation, deployment, testing, and evaluation and user uptake.
- All submissions should be formatted according to ACM guidelines (to be
confirmed) (https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template)
- Submissions must be entered into the Submission System
**** Awards ****
MoMM2021 best paper awards, best student paper awards, and best
demonstrations will be selected based on novelty, significance, and the
presentation at the conference. Best student paper awards can only be
awarded to papers on which students are first authors.
**** Past Conferences ****
ACM Digital library: https://dl.acm.org/conference/momm
DBLP: http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/momm/
**** PC Members *****
*** Contact *****
Pari Delir Haghighi, Program Committee Chair, Monash University, Australia
Hesti Sudjana
Telecooperation Departement
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Science Park 3, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] HICSS-55 (2022) minitrack - 2nd CfP: ICT-enabled
Self-management of Chronic Diseases and Conditions
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2021 18:12:16 -0700
From: Majid Dadgar <majid.dadgar(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Apologies for cross-posting.
After successfully holding this minitrack for 4 consecutive years and
establishing a strong community of researchers and practitioners, we invite
paper submissions for the following HICSS minitrack.
Track title: Information Technology in Healthcare
Minitrack title: ICT-enabled Self-management of Chronic Diseases and
***Fast Track to Journal Publication** *(at the discretion of minitrack
*:*Journal of Information Technology & People
*Description of the minitrack:*According to the U.S. National Center for
Health Statistics, a disease is chronic when its course lasts for more than
three months. Chronic diseases and conditions persist an entire lifetime
and generally cannot be prevented by vaccines or cured by medication
(Adams, Kirzinger, & Martinez, 2013). This mini-track characterizes Chronic
Diseases and Conditions very broadly to include, illnesses (such as
diabetes, Alzheimer asthma), conditions (such as physical, sensory, mental,
and cognitive disabilities, post-traumatic stress disorder, attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder, autistic spectrum, Tourette syndrome, old
age related conditions). Recurrent illnesses and conditions caused by
chronic diseases, if not managed carefully, cannot only diminish quality of
life and ability to work, but can also result in health emergencies,
complications, and even death (World Health Organization, 2015). According
to the World Health Organization (WHO), chronic diseases are the leading
cause of mortality worldwide, and 80% of chronic disease deaths occur in
low- and middle-income countries.
Advancing patients’ ability to engage in self-managed health through
information and communication technologies (ICTs), such as mobile
technologies and machine learning, is increasingly a top priority (e.g.,
The National Health Service, 2013, The Office of the National Coordinator
for Health Information Technology, 2014). Effective self-management is a
proven way of improving the lives of individuals suffering from chronic
diseases (Dadgar and Joshi, 2018). Self-management refers to a
care management approach in which patients actively take responsibility for
treating their chronic diseases (Bodenheimer et al., 2002). It is
a self-regulating, dynamic, continuous, interactive process (Schulman-Green
et al., 2012). Despite technological advances in healthcare ICTs that
improve care and reduce costs, patients often avoid using them (El-Gayar,
Timsina, Nawar, & Eid, 2013). Although, ICTs have improved the health in
healthcare services in terms of the delivery of high-quality patient care
at low cost, but the development of ICTs that focus chiefly on
patient-centered care is still in its infancy (Jacelon, Gibbs, & Ridgway,
With that in mind, we are looking for papers taking a variety of approaches
to answering research questions related to the design, development, and use
of ICTs on patient-centered care. Such approaches might be described as
experiments or quasi-experiments, design science, case studies, surveys,
action research, psychometrics, and ethnography. We invite papers that use
a variety of advanced technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented
Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), or Machine Learning (ML). We
call for the papers that investigate use of ICTs for patients with chronic
physical and psychological conditions, from diabetes and asthma, to obesity
and fitness SM programs, to autism, dementia, bipolar disorders, and
Authors are invited to submit papers that address issues related to the
design, development, and implementation of ICTs in self-management of
chronic diseases and conditions. Potential issues and topics include, but
are not limited to:
- Learning about condition and health needs
- Learning self-management regimen, skills, and strategies ( e.g.,
Monitoring and managing symptoms, side effects, and body responses,
Adjusting treatment regimen to manage symptoms and side effects,
Managing/taking medications, Goal setting, decision making, problem
solving, planning, prioritizing and pacing in the self-management process)
- Managing lifestyle changes (e.g. modifying diet, nutrition, smoking,
and physical activity, Changing behaviors to minimize disease impact,
Balancing living life with health needs, Managing disruptions in school,
work, family, and social activities)
- Managing psychological aspects of chronic diseases and conditions
(e.g. Developing confidence and self-efficacy, Reducing stress caused by
the chronic disease, Identifying and benefiting from psychological
resources drawing on intrinsic resources, e.g., creativity, strength and
wisdom from past experiences, Maintaining positive outlook, hope,
and self-worth, Dealing with shock of diagnosis, self-blame, and guilt)
- Managing relationships with healthcare providers (e.g. Creating and
maintaining relationships with healthcare providers)
- Managing and sustaining relationships with family, friends, relatives,
and peers (e.g. Creating a community of peers with similar experiences,
Obtaining and managing social support from family and friends)
- Cultivating courage, discipline, and motivation
- Working through issues of dependence/independence
- Seeking resources, such as financial assistance (e.g., prescription
subsidies), environmental support (e.g., assistive devices), and community
resources (e.g., transportation)
- Exploring and expressing emotional responses
- Making sense of the chronic disease (e.g. Finding meaning in work,
relationships, activities, and spirituality)
- Identifying and confronting change and loss (e.g., changes in physical
function, role, identity, body image, control, and mortality)
- Developing coping strategies (e.g., self-talk)
- Focusing on possibilities (e.g., envisioning the future, reframing
adversity into opportunity)
- Designing virtual coaches
- ICT designs for elder care and home care
- ICT enabled preventative approaches
- April 15: Paper submission begins
- June 15, 2021 | 11:59 pm HST: Paper Submission Deadline
- August 23: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
- September 22: Deadline for authors to submit final manuscript
- October 1: Deadline for at least one author to register for HICSS-54
*Minitrack Co-Chairs:*
Majid Dadgar (Primary Contact)
University of San Francisco, CA, USA
Bahae Samhan
Illinois State University, IL, USA
K.D. Joshi
University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA
*Conference Website:* http://hicss.hawaii.edu/
*Author Guidelines:* http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-and-minitracks/authors/
- Adams, P., Kirzinger, W., & Martinez, M. (2013). Summary Health
Statistics for the U.S. Population: National Health Interview Survey, 2012
(Vital Health Stat No. 10(259)). National Center for Health Statistics.
- Bodenheimer, T., Lorig, K., Holman, H., & Grumbach, K. (2002).
Patient Self-management of Chronic Disease in Primary Care. JAMA, 288(19),
- Dadgar, M. and Joshi, K.D. (2018) "The Role of Information and
Communication Technology in Self-Management of Chronic Diseases: An
Empirical Investigation through Value Sensitive Design," Journal of the
Association for Information Systems (JAIS), 19(2), 86-112.
- El-Gayar, O., Timsina, P., Nawar, N., & Eid, W. (2013). A systematic
review of IT for diabetes selfmanagement: Are we there yet? International
Journal of Medical Informatics, 82, 637–652.
- Jacelon, C. S., Gibbs, M. A., & Ridgway, J. V. (2016). Computer
technology for self-management: a scoping review. Journal of Clinical
Nursing, 25, 1179–1192.
- Schulman-Green, D., Jaser, S., Martin, F., Alonzo, A., Grey, M.,
McCorkle, R., … Whittemore, R. (2012). Processes of Self-Management in
Chronic Illness. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 44(2), 136–144.
- The National Health Service. (2013). Everyone Counts: Planning for
Patients 2014/15 to 2018/19. Retrieved from
- The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information
Technology. (2014). Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2015-2020 - by The
Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC).
Retrieved from
- World Health Organization. (2015). Noncommunicable diseases. Retrieved
from http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs355/en/
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 40th International Conference On Conceptual
Modeling (Call for papers) - [new! submission deadline extended]
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 02:37:29 +0000
From: Arturo Castellanos <Arturo.Castellanos(a)baruch.cuny.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Conceptual Modelers,
**We are extending the ER 2021 Paper submission deadline**
The new dates are as follows:
We encourage abstract submissions by April 21
Papers due April 28th
Notification June 25th
Camera ready due July 16th
ER is the premier academic venue for the discussion of foundational
aspects of conceptual modeling.
We are looking for submissions of original research, as well as
experience and vision papers, from both researchers and practitioners,
welcoming any topic where conceptual modeling is a major theme. The
conference theme is "Conceptual Modeling in an Age of Uncertainty".
Conceptual modeling has never been more important. As individuals,
organizations, and nations face new and unexpected challenges, software
and data must be developed that can cope with and help address this
uncertainty in an ever-faster changing world. Conceptual modeling can be
used to describe, understand and manage increasing levels of uncertainty
in our world.
Specific examples of topics of interest include, but are not limited to,
conceptual modeling as applied to:
- Ontological and Cognitive Foundations for Conceptual Modeling
- Integration of Conceptual Models and Database Schemas
- Big Data and Conceptual Modeling
- Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Business Intelligence and Analytics
- Service-Oriented Architectures
- Agile Development
- Requirements Engineering
- Methodologies and Tools for Conceptual Design
- Domain Specific Conceptual Modeling Languages, Methods and Frameworks
- Modeling Distributed Ledger Systems
- Enterprise Models and Architectures
- Business Process Modeling
- Economics and Conceptual Models
- Conceptual Models and Machine Learning
- Industry 4.0, Factory of the Future and Internet of Things (IoT)
- Semantic Web, Cloud Computing, and Web Information Systems
- Information Retrieval, Filtering, Classification, Summarization, and
- Empirical Studies of Conceptual Modeling
- Experience Applying Conceptual Modeling
- and many others
Since the proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS series,
authors must submit manuscripts using the LNCS style. The page limit for
submitted papers (as well as for final, camera-ready papers) is 14.
Submission Link:
Authors of selected papers may be invited to submit extended versions of
their papers for review and possible publication in Data & Knowledge
Engineering. In addition, authors of papers related to BPMN may be
invited to submit extended versions of their work for consideration for
a special issue of Business & Information Systems. Engineering
Important dates:
Paper abstracts: March 31, 2021
Full papers: April 7, 2021
Author notification: June 9, 2021
Camera-ready papers: June 23, 2021
Workshop proposals: February 7, 2021
Workshop papers: June 16, 2021
WS author notification: July 15, 2021
Camera-ready WS papers: July 31, 2021
Tutorial/Panel proposals: June 16, 2021
Forum/Demo/Poster papers: June 16, 2021
F/D/P author notification: July 15, 2021
Camera-ready F/D/P papers: July 31, 2021
PhD Symposium Papers Full paper submission: July 31, 2021
Author Notification: August 15, 2021
Camera-ready: August 31, 2021
About the location:
ER 2021 will be held as a blended conference, with participation both
on-site in the beautiful and vibrant city of St. John's, Canada, as well
as virtually from around the world.
Hosted by Memorial University of Newfoundland - Signal Hill Campus. St.
John's is the easternmost city in North America, located on the Atlantic
coast of Newfoundland. St. John's is the capital and largest city of the
Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Its name has been attributed to the Nativity of John the Baptist, when
John Cabot was believed to have sailed into the harbour in 1497.
Existing on maps as early as 1519, it is one of the oldest cities in
North America.
Fun fact: Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi received the first
transatlantic wireless signal in St. John's.
For more information go to:
PhD Symposium Papers
The ER 2021 PhD Symposium calls for original papers reporting research
results, applications and system development experiences, in all topics
related to the ER conference series. The symposium will offer PhD
students the opportunity to present and discuss their research and to
interact with other researchers, experts in the field of conceptual
modeling, who could provide feedback on their research.
The papers must be authored by one or more PhD students only and should
not exceed 10 pages in the LNCS conference proceedings style. Short
papers (e.g., 4-5 pages) are also welcome.
Submissions should be sent via e-mail to Veda Storey (Georgia State
University) and Carson Woo (University of British Columbia).
Jeff Parsons (Conference Co-Chair)
Joerg Evermann (Conference Co-Chair)
Aditya Ghose (Program Co-Chair)
Jennifer Horkoff (Program Co-Chair)
Vítor E. Silva Souza (Program Co-Chair)
Iris Reinhartz-Berger (Workshop Co-Chair)
Shazia Sadiq (Workshop Co-Chair)
Roman Lukyanenko (Poster and Demo Chair)
Wolfgang Maass (Tutorial Chair)
Sudha Ram (Panel Co-Chair)
Il-Yeol Song (Panel Co-Chair)
Veda Storey (Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair)
Carson Woo (Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair)
Arturo Castellanos (Publicity Co-Chair)
Renuka Sindhgatta (Publicity Co-Chair)
Eric Yu (Steering Committee Liasion)
Renuka and Arturo [Publicity Co-Chairs]?
Arturo Castellanos, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Paul H. Chook Department of Information Systems and
Zicklin School of Business
Baruch College (CUNY)
One Bernard Baruch Way, VC11-226
Office: 646.312.3378
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] IEEE EDOC 2021 International Workshop on Data
Leakage Protection (DLP) and Trustworthiness in Health Data (Call for
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 14:46:14 +1000
From: Salma Abdalla <salma.hamad(a)mq.edu.au>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues:
Please consider submitting your latest research in Data leakage
protection and Trust in healthcare into the *IEEE EDOC International
Workshop on Data Leakage Protection (DLP) and Trustworthiness in Health
Below is the brief description of the DLP-THD Workshop:
Data leakage is the accidental or intended unauthorized transmission of
data from an organization to unintended recipients. Data leakage threats
can originate internally or externally via email, web, mobile data
storage devices such as USB drives and laptops. Data leakage protection
(DLP) is an approach to detect data leakage and/or ensure end-users do
not send confidential or sensitive information outside of the enterprise
network. These strategies may involve a combination of user and security
policies and security monitoring, detection, and prevention tools. This
DLP track of this workshop focuses on DLP response mechanisms to detect
data leakage, protect and prevent data in all its shapes, such as text,
images within an organization, on the cloud, or edge, from the risk of
getting leaked accidentally or intentionally.
Moreover, requirements for future healthcare data management are likely
to include increased volume and diversity, shared between an
increasingly diverse range of people (e.g. practitioners, specialists,
patients) and organisations (e.g. healthcare providers, technology
providers, and social services). Regardless of the architecture used, a
key enabler of interoperability is the clarification of “trust”. The
Trustworthiness in health data track of this workshop will explore key
aspects of trust, relevant trust-based concepts, and suitable semantic
repository technologies capable of supporting a federated,
community-oriented approach.
Topics covered by the workshop include, but are not limited to:
*Data Leakage Protection (DLP) Track:*
o Cloud/Edge data sharing security and privacy.
o Data identification, marking, or classification techniques.
o Dynamic data protection techniques.
o Big data leakage resilient methodologies.
o Secure Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) environments.
o Data leakage detection from Cloud, edge, fog, IoT, or Mobile applications.
o Countermeasures against data leakage in Cloud, edge, fog, IoT, and
Mobile applications.
o Data leakage in medical records and images.
o Data leakage detection mechanisms for text, images, or videos.
o Data loss prevention and its mechanisms for cloud, edge, mobile, and
embedded systems.
o Leakages of information from encrypted data.
o Methods of remediation after data leakage incidents.
o Methods to detect and trace the agent/device that leaked the data.
o Forensic investigation methods for data leakage attacks.
o Data leakage controls for unstructured or transformed data.
o Balancing data protection and privacy preservation techniques.
*Trustworthiness in Health Data Track:*
o The growing list of parties that have an interest in accessing
health-related data
o The fuzzy boundary between personal health data and other personal data
o Limits of deidentification of health data and guidelines for
aggregating regional health data into sharable formats that are of value
to medical researchers
o Working definitions of the data subject, data author, data custodian,
data attester, data owner, authorized user, the delegation of authority,
data user rights, commercial data use, etc that are encountered in
practice, and the question to what extent these terms even make sense or
can be defined in an adequate way for enforceable legislation
o All relevant aspects of trust, including the trustworthiness of people
and institutions that work with health data, trust in the technical
capability of the people and institutions that work with health data,
the trustworthiness of the systems tasked with storing and transmitting
health data, trust in the adequacy of locally/globally enforceable
legislation for health data governance, etc.
o Analysis of national/regional/organizational health data governance
policies from perspectives that relate to trust
*Submission deadline: 18/6/2021.*
For more information about the workshop and the CFP please visit the
below webpages:
Looking forward to reviewing your research.
Best Regards,
Workshop Chairs,
Pro.f Michael Sheng , Macquarie University
Salma A. Hamad, Macquarie University
AISWorld mailing list