-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] [ER 2023][CFP] The 42nd International Conference on
Conceptual Modeling: Call for Papers and co-located events
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2023 10:46:16 +0000
From: Anna Bernasconi <anna.bernasconi(a)polimi.it>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
(apologies for cross-posting)
42nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2023)
Lisbon, Portugal
06 - 09 November 2023
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ERconf
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/er-2023
The International Conference on Conceptual Modeling is the main
international forum for discussing the state of the art, emerging
issues, and future challenges in research and practice on conceptual
modeling. Topics of interest span the entire spectrum of conceptual
modeling including research and practice in areas such as theories of
concepts and ontologies underlying conceptual modeling, techniques for
transforming conceptual models into effective implementations, and
methods and tools for developing and communicating conceptual models.
ER 2023 will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, at the Congress Center of the
Instituto Superior Técnico located in Alameda, in the heart of Lisbon.
In this edition, the conference includes the following calls for papers:
- Main Papers Track
- Tutorials Proposals Track
- Forum Track
- Symposium on Conceptual Modeling Education (SCME)
- Posters and Demonstrations Track
- Doctoral Consortium Track
- Several well-established or original workshops (CD4IoR, CMLS,
CMOMM4FAIR, EmpER, JUSMOD, OntoCom, QUAMES, and SmartFood)
Call for Papers
We welcome submissions of original research on a variety of topics on
conceptual modeling. These include well-established areas of research
and practice, such as modeling languages and techniques, model theories,
methods and tools for developing, transforming, implementing and
communicating conceptual models. Submissions that lead to new
foundations, links, applications, or enlarge current boundaries of
conceptual modeling are especially welcome. We also invite industry
reports and vision papers.
** Webpage: https://er2023.inesc-id.pt/calls/papers/
** For returning authors, please note the following changes:
- The review process is double-blind and hence submissions must be
- Papers are limited to 16 pages excluding references.
** The authors of selected papers will be invited to prepare a
substantially revised and extended version to a Special Issue in
Elsevier’s Data & Knowledge Engineering.
** Important dates (23:59 AoE)
Abstracts submission (mandatory): 17 May 2023
Paper submission: 24 May 2023
Author notification: 24 July 2023
Camera-ready papers and author registration: 11 September 2023
Call for Tutorial Proposals
ER tutorials introduce general or special topics in ER and relevant
neighboring areas. A focus on specific tools and methodologies can still
be useful to offer concrete examples and hands-on activities to
participants. The topics of interest span the entire spectrum of
conceptual modeling including research and practice.
** Webpage: https://er2023.inesc-id.pt/calls/tutorials/
** Important dates (23:59 AoE)
Tutorial proposals submission: 29 May 2023
Tutorial acceptance notification: 12 June 2023
Tutorial camera-ready descriptions: 30 June 2023
Call for Papers (Doctoral Consortium)
The ER 2023 Doctoral Consortium will offer Ph.D. students in the early
stages of their work, with a research problem in the field of conceptual
modeling already defined, and eventually also early results produced,
the opportunity to present and discuss that and to interact with other
researchers and experts in the field, who can provide valuable and
constructive feedback.
** Webpage: https://er2023.inesc-id.pt/calls/call-for-doctoral-consortium/
** Important dates (23:59 AoE)
Deadline for submissions: June 10, 2023
Notification of acceptance: July 24, 2023
Camera-ready deadline: September 20, 2023
Call for Papers (SCME23: 7th Symposium on Conceptual Modeling Education)
The 7th Symposium on Conceptual Modeling Education (SCME 2023) is aimed
at providing a forum for discussing (1) the education and teaching of
aspects related to conceptual modeling, (2) methods and tools for
developing and communicating conceptual modeling techniques for
transforming conceptual models into effective implementations, and (3)
case studies of interesting projects on conceptual modeling education
** Webpage: https://er2023.inesc-id.pt/calls/call-for-papers-scme-2023/
** Important dates (23:59 AoE)
Submission deadline: July 10, 2023
Notification of acceptance: September 4, 2023
Camera-ready Submission: September 21, 2023
Call for Posters & Demos
The ER Posters & Demos Session 2023 is intended to showcase work in
progress in the field of conceptual modeling, covering any of the
conference’s topics. This session will provide an opportunity to present
and discuss emerging methods and technologies with researchers and
practitioners, allowing the presenters to gather relevant feedback
regarding their ongoing work.
** Webpage: https://er2023.inesc-id.pt/calls/call-for-posters-demos/
** Important dates (23:59 AoE)
Poster & Demos Paper Submission: 2 August 2023
Author Notification: 4 September 2023
Camera-ready: 20 September 2023
Call for Forum
The ER Forum track is a vibrant and interactive platform for presenting
and discussing novel and diverse research reports and artifacts on the
full range of conceptual modeling topics. Papers include new and
promising research results, novel applications, and experience reports,
proposed research endeavors still in early stages, and updates from
earlier work. Innovation prevails over maturity, in particular regarding
emerging new research topics. The main goal of the track is to
facilitate the interaction, discussion and exchange of ideas among
presenters and participants.
** Webpage: https://er2023.inesc-id.pt/calls/call-for-er-forum/
** Important dates (23:59 AoE)
Forum Abstracts Submission: 28 August 2023
Forum Papers Submission: 4 September 2023
Author Notification: 25 September 2023
Camera-ready: 16 October 2023
CD4IoR: 1st Workshop on Conceptual Design for Internet of Robotic Things
--> https://pros.unicam.it/cd4iort
CMLS: 4th International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for Life Sciences
--> http://www.bioinformatics.deib.polimi.it/cmls2023
CMOMM4FAIR: 3rd Workshop on Conceptual Modeling, Ontologies and
(Meta)data Management for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and
Reusable (FAIR) Data
--> http://cmomm4fair2023.github.io
EmpER: 6th International Workshop on Empirical Methods in Conceptual
--> https://emper-workshop.github.io/2023
JUSMOD: 2nd International Workshop on Digital Justice, Digital Law and
Conceptual Modeling
--> https://jusmod2023.github.io
OntoCom: 9th International Workshop on Ontologies and Conceptual Modeling
--> https://ontocomworkshops.github.io/OntoCom2023
QUAMES: 4th International Workshop on Quality and Measurement of
Model-Driven Software Development
--> https://pros.webs.upv.es/sites/quames_2023
SmartFood: 1st Workshop on Controlled Vocabularies and Data Platforms
for Smart Food Systems
--> https://sites.google.com/view/smartfoodworkshop
**General Chairs
José Borbinha; INESC-ID, IST, Universidade de Lisboa; Portugal
Giancarlo Guizzardi; University of Twente; The Netherlands
**Program Chairs
João Paulo Andrade Almeida; Federal University of Espírito Santo; Brazil
Jelena Zdravkovic; Stockholm University; Sweden
Sebastian Link; University of Auckland; New Zealand Industrial
**Industrial Track Chairs
Wolfgang Maass; Saarland University; Germany
Pedro Sousa; INESC-ID, IST, Universidade de Lisboa; Portugal
**Forum Chairs
Sotirios Liaskos; York University; Canada
David Aveiro; Universidade da Madeira; Portugal
**Symposium on Conceptual Modeling Education (SCME) Chairs
Maria Keet; University of Cape Town; South Africa
Fernanda Baião; Pontifical Catholic University of Rio De Janeiro; Brazil
Estefania Serral; KU Leuven; Belgium
**Panels Chairs
Veda Storey; Georgia State University; USA
Oscar Pastor; Universidad Politecnica di Valencia; Spain
**Posters and Demos Chairs
Sergio de Cesare; University of Westminster; UK
Miguel Mira da Silva; INOV, IST, University of Lisbon; Portugal
**Tutorials Chairs
Pnina Soffer; University of Haifa; Israel
Maribel Yasmina Santos; University of Minho; Portugal
**Workshops Chairs
João Araújo; Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Portugal
Tiago Prince Sales; University of Twente; The Netherlands
**Doctoral Consortium Committee
Helena Sofia Pinto; INESC-ID, IST, Universidade de Lisboa; Portugal
Ladjel Bellatreche; LIAS/ENSMA; France
Simon Hacks; University of Southern Denmark; Denmark
**Publicity Chairs
Anna Bernasconi; Politecnico di Milano; Italy
Claudenir Morais Fonseca; University of Twente; The Netherlands
**Sponsorship Chairs
Luis Bonino; University of Twente; The Netherlands
Sérgio Guerreiro; INESC-ID, IST, Universidade de Lisboa; Portugal
**Local Committee
André Vasconcelos; INESC-ID, IST, Universidade de Lisboa; Portugal
Daniel Faria; INESC-ID, IST, Universidade de Lisboa; Portugal
António Higgs; INESC-ID; Portugal
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [wkwi] CfP: HICSS Mini Track Call for Papers: Drivers for Next
Level Digital Service Innovation: Metaverse, IoT and Generative AI
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2023 20:41:07 +0000
From: Leimeister, JanMarco <janmarco.leimeister(a)unisg.ch>
Reply-To: Leimeister, JanMarco <janmarco.leimeister(a)unisg.ch>
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de <wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de>
Apologies for duplicate postings and best regards
Jan Marco Leimeister
> _Call for Papers: HICSS Mini Track - Drivers for Next Level Digital
> Service Innovation: Metaverse, IoT and Generative AI_
> The minitrack aims to attract research on the innovation,
> design, development, management, and use of digital service
> innovations and new technological opportunities. The key drivers in
> this area of research are the multiplying technological opportunities
> for digital services stemming from generative AI (such as ChatGPT, and
> the metaverse, the Internet of Things (IoT), virtual/augmented
> reality, web3, and so on. The minitrack provides//a discussion forum
> for researchers interested in theoretical and practical problems
> related to such service innovations [1-4].
> In a broad sense, digital services can be defined as systems that
> enable value co-creation and limit value co-destruction by developing
> and implementing ICT-enabled processes that integrate system value
> propositions with customer value drivers [5-7]. Such services meld the
> worlds of bits and atoms and promise to transform many sectors like
> the media industries before them. They draw on different technologies
> such as sensors, real-time analytics of data, augmented and virtual
> realities, computer hardware, software, and human and system actors.
> Such technologies form a service platform where different actors
> [8] assemble the service together /in situ/, as argued by Grönroos
> [9]. As a result, the embedded systems of today and the
> Internet-of-things of tomorrow are the precursors for the upcoming era
> of cybernized services [10]. Examples of such services are, e.g.
> biomedical and healthcare systems such as telerobotic surgery,
> (semi)autonomous vehicles and intelligent highways, augmented human
> capabilities with body net sensors and virtual reality, and
> intelligent machines.
> Furthermore, there are substantial opportunities for ICT and
> digitalization driven service innovation in industrial and
> business-to-business settings. These opportunities exist particularly
> in manufacturing, where innovation activities increase product
> digitization and production processes. We see that the global
> awareness of the power of the manufacturing industry will be linked to
> horizontal cyber-physical systems that enable value co-creation and
> co-destruction in the networked business environment. The
> cyber-aspects of such systems are ICT infrastructure, computer
> hardware, software, and different kind of sensors and actors. These
> components turn cyber-physical systems into platforms for designing
> and operating services. The data on products and processes gained
> through networked cybernized services and the ability to act on this
> data through control systems and actors enables novel ways of
> co-creating service in industrial contexts.
> This emerging area of research raises interesting questions [11]. For
> example, traditional development approaches focus on improving the
> efficiency and effectiveness of organizational processes. However, the
> design of such services may require an emphasis on the
> socio-psychological aspects, such as the value-in-use and
> user/consumer/co-creator experiences. Digital services create novel
> ways of engaging customers and other actors in service ecosystems,
> raising the question of effective patterns of such digital actor
> engagement [5-8]. Moreover, digital services facilitate data-driven
> and analytics-based service design and development, particularly if
> the service is linked to the physical world through sensors and/or
> people’s interactions.
> The shift of consumer and enterprise personnel fromuserstoco-creators
> and co-destructors of value, calls for a significant re-appraisal of
> our current design and development approaches. Relevant topics for
> this minitrack include (but are not limited to):
> Digital and ICT-enabled services, industrial services, mobile
> services, and consumer information services and systems, and more
> specifically:
> * Discovery, fuzzy-front end, and innovation processes
> * Continuous and experimental service design, and development
> processes and methodologies
> * Analytics supported service design and development
> * Design and evaluation of innovative digital services
> * Service ecosystems, platforms and novel architectures
> * Consumer and enterprise user aspects, novel forms of actor engagement
> * Service ecosystems and effective patterns of actor engagement in
> digital services
> * Hedonic ICT enabled service innovations
> * Socio-psychological aspects of ICT enabled service use
> * Understanding social and cultural contexts
> * Cyber-Physical and IoT enabled service innovations
> * Metaverse, Generative AI, Cyber-Physical and IoT enabled services
> from different disciplinary perspectives, such as, information
> systems, operations research, software engineering, service
> science, and service research
> * Service innovation based on generative AI enabled services (such
> as ChatGPT, etc.)
> * Metaverse and IoT service ecosystems, platforms and novel
> architecture for service innovation
> * Theoretical aspects of Metaverse, Cyber-Physical and IoT enabled
> services research
> * Metaverse, Generative AI augmented, Cyber-Physical and IoT enabled
> services as artifacts
> * Generative Artificial-intelligence enabled services:
> * Service Robots and Service Robot enabled services
> * Services enabled by natural language assistants
> * Human-machine interaction in AI-enabled services
> * Operational aspects of AI-enabled services, e.g. monitoring and
> support
> * Ethical and regulatory considerations in designing AI-enabled services
> * New technology enabled services, e.g. services using smart
> television, smart watches, wearables, mobile devices and phones or
> other technologies like augmented/virtual
> reality, blockchain, IoT etc.
> * Metaverse and Web3 enabled services:
> * New decentralized service innovations
> * Service automation with Web3 technologies
> The submission system opens: 15th April
> Submission deadline: 15th June
> Please see https://hicss.hawaii.edu for further details and author
> instructions.
> Best regards,
> Tilo Böhmann
> Jan Marco Leimeister
> Tuure Tuunanen
*From:* Leimeister, JanMarco
*Sent:* Thursday, April 13, 2023 4:40:17 AM
*To:* wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
*Subject:* CfP: HICSS Mini Track Call for Papers: Drivers for Next Level
Digital Service Innovation: Metaverse, IoT and Generative AI
Apologies for duplicate postings and best regards
Jan Marco Leimeister
> _Call for Papers: HICSS Mini Track - Drivers for Next Level Digital
> Service Innovation: Metaverse, IoT and Generative AI_
> The minitrack aims to attract research on the innovation,
> design, development, management, and use of digital service
> innovations and new technological opportunities. The key drivers in
> this area of research are the multiplying technological opportunities
> for digital services stemming from generative AI (such as ChatGPT, and
> the metaverse, the Internet of Things (IoT), virtual/augmented
> reality, web3, and so on. The minitrack provides//a discussion forum
> for researchers interested in theoretical and practical problems
> related to such service innovations [1-4].
> In a broad sense, digital services can be defined as systems that
> enable value co-creation and limit value co-destruction by developing
> and implementing ICT-enabled processes that integrate system value
> propositions with customer value drivers [5-7]. Such services meld the
> worlds of bits and atoms and promise to transform many sectors like
> the media industries before them. They draw on different technologies
> such as sensors, real-time analytics of data, augmented and virtual
> realities, computer hardware, software, and human and system actors.
> Such technologies form a service platform where different actors
> [8] assemble the service together /in situ/, as argued by Grönroos
> [9]. As a result, the embedded systems of today and the
> Internet-of-things of tomorrow are the precursors for the upcoming era
> of cybernized services [10]. Examples of such services are, e.g.
> biomedical and healthcare systems such as telerobotic surgery,
> (semi)autonomous vehicles and intelligent highways, augmented human
> capabilities with body net sensors and virtual reality, and
> intelligent machines.
> Furthermore, there are substantial opportunities for ICT and
> digitalization driven service innovation in industrial and
> business-to-business settings. These opportunities exist particularly
> in manufacturing, where innovation activities increase product
> digitization and production processes. We see that the global
> awareness of the power of the manufacturing industry will be linked to
> horizontal cyber-physical systems that enable value co-creation and
> co-destruction in the networked business environment. The
> cyber-aspects of such systems are ICT infrastructure, computer
> hardware, software, and different kind of sensors and actors. These
> components turn cyber-physical systems into platforms for designing
> and operating services. The data on products and processes gained
> through networked cybernized services and the ability to act on this
> data through control systems and actors enables novel ways of
> co-creating service in industrial contexts.
> This emerging area of research raises interesting questions [11]. For
> example, traditional development approaches focus on improving the
> efficiency and effectiveness of organizational processes. However, the
> design of such services may require an emphasis on the
> socio-psychological aspects, such as the value-in-use and
> user/consumer/co-creator experiences. Digital services create novel
> ways of engaging customers and other actors in service ecosystems,
> raising the question of effective patterns of such digital actor
> engagement [5-8]. Moreover, digital services facilitate data-driven
> and analytics-based service design and development, particularly if
> the service is linked to the physical world through sensors and/or
> people’s interactions.
> The shift of consumer and enterprise personnel fromuserstoco-creators
> and co-destructors of value, calls for a significant re-appraisal of
> our current design and development approaches. Relevant topics for
> this minitrack include (but are not limited to):
> Digital and ICT-enabled services, industrial services, mobile
> services, and consumer information services and systems, and more
> specifically:
> * Discovery, fuzzy-front end, and innovation processes
> * Continuous and experimental service design, and development
> processes and methodologies
> * Analytics supported service design and development
> * Design and evaluation of innovative digital services
> * Service ecosystems, platforms and novel architectures
> * Consumer and enterprise user aspects, novel forms of actor engagement
> * Service ecosystems and effective patterns of actor engagement in
> digital services
> * Hedonic ICT enabled service innovations
> * Socio-psychological aspects of ICT enabled service use
> * Understanding social and cultural contexts
> * Cyber-Physical and IoT enabled service innovations
> * Metaverse, Generative AI, Cyber-Physical and IoT enabled services
> from different disciplinary perspectives, such as, information
> systems, operations research, software engineering, service
> science, and service research
> * Service innovation based on generative AI enabled services (such
> as ChatGPT, etc.)
> * Metaverse and IoT service ecosystems, platforms and novel
> architecture for service innovation
> * Theoretical aspects of Metaverse, Cyber-Physical and IoT enabled
> services research
> * Metaverse, Generative AI augmented, Cyber-Physical and IoT enabled
> services as artifacts
> * Generative Artificial-intelligence enabled services:
> * Service Robots and Service Robot enabled services
> * Services enabled by natural language assistants
> * Human-machine interaction in AI-enabled services
> * Operational aspects of AI-enabled services, e.g. monitoring and
> support
> * Ethical and regulatory considerations in designing AI-enabled services
> * New technology enabled services, e.g. services using smart
> television, smart watches, wearables, mobile devices and phones or
> other technologies like augmented/virtual
> reality, blockchain, IoT etc.
> * Metaverse and Web3 enabled services:
> * New decentralized service innovations
> * Service automation with Web3 technologies
> The submission system opens: 15th April
> Submission deadline: 15th June
> Please see https://hicss.hawaii.edu for further details and author
> instructions.
> Best regards,
> Tilo Böhmann
> Jan Marco Leimeister
> Tuure Tuunanen
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] Call for Papers For Workshop on Context Representation in
User Modelling (CRUM) at UMAP
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2023 16:26:28 +0100
From: Dipto Barman <barmand(a)tcd.ie>
Reply-To: Dipto Barman <barmand(a)tcd.ie>
To: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
CC: crum.workshop(a)gmail.com
Apologies for the potential cross-posting! This is the third call for
papers (CfP) of the first edition of the workshop on Context
Representation in User Modelling (CRUM) co-located with the ACM
Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP) is
taking place on 26 June 2023 in Limassol, Cyprus.
Website: https://crum-workshop.github.io/ <https://crum-workshop.github.io/>
Submission deadline: 20 April 2023AoE
Submission: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=umap23
<https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=umap23> select the track “1st
Workshop on Context Representation in User Modeling (CRUM 2023)”
For further information: crum.workshop(a)gmail.com
*** Abstract ***
Context, i.e. the information describing the situation of a user or any
object deemed relevant in human-computer interaction, is a critical
aspect of user modelling, adaptation, and personalisation. The exact
meaning and realisation of contextual information can vary based on the
application area, but identifying such relevant information within an
interactive situation can determine the appropriateness of the system's
The workshop on Context Representation in User Modelling (CRUM) aims to
become a place where novel and emerging context representation methods
can be introduced while existing approaches can be highlighted,
contrasted, and evaluated. We also welcome submissions tackling
challenges in related areas, including the use of context information
for explainability and context modelling for privacy within adaptive
*** Topics ***
The goal of CRUM 2023 is to be a venue which presents researchers with
the opportunity to discuss, present, and promote research pertaining to
context representation as it impacts the modelling and storing of user
information, the use of contextual information in adaptive systems,
ubiquitous computing applications, intelligent personal assistants, and
all other computer systems that enable personalisation as well as the
contribution of contextual information to the functioning, improvement,
evaluation, and scrutability of such systems. Topics considered relevant
for this workshop which would be listed in the call for contributions
• Capturing and storing contextual information;
• Situation-aware user modelling and adaptive systems;
• Contextrepresentationforpersonalisation;
• Adaptation of user models based on spatial, temporal, or situational
• Capturing and ranking application-specific context in hypermedia user
• Context as the relevance of static and dynamic external
characteristics within recommendation systems;
• Contextualisingproactivebehaviour;
• Context-aware personalised pervasive computing;
• The role of context for user modelling in recommender systems;
• Evaluation frameworks for capturing, representing, and using
contextual information in agent decision-making;
• Role of context and context representation within explainable adaptation;
• Scrutability of contextual representation in personalised systems;
• Evaluating the impact of context on user modelling.
*** Submission, presentation, and publication ***
Workshop papers should use the same ACM template (single-column format)
and formatting adopted by the main conference (you can retrieve them at
<https://www.um.org/umap2023/call-for-papers/>, Section "Length and
Workshop papers up toseven pages (excluding references) are allowed. For
appropriate work in progress or smaller results, submissions with fewer
pages are encouraged.
At least one author is expected to personally attend the conference and
present the paper, for it to be published. In line with the UMAP 2023
policy, hybrid activities cannot be supported.
Accepted papers are published by ACM in the UMAP adjunct proceedings.
*** Organisation ***
The workshop is co-chaired by:
• Owen Conlan, ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin, owen.conlan(a)tcd.ie
• Judy Kay, University of Sydney
The workshop is co-organised by: Jovan Jeromela(jeromelj(a)tcd.ie
<mailto:jeromelj@tcd.ie>), Dipto Barman, Hassan Zaal, Alok Debnath, and
Awais Akbar, all of ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin.
*** Important dates ***
Submission deadline: 20 April 2023
Notification: 8 May 2023
Camera-Ready (TAPS System): 18 May 2023
Workshop date: 26 June 2023 (Limassol, Cyprus)
Dipto Barman
PhD Student, funded by D-Real
Adapt Centre, School of Computer Science and Statistics
Trinity College Dublin
Dipto Barman
PhD Student, funded by D-Real
Adapt Centre, School of Computer Science and Statistics
Trinity College Dublin
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] [CFP] 5th Workshop on Explainable User Models and
Personalized Systems (ExUM) @UMAP 2023
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2023 15:56:50 +0200
From: Amra Delić <adelic(a)etf.unsa.ba>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CC: amra Delić <adelic(a)etf.unsa.ba>
*** Apologies for cross postings ***
*ExUM Workshop @UMAP 2023 - Final Call For Papers - *** DEADLINE APRIL,
20 ***
Workshop on Explainable User Models and Personalised Systems (ExUM@UMAP
co-located with UMAP 2023 (http://www.um.org/umap2023
<http://www.um.org/umap2023>) - 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling,
Adaptation and Personalization, June 26-29 | Limassol (Cyprus)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExUM_Workshop
Web: http://www.di.uniba.it/~swap/exum <http://www.di.uniba.it/~swap/exum>
For any information: cataldo.musto(a)uniba.it
<mailto:cataldo.musto@uniba.it>, marco.polignano(a)uniba.it
Adaptive and personalized systems have become pervasive technologies
that are gradually playing an increasingly important role in our daily
lives. Indeed, we are now used to interacting every day with algorithms
that help us in several scenarios, ranging from services that suggest us
music to be listened to or movies to be watched, to personal assistants
able to proactively support us in complex decision-making tasks.
As the importance of such technologies in our everyday lives grows, it
is fundamental that the internal mechanisms that guide these algorithms
are as clear as possible. It is not by chance that the recent General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) emphasized the users' right to
explanation when people face intelligence systems. Unfortunately, the
current research tends to go in the opposite direction, since most of
the approaches try to maximize the effectiveness of the personalization
strategy (e.g., recommendation accuracy) at the expense of the
explainability and the transparency of the model.
The main research questions which arise from this scenario is simple and
straightforward: how can we deal with such a dichotomy between the need
for effective adaptive systems and the right to transparency and
Several research lines are triggered by this question: building
scrutable user models and transparent algorithms, analyzing the impact
of opaque algorithms on final users, studying the role of explanation
strategies, and investigating how to provide users with more control in
the personalization and adaptation problems.
The workshop aims to provide a forum for discussing such problems,
challenges, and innovative research approaches in the area, by
investigating the role of transparency and explainability in the recent
methodologies for building user models or for developing personalized
and adaptive systems.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
o Scrutable User Models
o Transparent User Profiling and Personal Data Extraction
o Explainable Personalization and Adaptation Methodologies
o Novel strategies (e.g., conversational recommender systems) for
building transparent algorithms
o Transparent Personalization and Adaptation to Groups of users
o Explanation algorithms based on the item description and item properties
o Explanation algorithms based on user-generated content (e.g., reviews)
o Explanation algorithms based on collaborative information
o Building explanation algorithms for opaque personalization techniques
(e.g., neural networks, matrix factorization)
o Explanation algorithms based on methods to build group models
o Transparent User Interfaces
o Methodologies for designing transparent interaction
o Novel paradigms (e.g. chatbots) for building transparent models
o Evaluating Transparency in interaction or personalization
o Evaluating the Explainability of the algorithms
o Designing User Studies for evaluating transparency and explainability
o Novel metrics and experimental protocols
o Ethical issues (Fairness and Biases) in User Models and Personalized
o Privacy management of Personal and Social data
o Discussing Recent Regulations (GDPR) and future directions
We encourage the submission of contributions investigating novel
methodologies to exploit heterogeneous personal data and approaches to
build transparent and scrutable user models. In particular, we accept
three kinds of submissions:
(A) Regular papers (max. 10 pages + references - single-column ACM format)
(B) Ongoing projects, Demo and Short papers (max. 5 pages + references -
single-column ACM format);
(C) Journal papers (already published - 2 pages including abstract,
highlights, and a pointer to the complete paper - single-column ACM format);
Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23
During the submission process select “5th Workshop on Explainable User
Models and Personalized Systems (ExUM)”
All submitted papers will be evaluated by at least two members of the
program committee, based on originality, significance, relevance, and
technical quality. Note that the references do not count toward page
limits. Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e. authors’ names should
be included in the submissions. Papers must be formatted according to
the new workflow for ACM publications.
All accepted papers, except from the (C) submission type - already
published journal papers, will be published by ACM as a joint volume of
Extended UMAP 2023 Proceedings and will be available via the ACM Digital
Library. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for
the particular workshop and present the paper there.
The templates and instructions are available here:
- LaTeX (use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} in the
sample-authordraft.tex file for single-column) -
- Overleaf (use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} for
single-column) -
- MS Word:
* Full paper submission: April 20, 2023 (GMT)
* Paper notification: May 11, 2023 (GMT)
Cataldo Musto - University of Bari, Italy
Amra Delić – University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Oana Inel - Zurich University, Switzerland
Marco Polignano - University of Bari, Italy
Amon Rapp – University of Torino, Italy
Giovanni Semeraro - University of Bari, Italy
Juergen Ziegler - University of Duisburg Essen
Vito Walter Anelli - Politecnico di Bari
Esma Aimeur - University of Montreal
Francesco Barile - Maastricht University
Pierpaolo Basile - University of Bari
Alejandro Bellogin - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Ludovico Boratto - University of Cagliari
Robin Burke - University of Colorado Boulder
Federica Cena - University of Torino
Marco de Gemmis - University of Bari
Bruce Ferwerda - Jonkoping University
Riccardo Guidotti - University of Pisa
Eelco Herder - Utrecht University
Dietmar Jannach - University of Klagenfurt
Kyriaki Kalimeri - ISI Foundation
Styliani Kleanthous - Open University of Cyprus
Bart Knijnenburg - Clemson University
Benedikt Loepp - University of Duisburg
Erasmo Purificato - Otto Von Guericke University Magdeburg
Lucio Davide Spano - University of Cagliari
Alain Starke - University of Amsterdam
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-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Submissions to DEXA 2023 (Deadline: 20
April 2023)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2023 09:39:49 +0200
From: Hesti Sudjana <hesti.sudjana(a)jku.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to submit your research work and share your
insights at DEXA 2023 conferences and Workshops, which will take place
on 28-30 August 2023 in Penang, Malaysia and virtual. We are looking
forward to hearing about the latest developments and discoveries in your
field of expertise.
DEXA 2023 is an excellent opportunity to showcase your research work,
network with other professionals, and gain valuable feedback from your
peers. The conference will feature keynote speeches, panel discussions,
and paper presentations from experts in various fields.
All accepted conference papers will be published in a volume of "Lecture
Notes in Computer Science" (LNCS) by Springer. Workshops papers will be
published in a volume of "Communications in Computer and Information
Science" (CCIS) by Springer.
This year DEXA consists of 3 conferences and 5 workshops and we welcome
submissions from all areas of research, including but not limited to:
- Database, Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems Applications
- Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK), - Electronic
Government and the Information Systems Perspective (EGOVIS)
- Biological Knowledge Discovery from Data (BIOKDD)
- Cyber-Security and Functional Safety in Cyber-Physical Systems (IWCFS)
- Artificial Intelligence for Clean, Affordable and Reliable Energy
Supply (AI-CARES)
- AI System Engineering: Math, Modelling and Software (AISys)
- Time Ordered Data (ProTime)
Submissions can be in the form of research papers, case studies,
posters, and panel proposals.
To submit your work, please visit our conference website
https://www.dexa.org/ and follow the instructions provided. The deadline
for submission is 20 April 2023, and we will notify you of the
acceptance of your submission by 1 June 2023.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
We look forward to receiving your submission and seeing you at DEXA 2023.
Warm regards,
Hesti Sudjana
DEXA Conferences and Workshops Secretary
Hesti Sudjana
Telecooperation Departement
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Science Park 3, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [wkwi] NEMO2023 Summer School
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2023 12:38:09 +0200
From: Dimitris Karagiannis <dimitris.karagiannis(a)univie.ac.at>
Reply-To: Dimitris Karagiannis <dimitris.karagiannis(a)univie.ac.at>
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de
Dear Colleagues,
Based on your expertise, I would like to draw your attention to the NEMO
Summer School Series (https://nemo.omilab.org/) and kindly ask you to
encourage students, and researchers from your network to participate:
* NEMO is a two-week summer school that takes place at the University of
Vienna and is the international educational platform of OMiLAB NPO
(www.omilab.org/brochure <http://www.omilab.org/brochure>). *NEMO2023
takes place between July 17th and 28th, 2023.*
* The program focuses on designing and implementing enterprise digital
twins and ecosystems based on conceptual modelling methods. It combines
both lectures and practical sessions (www.omilab.org/nemo
* The participation fee includes: hotel accommodation (12 nights),
breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks, registration fee, materials and one
outdoor event. *APPLICATION OPEN: https://nemo.omilab.org/application/*
* "Become a Digital Leader!" is our motto for all participants and *6
ECTS* are granted.
Please see the call for participation:
It would be our pleasure to welcome participants from your side!
Dimitris Karagiannis
o. Univ.-Prof. Prof.h.c. Dr. Dimitris Karagiannis
Tel: (+43) 1 / 4277 78910, Fax: (+43) 1 / 4277 878910
University of Vienna
Research Group Knowledge Engineering
Waehringerstrasse 29
1090 Vienna, Austria
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
1090 Vienna, Austria