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Subject: [WI] 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023: Tutorial and Workshop Proposals
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2023 08:39:27 +0200
From: Theofanis I. Aravanis <taravanis(a)upatras.gr>
Reply-To: Theofanis I. Aravanis <taravanis(a)upatras.gr>
Organization: University of Patras
*20th International Conference on*
*Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023*
*September 2 - September 8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece*
*First Call for Tutorial and Workshop Proposals*
The 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning (KR 2023) solicits proposals for its
tutorial and workshop program. Tutorials and workshops will be held on
2nd to 4th of September 2023, prior to the KR main technical program. KR
will take place physically in Rhodes, Greece. The attendance of
tutorials is complimentary to all KR registered participants. Workshop
attendance will be subject to payment of a workshop fee, which is
separate from that of the main conference.
*Important Dates*
* *Proposal submission deadline*: January 31, 2023
* *Notification*: February 21, 2023
* *Workshop paper submission deadline*: May 31, 2023
* *Workshop paper notification*: July 4, 2023
* *Workshop registration deadline*: TBA
* *Tutorial and workshop dates*: September 2-4, 2023
*Submission Instructions*
Each proposal (tutorial or workshop) should be in English and must be
submitted electronically to the Workshop and Tutorial track of KR 2023
via EasyChair:
For all accepted proposals, KR will take care of all local arrangements.
*Submission Requirements for Tutorial Proposals*
KR tutorials are half-day or (exceptionally) full-day events that
introduce general or special topics in KR and relevant neighboring
areas. They can be first introductions to an established area or an
emerging field, but also advanced courses on specialized methods or new
approaches. The content should be adequately established and balanced,
and not be limited to advertising an individual research work or
product. A focus on specific tools and methodologies can still be useful
to offer concrete examples and hands-on activities to participants.
Each accepted tutorial will entitle a discount on the KR registration
fee for one tutorial presenter.
Each tutorial proposal should contain the following information:
* Title, presenters and proposed length of the tutorial (half-day is
recommended, but an argument can be made for a full-day tutorial)
* A half-page introduction to the tutorial's subject and relevance to KR
* A half-page on the target audience, prerequisite knowledge, and
learning goals
* One page outline of the tutorial contents and intended structure
* A brief resume of each presenter including name, affiliation, email
address, and evidence of scholarship in the area, mentioning
relevant publications or professional experience.
The main duties of tutorial organizers are:
* Setup a web-page for the tutorial, which should at least include the
information from the proposal, tutorial material and related references.
* Deliver the tutorial at KR 2023. A future call will provide details
on the presentation options.
*Submission Requirements for Workshop Proposals*
Workshops provide a place to exchange ideas in emerging fields in KR
research and application. They can take many forms, including
mini-conferences (with peer-reviewed publications), competitions and
shared tasks, working sessions (discussions, hackathons, etc.), line-ups
of invited contributions, or a mix of these. Innovative formats are
welcome, but organizers must provide means of estimating attendance and
required length up-front (by number of submissions, invited speakers, or
early registered participants).
Workshop proposals can use up to 4 pages, which should include the
following information:
* Title, acronym of the workshop, proposed duration (half day, one
day, ...),
* Workshop description: goals, format, and expected activities during
the workshop,
* Audience: target audience, research groups in the area, planned or
confirmed invited speakers, expected number of submissions and
* Related events: history of the workshop (if applicable),
relationship to recent similar events,
* Tentative list of PC members with their respective affiliations,
* A brief resume of each organizer including name, affiliation,
contact details, and evidence of scholarship in the area, mentioning
relevant publications or professional experience.
* Appendix: tentative call for contributions.
The main duties of the chair(s) of each accepted workshop are:
* Set up a webpage for the workshop,
* Advertise the workshop, distribute its call for papers and call for
* Coordinate the peer-reviewing of submitted contributions,
* If workshop proceedings are desired, it is the duty of the
organizers to produce and distribute their workshop proceedings,
* Organize a schedule for the workshop in collaboration with the local
organizers and the KR workshop co-chairs, and
* Coordinate and moderate the workshop participation and content.
KR reserves the right to cancel a workshop if it does not have enough
participants to cover its running costs.
Inquiries should be sent by email to the KR 2023 Tutorial and Workshop
Chairs: kr23-workshops-tutorials (AT) easychair.org
Nicolas Schwind (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and
Technology, Tokyo, Japan)
Serena Villata (Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Inria, I3S, France)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Subject: [AISWorld] cfp: 22nd Annual Security Conference, May 9-10,
2023, Las Vegas
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2023 17:20:03 -0600
From: Gurpreet Dhillon <gpdhillon9(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: gurpreet.dhillon(a)unt.edu
To: AISworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The 22nd Annual Security Conference
The multiple facets of cybersecurity
May 9-10, 2023
The Tuscany
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Submissions: March 1, 2023.
The nature and scope of the Information Security field have evolved over
the past several years. No longer are we just concerned with protecting the
technical edifice. Our emphasis has become more holistic and we tend to
consider all aspects of information protection as central to the field of
security. The Annual Security Conference provides a forum for discourses
in Security, Assurance, and Privacy that will define the moment and provide
a useful basis for nurturing further dialogues.
Contributions in the form of research papers, panel proposals, and case
studies are invited. All submissions are peer-reviewed and considered for
publication in the Journal of Information System Security (
http://www.jissec.org), European Journal of Management Studies, and
Information and Computer Security.
Further details and submission instructions can be found at:
General Chair
Gurpreet Dhillon, University of North Texas, USA
Co-Conference Chairs
Dionysios Demetis, University of Hull, UK
Steve Furnell, University of Nottingham, UK
Program Chairs
Mark Harris, Augusta University Cyber Institute, USA
Spiro Samonas, Panasonic Avionics,USA
Mark Schmidt, St. Cloud State University, USA
Organizing Chairs
Kane Smith, University of North Texas, USA
Joti Kaur, University of North Texas, USA
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: 16th World Conference on Information Security
Education (WISE16)
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2023 14:15:34 +0000
From: Jacques Ophoff <j.ophoff(a)abertay.ac.uk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
IFIP Working Group 11.8 - Information Security Education will hold the
16th World Conference on Information Security Education (WISE16) in
order to advance the state of computer security and information
assurance education throughout the world. To that end, we invite
practitioners, researchers, policy makers, and others from academia,
industry, and government to submit papers for presentation and topics
for working group to WISE 16.
The theme for WISE16 is "Information Security Education - Ensuring the
Security of our Digital Society". Deadline for the submission of full
papers: February 27, 2023
WISE16 is co-located with IFIP SEC 2023 and will be held 14-16 June 2023
in Poznan, Poland. See the WISE16 web site at
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solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of
Abertay University. This email and any attachments may be confidential
and are intended solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you
are not the intended recipient, you must take no action based on the
email or its attachments, nor must you copy or show them to anyone.
Please contact the sender if you believe you have received this email in
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Open Identity Summit 2023 - Call for Papers
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 14:36:32 +0000
From: Roßnagel, Heiko <Heiko.Rossnagel(a)iao.fraunhofer.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers
Open Identity Summit 2023
June 15th – June 16th 2023, Heilbronn, Germany
Submission deadline: January 31st, 2023
The aim of Open Identity Summit 2023 is to link practical experiences
and requirements with academic
innovations. Focus areas will be Research and Applications in the area
of Identity Management, Trust
Services, Open Source, Internet of Things, Distributed Ledgers, Privacy
and Cloud Computing.
Open standards and interfaces as well as open source technologies play a
central role in the current identity
management landscape as well as in emerging future scenarios in the area
of electronic identification and
trust services for electronic transactions. Reliable identity management
is an essential building block for
many applications and services such as innovative payment services,
digital manufacturing, and other
innovative applications in the area of e-health, e-government,
distributed ledgers, cloud computing, data
management for artificial intelligence, and the internet of things.
While there are already plenty of successful applications in which those
techniques are applied to safeguard
authenticity, integrity and confidentiality, there are still many
closely related areas, which demand further
research. These include technical solutions that provide higher levels
of transparency, intervenability and
accountability. Moreover, the security and privacy properties of
technologies are of paramount importance.
We invite stakeholders and technical experts from public administration,
industry, science and academia to
propose contributions to the program of the workshop. Submissions should
be short papers (5-6 pages) or
full papers (max. 12 pages) in English. The program committee will
review submitted papers. Accepted
papers will be presented at the workshop and are planned to be published
in the GI-Edition Lecture Notes
in Informatics (LNI) and listed in Scopus.
Topics of Interest
The topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:
Identity Management and Privacy
• Security, interoperability, user experience and novel use cases
related to identity management,
credential technologies and electronic identity means.
• Authentication protocols and federated identity management.
• Novel technologies for identity management (e.g. based on blockchain
and distributed ledger
technology): Distributed and self-sovereign identities (SSI),
decentralized identity management.
• Security and interoperability of Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)
and Access to Account
(XS2A) according to PSD2
• National and international ecosystems for digital identities and
long-term aspects of identity
• Concepts for and practical experiences with components, systems,
services, processes and
applications for identity management.
• Mobile aspects of identity management and smartphone identity wallets.
• Identity and access management in IoT, IIoT, Industry 4.0 and digital
manufacturing scenarios.
• OT/IT-Security in production and the Industry 4.0
• Cybersecurity aspects of digital identity: Resilience, risk,
contingency, counterintelligence
• Smart assistants for security, privacy and identity management.
• Privacy, unlinkability, auditability and evidence within identity
management systems.
• Technologies enhancing transparency, intervenability and
accountability of identity and access
• Standards, interoperability aspects and interoperable solutions for
identity management.
• Legal and socio-economic aspects of privacy and identity management,
in particular effects of the
changing EU Regulatory Framework.
• Zero Trust strategies and implementations for identity and network
• Socio-economic aspects of digital identity, privacy and data protection
• Impact of quantum computing on the management of digital identities
• Role of AI in digital identity management (including identity fraud,
morphing, deep fakes)
• Social engineering and identity fraud
Trust Services and Related Applications
• Legal and international aspects related to the eIDAS regulatory
framework and its development
into “eIDAS 2.0”.
• Trust services in particular for electronic signatures, electronic
seals, electronic time stamps,
electronic registered delivery and website authentication.
• Economic aspects related to electronic identification and trust services
• Standards, technologies and innovative solutions related to electronic
identification and trust
• Aspects related to the certification and accreditation of trust
services and related components.
• Concepts and solutions for the long-term preservation of evidence of
electronic data.
Open Source
• Security, interoperability as well as legal and economic aspects of
open source in the area of
security and identity management.
• Concepts and practical experiences with open source components related
to security, identity
management and end-to-end-encryption.
• New open source projects and news from existing open source projects
in the area of security,
identity management, trust services, end-to-end encryption and cloud
Conference Chair
• Heiko Roßnagel (Fraunhofer IAO),
• Jochen Günther (Hochschule Heilbronn),
• Christian Schunck (Fraunhofer IAO)
Local Organisation
• Jochen Günther (Hochschule Heilbronn),
Program Committee
The program comittee is listed on: http://openidentity.eu/
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: 31st January 2023
Notification of Acceptance: 30th March 2023
Submission of Camera Ready Copies: 29th April 2023
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] [Free Springer Book ] Few days for submitting your
full chapter !! Firm Deadline: January, 31st, 2023
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 10:43:54 +0100
From: mohamed Lahby <lahby(a)ieee.org>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies, if you receive multiple copies of this CFC]
Dear Colleagues/Friends/Students/Fellows,
Please find a Call for Chapters below. The deadline is short. We are
looking for a few more high-quality chapters to be added to this book's
current content. The deadline for submission of your full chapter is:
31st, 2023 (Firm).* Those who have got their proposals accepted or chapters
submitted may ignore this and encourage others to contribute only
high-quality chapters.
*Call for Book Chapters (Free publication)*
*Edited Book: Mathematical modelling and Intelligent Control *
*for Combating Pandemics*
*Publication in "**Springer Optimization and Its Applications
<https://www.springer.com/series/7393>**", by Springer and indexed by
*Call for Chapters: **Call for Chapters Link
*Submission link: Submission link
Editors of the Springer Book "*Mathematical Modelling and Intelligent
Control for Combating Pandemics*" invites submissions containing
Original, High Quality Ideas that are relevant to the scope of the
book. The chapter proposal may kindly be sent in Latex or Word
Experienced authors and contributors in the field of mathematical
modelling and Intelligent control for combating Pandemic may kindly
submit their chapters.
All chapter proposals that conform to submission guidelines will be
peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and
research content, depth, correctness, relevance to scope of the book
and readability.
For details the following website may kindly be referred:
*Topics of Interest:*
This book targets a mixed audience of researchers, academics and
professionals from different communities to share and exchange new ideas,
approaches, theories and practices to resolve the challenging issues
associated with the leveraging of combating Pandemic with mathematical
techniques and computational intelligence techniques .
The tentative structure of the book (*but are not limited to the following
Parts*) is mentioned below:
*Part I. Mathematical Modelling for Combating Pandemic/COVID-19*
- SIR compartmental mathematical model
- SIER compartmental mathematical model
- SAIU compartmental mathematical model
- SAIRD compartmental mathematical model
- Fractional mathematical modeling
- Predictive mathematical models
- Etc
*Part II. Intelligent Control Systems for Combating Pandemic/COVID-19*
- Optimal control
- Fractional optimal control
- Nonlinear optimal control
- Expert Control Systems
- Fuzzy Control Systems
- Neurocontrol Systems
- Learning Control Systems
- Machine Learning techniques
- Deep learning models
- Etc
*Part III. Case Studies and Solutions for Combating Pandemic/COVID-19*
- Mathematical modelling of Vaccination strategy
- Intelligent control of Vaccination strategy
- Smart Framework for Predicting the Distribution of Vaccines
- Etc
*Submission Procedure:*
Authors are invited to submit their full chapters by *January, 31st, 2023
(Firm deadline)**.* Manuscripts submitted for the book must be original,
must not be previously published or currently under review anywhere.
Submitted manuscripts should respect the standard guidelines of the
Springer book chapter format. Manuscripts must be prepared using Latex, or
Word, and according to the Springer requirements that can be downloaded
from the (*link
and the Chapter should contain in between *15-24 pages*. Manuscripts that
do not follow the formatting rules will be rejected without review.
Prospective authors should send their manuscripts electronically through
the easychair submission system as mentioned below:
*Submission Link:* https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=m2i2cp
*NB:* There are *no submission or acceptance fees* for manuscripts
submitted to this book publication. All manuscripts are accepted based on a
double-blind peer review editorial process.
*Abstracting and Indexing:*
The accepted chapters will be published in "*Springer Optimization and Its
Applications <https://www.springer.com/series/7393>*" by *Springer*,
indexed in *Scopus, EI, DBPL, etc*…
*Contact: *
For questions regarding the book, please contact *Pr. Mohamed Lahby*: lahby
Best regards
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] <<<<<<< Journal of Business Analytics >>>>>>>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 13:22:07 +0000
From: Goodman, Richard <Richard.Goodman(a)tandf.co.uk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Journal of Business Analytics, Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2023 is now
available online on Taylor & Francis Online.
***Journal news***
- We are growing from two to four issues
- We have been accepted into the Web of Science and will receive our
first Impact Factor in 2023
- We have submitted our application to the CABS Academic Journal Guide 2024
- We recently published our first special issue in partnership with the
ECIS Business Analytics and Big Data track. Guest edited by: Christian
Janiesch, Barbara Dinter, Patrick Mikalef & Olgerta Tona
- Median days from submission to first decision is under three months
***Latest issue***
The winding road of requesting healthcare data for analytics purposes:
using the one-interview mental model method for improving services of
health data governance and big data request processes
Kanupriya Singh, Isa Jahnke, Abu Mosa & Prasad Calyam
Using efficiency frontiers to visualise suppliers' performance
capabilities: moving beyond supplier rationalisation
Osman Aydas, Anthony Ross, Hamieda Parker & Sepideh Alavi
Winning one-day international cricket matches: a cross-team perspective
Subrat Sarangi & RK Renin Singh
Artificial intelligence in energy industry: forecasting electricity
consumption through cohort intelligence & adaptive neural fuzzy
inference system
Salih Tutun, Ali Tosyali, Hossein Sangrody, Mohammad Khasawneh, Marina
Johnson, Abdullah Albizri & Antoine Harfouche
Forecasting natural gas consumption in residential and commercial
sectors in the US
Xingxing Zu, Xiaoyin Wang & Yunwei Cui
With best wishes,
The Editors-in-Chief
Dursun Delen, Oklahoma State University, USA. Email:
Sudha Ram , The University of Arizona, USA. Email: sram(a)arizona.edu
Richard Vidgen, University of New South Wales, Australia & University of
Hull, UK. Email: r.vidgen(a)unsw.edu.au
P.s. It was great to see all our amazing Associate Editors and Editorial
Board members at the recent online meet up!
Richard Goodman
Journal Portfolio Manager
OR/MS, Industrial Engineering & Operations Management 4 Park Square |
Milton Park | Abingdon | Oxon | OX14 4RN Richard.goodman(a)tandf.co.uk
Information Classification: General
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] EMMSAD'2023 CFP (in conjunction with CAISE'2023,
Zaragoza, Spain)
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2023 15:04:56 +0100
From: Bork, Dominik <dominik.bork(a)tuwien.ac.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The 28h International Conference on Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems
Analysis and Development (EMMSAD’2023)
held in conjunction with CAiSE’23, Zaragoza, Spain
http://www.emmsad.org/ @EMMSADconf
Submission deadline: March 12th, 2023 (Abstract – March 5th)
Dear Colleague,
We cordially invite you to submit your papers to the *** 28th
International Conference on Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems
Analysis and Development (EMMSAD'2023) *** that will be held in
conjunction with CAiSE'23, Zaragoza, Spain, on June 12-13, 2023
Objective & Scope
The EMMSAD conference series provides a forum for researchers and
practitioners interested in modeling methods for Systems Analysis and
Development to meet and exchange research ideas and results. This
includes standardized modeling methods (e.g. UML, ArchiMate, and BPMN)
as well as new modeling methods that deal with emerging trends and
technologies: Digital Transformation, Digital Twins, Digital Ecosystems,
Big Data, Industry 4.0, IoT, Cyber-physical Systems, Blockchain, AI,
etc. Theses interests are considered in the following disciplinary tracks:
1. Foundations of modeling & method engineering - Track Chairs: Jolita
Ralyte & Janis Stirna
2. Enterprise, business, process & capability modeling - Track Chairs:
Janis Grabis & Paul Grefen
3. Information Systems & requirements modeling - Track Chairs: Roman
Lukyanenko & Marcela Ruiz
4. Domain-specific & knowledge modeling - Track Chairs: Tiago Prince
Sales & Arnon Sturm
5. Evaluation of models & modeling approaches - Track Chairs: Renata
Guizzardi & Qin Ma
*** More details on the tracks and their topics can be found at the end
of this email and on the EMMSAD website.
*** EMMSAD'2023 will also support presentation of case reports on the
creation and use of models, through the models-at-work initiative, for
more details please visit https://www.models-at-work.org/.
Important dates:
* Abstract submissions: March 5, 2023 (recommended)
* Full paper submissions: March 12, 2023
* Notification of acceptance: April 7, 2023
* Camera-ready copies: April 17, 2023
* Conference: June 12-13, 2023
For further information, please visit the conference website
Submission & Publication:
The working conference accepts long papers (up to 15 pages overall,
including references and appendices) that report Completed Research or
Research-In-Progress and short papers (up to 8 pages overall) reporting
innovative ideas, experience, or tools. Only electronic submissions in
PDF format, and in Springer's LNBIP style (See
http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-791344-0) will be
accepted through the conference management system available at
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=caise2023, please select the
"Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Development
(EMMSAD)" track.
Top papers will be invited to submit an extended and enhanced version
for consideration for publication in *** SoSyM -- Software and System
Modelling journal ***.
Dominik Bork, TU Wien, Austria
Henderik Proper, TU Wien, Austria
(EMMSAD’2023 conference chairs)
EMMSAD'2023 detailed track descriptions:
Track 1: Foundations of modeling & method engineering
* Definition and representation: conceptual modeling, metamodeling,
method knowledge infrastructure, and method ontologies
* Agility in modeling and method engineering
* Situational method engineering
* Adaptation, extension, and configuration of methods & tools
* Maturity and quality of models and methods
* Evolution and interoperability of models
* Modeling and method engineering for emerging computing technologies
and approaches
* Ethical foundations of modeling
* Teaching and learning of modeling & method engineering
Track 2: Enterprise, business, process & capability modeling
* Enterprise modeling approaches, architectures, and platforms
* Business models and ecosystems
* Modeling data-driven organizations
* Business process modeling, architectures, and evolution
* Reference modeling
* Capability-driven development
Track 3: Information Systems & requirements modeling
* Model-Driven development
* Requirements modeling for emerging technologies
* Modeling in agile development
* Crowd-based and collaborative modeling
* Social media, user-generated content modeling
* Quality & NFRs of models and modeling
* Traceability between software artifacts
* Experience in practice and education
Track 4: Domain-specific & knowledge modeling
* Metamodel and model engineering
* Design of DSLs and supporting tools
* Multi-level and multi-perspective modeling
* Knowledge graphs
* Ontology and domain-specific analogy
* Applications of/with ontology and Domain Specific Modeling (DSM)
* Applying AI Algorithms (e.g., Reasoning, ML, Planning) to/with DSL and
Domain Ontologies
Track 5: Evaluation of models & modeling approaches
* Empirical / Experimental evaluation techniques
* Formal evaluation
* Evaluation through practice
* Evaluation through model simulation
* New methods for model or modeling evaluation
* Ontological-based evaluation and comparison
* Evaluation of MDD-based methods and tools
* Applications in education
Ass. Prof. Dr. Dominik Bork
Assistant Professor for Business Systems Engineering
Business Informatics Group (BIG)
Institute of Information Systems Engineering
TU Wien
Favoritenstr. 9-11 / 194-3
Stiege 2, 2. Stock, Raum HG0206
1040 Wien, Österreich
Tel: +43 (1) 58801-194308
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP AMCIS 2023-- Mini-track: Moving Beyond
Traditional Constructs in Information Security Research
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2023 16:31:52 +0000
From: Merhi, Mohammad I <mmerhi(a)iusb.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CALL FOR PAPERS for the Minitrack: Moving Beyond Traditional Constructs
in Information Security Research
2023 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Panama City,
Panama, August 10-12, 2023 https://amcis2023.aisconferences.org
Dear Colleagues,
We kindly invite you to submit your manuscripts to the minitrack: Moving
Beyond Traditional Constructs in Information Security Research, under
the Information Security and Privacy track of the 2023 AMCIS conference,
which will take place on August 10-12, 2023 in Panama City, Panama.
Track: Information Security and Privacy (SIGSEC)
Minitrack: Moving Beyond Traditional Constructs in Information Security
Employees are organizations' core assets that interact with Information
Systems (IS) in order to perform their tasks; however numerous studies
have reported that employees noncompliance with IS security policies is
the main cause of security breaches within organizations. Over the last
decade, the IS research community has contributed substantial research
in order to understand the causes underlying IS security non-compliance.
Most of this research draws upon the General Deterrence Theory and
Theory of Planned Behavior theory to explain the behavior that motivates
IS security compliance. Even though the existing research has
significantly contributed to the understanding of the phenomenon of IS
security noncompliance, several studies have reported non-convergent
findings. The purpose of this mini-track is to provide a forum to
present and discuss theoretical models, methodologies, and empirical
cases concerning employees' behaviors and noncompliance with IS security
This mini-track aims to investigate new theories and constructs that
have not been explored in IS security compliance literature. Therefore,
we invite innovative papers that explore new constructs and theories
that address a variety of issues pertaining to employees' behaviors
toward IS security in organizations. The goal is to advance our
understanding of the IS security noncompliance phenomenon.
Cross-cultural studies or comparative studies highlighting differences
and similarities regarding employees' behaviors with IS security in
emerging and developing countries are also welcome.
- Full papers must not exceed 10 pages (approx. 5,000 words)
- Emergent Research Forum (ERF) papers must not exceed 5 pages (approx.
2,500 words)
Papers must be submitted through the conference website:
For details on submission instructions, deadlines, and template, please
click here:
- January 6, 2023: Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2023 begin
- March 1, 2023: Completed research and ERFs submissions due at 10 a.m. EST
We look forward to your submissions and if you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact us.
Minitrack Co-chairs:
- Mohammad I. Merhi, Indiana University South Bend: mmerhi(a)iusb.edu
- Punit Ahluwalia, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley:
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2023 CFP Extra Role Security Behaviors in the
Workplace (Information Security and Privacy Track)
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2023 14:58:40 +0000
From: Davis, Joshua M <JoshuaDavis(a)MissouriState.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
AMCIS 2023
August 10 - 12, 2023 (Panama City, Panama)
Track: Information Security and Privacy
Mini-track: Extra Role Security Behaviors in the Workplace
In addition to compliance with organizational information security
policies (OISPs), employee behaviors that go beyond organizational
prescription can substantially impact a company's security posture.
Rapid distribution of the workforce and an evolving threat landscape
have increased the value of this facet of behavioral security in recent
years. Unfortunately, despite its value, employee disinterest in
information security remains one of the greatest challenges to security
programs today. This issue is especially problematic for extra role
security behaviors, which are discretionary and less responsive to
formal controls. In response, this mini track seeks to expand the
knowledge base on extra role security behaviors and the mechanisms that
support it. We welcome research using a variety of theories,
methodologies, and levels of analysis. Topics may include, but are not
limited to human factors, normative influences, relational drivers,
identity related mechanisms, information pr
ocessing and decision making, and organizational enablers of extra role
security behaviors.
Mini-track Co-chairs
Joshua Davis, Missouri State University,
Deepti Agrawal, Appalachian State University,
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Subject: [AISWorld] SEAMS 2023 Community Debate position papers
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2023 00:53:07 +0000
From: Camilli Matteo <Matteo.Camilli(a)unibz.it>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
[apologies for multiple copies]
The 18th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive
and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS) 2023
**Call for Community Debate position papers**
SEAMS 2023 Community Debate position papers (2 pages, possibly with a
supporting video): participants from industry and academia who wish to
participate in the SEAMS 2023 Community Debate are strongly encouraged
to submit a short position paper on the statement
"Are the solutions developed by the self-adaptive systems community
mature enough to be adopted by industry?"
A submission should clearly take a position for or against the statement
and support that position with arguments.
Please see the SEAMS 2023 website for details:
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