-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Workshop Proposals - WorldCIST'23 | Pisa,
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2022 00:51:57 +0100
From: WorldCIST-2023 <marialemos72(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: worldcist(a)gmail.com
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
* Google Scholar H-Index = 25
* Indexed in WoS, Scopus, DBLP, etc.
-------------------------------- CALL for WORKSHOPS
WorldCIST'23 - 11st World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
Pisa, Italy, 4 - 6 April 2023
http://worldcist.org/ <https://mkt.saisti.eu/got/21dc5f6ce2OOTe1Nb>
The Information Systems and Technologies research and industrial
community is invited to submit proposals for the organization of
Workshops at WorldCist'23 - 11th World Conference on Information Systems
and Technologies, to be held at Pisa, Italy, 4-6 April 2023. WorldCist
is a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and
discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and
concerns in the several perspectives of Information Systems and
Workshops should focus on a specific scientific subject on the scope of
WorldCist'23 but not directly included on the main conference areas.
Each workshop will be coordinated by an Organizing Committee composed
of, at least, two researchers in the field, preferably from different
institutions and different countries. The organizers should create an
international Program Committee for the Workshop, with recognized
researchers within the specific Workshop scientific area. Each workshop
should have at least ten submissions and five accepted papers to be
conducted at WorldCist'23.
The selection of Workshops will be performed by WorldCist'23
Conference/Workshop Chairs. Each Workshop will have 1 article offered
for 10 articles with paid registration, 2 articles offered for 20
articles with paid registration, and 3 articles offered for 40 articles
with paid registration.
Workshops full and short papers will be published in the conference main
proceedings in specific Workshop chapters published by Springer in a
book of the LNNS series. Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by
WoS, SCOPUS, DBLP, Google Scholar, among several other scientific
databases. Extended versions of best selected papers will be published
in journals indexed by WoS/SCI, SCOPUS and DBLP. Detailed and up-to-date
information may be found at WorldCist'23 website: http://worldcist.org/
The Organizing Committee of each Workshop will be responsible for:
- Producing and distributing the Workshop Call for Papers (CFP);
- Coordinating the review and selection process for the papers submitted
to the Workshop, as Workshop chairs (on the paper submission system to
be installed);
- Delivering the final versions of the papers accepted for the Workshop
in accordance with the guidelines and deadlines defined by WorldCist'23
- Coordinating and chairing the Workshop sessions at the conference.
WorldCist'23 organizers reserve the right to cancel any Workshop if
deadlines are missed or if the number of registered attendees is too low
to support the costs associated with the Workshop.
Workshop proposals should contain the following information:
- Workshop title;
- Brief description of the specific scientific scope of the Workshop;
- List of topics of interest (max 15 topics);
- Reasons the Workshop should be held within WorldCist’23;
- Name, postal address, phone and email of all the members of the
Workshop Organizing Committee;
- Preliminary proposal for the Workshop Program Committee (Names and
Proposals should be submitted at
<https://mkt.saisti.eu/got/-c7dc7d0e2OOTe5tl> in PDF (in English), by
September 4, 2022.
- Deadline for Workshop proposals: September 10, 2022
- Notification of Workshop acceptance: September 15, 2022
- Workshop Final Information and Program Committee: September 25, 2022
- Deadline for paper submission: November 20, 2022
- Notification of paper acceptance: December 23, 2022
- Deadline for final versions and conference registration: January 4, 2023
- Conference dates: 4-6 April 2023
Fernando Moreira, Universidade Portucalense, Portugal
WorldCIST'23 Website: http://worldcist.org/
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AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 2nd call extension - 19th International Conference
Applied Computing 2022
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2022 10:20:31 -0500
From: nat(a)iadis.org
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
* Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested colleagues and
--CALL FOR PAPERS AC 2022 - Deadline for submissions (2nd call
extension): 29 August 2022 --
19th International Conference Applied Computing 2022
8 – 10 November 2022, Lisbon, Portugal
* Conference Scope
The Applied Computing 2022 conference aims to address the main issues of
concern within the applied computing area and related fields. This
conference covers essentially technical aspects. The conference is
divided into more detailed areas, for more information please check
* Paper Submission
This is a blind peer-reviewed conference. Authors are invited to submit
their papers in English through the conference submission system by
August 29, 2022. Submissions must be original and should not have been
published previously.
* Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline (2nd call extension): 29 August 2022
- Notification to Authors (2nd call extension): 30 September 2022
- Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration (2nd call
extension): Until 21 October 2022
- Late Registration (2nd call extension): After 21 October 2022
* Paper Publication
The papers will be published in book and electronic format with ISBN,
will be made available through the Digital Library available at
The best paper authors will be invited to publish extended versions of
their papers in specific journals, and in the IADIS International
Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems.
The conference proceedings will be submitted for indexation (pending
approval) by IET’s INSPEC, Elsevier, EI Compendex, Scopus, Thomson
Reuters Web of Science, EBSCO and other important indexing services.
* Conference Contact:
E-mail: secretariat(a)computing-conf.org
Web site: http://www.computing-conf.org/
* Organized by: International Association for Development of the
Information Society
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Fwd: Publish Your Work in the ACM Journal on
Responsible Computing (JRC)
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2022 09:50:15 -0500
From: Kenneth Robert Fleischmann <kfleisch(a)utexas.edu>
To: Ken Fleischmann <kfleisch(a)ischool.utexas.edu>
ACM Digital Library
[image: journal banner]
*Publish Your Work in the ACM Journal on Responsible Computing (JRC)*
Kenneth R. Fleischmann, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
The *ACM Journal on Responsible Computing* (JRC) publishes high-quality
original research at the intersection of computing, ethics, information,
law, policy, responsible innovation, and social responsibility from a wide
range of convergent, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and
transdisciplinary perspectives. We welcome papers using any or a
combination of computational, conceptual, qualitative, quantitative, and
other methods to make contributions to knowledge, methods, practice, and
theory, broadly defined. Relevant domains include but are not limited to:
- Values and ethics in the design and evaluation of computing and
information technology;
- Ethical and societal implications of computing and information
- Public interest technology (information technology that serves the
public interest);
- Fairness, accountability, and transparency in computing and
information technology;
- Computing, information, health, and wellbeing;
- Approaches to addressing threats such as adversarial machine learning,
misinformation, and disinformation;
- Examples of how computing and information can be leveraged to achieve
outcomes that benefit humanity.
The journal encourages contributions that address emerging areas in
computing and information including but not limited to artificial
intelligence, extended reality, internet of things, machine learning, and
quantum computing, as well as a wide range of ethical frameworks and
perspectives from a contemporary global perspective. Authors from the
Global South, from groups currently underrepresented in computing and
information, and from communities adversely affected by inequities in
computing and information are particularly encouraged to submit.
*For further information and to submit your manuscript, please visit*
Subscribe to JRC TOC Alerts.
*Why Publish with ACM *
- *Maximize the exposure of your work* - Your article will be available
in the ACM Digital Library
the most comprehensive database of computing literature in the world.
- *Allow your colleagues to read your work for free* - ACM's Author-Izer
link enables free downloads of the definitive version of your work in the
ACM Digital Library to your own homepage or your institutional repository.
- *Promote your work with Kudos
- After your paper has been accepted and uploaded to the ACM Digital
Library, you'll receive an invitation from Kudos to create a free account
and add a plain-language description.
- *Enjoy liberal author rights policies* - ACM allows for posting on
institutional repositories, as well as on noncommercial preprint servers
such as ArXiv.
- *Publish Open Access* - Even if you are not submitting to a Gold OA
ACM journal, you still have the option to publish your paper open access
*Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Ph.D.* | Professor
Good Systems, a UT Grand Challenge <http://goodsystems.utexas.edu/> |
Founding Chair,
Executive Team
B.S.I./B.A. in Informatics
<https://ischool.utexas.edu/programs/informatics> | Founding Director
of Undergraduate Studies,
School of Information
M.S. in Information Security and Privacy
<https://msisp.ischool.utexas.edu/> | Chair,
Graduate Studies Committee
The University of Texas at Austin | School of Information
Public Interest Technology University Network <https://pitcases.org/> |
Working Group on Faculty and Institution Building
IEEE Intelligent Systems, Special Issue on AI Ethics and Trust
Guest Co-Editor
ACM Journal on Responsible Computing <https://dl.acm.org/journal/jrc> |
Founding Editor-in-Chief
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [WI] FGWM @ LWDA 2022 in Hildesheim - Last Reminder Call for
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2022 15:33:19 +0200
From: a.korger(a)angesagt-gmbh.de
Reply-To: a.korger(a)angesagt-gmbh.de
To: fgwm(a)lists.informatik.uni-erlangen.de
CC: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Dear Researchers,
the final deadline is approaching (July, 31^st ).
Would you be so kind to upload an abstract to easy chair if you are
planning a submission.
*We also welcome resubmissions of other conferences with related topics.*
*Call for Papers*
*Workshop “Fachgruppe Wissensmanagement (SIG Knowledge Management)”*
The annual workshop "Fachgruppe Wissensmanagement (SIG Knowledge
Management)" is organized by the Special Interest Group on Knowledge
Management of the German Informatics society (GI), which aims at
enabling and promoting the exchange of innovative ideas and practical
applications in the field of knowledge and experience management.
All submissions of current research from this and adjacent areas are
welcome, in particular, work in progress contributions. The latter can
serve as a basis for interesting discussions among the participants and
provide young researchers with feedback. We also invite researchers to
contribute to the workshop by resubmitting conference papers to share
their ideas with the research community.
*Topics of Interest*
Submissions from all areas contributing to the development and
application of intelligent knowledge and experience management systems
are welcome. We explicitly encourage paper submissions that are not
mainstream but from communities within mathematics, social sciences or
economics in order to obtain a more interdisciplinary view on the subject.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Experience & knowledge search and knowledge integration approaches:
case-based reasoning, logic-based approaches, text-based approaches,
collaborative filtering, semantic portals, agile approaches etc.
* Applications of knowledge and experience management (corporate
memories, e-commerce, design, tutoring/e-learning, e-government,
software engineering, robotics, medicine, etc.)
* (Semantic) Web Services for KM and Linked Data
* User experience management
* Context-driven retrieval and just-in-time knowledge capturing
* Agent-based & Peer-to-Peer KM
* Knowledge representation (ontologies, similarity, retrieval,
adaptive knowledge, etc.)
* Support of authoring and maintenance processes (change management,
requirements tracing, (distributed) version control, etc.)
* Design and evaluation of KM systems
* Knowledge and resource management in embedded systems
* Practical experiences (“lessons learned”) with IT aided KM approaches
* Integration of KM and business processes
* Introspection and explanation capabilities of KM systems
* Innovation through knowledge connection and exchange
* Combination of KM with other systems and concepts (e.g. Decision
Support, Cloud Computing, Big Data)
* Knowledge management in Industry 4.0 (Large scale IIoT systems)
* Knowledge management in IT-security (e.g. Malware detection,
malicious network traffic)
Official workshop languages are German and English. In particular,
contributions can be in English or German but presentations should be in
English to ensure that English speaking participants can always follow.
Please have a look at the “WM-Workshop Manifesto” below for convincing
reasons to submit to and participate in the WM-Workshop.
*Intended Audience*
The target group includes researchers and practitioners who are
interested in developing, applying and analyzing knowledge and
experience management systems as well as applicable scenarios. The
workshop is also a great and affordable platform for young researchers
to present their work to a larger group of researchers and get valuable
*Submission Guidelines*
Submissions should be alternatively
* up to 6 pages long for short papers,
* 7 to 12 pages long for full papers or PhD proposals,
* up to 1 page summaries for resubmissions recently published at other
renowned conferences.
* All contributions must be submitted via EasyChair as PDF
* Please select the track “Wissensmanagement (FGWM)” when submitting
your paper. The publication of the conference proceedings will be
with CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org <http://ceur-ws.org/>).
* All papers have to be formatted following the CEUR-WS format:
* https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/lwda-2022-template/qknyqqjdzrzt
* All workshop participants have to register for the LWDA 2021
conference. Please see:
Submission of papers: July 31, 2022
Notification of acceptance: August 30, 2022
Camera-ready copy: September 22, 2022
Workshop FGWM@LWDA: October 5-7, 2022
For any questions do not hesitate to contact the conference organizers
at lwa2022[at]easychair.org.
*Program Committee*
* Klaus-Dieter Althoff DFKI Kaiserslautern /
Univ. of Hildesheim
* Kerstin Bach University of Trondheim
* Joachim Baumeister denkbares GmbH / University of
* Ralph Bergmann University of Trier
* Jörg Cassens University of Hildesheim
* Viktor Eisenstadt University of Hildesheim
* Lisa Grumbach University of Trier
* Andrea Kohlhase University of Applied
Sciences Neu-Ulm
* Michael Kohlhase University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
* Andreas Korger University of Würzburg
* Michael Leyer University of Marburg
* Elisabeth Mayweg-Paus Humboldt University of Berlin
* Mirjam Minor University of Frankfurt
* John Moore University of Edinburgh
* Ulrich Reimer University of Applied
Sciences St. Gallen
* Pascal Reuss University of Hildesheim
* Bodo Rieger University of Osnabrück
* Harald Sack FIZ Karlsruhe
* Christian Severin Sauer University of Hildesheim
* Jakob Michael Schoenborng University of Hildesheim
* Carsten Wenzel University of Hildesheim
* Christian Zeyen University of Tier
*Workshop Chair*
* Michael Leyer
* Andreas Korger
The contact persons for all questions regarding the organization of the
workshop workshop are Michael Leyer (michael.leyer(a)uni-rostock.de) and
Andreas Korger (a.korger(a)informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de
*Workshop Manifesto*
The SIG Knowledge Management (Fachgruppe Wissensmanagement, in short
FGWM) of the German Informatics Society (GI) annually organizes a
workshop within the LWDA workshop series. The SIG compiled a list of
reasons why attendance to that workshop is attractive and why it is
unique among the many existing conferences and workshops on topics
related to knowledge management.
The workshop is not a mini-conference but a real workshop because
* there is ample discussion time for each of the presented papers,
* it gives the opportunity to present work in progress, possibly in
its early stages only,
* there is the possibility for break-out sessions on topics to be
discussed more deeply.
Therefore the workshop provides the opportunity for young researchers
(even excellent master students) to
* present and discuss preliminary work,
* get feedback on their work from a larger audience with people having
quite different viewpoints,
* get accustomed to presenting and defending their work at scientific
The workshop is a forum for testing the viability of new ideas (by
junior as well as senior researchers) before more effort and resources
are put into these ideas.
Since the workshop attracts students as well as senior members of the
community it plays a vital role in
* fostering the next generation of researchers (like a doctoral
symposium but across institutions),
* helping to maintain a high quality of PhD work,
* recruiting research staff (master students looking for PhD
positions, PhD students looking for postdoc positions).
* The workshop is enriched by including a few top-notch papers already
presented at international venues. Since nobody can attend all
relevant conferences any more this is a good opportunity to catch up
on missed papers.
* The workshop is the forum for connecting with the German knowledge
management community.
* Last but not least, the workshop has a very low participation fee
and is thus much more affordable than pre-conference workshops which
can usually only be attended when also registering to the main
conference (with the full conference fee).
*A statement by a young researcher why the workshop series is attractive*
“The workshop offers a unique opportunity for the promotion of young
researchers. With its low participation fee and the informal nature it
provides a platform for young PhD students and advanced MSc students to
present their projects and theses to a larger audience. It is thus an
excellent opportunity to gain first experiences in scientific practice
and exchange. The possibility to take part in scientific discourse
already at an early stage is very valuable to young researchers. In the
field of knowledge management, this is a unique feature of the FGWM
workshop. Besides getting useful feedback on their work from senior
researchers outside their own research group, young researchers profit
from an exchange of experiences with fellow PhD students from other
*A statement by a senior researcher why the workshop series is attractive*
“The FGWM workshop provides senior researchers not only with a platform
for presenting their own research interests and discussing presented
work, but also offers the opportunity to share best practices on PhD
supervision among different universities and research institutions.
Senior researchers can pass along experience on project proposal
writing, project management, and evaluation. At this venue senior
researchers are easily approachable and can help with issues PhD
students might not want to discuss with their supervisors. Further,
students can easily investigate career opportunities in academia.”
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - ACM MobiCom 2023
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2022 10:57:34 +0200
From: Ginés García Avilés <gines.garcia(a)i2cat.net>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
* Call For Papers ACM MobiCom 2023 *
* Summer Deadline Approaching! *
* Important Dates *
Abstract Registration August 12, 2022 23:59 PDT March 10,
2023 23:59 PDT
Paper Submission August 19, 2022 23:59 PDT March 17,
2023 23:59 PDT
Early Notification October 7, 2022
May 8, 2023
Reviews Released to Authors October 21, 2022 May 26,
Rebuttals Due October 28, 2022 23:59 PDT June
3, 2023 23:59 PDT
Notification of Acceptance November 18, 2022 June 20, 2023
The ACM MobiCom conference seeks papers describing significant
research contributions in the field of wireless networking
and mobile computing. MobiCom solicits papers that address
important research challenges and build practical working systems.
Successful papers should propose novel ideas to attack such
problems through rigorous analysis, system design, and real-world
measurement or deployment of mobile networks, systems, and applications.
MobiCom’23 will emphasize novelty and creativity while,
at the same time, taking a broader and more inclusive view
of wireless and mobile systems research. On one hand, the
more novel the concept, the harder it can be to fully
develop or evaluate all its aspects. On the other hand, the
more practical and developed the system, the more simple
and sometimes known techniques must be leveraged. The review
process will take both cases into account as intellectual
merit and novelty can be found in techniques, system designs,
implementations, and applications. The review process
will also favor papers that describe how the authors will provide
access to well-documented datasets, modeling and/or
simulation tools, and codebases to support the reproducibility of
their methods as well as papers that highlight and
discuss not only the significance but also the limitations of the
Unlike in previous years, MobiCom’23 will not have separate
categories of challenge, experience, and verification papers.
However, we do encourage the submission of experience papers
as full papers that provide detailed technical insight into
real-world deployments of novel technologies and systems.
MobiCom'23 will also incorporate early notifications for papers
rejected in round 1 and rebuttals as described above in more detail.
* Topics *
We invite submissions on a wide range of mobile computing, mobile
systems, mobile applications, and wireless networking research,
including but not limited to the following (listed alphabetically):
- Applications of machine learning to mobile/wireless research
- Backscatter communication and wireless power
- Edge and cloud computing
- Embedded and energy-harvesting systems
- Experimental platforms and infrastructures for
wireless/mobile research
- Implanted and wearable computing
- Machine-to-machine communications
- Millimeter-wave and terahertz communications
- Mobile data science & analysis
- Mobile health
- Next generation of mobile networks (5G, 6G and beyond)
- Mobile web, video, virtual reality, and other
- Novel applications of wireless signals
- Mobile systems and applications
- Practical quantum applications and systems (quantum
sensing, quantum programming, quantum machine
learning, etc.)
- Robotic and drone-based networking
- Reconfigurable surfaces and meta materials for mobile
- Satellite Networks
- Security and privacy issues/solutions for mobile/wireless
- Sensing with radio, light, sound, and acoustics
- Systems smart spaces (e.g. smart factories, smart
workspace, smart agriculture)
- Ubiquitous computing and mobile human-computer interaction
- Underwater networking and sensing
- Visible light communications
- V2X: Vehicular to Anything Networking
- Wireless localization and tracking
* Two Deadlines, Early Notification, Rebuttals, and One-shot Revision *
MobiCom 2023 offers authors the option of two deadlines and
keeps the one-shot revision process to enhance the timeliness
and quality of the scientific results from the research community.
Each paper will go through the same rigorous reviewing process
as in previous MobiCom conferences. The review process for each
deadline will involve two rounds. Papers that are not selected
to proceed after the first round will receive an early
notification, including reviews. After the second round of
reviews, the reviews will be released to the authors and who
will have one week to submit a rebuttal.
MobiCom will provide an opportunity for authors to respond
to reviews prior to the final consideration of the papers at
the program committee meeting. Authors must limit their
responses to (a) correcting factual errors in the reviews or
(b) directly addressing questions posed by reviewers. Responses
should be limited to clarifying the submitted work. In
particular, responses must not include new experiments,
new data, or new figures, describe additional work completed
since submission or promise additional work to follow.
The submission of a rebuttal is optional. Rebuttals will be
limited to a maximum of 1000 words submitted in the online
submission form. It is worth noting that available reviews
will be released at the above-mentioned times. However,
additional reviews might be solicited or submitted after
the rebuttal period.
Final decisions will be one of the following
- Accept: Accepted papers will be presented at the MobiCom
conference and appear as part of the proceedings and the
MobiCom website.
Note all the papers in this category will initially be
conditionally accepted. The papers that go through a
successful anonymous shepherding process will eventually
be accepted.
- Reject: Rejected after reviewed papers cannot be resubmitted
until 11 months have passed since the last MobiCom deadline
they were submitted to. We strongly encourage the authors
to address reviewers' feedback before re-submitting the
paper to MobiCom.
- One-Shot-Revision: Papers, where a revision is required,
will be given specific action points and can be resubmitted
for the next deadline. For such papers, the reviewers will
articulate a maximum of three major changes/clarifications
that they would like to see.
After the resubmission, the paper will be evaluated based
on whether the authors have properly addressed the reviewers’
requests. Unlike in the shepherding process, the requested
action points may include running additional experiments
that obtain specific results and could take more than 4-6
weeks. During this revision period, the paper is still
considered under review to MobiCom and therefore cannot be
submitted to other conferences unless the authors first
withdraw it from consideration.
Artifact Evaluation for Accepted Papers
The authors of accepted MobiCom 2023 papers will be invited to
submit supporting materials to the Artifact Evaluation process.
Artifact Evaluation is run by a separate committee that will
assess how well the submitted artifacts support the work described
in the accepted papers. Participation in Artifact Evaluation is
voluntary and has no influence on the paper’s acceptance, but is
strongly encouraged. Papers that go through the Artifact Evaluation
process successfully will receive badges printed on the papers
themselves. Additional details on the Artifact Evaluation process
can be found here.
* Submission Policy *
In addition to the formatting requirements, all authors are expected
to make sure that their paper complies with the following submission
Previous Publications
We allow submissions that extend a previous work published as a
poster, demo, or workshop paper such as HotMobile or HotNets.
However, in such case, the author(s) should (1) acknowledge their
own previous workshop publication with an anonymous citation (e.g.,
"[7] Anonymized workshop paper") and (b) explain the differences
between the MobiCom submission and the prior workshop paper
(e.g. "This paper extends a prior workshop paper [7] and differs
in the following aspects ..."). In addition, the online submission
form will require authors to submit the deanonymized citation and
a short explanation of the differences from the prior workshop paper.
The PC will review such extended versions of previously-published
workshop papers in accordance with the ACM Plagiarism Policy.
No Simultaneous Submissions
All submissions must describe original research not published
or currently under review for another conference or journal.
It is ACM policy (ACM Author Rights and Publishing Policy,
Prior Publication, and Simultaneous Submissions) not to allow
double submissions, where the same paper is submitted concurrently
to more than one conference/journal. Any double submissions
detected will be immediately rejected from all conferences/journals
The ACM policy on simultaneous submissions does not consider
technical reports (including arXiv) to be concurrent publications
or submissions.
Double-blind Submissions
All submissions will be evaluated through double-blind reviewing.
Please do not violate this requirement by explicitly or implicitly
leaking the identity of any co-author or institution. They include
but not limited to the below requirements:
- Please be sure your name and affiliation do not appear on
the paper or in the submitted PDF file. This means that
before submission, you must remove from the paper the authors'
names, authors' affiliations, acknowledgments of funding
sources, etc.
- Please be cautious and careful how you refer to your own
prior work in the paper. For example, do not describe your
prior work with phrases like:
- “In prior work[3], we presented a routing protocol that …”
Instead, refer to your work in the third person, such as
- “In prior work, Smith[3] presented a routing protocol that …”
With this method, the full citation to Smith can still be given,
such as
- [3] Smith, J., "Analysis of … "
In particular, it is not acceptable to say
- [3] Reference deleted for double-blind review.
- Please avoid advertising the paper with the same or similar
title on your webpage, social media, or through large mailing
Authors may include links to websites that contain source code,
tools, or other supplemental material. The link in the paper,
however, must be anonymized.
Reviewers are not obliged to review such supplementary materials
and such links must not be used to provide additional text that
does not fit within the 12-page limit of the paper.
- Authors are allowed to give talks to restricted audiences on
the work(s) submitted to MobiCom during the review. If you have
posted or plan to post a non-anonymized version of your paper on
a preprint server before the MobiCom decisions are made, the
submitted version must not refer to the non-anonymized version.
MobiCom strongly discourages advertising the preprint on social
media, personal web pages or in the press while under submission
to MobiCom. Finally, any reviewer aware of the authorship of a
specific submission, may not be allowed to review the paper,
at the discretion of the PC chairs.
We will not review any paper that violates our double-blind policy.
Submissions will be kept confidential until accepted. Rejected
submissions will be kept confidential permanently.
All accepted regular papers will be considered for the Best Paper Award.
*Call for Papers*
* Contact Us *
For questions, please contact the Program Co-Chairs,
Landon Cox (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/people/lacox/)
and Haitham Hassanieh (https://haitham.ece.illinois.edu/),
at mobicom23-pc-chairs@acm.org.@acm.org.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Information Systems Journal: Special Issue The new
wave of hybrid work: An opportunity to revise assumptions and build theory
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2022 08:11:54 +0000
From: Laurence Brooks <laurence.brooks(a)dmu.ac.uk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Information Systems Journal: Special Issue The new wave of hybrid work:
An opportunity to revise assumptions and build theory
This special issue focuses on the recent resurgence of interest in, and
accelerated implementation of, hybrid working practices in the wake of
the Covid-19 pandemic (Abdullah et al., 2020; Hilberath, 2020). Hybrid
work comprises work arrangements that combine physical work space and
time with virtual work space and time (Halford 2005; Jacobs, 2021;
Messenger & Gschwind, 2016; Sewell & Taskin, 2015). It encompasses
practices such as working-from-home, remote working, telecommuting and
nomadic work, where there are significant spillovers and collisions
between an employee's work and personal life (Hubers et al., 2018; CIPD,
2020). Hybrid workers expect to have some amount of autonomy and
flexibility in arranging their work patterns, while employers wrestle
with maintaining the status quo while managing these new working
arrangements (de Vaujany et al., 2021; Lehdonvirta, 2018; Mazmanian et
al., 2013; Sewell & Taskin, 2015). Both rely heavily on information
systems and digital technology more broadly as an enabling or mediating
interface, tool or infrastructure (e.g. Kingma, 2019; Dorow & Jean, 2021).
Laurence Brooks
Professor of Technology and Social Responsibility
Programme Leader - MSc Information Systems Management (ISM)
Deputy Director of the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility (CSSR)
PGT Lead, School of Computer Science and Informatics
*Please note I am sometimes working from home and can best be contacted
by email or MSTeams*
CEM Faculty (Computing, Engineering and Media), De Montfort University
Gateway House 5.80a, The Gateway, LE1 9BH Leicester, UK
SHERPA - https://www.project-sherpa.eu/ - Shaping the Ethical Dimensions
of Smart Information Systems
TethEthos - www.techethos.eu<http://www.techethos.eu/> - The Ethics of
New and Emerging Technologies with High Socio-Ecomomic Impact
E : laurence.brooks(a)dmu.ac.uk<mailto:laurence.brooks@dmu.ac.uk> | P :
+44 (0) 116 250 6579 | W : http://dmu.ac.uk/laurencebrooks | S :
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 2nd CFP: 14th International Conference on Soft
Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2022) - Online - Springer
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 19:11:47 +0530
From: Ajith Abraham <ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org>
Reply-To: ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org
To: dbworld(a)cs.wisc.edu, aco-list(a)iridia.ulb.ac.be,
SUPPORT-VECTOR-MACHINES(a)jiscmail.ac.uk, GASCHEDULING(a)jiscmail.ac.uk,
aisworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>, dmanet <dmanet(a)zpr.uni-koeln.de>,
CC: Pooja Manghirmalani Mishra <pmanghirmalani(a)ieee.org>, Niketa Gandhi
<niketa(a)gmail.com>, Hanne Thomas <thomas.hanne(a)fhnw.ch>, Nazar Zaki
<Nzaki(a)uaeu.ac.ae>, Isabel Jesus <isj(a)isep.ipp.pt>
** Second Call for Papers - please circulate this CFP to your colleagues
and networks **
-- 14th International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition
(SoCPaR 2022) --
On the World Wide Web
December 14-16, 2022
** Plenary Speakers **
Catarina Silva, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Chuan-Kang Ting, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Joanna Kolodziej, Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Kaisa Miettinen, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
Kaspar Riesen, University of Bern, Switzerland
Katherine Malan, University of South Africa, South Africa
Maki Sakamoto, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan
Mário Antunes, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal
Patricia Melin, Tijuana Institute of Technology, Tijuana, Mexico
René Natowicz, ESIEE-Paris - Université Gustave Eiffel, France
Yifei Pu, Sichuan University, China
Proceedings of SoCPaR'22 will be published with Springer Verlag in their
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS) series. (
https://www.springer.com/series/15179) (Approval Pending)
Proceedings of SoCPaR'21:
Indexed by: SCOPUS, INSPEC, WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH, SCImago, DBLP, EI
Compendex, Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST), SpringerLink
History of SoCPaR series: http://www.mirlabs.net/socpar22/previous.php
**Important Dates**
Paper submission due: September 30, 2022
Notification of paper acceptance: October 31, 2022
Registration and Final manuscript due: November 15, 2022
Conference: December 14-16, 2022
**About SoCPaR 2022**
After the success of the 13th International Conference on Soft Computing
and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2021), SoCPaR 2022 is organized to bring
together worldwide leading researchers and practitioners interested in
advancing the state-of-the-art in Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition,
for exchanging knowledge that encompasses a broad range of disciplines
among various distinct communities. It is hoped that researchers and
practitioners will bring new prospects for collaboration across disciplines
and gain inspiration to facilitate novel breakthroughs. The themes for this
conference are thus focused on "Innovating and Inspiring Soft Computing and
Intelligent Pattern Recognition".
**Topics (not limited to)**
Soft Computing and Applications (but not limited to):
Evolutionary computing
Swarm intelligence
Artificial immune systems
Fuzzy Sets
Uncertainty analysis
Rough Sets
Support vector machines
Artificial neural networks
Case Based Reasoning
Hybrid intelligent systems
Nature inspired computing techniques
Machine learning
Ambient intelligence
Hardware implementations
Pattern Recognition and Applications (but not limited to):
Information retrieval
Data Mining
Web Mining
Image Processing
Computer Vision
Information security
Network security
Remote sensing
Medical Informatics
Signal Processing
Control systems
**Submission Guidelines**
Submission of paper should be made through the submission page from the
conference web page. Please refer to the conference website for guidelines
to prepare your manuscript.
Paper format templates:
SoCPaR’22 Submission Link:
** SoCPaR 2022 Organization **
General Chairs
Ajith Abraham, Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs), USA
Patrick Siarry, Université Paris-Est Créteil, France
Thomas Hanne, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern
Switzerland, Switzerland
Program Chairs
Isabel Jesus, Institute of Engineering of Porto, Portugal
Nazar Zaki, United Arab Emirate University, UAE
Publication Chairs
Niketa Gandhi, Machine Intelligence Research Labs, USA
Kun Ma, University of Jinan, China
Special Session Chair
Gabriella Casalino, University of Bari, Italy
Publicity Chairs
Pooja Manghirmalani Mishra, Machine Intelligence Research Labs, India
Anu Bajaj, Machine Intelligence Research Labs, USA
If you would like to propose a special session, please email Dr. Gabriella
Casalino <gabriella.casalino(a)uniba.it>
**Technical Contact**
Dr. Ajith Abraham
Email: ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CALL FOR PAPERS - Cybersecurity & Law
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 17:28:54 +0100
From: Candela S. Bravo <secretariat(a)aris-journal.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CALL FOR PAPERS - www.aris-journal.com
Dear Colleague,
The ARIS2 cordially invites you to submit your scientific work to the
first edition of 2022, to be published on July 30th.
The aim of the ARIS2 is to bring together MSc., Doctoral students,
general researchers, practitioners, tech companies, law enforcement
agencies/representatives, and security professionals in the area of
information security forensics and data privacy, to learn from their
work and prominent research.
This volume aims to present a more complete picture of novel research
regarding information security, data leakage protection & prevention
challenges, and how criminals undertake their actions.
Topics and Areas of Interest (not limited to):
* Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity
* Big data and cybersecurity
* Business continuity and disaster recovery
* Child safety in the cyberspace
* Cloud security
* Critical infrastructure security
* Cyber forensics
* Cyber insurance
* Cyberwarfare
* Cybersecurity and cyber resilience
* Digital currency, blockchains, and cybercrime
* Digital privacy
* Embedded systems security
* Healthcare information security
* Information security governance
* Internet of things security
* Law, investigation, internet jurisdiction, and ethics
* Network security
* Security management
* Software development security
* Surveillance, interception, blocking, and sovereignty
Important dates:
Publication: July 30, 2022
Warm regards
Candela S. Bravo
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] SEAMS 2023: Call for Papers
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 18:14:18 +0000
From: Camilli Matteo <Matteo.Camilli(a)unibz.it>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers: SEAMS-2023
18th Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing
Co-located with the 45th International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE 2023)
Melbourne, Australia, May 2023 (dates to be confirmed)
*** SCOPE ***
Today we are building an exciting future in which autonomous vehicles
navigate complex environments, smart cities help solve public problems
and achieve a higher quality of life, and service robots support social
care workers or perform tasks that are too dangerous for humans.
However, these software-intensive systems must continuously preserve and
optimize their operation in the presence of uncertain changes in their
operating environment, resource variability, evolving user needs,
attacks and faults. In addition, the complexity of these systems demands
them to adapt and manage themselves autonomously.
SEAMS is a CORE-A ranked conference that applies software engineering
methods, techniques, processes, and tools to support the construction of
safe, performant, and cost-effective self-adaptive and autonomous
systems that provide self-* properties like self-configuration,
self-healing, self-optimization, and self-protection. The objective of
SEAMS is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia,
industry, and government to investigate, discuss, examine, and advance
the fundamental principles, state of the art, and the solutions
addressing critical challenges of engineering self-adaptive and
self-managing systems.
We welcome research contributions to all topics related to engineering
self-adaptive and self-managing systems, including:
Foundational Concepts
* Self-* properties
* Uncertainty
* Runtime models and variability
* Mixed-initiative and human-in-the-loop/human-on-the-loop
* Ethical challenges
Engineering Strategies
* AI and machine learning
* Automatic synthesis techniques
* Control theory
* Search-based techniques
* Model checking
* Simulation and digital twins
Engineering Activities
* Domain/environment analysis
* Requirements elicitation
* Security and privacy
* Architecture and design
* Testing and assurances
* Automated maintenance
* Systematic reuse
* Processes and methodologies
* Self-adaptation for software engineering
* Formal notations for self-* properties
* Domain-specific languages
* Programming language support
Application areas and domains include but are not limited to industrial
internet of things, cyber-physical systems, cloud/fog/edge computing,
bioengineering, robotics, smart environments, smart user interfaces, web
applications, and automotive.
SEAMS 2023 solicits the following types of papers.
* Research papers (10 pages of content + 2 pages of references): papers
offering novel and mature research contributions and experiences gained
from applying or evaluating research results in practice.
* Short papers (6 pages of content + 1 page of references): papers
presenting ongoing research or new research ideas without a complete
* Community debate (2 pages, possibly with a supporting video):
Participants from industry and academia who would like to participate in
the SEAMS 2023 community debate are strongly encouraged to submit a
short position paper on the statement: “The solutions developed by the
self-adaptive systems community are mature enough for industrial
adoption.” A submission should clearly take a position in favor or
against the statement and support this position with arguments.
* Artifact papers (6 pages of content + 1 page of references): papers
describing testbeds, model problems, or resources (e.g., data sets,
tools, and frameworks) enabling the SEAMS community to develop,
evaluate, and compare self-adaptation approaches. Artifact papers can be
associated with research papers, or they can be as standalone
contributions. Please check the specific call for this type of paper at
following link:
SEAMS 2023 will use TWO SUBMISSION ROUNDS, with firm deadlines in
October 2022 and February 2023, and with the possibility of submitting a
revised version from the first round to the second as detailed below.
First submission round (only Research Track)
• Abstract deadline (firm): 1 October 2022
• Paper submission due (firm): 7 October 2022
• Notification of decision (Accept / Revision / Reject) to authors: 15
December 2022
- Submissions with ‘Accept’ decisions: Final paper files (camera-ready
copy) due: 1 February 2023
- Submissions with ‘Revision’ decisions: Submit a revised version along
with a response letter to the reviews by 1 February 2023 (see ‘Second
submission round’).
- Submissions with ‘Reject’ decisions: Final decision, authors of the
“Rejected” papers from the first round may not resubmit the paper again
in the second round.
Second submission round (Research Track and Artifact Track)
• Abstract deadline for new submissions (firm): 25 January 2023
• Paper, new and revised round-one papers submission due (firm): 1
February 2023
• Notification of decision (Accept / Reject): 15 March 2023
• Final paper for new and revised submissions (camera-ready copy) due:
31 March 2023
SEAMS will offer the following awards:
• Best research paper
• Best student research paper
• Best artifact
Additionally, the authors of selected Research papers will be invited to
submit revised and extended versions of their work to a dedicated
Special Issue of ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems.
General Chairs: Radu Calinescu (University of York, UK), Raffaela
Mirandola (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Program Chairs: Valérie Issarny (Inria, France), Pooyan Jamshidi
(University of South Carolina, USA)
Artifact Chairs: Diego Perez-Palacin (Linnaeus University, Sweden),
Genaina Rodrigues (University of Brasilia, Brazil)
Most Influential Paper Chair: Luciano Baresi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Proceedings Chair: Sinem Getir Yaman (University of York, UK)
Publicity Chairs: Matteo Camilli (University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy),
Nianyu Li (Peking University, China), Ana Petrovska (Technical
University of Munich, Germany)
Social Media Chairs: Gabriel S. Rodrigues (University of Brasília,
Brazil), Gricel Vázquez (University of York, UK)
Web Chair: Sebastian Hahner (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Virtualization Chair: Nicolás Cardozo (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia)
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] [CFP] 2nd International Workshop on Cyber Forensics
and Threat Investigations Challenges CFTIC 2022 (Virtual)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2022 17:24:24 +0100
From: Andrew Zayine <scholarshipchile(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
2nd International Workshop on Cyber Forensics and Threat
Investigations Challenges
October 10-11, 2022, Taking Place Virtually from the UK
Cyber forensics and threat investigations has rapidly emerged as a new
field of research to provide the key elements for maintaining
security, reliability, and trustworthiness of the next generation of
emerging technologies such as the internet of things, cyber-physical
systems, cloud/edge/fog computing, software-defined network, and
network function virtualization. Complicated efforts are required in
suitable and timely manners against any threats detected within these
systems. Moreover, new frameworks are required to collect and preserve
potential evidential data in suitable and timely manners as well. To
guarantee proper cyber-defenses and strategies against the expanding
landscape of criminal activities as well as rapidly advancing emerging
The main motivation for this Workshop is to bring together researchers
and practitioners working on cyber forensics and threat investigations
for emerging infrastructures to disseminate current research issues
and advances. Original technical papers describing new,
state-of-the-art research, will be considered. The Workshop welcomes
submissions that evaluate existing research results by reproducing
experiments. The aim of this workshop is to provide insight for the
discussion of the major research challenges and achievements on
various topics of interest.
Important Dates
Technical Paper Submission Deadline: 15 September 2022
Poster and Demo Track Submission Deadline: 20 September 2022
Authors Notifications: 30 September 2022
Camera Ready due: 05 October 2022
The registration is free-off-charge for All members of the Association
(Thanks to our financial supporters who made this possible)
Scope of The Workshop
Technical Paper Track
Papers on practical as well as theoretical topics and problems in
various topics related to cyber forensics and threat investigations
are invited, with special emphasis on novel techniques and tools to
collect data from networked systems and services in emerging
technologies (such as the ones can be found in cyber-physical systems
and Internet of things, cloud/edge/fog computing, software-defined
network, and network function virtualization). Topics include (but are
not limited to):
· Forensics and threat investigations in IoT
· Forensics and threat investigations in peer-to-peer, and
social networks
· Forensics and threat investigations in SDN/NFV
· Forensics and threat investigations in Cloud Computing
· Forensics and threat investigations in Smart Technologies
Systems (Smart Cars, Smart Homes, Smart Cities)
· Dark Web Investigations, Forensics, and Monitoring
· Forensics and threat investigations in Virtual private networks
· Security and Privacy in Clouds, Fog Computing, and 5G, and 6G
· Security and Privacy in IoT, SDN/NFV, and Edge Computing
· Security and Privacy in Smart Technologies Systems (Smart
Cars, Smart Homes, Smart Cities)
· Forensics and visualization of Big Data
· Trusted Computing in Smart Technologies Systems (Smart Cars,
Smart Homes, Smart Cities)
· Tools and services for cyber forensics and threat investigations
· OSINT (Open Source Intelligence)
· Cooperative and distributed forensics and threat investigations
· Advanced threat investigations, forensic and anti-forensic techniques
· Attack detection, traceback and attribution in Emerging Technologies
· Malware Analysis and Attribution
· Digital Evidence Extraction/Analysis using Artificial
intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining
· Data exfiltration techniques from networked devices and
services (e.g. cyber-physical systems, and Internet-of-Things)
· Methods for reconstruction of Digital Evidence in Emerging Technologies
· Forensics and threat investigations in E-health/M-health
· Vulnerability & threat detection and mitigation techniques
for networked services
· Novel large-scale investigations and Machine Learning
techniques to analyze intelligence data sets and logs
We also encourage contributions describing innovative work in the
realm of cybersecurity, cyber defense, and digital crimes.
Poster and Demo Track
CFTIC 2022 solicits the submission of posters and demos on specific
aspects of cyber forensics and threat investigations, particularly
related to the subject areas indicated by the CFTIC 2022 topics of
interest. Posters provide a forum for authors to present their work in
an informal and interactive setting. They allow authors and interested
participants to engage in discussions about their work. In particular,
a poster submission should motivate its relevance to the communities
of cyber forensics and threat investigations, and summarize the main
challenges, experiences, and novel ideas. A demonstration should
present an existing tool or research prototype. Authors are expected
to provide a demonstration during the poster and demonstration
session. A demonstration submission should clearly describe the
motivation, the novelty of the contribution, and the applicability of
the tool or prototype to specific use cases. Posters or demonstrations
can be submitted for evaluation in the form of an extended abstract.
Submissions are limited to 1 page including references. All
submissions must present only original and unpublished work that is
not currently under review at any other venue. Demonstrations must
include in the abstract of the paper a link to a video of up to 5
minutes hosted in a permanent location. The video must show the
existing tool or research prototype in action. Moreover,
demonstrations are encouraged to include a link to a website where the
source code of the produced software is available when it is possible.
Paper submissions must present original research or experiences.
Late-breaking advances and work-in-progress reports from ongoing
research are also encouraged. Only original papers that have not been
published or submitted for publication elsewhere can be submitted.
Also, extended versions of conference or workshop papers that are
already published may be considered as long as the additional
contribution is at least 30% new content from the original. Each
submission must be written in English, accompanied by a 75 to 200-word
abstract, and a list of up to 5 keywords. There is a length limitation
of 4 pages (at least 10pt font, one-column format) for extended
abstracts including (title, abstract, figures, tables, and
references). Submissions must be in ECEASST-CFTIC 2022 template.
Authors should submit their papers electronically via the EasyChair
online submission system. (
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cftic2022 )
· ECEASST-CFTIC-Latex-Template :
· ECEASST-CFTIC-Word-Template :
The submission processes will be managed by easychair If you have used
this system before, you can use the same username and password. If
this is your first time using EasyChair, you will need to register for
an account by clicking the “I have no EasyChair account” button. Upon
completion of registration, you will get a notification email from the
system and you are ready for submitting your paper. You can upload and
re-upload the paper to the system.
CFTIC 2022 proceedings are to be published open access via the
Electronic Communications of the EASST Journal (ECEASST) indexed in
Scopus, DBLP, and listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals
(DOAJ). Selected papers presented at the workshop, after further
revision, will have the opportunity to be published in special issues
in indexed and/or high-impact factor journals (details on the
Main Contact: If you have any further questions please contact the
workshop organizers via https://www.acfti.org/contact
This Workshop is Technically Supported by
Association of Cyber Forensics and Threat Investigators (www.acfti.org)
Industrial Cybersecurity Center (www.cci-es.org)
Send by Andrew Zayin on Behalf of CFTIC2022 PC Chairs.
Association of Cyber Forensics and Threat Investigators
Twitter: @acfti
AISWorld mailing list