-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: Deep Learning, Big Data and Blockchain
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2021 20:41:40 +0000
From: Deep-BDB <deepml.info(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
----------------------- Call for Papers -----------------------------
The 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning, Big Data and Blockchain
(DEEP-BDB 2021)
(Springer Series)
23-25 August 2021, Rome, Italy
Deep and machine learning are the state-of-the-art at providing models,
methods, tools and techniques for developing autonomous and intelligent
systems which can revolutionize industrial and commercial applications in
various fields such as online commerce, intelligent transportation,
healthcare and medicine, security, manufacturing, education, games, and
various other industrial applications. All such fields produce and consume
massive amount of big data, which include, for example, online commerce
data (marketing data, customer reviews, customer relationship),
transportation data (road sensors, cameras, GPS), and data about
healthcare, social media, and various other applications. Deep learning
techniques and big data techniques yield useful outputs in predicting,
discovering and acquiring insights and deeper knowledge about events for
better and efficient decision making. The groundbreaking technology of
blockchain technology also enable decentralization, immutability, and
transparency of data and applications. It has been exploited in modern
research and industrial domains in order to achieve high level of trust,
security and reliable execution of applications and data which are shared
across a network of computers.
The International Conference on Deep Learning, Big Data and Blockcain
(DEEP-BDB) aims to enable synergy between these areas and to provide a
leading forum for researchers, developers, practitioners, and professional
from public sectors and industries in order to meet and share latest
solutions and ideas in solving cutting edge problems in modern information
society and economy. The conference focuses on specific challenges in deep
(and machine) learning, big data and blockchain. Topics of interest include
(but not limited to):
- Deep/Machine learning based models
- Statistical models and learning
- Data analysis, insights and hidden pattern
- Data analysis and decision making
- Data wrangling, munching and cleaning
- Data integration and fusion
- Data visualization
- Data and information quality
- Security threat detection
- Visualizing security threats
- Enhancing privacy and trust
- Data mining; Information extraction;
- Sentiment analysis
- Data classification and clustering
- Knowledge acquisition and learning
- Clustering, classification and regression
- Supervised and unsupervised learning
- Blockain security and trust
- Blockchain data management
- Data & application reliability
- Blockchain and data distribution
- Blockain and finacial transactions
- Blockchain and Bitcoin applications
- Blockain and NoSQL databases
- Protocols for blockchain
- Cryptography, Cryptocurrency
- Fraud detection and prevention
- Blockchain and Internet of Things
- Scalability of blockchains
Application areas:
- Finance, business and retail
- Intelligent transportation
- Healthcare and clinical decision support
- Bioinformatics and biomedical informatics
- Computer vision
- Human activity recognition
- Cybersecurity
- Natural language processing
- Recommender systems
- Social media and networks
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline (Extended): 31 March 2021
Authors Notification: 20 May 2021
Final Manuscript Due: 15 June 2021
Conference Venue:
The organizing committee is carefully monitoring the Covid-19 situation.
The safety and well-being of the conference participants is the main
priority. The committee will confirm by Spring 2021 of whether to hold the
conference onsite in Rome or as an online event.
Paper Submission:
Papers must be written in English. Full papers should be limited to 12
pages. Short papers should be limited to 8 pages. Papers must be formatted
in Springer's format. See Information for Authors of Springer Proceedings (
All papers accepted for this conference are peer-reviewed and are to be
published by Springer in the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Submitted research papers may not overlap with papers that have already
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with proceeding
Submission:of papers are done through the EasyChair submission system. See
conference website for further details.
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CfP - Workshop Intelligent Digital Architecture,
Methods, and Services for Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 (IDAMS)
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2021 19:16:49 +0000
From: Rainer Schmidt <Rainer.Schmidt(a)live.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers - Workshop Intelligent Digital Architecture, Methods,
and Services for Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 (IDAMS)
The digital transformation of global industries and value chains and the
associated need for structured research and standardization has given
rise to major global and national initiatives. These initiatives address
the potentials and challenges of digitalization. Enterprises and
societies currently face crucial challenges, while Industry 4.0 becomes
important in the global manufacturing industry all the more. Industry
4.0 offers a range of opportunities for companies to increase the
flexibility and efficiency of production processes. The development of
new business models can be promoted with digital platforms and
architectures for Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 is dedicated to research
for industry and supports the implementation of this vision, especially
in manufacturing companies. According to the Japanese government,
Society 5.0 is more general and can be defined as a fusion between
cyberspace and physical space, addressing economic progress aligned with
solving social problems by providing goods and services to meet repeated
latent needs regardless of location, age, gender, or language.
Contemporary advances in the field of artificial intelligence have led
to a rapidly growing number of intelligent systems that can operate
entirely independently of human intervention or enables interactions of
unprecedented complexity with humans. Data plays a central role in
intelligent digital architecture and allows to automate decisions
impacting all stakeholders. The use of artificial intelligence
techniques enables autonomous decisions that were previously reserved
for humans. Intelligent systems augment processes by creating automated
interfaces to human beings and replacing human-decision making by a
machine-based one. Intelligent digital architectures support the
request, configuration, and fulfillment of services. Digitalization
promotes the creation of intelligent systems and services with an
intelligent digital architecture. Products based on intelligent digital
architectures become aware of their environment, act upon it, are able
to interact with human beings, and can change their functionality during
their lifetime. Based on intelligent digital architecture products and
services have local autonomous and dynamically extensible capabilities
by accessing external services. Platforms become feasible by matching
the supply and demand of services, resources, and products. Intelligent
Digital Architectures also enable and enhance business models by
integrating resources and leveraging decision making in unprecedented
ways, for instance, by applying Digital Enterprise Architecture
Framework such as the Adaptive Integrated Digital Architecture Framework
(AIDAF). Public discourse on 'autonomous' algorithms which work on
'passively' collected data contributes to this view.
The EDOC Workshop - Intelligent Digital Architecture, Methods, and
Services for Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 - covers fundamental and
practical aspects to support the digital transformation. This disruptive
change interacts with all information processes and systems, which are
important business enablers for digital transformation for years.
Intelligent digital architectures enable intense interaction with
customers and products. The customer is closely integrated with business
processes and interacts like a co-worker by using implicit touchpoints,
which are provided by mobility and wearable systems and the Internet of
Things. In this way, customer experience is fostered with disruptive
transformation and continuous improvement.
We are delighted to invite contributions to the EDOC Workshop -
Intelligent Digital Architecture, Methods, and Services for Industry 4.0
and Society 5.0. Our aim is to provide a platform for researchers and
practitioners to discuss both technological and business aspects in the
context of digital architectures, methods, processes, services,
products, platforms, and business models. We also investigate how
intelligent digital architectures support new ways of value co-creation
for Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0.
Important Dates
Workshop paper submission: 18 June 2021
Workshop papers acceptance notification: 16 July 2021
Workshop camera-ready papers due: 30 July 2021
Author registration: 30 July 2021
Workshops sessions: 25 October 2021
Digitalization of Products, Services, Processes, Systems, and Enterprises
Dynamic Capabilities and Digital Enterprise Models
Digital Strategy, Governance, and Management
Digital Enterprise Architectures
AIDAF - Adaptive Integrated Digital Architecture Framework
Security in Digital Architectures
Architectural Patterns for Digitalization and Intelligent Analytics
Customer Experience and Interaction Design
Runtime Monitoring of Operation Data
Digital Platforms and Ecosystems
Advanced Analytics and Decision Support for Digital Enterprises
Cognitive Models for Decision Support
Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving for Digitalization
Intelligent Systems and Services
Deep Learning and Machine Learning
Semantic Support, Knowledge Representation and Inference Technologies
Rationality and Explanation Technologies
User Roles and Human-centered Problem Solving and Learning
Digital Visualization, Interaction, and Augmented Reality
Multi-perspective Architectural Viewpoints, Methods, and Environments
Self-optimizing and Resilient Adaptive Systems
Adaptive Software Architectures
Gill Framework: Adaptive Enterprise Architecture
Decision Support Processes and Frameworks
Intelligent Digital Applications: Digitized Cars, Smart Finance, Smart
City, Smart Home, Smart
Medicine, Smart Energy, Industry 4.0, 3-D Printing and Production
Environments, Robots, etc.
Workshops Chairs
Yoshimasa Masuda, Keio University, Japan, and Carnegie Mellon
University, USA, yoshi_masuda(a)keio.jp<mailto:yoshi_masuda@keio.jp>, and
Alfred Zimmermann, Reutlingen University, Germany,
Rainer Schmidt, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany,
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: International Conference on Secure Knowledge
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2021 12:50:20 +0000
From: Shah, Ankit <ankitshah(a)usf.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues,
Please consider submitting your papers at this conference.
You will find the details below.
Thank you.
International Conference on Secure Knowledge Management: Call for Papers
With the advent of revolutionary technologies such as artificial
intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, big data, and IoT;
Secure Knowledge Management (SKM) continues to be an important research
area that deals with methodologies for systematically gathering,
organizing, and disseminating information in a secure manner. The recent
development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the security arena shows
a promising future, and there is no doubt that AI can provide new ideas
and tools for SKM. Therefore, this conference on SKM will bring together
researchers & practitioners from academia, industry, and government on a
global scale. The scope and focus of SKM-2021 conference are to present
and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns including
practical challenges encountered and solution adopted with special
emphasis on AI. SKM 2019 was held in BITS Pilani, Goa Campus, Goa, India
and past iterations of SKM were held at SUNY at Buffalo, SUNY Albany,
NYU, SUNY Stony Brook, UT Dallas, Rutgers University, BITS Dubai, and
University of South Florida. Following the biennial tradition of the
Secure Knowledge Management Workshop that began in 2004, SKM-2021
(https://www.secure-km.org/) will be held during October 8 – 9, 2021, at
the Courtyard by Marriott on the Riverwalk in San Antonio. Papers
offering novel research contributions in all aspects of SKM are
solicited for submission. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:
* SKM in specific technology domains such as:
* Artificial Intelligence
* Data mining and Machine Learning
* Hybrid Cloud Computing
* Big Data in Collaborative Environment
* Internet of Things
* Cyber-Physical Systems
* Healthcare
* Online Social Networks
* Role of SKM in Design of Secure Systems
* Role of SKM in General Data Protection Regulation
* SKM for Digital Payments
* Risk & Security Metrics for Knowledge Management
* SKM for Insider Threat Detection and Mitigation
* Knowledge Management for Fake News Detection
* Trust concerning Knowledge Management
Submission Guidelines
Only original papers should be submitted. Submissions should not
substantially overlap work which has been published elsewhere or
simultaneously submitted to a journal or another conference with
proceedings. Papers that contain any form of plagiarism will be rejected
without a review.
Paper Format
* All submissions must be in English and should adhere to the LNCS/CCIS
format guidelines:
* Guidelines for proceedings authors
* LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates
* CCIS Consent form for the
* Including references and appendices, full paper should be 10-20 pages
in the LNCS<https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs> /
CCIS<https://www.springer.com/series/7899> one-column page format.
* To facilitate the double-blind paper evaluation, authors are kindly
requested to submit the paper WITHOUT any self-reference to any of the
authors anywhere in the paper, including the acknowledgments section of
the paper and any other reference that may disclose the authors’ identity.
* Papers should be uploaded to
EasyChair<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=skm2019> in PDF format
only. After the paper submission has been successfully completed,
authors will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail.
Each paper should clearly indicate the nature of its
technical/scientific contribution and the problems, domains or
environments to which it is applicable. It is planned to publish the
peer-reviewed and selected papers of conference as proceedings with
Springer in their prestigious Communications in Computer and Information
Science<https://www.springer.com/series/7899> series (Scopus and DBLP
Some selected papers presented at the conference will be invited for
extension and further review for a fast-tracked special issue of
Information Systems Frontiers<https://link.springer.com/journal/10796>
(SCIE, Scopus and DBLP indexed) a Springer journal.
Authors of registered papers (including posters) must guarantee that
their papers will be presented at the conference. At least one FULL
registration is mandatory for each accepted paper. Papers which are not
presented will be excluded from the conference proceedings.
Camera Ready Paper Submission Guidelines
Please send the following files to EasyChair
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=skm2021) before July 26, 2021.
* A single pdf file of the final paper.
* A zip file containing all the source files (LNCS/CCIS latex format) of
the final paper.
* Authors response to reviewer's comments.
* Duly signed “Consent to Publish Form”.
* Email subject: Final Camera Ready Paper (PaperID).
* Registration fee transaction receipt/screenshot.
Key Dates
* Paper Submission Deadline: June 21, 2021
* Acceptance Notification: July 12, 2021
* Camera Ready Deadline: July 26, 2021
* Early Bird Registration: Before August 10, 2021
* Standard Registration: After August 10, 2021
* Conference Dates: October 8 – 9, 2021
Ankit Shah, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor,
Industrial and Management Systems Engineering
Courtesy Assistant Professor,
Computer Science and Engineering
University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Ave.
Mail-Stop: ENG-030
Tampa, FL 33620-5530
Phone: 813-974-5584
Email: ankitshah(a)usf.edu<mailto:ankitshah@usf.edu>
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [wkwi] CFP I HICSS I Addressing Diversity in Digitalization
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2021 08:45:34 +0100
From: Sundermeier, Janina <janina.sundermeier(a)fu-berlin.de>
Reply-To: Sundermeier, Janina <janina.sundermeier(a)fu-berlin.de>
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de <wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de>
CC: Yolande Chan <ychan(a)queensu.ca>
Dear WI-Community,
With the 'International Day for the Elimination of Racial
Discrimination' and 'International Women’s Day‘, two holidays have
recently been dedicated to raise awareness of still existing
inequalities and to promote openness for more diversity on a societal,
political and organizational level. Despite the importance of the
ongoing digitalization in these regards, we only have a limited
understanding of the relationship between digitalization and diversity.
It is therefore worth asking whether digitalization can thereby be
considered a ‘diversity-blind’ process and encouraging the generation of
theoretical knowledge that can help to explain how digital technologies
influence diversity (*digital impact on diversity*) and how digital
technologies are shaped by diversity or the lack thereof (*diversity
shaping digital technology*). Eventually, this understanding might help
academics and practitioners alike in their efforts towards inclusive
design and application processes that avoid the pitfalls such as machine
learning algorithms in recruiting that discriminated against female
applicants and facial recognition software that exhibited racial
We invite all scholars interested in these topics to submit their papers
to our mini-track '*Addressing Diversity in Digitalization*‘ at the
upcoming HICSS conference (submission deadline: 15 June). The track is
not limited to a certain diversity dimension but we welcome
contributions that consider demographic (e.g. age, gender, nationality,
ethnicity), functional (e.g. education, work experience, religion,
income) or deep-level (e.g. diseases, disabilities, traits, values,
beliefs) attributes.
For more information visit
Warm regards
Janina Sundermeier, Hannes Rothe and Yolande Chan
*Prof. Dr. Janina Sundermeier*
Assistant Professor of Digital Entrepreneurship & Diversity
Founder of Hello Diversity! Studio
<http://www.hellodiversity.digital> and Digital Entrepreneurship Hub
*Upcoming Events: *
WoMenventures Summer School <http://www.womenventures.digital> (All
genders welcome!)
Addressing Diversity in Digitalization
<https://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-55/knowledge-innovation-and-entrepreneurial…> (Research
Track at Hawaiian Conference on System Sciences)
*Freie Universität Berlin*
Department of Information Systems
Garystrasse 21, Room 304
14195 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 838 60139
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP - Human-AI Interaction @ SBSI 2021
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 10:38:49 -0300
From: Flavio Horita <feahorita(a)gmail.com>
To: sbc-l(a)sbc.org.br, sbc-si-l(a)sbc.org.br
(* Apologies for possible cross-posting)
*17th Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems (SBSI 2021)*
Jun 07-10, 2021, *Remote*
Track: *Human-AI Interaction in the Era of Digitalization*
Deadline: *Mar 29, 2021 (Hard)*
* Track Description
The 2019 Coronavirus pandemic has changed the lives of communities and
organizations. For a very long time, digital technologies usage was limited
to more restrictive and specific tasks, e.g., following weather conditions
or chatting with colleagues. As new usage has been explored, most of them
unthoughtful in the period pre-pandemic, these technologies have become
fundamental to daily activities, e.g., medical appointments, company
meetings and shopping goods. This movement towards a more effective usage
of information technologies comprises the so-called Digital Transformation.
Once these technologies can be used to digitize processes, they also
generate further opportunities to improve the performance and effectiveness
of social or organizational decision-making. Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning thus become essential to process and gain insights from
the large volume of data (i.e., Big Data) (Brynjolfsson & McAfee, 2014;
Müller et al., 2018). This is why algorithms and models are capable of
learning from historical (integrated) data, establishing and defining
behaviour patterns and then make projects of future conditions. A new
dynamic emerges from this interaction and has the potential to create
deeper modifications not only on how technologies adapt to people but also
on the information flows and social structures of interactions. A recent
work defines three types of the relationship of AI and humans (Rai et al.,
2019): task substitution (i.e., AI is responsible for a task); task
augmentation (i.e., humans are combined with AI to perform a task or vice
versa); and task assemblage (i.e., humans and AI are integrated to perform
a task). Even though these relationships are recognized in practice and
literature, they still require further investigation and research to
understand their characteristics and elements, as well as to establish the
success and failure factors. Existing literature also still lack empirical
studies on the topic, specifically, in countries of the Global South. In
this context, this track proposal seeks to gather researchers and
practitioners interested in addressing open questions on the relationship
between AI and humans in the Era of Digitalization. The track session will
create an environment for discussing empirical, theoretical and conceptual
results on the topics of interest. Eventually, the track will also provide
a room for motivating collaborations among the participants around the
future and open challenges on the topic.
Track topics are therefore focused on but not limited to the following list.
– Descriptive models on the relationship between AI and humans;
– Responsible AI for digital transformation;
– Theories applied to AI for digital transformation;
– Methods, methodologies and processes applied to AI for digital
– Institutionalization of AI within organizations and communities;
– Humanized AI for digital transformation;
– Impacts of AI with organizations and society;
– Relationships of AI and humans for decision-making within organizations
and society;
– Success and failure factors of AI within organizations and society;
– Relationships of AI and humans for addressing the Sustainable Development
Goals of the United Nations;
– Empirical, conceptual and theoretical studies;
– Experiences from the digital government (e-Gov) and industry;
– Studies applied to Global South and Latin America;
– Secondary studies (e.g., literature review and mapping study) on the
* Important Dates
– Submission deadline: 29/03/2021
– Decision notification: 26/04/2021
* Paper submission guidelines
* Track Chairs
Dr. Flávio Horita
Federal University of ABC (UFABC), Brazil
flavio (at) horita (at) ufabc (dot) edu (dot) br
Dr. João Baptista
Warwick Business School (WBS), UK
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] 2nd CfP - FOIS 2021, September 13-16, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 17:36:19 +0100
From: Maria Hedblom <maria.m.hedblom(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: Maria Hedblom <maria.m.hedblom(a)gmail.com>
To: Brodaric, Boyan (NRCan/RNCan) <boyan.brodaric(a)canada.ca>
(Apologies for cross-posting)
12th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems
(FOIS 2021), September 13-16, 2021
https://fois2021.inf.unibz.it/ <https://fois2021.inf.unibz.it/>
** additional submission instructions now available online **
-----------------------------------DEFINITION AND
SCOPE-----------------------------------The FOIS conference is a meeting
point for all researchers with an interest in formal ontology. Formal
ontology is the systematic study of the types of entities and relations
making up the domains of interest represented in modern information
systems. The conference encourages new high-quality submissions on both
theoretical issues and practical advancements: FOIS 2021 will have
distinct tracks for foundational issues, ontology applicationsand domain
FOIS aims to be a nexus of interdisciplinary research and communication,
inclusive of researchers from many domains engaging with formal
ontology. Common application areas include conceptual modeling, database
design, knowledge engineering and management, software engineering,
organizational modeling, artificial intelligence, robotics,
computational linguistics, the life sciences, bioinformatics and
scientific research in general, geographic information science,
information retrieval, library and information science, as well as the
Semantic Web.
FOIS is the flagship conference of the International Association for
Ontology and its Applications (IAOA: http://iaoa.org/
<http://iaoa.org/>), which is a non-profit organization promoting
interdisciplinary research and international collaboration in formal
DATES-----------------------------* Paper Submission Deadline: 22 April
2021* Notification: 25 June 2021* Camera-ready Papers: 19 July 2021*
Conference Dates: 13-16 September 2021
-----------------------------FOIS 2021 is planned as a hybrid event:
there will be a physical meeting in Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, with a remote
participation option.
FOIS 2021 seeks three types of full-length (14 page) high-quality papers
on a wide range of topics:
Foundationalpapers address content-related ontological issues, their
formal representation, and their relevance to some aspect of
information systems.
Applicationpapers address novel methods and systems related
to building, evaluating, or using ontologies, emphasizing the impact
of ontology contents on the application.
Domain ontology papers describe a novel ontology for a specific
realm of interest, clarifying ontological choices against
requirements and foundational theory, and showing ontology use.
Please refer to the FOIS 2021 Call For Paperspage for more details. As
usual, the FOIS proceedings will be published by IOS Press.
Related activities, such as workshops and tutorials, may specify
different submission formats, for example, short papers or posters.
Please refer to the FOIS 2021 Workshops and Tutorialspage for details
about related activities.
2021 includes a number of activities:
* FOIS conference * workshops * tutorials* an early career symposium*
and more to come…
Nicola Guarino, ISTC-CNR, Italy
* Arianna Betti, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
* Stefan Schulz, Medical University of Graz, Austria
------------------------------TOPICS OF
INTEREST------------------------------Areas of particular interest to
FOIS include the following:Foundational Issues* Kinds of entities:
particulars/universals, continuants/occurrents, abstracta/concreta,
dependent entities/independent entities, natural objects/artifacts*
Formal relations: parthood, identity, connection, dependence,
constitution, causality, subsumption, instantiation* Vagueness and
granularity* Space, time, and changeMethodological issues* Top-level vs.
domain-specific ontologies* Role of reference ontologies* Ontology
similarity, integration and alignment
* Ontology modularity, contextuality, and evolution* Formal comparison
among ontologies* Relationship with cognition, language, semantics, context
* Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs
Domain-specific ontologies* Ontology of physical reality (matter, space,
time, motion etc.)* Ontology of biological reality (organisms, genes,
proteins, cells etc.)* Ontology of mental reality and agency (beliefs,
intentions, emotions, perceptions, cognition, etc.)* Ontology of
artifacts, functions, capacities and roles* Ontology of social reality
(institutions, organizations, norms, social relationships, artistic
expressions etc.)
Applications* Ontology-driven information systems design* Ontological
foundations for conceptual modeling* Knowledge management* Qualitative
modeling* Computational linguistics* Information retrieval* Semantic
Web* Business modeling
* Ontologies and Machine Learning
* Ontologies and Explainable AI* Ontologies for particular scientific
disciplines (biology, chemistry, geography, physics, geoscience,
cognitive sciences, linguistics etc.)* Ontologies for engineering:
shape, form and function, artifacts, manufacturing, design, architecture
etc.* Ontologies for the humanities: arts, cultural studies, history,
literature, philosophy, etc.
* Ontologies for the social sciences: economics, law, political science,
anthropology, archeology,
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Social Information Systems and Platforms: Designing
Complexity Minitrack HICSS 55
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 18:09:09 +0000
From: Rainer Schmidt <Rainer.Schmidt(a)live.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers Social Information Systems and Platforms: Designing
Complexity Minitrack HICSS 55
Papers from HICSS 54
Social information systems combine social media technologies and
principles of open collaboration. They comprise a large variety of
software including social networking platforms, online/content
communities, collaborative project management tools collaborative
technologies, blogs, wikis, and sites for crowdsourcing being among the
well-known. They can be defined as information systems that support
emergent interactions such as weak ties, social production,
egalitarianism, and mutual service provisioning.
The objective of this minitrack is to promote the scientific exchange on
social information systems and platforms regarding the economic,
organizational, and technological challenges. Possible themes are, but
are not limited to:
• How can organizations leverage social information systems and
platforms to create business value (e.g., in productivity or cost
• How may emergent interactions be assessed and measured
(quantitatively, qualitatively)?
• How are social information systems and platforms designed and what are
suitable methodologies in particular for strategic alignment?
• How can network effects be fostered on social information systems and
• What approaches exist to cope with the complexity of social
information systems and platforms?
• Which actions could be used to foster emergent interactions if a
certain dimension of the business value should be strengthened?
• How may social information systems improve business processes and
workflows beyond increasing business value (e.g. by including meaning
and engagement for users or stakeholders)?
• How can actors be motivated to participate in social information
systems and platforms?
• How does the use of a specific social information system influence the
organization and its strategy?
• Is it possible to contain and prevent potential negative developments
via organizational learning?
• Which types of emerging interactions are used in which applications?
• Which (new) business models are enabled by social information systems
and how is this accomplished?
• How are social information systems used to create platforms and exchanges?
• What is the relationship between social networking and transaction
• How does the context (technological, organizational, political,
cultural, situational…) of social information systems influence them?
• Which social impacts are created by social information systems and
which societal influences impact information systems?
• How are information systems helpful and/or harmful in societal crisis
(pandemics etc.)?
Selected papers will be invited for a fast-track in Electronic Markets –
The International Journal on Networked Business.
Important Dates
April 15 Paper submission system reopened for HICSS-55
June 15 Papers due
August 17 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
September 22 Deadline for Authors to Submit Final Manuscript for Publication
October 1 Deadline for at least one author of each paper to register for
Author Instructions
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Rainer Schmidt (Primary Contact)
Munich University of Applied Sciences
Rainer Alt
Leipzig University
Selmin Nurcan
University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] [IEEE ICHMS 2021] Call for Special Tracks: 2nd IEEE
Intl. Conf. on Human-Machine Systems
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 21:15:46 +0100
From: Andreas Nuernberger <andreas.nuernberger(a)ovgu.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
* Call for Special Tracks *
2nd IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS 2021)
Magdeburg, Germany, 8-10 September 2021
Conference Theme: Human Centered Systems for our Digital World
The 2021 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS)
will be held in Magdeburg, Germany. ICHMS will provide a remarkable
opportunity for the academic and industrial communities to address new
challenges and share solutions, and discuss future research directions
in the important area of Human-Machines Systems.
The special tracks focus on well established “sub topics” of the Human
Machine Systems research area – mainly driven by activities of the SMC
Society HMS Technical Committees. The tracks are intended to collect
contributions from the HMS community, focusing on topics such as
Companion Technology, Brain-Machine Interfaces and Systems, Human-AI
Interaction and Cognitive Computing & Engineering, Interactive and
Wearable Computing and Systems, Collaborative Intelligent Systems and
Applications and Human Factors Engineering. An open call for special
tracks will enable researchers to enrich the conference program by
inclusion of upcoming hot topics and will increase visibility in their
community. Submitted papers will undergo the same review process as
regular contributions.
For further details on proposing a special track see:
* Deadlines *
Continues call for Special Track Proposals until April 1, 2021. Proposed
Special Tracks will be announced on a continuing basis as soon as
accepted; so we welcome early submission to increase visibility.
Deadline for submission of contributions for Regular Papers and Special
Tracks: May 15, 2021
Financial and Technical Sponsorship:
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (https://www.ieeesmc.org/)
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-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Artificial Intelligence-based Assistants Minitrack
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 15:17:26 +0000
From: Schmidt, Rainer <rainer.schmidt(a)hm.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers Artificial Intelligence-based Assistants Minitrack
This minitrack intends to promote the scientific exchange on AI-based
assistants for the Digital Economy. It serves as a platform for
researchers to present and discuss innovative approaches, methodologies,
models, processes, etc., to design, implement, deploy, operate and
optimize AI-based assistants as well as their broader aspects such as
platform and ecosystems of AI-based platforms.
This minitrack deals with the following topics, but contributions can
also be submitted on other topics.
* Applications of AI-based assistants in the digital economy
* Platforms and ecosystems of AI-based assistants
* Methods and models to design, develop, implement, deploy, manage and
monitor AI-based assistants
* Methods, tools, and approaches to capture the user behavior e.g.,
process mining and derive recommendations for actions
* New business models and processes based on AI-based assistants
* Fundamental questions on the use of AI-based assistants
* Research on the transparency of the behavior of AI-based assistants
* Integration of AI-based assistants with services and platforms
* Social and business implications of the use of AI-based assistants
Selected papers will be invited for a fast-track in Electronic Markets -
The International Journal on Networked Business.
Important Dates
April 15 Paper submission system reopened for HICSS-55
June 15 Papers due
August 17 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
September 22 Deadline for Authors to Submit Final Manuscript for Publication
October 1 Deadline for at least one author of each paper to register for
Author Instructions
Minitrack Co-chairs:
Rainer Schmidt (Primary Contact)
Munich University of Applied Sciences
Rainer Alt
Leipzig University
Alfred Zimmermann
Reutlingen University
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