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Subject: [AISWorld] 8th International Symposium on End-User Development
(IS-EUD 2021): Second Call for Papers
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2021 12:38:46 +0200
From: George A. Papadopoulos <george(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*** Second Call for Papers ***
8th International Symposium on End-User Development
(IS-EUD 2021): "Democratizing AI Development"
July 6-8, 2021, Atlantica Miramare Beach Hotel 4*, Limassol, Cyprus
End-user development (EUD) aims at empowering end users to develop and
adapt systems at a level of complexity that is adequate to their expertise,
practices, and skills. EUD may occur along the entire software
lifecycle, with
the purpose of making users able to participate in their artifact
not only at design time, but also during actual use.
Originally, EUD was conceived as a more general concept than end-user
programming; thus, scholars proposed methods, techniques and tools that
allow end users to modify or extend software artifacts, such as
web applications, video games, and mobile applications. In the co-called
Internet of Things era, end-user development moved on to address the
problem of defining and modifying the behavior of smart environments,
including smart objects, pervasive displays, smart homes, smart cities,
and so
on. Therefore, the term "end-user development" acquired a broader meaning
covering approaches, frameworks and socio-technical environments that
allow end users to express themselves in crafting digital artifacts that
encompass both software and hardware technology.
Recent research and technological trends like Artificial Intelligence
(AI), Big
Data, Cyber-Security, Robotics, and Industry 4.0, have contributed to renew
the vision of end-user development, by providing tools and platforms that
allow end users to harness the power of AI to create solutions involving
Computer Vision, Image Processing, Conversational User Interfaces, as
well as
solutions for smart environments. Such developments lower the threshold for
creating AI solutions, and expand the programmer base for such solutions,
by extending AI application both for professional and discretionary use.
IS-EUD is a bi-annual event for researchers and practitioners with an
interdisciplinary approach to EUD, including: Human-Computer Interaction,
Software Engineering, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Human-Work
Interaction Design, and related areas.
IS-EUD 2021 Theme: Democratizing AI Development
The 2021 edition of IS-EUD focuses on EUD for AI-based systems, where
end users are called on to become end-user developers of intelligent agents,
digital twins, collaborative and social robots. This edition would like to
discuss the adoption of EUD in new fields, the proposal of novel EUD
paradigms, and the impact of AI-based EUD in terms of user acceptability
and appropriation. One of the most interesting topics in human-AI
is explainability of AI-based systems: research submissions presenting end-
user oriented solutions to this problem will be particularly welcome.
Theoretical and empirical work analyzing pros and cons of this new EUD
wave, identifying requirements for end-user development of AI and
acceptance of related solutions is invited. Software infrastructures and
systems supporting the reuse of solutions and the emergence of meta-
design practices are of particular interest to this community, linking the
challenges relating AI to topics central to the IS-EUD community.
Conference Topics
The conference welcomes contributions that:
· describe new, simple and efficient environments for end-user development
· describe new processes, methods and techniques for empowering users to
create, modify and tailor digital artifacts
· present case studies and design implications on challenges and
practices of
end-user development
· develop theoretical concepts and foundations for the field of end-user
Specific topics include (but are not limited to) the following ones:
· User-oriented orchestration of AI-based devices
· Conversational interfaces for end-user development
· End-user development for big data visualization and exploration
· End-user development for collaborative robotics
· End-user development for social robotics
· End-user development in Industry 4.0
· End-user development and explainable AI-based systems
· Cybersecurity and end-user development
· End-user development in daily life
· Technologies and infrastructures for end-user development
· Empirical studies of end-user development
· Recommender systems to support end-user development
· Cultures of participation and meta-design approaches
· Technology acceptance and adoption studies of end-user development
· Evaluation of end-user development technologies
· Supporting creative work through end-user development
We invite two types of paper submissions:
1. Regular papers, up to 16 pages, describing original unpublished research
making a substantial contribution to the research field
2. Short papers, up to 8 pages, describing original unpublished research,
making a small but solid contribution to the field
All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee. The review
process for this category is double-blind, thus submissions must be
anonymized. Accepted papers (both regular and short) will appear in the
archival proceedings of IS-EUD 2021, published by Springer in the Lecture
Notes on Computer Science (LNCS) series, and will be presented in plenary
sessions of the conference.
Workshop proposals are invited (max 6 pages) aligned to the themes of the
conference. Workshops provide an informal setting where participants have
the opportunity to discuss specific topics in an atmosphere that fosters the
active exchange of ideas. Workshops can be half day or one-day long and
will be held on July 6, 2021. Accepted workshop proposals will be included
in the IS-EUD 2021 adjunct proceedings, which will be submitted to
http://ceur-ws.org for online publication.
Submissions of regular papers, short papers and workshop proposals should
indicate in the title page "Regular", "Short" or "Workshop" respectively.
Demonstration and Work in Progress papers are also welcomed.
A Demonstration paper (max 6 pages) should be structured according to the
· Abstract (150 words maximum)
· Topics to be covered and their relevance to the EUD community
· Detailed description of the planned demonstration activity
· Diagrams or screenshots (if relevant)
· Supporting documentation (e.g., project website)
· References
Work in Progress submissions (max 6 pages) are intended for presenting
preliminary results or tentative findings and position papers. The
authors of
accepted contributions will have the opportunity to give an oral
during parallel sessions.
Finally, the IS-EUD Doctoral Consortium is intended to bring together PhD
students working on theory and application of EUD. We particularly encourage
students that are about half-way through their doctoral research to submit
doctoral consortium contributions (max 6 pages) describing the topic of
PhD, their approach and a summary of their progress.
Demonstration, Work in Progress and Doctoral Consortium submissions
should indicate in the title page "Demo", "WiP" or "DC" respectively.
submissions will be included in IS-EUD 2021 adjunct proceedings, which will
be submitted to http://ceur-ws.org for online publication.
Submissions of all types should be carefully formatted according to the
Springer LNCS format:
and should be submitted through the Easy Chair system at:
Important Dates
· Regular and Short papers submission: March 8, 2021
· Notification: March 30, 2021
· Camera-ready: April 30, 2021
· Workshop proposal submission: March 8, 2021
· Notification: March 15, 2021
· Camera-ready: April 30, 2021
· Demonstration and Work in Progress submission: April 7, 2021
· Notification: April 21, 2021
· Camera-ready: April 30, 2021
· Doctoral Consortium submission: April 7, 2021
· Notification: April 30, 2021
· Camera-ready: May 15, 2021
General Chairs
· Panos Markopoulos (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
· George A. Papadopoulos (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Program Chairs
· Daniela Fogli (University of Brescia, Italy)
· Daniel Tetteroo (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Short papers Chairs
· Barbara Rita Barricelli (University of Brescia, Italy)
· Simone Borsci (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Work in Progress Chairs
· Jelle Van Dijk (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
· Carmen Santoro (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
Demonstration Chair
· Stefano Valtolina (University of Milan, Italy)
Workshop Chairs
· Styliani Kleanthous (Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
· Simone Stumpf (City University London, UK)
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
· Monica Maceli (Pratt Institute, USA)
· Antonio Piccinno (University of Bari, Italy)
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP - IEEE COMPSAC 2021 - Extended to February 12,
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 16:55:34 +0000
From: Maria Valero de Clemente <mvalero2(a)kennesaw.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
JULY 12-16, 2021
Computers, Software and Applications. It is a major international forum
for academia, industry, and government to discuss research results and
advancements, emerging challenges, and future trends in computer and
software technologies and applications. The theme of COMPSAC 2021 is
“Intelligent and Resilient Computing for a Collaborative World”.The
global COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed how we work with each
other on a regular basis. Limitations on in-person interactions have
caused a dramatic increase in our use and reliance on collaborative
technology to enable normal communication. Family and friends have
conversations via video chat, students utilize online learning instead
of in-person instruction, and medical professionals treat patients
remotely. These are only a few examples of how interactive software and
applications have provided the foundation for continued normal
day-to-day activities. But as use of these tools has rapidly
accelerated, some limitations and shortcomings have also been
discovered. Many components support online collaborative services,
including bare-metal hardware, massive back-end storage, and high-speed,
high-throughput networking, as well as the software required to
administer these components efficiently. In many cases, the resilience
of these underpinnings has been tested by unprecedented levels of
demand, stressing systems and exposing weaknesses. As computer
researchers, we see these weaknesses as opportunities to fill gaps in
how software and applications are developed, utilized, and supported.
How to improve the resiliency of these components across a wide range of
use domains is a significant challenge we suddenly find ourselves
facing. How do we design systems that are able to withstand the stress
of global-scale use, and still provide robust and secure services to
end-users? For over 40 years, COMPSAC has been an outlet for researchers
to share and discuss innovative and novel approaches to problems such as
these, and we look forward to hearing your ideas in 2021!
COMPSAC 2021, organized as a tightly integrated union of symposia, will
focus on technical aspects of issues relevant to computers, software and
applications, with an emphasis on topics related to improving
collaboration with intelligence and resilience. The technical program
will include keynote addresses, research papers, industrial case
studies, fast abstracts, a doctoral symposium, poster sessions, and
workshops and tutorials on emerging and important topics related to the
conference theme. Highlights of the conference will include plenary and
specialized panels that will address the technical challenges facing
researchers and practitioners who are driving fundamental changes in
intelligent systems and applications. Panels will also address cultural
and societal challenges with respect to computing and collaboration
raised by rapidly changing communication norms.
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research work, as
well as industrial practice reports. Simultaneous submission to other
publication venues is not permitted except as highlighted in the COMPSAC
2021 J1C2 & C1J2 program. All submissions must adhere to IEEE Publishing
Policies, and will be vetted through the IEEE CrossCheck portal.
Submission site: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=compsac2021
Main conference papers due: 12 February 2021
Paper notification: 15 April 2021
Camera-ready and registration due: 15 May 2021
Workshops proposal acceptance notification: 15 December 2020
Workshop papers due: 21 April 2021
Workshop paper notifications: 15 May 2021
Camera-ready and registration due: 31 May 2021
***NEW IN 2021 - OER STUDENT COMPETITION***Submissions are open to
undergraduate higher education students, working alone or in teams of up
to 4, who have developed a Web-based OER that can be used for teaching
or learning at the undergraduate college or university level of Computer
Science or Information Technology. Cash prizes will be awarded to the
top three projects. Submissions must be directly available on the Web
with a public URL – for example on SlideShare, YouTube, Instagram,
institutional open online repositories, etc. Examples of the kinds of
OERs that qualify for this contest are materials that may have been
developed for class projects, including animations, case studies, video
presentations, simulations, tutorials, workshop and training materials, etc.
Last Date for Submission: April 1, 2021
Notification of Winners: May 15, 2021
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: 33rd British HCI Conference 2021
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 15:58:03 +0000
From: Jose Abdelnour-Nocera <Jose.Abdelnour-Nocera(a)uwl.ac.uk>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org <AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
One behalf of the BCS Interaction Specialist group and the Organising
committee we are very pleased to announce the general call for papers
for this year's British HCI Conference.
19-21 July (Online) - London, UK - University of West London
Post-Pandemic HCI – Living digitally
The 2021 conference theme is “Post-pandemic HCI – Living Digitally”
highlighting current and future efforts for digital innovations in
socio-technical systems and related challenges and opportunities. The
theme invites to think beyond the current pandemic and be hopeful.
‘Living digitally’ calls for interpreting and imagining how
human-computer interactions and collaborations in all areas of human
life may be shaped by the pandemics. The conference accepts submissions
related to, but not necessarily limited to, the following topics:
– Sustainable HCI (e.g. in the context of global challenges of pandemics
and global warming)
– Cybersecurity and privacy
– Information credibility and Trust
– Social computing and creative interaction
– Social and Ethical challenges
– Human-AI interaction and collaboration
– Decolonization and geo-political issues of HCI
– Socio-technical HCI
– Accessibility of digital technology and the web
We invite paper submissions to a number of categories:
Full Papers (up to 10 pages excluding references): Will involve an oral
presentation at the main conference. These are papers that will feature
as a presentation in the main conference, allowing presenters to expose
their work to delegates. Submission Deadline: 30th of April.
Notifications: 20th of June.
Position Papers (2 to 4 pages excluding references): Will involve an
oral presentation at the main conference. These are papers that make a
statement, a reflection or a new paradigm or concept in human computer
interaction. They may also include prospective or much needed studies,
or indeed the ambition of a discipline or newly funded project.
Submission Deadline: 30th of April. Notifications: 20th of June.
Doctoral Consortium Papers (up to 6 pages excluding references): Will
involve an oral presentation at the doctoral consortium. These papers
will be presented at the doctoral consortium on 19 July 2021. Submission
Deadline: 1st of April. Notifications: 30th of April.
Workshop Proposals (up to 4 pages excluding references): we welcome
proposals for workshops as spaces for debate and co-development of ideas
and approaches related to the advancement of research and practice
within the field of Human-Computer Interaction. The proposal should be
in eWics format, including references. Proposals should be
self-contained and clearly provide a detailed workshop description
including: title of the workshop; names and affiliations of the
facilitators; aim, objectives, benefits and significance of the proposed
workshop; a scheduled overview of planned activities; facilitator(s)
background, provided as short biographical notes. Submission Deadline:
1st of April. Notifications: 15th of April.
All submissions need to use the Microsoft word eWiC template (the eWiC
template can be downloaded online at the following URL:
http://ewic.bcs.org/category/15364). Your paper should then be submitted
using EasyChair by clicking on the following URL:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bhci2021. You should submit a
PDF and the source file of your paper (in .doc or .docx format
[Microsoft word]). You are also required to upload a ‘License to
Publish’ PDF which you can download here –
All submissions should be written in English. Submissions will be
peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings in
the ACM digital library and by the British Computer Society. At least
one author must register for the conference in order for the paper to be
As with previous years, we are looking for selected papers to be invited
as extended papers for the Interacting with Computers Journal.
Jose Abdelnour Nocera (University of West London – ITI/ Larsys), Helen
Petrie (University of York), Gavin Sim (University of Central Lancashire)
https://hci2021.bcs.org/https://twitter.com/BCSHCI2021 hci2021(a)bcs.org
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [WI] CfP EMISA 2021: 11th International Workshop on Enterprise
Modeling and Information Systems Architectures
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 11:25:30 +0100
From: Agnes Koschmider <ak(a)informatik.uni-kiel.de>
Reply-To: Agnes Koschmider <ak(a)informatik.uni-kiel.de>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
EMISA 2021:
11th International Workshop on Enterprise Modeling and Information
Systems Architectures
20-21. Mai 2021,
Kiel (or virtually)
EMISA 2021 is the eleventh international workshop in a series that
provides a key forum for researchers and practitioners in the field on
design methods for information systems.
The workshop series emphasizes a holistic view on this field, fostering
integrated approaches that address and relate business processes,
business people and information technology.
The workshop is open for a broad range of subjects.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Patterns for information systems architectures
- Process modeling and process-aware information systems for IoT
- Complex event processing and event-driven architectures
- Information systems for IoT
- Modelling social information and innovation networks
- Domain-specific modeling methods and languages for IoT
- Metamodeling
- Method and model engineering
- Quality of modeling methods, models, architectures and languages
- Learning and teaching design methods for information systems
The workshop is organized by the GI Special Interest Group on
Design Methods for Information Systems (GI-SIG EMISA),
which provides a forum for researchers from various disciplines
who develop and apply methods to support the analysis and design of
information systems.
Important Dates:
February 27, 2021: Submission of proposals
March 20, 2021: Notification
April 01, 2021: Final version
May 20-21, 2021: Workshop
Conference Chairs:
Agnes Koschmider, Kiel University
Judith Michael, RWTH Aachen
Submission Types:
EMISA 2021 calls for submissions in the following categories:
1. PhD Research Proposals
2. Current Research Talk Proposals
3. Novel Directions Talk Proposals
All accepted submissions (PhD Research, Current Research Talk, Novel
Directions Talk)
will be published in the next print edition of EMISA Forum.
The short papers proposing PhD Research or a Novel Directions Talk
will also be published as an electronic CEUR proceedings volume.
Prof. Dr. Agnes Koschmider
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
AG Wirtschaftsinformatik (Process Analytics)
Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 3
24118 Kiel
Telefon: +49 431 880-6387
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for papers. Journal Sustainability. Special
Issue "Smart Governance for Smart Cities, Rural Areas or Regions and
Sustainable Development"
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2021 20:41:42 +0100
From: Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar <manuelp(a)ugr.es>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues,
Some societies have difficulties achieving sustainable development. In
this context, a transition to future sustainable cities necessarily
involves the implementation of Information and Communication
Technologies. Digital technologies should serve people and improve
public services, especially in the governance and management of cities,
rural areas, and regions.
One of the main outcomes of smart governance should be to assist
societies in developing effective government and to implement sustainable
development principles.
Therefore, we invite papers that analyze the link between smart
governance systems implemented in cities, rural areas or regions, and
their sustainability. In any case, this Special Issue will put its
attention on empirical papers, including case studies, comparative case
studies (that involve different countries, disciplines, or sustainability
challenges), and surveys. Finally, empirical studies about smart
governance in vertical or horizontal integrations of public
organizations for achieving sustainable development goals will be welcome.
In brief, I encourage you to contribute a research article for
consideration for publication in this special issue to be published in
Sustainability (JCR listed journal), an international Open Access
journal which provides an advanced forum for research findings in areas
related to sustainability and sustainable development.
You can find the special issue here:
Warm regards,
Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar
Full Professor of Accounting
Director of Economic Affairs, University of Granada
Department of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Business Studies, C/
Campus Universitario de Cartuja, s/n | 18071, Granada (Spain)
tel +34958242881 fax +34958246249
| email <mailto:manuelp@ugr.es>
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-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Second Call - BEE Conference 2021
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2021 11:55:51 +0100
From: BEE Conference <bee-conference(a)net.efzg.hr>
Reply-To: bee-conference(a)net.efzg.hr
To: bee-conference-mailing(a)net.efzg.hr
Dear friends and colleagues,
After a successful Virtual BEE2020 conference we are hoping to be able
to meet you in person for a physical event *6th BEE Conference –
Business & Entrepreneurial Economics* in *Plitvice Lakes National park,
Croatia*, from *26-29. May, 2021*. We know however that the events of
this year have had a longer lasting impact on participants' ability and
willingness to travel for events. Therefore, we are planning
for BEE 2021 to be a “hybrid” conference. Meaning that they will be
physical events with virtual elements built into it to create an
experience for both those who can attend in person and those able to
attend only online.
Ph.D. research, as well as entrepreneurial proposals for roundtable
discussions, are also invited. Full papers may be submitted after the
completion of the conference. They will then be subjected to a
double-blind peer review process, published in a Conference proceedings
and then selected papers will be forwarded to our faculty’s journal for
For all details please visit the conference website
https://bee-conference.com/ <https://bee-conference.com/>
*Important dates*
Abstract submission: * March 15**^th **, 2021*
Final registration and payment deadline:* April 15**^th **, 2021*
For application contact us via info(a)bee-conference.com
Please feel free to circulate this message to any colleagues or contacts
you think may be interested.
Kind regards,
Organizing Committee <http://bee-conference.com/organizing-committee/>
To unsubscribe from this group, send empty email to
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
an email to BEE-Conference-mailing+unsubscribe(a)net.efzg.hr
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP The 14th Workshop on Social and Human Aspects of
Business Process Management (BPMS2’21)
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2021 17:13:56 +0100
From: rainer.schmidt(a)hm.edu
Reply-To: rainer.schmidt(a)hm.edu
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
The 14th Workshop on Social and Human Aspects of Business Process Management
As part of BPM 2021
19th International Conference on Business Process Management
September 6, 2021, Rome, Italy
Call for Papers
Deadline for workshop paper submissions: May 24, 2021
Workshop Theme
The involvement of human aspects into Business Process Management takes
both on a social and individual level. Social information systems 1 such as
social media, Enterprise 2.0, and social platforms are spreading quickly in
society, organizations, and economics. Enterprises use social information
systems to improve their business processes and create new business models.
The integration of business process management and social information
becomes more and more widespread. New approaches for using social
systems in combination with business process management appear frequently.
Social information systems are used both in external and internal business
processes. Companies can co-create products and services, e.g., companies
integrate customers into product development to capture ideas and features.
Thus, communication with the customer is increasingly bi-directional. The
integration of business process management and social information systems
enables the creation of new business models using social platforms. Social
platforms enable the creation of cross-side network effects and therefore
called two- or multi-sided markets2. Prominent examples are TripAdvisor,
and AirBnB. By using the value-creating mechanisms of social information
systems, business models became possible, which were not realizable before.
E.g., the AirBnB uses a crowdsourcing model for quality control by using
users’ reviews of apartments. In this way, a quality assessment of products
and services became possible that was too costly so far.
Social information systems also create new possibilities to enhance internal
business processes by improving the exchange of knowledge and
information, to
speed up decisions, etc. Social information systems enable value-creating
interactions such as weak ties, social production, egalitarianism. These
value-creating interactions open new possibilities and potentials for the
design of processes. Weak ties enable the flexible integration of process
participants, social production paves the way for the bottom-up
definition of
business processes, and egalitarian decisions change how decisions are
made in
business processes. The use of value-creating interactions is tightly
intertwined with new forms of involvement of human beings into business
process management.
Human aspects complement the social perspective on business process
management. The fact that more and more enterprises are using business
management implies that the human individual is involved in a multitude of
business processes. Individuals must cope with multiple process contexts and
thus must administer data appropriately. Digital assistants such as Alex
integrate individuals in processes that could not interact with conventional
computers. In this way, new forms of interaction between processes and
arise. Furthermore, individuals must integrate the external business
into their work environment or even to couple several external business
processes. Human aspects of business process management relate to the
individual who creates a process model, to the communication among people,
during and after the process execution, and to the social process of
collaborative modeling. They also relate to the interaction /
collaboration /
coordination / cooperation that should be implemented in the business
or to specific human-related aspects of the business process itself and
representations in models.
Before this background, the goal of the workshop is to explore how social
information systems integrate with business process management, and how
business process management may profit from this integration.
Furthermore, the
workshop investigates the human aspects introduced into Business Process
Management by involving human actors. Examples are the use of crowdsourced
knowledge and tasks, the need for new user interfaces, e.g., augmented
and voice bots.
The workshop will discuss three topics. Social Business Process Management,
Social Business and Platforms, and Human Aspects of Business Process
1. Social Business Process Management (SBPM)
- Social information systems in the BPM lifecycle e.g., Design, Deployment,
Operation, and Evaluation
- BPM methods and paradigms to cope with Social information systems
- Influence of weak ties, social production, egalitarianism, and mutual
service provisioning on BPM
- Trust and reputation in business processes management carried through
information systems
- Influence of weak ties, social production, egalitarianism and mutual
provisioning in the design and management of business processes?
- Integration of Social information systems with WFMS or other business
process support systems?
- Conceptual modelling for knowledge intensive and social business
2. Social Business and Social Platforms: Social information systems
business processes
- New opportunities offered by Social information systems for the support of
business processes
- Social platforms and their support for business processes and new business
- Value (co-)creation in social business and social platforms
- Sociality requirements of business processes according to their nature
(predictable/non predictable; production/collaborative/ad hoc)
- Use of Wikis, Blogs etc. to support business processes
- Fitting between types of Social information systems and phases of the BPM
- New trends in business knowledge modelling leveraged by social production
3. Human Aspects of Business Process Management
- Concepts, technologies, and services to support individuals acting in
business processes
- Digital Assistants such as Google, Siri etc. in business process
and business processes
- Human aspects of business process management
- Human-centric business processes
- Human resource management in business processes (workloads, skills,
preferences, affinities, context, mobility, etc. …)
Based on the twelve previous successful BPMS2 workshops since 2008, the goal
of the BPMS2’21 workshop is to promote the integration of business process
management with social information systems and social software and to
the community pursuing the theme.
Workshop paper format
Position papers of up to 2500 words are sought. Position papers that raise
relevant questions, or describe successful or unsuccessful practice, or
describe experience will all be welcome. Position papers will be assigned a
20-minute presentation. Short papers of up to 1000 words can also be
and will be assigned a 10-minute presentation.
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers for presentation in any of
the areas listed above. Only papers in English will be accepted. The
length of
full papers must not exceed 12 pages (There is no possibility to buy
additional pages). Position papers and tool reports should be no longer
than 6
pages. Papers should be submitted in the new LNBIP format
(http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-487211-0). Papers must
present original research contributions not concurrently submitted
The title page must contain a short abstract, a classification of the topics
covered, preferably using the list of topics above, and an indication of the
submission category (regular paper/position paper/tool report).
Please use Easychair for submitting your paper:
The paper selection will be based on the relevance of a paper to the main
topics, as well as upon its quality and potential to generate relevant
discussion. All the workshop papers will be published by Springer as a post-
proceeding volume (to be sent around 4 months after the workshop) in their
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) series.
All papers will be published on workshop wiki (www.bpms2.org) before the
workshop, so that everybody can learn about the problems that are important
for other participants. A blog will be used to encourage and support
discussions. The workshop will consist of long and short paper
brainstorming sessions and discussions. The workshop report will be created
collaboratively using a wiki. A special issue over all workshops will be
published in a journal (decision in progress).
Important dates
Deadline for workshop paper submissions:
May 24, 2021
Notification of Acceptance:
June 24, 2021
Camera-ready papers deadline: July 12, 2021
September 6, 2021
Primary Contact
Rainer Schmidt
Munich University of Applied Sciences
Phone: +49 89 1265 3740
Fax: + 49 89 1265 3780
Selmin Nurcan
Sorbonne Management School - University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Centre de Recherche en Informatique (CRI)
Workshop Program Committee (confirmations pending)
Some invitations are still pending, and more people are expected:
Adriano Augusto, University of Melbourne
Jan Bosch, Chalmers University of Technology
Marco Brambilla, Politecnico die Milano
Lars Brehm, Munich University of Applied Science
Norbert Gronau, University of Potsdam
Barbara Keller, Munich University of Applied Sciences
Ralf Klamma, RWTH Aachen University
Sai Peck Lee, University of Malaya
Michael Möhring, Munich University of Applied Sciences
Mohammad Ehson Rangiha, City University
Gustavo Rossi, LIFIA-F. Informatica. UNLP
Flavia Santoro, UERJ
Miguel-Angel Sicilia, University of Alcala
Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa
Irene Vanderfeesten, Open University of the Netherlands
Moe Thandar Wynn, Queensland University of Technology
Alfred Zimmermann, Reutlingen University
1 Rainer Schmidt, Rainer Alt, and Selmin Nurcan, “Social Information
in Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System
(Hawaii, 2019), 2642–2646, accessed January 26, 2018,
2 T. Eisenmann, G. Parker, and M. W. Van Alstyne, “Strategies for Two-Sided
Markets,” Harvard Business Review 84, no. 10 (2006): 92–101.
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Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 20th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2021) - Second
Call for Submissions
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2021 12:39:18 +0000
From: ACPIL Updates <ACPIL.Updates(a)academic-conferences.org>
To: Gustaf.Neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at <Gustaf.Neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Hello Gustaf
This is the *Second**call* for papers for the *20th European Conference
on e-Learning*
2021)*hosted by the *University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin, Germany*
on *28th-29th October 2021.*
This call is open until *7^th April 2021.*
E-Learning today encompasses many different things relating to both the
technology, the techniques and the pedagogy. A blended learning design
cycle sets goals, works out how these goals are best achieved, and then
fills out the appropriate methods of learning. At *ECEL 2021* we are
seeking examples of great course design as well as examples of good
practice, showing the real value of e-learning innovations.
For more information, please go to:
We invite contributions for academic research, case studies and
work-in-progress/posters are also welcomed approaches. PhD Research,
proposals for roundtable discussions, non-academic contributions and
product demonstrations based on the main themes are also invited. A
prize will be awarded to the best PhD paper and the best Poster.
As well as the main call for papers the conference committee are asking
for papers on the following specialist mini-track subjects
·*Recommendation Systems in e-Learning*
·*Strategies for Online Learning: From f2f to blended and hybrid learning*
·*Applying Innovative Applications*
For full details on the mini-tracks please see:
Papers accepted for the conference will be published in the conference
proceedings, subject to author registration
<http://www.academic-conferences.org/conferences/ecel/ecel-registration/> and
payment. The proceedings have an ISBN and ISSN and are submitted for
indexing to a number of bodies, including Thompson ISI and Elsevier
Scopus. Papers that have been presented at the conference will be
considered for further development and publication in the Scopus
accredited, Electronic Journal of e-Learning. ISSN: 1479-4403
(http://www.ejel.org <http://www.ejel.org>).
The conference will once again host the final round oftheInternational
e-Learning Excellence Awards
you have been involved in the creationand development of an
innovative e-Learning application, we inviteyou to participate in this
competition. The call for submissions is open until 19^th May 2021.For
more information, and to enter the competition see:
Please feel free to circulate this message to any colleagues or contacts
you think may be interested.
Follow the conference on LinkedIn
Twitter <https://twitter.com/acpi_tweets>
Kind regards
Annette Young, Conferences Manager
Academic Conferences International
Tel: +44 (0) 118 324 693844
annette(a)academic-conferences.org <mailto:annette@academic-conferences.org>__
http://www.academic-conferences.org <http://www.academic-conferences.org/>__
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If you no longer wish to receive notifications about this conference,
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-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [wkwi] CfP: AMCIS 2021 mini-track 'Organizational
Transformation by Scaling and Extending the Use of Agile Methods'
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2021 10:45:21 +0000
From: Horlach, Bettina <horlach(a)informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
Reply-To: Horlach, Bettina <horlach(a)informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de <wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de>
CfP: AMCIS 2021 mini-track 'Organizational Transformation by Scaling and
Extending the Use of Agile Methods'
(Bitte entschuldigen Sie eventuelle Mehrfachzustellungen)
-- 2021 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) --
-- Virtual Conference, August 9-13, 2021 --
-- https://amcis2021.aisconferences.org/ --
Mini-track * Organizational Transformation by Scaling and Extending the
Use of Agile Methods*
Track *Organisational Transformation & Information Systems (SIG OSRA)*
Many of today’s organizations see agility as a core capability of the
digital enterprise. While following agile values, principles and methods
in software development projects is well established, organizations
across all industries increasingly try to harness agile’s potential in
other areas.
These areas include (1) scaling agile development to larger settings
involving multiple teams and/or projects, (2) managing distributed
organizational setups, (3) extending agile values, principles and
methods to other functions in the enterprise beyond software development
and IT, and (4) establishing inter-organizational setups for agility
across business ecosystems which may include customers, partners or
suppliers. These extensions lead to intensive organizational change
activities with a high impact on potentially all organizational levels:
individual, team, management and governance.
For this mini-track, we seek to attract research contributions that
extend existing research by focusing on socio-technical, organizational,
managerial and/ or individual challenges of extending the application of
agile values, principles and methods beyond their original scope. We
welcome conceptual, empirical, and design-oriented contributions for
this mini-track.
Papers must be submitted through the conference website:
You can find the paper submission guidelines and template here:
Submission deadline:
- March 1, 2021: Deadline for paper submissions (5pm EST)
Minitrack Co-chairs:
Bettina Horlach (horlach(a)informatik.uni-hamburg.de)
Andreas Drechsler (andreas.drechsler(a)vuw.ac.nz)
Bettina Horlach
Research Associate
Universität Hamburg
Fachbereich Informatik
IT-Management & -Consulting (ITMC) /Informationstechnikgestaltung und
Genderperspektive (ITG)
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30
D-22527 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 428 83-20 15
E-Mail: horlach(a)informatik.uni-hamburg.de
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: AMCIS 2021 Mini Track: Social Media Analytics
in Organization Knowledge Management
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2021 18:23:46 -0500
From: Wingyan Chung <wchung9(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: wingyan(a)acm.org
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Paper: AMCIS 2021 Mini Track: Social Media Analytics in
Organization Knowledge Management
The 27th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) Mini-Track:
Social Media Analytics in Organizational Knowledge Management
Conference Dates: August 9-13, 2021 (virtual conference)
Submission Deadline: March 1, 2021
Author Notification: April 16, 2021
Camera ready submission deadline: April 23, 2021
Conference site: https://amcis2021.aisconferences.org
Submission site: https://new.precisionconference.com/user/login
Social media analytics (SMA) is concerned with developing and evaluating
informatics tools and frameworks to collect, monitor, analyze,
summarize, and visualize SM data. The past decade has witnessed dramatic
growth of SMA research and its application in different domains. Despite
technological and theoretical relevance, the impact of SMA on
organizational knowledge management is not entirely clear. Recent
advances in deep learning, artificial intelligence, and network science
present exciting opportunities to enrich SMA for organizational
knowledge creation and management. Much research is needed to elevate
the impact of SMA on organizations. This mini-track solicits innovative
research papers on the development and application of social media
analytics in organizational knowledge management (accepted papers will
have the opportunity to be fast-tracked for publication in special
issues of peer-reviewed journals under preparation). Topics of interests
include (but are not limited to):
- Innovations of deep learning approaches in SMA for organizational KM
- SM-based environment monitoring, social listening, and situational
- Innovative extraction of knowledge and intelligence from SM content
using natural language processing in SMA
- Analysis of SM networks for organizational knowledge creation
- Intelligent summarization and visualization of SM content and usage
- Time-aware SMA for organizational sensing and knowledge creation
- Application of social and psychological theories to SMA development
- Domain-specific use of SMA for organizational KM (e.g., finance,
marketing, human resources, public administration, public health)
Submission instructions:
Submission site: https://new.precisionconference.com/user/login
(Make new submissions to “AIS," "AMCIS 2021" and “AMCIS2021 Papers”, and
then select the track "Social Computing" and its mini-track "Social
Media Analytics in Organizational Knowledge Management”)
Call for Paper: https://is.wcu.edu/wchung/doc/CFP-SMAKM_AMCIS21.pdf
Submission Deadline: March 1, 2021
Author Notification: April 16, 2021
Camera ready submission deadline: April 23, 2021
AMCIS Mini-Track Co-Chairs:
Wingyan Chung, wingyan(a)acm.org
Daniel Zeng, zeng(a)email.arizona.edu
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