-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] "Creating value through digital innovation in
health care" - Call for Papers
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 11:16:28 +0200
From: Lauri Wessel | University of Bremen <lauri.wessel(a)uni-bremen.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
+++ Apologies for cross-postings +++
16th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik
March 9 - 11 2021 , University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
Track: Creating value through digital innovation in health care
New Deadline for Submissions: 28/08/2020
Track Chairs:
Lauri Wessel, University of Bremen
Hannes Rothe, Freie Universität Berlin
Eivor Oborn, Warwick Business School
Health care is undergoing significant changes in how value is being
created and captured (Porter 2010; Porter and Olmsberg Teisberg 2006).
At the core of this development lie various digital innovations as they
occasion shifts in how the health care sector has been traditionally
organized. From genomics over medical imagery to wearable devices – more
and more data is available to feed innovation in health care services
(Jarvenpaa and Markus 2018; Rothe et al. 2019; Vassilakopoulou et al.
2018). Greater processing power and new algorithms drive novel
diagnostics, more precise therapeutics and they also enable patients and
consumers to track and maintain their own wellbeing. This challenges
existing practices, sinters boundaries between roles, and even relocates
work from inside traditional healthcare providers into the private lives
of patients and their relatives (Barrett et al. 2012, 2016; Dadgar and
Joshi 2018; Wessel et al. 2019). A central theme that cuts across these
developments is that the interest of policy makers and researchers
increasingly turns to questions of value; that is how digital innovation
changes how value is being created, maintained, or even destroyed in the
abovementioned areas. This implies a wealth of new questions for IS
research that is turning to these novel developments only recently.
This track is broadly framed around the idea of generating value from
digital innovation in the context of health. This broadness implies that
we welcome all submissions with the potential to contribute to our
understanding of the relationship between digital innovation and value
creation in health care. We welcome design-oriented work,
theory-oriented research, and conceptual papers. We are agnostic in
terms of methodologies applied. Submissions may explore these topics but
we are by no means limited to them:
The role and management of biodata for digital innovation in health
The role of traditional professionals roles, identities, and
institutions for value creation in health
Design of digital innovations for improving patients’ self-management of
chronic conditions
The role of data for promoting prevention that challenges a
disease-based health care system
Explorations of novel revenue models, operational models, and business
models in the context of digital innovation in health care
New reimbursement models based on data
Comparisons between outcomes of data-driven strategies to improve health
care delivery
Design and evaluations of various AI-technologies for creating value
Associate Editors:
• Margunn Aanestad, University of Agder
• Angela Aristidou, University College London
• Aaron Baird, Georgia State University
• Panos Constantinides, Alliance Manchester Business School
• Elizabeth Davidson, Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii
at Manoa
• Paul Drews Leuphana, Universität Lüneburg
• Anna Essén, Stockholm School of Economics
• Daniel Fürstenau, Freie Universität Berlin
• Martin Gersch, Freie Universität Berlin
• Tobias Kowatsch, Universität St. Gallen
• Claudia Müller, Universität Siegen & Kalaidos University of Applied
Sciences Switzerland
• Roxana Ologeanu-Taddei, University of Montpellier
• Christoph Peters, Universität St. Gallen
• Hannes Schlieter, Technische Universität Dresden
• Martin Sedlmayr, Technische Universität Dresden
• Stefanie Steinhäuser, Universität Regensburg
• Polyxeni Vassilakopoulou, University of Agder
• Till Winkler, Copenhagen Business School
Prof. Dr. Lauri Wessel
Professor of Management and Organization
Faculty 7: Business Studies and Economics, University of Bremen
Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 1 (WIWI 1), Room A2340
28359 Bremen, Germany
Tel.: 0049-421-218 66600
Email: lauri.wessel(a)uni-bremen.de
Web: www.mo.uni-bremen.de
Check out our latest publications:
Wessel, L., Baiyere, A., Ologeanu-Taddei, R., Cha, J., Jensen, T. B.
”Unpacking the Difference between Digital Transformation and IT-enabled
Organizational Transformation”. (forthcoming) Journal of the Association
for Information Systems.
Thomas, O., Hagen, S., Frank, U., Recker, J., Wessel, L., Kammler, F.,
Zarvic, N., and Timm, I. 2020. “Global Crises and the Role of BISE,”
Business & Information Systems Engineering.
Wessel, L., Davidson, E.; Barquet, A., Rothe, H., Peters, O., Megges, H.
(2019) “Configuration in Smart ServiceSystems: A Practice-based
Inquiry.” Information Systems Journal, 29(6), 1256-1281.
Rothe, H., Wessel, L., Barquet, A. (forthcoming) “Accumulating Design
Knowledge: A Mechanisms-based Approach”. Journal of the Association for
Information Systems.
Haack, P., Sieweke, J., Wessel, L. (Eds.) (2019) “Microfoundations of
Institutions.“ Research in the Sociology of Organizations Volume 65A&65B
(Double Volume), Emerald.
Haack, P., Sieweke, J., Wessel, L. (2019) “Microfoundations and
Multi-Level Research on Institutions,” in: Research in the Sociology
Organizations “Microfoundations of Institutions“, 65A, 11-40.
Ologeanu-Taddei, R., Wessel, L., Bourdon, I. 2019 “Persistent Paradoxes
in Pluralistic Organizations: A Case Study of Continued Use of Shadow-IT
in a French Hospital”. 40th International Conference on Information
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [WI] CFP - ACM FAccT (formerly ACM FAT*)
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2020 20:30:07 +0100
From: Abeba Birhane <abeba.birhane(a)ucdconnect.ie>
Reply-To: Abeba Birhane <abeba.birhane(a)ucdconnect.ie>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
CC: Deborah Raji <deborahraji1(a)gmail.com>
Dear all,
Hope you are keeping safe and well.
We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 2021 ACM
conference on _F_airness, _Acc_ountability, and _T_ransparency -- FAccT
(formerly known as ACM FAT*) is now open. We welcome scholarship in
dialogue with fairness, accountability, and transparency in
computational systems, including critical approaches that investigate
core assumptions and propose alternative designs, practices, and policies.
This year’s conference will take place in the context of a worldwide
reckoning with racism and other forms of injustice, in society generally
and within the field of computing in particular. Such questions are not
only a matter of personal and professional concern, but also a perennial
focus of FAccT scholarship. *In this light, we especially welcome
attention to insufficiently addressed issues in computing* such as: How
do algorithmic systems develop in relation to racism and anti-blackness?
How should the field address the problems and opportunities of
intersectional perspectives on fairness? What kinds of marginalization
are relevant to the concerns of ACM FAccT? How can perspectives and
tools from gender/LGBTQ studies, postcolonial studies, indigenous
studies, racial and ethnic studies, migration studies, work on
disability and other relevant domains inform a broad perspective on how
to frame and advance social justice in relation to design of
computational systems?
Submissions might include (but not limited to) the following areas:
* *Algorithm Development*/e.g./ Fairness; Interpretable and
explainable models; Data collection and curation
* *Data and Algorithm Evaluation*/e.g./ Metrics; Audits; Evaluations
* *Applications*/e.g./ NLP; Computer vision; Search engines;
Recommender systems; Programming languages; Databases
* *Human Factors*/e.g./ Human-computer interaction;
Humans-in-the-loop; Information visualization; UX design; Community
or participatory-research design
* *Privacy and Security*/e.g./ Formal approaches; Privacy-preserving
models; Usable privacy and security
* *Law and Policy*/e.g./ Organizational governance; Data protection;
Non-discrimination; Codes of ethics; Models from historically
marginalized perspectives (/e.g./ Global Southern, feminist,
communitarian, or Indigenous perspectives)
* *Humanistic theory and critique*/e.g./ Interrogating foundational
concepts; Bridging critical concepts across fields; Philosophical,
moral and ethical analysis
* *Social and organizational processes*/e.g./ Algorithms in
organizations and institutions; Social, cultural, and historical
shaping of algorithmic phenomena; algorithmic impacts on social
* *Community-based approaches*/e.g./ Participatory algorithm design;
Community designed and maintained systems; Activism-driven
technological change
* *Education*/e.g./ Pedagogical approaches, proposals, and experiences
in areas of relevance to FAccT
We welcome submissions on these topics from a broad set of expertise
from a wide variety of disciplines, including computer science,
statistics, the humanities, and law. More details can be found here:
Paper pre-registration: 30 September 2020
Paper submission: 7 October 2020
Notifications: 11 December 2020
Conference: early March 2021
All deadlines are at 11:59 PM anywhere on earth (AoE) on the given date.
Questions? Contact the Program Co-chairs:
<mailto:program-chairs@facctconference.org>. And stay tuned for updates
by following @facctconference on Twitter.
Please forward this call to other people or groups you think may be
Best wishes,
Cognitive Science Ph.D. candidate
Complex Software Lab,
Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre
School of Computer Science and Informatics
University College Dublin, Ireland
t: @Abebab
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: SIG Adoption & Diffusion of IT - Pre-ICIS
DIGIT 2020 Virtual Workshop
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2020 20:03:10 +1200
From: Jean-Grégoire Bernard <jg.bernard(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*CFP: DIGIT 2020 - Sunday, December 13, 2020*
*IS Innovation Adoption, Use, and Diffusion in a World of Disruptions*
*Submissions Due: Monday, September 14, 2020*
The Special Interest Group on the Adoption and Diffusion of Information
Technology (SIG ADIT) is over 30 years old and will again host a pre-ICIS
workshop for people interested in information technology adoption and
diffusion (DIGIT). DIGIT will be held on Sunday December 13, 2020 as a
virtual workshop.
For decades, IS research on adoption and diffusion has tracked and
explained how individuals and organizations use technology. This has been a
steady evolution from considering mandatory use contexts of IT within
organizations (e.g., PC, ERP systems), to focusing on individual decisions
to adopt and use technology in volitional contexts, to unpacking the
complex situation of advice giving or recommender systems (Benbasat 2018).
Yet, the beginning of 2020 has unveiled a new host of disruptions,
including a global pandemic and powerful civil rights protests and
political movements. These phenomena are still unfolding but IS is at the
heart of many of our solutions to cope with these disruptions. Now,
individuals, organizations, and whole ecosystems have been forced to
innovatively use technology - from virtual meetings replacing in-person
gatherings, to the rapid digitization of processes, to using smart devices
to track individuals for contact tracing and disease prevention
initiatives. These situations are ripe with individuals, organizations, and
society using information technology in novel ways, and our understanding
of them will likely benefit from the theoretical lenses used in adoption
and diffusion research.
Like any extreme case, we believe there is a unique and expansive
opportunity to discover important insights about IS innovation, adoption,
use, and diffusion that may contribute back to our core body of knowledge.
For example, the disruptions of the global pandemic have put pressures on
the adoption, use, and diffusion of IS innovation different than we have
seen before. It is a global phenomenon, affecting the wide breath of
economies, politics, cultures, healthcare systems, etc., around the world,
at nearly the same time. The activities of each industry, organization, and
individual has likely been touched in complex and interesting ways, as new
practices are adopted. Further, many of these practices had to be embraced
nearly overnight as sweeping stay-at-home or shelter-in-place orders were
put into place. This has no doubt shifted the power between constituents
(Markus 1983), generated new digital divides (Bussewitz & Olson, 2020;
Ramsetty & Adams, 2020; Stewart, 2020), triggered nearly immediate changes
in the utilization and benefits of IS investments (Gal et al. 2008; Yoo et
al. 2010), and highlighted the importance of combined, real-time data sets
in times of uncertainty (Brynjolfsson et al. 2016), as well as a plethora
of other consequences to uncover.
The 2020 DIGIT workshop provides an opportunity for IS innovation
researchers to come together and generate vibrant discussions and exchanges
of ideas about disruptions and their impact in innovation, adoption, use,
and diffusion of IS. While papers adhering to the disruption theme are
encouraged, research in other IT adoption and diffusion research domains
will also be considered. Potential topic areas include, but are not
exclusive to:
- Individual and collective IS innovation behavior, such as adaptation,
coping, improvisation, and resilience, in the presence of disruptions
- Multi-level studies considering the rippling effects of disruptions
and their implications for IS adoption and diffusion
- Process models studying adoption, diffusion, and abandonment before
and after a disruption
- New theorization of how disruptions matter in IS innovation theories
at the individual, organizational, interorganizational, and society levels
- New qualitative, quantitative, and design-led methodological
approaches to examine the dynamics of IS innovation and adoption, including
the use of big trace datasets
- IS innovation adoption, diffusion, and abandonment in the presence of
various forms of societal events or social influence
Submitted research can be conceptual, analytical, design-oriented, or
empirical in nature. The workshop will include paper presentations, paper
roundtables and panel discussions. Please note, that due to the virtual
format, we will not have a poster presentation option this year.
*Instructions for Contributors*
In the interest of discussing the most current research in this area, we
- Full research papers (fourteen single-spaced pages)
- Research-in-progress papers (seven single-spaced pages)
All submissions will be blind reviewed. Papers should not have been
published previously in proceedings or journals, nor be under review
elsewhere, but it is the general objective of the workshop that they will
be submitted to a premier outlet after the DIGIT workshop.
Proceedings of the workshop will be published in the AIS Electronic
Library. The authors can choose whether they want the full paper or only an
extended abstract to be published. For past proceedings see:
*Instructions for Submissions*The deadline for submission of papers is
Monday, September 14, 2020.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made in late-October.
All papers must conform to the instructions given in the DIGIT 2020
submission template. They must be single-spaced and submitted in Microsoft
Word format. Papers, both full research and research-in-progress
submissions, should include an abstract. Page counts exclude the title
page, references and appendices. The title page should include the paper
title and the authors' names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses. The main
body of the paper should have a title, but no author identification. Please
use the DIGIT 2020 submission template, which can be found online at:
All paper submissions should be submitted using the submission system at
Questions regarding paper submissions can be sent to the program co-chairs:
Jean-Grégoire Bernard (jean-gregoire.bernard(a)vuw.ac.nz) or Jennifer
Claggett (claggejl(a)wfu.edu)
*Instructions for Participation*The workshop date will be held on Sunday,
December 13, 2020 as a virtual event. At least one author must register
and attend the workshop to present the paper if the work is accepted. A
minimal workshop fee will be charged to employed academics ($20 USD) to
cover operating costs. Registration is free of charge for postgraduate
*Workshop Committee*
For information on SIGADIT and the DIGIT workshop, see
https://www.sigadit.net/digit or please contact the 2020 workshop committee:
Jean-Grégoire Bernard
2020 DIGIT Program Co-Chair
Wellington School of Business & Government
Victoria University of Wellington
Wellington, New Zealand
Jennifer Claggett
2020 DIGIT Program Co-Chair
School of Business
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, NC, USA
Christian Maier
2020 DIGIT Workshop Chair
Department of Information Systems and Services
University of Bamberg
Bamberg, Germany
Christy M. K. Cheung
2020 SIGADIT Chair
School of Business
Hong Kong Baptist University
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Benbasat, I. 2018. Who’s the Boss? From History to the Future of
Implementation, Adoption, Diffusion Research in IS/IT Focusing on
Individuals, Keynote Presentation presented at the DIGIT, San Francisco,
CA, December 2018.
Brynjolfsson, E., Geva, T., and Reichman, S. 2016. “Crowd-Squared:
Amplifying the Predictive Power of Search Trend Data,” MIS Quarterly
(40:4), pp. 941-+.
Bussewitz, C., and Olson, A. 2020. “Gig Workers Face Shifting Roles,
Competition in Pandemic,” Associated Press, July 5. (
https://apnews.com/ebc223c6d783c49feca6ffb27af6264b, accessed July 16, 2020)
Gal, U., Lyytinen, K., and Yoo, Y. 2008. “The Dynamics of IT Boundary
Objects, Information Infrastructures, and Organisational Identities: The
Introduction of 3D Modelling Technologies into the Architecture,
Engineering, and Construction Industry,” European Journal of Information
Systems (17:3), pp. 290–304.
Markus, M. L. 1983. “Power, Politics, and MIS Implementations,”
Communications of the ACM (26:6).
Ramsetty, A., and Adams, C. 2020. “Impact of the Digital Divide in the Age
of COVID-19,” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (in
press, ocaa078).
Stewart, E. 2020. “The Pandemic Job Divide: Those Who Can Stay Safe at
Home, and Those Who Can’t,” Vox.com, June 12. (
accessed July 16, 2020)
Yoo, Y., Henfridsson, O., and Lyytinen, K. 2010. “Research Commentary—The
New Organizing Logic of Digital Innovation: An Agenda for Information
Systems Research,” Information Systems Research (21:4), pp. 724–735.
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [WI] DeepLearn 2021 Winter: early registration August 21
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2020 20:05:49 +0200
From: IRDTA <irdta(a)irdta.eu>
Reply-To: IRDTA <irdta(a)irdta.eu>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
DeepLearn 2021 Winter: early registration August 21 *To be removed from
our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the
subject line*
*DeepLearn 20**21 Winter*
*Milan, Italy*
*January 11-15, 2021*
Co-organized by:
Department of Information Engineering
Marche Polytechnic University
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice – IRDTA
--- Early registration deadline: August 21, 2020 ---
In conjunction with ICPR 2020
DeepLearn 2021 Winter will be a research training event with a global
scope aiming at updating participants on the most recent advances in the
critical and fast developing area of deep learning. Previous events were
held in Bilbao, Genova and Warsaw.
Deep learning is a branch of artificial intelligence covering a spectrum
of current exciting research and industrial innovation that provides
more efficient algorithms to deal with large-scale data in
neurosciences, computer vision, speech recognition, language processing,
human-computer interaction, drug discovery, biomedical informatics,
healthcare, recommender systems, learning theory, robotics, games, etc.
Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their
views with the audience.
Most deep learning subareas will be displayed, and main challenges
identified through 24 four-hour and a half courses and 3 keynote
lectures, which will tackle the most active and promising topics. The
organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will attract the
brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be a main
component of the event.
An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their
own work in progress in 5 minutes. Moreover, there will be two special
sessions with industrial and recruitment profiles.
Master's students, PhD students, postdocs, and industry practitioners
will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal
pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees. Since there
will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be
assumed for some of the courses. Overall, DeepLearn 2021 Winter is
addressed to students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep
themselves updated about recent developments and future trends. All will
surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers,
industry leaders and innovators.
DeepLearn 2021 Winter will take place in Milan, the third largest
economy among European cities and one of the Four Motors for Europe. The
venue will be:
MiCo Milano Convention Centre
Piazzale Carlo Magno 1
The venue will be shared with the 25th International Conference on
Pattern Recognition – ICPR 2020
3 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will
be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to
move from one to another.
Nello Cristianini (University of Bristol), Data, Intelligence and Shortcuts
Petia Radeva (University of Barcelona), Uncertainty Modeling and Deep
Learning in Food Analysis
Indrė Žliobaitė (University of Helsinki), Any Hope for Deep Learning in
Deep Time?
Ignacio Arganda-Carreras (University of the Basque Country),
[introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning for Bioimage Analysis
Mikhail Belkin (Ohio State University), [intermediate/advanced]
Understanding Deep Learning through the Lens of Over-parameterization
Thomas G. Dietterich (Oregon State University), [introductory] Machine
Learning Methods for Robust Artificial Intelligence
Georgios Giannakis (University of Minnesota), [advanced] Ensembles for
Interactive and Deep Learning Machines with Scalability, Expressivity,
and Adaptivity
Sergei V. Gleyzer (University of Alabama), [introductory/intermediate]
Machine Learning Fundamentals and Their Applications to Very Large
Scientific Data: Rare Signal and Feature Extraction, End-to-end Deep
Learning, Uncertainty Estimation and Realtime Machine Learning
Applications in Software and Hardware
Çağlar Gülçehre (DeepMind), [intermediate/advanced] Deep Reinforcement
Balázs Kégl (Huawei Technologies), [introductory] Deep Model-based
Reinforcement Learning
Ludmila Kuncheva (Bangor University), [intermediate] Classifier
Ensembles in the Era of Deep Learning
Vincent Lepetit (ENPC ParisTech), [intermediate] Deep Learning and 3D
Geert Leus (Delft University of Technology), [introductory/intermediate]
Graph Signal Processing: Introduction and Connections to Distributed
Optimization and Deep Learning
Andy Liaw (Merck Research Labs), [introductory] Deep Learning and
Statistics: Better Together
Debora Marks (Harvard Medical School), [intermediate] Protein Design
Using Deep Learning
Abdelrahman Mohamed (Facebook AI Research), [introductory/advanced]
Recent Advances in Automatic Speech Recognition
Sayan Mukherjee (Duke University), [introductory/intermediate]
Integrating Deep Learning with Statistical Modeling
Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen University), [intermediate/advanced] Speech
Recognition and Machine Translation: From Statistical Decision Theory to
Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks
Lyle John Palmer (University of Adelaide), [introductory/advanced]
Epidemiology for Machine Learning Investigators
Razvan Pascanu (DeepMind), [intermediate/advanced] Understanding
Learning Dynamics in Deep Learning and Deep Reinforcement Learning
Jan Peters (Technical University of Darmstadt), [intermediate] Robot
José C. Príncipe (University of Florida), [intermediate/advanced]
Cognitive Architectures for Object Recognition in Video
Björn W. Schuller (Imperial College London), [introductory/intermediate]
Deep Signal Processing
Sargur N. Srihari (University at Buffalo), [introductory] Generative
Models in Deep Learning
Gaël Varoquaux (INRIA), [intermediate] Representation Learning in
Limited Data Settings
René Vidal (Johns Hopkins University), [intermediate/advanced]
Mathematics of Deep Learning
Ming-Hsuan Yang (University of California, Merced),
[intermediate/advanced] Learning to Track Objects
An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary presentations of work in
progress by participants. They should submit a half-page abstract
containing the title, authors, and summary of the research to
david(a)irdta.eu by January 3, 2021.
A session will be devoted to 10-minute demonstrations of practical
applications of deep learning in industry. Companies interested in
contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the
program of the demonstration and the logistics needed. People
participating in the demonstration must register for the event.
Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david(a)irdta.eu by
January 3, 2021.
Firms searching for personnel well skilled in deep learning will have a
space reserved for one-to-one contacts. It is recommended to produce a
1-page .pdf leaflet with a brief description of the company and the
profiles looked for to be circulated among the participants prior to the
event. People in charge of the search must register for the event.
Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david(a)irdta.eu by
January 3, 2021.
Emanuele Frontoni (Ancona, co-chair)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Tarragona, program chair)
Sara Moccia (Ancona)
Sara Morales (Brussels)
Marina Paolanti (Ancona)
Manuel J. Parra-Royón (Granada)
Luca Romeo (Ancona)
David Silva (London, co-chair)
It has to be done at
The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template
is only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will
be helpful to have an estimation of the respective demand for each
course. During the event, participants will be free to attend the
courses they wish.
Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will
be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period
will be closed and the on-line registration tool disabled when the
capacity of the venue is exhausted. It is highly recommended to register
prior to the event.
Fees comprise access to all courses and lunches. There are several early
registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline.
Suggestions for accommodation will be available in due time.
A certificate of successful participation in the event will be delivered
indicating the number of hours of lectures.
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Università Politecnica
delle Marche
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice – IRDTA,
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Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Abstracts: Pre-ICIS Workshop for MISQE
Special Issue on "Strategies for surviving and thriving within and
between digital platforms"
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2020 08:29:01 +0000
From: Joaquin A Rodriguez <jrod122(a)lsu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
** UPDATE: The workshop will be fully virtual and innovative **
** Deadline for submitting extended paper abstract: September 25th, 2020 **
MIS Quarterly Executive Academic Workshops
In preparation for the December 2021 Special Issue on: Strategies for
surviving and thriving within and between digital platforms
Sponsored by: The Society for Information Management (SIM) and MIS
Quarterly Executive
You are invited to submit a paper for the pre-ICIS 2020 workshop:
* ICIS 2020, **fully virtual** (Date and time will be announced once
ICIS virtual schedule is available)
In preparation for MIS Quarterly Executive’s Special Issue on
“Strategies for surviving and thriving within and between digital
platforms,” we invite you to submit an abstract for presentation at the
pre-ICIS Academic Workshop. The purpose of these pre-conference workshop
is to help develop papers for possible consideration for the special issue.
The special issue aims to examine the strategic opportunities,
management challenges, and emerging practices that address the new
realities of platform-based competition and examine the role of digital
assets and capabilities in such settings. We define platforms broadly -
as layered modular architectures that allow participants to create value
through data, complementarities and transactions taking place on the
platform. We are particularly interested in field research that reveals
challenges faced by companies which try to compete within or across
platforms, and strategies they adopt to deal with these challenges.
The CfP for the special issue is here:
Workshop Deadlines:
· September 25th, 2020: Submit extended paper abstract
· October 26th, 2020: Notification of workshop acceptance with
preliminary editorial feedback
Abstract requirements:
· Please list all authors, their affiliations, contract information.
· Please be specific as to the status of the research, the access to
data (field studies, case studies, etc), project funding, and plan for
completing the study.
· Page limitation: No more than 2 single-spaced pages of text and up to
2 figures. We will not count figures, contact information or references
in the 2-page limit.
All submissions should be sent via email to both Program/Special Issue
· Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western University,
· Varun Grover, University of Arkansas,
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Final Call For Papers: International Workshop on
Mining and Learning in the Legal Domain (MLLD 2020) @ IEEE ICDM 2020
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2020 20:21:55 +0000
From: Shaghaghian, Shohreh (TR Technology)
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The International Workshop on Mining and Learning in the Legal Domain
will be co-located with
to be held on November 17-20, 2020, Sorrento, Italy.
Call For Papers
The increasing accessibility of large legal corpora and databases create
opportunities to develop data driven techniques as well as more advanced
tools that can facilitate multiple tasks of researchers and
practitioners in the legal domain. While recent advancements in the
areas of data mining and machine learning have gained many applications
in domains such as biomedical, healthcare and finance, there is still a
noticeable gap in how much the state-of-the-art techniques are being
incorporated in the legal domain. Achieving this goal entails building a
multi-disciplinary community that can benefit from the competencies of
both law and computer science experts. The goal of this workshop is to
bring the researchers and practitioners of both disciplines together and
provide an opportunity to share the latest novel research findings and
innovative approaches in employing data analytics and machine learning
in the legal domain.
We encourage submissions on novel mining and learning based solutions in
various aspects of analyzing legal data such as Legislations,
litigations, court cases, contracts, patents, Non-Disclosure Agreements
(NDAs) and Bylaws. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Applications of data mining techniques in the legal domain
* case outcome prediction
* classifying, clustering and identifying anomalies in big corpora of
legal records
* legal analytics
* citation analysis for case law
* eDiscovery
* Applications of natural language processing and machine learning
techniques for legal textual data
* information extraction and entity extraction/resolution for legal
document reviews
* information retrieval and question answering in applications such as
identifying relevant case law
* summarization of legal documents
* legal language modelling and legal document embedding and representation
* recommender systems for legal applications
* topic modelling in large amounts of legal documents
* harnessing of deep learning approaches
* Ethical issues in mining legal data
* privacy and GDPR in legal analytics
* bias in the applications of data mining
* transparency in legal data mining
* Training data for legal domain
* digital lawyers and legal machines
* smart contracts
* future of law practice in the age of AI
* Emerging topics in the intersection of data mining and law
* acquisition, representation, indexing, storage, and management of
legal data
* automatic annotation and learning with human in the loop
* data augmentation techniques for legal data
* semi-supervised learning, domain adaptation, distant supervision and
transfer learning
You are invited to submit your original research and application papers
to the workshop. As per ICDM instructions, papers are limited to a
maximum of 8 pages, and must follow the IEEE ICDM format requirements.
All accepted workshop papers will be published in the formal proceedings
by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Each paper is reviewed by at least 3
reviewers from the program committee. Paper review is triple-blind.
Manuscripts are to be submitted through
More information about the workshop is available here<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsites.google.com%2Fview%2F…>.
Important Dates
* Paper submission due date: August 24, 2020
* Notification of acceptance: September 17, 2020
* Camera ready submission: September 24, 2020
* MLLD -2020 Workshop: November 17, 2020
Organizing Committee
* Shohreh Shaghaghian<mailto:shohreh.shaghaghian@thomsonreuters.com>,
Center for AI and Cognitive Computing at Thomson Reuters
* Masoud Makrechi<mailto:masoud.makrehchi@uoit.ca>, OntarioTech
University and Center for AI and Cognitive Computing at Thomson Reuters
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AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [wkwi] Call for Papers BISE - Digital Entrepreneurship:
Opportunities, Challenges, and Impacts
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2020 16:12:44 +0200
From: Dennis Steininger | University of Augsburg
Reply-To: Dennis Steininger | University of Augsburg
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de, wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
untenstehend möchten wir Sie gerne nochmals auf den Call for Papers
"*Digital Entrepreneurship: Opportunities, Challenges, and Impacts*" von
BISE hinweisen.
Etwaige Mehrfachzustellungen über die verschiedenen Kanäle bitten wir
dabei zu entschuldigen.
Wir freuen uns sehr über Einreichungen aus Ihren Reihen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dennis Steininger
Jörn Hendrich Block
Kathryn Brohman
Dr. Dennis Steininger *Dr. Dennis Steininger*
Assistant Professor
University of Augsburg | Faculty of Business and Economics
Chair of Information Systems and Management, Prof. Dr. Daniel Veit
Room J 1405 | Universitaetsstrasse 16 | 86159 Augsburg, Germany
Ph +49 821 598-4245 | Fax +49 821 598-4432
E-Mail: dennis.steininger(a)wiwi.uni-augsburg.de
*BISE Special Issue - Digital Entrepreneurship: Opportunities,
Challenges, and Impacts*
Deadline for submission: 1 March 2021
*Special Issue*
Digital transformation creates new opportunities and is an important
driver of novel and often disruptive innovation and value creation.
Entrepreneurs are using digital technologies to finance innovation
(Ahrens et al. 2019; Audretsch et al. 2016; Fisch 2019) or create new
digital products, services, and business models. These activities are
called digital entrepreneurship and related new ventures are commonly
referred to as digital startups if their business logic fully relies on
digital technologies for value creation and transfer (Berger et al.
2019; Steininger 2019). Such endeavors bring changes in entrepreneurial
processes (e.g., opportunity recognition and pursuit), innovation,
competences, control, financing, institutions, and ecosystems (Block et
al. 2018b; Cram et al. 2016; Hoegen et al. 2018; Nambisan 2017; Sussan
and Acs 2017; Veit et al. 2014). The analysis of innovation and its
positive economic impacts have a long tradition in information systems
as well as entrepreneurship research (Audretsch et al. 2006; Yoo et al.
2010). Today, digital entrepreneurship is recognized by many countries
as a very important element of economic development and job creation
(Block et al. 2018a). However, at the same time, it also challenges
established industries and forces them to cope with these new
developments and technologies that can have adverse consequences on the
economy and society (Shen et al. 2018; Veit et al. 2014).
This special issue focuses on understanding digital entrepreneurship and
its implications. Specifically, we encourage contributions that deal
with the opportunities and challenges of digitalization for
entrepreneurial endeavors, specificities of processes in digital
startups and for developing digital business models, and the impacts on
cities, regions, or countries.
*Invited Contributions*
Submissions to this special issue are encouraged from all theoretical
and methodological perspectives drawing from information systems,
entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, strategic management, and
others. Authors must clearly outline why their study is new and
interesting for research and practice and how it relates to the theme of
the special issue.
The following list of topics is neither exclusive nor exhaustive. We
have structured them along three dimensions (Recker and von Briel 2019):
/Opportunities of Digital Entrepreneurship/
* Opportunity recognition via digital means
* Novel use of digital technologies for entrepreneurial activities and
venture development (e.g., digital tools for business model creation
and evaluation, big data, AI)
* Opportunities and management of digital methods of funding
innovation and entrepreneurship (e.g., crowdfunding, ICOs)
* New value creation and platform innovation through digital technologies
* Corporate entrepreneurship and startups within established
organizations to approach opportunities and challenges of digital
* Exploitation of missing regulation of digital entrepreneurship
(e.g., Uber)
/Processes, Organization, and Challenges of Digital Entrepreneurship/
* Competence and team needs of (corporate) digital entrepreneurs
* Digital entrepreneurial culture
* The role of universities and entrepreneurial ecosystems for digital
* Impacts of digital technologies on entrepreneurial decision making
* Use of Social media or crowdsourcing resources by entrepreneurs
* Organization, organizational learning, and performance of digital
* Management of digital business model innovation
* Internationalization of digital startups
* Alignment of digital capabilities and business models
* Behavior of startups in digital platform ecosystems (e.g., App
* Development and management of new digital ecosystems by startups
* Industry-specific classification schemes of startups or business
models (e.g. sharing economy, blockchain, or AI business model types)
* Changes in startup investment processes due to digitalization
/Impacts of Digital Entrepreneurship/
* Impacts of digital entrepreneurship on regions and countries (e.g.,
knowledge spill-over, innovation, job-creation, economic growth)
* Investments in digital innovation and their economic or societal
* The dark side of new digital business models (e.g., negative impacts
of sharing economy business models such as AirBnB or Uber on economy
and society)
* Influences of digital entrepreneurial and innovative activities on
government policy or regulation
* Deadline for submission: 1 March 2021
* Notification of the author 1: 3 May 2021
* Completion revision 1: 2 July 2021
* Notification of the author 2: 17 August 2021
* Completion Revision 2: 21 September 2021
*Editors of the Special Issue*
J. H. Block
Faculty of Management, Trier University
Witten Institute for Family Business (WIFU), Witten/HerdeckeUniversity
Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
K. Brohman
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University, Kingston
D. M. Steininger (corresponding)
Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Augsburg
*Details and Submission: http://www.bise-journal.com/?p=1865 *
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers BISE - Digital Entrepreneurship:
Opportunities, Challenges, and Impacts
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2020 18:06:40 +0200
From: Dennis Steininger | University of Augsburg
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
**BISE Special Issue - Digital Entrepreneurship: Opportunities,
Challenges, and Impacts**
Deadline for submission: 1 March 2021
Details: http://www.bise-journal.com/?p=1865
Digital transformation creates new opportunities and is an important
driver of novel and often disruptive innovation and value creation.
Entrepreneurs are using digital technologies to finance innovation
(Ahrens et al. 2019; Audretsch et al. 2016; Fisch 2019) or create new
digital products, services, and business models. These activities are
called digital entrepreneurship and related new ventures are commonly
referred to as digital startups if their business logic fully relies on
digital technologies for value creation and transfer (Berger et al.
2019; Steininger 2019). Such endeavors bring changes in entrepreneurial
processes (e.g., opportunity recognition and pursuit), innovation,
competences, control, financing, institutions, and ecosystems (Block et
al. 2018b; Cram et al. 2016; Hoegen et al. 2018; Nambisan 2017; Sussan
and Acs 2017; Veit et al. 2014). The analysis of innovation and its
positive economic impacts have a long tradition in information systems
as well as entrepreneurship research (Audretsch et al. 2006; Yoo et al.
2010). Today, digital entrepreneurship is recognized by many countries
as a very important element of economic development and job creation
(Block et al. 2018a). However, at the same time, it also challenges
established industries and forces them to cope with these new
developments and technologies that can have adverse consequences on the
economy and society (Shen et al. 2018; Veit et al. 2014).
This special issue focuses on understanding digital entrepreneurship and
its implications. Specifically, we encourage contributions that deal
with the opportunities and challenges of digitalization for
entrepreneurial endeavors, specificities of processes in digital
startups and for developing digital business models, and the impacts on
cities, regions, or countries.
Submissions to this special issue are encouraged from all theoretical
and methodological perspectives drawing from information systems,
entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, strategic management, and
others. Authors must clearly outline why their study is new and
interesting for research and practice and how it relates to the theme of
the special issue.
The following list of topics is neither exclusive nor exhaustive. We
have structured them along three dimensions (Recker and von Briel 2019):
/Opportunities of Digital Entrepreneurship:/
- Opportunity recognition via digital means
- Novel use of digital technologies for entrepreneurial activities and
venture development (e.g., digital tools for business model creation and
evaluation, big data, AI)
- Opportunities and management of digital methods of funding innovation
and entrepreneurship (e.g., crowdfunding, ICOs)
- New value creation and platform innovation through digital technologies
- Corporate entrepreneurship and startups within established
organizations to approach opportunities and challenges of digital
- Exploitation of missing regulation of digital entrepreneurship (e.g.,
/Processes, Organization, and Challenges of Digital Entrepreneurship:/
- Competence and team needs of (corporate) digital entrepreneurs
- Digital entrepreneurial culture
- The role of universities and entrepreneurial ecosystems for digital
- Impacts of digital technologies on entrepreneurial decision making
- Use of Social media or crowdsourcing resources by entrepreneurs
- Organization, organizational learning, and performance of digital startups
- Management of digital business model innovation
- Internationalization of digital startups
- Alignment of digital capabilities and business models
- Behavior of startups in digital platform ecosystems (e.g., App
- Development and management of new digital ecosystems by startups
- Industry-specific classification schemes of startups or business
models (e.g. sharing economy, blockchain, or AI business model types)
- Changes in startup investment processes due to digitalization
/Impacts of Digital Entrepreneurship:/
- Impacts of digital entrepreneurship on regions and countries (e.g.,
knowledge spill-over, innovation, job-creation, economic growth)
- Investments in digital innovation and their economic or societal pay-offs
- The dark side of new digital business models (e.g., negative impacts
of sharing economy business models such as AirBnB or Uber on economy and
- Influences of digital entrepreneurial and innovative activities on
government policy or regulation
- Deadline for submission: 1 March 2021
- Notification of the author 1: 3 May 2021
- Completion revision 1: 2 July 2021
- Notification of the author 2: 17 August 2021
- Completion Revision 2: 21 September 2021
J. H. Block
Faculty of Management, Trier University
Witten Institute for Family Business (WIFU), Witten/HerdeckeUniversity
Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
K. Brohman
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University, Kingston
D. M. Steininger (corresponding)
Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Augsburg
Details and Submission: http://www.bise-journal.com/?p=1865
Dr. Dennis Steininger
Assistant Professor
University of Augsburg | Faculty of Business and Economics
Chair of Information Systems and Management, Prof. Dr. Daniel Veit
Room J 1405 | Universitaetsstrasse 16 | 86159 Augsburg, Germany
Ph +49 821 598-4245 | Fax +49 821 598-4432
E-Mail: dennis.steininger(a)wiwi.uni-augsburg.de
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] Call for Papers: IEEE/WIC/ACM WI-IAT 2020 [A Fully
Virtual Conference]
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2020 18:45:33 +0900
From: H.Z. Kuai <hongzhi.kuai(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: H.Z. Kuai <hongzhi.kuai(a)gmail.com>
To: agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, fca-list(a)cs.uni-kassel.de,
iefac.list(a)mailhost.ces.clemson.edu, neuromail(a)brain.riken.jp,
s-news(a)lists.biostat.wustl.edu, wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, pvs(a)csl.sri.com
[Apologies if you receive this more than once]
The 2020 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on
Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT'20)
14-17 December 2020 - A Fully Virtual Conference
Homepage: http://wi2020.vcrab.com.au/
Web Intelligence (WI) = AI in the Connected World
Full Papers Submission Deadline: Sep. 1, 2020 (last deadline extension)
Due to the current Stage 4 COVID-19 lockdown in Melbourne and many requests,
we have decided that the WI-IAT 2020 will be converted to an entirely
virtual conference
and the deadline for paper submission has been extended to 1st September
JOURNAL OPPORTUNITIES (possible post conference publication)
- Web Intelligence Journal
Publisher: IOS Press
- World Wide Web Journal
Special Issue on "Web Intelligence = Artificial Intelligence in the
Connected World"
Publisher: Springer Nature
- Information Fusion
Special Issue on "Multi-Source Information Fusion for Smart Health
with AI"
Publisher: Elsevier
- International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making
Publisher: World Scientific
- Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
Publisher: Wiley
- Information Sciences
Publisher: Elsevier
- IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
Publisher: IEEE Press
- Future Generation Computer Systems
Publisher: Elsevier
- Brain Informatics (https://braininformatics.springeropen.com/)
Publisher: Springer Nature
- Symmetry
Special Issue on "Biological Network Analysis and Synthesis for Symmetry"
Publisher: MDPI
*** Call for papers ***
Full Papers Submission Deadline: Sep. 1, 2020
Web has evolved as an omnipresent system which highly impacts science,
education, industry and everyday life. Web is now a vast data production
and consumption platform at which threads of data evolve from multiple
devices, by different human interactions, over worldwide locations under
divergent distributed settings. Such a dynamic complex system demands
adaptive intelligent solutions, which will advance knowledge, human
interactions and innovation. Web intelligence is now a cutting edge area
which must address all open issues towards deepening the understanding
of all Web’s entities, phenomena, and developments.
Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT) aims to
achieve a multi-disciplinary balance between research advances in
theories and methods usually associated with collective intelligence,
data science, human-centric computing, knowledge management, network
science, autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. It is committed to
addressing research that both deepen the understanding of computational,
logical, cognitive, physical, and social foundations of the future Web,
and enable the development and application of intelligent technologies.
WI-IAT ’20 provides a premier forum and features high-quality, original
research papers and real-world applications in all theoretical and
technology areas that make up the field of Web Intelligence and
Intelligent Agent Technology. WI-IAT ’20 welcomes research, application
as well as Industry/Demo-Track paper submissions. Tutorial, Workshop and
Special-Session proposals and papers are also welcome. WI-IAT ’20 is
sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Intelligent
Informatics (TCII), Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC), ACM-SIGAI,
Swinburne University of Technology, Deakin University, and technically
sponsored by University of Melbourne.
WI-IAT ’20 will provide a broad forum that academia, professionals and
industry people can exchange their ideas, findings and strategies in
utilizing the power of human brains and man-made networks to create a
better world. More specifically, the fields of how intelligence is
impacting the Web of People, the Web of Data, the Web of Things, the Web
of Trust, the Web of Agents, and emerging Web in health and smart living
in the 5G Era.
The main theme for the WI-IAT '20 is "Web Intelligence = AI in the
Connected World". It will also feature an industrial session, to embrace
innovative concepts, architecture, evaluation and novel applications
from industry.
Track 1: Web of People
* Crowdsourcing and Social Data Mining
* Human-Centric Computing
* Information Diffusion
* Knowledge Community Support
* Modelling Crowd-Sourcing
* Opinion Mining
* People Oriented Applications and Services
* Recommendation Engines
* Sentiment Analysis
* Situational Awareness Social Network Analysis
* Social Groups and Dynamics
* Social Media and Dynamics
* Social Networks Analytics
* User and Behavioural Modelling
Track 2: Web of Data
* Algorithms and Knowledge Management
* Autonomy-Oriented Computing (AOC)
* Big Data Analytics
* Big Data and Human Brain Complex Systems
* Cognitive Models
* Computational Models
* Data-Driven Services and Applications
* Data Integration and Data Provenance
* Data Science and Machine Learning
* Graph Isomorphism
* Graph Theory
* Information Search and Retrieval
* Knowledge Graph
* Knowledge Graph and Semantic Networks
* Linked Data Management and Analytics
* Self-Organizing Networks
* Semantic Networks
* Sensor Networks
* Web Science
Track 3: Web of Things
* Complex Networks
* Distributed Systems and Devices
* Dynamics of Networks
* Industrial Multi-Domain Web
* Intelligent Ubiquitous Web of Things
* IoT Data Analytics
* Location and Time Awareness
* Open Autonomous Systems
* Streaming Data Analysis
* Web Infrastructures and Devices Mobile Web
* Wisdom Web of Things (W2T)
Track 4: Web of Trust
* Blockchain analytics and technologies
* Fake content and fraud detection
* Hidden Web Analytics
* Monetization Services and Applications
* Trust Models for Agents
* Ubiquitous Computing
* Web Cryptography
* Monetization services and applications
* Web safety and openness
Track 5: Web of Agents
* Agent Networks
* Autonomy Remembrance Agents
* Autonomy-oriented Computing
* Behaviour Modelling
* Distributed Problem-Solving Global Brain
* Edge Computing
* Individual-based Modelling Knowledge
* Information Agents
* Local-Global Behavioural Interactions
* Mechanism Design
* Multi-Agent Systems
* Network Autonomy Remembrance Agents
* Self-adaptive Evolutionary Systems
* Self-organizing Systems
* Social Groups and Dynamics
Special Track: Emerging Web in Health and Smart Living
* Big Data in Medicine
* City Brain and Global Brain
* Digital Ecosystems
* Digital Epidemiology
* Health Data Exchange and Sharing
* Healthcare and Medical Applications and Services
* Omics Research and Trends
* Personalized Health Management and Analytics
* Smart City Applications and Services
* Time Awareness and Location Awareness Smart City
* Wellbeing and Healthcare in the 5G Era
Sep 1st, 2020: Full Papers Submission
Oct 20th, 2020: Notification of Paper Acceptance/Rejection
Dec 14th-17th, 2020: Virtual Conference (Including the main conference
and workshops/special sessions)
PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINES (including Main Conference and
Workshops/Special Session Papers)
Papers must be submitted electronically in standard IEEE Conference
Proceedings format (max 8 pages, templates at
Submitted papers will undergo a peer-review process, coordinated by the
International Program Committee.
Paper submission will be done through CyberChair system:
- The 13th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and
Ontology Engineering (NLPOE2020)
Yao Liu, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, China
Meng Wang, Jiangnan University, China
Yi Huang, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, China
- The 5th International Workshop on Application of Big Data for
Computational Social Science (ABCSS2020)
Fujio Toriumi, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Akira Ishii, Tottori University, Japan
Hiroki Takikawa, Tohoku University, Japan
Mitsuo Yoshida, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan
Isamu Okada, Soka University, Japan
- The 7th International Workshop on Complex Methods for Data and Web
Mining (CMDWM)
Yong Shi, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Lingfeng Niu, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Social Media Analytics for Health Intelligence: How Artificial
Intelligence Transforms Healthcare (SMA4H)
http://sma4h.icar.cnr.it <http://sma4h.icar.cnr.it/>
Carmela Comito, CNR-ICAR, Italy
Agostino Forestiero, CNR-ICAR, Italy
Clara Pizzuti, CNR-ICAR, Italy
- The International Workshop on Data Analytics on Social Media (DASM)
Yue Xu, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Xiaoying Gao, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Yuefeng Li, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- The 9th International Workshop on Intelligent Data Processing (IDP) --
Online Education Amid COVID19
Haolan Zhang, Zhejiang University, China
Junwei Wang, Zhejiang University, China
Kristen Yuanxi Li, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK, China
Paolo Mengoni, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK, China
Zhenyu Shu, Zhejiang University, China
- Topics of Internet Censorship and Surveillance
Vasilis Ververis, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Marios Isaakidis, University College London, United Kingdom
Gunnar Wolf, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
We are looking forward to your contributions!
General Chairs
* Yuefeng Li, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
* Rainer Unland, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
* Eugene Santos Jr., Dartmouth College, USA
Program Committee Chairs
* Jing He, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
* Hemant Purohit, George Mason University, USA
* Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, The Netherlands
* John Yearwood, Deakin University, Australia
Local Organizing Chairs
* Chi Hung Chi, CSIRO, Australia
* Anwaar Ulhaq, Charles Sturt University, Australia
* Vicky Mak-Hau, Deakin University, Australia
Workshop/Special Session Chairs
* Jian Cao, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
* Ke Deng, RMIT University, Australia
* Xiaoying Gao, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Tutorial Chair
* Rui Zhang, University of Melbourne, Australia
Demo Chair
* Juan D. Velasquez Silva, University of Chile, Chile
Industry Track Chairs
* Qing Liu, CSIRO, Australia
* Yimu Ji, Nanjing University of Posts and Communications, China
Publication Chairs
* Guangyan Huang, Deakin University, Australia
* Yanfeng Shu, CSIRO, Australia
* Ruchuan Wang, Nanjing University of Posts and Communications, China
Publicity Chairs
* Karin Becker, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Do Sul, Brasil
* Yang Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK, China
* Muhammad Abulaish, South Asian University, India
* Leonidas Anthopoulos, University of Thessaly, Greece
* Yuanfang Li, Monash University, Australia
* Mengjiao Guo, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
* Hongzhi Kuai, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
WIC Steering Committee Chairs
* Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
* Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK, China
WIC Executive Secretary
* Xiaohui Tao, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Contact Information
Academic Matters
Prof. Jing He, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Email:jinghe@swin.edu.au <mailto:Email%3Ajinghe@swin.edu.au>
Local Arrangement
wi.iat.2020.12(a)gmail.com <mailto:wi.iat.2020.12@gmail.com>
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [wkwi] CfP WI2021-Track „Datenmanagement und Datenökosysteme“
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2020 10:23:40 +0000
From: Christine Legner <christine.legner(a)unil.ch>
Reply-To: Christine Legner <christine.legner(a)unil.ch>
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de <wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de>
CC: Otto, Boris <Boris.Otto(a)isst.fraunhofer.de>, Stelzer Dirk
Univ.-Prof. Dr. TU Ilmenau <dirk.stelzer(a)tu-ilmenau.de>
/Bitte entschuldigen Sie eventuelle Mehrfachzustellungen/
*Call for Papers für denWI2021-Track„**Datenmanagement und Datenökosysteme“*
16. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2021), 09.-11. März
2021, Universität Duisburg-Essen
*Einreichungsfrist : 28.8.2020 (verlängert)*
*Track Chairs*
Christine Legner, HEC - Universität Lausanne
Boris Otto, Fraunhofer-Institut für Software- und Systemtechnik ISST, TU
Dirk Stelzer, TU Ilmenau
Die Wertschöpfung von Unternehmen ist schon heute entscheidend von der
Qualität der Daten und der Effizienz ihrer Planung, Verarbeitung,
Steuerung und Kontrolle abhängig. Ausgelöst durch die Digitalisierung
und das Internet der Dinge werden Daten darüber hinaus zum
Kernbestandteil von Geschäftsmodellen oder von neuen Dienstleistungen
(„Data-as-a-Service“). Daten werden zunehmend direkt monetarisiert, und
es entstehen auf diese Weise neuartige Datenökosysteme. Die kürzlich
aufgelegten Datenstrategien der deutschen Bundesregierung und der
Europäischen Kommission unterstreichen die Bedeutung, die Daten für die
zukünftige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Unternehmen sowie gesellschaftliche
Prosperität beigemessen wird.
Datenmanagement umfasst sämtliche Aktivitäten, die zur Bewirtschaftung
von Daten in Unternehmen und Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken notwendig sind.
Dazu gehören insbesondere organisatorische Aufgaben und Daten-Governance
sowie Daten-/Informationsmodellierung und -architekturen. Durch die
Digitalisierung und das Internet der Dinge ergeben sich vielfältige
Forschungsbedarfe: Die Ansätze des Datenmanagements sind auf neue
Datenklassen, insbesondere unstrukturierte Daten, und Datenspeicher für
heterogene Daten zu erweitern. Darüber hinaus erfordern Datenökosysteme
das Teilen von Daten bei gleichzeitiger Gewährleistung der
Datensouveränität des Datengebers sowie der Vertrauensschutz des
Datennehmers. Forschungsbedarf besteht zudem bei der institutionellen,
organisatorischen und technischen Gestaltung von Dateninfrastrukturen,
die es erlauben interne mit externen und offenen Datenbestände („Open
Data“) zu verknüpfen.
*Themenfelder *
Wir ermutigen Autorinnen und Autoren, sowohl theoriebasierte als auch
anwendungsorientierte Beiträge, die sich mit dem Datenmanagement und
Datenökosystemen beschäftigen, in diesem Track einzureichen. Mögliche
Themen umfassen:
* Management von Daten und Datenqualität
* Verfahren zur Definition, Bewertung und Verbesserung der Datenqualität
* Data Sharing und multilaterale Formen des Datenmanagements
* Governance von Datenplattformen
* Datenmonetarisierung, Datenmarktplätze und Datenwert
* Theorien zur Wertschöpfung von Daten
* Datenschutz, Datensicherheit und Datensouveränität
* Nutzung und Bewirtschaftung von externen Daten
* Wiederverwenden und Teilen von Daten in Ökosystemen
* Rollen und Konfiguration von Data Supply Chains / Data Value Chains
* Architekturen und -standards für Datenökosysteme
* Interoperabilität und Portabilität von Daten in der Cloud
*Associate Editors*
Sören Auer, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Markus Eurich, Universität Lausanne
Jörg Leukel, Universität Hohenheim
Matthias Jarke, RWTH
Allan Hanbury, TU Wien
Matthias Klier, Universität Ulm
Wolfgang Maaß, DFKI, Universität des Saarlandes
Thomas Schäffer, Hochschule Heilbronn
Alexander Schiller, Universität Regensburg
Kristin Weber, Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt
Anette Weisbecker, Fraunhofer IAO, Universität Stuttgart
Manuel Wiesche, TU Dortmund
Axel Winkelmann, Universität Würzburg
Informationen zum Track: