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Subject: [AISWorld] Special Issue on Edge Computing Optimization Using
Artificial Intelligence Methods
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2020 09:21:46 +0000
From: Naercio Magaia <ndmagaia(a)fc.ul.pt>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Special Issue on "Edge Computing Optimization Using Artificial
Intelligence Methods"
MDPI IoT Journal
Dear Colleagues,
The growing importance of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the
ubiquitous high capacity provided by 5G technologies have brought the
specter of massive quantities of data being generated and/or consumed by
sensors, actuators, and smart devices. Such massive amounts of data
require considerable processing power, which is available in the cloud.
However, cloud-based computation and data delivery models do not allow
the stringent quality of service (QoS) guarantees to be efficiently
harnessed. The latter is due to the number of hops of wired networks
between the data endpoints and the cloud, which leads to a significant
increase in latency, which may dramatically affect real-time control and
other critical systems. Moreover, forwarding all the data generated by
such devices directly to the cloud may devour the network bandwidth,
leading to congestion. Therefore, it is necessary that critical
processing to be hosted closer to the endpoint devices, i.e., closer to
the sources and sinks of the data so that data can be processed and
filtered out by the time it reaches the cloud. This can be achieved
through Edge Computing (EC).
Efficient, scalable, and QoS-aware placement of IoT data processing jobs
in EC resources is a complex optimization problem and, currently, an
active research topic. As new jobs are created, they have to be assigned
computational resources dynamically, matching job requirements with the
cost, reliability, location (and mobility), besides the current
availability of the resources. Less critical or demanding communication
jobs may be offloaded to the cloud. The use of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) methods to jointly tackle the problem of job placement
optimization, including jobs belonging to AI-based data analytics
software, constitute currently active research topics addressed by this
Special Issue.
For this Special Issue, original scientific articles are welcome on the
following as well as closely related topics:
- AI-based algorithms to optimize job placement in EC
- AI software architectures favoring distributed computing job placement
in EC resources (e.g., Distributed Deep Neural Network architectures)
- AI-based mechanisms supporting open EC markets leveraging the
participation of third-party computing resources opportunistically
(e.g., parked autonomous vehicles)
- AI-based methods to optimize mobile EC resources' placement (e.g., EC
capable drones)
Special Issue Website:
This special issue is now open for submission, until 30 June 2021.
Guest Editors:
- Dr. António M.R.C. Grilo
- Dr. Paulo Rogerio Pereira
- Dr. Naercio Magaia
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Reminder: SIG Advances in Sourcing workshop ICIS
2020 - paper development workshop aiming at Special Issue of Journal of
Information Technology
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 09:30:43 +0000
From: Julia Kotlarsky <j.kotlarsky(a)auckland.ac.nz>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CC: Oliver Krancher <olik(a)itu.dk>, Rajiv Sabherwal
<RSabherwal(a)walton.uark.edu>, Ilan Oshri <ilan.oshri(a)auckland.ac.nz>
SIG Advances in Sourcing workshop ICIS 2020
Note: Date and time to be confirmed based on the time-zones of participants.
Title: “Emerging Technologies and IS Sourcing” – paper development
workshop aiming at Special Issue of Journal of Information Technology
The workshop will start with a keynote about the impact of COVID-19 on
the sourcing marketplace, followed by the paper development session
(approx. 3 hours) run by the guest editors of the special issue: Julia
Kotlarsky, Ilan Oshri, Oliver Krancher and Rajiv Sabherwal.
If you are interested in participating in the paper development workshop
and obtaining feedback on your drafts, submit an extended abstract of
the paper that you are planning to develop for this special issue.
Please see below an extract from the CFP, and guidance on preparing an
extended abstract.
This special issue seeks to facilitate an empirical and theoretical
re-examination of “IS sourcing” in the light of the current wave of
emerging technologies.
Areas of interest to the special issue include but are not limited to:
§ Governance and control structures between client-supplier-advisory in
emerging technology settings;
§ Sourcing decision making in emerging technology settings;
§ Ecosystem and platforms in emerging technology sourcing settings;
§ Contract management in emerging technology sourcing settings;
§ Full data lifecycle in emerging technologies and its implications for
sourcing management;
§ Skills and capability development and retention in emerging technology
sourcing settings;
§ Implications for innovations within the client-supplier-advisory
§ Ethical and societal implications of such sourcing settings;
§ Impact of emerging technologies on client’s, supplier’s and advisory’s
strategies, business models and capabilities (e.g., has offshoring
slowed down/back sourcing accelerated? And what was the impact on
captive centers’ services).
§ Implications of “crowdsourcing”, big data, analytics as well as
machine/deep learning and artificial intelligence for the contemporary
IS outsourcing.
We invite research papers that investigate issues relating to emerging
technologies and IS sourcing. In particular, we take interest in issues
concerning robotic process automation, big data, machine/deep learning
and artificial intelligence and blockchain. Other technologies are less
of interest for this special issue (contact the special issue editors if
in doubt).
Guidelines for Extended Abstract Submission:
Please construct your submission as follows:
1. Introduction and clear motivation
2. Brief literature review and theoretical foundations
3. Empirical base of the study
4. Expected contribution
Length of the extended abstract should not exceed 5 pages (single spacing)
Please email your submission to
j.kotlarsky(a)auckland.ac.nz<mailto:j.kotlarsky@auckland.ac.nz> with email
title “Extended abstract for Emerging Technologies and IS Sourcing”. We
will acknowledge your submission.
Submission Timetable
Submission of extended abstract for workshop: 30th October 2020
Feedback on abstract to authors: 15th November 2020
JIT Special Issue Paper Development Workshop – December 2020 as pre- or
post-ICIS Advance IS Sourcing SIG Workshop (to take place online)
To see full call for papers, follow this link:
(please note that due to ICIS 2020 taking place virtually, we extended
the original deadline mentioned in the CFP).
Professor Julia Kotlarsky PhD
Technology and Global Sourcing
Department of Information Systems & Operations Management
The University of Auckland Business School
Sir Owen G Glenn Building | 12 Grafton Rd | Auckland
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 83305
Email: j.kotlarsky(a)auckland.ac.nz
[B-HC-RGB (2)]
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Subject: [WI] ACM CSCW 2021 Call for Papers
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 09:04:23 +0200
From: Mateusz Dolata <dolata(a)ifi.uzh.ch>
Reply-To: Mateusz Dolata <dolata(a)ifi.uzh.ch>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Dear All,
CSCW is the premier international venue for research in the design and use
of technologies that affect groups, organizations, communities, and
networks. We invite authors to submit their best research on all topics
relevant to collaborative and social computing. Accepted papers are
published in two annual CSCW issues of the Proceedings of the ACM on Human
Computer Interaction (PACM HCI).
Submissions are accepted at four deadlines per year. The upcoming deadline
is October 15, 2020, which will be followed by January 15, April 15, and
Jul 15, 2021. Submissions accepted for publication in the October 2020,
January 2021 and April 2021 cycles will be invited to present at CSCW 2021.
Papers accepted from July 2021 onwards will be invited to present at CSCW
*Please consult the CSCW website for comprehensive details.*
*CALL FOR PAPERS* We invite authors to submit papers that inform the design
or deployment of collaborative or social systems; introduce novel systems,
interaction techniques, or algorithms; or, study existing collaborative or
social practices. The scope of CSCW 2021 includes social computing and
social media, crowdsourcing, open and remote collaboration,
technologically-enabled or enhanced communication, such as
video-conferencing and other remote-presence technologies, CSCL, MOOCs and
related educational technologies, multi-user input technologies, collocated
work practices, work articulation and coordination, awareness, and
information sharing. This scope spans socio-technical domains of work,
home, education, healthcare, the arts, sociality, entertainment, and
ethics. Papers can report on novel research results, designs, systems, or
new ways of thinking about, studying, or supporting shared activities.
CSCW encourages papers that make a contribution to building CSCW systems,
including (but not limited to) engineering and technical enablers for CSCW
applications, methods and techniques for new CSCW services and
applications, and evaluation of both early-stage and fully-built CSCW
systems in lab or field settings.
To support diverse and high-quality contributions, CSCW uses a minimum of
two-cycle review process with opportunity for major revisions reviewed by
the same reviewers. Additionally, no arbitrary length limit is imposed on
submissions. Accepted papers are published in the Proceedings of the ACM:
Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI) journal.
We invite contributions to CSCW across a variety of research techniques,
methods, approaches, and domains, including:
- Social and crowd computing. Studies, theories, designs, mechanisms,
systems, and/or infrastructures addressing social media, social
wikis, blogs, online gaming, crowdsourcing, collective intelligence,
virtual worlds or collaborative information behaviors.
- System development. Hardware, architectures, infrastructures,
interaction design, technical foundations, algorithms, and/or
toolkits that
enable the building of new social and collaborative systems and
- Theory. Critical analysis or theory with clear relevance to the design
or study of social and collaborative systems, within and beyond work
- Empirical investigations. Findings, guidelines, and/or studies of
practices, communication, collaboration, or use, as related to
collaborative technologies.
- Data mining and modeling. Studies, analyses and infrastructures for
making use of large- and small-scale data.
- Methodologies and tools. Novel methods, or combinations of approaches
and tools used in building collaborative systems or studying their use.
- Domain-specific social and collaborative applications. Including
applications to healthcare, transportation, gaming, ICT4D,
education, accessibility, global collaboration, or other domains.
- Collaboration systems based on emerging technologies. Mobile and
ubiquitous computing, game engines, virtual worlds, multi-touch, novel
display technologies, vision and gesture recognition, big data, MOOCs,
crowd labor markets, SNSs, or sensing systems.
- Ethics and policy implications. Analysis of the implications of
socio-technical systems and the algorithms that shape them.
- Crossing boundaries. Studies, prototypes, or other investigations that
explore interactions across disciplines, distance, languages,
and cultures, to help better understand how to transcend social,
and/or spatial boundaries.
*Please reach out to papers2021(a)cscw.acm.org
<mailto:papers2021@cscw.acm.org> for queries about paper submissions.*
CSCW 2021 Communication and Outreach Co-Chairs
Nazanin Andalibi, Mateusz Dolata, and Konstantinos Papangelis
University of Zurich
Dr. Mateusz Dolata
Department of Informatics
Information Management Research Group
Binzmuehlestrasse 14
CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland
Room BIN 2.C.08
Tel. +41 44 635 71 98
Fax +41 44 635 68 09
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for papers BISE: Special issue on Process
Mining at the Enterprise Level
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2020 13:24:01 +0200
From: Hajo Reijers <h.a.reijers(a)uu.nl>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for papers: Process Mining at the Enterprise Level (
Special Issue of Business & Information Systems Engineering (
Process Mining is a novel technology that helps enterprises to better
understand their business processes. Over the last 20 years, there has been
intensive research into various process mining techniques. These techniques
support the automatic discovery of business process models from event log
data, the checking of conformance between specified and observed behavior,
the identification of various variants of a business process, non-compliant
behavior, performance-relevant insights, and so forth.
Research on process mining has mostly focused on devising new or better
algorithms (see van der Aalst 2016; Augusto et al. 2019). There are a few
exceptions, among others the following. Van der Aalst et al. (2007) were
the first ones to discuss process mining from the perspective of
applications in industrial practice. Jans et al. (2014) applied process
mining techniques to enrich audit evidence during a financial statement
audit. Vom Brocke and Mendling (2018) present various applications of
process mining in hospitals, insurances, software usability analysis, and
In recent years, process mining has found its way into enterprise software
(Dumas et al. 2019), and has, thus, become available for companies in their
daily practice of business process management. Companies like Celonis,
Fluxicon, Signavio, and Software AG are among the roughly 20 companies that
Gartner monitors. Kerremans (2019) from Gartner identifies business process
improvement, auditing and compliance, process automation, digital
transformation, and IT operations (in order of decreasing importance) as
practical use cases for process mining in enterprise settings.
Some contributions have been made towards understanding process mining from
an enterprise perspective. For instance, van Eck et al. (2015) and Aguirre
et al. (2017) describe methodologies how process mining projects can be
conducted and Maruster and van Beest (2009) provide a methodology how
business processes can be redesigned with the help of process mining.
Examples of domain-specific proposals in healthcare are Rebuge and Ferreira
(2012) and Fernandez-Llatas et al. (2015). Grisold et al. (2020) have
introduced process mining as a strategy of inquiry to study in
organizational science and to study organizational change in specific. Mans
et al. (2013) have identified success factors for process mining projects.
However, what is largely missing so far is research on how enterprises
adopt process mining technology and how they integrate it into their
information systems landscape.
Invited Contributions
The ambition behind this special issue is to fill the described research
gap. We invite original contributions that investigate how enterprises
actually adopt and use process mining software. We are specifically
interested in submissions that make use of the extensive set of theories
that have been discussed in information systems research and organizational
science. These contributions are expected to utilize empirical research
methods such as case studies, surveys, experiments (to name but a few)
towards leveraging insights into how and why enterprises succeed or fail
when adopting and using process mining software.
Topics that are welcomed include, but are not limited to the following:
- How is process mining used and adopted at the enterprise level?
- What is the potential of using various types of data in process mining?
- How does process mining complement other approaches and technologies?
- How do enterprises build suitable data sets?
- What are the implications for management of using process mining?
- Which governance structures do enterprises develop for process mining?
- How do enterprises calculate the business case of process mining?
- How does process mining change organizational culture?
- How does process mining change the required skill sets of tool users?
- How is process mining integrated into the IT landscape?
- How is process mining integrated with existing business process
- How is process mining adopted in specific application domains, e.g.,
accounting, health, finance, HR, tax, etc.?
- How is process mining used to support digital transformation initiatives?
- What strategic implications for enterprises emerge from process mining
- What is the business impact of adopting process mining?
- What is the overall business value of process mining?
- What is the transformative nature of process mining at the enterprise
Submission Guidelines
Please submit papers by 1 Nov 2020 at the latest via the journal’s online
submission system (http://www.editorialmanager.com/buis/). Please observe
the instructions regarding the format and size of contributions to Business
& Information Systems Engineering (BISE). Papers should adhere to the
submission general BISE author guidelines (
All papers will be reviewed anonymously (double-blind process) by at least
two referees with regard to relevance, originality, and research quality.
In addition to the editors of the journal, including those of this special
focus, distinguished international scholars will be involved in the review
- Submission Deadline: 01 November 2020
- Author Notification 1: 06 January 2021
- Completion Revision 1: 01 March 2021
- Author Notification 2: 15 April 2021
- Completion Revision 2: 22 May 2021
- Final Workshop Meeting: with ECIS 2021 in Timisoara, Romania, (mandatory
of acceptance candidates)
Editors of the Special Issue
- Jan vom Brocke, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
- Mieke Jans, Hasselt University, Hasselt, Belgium
- Jan Mendling, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria
(corresponding editor: jan.mendling(a)wu.ac.at)
- Hajo A. Reijers, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Aguirre S, Parra C, Sepúlveda M (2017) Methodological proposal for process
mining projects. Int J Bus Process Integr Manag 8(2):102-113
Augusto A, Conforti R, Dumas M, La Rosa M, Maggi FM, Marrella A, Mecella M,
Soo A (2019) Automated discovery of process models from event logs: review
and benchmark. IEEE Trans Knowl Data Eng 31(4):686-705
Dumas M, La Rosa M, Mendling J, Reijers HA (2018) Fundamentals of business
process management, 2nd edn. Springer, Heidelberg
Fernández-Llatas C, Lizondo A, Monton E, Benedí J-M, Traver V (2015)
Process mining methodology for health process tracking using real-time
indoor location systems. Sensors 15(12):29821-29840
Grisold T, Wurm B, Mendling J, vom Brocke J (2020) Using process mining to
support theorizing about change in organizations. In: Proceedings HICSS 2020
Jans M, Alles MG, Vasarhelyi MA (2014) A field study on the use of process
mining of event logs as an analytical procedure in auditing. Account Rev
Kerremans M (2019) Market guide for process mining. Gartner Report
Mans R, Reijers HA, Berends H, Bandara W, Prince R (2013) Business process
mining success. In: Proceedings ECIS 2013, pp 89 ff
Maruster L, van Beest NRTP (2009) Redesigning business processes: a
methodology based on simulation and process mining techniques. Knowl Inf
Syst 21(3):267-297
Rebuge A, Ferreira DR (2012) Business process analysis in healthcare
environments: a methodology based on process mining. Inf Syst 37(2):99-116
van der Aalst WMP (2016) Process mining – data science in action, 2nd edn.
Springer, Heidelberg
van der Aalst WMP, Reijers HA, Weijters AJMM, van Dongen BF, Alves de
Medeiros AK, Song M, Verbeek HMW (2007) Business process mining: an
industrial application. Inf Syst 32(5):713-732
van Eck ML, Lu X, Leemans SJJ, van der Aalst WMP (2015) PM^2 : A Process
Mining Project Methodology. In: Proceedings CAiSE 2015, pp 297-313
vom Brocke J, Mendling J (2018) Business process management cases, digital
innovation and business transformation in practice. Springer, Heidelberg
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP | GamiFIN 2021 | DEADLINE for PAPERS November
15th | Gamification, VR/AR/MR, serious games, esports, streaming etc.
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2020 23:40:26 +0300
From: Juho Hamari <jujohama(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
5th Annual International GamiFIN Conference 2021 (hybrid event)
GamiFIN 2021, April 7–10, 2021, Levi, Lapland, Finland.
Deadline for full papers November 15, 2020. Deadline for posters and
doctoral consortium submissions January 17, 2021.
Conference website: <http://gamifinconference.com/>
Full CFP: <https://gamifinconference.com/cfp2021/>
- November 15, 2020: Submissions deadline for full papers
- January 10, 2021: Notifications of acceptance sent to authors of papers
- January 17, 2021: Submissions deadline for posters and doctoral consortium
- January 31, 2021: Deadline for camera-ready full papers
- January 31, 2021: Notification of acceptance for posters and doctoral
- February 28, 2021: Registration deadline for all presenters
- April 7–10, 2021: Conference
=== NOTE
Due to the global COVID-19 situation, the event is planned to be hosted as a
hybrid event and will allow live participation and online attendance and
Gamification is a multi-faceted phenomenon that affects many domains of
human life. Therefore, we welcome submissions related to this ludic
transformation of reality under several domains and related (but not
limited) to the following keywords:
- Users: e.g. Engagement, experience, user types
- Education: e.g. Gamification in education, serious games, game-based
learning, games & math
- Media: e.g. Esports, streaming, social media and gamification,
gamification in journalism & media
- Commerce: e.g. Business models, free-to-play, gambling, gamification in
- Work: e.g. Organizational gamification, gameful work, gamification in
leadership, playbour
- Technology: e.g. Virtual reality, augmented reality, Internet of things,
wearables, AI, machine learning, privacy, security
- Toys & play: e.g. Toy play, toy design/creation, toys in education,
internet of toys, toyfication, roleplay
- Health: e.g. Quantified self, games & gamification for health, COVID-19,
mental health
- Culture: e.g. Ludification, history of games and gamification,
gamification in society, social structures, storification
- Governance: e.g. democracy, participation, law enforcement, e-justice,
cyber forensics, urban planning, smart cities, surveillance
- Sustainability: planet, people, prosperity, peace
- Design: e.g. Design principles, design methods, designing gamification,
gamification artefacts
- Theories/concepts/methods: Contributions to science around gamification
- Critical approach to gamification: e.g. detrimental effects of
gamification or metrification, aspects of poor quality of gamification and
gamification research, extrinsic control, panopticon society,
5th Annual International GamiFIN conference, April 7–10, 2021, Levi,
Lapland, Finland!
Welcome to the gathering of international gamification research community in
the Finnish Lapland, Levi. Levi is a ski resort located in Finnish Lapland,
above the Arctic Circle and features incredible Finnish scenery, nature and
winter activities. We hope all of our guests take the time to enjoy the
surroundings and activities provided by this unique and exotic location.
Organized winter activities before and/or after the main conference days
will be announced later.
GamiFIN is a leading international conference for gamification research. The
conference is chaired by the professor of gamification Juho Hamari and
gamification scholar Jonna Koivisto. The conference is organized by the
Gamification Group and past keynotes have included notable scholars from the
field of gamification and game studies such as Lennart Nacke, Frans Mäyrä,
Sebastian Deterding, Richard Landers and T.L. Taylor. Keynotes for GamiFIN
2021 will be announced later.
The GamiFIN conference will offer an entry to the Gamification Publication
Track ( <http://gamifinconference.com/gamification-track/>
http://gamifinconference.com/gamification-track/). The gamification
publication track is a one of a kind, "gamified" way to develop your
research paper through GamiFIN conference, HICSS Gamification Track and
toward the eventual publication in an associated journal issue. The aim of
the gamification publication track is to increase the predictability and
rigorousness of the peer-review and publication processes by providing a
concise review continuum and discussion with peers.
Accepted papers will be sent for consideration for publication in CEUR
Workshop Proceedings in the GamiFIN Conference volume. CEUR-WS.org is a free
open-access publication service and recognized ISSN publication series, ISSN
1613-0073. (In the Finnish classification of publication forums,
CEUR-WS-proceedings are classified as JUFO-1).
Gamification Group, Tampere University
Email: <mailto:info@gamifinconference.com> info(a)gamifinconference.com
Website: <http://gamifinconference.com/> http://gamifinconference.com/
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: ECIS'2021 - Track "Enterprise Modelling"
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2020 16:21:14 +0200
From: FILL Hans-Georg <hans-georg.fill(a)unifr.ch>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*Sorry for cross-postings*
29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021)
Track: Enterprise Modelling
June 14 - 16, 2021 - Marrackech, Morocco
Deadline for paper submission: 18th November 2020
Further information: https://ecis2021.ma/paper-submission
Track Chairs
Hans-Georg Fill, University of Fribourg, Switzerland (corresponding)
Jelena Zdravković, Stockholm University, Sweden
Robert Buchmann, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
Track Description
The purpose of this track is to focus on a core topic in business and
information systems engineering research. Enterprise modelling is an
established approach for the conceptual representation, design,
implementation and analysis of information systems in general and the
support of human communication. It contributes with the
conceptualization, implementation, and use of machine-processable
languages to facilitate the interaction with complex business and
technological scenarios, engage in knowledge management and support
organizational engineering. In addition, the development of reference
models for selected domains, the design of generic models for enterprise
architecture management, and the development of modelling tools are
investigated. Enterprise Modelling supports the creation of innovative
digital solutions and thus to investigate new horizons for our society
in terms of human value-driven digitalization.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Conceptualization of enterprise modelling methods
Enterprise modelling platforms & tools
Enterprise modelling for disruptive technologies such as
artificial intelligence and distributed ledger technologies
Semantic-based enterprise modelling and enterprise ontologies
Enterprise architecture modelling
Multi-level enterprise modelling
Enterprise modelling for human value-driven digitalization
Enterprise modelling for business ecosystems and enterprise
Best practices and use cases
Associate Editors
Saïd Assar, Institut Mines-Telecom Business School, France
Amelia Badica, University of Craiova, Romania
Xavier Boucher, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de St. Etienne, France
Peter Fettke, Saarland University & DFKI, Germany
Aurona Gerber, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Florian Johannsen, Schmalkalden University of Applied Science, Germany
Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna, Austria
Agnes Koschmider, University of Kiel, Germany
Julius Köpke, Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt, Austria
Moonkun Lee, Chonbuk National University, Korea
Judith Michael, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Oscar Pastor, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Irina Rychkova, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Kurt Sandkuhl, University of Rostock, Germany
Maribel Yasmina Santos, University of Minho, Portugal
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Fill
Digitalization and Information Systems Group
University of Fribourg
Bd de Pérolles 90
CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
Web: http://www.unifr.ch/inf/digits
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call For Participation: IEEE International
Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training (#cseet2020)
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2020 12:03:08 -0400
From: bastian.tenbergen(a)oswego.edu
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
~~ starting at only 50 Euros ~~
CSEE&T 2020
IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training
November 9-12, 2020
*Registration is Now Open*
CSEE&T cordially invites you to attend the 32nd IEEE International
Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2020).
REGISTRATION COST IS AS LOW AS 50 Euros! Participation through Zoom, Slack,
Virtual Office.
The Conference Program can be found here:
and consists of
** Rick Kazman: Reflections on Teaching Architecture Design
** Nancy Mead Award winner Pierre Bourque: The SWEBOK Guide—More Than 20
Years Down the Road
* SEVEN MAIN SESSIONS featuring 28 presentations on:
** Project-Based Learning
** Teaching Programming and DevOps
** Feedback, Assessment, and Grading Mechanisms
** Industry Orientation
** Studios in Software Engineering Education
** Software Development Processes
** Teaching/Learning Strategies and Challenges
featuring four presentations
** Teaching Architecture Design Using the “Smart Decisions” Game
** Incorporating CC2020 and SWECOM Competencies into Software Engineering
** WASSEE - Workshop on Automotive Software Systems Education
** WEE&T - Workshop on Essence in Education & Training
** SE-Games - Workshop on Games for Software Engineering Education and
** Research Ideas for the Next Five Years
** Software Engineering for Everyone
** Software Engineering Education in Co-Located Multi-User Eye-Tracking
** TPM: Using Experiential Learning to Support Accessibility in Computing
** Experiential Learning for Software Engineering Using Agile Modeling in
** A Gamification Toolset for Improving Engagement of Students in Software
Engineering Courses
REGISTER NOW: https://ase.in.tum.de/cseet2020/index.php/registration/
For more than 30 years, CSEE&T has been the premier conference on software
engineering (SE) education at the undergraduate,
graduate, postgraduate, and professional level. Traditionally, CSEE&T is a
platform for educators in the field to explore
challenges, share experiences, discuss approaches, and generate new impulses
for software engineering education & training.
Special emphasis has always been on the transfer of knowledge and
pedagogical paradigms between educators.
This enables a highly interactive atmosphere including thought-provoking and
highly constructive discussions with presenters and among a broad audience.
REGISTER NOW: https://ase.in.tum.de/cseet2020/index.php/registration/
*Important Dates*
Early Bird Deadline 18 October 2020
Presenter Registration 18 October 2020
Presenter Content Upload 22 October 2020
Participant Preparation 30 Oct - 09 Nov 2020
VIRTUAL CONFERENCE ***09 Nov - 12 Nov 2020***
*Organizing Committee*
General Chairs:
* Stephan Krusche, Technical University Munich, Germany
* Bernd Brügge, Technical University Munich, Germany
* Bastian Tenbergen, State University of New York at Oswego, USA
Program Chairs:
* Elke Hochmüller, Carinthia Univ. of Applied Sciences, Austria
* Marian Daun, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Proceedings Chair:
* Kevin Wendt, University of Minnesota, USA
Satellite Event Co-Chairs:
* Reem Ayouby, Concordia University, Canada
* Patricia Brockmann, TH Nuremberg, Germany
ASEE&T Co-Chairs:
* Nancy Mead, Software Engineering Institute, USA
* Dan Port, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, USA
Publicity Chair:
* Nadine von Frankenberg, Technical University Munich, Germany
Financial Coordination Chair
* Eric Wong, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
*Follow us on Social Media*
Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/CSEETconf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/CSEETconf
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/cseetconf/
Web : https://ase.in.tum.de/cseet2020/
Use the Hashtag #cseet2020
For updated and detailed information about CSEE&T 2020, please visit
Please excuse multiple postings.
Dr. Bastian Tenbergen
Asst. Professor of Software Engineering
Department of Computer Science
427 Shineman Center
State University of New York at Oswego
7060 State Route 104
Oswego, NY, 13126, USA
T +1 (315) 312-6605
E bastian.tenbergen(a)oswego.edu
“Understand well as I may, my comprehension can only be an infinitesimal
fraction of all I want to understand.” – Ada Countess of Lovelace,
Mathematician and “Mother of Computing.”
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers in the IEEE Transactions on
Engineering Management journal
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2020 09:12:36 +0000
From: Chintan Amrit <c.amrit(a)uva.nl>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers
Special Issue on “Collaboration and Innovation Dynamics in Software
Ecosystems” in the IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management journal
Software ecosystems are very important socio-technical systems that
mould IT infrastructure all over the world. Many software ecosystems are
open source software systems, while others are more hybrid with
proprietary components. Identifying the innovative modules of the
ecosystem can help both developers and software module managers decide
which modules are more interesting to adopt. The collaboration of
developers in such ecosystems is also essential for the health of the
ecosystem. Therefore, one needs to study how the developers and
maintainers interact to understand the evolution of the different
modules in the ecosystem.
Therefore, in this special issue we ask:
How does one identify innovation in large Software Ecosystems?
What kinds of collaboration exist in large software ecosystems?
How does collaboration impact the innovation dynamics in the ecosystem?
The objective of this Special Issue of IEEE TEM is to bring together the
state-of-the-art research contributions that address key aspects of
software ecosystem analysis with a focus on collaboration and innovation
dynamics. All submitted articles will be peer-reviewed and selected
based on their quality and relevance to the theme of this Special Section.
The topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
* Innovation dynamics in Software Ecosystem
* Mining repositories for analysing collaboration and innovation dynamics
* Metrics identifying the health of large software ecosystems
* Symbiosis in software ecosystems
* Collaboration and coordination in software ecosystems
* Leadership in open innovation environments and innovative software
* Influencers in software ecosystem
* Cooperation and coevolution in software ecosystems
* Understanding life cycle of the component modules of the software
* Big graph/Network analysis for software ecosystems
We welcome both review papers as well as new and original research
contributions. Please see the following Research Perspective article for
a brief overview of the field:
M. den Besten, C. Amrit, A. Capiluppi and G. Robles, "Collaboration and
Innovation Dynamics in Software Ecosystems: A Technology Management
Research Perspective," in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,
doi: 10.1109/TEM.2020.3015969. (early access:
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be
currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper has been completely
re-written and if appropriate written permissions have been obtained
from any copyright holders of the original paper.
Manuscripts should be submitted through the publisher’s online system.
Submissions will be reviewed according to the journal’s rigorous
standards and procedures through double-blind peer review by at least
two qualified reviewers.
The extend abstract should be no more than 2,000 words (references
excluded) with brief literature review, research question and methodology.
Submission Process
Please prepare the manuscript according to IEEE-TEM’s guidelines
(http://ieee-tmc.org/tem-guidelines) and submit to the journal’s
Manuscript Central site (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tem-ieee).
Please clearly state in the cover letter that the submission is for this
special issue.
* Authors submit full papers by January, 15th 2021
* Decisions on acceptance/ rebuttal of papers by May 15, 2021
* Paper submission for 2nd round review by June 15, 2021
* Decisions on acceptance/ rebuttal of papers after second round of
reviews by September 1, 2021
* Final papers to be submitted by December 10, 2021
Special Issue Editors
Chintan Amrit, Amsterdam Business School,
Matthijs den Besten, Montpellier Business School,
Gregorio Robles, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,
Andrea Capiluppi, Brunel University,
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] WorldCIST'21 - 9th World Conference on Information
Systems and Technologies | Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal
Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2020 12:28:51 +0100
From: ML <marialemos72(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: worldcist(a)gmail.com
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
* CORE Ranking conference * Conference with a Google Scholar H5-Index =
19 * Proceedings published by Springer, in several books of the AISC
series * Indexed in Scopus, WoS, DBLP, Ei-Compendex, etc.
* Extended versions of best articles published in JCR/WoS/SCI journals.
------------------------------ ------------------------------
--------------------------- WorldCIST'21 - 9th World Conference on
Information Systems and Technologies 30-31 March to 1-2 April 2021 |
Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal http://www.worldcist.org/
<http://www.worldcist.org/> ------------------------------
------------------------------ --------------------------
The WorldCist'21 - 9th World Conference on Information Systems and
Technologies, to be held in Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal, 30-31
March to 1-2 April 2021, is a global forum for researchers and
practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations,
trends, results, experiences and concerns in the several perspectives of
Information Systems and Technologies.
We are pleased to invite you to submit your papers to WorldCist'21. All
submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality,
importance and clarity.
Submitted papers should be related with one or more of the main themes
proposed for the Conference:
A) Information and Knowledge Management (IKM);
B) Organizational Models and Information Systems (OMIS);
C) Software and Systems Modeling (SSM);
D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools (SSAAT);
E) Multimedia Systems and Applications (MSA);
F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems (CNMPS);
G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems (IDSS);
H) Big Data Analytics and Applications (BDAA);
I) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI);
J) Ethics, Computers and Security (ECS)
K) Health Informatics (HIS);
L) Information Technologies in Education (ITE);
M) Technologies for Biomedical Applications (TBA)
N) Information Technologies in Radiocommunications (ITR);
Types of Submissions and Decisions
Four types of papers can be submitted:
Full paper: Finished or consolidated R&D works, to be included in one of
the Conference themes. These papers are assigned a 10-page limit.
Short paper: Ongoing works with relevant preliminary results, open to
discussion. These papers are assigned a 7-page limit.
Poster paper: Initial work with relevant ideas, open to discussion.
These papers are assigned to a 4-page limit.
Company paper: Companies' papers that show practical experience, R & D,
tools, etc., focused on some topics of the conference. These papers are
assigned to a 4-page limit.
Submitted papers must comply with the format of Advances in Intelligent
Systems and Computing Series (see Instructions for Authors at Springer
Website), be written in English, must not have been published before,
not be under review for any other conference or publication and not
include any information leading to the authors’ identification.
Therefore, the authors’ names, affiliations and bibliographic references
should not be included in the version for evaluation by the Program
Committee. This information should only be included in the camera-ready
version, saved in Word or Latex format and also in PDF format. These
files must be accompanied by the Consent to Publish form filled out, in
a ZIP file, and uploaded at the conference management system.
All papers will be subjected to a “double-blind review” by at least two
members of the Program Committee.
Based on Program Committee evaluation, a paper can be rejected or
accepted by the Conference Chairs. In the later case, it can be accepted
as the type originally submitted or as another type. Thus, full papers
can be accepted as short papers or poster papers only. Similarly, short
papers can be accepted as poster papers only.
Poster papers and Company papers are not published in the Conference
Proceedings, being only presented and discussed. The authors of accepted
poster papers should build and print a poster to be exhibited during the
Conference. This poster must follow an A1 or A2 vertical format. The
Conference includes Work Sessions where these posters are presented and
orally discussed, with a 7 minute limit per poster.
The authors of accepted Full papers will have 15 minutes to present
their work in a Conference Work Session; approximately 5 minutes of
discussion will follow each presentation. The authors of accepted Short
papers and Company papers will have 11 minutes to present their work in
a Conference Work Session; approximately 4 minutes of discussion will
follow each presentation.
Publication and Indexing
To ensure that a full paper or short paper is published, poster paper or
company paper is published, at least one of the authors must be fully
registered by the 2nd of January 2021, and the paper must comply with
the suggested layout and page-limit. Additionally, all recommended
changes must be addressed by the authors before they submit the
camera-ready version.
No more than one paper per registration will be published. An extra fee
must be paid for publication of additional papers, with a maximum of one
additional paper per registration. One registration permits only the
participation of one author in the conference.
Full and Short papers will be published in Proceedings by Springer, in
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series. Poster and company
papers will not be published, just presented in the conference.
Published Full and Short papers will be submitted for indexation by ISI,
EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, DBLP and Google Scholar, among others, and will be
available in the SpringerLink Digital Library.
The authors of the best selected papers will be invited to extend them
for publication in international journals indexed by ISI/SCI, SCOPUS and
DBLP, among others, such as:
- International Journal of Neural Systems (IF: 5.605 / Q1)
- Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering (IF: 4.706 / Q1)
- Computers in Industry (IF: 3.954 / Q1)
- Advanced Engineering Informatics (IF: 3.879 / Q1)
- Informatica - An International Journal (IF: 3.312 / Q1)
- Journal of Medical Systems (IF: 3.058 / Q1)
- Telecommunications Policy (IF: 2.224 / Q2)
- Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory (IF: 1.558 / Q2)
- Expert Systems - Journal of Knowledge Engineering (IF: 1.546 / Q2)
- Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (IF: 1.851 / Q3)
- Journal of Computer Information Systems (IF: 1.582 / Q3)
- Computer Science and Information Systems (IF: 0.927 / Q4)
- Data Technologies and Applications (IF: 0.704 / Q4)
- Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering - Imaging
& Visualization (ESCI & SJR: 0.52 / Q2)
- Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management (DOAJ & ProQuest)
Important Dates
Paper Submission: November 8, 2020
Notification of Acceptance: December 23, 2020
Payment of Registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in
the conference proceedings: January 2, 2021.
Camera-ready Submission: January 2, 2021
Website of WorldCIST'21: http://www.worldcist.org/
WorldCIST'21 Team http://www.worldcist.org/ <http://www.worldcist.org/>
This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Publication in AISC series. Q3. Scopus, Web of
Science Indexation.
Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2020 22:34:44 +0500
From: Tatiana Antipova <antipovatatianav(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*Dear Author,*
*You are cordially invited to* the 2021 International Conference on
Advances in Digital Science (ICADS 2021), to be held at Salvador,
Brazil, 19 – 21 February 2021, is an international forum for researchers
and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations,
trends, results, experiences and concerns in the several advances of
Digital Science.
Conference website https://ics.events/*icads-2021*/
You may submit your paper online via CONFERENCE SUBMISSION FORM on
https://ics.events/*icads-2021*/ <https://ics.events/icads-2021/>. Submitted
papers (until 10-12 page limit) must be written in English, must not have
been published before, not be under review for any other conference or
publication, must comply with *Template*
in *.doc/docx* format.
All submissions will be twice «blind» reviewed by Scientific Committee
Members and invited Reviewers based on relevance, timeliness, originality,
importance and clarity of expression with convincing argumentative and a
strict paper selection process.
Accepted and registered Papers will be published in ICADS 2021
Proceeding *by
Springer in a book of the **“Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing”
*(*included in Scopus source list, Q3 / JSR 0,184*), and then will be
submitted to *ISI Proceedings, SCOPUS, Google Scholar and other *
We are prepared to offer virtual participation options, for anyone who
cannot or chooses not to travel due to the situation regarding COVID-19.
Due to the restrictions caused this year by COVID-19 Pandemic, authors with
registration in ICCS2020 will have a discount of 50 USD in the ICADS 2021
*Important Dates*
Submission: *November 01, 2020*
Notification: *December 11, 2020*
Registration: *December 21, 2020*
Event Dates: *February 19-21, 2021*
ICADS 2021 Convener.
*https://ics.events/* <https://ics.events/>.
All the best,
Dr. Tatiana Antipova,
Chair at Institute of Certified Specialists,
AISWorld mailing list