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Subject: [AISWorld] The 12th IEEE International Conference on Service
Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2019)
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 09:11:25 +0000
From: Naercio Magaia <ndmagaia(a)fc.ul.pt>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The 12th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and
Applications (SOCA 2019)
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
November 18 - 21, 2019
Dear Colleagues:
We cordially invite you to share your latest research results related to
big data analytics and intelligence at the IEEE SOCA 2019 conference.
Service-oriented computing (SOC) is considered today a key enabler for
the development of robust and high-quality intelligent Internet-scale
distributed applications. Extensive research and development in the past
few years has pushed SOC technology into state-of-the-art applications
in emerging areas such as Cloud computing, Internet-of-Things (IoT),
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs),
Mobile-Edge Computing, Social computing as well as mobile and enterprise
systems. However, many of the critical components on building reliable,
robust, and user-centric, cloud-based service-oriented architecture
applications and systems are still open for research. Hence, it is time
to face new service-oriented architecture (SOA) research opportunities
by addressing new research challenges on emerging applications domains
like smart cities, smart logistics, smart factories and e-Health, just
to mention a few.
Many of the service components are deployed on resource-limited embedded
systems and are performance sensitive; others are deployed on cloud
servers providing highly parallel services and on edge servers in the
middle of resource-limited systems and high-end servers. Edge servers
and clouds are connected through various types of networks, including
emerging network function virtualization services.
These components are part of complex applications and systems that span
multiple execution environments.
Their capabilities are increasingly being managed and (re)configured via
emerging software-defined and elasticity mechanisms. In addition, they
have to interact with humans in order to obtain useful human-sensing
data and solve complex problems. Thus, on the one hand, SOC may provide
effective solutions for managing the ever-increasing complexity while
meeting the challenging requirements of services on largely distributed,
heterogeneous and dynamic resource environments. On the other hand, the
exploitation of emerging trends in such environments to build SOC
applications and systems for large-scale service-based systems is an
open research challenge.
The 2019 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and
Applications (SOCA 2019) provides an international forum for researchers
from multiple disciplines to exchange and share their experiences,
ideas, and latest research results on all aspects of service-oriented
computing. The conference includes three days of parallel-track program,
special-topic workshops, keynotes and tutorials, and panel discussion.
We invite submissions of high-quality papers describing fully developed
results or ongoing work on the following topics and related areas:
-Service-oriented architectures, engineering, and applications
-Cloud-based service systems
-SOCA in IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems
-Service Models and Applications for Mobile-Edge Computing
-Service coordination techniques in IoT and cloud environments
-SOC-based smart process and workflow management
-Configurable, reconfigurable and software-defined service middleware
-Data analytics and data services in and for SOC-based systems
-IoT and data marketplaces
-Smart data and service contracts
-Cognitive computing techniques for SOCA
-Social computing for and atop SOCA
-SOCA development, deployment and testing tools and methodologies
-Security and privacy for SOCA
-Dependable and trustworthy SOCA
-SOCA for smart applications (cities, transportation systems, factories,
homes and offices, etc.)
Research Article (regular track):
Paper Submission
July 20, 2019
Author Notification
August 31, 2019
Poster/Special Session:
Paper Submission
September 10, 2019
Author Notification
September 26, 2019
Registration Due:
October 10, 2019
Camera ready submission:
October 20, 2019
We seek for both research (full) and work-in-progress (short) papers.
Research papers will be submitted as PDF files, using the IEEE Computer
Society Proceedings Format (two column, 10 point, single-spaced, US
Letter, no margin smaller than one inch) with limit of 8 pages. Research
papers should explore a specific technology problem and propose a
complete solution to it, with experimental results.
Work-in-progress papers should be limited with 6 pages, and are expected
to present either work currently in progress or less developed but
highly innovative ideas.
All papers will be reviewed by at least 3 technical committee members.
The paper can be submitted at
All accepted papers in the main tracks, workshops, special sessions and
demos/posters will be published in an IEEE Computer Society proceedings,
indexed by
- IEEE Xplore
- Scopus
- Compendex EI
- ACM Digital Library
- Google Scholar
The award committee will select Best Paper/Poster Award(s) and present
the winners with an actual frame Award Certificate at the conference
Extended versions of selected excellent papers will be considered for
publication in special issues of prestige journals (SCI/EI indexed).
Organizing Committee
General Chairs
Jan-Ming Ho, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Anna Kobusinska, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Program Chairs
Chi-Sheng (Daniel) Shih, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Jong-Chan Kim, Kookmin University, Korea
Program Vice-Chairs
Yuh-Jye Lee, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Changqin Huang, Zhejiang Normal University, China
Publication Chair
Jaewoo Lee, Chung-Ang University, Korea
Publicity Chairs
Kyungtae Kang, Hanyang University, Korea
Carlos Westphall, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Naercio Magaia, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Sotiris Moschoyiannis, Univ. of Surrey, UK
Yu Meng, Northeastern University, China
Finance Chair
Robert, Ching-Hsien Hsu, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Web Chair
Robert, Ching-Hsien Hsu, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Steering Committee
Jane YJ Hsu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Robert Hsu, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Christian Huemer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Takayuki Ito, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Kwei-Jay Lin, University of California, Irvine, USA
Sang Hyuk Son, DGIST, Korea
Please visit the IEEE SOCA 2019 website
for the complete listing of organizing committee and TPC members.
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: Human-centered cybersecurity -- Workshop at
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 11:01:16 +0200
From: Andrea Marrella <marrella(a)diag.uniroma1.it>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies for multiple postings]
Human-centered cybersecurity
A full day workshop to be held in conjunction with CHITALY 2019
the Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter
September 23-25, 2019
University of Padova, Italy
Cyber-attacks are growing very much in recent years. According to the
Symantec Annual Threat Report published for 2018, the total number of
Web threats were more than 1 Billion, the 400% more than the 2014. With
over 4 billion of mobile phone users worldwide as well as billions of
under-protected Internet of Things (IoT) devices, there has been a
dramatic rise in cybercrime globally perpetrated at various levels.
Many cyber-attack preventions focus on systems and technology, without
addressing user-related issues. Users have been identified as one of the
major security weaknesses in today’s technologies, as they may be
unaware that their behaviour while interacting with a system may have
security consequences. The user interface is where the users interact
with the computer systems. It is where the user’s intention transforms
into the system operation. It is where the semantic gap arises. And this
is the aspect that needs more attention to further limit the
effectiveness of cyber attacks. From the cybersecurity analysts
perspective, advanced interactive visualization techniques may be useful
to describe the features that characterize malware application and thus
help the in detecting malicious apps.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Ethical, psychological, sociological and economic issues of security
and privacy solutions
- Foundations of usable security and privacy
- Human factors in phishing attacks
- Human factors related to Cybersecurity
- Lessons learned from the design, development, use, or evaluation of
security and privacy systems
- Mental models of attackers and defenders
- New applications of existing models or technology
- Reports of previously published studies and experiments, even failed
experiences, focusing on the lessons learned from such experiences
- Testing of new or existing solutions for usable security and privacy
- Usable security and privacy for professionals, like network
administrators and developers
- Usable security/privacy evaluation of existing and/or proposed
solutions based, for instance, on laboratory studies, field studies,
longitudinal studies
- Usable security/privacy of the Internet of Things (IoT)
- Visualization techniques supporting cybersecurity experts and non-experts
This workshop is open to everyone who is interested in topics related to
Cyber attacks, with an emphasis on the aspects related to Human-Computer
Interaction. We invite participants to present position papers
addressing human-related cybersecurity issues. We are also interested in
methods, theories and tools for managing cyber attacks.
The contributions accepted for presentation in the workshop will be
published in the conference adjunct proceedings with an ISBN.
During the workshop we also expect to discuss how to disseminate
individual contributions to the community in the form of a special issue
in an HCI journal.
The workshop will be one-day long.
A keynote statement will be presented by the organizers first, then
presentations contributed by participants will follow including
proposals for examples to be used as case studies. In the second part,
participants will discuss the main points raised and get involved in
group design activities and report to the final plenary session.
Based on the lessons learned, participants will be invited to draft an
agenda of future work that can be accomplished.
In order to attend the workshop, participants are invited to submit
short papers (no longer than 4 pages, including an abstract of up to 150
words) reporting original academic or industrial research relevant to
the workshop's theme.
Submissions should be formatted in ACM-SIGCHI format. They have to be in
PDF format.
Submissions are not anonymous and should include all author names,
affiliations, and contact information.
All submissions will be reviewed by an international program committee.
Papers are submitted through the EasyChair website
Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted position paper
must attend the workshop.
Deadline for submission: June 23rd, 2019
Acceptance notification: June 30th, 2019
Workshop date: September 23rd, 2019
- Carmelo Ardito, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy –
- Giuseppe Desolda, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy –
- Francesco Di Nocera, Sapienza - Università di Roma, Italy,
- Mohamed Khamis, University of Glasgow, UK – Mohamed.Khamis(a)glasgow.ac.uk
- Andrea Marrella, Sapienza - Università di Roma, Italy –
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [WI] Short Extension - Ontological and Foundational
Perspectives in Business Process Modelling (onBPM 2019) workshop
@BPM2019 (onBPM 2019)
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 10:14:16 +0200
From: Chiara Ghidini <ghidini(a)fbk.eu>
Reply-To: Chiara Ghidini <ghidini(a)fbk.eu>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Due to some Easychair performance problems the submission for the onBPM
2019 workshop @BPM2019 is extended until Sunday 2 June.
Ontological and Foundational Perspectives in Business Process Modelling
(onBPM 2019) workshop
When: September 2, 2019
Where: co-located @BPM 2019 (Wien, Austria 1-6 September 2019)
The Ontological and Foundational Perspectives in Business Process
Modelling (onBPM) workshop is focused on foundational and ontological
investigationsof business processes, business process models, and
business process modelling.
The BPM literature provides high level definitions of what business
processes are, as well as a number of different business process
modelling languages. Nonetheless, a clear characterisation of what a
business process is, what its key elements are, what sets business
processes apart from other process entities, and a clear ontological
analysis of business process model development are still missing.
The goal of this workshop is to explore these missing aspects and to
foster a discussion on the ontological foundations in business process
modelling. onBPM aims at investigating the nature of business processes,
what distinguishes and characterizes it from other kinds of process, the
role of time and temporal representation in business process models, the
dependence between real-world business processes and the corresponding
models, the “implicit” business process elements that should be taken
into consideration in the models, and the impact of ontological
decisions in the modelling aspects.
The workshop invites two types of submissions:
full papers, maximum page limit 12 pagesincluding bibliography in
the LNCS format.
short papers, exactly 6 pages including bibliography in the LNCS
format. Short papers are particularly suitable for presenting
preliminary ideas, discussions and challenges on the topics of the
Workshop papers submission deadline:May 31, 2019
Workshop papers notification deadline:June 28, 2019
Workshop camera-ready papers deadline:July 12, 2019
Workshops onBPM:September 2, 2019
Greta Adamo, Fondazione Bruno Kessler and University of Genoa, Italy
Stefano Borgo, ISTC-CNR, Italy
Sergio de Cesare, University of Westminster, United Kingdom
Chiara Ghidini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Nicola Guarino, ISTC-CNR, Italy
Banu Aysolmaz, School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University
Cristina Baroglio, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Torino
Fabiano Dalpiaz, Department of Information and Computing Sciences,
Utrecht University
Frederik Gailly, Business Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Business
Administration, Ghent University
Laura Genga, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven
University of Technology
Giancarlo Guizzardi, Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of
Jennifer Horkoff, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg
Marcello La Rosa, School of Computing and Information Systems, Melbourne
School of Engineering, The University of Melbourne
Riichiro Mizoguchi, School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology
Marco Montali, KRDB Research Centre, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Luise Pufahl, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam
Hajo A. Reijers, Department of Information and Computing Sciences,
Utrecht University and Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology
Monique Snoeck, Faculty of Economics and Business, Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven
Ontological choices in developing business process models
Characteristics of business processes compared to other
processes/operations (e.g., workflows, business rules, strategies, services)
Ontological analysis of business process model elements (e.g.,
goals, participants, dependences, temporal aspects, commitments)
Foundational aspects of business process modelling languages
Characteristics of business process models with respect to models
described in other notations
Business process ontologies based on ontological analyses
Ontology-based methodologies and tools that support modellers
Papers should be written in English, following the LNCS format:
The submissions will be reviewed by the organisers and the PC members
Papers should be uploaded via EasyChair following this link:
All the workshop papers of onBPM workshop will be published by Springer
as a post-workshop proceedings volume in the series Lecture Notes in
Business Information Processing (LNBIP).
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
Le informazioni contenute nella presente comunicazione sono di natura
privata e come tali sono da considerarsi riservate ed indirizzate
esclusivamente ai destinatari indicati e per le finalità strettamente
legate al relativo contenuto. Se avete ricevuto questo messaggio per
errore, vi preghiamo di eliminarlo e di inviare una comunicazione
all’indirizzo e-mail del mittente.
The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to
which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged
material. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and
delete the material.
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Subject: [AISWorld] 2nd CFP: SPeL 2019 (12th International Workshop on
Social and Personal Computing for Web-Supported Learning Communities)
Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 18:14:23 +0300 (EEST)
From: Elvira Popescu <popescu_elvira(a)software.ucv.ro>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
SPeL 2019
12th International Workshop on Social and Personal Computing for
Web-Supported Learning Communities
In conjunction with SETE 2019 (4th International Symposium on Emerging
Technologies for Education)
& ICWL 2019 (18th International Conference on Web-based Learning)
23-25 September 2019
Magdeburg, Germany
* Paper submission deadline: June 21, 2019 (preceded by a mandatory
abstract submission by June 14)
* All accepted workshop papers will be published by Springer in Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
The workshop follows the previous SPeL 2008, SPeL 2009, SPeL 2010, SPeL
2011, DULP & SPeL 2012, SPeL 2013, SPeL 2014, SPeL 2015, SPeL 2016, SPeL
2017 and SPeL 2018 workshops, held in conjunction with the SAINT 2008
conference, WI/IAT 2009 conference, DEXA 2010 conference, ICWL 2011
conference, ICALT 2012 conference, ICSTCC 2013 conference, ICWL 2014
conference, ICSLE 2015 conference, ICWL & SETE 2016 conferences, ICWL &
SETE 2017 conferences and MIS4TEL 2018 conference respectively. The
general topic of the workshop is the social and personal computing for
web-supported learning communities.
Web-based learning is moving from centralized, institution-based systems
to a decentralized and informal creation and sharing of knowledge. Social
software (e.g., blogs, wikis, social bookmarking systems, media sharing
services, social networks) is increasingly being used for e-learning
purposes, helping to create novel learning experiences and knowledge. In
the world of pervasive Internet, learners are also evolving: the so-called
"digital natives" want to be in constant communication with their peers,
they expect an individualized instruction and a personalized learning
environment, which automatically adapt to their individual needs. The
challenge in this context is to provide intelligent and adaptive support
for collaborative learning, taking into consideration the individual
differences between learners.
This workshop deals with current research on the interplay between
collaboration and personalization issues for supporting intelligent
learning environments. Its aim is to provide a forum for discussing new
trends and initiatives in this area, including research about the
planning, development, application, and evaluation of intelligent learning
environments, where people can learn together in a personalized way
through social interaction with other learners.
The workshop is targeted at academic researchers, developers,
educationists and practitioners interested in innovative uses of social
media and adaptation techniques for the advancement of intelligent
learning environments. The proposed field is interdisciplinary and very
dynamic, taking into account the recent advent of Web 2.0 and ubiquitous
personalization, and it is hoped to attract a large audience.
The workshop welcomes submissions covering aspects of collaboration,
social interactions, adaptivity and personalization in technology enhanced
learning, particularly related to issues about:
* Social learning environments
* Theory and modeling of social computing in education
* Web 2.0 tools for collaborative learning
* Personal learning environments
* Lifelong learning networks
* Virtual spaces for learning communities
* Social networks analysis and mining
* Computer-supported collaborative learning
* Personalized and adaptive learning
* Adaptation methods and techniques for groups of learners
* Intelligent learner and group modeling
* Collaborative filtering and recommendations for learners
* Game-based social learning
* Personalized mobile learning applications
* Cloud-based social learning
* Intelligent agent technology for social learning
* Metadata, folksonomies and tagging
* Semantic web and ontologies for personalized learning
* Cognitive, motivational and affective aspects for personalization
* Practice and experience sharing
The workshop papers should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS
Authors Guidelines
(http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0). The length
of the manuscript should not exceed 6 pages for short papers and 10 pages
for full papers.
Papers should be submitted in PDF format, through the Easychair system:
All accepted workshop papers will be included in SETE 2019 post-conference
proceedings, published by Springer in Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) series.
Abstract submission: June 14, 2019
Full paper submission: June 21, 2019
Acceptance notification: July 15, 2019
Registration and camera-ready papers: August 5, 2019
Conference dates: September 23-25, 2019
Elvira Popescu - University of Craiova, Romania
Sabine Graf - Athabasca University, Canada
Please refer to the workshop website
(http://software.ucv.ro/~epopescu/spel2019) for more information and
contact us at: popescu_elvira(a)software.ucv.ro or sabineg(a)athabascau.ca for
any inquiry.
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Unintended, negative consequences of IT
implementations in healthcare (Final call for papers HICSS-53, Maui)
Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 09:59:41 -0700
From: Virginia Ilie <ilie.virginia(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear colleagues,
We are offering a new mini-track this year at HICSS - *Unintended, negative
consequences of IT implementations in healthcare -* and invite you to
submit your work.
Research on the *positive aspects* of Information Technology (IT)
implementations in healthcare abounds. Electronic medical record systems
(EMR) and other advanced IT solutions have the potential to reduce
healthcare costs, increase quality of care, standardize best practices and
allow physicians and patients access to inter-operable medical records
globally. However, there are many potential *negative aspects* and
consequences associated with complex IT implementations in healthcare that
remain under-researched. While some challenges are technological in nature,
others are internal, organizational as well as external, regulatory.
*2020 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-53)*
January 7-10, 2020, Grand Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, USA
*http://hicss.hawaii.edu/ <http://hicss.hawaii.edu/>*
*Track: Information Technology in Healthcare*
*Mini-track**: Unintended, negative consequences of IT implementations in
In the era of smart devices and usable interfaces, many commercially
available EMRs offer a user experience with often sub-optimal usability.
Medical practitioners work under severe time constraints and are much less
understanding and forgiving of system limitations. Patients also expect
flawless access to their medical records.
This mini-track calls for research associated with any *unintended or
negative aspects *of IT implementations in the healthcare domain at various
levels of analysis, individual, organizational or societal. Such research
should help inform both academics and practitioners of unintended negative
consequences from complex IT implementations and introduce possible
solutions to alleviate such impacts.
We seek research on topics such as:
· Misuse of EMR systems by clinical staff, patients or other
· Lack of innovation in EMR interface design.
· Impacts on clinical workflows and provider-to-provider
communication patterns.
· System design issues and associated consequences.
· Challenges in obtaining complete information at the point of care
or information overload.
· Increased difficulties in information sharing among providers or
healthcare entities.
· Dehumanizing of the patient-provider interaction.
· User workarounds and new types of medical errors.
· Physician/nurse/patient dissatisfaction with clinical systems.
· Security attacks and hospital data hacking and ransoming.
· Patient privacy issues.
· HIPAA violations and recommendations to stay compliant.
· Increased hospital costs.
· Challenges for smaller clinical practices in selecting and
working with an EMR vendor.
· Abandonment of costly EMR projects.
· Any other unintended or negative EMR impacts.
Completed papers or research in progress with all types of research
methodologies are welcome.
Please contact Dr. Virginia Ilie with any questions or if you’d like to
discuss a paper concept before submitting
*Important Dates*:
April 15, 2019: Beginning of Submission Period
June 15, 2019: Paper Submission Deadline (11:59 pm HST)
August 17, 2019: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
September 22, 2019: Deadline for Final Manuscript
October 1, 2019: Deadline for at least one author to register for
the conference
January 7, 2020: Symposia, Workshops, and Tutorials
January 8-10, 2020: Paper Presentations
*Co-chairs** of the “**Unintended, negative consequences of IT
implementations in healthcare” mini-track:*
Virginia Ilie, Ph.D. (primary contact), vilie(a)callutheran.edu
Sweta Sneha, Ph.D. ssneha(a)kennesaw.edu
Paul Witman, Ph.D. pwitman(a)callutheran.edu
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP HICSS-53 Minitrack on Emerging Issues in
e-collaboration Distributed Group Decision-Making: Opportunities and
Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 18:55:24 +0000
From: Anil Aggarwal <aaggarwal(a)ubalt.edu>
To: 'AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues:
After successful sessions last four years, we are continuing our mini
track on Emerging Issues in Distributed Group Decision-Making:
Opportunities and Challenges at the HICSS Conference. We invite you to
submit your paper to our minitrack . A call for papers is attached.
Anil Aggarwal
University of Baltimore
Doug Vogel
Harbin Institute of technology
Yuko SJ Murayama
Tsuda College
CALL FOR PAPERS FOR the Mini-track
Emerging Issues in e-collaboration Distributed Group Decision-Making:
Opportunities and Challenges <http://home.ubalt.edu/ntsbagga/hicss_53.htm>
(Part of the Collaboration Systems and Technology track )
January 7-10, 2020
Grand Wailea Resorts
Given the current turbulent state of world economy, outsourcing is
coming under tremendous pressure. Companies are no longer providing
long-term contracts but are renewing them based on deliverables from
outsourced companies. This is putting tremendous pressure on teams to
deliver quality product on time. Team adaptability and team
configuration are becoming crucial to meet deadlines. Teams must be able
to adapt quickly to the changing environment. Agile teams adapt and
deliver quickly and provide maximum customer satisfaction. By
definition, however, agile teams must be co-located. Can distributed
teams be agile and adaptable? This requires careful team configuration.
Distributed teams face many challenges of time, location,
infrastructure, language, customs, socialization and politics. This is
further compounded in globally distributed teams by diversity,
nationality and cultural issues. As old issue are resolved, new
challenges emerge that require knowledge from multiple disciplines such
as information systems, social sciences, international management,
leadership and political science. It is almost impossible for one
individual to have expertise in so many domains, which makes this a very
challenging but ultimately rewarding collaborative area of research.
Given the richness and research potential of this area, it is essential
to brainstorm and bring diverse points of view to develop underlying
theory and frameworks. The mini track will attempt to accomplish these
The mini track will address emerging issue such as diversity, culture,
adaptability and agility related to teams in distributed group decision
making, as well as the underlying theories of group dynamics,
coordination, communications and decision-making in distributed
environments, in creation of competitive advantage.
Examples of topics in the discussion of globally distributed decision
making mini-track will include the following (but are not limited to):
· eCollaboration in distributed teams
· Fake news impact on ecollaboration
· Swift team collaboration
· Sub groups impact on eCollaboration
· Big data collaboration
· E-government(s) inter- , intra-collaboration
· Collaboration through crowdsourcing
· Disaster management in distributed teams
· Delivering health services through collaboration
· Economics of distributed decision making in the clouds
· Trust and distrust as motivator in distributed decision making
· Can agile teams be globally distributed?
· Agile/Adaptable team configuration in globally distributed teams
· The “e (internet)” to “m (mobile)” transformation of globally
distributed teams
· Communication and coordination in globally distributed teams
· Diversity issues in globally distributed teams
· Customer satisfaction, performance and “trust” building in globally
distributed teams
· Synchronous and asynchronous decision making in globally distributed teams
· Comparison of issues across internal, inter-, intra and offshore
distributed teams
· Turbulent economy and its impact on outsourcing
· Models of globally distributed agile/adaptable teams
· Knowledge creation, transfer and integration across globally
distributed teams
· Leadership/cohesiveness issues in globally distributed teams
· Issues related to functional and dysfunctional globally distributed teams
· Security, privacy and risk associated with globally distributed teams
· Case Studies (success/failures) related to decision making by globally
distributed teams
Contact Information for Mini-Track Chair:
Dr. A. K. Aggarwal**
University of Baltimore, USA
Dr. Doug Vogel
Harbin Institute of technology
Dr. Yuko SJ Murayama
Tsuda College
Important Deadlines:
* April 15 – Paper submission site launched.
* June 15 Submit full manuscripts for review as instructed. The review
is double-blind; therefore, this initial submission must be without
author names.
* Aug 17 Review System emails Acceptance/Rejection Notices to authors.
It is very important that at least one author of each accepted paper
attend the conference. Therefore, all travel guarantees – including visa
or fiscal/ funding procedures – should begin immediately.
* Sept 22 SUBMIT FINAL PAPER. Add author names to your paper, and submit
your Final Paper for Publication to the site provided in your Acceptance
Notice. (This URL is not public knowledge.)
* Oct 1 Early Registration fee deadline. At least one author of each
paper should register by this date in order secure publication in the
Proceedings. Fees will increase on Oct 2 and Dec 2.
Instructions for Paper Submission:
* HICSS papers must contain original material not previously published,
or currently submitted elsewhere.
* Do not submit the manuscript to more than one mini-track. If unsure
which mini-track is appropriate, submit the abstract to the Track Chair
for guidance.
* Submit your full paper according to the detailed formatting and
submission instructions found on the HICSS website. Note: All papers
will be submitted in double column publication format and limited to 10
pages including diagrams and references. HICSS will conduct double-blind
reviews of each submitted paper.
HICSS conferences are devoted to advances in the information, computer,
and system sciences, and encompass developments in both theory and
practice. Invited papers may be theoretical, conceptual, tutorial or
descriptive in nature. Submissions undergo a double-blind peer referee
process and those selected for presentation will be published in the
Conference Proceedings. Submissions must not have been previously published.
For the latest information visit the HICSS web site at:
Tung Bui, Conference Chair
Email: tungb(a)hawaii.edu<mailto:tungb@hawaii.edu>
Thayanan Phuaphanthong, Conference Administrator
Email: hicss(a)hawaii.edu<mailto:hicss@hawaii.edu>
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] Summer School on Signal
Processing-Machine Learning at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 09:00:48 +0300
From: nmyrsini(a)csd.auth.gr
To: sci-diku-imageworld(a)list.ku.dk, robotics-worldwide(a)usc.edu,
visionlist(a)visionscience.com, tccc-announce(a)comsoc.org,
mycolleagues(a)mailman.ufsc.br, imagestudents(a)itu.dk,
computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org, datascience(a)datasys.cs.iit.edu,
cse-cfp(a)cse.stfx.ca, Connectionists(a)mailman.srv.cs.cmu.edu
Call for Participation (apologies for multiple copies)
1st EURASIP-GAIPDM Seasonal School on” Learning from Signals, Images and
Video” https://gaipdm-schools.web.auth.gr/
July 15th- 19th, 2019
Thessaloniki, Greece
The European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP)
and the Greek Association for Image Processing and Digital Media (GAIPDM)
invite you to attend the 1st Seasonal School on “Learning from Signals,
Images, and Video”. The school aims at introducing practitioners to all
the aspects of current and future digital media processing and analysis,
employing associated technologies. Digital media refer to content found
in audio, images, videos, written or aural speech, and biosignals. To
analyze the aforementioned content, one needs to step into the fields of
Signal Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition/ Machine
Learning, and Computational Intelligence. These fields are exactly
addressed in the school. Besides theoretical advances, the attendees
will gather practical experience through hands-on workshops and
participation to hackathons. The workshop provides the attendees an
excellent opportunity to develop skills in some of the most dynamic
fields in processing and analysis of big data extracted from multimedia,
social networks, and the web. Information for keynote speakers, topics
taught, and hackathons can be found at the website
The school is sponsored by the PROMOTE project
(https://promote.web.auth.gr/), the MSc Program on Digital
Media-Computational Intelligence (https://dmci.csd.auth.gr), and the
Artificial Intelligence and Information Analysis
Contact Us: gaipdm.schools(a)gmail.com
Follow us on facebook:
computational.science mailing list
Hosted by Sardina Systems: FishOS: AI-powered OpenStack
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP - WISE 2019 in Munich
Date: Wed, 29 May 2019 10:28:29 -0400
From: Gordon Burtch <gburtch(a)umn.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues,
We invite submissions for the 30th Annual Workshop on Information Systems
and Economics (WISE 2019) to be hosted in Munich, Germany from December 18th
—20th, 2019, on the campus of Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) Munich.
WISE is the premier academic research forum for the discussion of
information systems issues through the lens of economics. Presentations
consist of research that addresses important business and societal
questions with a focus on information technology. The WISE community is
open to a wide variety of research methodologies. WISE welcomes new
research related to the broad area of information systems that is supported
by economic theories and methods.
*Submission Guidelines *
Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts (maximum of six (6) pages,
including text, references, figures and tables) of their work for
presentation at the conference. Submissions should be made in PDF format.
Please submit abstracts online at the EasyChair submission portal:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wise_2019, and be sure to indicate
whether submitted work was student-led (to be considered for the best
student paper award).
*Submission Restrictions:* No individual should plan to present more than
one paper at the workshop, and the submitting author on each paper should
also be the presenting author. Individuals submitting more than one paper
will have secondary submissions withdrawn and will be asked to resubmit
indicating a different presenting author. To minimize repeated exposure of
the same paper, we also ask that authors not submit work that has also been
submitted for consideration at WITS 2019. Given the ‘workshop’ nature of
this event, we also ask that you not submit work (conditionally) accepted
or forthcoming at a journal.
*Submission Deadline:* August 31st, 2019 (11:59pm EST)
*Decision Notifications:* September 15th, 2019
*Early Registration Deadline:* October 1st, 2019
*Regular Registration Deadline:* November 1st, 2019
*Lodging & Accommodation*
We have arranged a discounted block of rooms at various hotels. Details
related to lodging options can be found on the conference website:
http://wiseconf.org. If you have any questions about the conference, hotels
or paper submission process, please contact the conference program
committee (wiseconf2019(a)gmail.com).
We hope to see you in Munich!
WISE 2019 Co-Chairs
Gordon Burtch, Miguel Godinho, Tobias Kretschmer, Gal Oestreicher-Singer,
Sonny Tambe
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Program fo a pre-ECIS'19 workshop STPIS'19 is on-line
Date: Wed, 29 May 2019 10:24:08 +0200
From: ilia <ilia(a)ibissoft.se>
To: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear colleagues,
The program of a pre-ECIS'19 workshop STPIS'19 is on-line
The workshop is held on June 10th 2019 at DSV campus in Kista
(Stockholm) https://dsv.su.se/en/about/find
The program has a busy schedule of presentations, and two sessions of
collaborative work
If you are planning to attend ECIS'19 in Stockholm this summer and at
the same time participate in the discussion at pre-ECIS workshop
STPIS'19, please, register your intention via the following Doodle
event: https://doodle.com/poll/urhbx7ws95cif2y7 (unless you have already
done so)
Best regards
5th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Perspective in IS
development (STPIS'19), Stockholm, 10th of June 2019
The main */purpose /*of the workshop is to arrange */discussions /*on
using a socio-technical perspective in organizational systems
development, the long term goal being to make this workshop a/*meeting
place for the community of researchers and practitioners*/ interested in
the socio-technical approach.
Following the purpose, only part of the workshop is devoted to
presentations, the rest is designated for collaborative work. This year
we follow the practice established during STPI'17 and will be working on
a real case from the local industry. The case is described in
Fo full description of the workshop browse
The workshop is attached to ECIS'19 conference http://ecis2019.eu/
Short description is presented below
Despite that a socio-technical perspective has been around for over a
half century, it is often forgotten in the Information Systems (IS)
discourse today. Consequently, many “new approaches” appear to reflect
on IS systems problems, such as modern IT systems poorly adjusted to the
external or/and internal environment (e.g. market, organizational
culture) of organizations in which they are (to be) deployed. We
strongly believe that it is high time the social-technical perspective
took its proper place in IS research, practice and teaching.
The main purpose of the workshop is to arrange discussions on using a
socio-technical perspective in IS development, the long term goal being
to make this workshop a meeting place for the community of IS
researchers and practitioners interested in the socio-technical approach.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Case studies using socio-technical approach
* Information system design using socio-technical approach
* Socio-technical comparative studies of technology/IS adoption
* Socio-technical analysis, design, development and integration of
– health care systems
– crisis management systems
– information security management systems
– learning systems
– privacy enhanced technology
* Societal Security from a socio-technical perspective
* Ethnographic and Anthropological aspects of IS design and adoption
* IT business alignment from a socio-technical perspective
* Using Viable System Model (VSM) for analysis and design of
socio-technical systems
Organizing committee
Stewart Kowalski, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Norway, - general chair
Peter Bednar, School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, UK -
program chair
Alexander Nolte, University of Tartu, Estonia – publicity chair
Ilia Bider – DSV, Stockholm University/Ibissoft, Stockholm, Sweden -
local chair
Dr. Ilia Bider
Process- och systemutvecklingskonsult at IbisSoft.se
Lektor & Forskare/Docent i data- och systemvetenskap at DSV.su.se
ilia(a)ibissoft.se +46 (0)8 164998
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: 10th International Conference on Learning
Analytics & Knowledge (LAK20), March 23-27, 2020, Frankfurt, Germany.
Date: Tue, 28 May 2019 21:27:21 +0000
From: Vitomir Kovanovic <Vitomir.Kovanovic(a)unisa.edu.au>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Apologies for cross-posting
Call for papers: The 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics
& Knowledge (LAK20)
Celebrating 10 years of LAK: Shaping the future of the field
23-27 March 2020, Frankfurt, Germany
The 2020 edition of The International Conference on Learning Analytics &
Knowledge (LAK20) will take place in Frankfurt, Germany. LAK20 is
organised by the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) and
hosted by Frankfurt Goethe-University in Germany with support from many
European partners. LAK20 is a collaborative effort by learning analytics
researchers and practitioners to celebrate and promote the achievements
of the learning analytics community over the past ten years and to look
forward to what lies ahead.
The tenth anniversary of the LAK conference celebrates the past
successes of the learning analytics community and poses new questions
and challenges for the field. The theme for this year is "Shaping the
future of the field" and focuses on thinking how we can advance learning
analytics and drive its development over the next ten years and beyond.
LAK conference is intended for both researchers and practitioners. We
invite both researchers and practitioners of learning analytics to come
and join a proactive dialogue around the future of learning analytics
and its practical adoption. We further extend our invite to educators,
leaders, administrators, government and industry professionals
interested in the field of learning analytics and related disciplines.
Conference theme and topics
We welcome submissions from both research and practice, covering
different theoretical, methodological, empirical and technical
contributions to learning analytics field. Specifically, this year, we
invite contributors to think about the implications and potential impact
of the presented work for the next 10 years. In their contributions, we
encourage authors to address some of the following questions:
1. What are the practical and scholarly implications of the presented
work for the next ten years?
2. What are the challenges of the presented work we need to address to
improve its impact in the next ten years?
3. How can the presented work be practically implemented and adopted?
We also explicitly encourage research that validates, replicates and
examines the generalisability of previously published findings, as well
as the aspects of practical adoption of the existing learning analytics
methods and approaches. Finally, we also invite authors to submit
dedicated short research paper submissions (see below for details) that
explicitly address the theme of this year's conference.
Some of the topics of interest include, (but are not limited) are:
Capturing Learning & Teaching:
* Finding evidence of learning: Studies that identify and explain useful
data for analysing, understanding and optimising learning and teaching.
* Assessing student learning: Studies that assess learning progress
through the computational analysis of learner actions or artefacts.
* Analytical and methodological approaches: Studies that introduce
analytical techniques, methods, and tools for capturing and modelling
student learning.
* Technological infrastructures for data storage and sharing: Proposals
of technical and methodological procedures to store, share and preserve
learning and teaching traces.
Understanding Learning & Teaching:
* Data-informed learning theories: Proposals of new learning/teaching
theories or revisions/reinterpretations of existing theories based on
large-scale data analysis.
* Insights into specific learning processes: Studies to understand
particular aspects of a learning/teaching process through the use of
data science techniques.
* Learning and teaching modelling: Creating mathematical, statistical or
computational models of a learning/teaching process, including its
actors and context.
* Systematic reviews: Studies that provide a systematic and
methodological synthesis of the available evidence in an area of
learning analytics.
Impacting Learning & Teaching:
* Providing decision support and feedback: Studies that evaluate the
impact of feedback or decision-support systems based on learning
analytics (e.g., dashboards, early-alert systems, automated messages).
* Practical evaluations of learning analytics efforts: Empirical
evidence about the effectiveness of learning analytics implementations
or educational initiatives guided by learning analytics.
* Personalised and adaptive learning: Studies that evaluate the
effectiveness and impact of adaptive technologies based on learning
Implementing change in Learning & Teaching:
* Ethical issues around learning analytics: Analysis of issues and
approaches to the lawful and ethical capture and use of educational data
traces; tackling unintended bias and value judgements in the selection
of data and algorithms; perspectives and methods for value-sensitive,
participatory design that empowers stakeholders.
* Learning analytics adoption: Discussions and evaluations of strategies
to promote and embed learning analytics initiatives in educational
institutions and learning organisations.
* Learning analytics strategies for scalability: Discussions and
evaluations of strategies to scale the capture and analysis of
information at the program, institution or national level; critical
reflections on organisational structures that promote analytics
innovation and impact in an institution.
Conference tracks
The conference has three different tracks with different types of
submissions. For more information about each track, see the submission
guidelines page.
1. Research track
The focus of the research track is on advancing scholarly knowledge in
the field of learning analytics through rigorous reports of learning
analytics research studies. The primary audience includes academics,
doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers and other types of
educational research staff working in different capacities on learning
analytics research projects.
Submission types for the research track are:
* Full research papers (10 pages, ACM proceedings template) include a
clearly explained substantial conceptual, technical or empirical
contribution. The scope of the paper must be placed appropriately with
respect to the current state of the field, and the contribution should
be clearly described. This includes the conceptual or theoretical
aspects at the foundation of the contribution, an explanation of the
technical setting (tools used, how are they integrated into the
contribution), analysis, and results.
* Short research papers (6 pages, ACM proceedings template) can address
on-going work, which may include a briefly described theoretical
underpinning, an initial proposal or rationale for a technical solution,
and preliminary results, with consideration of stakeholder engagement
issues. We also invite short papers that explicitly address the theme of
this year's conference by reflecting on past, present, and future
research foci in the field of learning analytics, along with reflections
on the role which LAK has played in shaping our research agendas.
* Research posters (3 pages, SoLAR companion proceedings template)
represent a concise report of recent findings or other types of
innovative work not ready to be submitted as a full or short research
paper. Poster presentations are part of the LAK Poster & Demo session,
and authors are given a physical board to present and discuss their
projects with delegates. Alternatively, a poster submission may be work
that you prefer to present interactively.
2. Practitioner track
The practitioner track is complementary to the research track and brings
real-world experiences of adoption of learning analytics systems in
education. Learning analytics practitioners include 1) policymakers,
project managers, instructional technologists, analysts, learning
designers and other non-research staff, 2) developers, designers,
analysts, and other representatives from commercial and industrial
entities, non-profit organisations, and government bodies.
Submissions for the practitioner track have a unique format which
emphasises practical aspects of project implementations. More details
around submission formats and preparing your practitioner submission
will be available on LAK20 website. All accepted submissions to the
practitioner track will be published in the LAK20 Companion Proceedings
and archived on the SoLAR website.
Submission types for practitioner track:
* Practitioner reports (4 pages, SoLAR companion proceedings template)
include accounts and findings that stem from practical experience in
implementing learning analytics projects. Practitioner reports are
presented alongside research track submissions as part of the main
conference. Some of the goals of practitioner presentations are to 1)
contribute to the conversation between researchers and practitioners
around adoption and implementation of learning analytics, 2) provide
insights from practice around factors affording or constraining learning
analytics adoption and implementation, and 3) present effective learning
analytics adoption strategies and approaches.
* Practitioner posters (2 pages, SoLAR companion proceedings template)
represent a concise description of a practical learning analytics
project implementation which may not be ready to be presented as a
practitioner report. Posters are presented during the LAK Poster & Demo
session, and authors are given a physical board to present posters and
discuss their projects with delegates. This type of submission is also
prefered in cases where interactive presentation is more suitable for
the particular project.
* Practitioner interactive demos (200 words abstract in SoLAR companion
proceedings template + 5 min video) provide opportunities to communicate
interactive learning analytics tools. Interactive demonstrations are
part of the LAK Poster & Demo session, and presenters are given table
space and demonstrate their latest learning analytics projects, tools,
and systems. Use demos to communicate innovative user interface designs,
visualisations, or other novel functionality that tackles a real user
problem. Tools may be at an early concept demonstrator stage or
relatively mature, all the way through to products. While LAK encourages
participation from commercial analytics partners, interactive demos
should be built around actual field experience, results, and feedback.
Submissions for conceptual products or for products that have not been
used by instructors and/or students are unlikely to be accepted.
3. Pre-conference event track
The focus of pre-conference events is on providing space for new and
emerging ideas in learning analytics and their development. Events can
have either research or practical focus and can be structured in the way
which best serves their particular purpose.
The types of submissions for the pre-conference event track are:
* Workshops (4 pages, SoLAR companion proceedings template) provide an
efficient forum for community building, sharing of perspectives, and
idea generation for specific and emerging research topics or viewpoints.
Proposals should be explicit regarding the kind of activity participants
should expect, for example, from interactive/generative participatory
sessions to mini-conference or symposium sessions.
* Tutorials (4 pages, SoLAR companion proceedings template) aim to
educate stakeholders on a specific learning analytics topic or
stakeholder perspective. Proposals should be clear what the need is for
particular knowledge, target audience and their prior knowledge, and the
intended learning outcomes.
Doctoral consortium
The doctoral consortium is a day-long workshop designed to support
emerging scholars in learning analytics by helping them develop
productive approaches to studying the intersection of theory, data, and
practice. Doctoral Consortium participants will be given the opportunity
to present, discuss, and receive feedback on their research in an
interdisciplinary and supportive atmosphere, as well as build their
professional network with leading researchers.
More details will be available on LAK20 website around submission
lengths and formats of the different types of submissions.
Review process
LAK20 will use a double-blind peer review process for all submissions
except doctoral consortium (as they include a letter of reference from
the principal supervisor) and demos. An important aspect of this year's
review process is that LAK20 will have a rebuttal phase for full and
short research papers in which authors will be given five days to
respond to remarks and comments raised by reviewers in a maximum of 500
words. Rebuttals are optional, and there is no requirement to respond.
Authors should keep in mind that papers are being evaluated as submitted
and thus, responses should not propose new results or restructuring of
the presentation. Thus, rebuttals should focus on answering specific
questions raised by reviewers (if any) and providing clarifications and
justifications to reviewers. Finally, the conference timeline allows for
rejected submissions to be re-submitted in revised form as workshop papers.
Proceedings publication
Accepted full and short research papers will be included in the LAK20
conference proceedings published and archived by ACM. Other types of
submissions (research posters, workshops, tutorials, and practitioner
track submissions) will be included in the open access LAK companion
proceedings, archived on SoLAR's website. Please note at least one of
the authors must register for the conference by the Early bird deadline
before the paper can be included in the ACM Proceedings or LAK Companion
Important dates
Note: all dates are 23:59 GMT-12 (AOE
Submission deadlines:
* 1 Oct 2019: Deadline for full and short research papers, practitioner
reports, and workshop/tutorial proposal submissions
* 14 Oct 2019: Deadline for doctoral consortium submissions
* 1 Nov 2019: Deadline for research and practitioner posters and
interactive demo submissions
* 15 Nov 2019: Deadline for full and short research paper rebuttal
(submissions open 8 Nov 2019) submissions
* 15 Dec 2019: Deadline for workshop paper submissions (submissions open
1 Nov 2019)
* 20 Dec 2019: Deadline for camera-ready versions of all accepted
Acceptance notifications:
* 21 Oct 2019: Notification of acceptance for workshops and tutorials
* 15 Nov 2019: Notification of acceptance for doctoral consortium
* 1 Dec 2019: Notification of acceptance for full and short research
papers, practitioner reports, posters/demos
* 5 Jan 2019: Notification of acceptance for workshop papers (papers
submitted to accepted workshops)
Conference and registration dates:
* 20 Jan 2020: Early-bird registration closes
* 23-27 Mar 2019: LAK20 conference, Frankfurt, Germany
Further information
Visit http://lak20.solaresearch.org for further details about the
conference venue, organisers, keynotes, topics, submission guidelines
and review process.
Kind regards,
Vitomir Kovanovic, Maren Scheffel, Niels Pinkwart, and Katrien Verbert
LAK20 Program Chairs
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