-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP BPMÖS Informatik 2016 Klagenfurt
Datum: Sun, 7 Feb 2016 11:11:44 +0100
Von: Walser Konrad <konrad.walser(a)bfh.ch>
Antwort an: Walser Konrad <konrad.walser(a)bfh.ch>
An: 'wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de' <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>,
'gifa61(a)list.uni-koblenz.de' <gifa61(a)list.uni-koblenz.de>,
'gifa62(a)list.uni-koblenz.de' <gifa62(a)list.uni-koblenz.de>
*Call for Papers*
*zur GI-Jahrestagung – /Informatik 2016/ in Klagenfurt*
*Workshop „BPM im Öffentlichen Sektor“ (BPMÖS)*
*Prof. Dr. Konrad Walser***
Professor für Wirtschaftsinformatik und E-Government
Berner Fachhochschule
E-Government Institut
Morgartenstrasse 2a/Postfach 305
CH-3000 Bern 22
E-Mail: konrad.walser(a)bfh.ch <mailto:konrad.walser@bfh.ch>
Telefon: +41-79-648-2133
*Prof. Dr. Dagmar Lück-Schneider
*Lehrgebiet Verwaltungsinformatik
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht
Berlin (HWR Berlin)
Fachbereich Allgemeine Verwaltung
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
D-10315 Berlin
Telefon: +49-30-30877-2654**
_Informationen zu den Mitgliedern des Organisationskomitees_
Dagmar Lück-Schneider ist Sprecherin der GI-Fachgruppe Verwaltungsinformatik
Konrad Walser ist Mitglied der GI-Fachgruppe Verwaltungsinformatik
*Thema: *Business Process Management (BPM) im Öffentlichen Sektor.
*Schwerpunkte: *BPM in Öffentlicher Verwaltung, Gesundheitswesen,
Non‑Governmental-Organisationen, Non-Profit-Organisationen.
*Teilnehmerkreis:* Der Workshop richtet sich an lehrende und
forschende BPM-Interessierte, Studierende mit BPM-Vorbildung sowie an
Führungskräfte aus Wirtschaft und Verwaltung mit BPM-Interesse.
Mit dem Workshop wird an die guten und reichhaltigen Erfahrungen und die
positive Resonanz früherer gleichnamiger oder ähnlich lautender
Workshops auf den Informatik-Jahrestagungen der GI angeknüpft (2013,
2014, 2015).
Die Präsentationen zu den Vorträgen unserer beiden Workshops BPMÖS
(Business Process Management im Öffentlichen Sektor/29.09.2015) und
SIMÖS (Strategisches Informationsmanagement und IT-Governance im
Öffentlichen Sektor/01.10.2015) an der Informatik 2015 in Cottbus finden
Sie wie folgt:
Mögliche thematische Inhalte des Workshops:
*Themen des Workshops*, zu denen Einreichungen möglich sind, lauten
nicht abschließend wie folgt:
·Anforderungen an BPM im Big Data Kontext
·Business Process Management und Modellierungsmethoden (beispielsweise
BPMN, ARIS/EPK, Picture, etc.)
·E-Invoicing und BPM
·Strategisches versus operatives Prozessmanagement in Kombination mit
strategischer versus operativer Verwaltungsführung
·Geschäftsprozess-Referenzmodelle für die Öffentliche Verwaltung
·„Von der Strategie zum laufenden Prozess“: Verknüpfung
Geschäftsprozess, Businesslogik und IT (technologische Umsetzung BPM,
Workflow-Management (WFM), WFM mittels Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), etc.)
·BPM und Nachhaltige Informatiklösungen im öffentlichen Sektor
·Unternehmensarchitekturmanagement, Organisation und BPM
·BPM Performance Management und Benchmarking mit Bezug zu BPM
·BPM und Interne Kontrollsysteme (IKS)
·Change Management und BPM
·Steuerungsmodell der Öffentlichen Verwaltung und BPM: Kritische
Erfolgsfaktoren des BPM und Key Performance Management
·BPM-Betrachtungen beim Einsatz von Business Intelligence
·Reifegradmodelle für BPM
·Dokumentenmanagement sowie elektronische Geschäftsverwaltung in
Relation zu BPM
·Prozessbibliotheken und BPM-Repositories: verwaltungsintern und
·Open Government Data, Prozesstransparenz und BPM
·Management von Geschäftsprozessen, semi-strukturierter
Geschäftsprozesse und Kollaboration
·BPM und dessen Positionierung im Bereich IT-Architektur (SOA, Cloud
Computing, etc.)
·Soziale Aspekte / Kulturelle Aspekte und BPM
·Standardisierung im Bereich des Geschäftsprozessmanagements
·Best Practices / Erfahrungen / Fallstudien / Beispiele zu obigen Themen
aus der Praxis von Organisationen im Öffentlichen Sektor
Es können auch Beiträge zu weiteren oder verwandten Themen mit
explizitem BPM-Bezug eingereicht werden.
Zielsetzung des Workshops:
·Ermöglichung eines strukturierten Austauschs unter WissenschaftlerInnen
und PraktikerInnen
·Ermöglichung eines strukturierten Dialogs zwischen Akteuren aus
Forschung und Praxis im Bereich Geschäftsprozessmanagement des
Öffentlichen Sektors
·Verknüpfung des BPM-Themas mit anderen Themen aus Verwaltungssicht oder
aus Sicht des Öffentlichen Sektors wie Fragen der
Haushaltskonsolidierung, des Controlling, Führung und Steuerung etc.
·Forum zur Auseinandersetzung mit künftigen Entwicklungen im BPM-Umfeld
im Öffentlichen Sektor
·Forum zur /Klärung von Fragen zum Steuerungsmodell der Öffentlichen
Verwaltung/ als eine wesentliche Herausforderung für die Einführung
eines verwaltungsadäquaten Prozessmanagements.**
Datum des Workshops und dessen interne Organisation
Aktuelle Einplanung des Workshops in der Organisation der Informatik 2016:
·Datum: Montag, 26.09.2016
·Aktuell geplant (je nach Einreichungslage): 4 Tracks a 90 Min.
·Dauer der Vorträge: 30-minütige Vorträge, inkl. Diskussion
Ort der Veranstaltung
Die Informatik wird von der Universität Klagenfurt organisiert und
ausgerichtet. Der Tagungsort lautet daher wie folgt:
Hauptcampus der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Hinweise zur Einreichung
Einreichungen anonymisierter Beiträge, welche in gleicher Form zuvor
nicht anderweitig publiziert wurden, erfolgen über das Konferenzsystem
ðhttps://conference.aau.at/event/43/ - wird sobald entsprechend geöffnet
für Einreichende aufdatiert
Beiträge sollten 11-14 Seiten umfassen und in deutscher oder englischer
Sprache verfasst sein.
Eingereichte Beiträge werden doppel-blind begutachtet.
Bei Annahme erfolgt eine Publikation in den Proceedings der Informatik
2016 in der GI-Edition "Lecture Notes in Informatics" (LNI).
Es muss daher schon bei der Einreichung das LNI-Format eingehalten
werden (Templates):
/Die Einreichenden deklarieren durch die Einreichung, dass Sie im Falle
einer Annahme Ihres Beitrags das Copyright am Beitrag für die
Publikation an die GI abgeben./
/Mindestens ein Autor/eine Autorin der Publikation hat sich für die
Informatik 2016 anzumelden, und zwar wie folgt: *VOR* dem 28. Juni 2016.
Ist dies nicht der Fall, wird der Beitrag nicht publiziert. /
Einreichungen: 02.05.2016
Entscheid über Annahme/Ablehnung von Beiträgen: 30.05.2016
Einreichung der Camera Ready Version
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Fristen, Daten und weitere Informationen zur
Informatik 2016 in Klagenfurt und die mit ihr veranstalteten
Ko-Konferenzen auch auf der Webseite
http://www.informatik2016.de/termine0.html stets aktuell zu finden sind.
Hinzuweisen ist auch auf das ausserordentlich attraktive
Begleitprogramm, zu dessen Nutzung wir Sie hiermit gerne auffordern.
Ebenfalls zu erwähnen ist, dass eine Reihe renommierter Keynote-Speaker
organisiert wurde. Das Programm und dessen Entwicklung wird laufend auf
der Webseite www.informatik2016.de <http://www.informatik2016.de>
Wir bitten darum, ausschließlich die AutorInnen als Einreichende zu
vermerken und ggf. Drittmittelverantwortliche von Projekten durch
ergänzende Fußnoten kenntlich zu machen.
Dr. Norbert Ahrend – AIOS, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Roland Blomer – UMIT, Tirol
Prof. Dr. Michael Breidung – Eigenbetrieb IT der Stadt Dresden
Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter – ifib / Universität Bremen
Julian Detzel – Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Nürnberg
Prof. Dr. André Göbel – CapGemini, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann – Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Olten
Prof. Dr. Georg Rainer Hofmann – Hochschule Aschaffenburg
Prof. Dr. Andreas Meier – DIUF, Universität Freiburg im Uechtland
Prof. Dr. Maria Wimmer – Universität Koblenz-Landau
Dr. Michael Räckers – European Research Center for Information Systems
ERCIS, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Reimer – Fachhochschule St. Gallen FHSG
Prof. Dr. Tino Schuppan – IFG.CC, Potsdam
Prof. Dr. Barbara Thoenssen – Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Olten
Prof. Dr. Jan vom Brocke – Universität Liechtenstein
Prof. Dr. Jörn von Lucke – Zeppelin-Universität, Friedrichshafen
Prof. Dr. Mathias Weske – Hasso Plattner Institut an der Universität Potsdam
Dr. Martin Wind – Abteilungsleiter, Senatorin für Soziales, Kinder,
Jugend und Frauen, Stadt Bremen
Dr. Petra Wolf – CapGemini, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Konrad Walser
Dozent/Senior Researcher EGI
Berner Fachhochschule
E-Government-Institut (EGI)
Brückenstrasse 73
CH-3005 Bern
konrad.walser(a)bfh.ch <mailto:konrad.walser@bfh.ch>
_http://www.e-government.bfh.ch <http://www.e-government.bfh.ch/>_
T +41 31 848 34 42
M +41 79 648 21 33
F +41 31 848 34 31
Die Präsentationen der Academy GOV finden Sie auf der folgenden Webseite:
- Academy GOV
Unterlagen zum Workshop zum Thema Front Office im E-Government vom
18.02.2015 in Bern an der Berner Fachhochschule finden Sie hier:
Mehr Informationen zu CIOverview finden Sie unter der im Folgenden
angegebenen URL. CIOverview ist ein Rahmenwerk zur Steuerung einer
wertschöpfungsorientierten IT. Entwickelt wird das Rahmenwerk von der
Fachgruppe Servicemanagement von swissICT: Arbeitsgruppe Bewusstsein:
http://www.itmagazine.ch/Artikel/58462/CIOverview_-_das_Projekt.html und
bald auch unter www.cioverview.ch <http://www.cioverview.ch/>. In der
Berner Fachhochschule und deren E-Government-Institut wurden dazu
vielfältige studentische Arbeiten geschrieben. Weiteres dazu kein bei
mir angefordert werden.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] The 15th International Conference on Intelligent
Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques (SoMeT 2016): Third Call
for Papers
Datum: Sun, 7 Feb 2016 13:29:53 +0200
Von: George Angelos Papadopoulos <george(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org, mycolleagues(a)mailman.ufsc.br,
CSE-CFP(a)cse.stfx.ca, admmyc(a)ig.com.br, irma-l(a)irma-international.org,
tccc-announce(a)comsoc.org, sigcomm(a)postel.org
*** Third Call for Papers ***
The 15th International Conference on Intelligent Software
Methodologies, Tools and Techniques (SoMeT 2016)
September 12-14, 2016, Lordos Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
The SoMeT conference series highlights and reflects the state-of-art and
new trends on software methodologies, tools and techniques. The
conference is focused on exploring innovations, controversies, and
challenges facing the Software Engineering community today. The
conference brings together theory and experience to propose and
evaluate solutions to Software Engineering problems. The conference
also provides a forum and an opportunity to assess the current
state-of-the-art in Intelligent Software techniques and to chart
software science initiated from experience to theory. This event is
an opportunity for us in the software science community to think about
where we are and today and where we are going.
You are invited to participate in SoMeT 2016 to help build a forum
for exchanging ideas and experiences to foster new directions in
software development methodologies and related tools and techniques.
The conference is focused on, but not limited to the following areas:
· Modeling and Simulation in Operations Management
· Software application in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
· Requirement engineering, especially for high-assurance system, and
requirement elicitation
· Software methodologies and tools for robust, reliable, non-fragile
software design
· Software development techniques for legacy systems
· Automatic software generation versus reuse, and legacy systems, source
code analysis and manipulation
· Software quality and process assessment for business enterprise models
· Intelligent software systems design, and software evolution techniques
· Agile Software and Lean Methods
· Software optimization and formal methods for software design
· Static, dynamic analysis of software performance model, software
maintenance, and program understanding and visualization
· Software security tools and techniques, and related Software Engineering
· End-user programming environment, User-centered Adoption-Centric
Reengineering techniques
· Ontology engineering, semantic web
· Software design through interaction, and precognitive software techniques
for interactive software entertainment applications
· Business oriented software application models
· Software Engineering models, and formal techniques for software
representation, software testing and validation
· End-user programming environment, User-centered and Adoption-Centric
models Reengineering techniques
· Artificial Intelligence Techniques on Software Engineering, and Requirement
· Object-oriented, aspect-oriented, component-based and generic
programming, multi-agent technology
· Creativity and art in software design principles
· Axiomatic based principles on software design
· Agile Software and Lean Methods
· Model Driven Development (DVD), code centric to model centric software
· New aspects on digital libraries, collections and archives, Web publishing,
and Knowledge-based engineering
· Medical Informatics and bioinformatics, Software methods and application
for biomedicine and bioinformatics
· Emergency Management Informatics, software methods and application for
supporting Civil Protection, First Response and Disaster Recovery
· Other software engineering disciplines
Paper Submission
Papers must be submitted via the Electronic Submission Tool available here:
The submissions must not exceed 12 A4 pages and should follow the
Springer guidelines available here:
Accepted papers will be based on originality of work, suitability of the topic
to the conference, and overall quality of submission.
The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS),
and be available at the conference.
CCIS is abstracted/indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex,
Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, Scopus. CCIS volumes are also submitted
for the inclusion in ISI Proceedings.
Furthermore, the authors of selected accepted papers will be invited to
submit journal extended versions to a special issue of the international
journal Knowledge-Based Systems, published by Elsevier
Important Dates
· Submission of papers: March 25, 2016
· Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 10, 2016
· Camera-Ready submission: June 10, 2016
· Author registration: June 1, 2016
Honorary Chairs
· Dave Parnas, Mc Master University, Canada
· Colette Rolland, Paris_1 University, France
· Imre J. Rudas, O'buda University, Hungary
· Enrique Herrera Viedma, Granada University, Spain
General Chair
· Hamido Fujita, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan
Program Chairs
· George Angelos Papapdopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
· Gajo Petrovic, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan
Organizing Chair
· George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
· Petros Stratis, Easy Conferences Ltd., Cyprus
Program Committee
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 2016 IEEE ComSoc Summer School Application Open!
Datum: Fri, 05 Feb 2016 17:02:29 -0500
Von: IEEE Communications Society <CommunicationsSociety(a)comsoc.org>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
2016 Summer School
A unique opportunity for Ph.D. Students.
View message online - Click here
IEEE ComSoc Message
2016 Summer School
*2016 IEEE ComSoc Summer School *
*20-23 June 2016*
*University* * of Trento, * *Trento, Italy*
*Application deadline:
26 February 2016*
Are you an IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) member or Student Member
and a current Ph.D. student in communications?
Summer will soon arrive before you know it. For an out-of-this-world
experience, here's a unique opportunity for you. The 2016 IEEE ComSoc
Summer School
will be held in beautiful Trento, Italy from 20-23 June. Applications
will be accepted through 26 February 2016.
The school is designed for Ph.D. students studying communications and
related areas. It consists of lectures by international experts and
includes poster presentations by participating Ph.D. students. The
program will cover advanced and hot topics in communications.
Support will be provided for approximately 30 students based on a
selective application process. Awardees will be provided with free
lodging and meals for the 4 days of the event. Selected students will be
responsible for their own international and local transportation needs,
as well as a registration fee of 50 Euros.
Students wishing to participate should apply via the "Student
instructions. In order to attend the Summer School, you will need to be
an IEEE ComSoc Member or Student Member and a Ph.D. student.
if you do not wish to receive future messages like these.
IEEE Communications Society - 17th floor, 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: Re: [AISWorld] Call for Papers for IJHCI Special Issue on
Mobile HCI
Datum: Sat, 6 Feb 2016 05:15:41 +0000
Von: Nah, Fiona <nahf(a)mst.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Kopie (CC): krogstie(a)idi.ntnu.no <krogstie(a)idi.ntnu.no>, Dongsong Zhang
<zhangd(a)umbc.edu>, Shengdong Zhao <zhaosd(a)comp.nus.edu.sg>
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI)
Call for Papers
Special Issue: Mobile HCI
Guest Editors
Fiona Nah, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA (nahf(a)mst.edu<mailto:nahf@mst.edu>)
John Krogstie, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway (krogstie(a)idi.ntnu.no<mailto:krogstie@idi.ntnu.no>)
Dongsong Zhang, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA (zhangd(a)umbc.edu<mailto:zhangd@umbc.edu>)
Shengdong Zhao, National University of Singapore, Singapore (zhaosd(a)comp.nus.edu.sg<mailto:zhaosd@comp.nus.edu.sg>)
Aims and Scope of the Special Issue
Mobile and wearable devices (e.g., smartphones, FitBit, AppleWatch) are among the most transformative technologies that have created a rapid worldwide impact on almost every aspect of our social and working life due to their ubiquity, pervasiveness, and portability. The built-in (e.g., accelerometers, gyroscopes, and ambient lighting sensors) and external sensors have further increased the variety of interaction possibilities, such as gestural interaction. Mobile and wearable devices are creating new ways of conducting business, computation, and health management, and transforming how we communicate, interact, and entertain. There have been countless mobile applications developed and deployed in the past few years, which are subject to a variety of usability, accessibility, and interaction challenges.
This special issue is aimed to bring together the significant, cutting-edge research findings and best practices in the field of mobile HCI and build a bridge from current and emerging research to the future. It covers HCI issues in the design, implementation, evaluation, and use of innovative mobile, handheld, and wearable devices, techniques, and applications. The relevant topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Usability of mobile applications and mobile user experience
* Mobile accessibility and assistive technologies
* Context-aware/context-sensitive mobile application design, evaluation, and use
* Adaptive mobile user interfaces
* Multi-modal interaction technologies for mobile devices
* Design, evaluation, and use of m-Health interventions or applications
* Development of mobile usability guidelines
* Mobile collocated interactions with wearables
* Mobile learning and educational mobile HCI
* Mobile applications in smart city environments
* Privacy, security, trust, and ethical issues in mobile commerce
* Emerging interaction technologies for mobile devices
* Mobile cognition - using mobile devices to enhance human cognition
* Acceptance and adoption of mobile and ubiquitous technologies
Manuscript Preparation
Please refer to the "Instructions for authors" section on the website of IJHCI (http://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?journalCode=hihc20&page=…) for preparation of your manuscript for the special issue.
Authors of the special issue should submit their manuscripts via the IJHCI Editorial Manager at http://www.editorialmanager.com/ijhc/default.aspx. When asked to "Choose Article Type", please select "Special Issue Article" and when asked to "Select Section/Category", please choose "Mobile HCI". Please follow the above steps to ensure that your manuscript will be processed as a submission to this special issue.
Important Dates
Abstract submission due date (optional but recommended - please indicate intent thru' email to guest co-editors): May 1, 2016
Full paper submission due date: June 10, 2016
Notification of the first round review decision: August 15, 2016
Revisions due date: October 15, 2016
Editorial decision: November 1, 2016
Targeted special issue publication date: January, 2017
If you have any question about the special issue, please feel free to contact any of the guest editors listed above.
Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, Ph.D.
Professor of Business & Information Technology
Missouri University of Science and Technology
101 Fulton Hall
301 W 14th Street
Rolla, MO 65409
Tel: 573-341-6996
Email: nahf(a)mst.edu<mailto:nahf@mst.edu>
URL: http://people.mst.edu/faculty/nahf/
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] IEEE DataCom 2016 - CFP: Research Track,
Works-in-Progress, Industry & Workshop Track, Demo & Poster
Datum: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 18:15:59 +0800
Von: Robert Hsu <robertchh(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing(IEEE DataCom 2016)
Auckland, New Zealand, August 8-12, 2016
Big data is a rapidly expanding research area spanning the fields of computer science and information management, and has become a ubiquitous term in understanding and solving complex problems in different disciplinary fields such as engineering, applied mathematics, medicine, computational biology, healthcare, social networks, finance, business, government, education, transportation and telecommunications.
The goal of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing (IEEE DataCom 2016) is to establish an international forum for engineers and scientists to present their ideas and experiences in the fields of Big Data intelligence and computing. IEEE DataCom 2016 welcomes paper submissions on innovative work from researchers in academia, industry and government describing original research work in Big Data. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version (with at least 30% new material) for review and publication in special issues of international journals. Welcome to Chengdu, which has great weather, genuine Sichuan cuisine and many famous tourism places, such as Jiuzhai Valley, Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base, Emei Mountain and so on.
IEEE DataCom 2016 will be held on Dec. 8-12, 2016 in Auckland, New Zealand. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- The 5Vs of the data landscape: volume, variety, velocity, veracity, value
- Big data science and foundations, analytics, visualization and semantics
- Software and tools for big data management.
- Security, privacy and legal issues specific to big data
- Big data economy, QoS and business models
- Scientific discovery and business intelligence
- Software, hardware and algorithm co-design, high-performance computing
- Large-scale recommendation systems and graph analysis
- Infrastructures and systems for big data analytics and managements
- Middleware and tools for big data analytics and managements
- Algorithmic, experimental, prototyping and implementation
- Data quality issues: such as validation, metrics, optimizations and consistency
- Data-driven innovation, computational modelling and data integration
- Data intensive computing theorems and technologies
- Big data for advanced manufacturing and productivity
- Modeling, simulation and performance evaluation
- Green data centers / environmental-friendly perspectives
- Computing, scheduling and resource management for sustainability
- Complex applications in areas where massive data is generated
IEEE CS proceedings, indexed by
- IEEE Xplore
- Scopus
- EI Engineering Index
- ACM Digital Library
- dblp
- Google Scholar
Extended version of the selected papers will be invited for publication in prestigious international journals.
Tutorial / Workshop / Special Session Proposal Due: February 29, 2016
Paper Submission (Research Track): March 15, 2016
Paper Submission (Works-in-Progress/workshop): April 10, 2016
Author Notification (Research/workshop/WIP): April 30, 2016
Paper Submission (Demo /Poster /Special session): May 5th, 2016
Author Notification (Poster / Demo): May 20, 2016
Camera ready / registration deadline: May 31, 2016
Authors are invited to submit their original research work that has not previously been submitted or published in any other venue. Papers should be prepared in IEEE CS format and submitted via the IEEE DataCom 2016 web site, https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieeedatacom2016
- Proposals for organizing tutorials, workshops and special sessions need to be submitted to the Tutorials, Workshops and Special Sessions Chairs, respectively. A proposal should include title, theme, scope and main presenters/organizers.
- Research paper (8 pages) should explore a specific technology problem and propose a complete solution to it, with experimental results.
- Works-in-Progess (WIP) (6 pages) papers are expected to present either work currently in progress or less developed but highly innovative ideas.
- Demo/Poster papers (4 pages) must describe working systems and be related to DataCom. These systems may be innovative prototype implementations or mature systems that use related technology. Papers/proposals need to be submitted to the Demo/Poster Chair.
- Workshop and Special Session papers need to be submitted to the corresponding workshops and special sessions.
All accepted papers in the main tracks, workshops, special sessions and demos/posters will be published in an IEEE Computer Society proceedings (EI indexed). Extended versions of selected excellent papers will be considered for publication in special issues of prestige journals (SCI/EI indexed).
Organizing Committees
General Chairs
Yuanyuan Yang, Stony Brook University, USA
Jie Li, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Domenico Talia, Università della Calabria, Italy
General Executive Chairs
Yang Xiang, Deakin University, Australia
Kevin Wang, The Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand
Program Chairs
Jingson Wu, University de Chile, Chile
Rajiv Ranjan, Newcastle University, UK
Vincent S. Tseng, National Chiao Tung Univ. Taiwan
Workshop Chairs
Bahman Javadi, Univ. Western Sydney, Australia
Che-Rung Lee, National Tsinghua Univ., Taiwan
Demo/Poster Chair
Cho-Li Wang, The Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Special Session Chair
Bingsheng He, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Award Chair
Patrick K. Hung, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
Tutorial/Panel Chair
Junwei Cao, Tsinghua Univ., China
Zuqing Zhu, University of Science and Technology of China, China
International Liaison & Publicity Chair
Hai Jiang, Arkansas State University, USA
David Taniar, Monash Univ., Australia
Alex Kuo, University of Victoria, Canada
Mianxiong Dong, Muroran Inst. Tech., Japan
Victor Malyskin, RAS, Russia
Jun Huang, CQUPT, China
Luis Veiga, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Yonghong Peng, University of Bradford, UK
Bhekisipho Twala, Univ. Johannesburg, South Africa
Publication Chair
Amir H. Alavi, Michigan State University, USA
Local Arrangement Chair
Sheng Wen, Deakin University, Australia
Please visit the IEEE DataCom 2016 website http://grid.chu.edu.tw/datacom2016/tpc.php
for the complete listing of organizing committee and TPC members.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] ICTH 2016 CFPs : London, UK (September 19-22, 2016)
Datum: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 22:20:43 +0300
Von: Wael Elmedany <waelelmedany(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the ICTH 2016, *London,
United Kingdom, please see the CFP below:*
*------------------------------**---- CFP *ICTH 2016
*The 6th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of
Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare *
*Date: September 19-22, 2016 *
*Location: London, United Kingdom*
*Website: http://cs-conferences.acadiau.ca/icth-16/
*Important Dates *
*------------------ *
*- Workshop Proposals: March 10, 2016*
*- Paper Submission Due: May 1, 2016- Acceptance Notification: June 20,
*- Final Manuscript Due: July 20, 2016*
*ICTH is a premier venue for bringing together multi-disciplinary
researchers, professionals and practitioners from academia and healthcare
who are engaged in different facets of ICT and healthcare. The conference
encourages innovative research contributions providing the recent
significant developments and promising future trends of ICT based
applications, systems, tools, environments and infrastructures in the
fields of health/medical care, and related domains, such as public health
and pharmaceuticals. Papers on either completed or ongoing research are
invited in the following and related topics of interests.*
ICTH 2016 will held at the University of Surrey in London, United Kingdom.
The University of Surrey is based in Guildford, in the South East of
England. It is easily accessible by road and rail, and is a short distance
from both Heathrow and Gatwick airports. The main University campus, Stag
Hill, is situated close to the Guildford mainline train station and within
a short walk of the town centre.
ICTH-2016 will be held in conjunction with the 7th International Conference
on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN:
Accepted papers will be published by Elsevier Science in the open-access
Procedia Computer Science series (on-line). Procedia Computer Science is
hosted by Elsevier on www.Elsevier.com and on Elsevier content platform
ScienceDirect (www.sciencedirect.com), and will be freely available
worldwide. All papers in Procedia will be indexed by Scopus (www.scopus.com)
and by Thomson Reuters' Conference Proceeding Citation Index (
http://thomsonreuters.com/conference-proceedings-citation-index/). All
papers in Procedia will also be indexed by Scopus (www.scopus.com) and
Engineering Village (Ei) (www.engineeringvillage.com). This includes EI
Compendex (www.ei.org/compendex). Moreover, all accepted papers will be
indexed in DBLP (http://dblp.uni-trier.de/). The papers will contain linked
references, XML versions and citable DOI numbers. You will be able to
provide a hyperlink to all delegates and direct your conference website
visitors to your proceedings.
We invite submissions on either completed or ongoing work. Submitted papers
must be no longer than 8 pages for full papers, 5 pages for short papers
and 4 pages for work in progress, including all figures, tables and
references. We encourage students to submit short papers or works in
progress, and welcome proposals on workshops in areas of special interest
to participants.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Ambient Assisted Living for Elderly Care
- Ambient Intelligence and Intelligent Service Systems
- Analysis and Evaluation of Healthcare Systems
- Clinical Data and Knowledge Management
- Cloud Computing for Healthcare
- Collaboration Technologies for Healthcare
- Context-aware Applications for Patient Monitoring and Care
- Data mining Techniques and Data Warehouses in Healthcare
- Data Visualization
- Decision Support Systems in Healthcare
- Drug Information Systems
- Design and Development Methodologies for Healthcare Systems
- Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies in Healthcare
- Digital Hospitals
- E-health & m-health
- Electronic Health Records (EHR) & Personal Health Records (PHR)
- Evidence Based Medicine (EBM)
- Healthgrids
- Health Portals
- Information and Knowledge Processing in Healthcare Environments
- Middleware Support for Smart Homes and Intelligent Applications
- Privacy, Confidentiality and Security Issues in Healthcare Systems
- Related Real World Experimentations and Case Studies in Healthcare
- RFID Solutions for Healthcare
- Smart Homes and Home Care Intelligent Environments
- Telemedicine and Health Telematics
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing in Healthcare
- Usability & Socio Technical studies
- User Interface Design for Healthcare Applications
- Virtual and Augmented Reality in Healthcare
- Virtual Environments for Healthcare
General Chair
Heiko Gewald, The Neu-Ulm University of Applied, Germany
Geyong Min, University of Exeter, UK
Program Chairs
Stéphane Galland, Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Mohamed Khalifa, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center -
Jeddah, KSA
Advisory Committee
Sergio Camorlinga, Head eHealth Research, TRLabs, Canada
Kevin Daimi, University of Detroit Mercy, USA
Finn Kensing, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Francesco Princiroli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Abdul Roudsari, University of Victoria, Canada
Workshops Chairs
Philipp Brune, The Neu-Ulm University of Applied, Germany
Nafaa Jabeur, German University of Technology, Oman
Local Arrangements Chair
Prashant Kumar, Surrey University, United Kingdom
Publicity Chairs
Wael M. El-Medany, University of Bahrain, Bahrain
Nabil Sahli, German University of Technology, Oman
Wael El-Medany
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Betreff: [AISWorld] AIS SIG Systems Analysis and Design Symposium - CFP
Datum: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 19:30:06 +0000
Von: Samuel, Binny <bsamuel(a)ivey.uwo.ca>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The 2016 SIGSAND Symposium will be hosted by the Information Systems and
Quantitative Sciences area at the Rawls College of Business at Texas
Tech University. We look forward to your attendance and participation.
The Symposium will take place on May 12-14, 2016.
This symposium on research in Systems Analysis and Design has the
objective of promoting and developing high quality research on all
issues related to systems analysis and design.
Faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars are invited to
submit completed research papers, research in progress papers, or
extended position statements in the area of Systems Analysis and
Design. Issues addressed in submissions can range from the creation of
new systems analysis and design formalisms and development methods
(grammars and methods), to the evaluation of new or existing
formalisms and methods by examining issues involving their use
(scripts and context), to polemic arguments on the potential value of
the approach. Given the broad range of issues in this call,
submissions can be anchored in any of a range of research methods,
including formal analysis, systems development (design science),
experiments, case studies, and field studies.
Topics of Interest
· Agile methods
· Analysis and Design for Service-Oriented Enterprises
· Ontological foundations of Systems Analysis and Design
· Project Management Issues in Systems Analysis and Design
· Rapid Systems Development
· Requirements Determination
· Security Issues in Systems Analysis and Design
· Software Quality Control
· Software Testing and Quality Control
· Teaching Systems Analysis and Design
· Transition from Structured Approaches to Object Oriented Approaches
· Unified Modeling Language (UML)
· Workflow Modeling
Important Dates
Expression of Interest: February 21, 2016
Submission of Manuscript: March 13, 2016
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: March 31, 2016
Final Paper Submission: April 30, 2016
Symposium: May 12-14, 2016
Please submit all inquiries regarding manuscripts to the Program Chairs.
Program Chairs: Palash Bera (pbera(a)slu.edu<mailto:pbera@slu.edu>), Binny Samuel (bsamuel(a)ivey.uwo.ca<mailto:bsamuel@ivey.uwo.ca>)
Conference Chair: Glenn J. Browne (glenn.browne(a)ttu.edu<mailto:glenn.browne@ttu.edu>)
For more details, please visit at http://sigsand.ba.ttu.edu/
Binny Samuel
Ivey Business School
Western University
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP - Open Identity Summit 2016
Datum: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 17:02:24 +0000
Von: Roßnagel, Heiko <Heiko.Rossnagel(a)iao.fraunhofer.de>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Open Identity Summit 2016
October 13th - 14th 2016, Rome, Italy
April 17th, 2016 deadline for electronic submissions via http://openidentity2016.eu/submit
The aim of Open Identity Summit 2016 is to link practical experiences and requirements with academic innovations. Focus areas will be Research and Applications in the area of Identity Management, Trust Services, Open Source, End-to-End Encryption and Cloud Computing.
Open standards and interfaces as well as open source technologies play a central role in the current identity management landscape as well as in emerging future scenarios in the area of electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions according to the eIDAS regulation (2014/910/EC), trustworthy endto- end encryption and innovative applications in the area of e-health, e-government and cloud computing for example. While there are already plenty of successful applications in which those techniques are used to safeguard the authenticity, integrity and confidentiality, there are still many closely related areas which demand further research.
We invite stakeholder and technical experts from public administration, industry, science and academia to propose contributions to the program of the workshop. Submissions should be short papers (5-6 pages) or full papers (max. 12 pages) in English. Submitted papers will be reviewed by the program committee.
Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and are planned to be published in the GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI).
Topics of Interest
The topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:
Identity Management and Privacy
* Security and interoperability of identity management, credential technologies and electronic identity tokens.
* Security analysis and proofs for authentication protocols and federated identity management protocols based on SAML, OpenID, WS-* and OAuth for example.
* Privacy by Design, Privacy by Default, Privacy-Enhancing Technologies.
* Concepts for and practical experiences with components, systems, services, processes and applications for identity management and end-to-end encryption.
* Novel technologies for identity management and end-to-end encryption.
* Mobile aspects of identity management and alternative identity tokens.
* Standards, interoperability aspects and interoperable solutions for identity management and end-toend encryption.
* Secure, evident and sustainable identity management solutions for electronic processes, records management and IT-service-platforms.
* International, global and long term aspects of identity management.
* Legal and socio-economic aspects of privacy and identity management.
* Privacy, non-traceability, auditability and evidence within identity management systems.
Trust Services and Related Applications
* Legal and technical aspects related to the eIDAS regulatory framework (2014/910/EC).
* Economic aspects related to electronic identification and trust services in particular for electronic signatures, electronic seals, electronic time stamps, electronic registered delivery and website authentication.
* Standards, technologies and innovative solutions related to electronic identification and trust services in particular for electronic signatures, electronic seals, electronic time stamps, electronic registered delivery and website authentication.
* Aspects related to the certification and accreditation of trust services and related components.
* Concepts and solutions for the long-term preservation of evidence with respect to identification and authentication processes or the authenticity and integrity of electronic data.
Open Source
* Security, interoperability as well as legal and economic aspects of open source in the area of security and identity management.
* Concepts and practical experiences with open source components related to security, identity management and end-to-end-encryption.
* Integration of identity management solutions in existing open source libraries or frameworks.
* Open source tools for distributed specification, development, quality assurance and dissemination of project results.
* Aspects related to open source community development and federated social media.
* New open source projects and news from existing open source projects in the area of security, identity management, trust services, end-to-end encryption and cloud computing.
Conference Chair
- Maurizio Talamo (Fondazione INUIT), maurizio.talamo(a)inuitroma2.it
- Heiko Roßnagel (Fraunhofer IAO), heiko.rossnagel(a)iao.fraunhofer.de
- Detlef Hühnlein (ecsec GmbH), detlef.huehnlein(a)ecsec.de
- Christian Schunck (Fondazione INUIT), christian.schunck(a)inuitroma2.it
Local Organisation
- Daniela Merella (Fondazione INUIT), daniela.merella(a)inuitroma2.it
Program Committee
The program comittee is listed on: http://oid2016.fondazioneinuit.com/committee.html
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: 17th April 2016 Notification of Acceptance: 20th May 2016 Submission of Camera Ready Copies: 15th July 2016 For further information please visit: http://openidentity2016.eu/
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Betreff: [AISWorld] 2nd CfP: SJIS special issue on Scandinavian
Researcher Career Retrospectives
Datum: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 11:06:02 +0000
Von: Arto Lanamäki <Arto.Lanamaki(a)oulu.fi>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (SJIS)
Call for papers: Special issue on Scandinavian Researcher Career Retrospectives
Special Issue Editors:
● Arto Lanamäki (University of Oulu): arto.lanamaki(a)oulu.fi
● Rudy Hirschheim (Louisiana State University): rudy(a)lsu.edu
● Jaana Porra (University of Houston): jaana(a)uh.edu
Supporting SJIS Editor:
● Bendik Bygstad (University of Oslo)
The need to document and reflect on the history of the Information Systems field has become highly important, as the research community is growing and maturing. This is signaled by, for instance, the Association for Information Systems history initiative (Zhang, 2015). Several of our journals have published special issues dedicated to history, for example in Journal of the Association for Information Systems (Hirschheim, Saunders, & Straub, 2012), Communications of the Association for Information Systems (Zhang, 2015), and Journal of Information Technology (Bryant, Black, Land, & Porra, 2013).
The purpose of this special issue is to focus on career histories of Scandinavian IS scholars broadly speaking. In this framing, we wish to have a relatively open definition for “Scandinavian” to include academics whose careers have taken place wholly or partially in Scandinavia. This includes academics of Scandinavian origins; scholars from Scandinavia who have migrated to other countries and continents and academics from outside Scandinavia who have worked in Scandinavia for parts of their career. Finally, we recognize that there are scholars out there that do not necessarily fall into any of these categories but possess a distinctive fondness toward Scandinavian IS culture and mindset. To summarize, you are welcome to participate in this special issue whether you were born in Scandinavia, moved to and/or from Scandinavia, or just have interest in a Scandinavian way of doing IS. Example populations of potential contributors can be found amongst those, for example, whose careers have crossed paths with the 27 years of the SJIS journal, or the 38 years of the IRIS conference to name just two examples.
As Straub (2015) has recently pointed out, the early generation of IS scholars are retiring or already retired. Some of them have already passed on, although the good news is that many are still alive to share their story. Additionally, many younger IS academics earlier in their careers may have interesting stories and fresh viewpoints to share about their professional pasts that will benefit the IS community at large. Thus we extend this invitation to IS academics of all ages at all stages of their IS career life spans. Third, we also welcome solely IS professional perspectives and retrospectives that include a combination of an academic and a professional viewpoint. Finally, we are well aware that what constitutes the IS field has different connotations in different parts of the world and even within a single country. Therefore for this special issue we wish to consider the IS field and contributions to the IS field in their broadest possible meanings. Such contributions include but are not limited to research contributions, contributions to IS programs and teaching, and contributions to the IS community and organizations locally and internationally.
To fill this niche, this special issue on Scandinavian researcher career retrospectives will be facilitated in the Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems. The career lens contributes in the multiplicity of IS History texts.
Researcher career retrospectives, as outlined by Lanamäki (2015), have a single researcher’s career as the unit of analysis, and are mainly written in first-person singular as autoethnographic tales. The genre bears resemblance to the literature review genre, as researcher career retrospectives also build a selective plot through the researcher’s publication history. The story should not be limited to what is said in previous publications, but brings forth a larger picture from “behind the scenes”. The outcome should offer particular details and insights that are meaningful in broader terms for the research community. Previously, edited books such as Frost & Stablein (2004), and Hällgren (2014), have provided insightful retrospectives. The “professional odyssey” article by Robey, Anderson, and Raymond (2013) can be seen as the blueprint for this genre in Information Systems. While researcher career retrospective is only one example of the kinds of career retrospectives we are looking for, these can serve as an example of how to approach the topic. Moreover, we recognize that as a particular research format, career retrospective is new to the IS field and thus we will consider other types of formats such as an interview format provided that other aspects of this call are fulfilled by the authors.
Possible Topics
The range of topics includes, but is not limited to:
● Individual career stories and perspectives by authors of all ages and at all stages of their careers within the Information Systems field broadly considered (cf. Porra, 2015).
● Retrospectives about crossing scholarly boundaries (e.g. IS and HCI (Zhang, 2015, pp. 480-483))
● Stories about addressing a larger research program (e.g. “IT Effects” in Robey et al. (2013))
● Retrospectives on founding and developing IS programs at all levels of education
● Retrospectives on founding and developing an IS firm or an organization
● Career histories leading to ‘calls to action’ or ‘grand challenges’ - cf. Enid Mumford (Porra & Hirschheim, 2007) and C. West Churchman (Porra, 2001)
● Career-centric investigations of certain methods or theories (e.g. Baskerville and his colleagues being credited as the originators of action research in IS (Straub, 2015, p. 595))
● Perspectives on factors influencing career choice (e.g. funding sources, role models, foundational experiences and any other environmental and circumstantial considerations)
● Methodological considerations of IS career retrospectives (cf., Porra, Hirschheim, and Parks (2014) for comparable considerations for writing IS history for the IS field by IS researchers)
● Cultural, language, gender, race, family, age and any other potentially informative perspectives on IS careers
● Personal perspectives on what constitutes an IS academic or an IS professional and how this has changed over time
● Comparative retrospectives of the IS field and other academic and professional fields from an personal vantage point
● Heroic (and not so heroic) stories about overcoming obstacles and challenges of all kinds and origins during one’s IS careers
● Stories about IS leadership broadly considered
● Stories about IS careers guiding posts whatever they might have been including people, places and things
● Career within institutional politics
Key Criteria for Evaluation
A retrospective represents a distinct type of a scholarly publication genre. As such, the evaluation process will be somewhat different from a “regular” peer review, and will involve its own criteria. We will thus adopt a facilitated review process in which the paper is developed iteratively through various stages. We will evaluate and provide mentoring for the manuscript authors using four main principles: insight, originality, clarity, and relevance.
1. Insight
The most important question evaluators should ask when evaluating a retrospective is: is this insightful? We are looking for thorough career-oriented analyses of selected developments in scholarship. These texts should provide "the big picture" by reflecting on particular events and developments. In particular, we want to focus on providing pieces of wisdom that have accumulated over decades.
2. Originality
A retrospective is a reflection of selected topics in the course of a researcher's career. A good retrospective is original, and may even offer surprise. It brings forth the author's own voice. A strength and a challenge for the retrospective genre is that it is more loosely defined than other genres. This allows the freedom to bring forth the writer's own perspective. Any deviations from scholarly conventions, however, should serve the purpose of providing a powerful story.
3. Clarity
Retrospectives usually do not have dedicated sections on theory and method. The genre is rather loose, when compared to other scholarly genres. While writers may take freedoms that deviate from scholarly conventions, any retrospective should be written in a clear, understandable language. We encourage authors to write in an engaging way, that resonates with a potentially large audience.
4. Relevance
This special issue focuses on career retrospectives of Scandinavian IS researchers. The topics discussed in these retrospectives should be relevant for the Scandinavian IS research community. As such, the potential topics can be numerous, while they also have certain limits. In any case, relevance goes hand in hand with the previous points: insight, originality, and clarity.
The potential authors are expected to provide the first version of their manuscript by April 2nd, 2016. After the first-round submission, the three editors will screen the submissions. The manuscripts that are evaluated to have the most potential are then selected for further development. The selected manuscripts are delivered to the editorial board who will provide a developmental review to each of them. The authors of the selected manuscripts will present their working papers during a workshop at the 39th Information Systems Research Conference in Scandinavia (IRIS39) in Ljungskile, Sweden, 7-10 August 2016. The final submission will incorporate all the feedback gathered from reviews and the workshop. The final version will be provided in December 2016. The publication is projected to occur in the summer of 2017.
Editorial Review Board Members
Alistair Black (University of Illinois, USA)
Tone Bratteteig (University of Oslo, Norway)
Antony Bryant (Leeds Metropolitan University, UK)
Göran Goldkuhl (Linköping University, Sweden)
Ola Henfridsson (University of Warwick, UK)
Jonny Holmström (Umeå University, Sweden)
Juhani Iivari (University of Oulu, Finland)
Sirkka Jarvenpaa (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Pertti Järvinen (University of Tampere, Finland)
Kalle Lyytinen (Case Western Reserve University, USA)
Lars Mathiassen (Georgia State University, USA)
Bjørn Erik Munkvold (University of Agder, Norway)
Peter Axel Nielsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Ulrike Schultze (Southern Methodist University, USA)
Liisa von Hellens (Griffith University, Australia)
Bryant, A., Black, A., Land, F., & Porra, J. (2013). Information Systems history: What is history? What is IS history? What IS history? ... and why even bother with history? Journal of Information Technology, 28(1), 1-17.
Frost, P. J., & Stablein, R. E. (Eds.). (2004). Renewing Research Practice. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
Hirschheim, R., Saunders, C., & Straub, D. (2012). Historical Interpretations of the IS Discipline: An Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 13(4).
Hällgren, M. (Ed.) (2014). Reflections on a Scientific Career : Behind the professor’s CV (1st ed.). Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press.
Lanamäki, A. (2015). A Consideration for Researcher Career Retrospectives in Information Systems and Organization Studies The Proceedings of The Sixth Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems, August 9-12, 2015, Oulu, Finland.
Porra, J. (2001). A Dialogue with C. West Churchman. Information Systems Frontiers, 3(1), 19-27. doi:10.1023/A:1011441418974
Porra, J. (2015). The Power of a Good Story or The Great Potential of Information Systems History or Some Lessons from A Heroic Journey The Proceedings of The Sixth Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems, August 9-12, 2015, Oulu, Finland.
Porra, J., & Hirschheim, R. (2007). A Lifetime of Theory and Action on the Ethical Use of Computers: A Dialogue with Enid Mumford. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 8(9), 467-478.
Porra, J., Hirschheim, R., & Parks, M. S. (2014). The Historical Research Method and Information Systems Research. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 15(9), 536-576.
Robey, D., Anderson, C., & Raymond, B. (2013). Information Technology, Materiality, and Organizational Change: A Professional Odyssey. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 14(7), 379-398.
Straub, D. W. (2015). The Critical Role of Historiography in Writing IS History. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 36, 593-598.
Zhang, P. (2015). The IS History Initiative: Looking Forward by Looking Back. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 36, 477-514.
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Betreff: [AISWorld] IEEE DataCom 2016 - CFP: Research Track,
Works-in-Progress, Industry & Workshop Track, Demo & Poster
Datum: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 19:23:33 +0800
Von: Robert Hsu <robertchh(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing(IEEE DataCom 2016)
Auckland, New Zealand, August 8-12, 2016
Big data is a rapidly expanding research area spanning the fields of computer science and information management, and has become a ubiquitous term in understanding and solving complex problems in different disciplinary fields such as engineering, applied mathematics, medicine, computational biology, healthcare, social networks, finance, business, government, education, transportation and telecommunications.
The goal of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing (IEEE DataCom 2016) is to establish an international forum for engineers and scientists to present their ideas and experiences in the fields of Big Data intelligence and computing. IEEE DataCom 2016 welcomes paper submissions on innovative work from researchers in academia, industry and government describing original research work in Big Data. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version (with at least 30% new material) for review and publication in special issues of international journals. Welcome to Chengdu, which has great weather, genuine Sichuan cuisine and many famous tourism places, such as Jiuzhai Valley, Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base, Emei Mountain and so on.
IEEE DataCom 2016 will be held on Dec. 8-12, 2016 in Auckland, New Zealand. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- The 5Vs of the data landscape: volume, variety, velocity, veracity, value
- Big data science and foundations, analytics, visualization and semantics
- Software and tools for big data management.
- Security, privacy and legal issues specific to big data
- Big data economy, QoS and business models
- Scientific discovery and business intelligence
- Software, hardware and algorithm co-design, high-performance computing
- Large-scale recommendation systems and graph analysis
- Infrastructures and systems for big data analytics and managements
- Middleware and tools for big data analytics and managements
- Algorithmic, experimental, prototyping and implementation
- Data quality issues: such as validation, metrics, optimizations and consistency
- Data-driven innovation, computational modelling and data integration
- Data intensive computing theorems and technologies
- Big data for advanced manufacturing and productivity
- Modeling, simulation and performance evaluation
- Green data centers / environmental-friendly perspectives
- Computing, scheduling and resource management for sustainability
- Complex applications in areas where massive data is generated
IEEE CS proceedings, indexed by
- IEEE Xplore
- Scopus
- EI Engineering Index
- ACM Digital Library
- dblp
- Google Scholar
Extended version of the selected papers will be invited for publication in prestigious international journals.
Tutorial / Workshop / Special Session Proposal Due: February 29, 2016
Paper Submission (Research Track): March 15, 2016
Paper Submission (Works-in-Progress/workshop): April 10, 2016
Author Notification (Research/workshop/WIP): April 30, 2016
Paper Submission (Demo /Poster /Special session): May 5th, 2016
Author Notification (Poster / Demo): May 20, 2016
Camera ready / registration deadline: May 31, 2016
Authors are invited to submit their original research work that has not previously been submitted or published in any other venue. Papers should be prepared in IEEE CS format and submitted via the IEEE DataCom 2016 web site, https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieeedatacom2016
- Proposals for organizing tutorials, workshops and special sessions need to be submitted to the Tutorials, Workshops and Special Sessions Chairs, respectively. A proposal should include title, theme, scope and main presenters/organizers.
- Research paper (8 pages) should explore a specific technology problem and propose a complete solution to it, with experimental results.
- Works-in-Progess (WIP) (6 pages) papers are expected to present either work currently in progress or less developed but highly innovative ideas.
- Demo/Poster papers (4 pages) must describe working systems and be related to DataCom. These systems may be innovative prototype implementations or mature systems that use related technology. Papers/proposals need to be submitted to the Demo/Poster Chair.
- Workshop and Special Session papers need to be submitted to the corresponding workshops and special sessions.
All accepted papers in the main tracks, workshops, special sessions and demos/posters will be published in an IEEE Computer Society proceedings (EI indexed). Extended versions of selected excellent papers will be considered for publication in special issues of prestige journals (SCI/EI indexed).
Organizing Committees
General Chairs
Yuanyuan Yang, Stony Brook University, USA
Jie Li, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Domenico Talia, Università della Calabria, Italy
General Executive Chairs
Yang Xiang, Deakin University, Australia
Kevin Wang, The Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand
Program Chairs
Jingson Wu, University de Chile, Chile
Rajiv Ranjan, Newcastle University, UK
Vincent S. Tseng, National Chiao Tung Univ. Taiwan
Workshop Chairs
Bahman Javadi, Univ. Western Sydney, Australia
Che-Rung Lee, National Tsinghua Univ., Taiwan
Demo/Poster Chair
Cho-Li Wang, The Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Special Session Chair
Bingsheng He, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Award Chair
Patrick K. Hung, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
Tutorial/Panel Chair
Junwei Cao, Tsinghua Univ., China
Zuqing Zhu, University of Science and Technology of China, China
International Liaison & Publicity Chair
Hai Jiang, Arkansas State University, USA
David Taniar, Monash Univ., Australia
Alex Kuo, University of Victoria, Canada
Mianxiong Dong, Muroran Inst. Tech., Japan
Victor Malyskin, RAS, Russia
Jun Huang, CQUPT, China
Luis Veiga, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Yonghong Peng, University of Bradford, UK
Bhekisipho Twala, Univ. Johannesburg, South Africa
Publication Chair
Amir H. Alavi, Michigan State University, USA
Local Arrangement Chair
Sheng Wen, Deakin University, Australia
Please visit the IEEE DataCom 2016 website http://grid.chu.edu.tw/datacom2016/tpc.php
for the complete listing of organizing committee and TPC members.
AISWorld mailing list