-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Last CFP:: CGMP2014- Malaysia
Datum: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 13:59:09 +0200
Von: Natalie Walker <natalie.sdiwc(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The Third World Congress on Computing & Information Technology (WCIT2014)
Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU), Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia
Nov. 17 - 19, 2014.
Please consider submitting your paper(s) to the following conference:
The International Conference on Computer Graphics, Multimedia and Image
Processing (CGMIP2014)Â
Important Dates
Submission Dates: Â Open and extended to Oct. 25, 2014
Notification of Acceptance: 2-4 weeks from the submission date
Camera Ready SubmissionNov. 07, 2014
Registration: Nov. 07, 2014
Conference Dates: November 17-19, 2014Â
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Last CfP Special Issue: Economics and Value of IS
(Business & Information Systems Engineering)
Datum: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 11:12:58 +0000
Von: Steffen ZIMMERMANN <Steffen.Zimmermann(a)uibk.ac.at>
Antwort an: Steffen ZIMMERMANN <Steffen.Zimmermann(a)uibk.ac.at>
An: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de>
--- Sorry for any cross-postings ---
Submission Deadline: 2014-11-01
A major part of our current economy is based on the value creation
through Information Systems (IS) that enable the creation, exchange, and
processing of large amounts of information. This results in new business
models such as the upcoming sharing economy and opportunities for firms
such as product customization, analyzing consumer-produced content, or
marketing through social networks. However, the details on how such new
business models and opportunities affect organizations, industries,
economies and societies in the long run still have to be investigated.
The special issue on economics and value of IS considers various issues
related to IS and IT including economics of information goods,
platforms, cloud computing, mobile services, as well as the impact of
IT-driven business models on existing organizations, industries,
economies, and societies.
The common element across all papers is that they are expected to make
an original contribution to the theory or practice of creating, adopting
or using information technology. This may come from examining new
phenomena, applying a new theoretical perspective, or by gathering new
data. Authors should focus on articulating their unique contribution,
linking it both to the body of their study and contrasting it to the
characterization from prior research.
This special issue invites theoretical and empirical submissions that
comprise -- but are not restricted to -- topics like:
Economics of information and communication goods (pricing, bundling,
policies, ...)
Business models for information goods
Economics of service networks
Internet Economics
Adoption of Cloud Computing
Matching in electronic markets -- issues of efficiency and mechanism design
Economics of mobile services
Decision-making in electronic markets
Network effects of IS
Economics of IT infrastructures
Business Value of IT projects and programs
IT, productivity and organizational complements
Online auctions -- issues of trust, simultaneity and competing auctions
Platform competition, standards and multi-sided networks
Predictive modeling in economics of IS
Economics of the sharing industry
Submission Guidelines
Authors are asked to submit their papers online under the category
"BISE-Econ and Value of IS" by 2014-11-01 via the journal's submission
system Editorial Manager (http://www.editorialmanager.com/buis/). All
papers must follow the typing and formatting instructions for
available at http://www.bise-journal.org. In particular, manuscripts
should not exceed 50,000 characters (discounting 5,000 characters for
each figure/table). Detailed authors' guidelines can be downloaded from
Submissions are accepted in English only. All papers will be reviewed
anonymously (double-blind process) by several referees with regard to
relevance, originality, and research quality. In addition to the editors
of the journal, including those of this special focus, distinguished
national and international professionals with scientific and practical
backgrounds will be involved in the review process.
Submission Deadline: 2014-11-01
Author notification: 2015-01-10
Completion of 1st revision: 2015-02-28
Author notification: 2015-04-18
Completion of a 2nd revision (if required): 2015-05-23
Planned publication date: October 2015
Kunsoo Han
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
kunsoo.han(a)mcgill.ca <mailto:kunsoo.han@mcgill.ca>
Dennis Kundisch
University of Paderborn, Germany
Christof Weinhardt
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
weinhardt(a)kit.edu <mailto:weinhardt@kit.edu>
Steffen Zimmermann
University of Innsbruck, Austria
steffen.zimmermann(a)uibk.ac.at <mailto:steffen.zimmermann@uibk.ac.at>
Dr. Steffen Zimmermann
Associate Professor
Director of Master Program Information Systems
University of Innsbruck
School of Management
Information Systems
Universitaetsstr. 15
A-6020 Innsbruck
Phone: +43 (0) 512/507-7683
Fax: +43 (0) 512/507-9809
E-Mail: steffen.zimmermann(a)uibk.ac.at <mailto:steffen.zimmermann@uibk.ac.at>
WWW: http://www.uibk.ac.at/iwi2/
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Call for Participation, PoEM 2014, Manchester
Datum: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 10:11:27 +0200
Von: Ulrich Frank <ulrich.frank(a)uni-due.de>
Antwort an: Ulrich Frank <ulrich.frank(a)uni-due.de>
An: Wirtschaftsinformatik <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
IFIP WG8.1 Conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling
Manchester, UK, November 12-13, 2014
PoEM 2014 is the 7th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of
Enterprise Modelling. It aims at improving the understanding of the
practice of Enterprise Modelling (EM) by offering a forum for sharing
experiences and knowledge between the academic community and
practitioners from industry and the public sector.
The 2014 edition of PoEM will address both the practice of enterprise
modeling and the practice of applying enterprise models for
organizational purposes. This includes areas such as EM and information
system development, enterprise architecture, business and IT alignment,
EM and business process improvement, Enterprise modelling tools and
frameworks, quality issues in EM, change management and organizational
transformation underpinned by information technology approaches.
Conference web page, program and registration information: www.poem2014.org
Keynote Talks:
Russell Bee (Lead Architect, IBM): Enterprise Modelling: From Cathedrals
to the Cloud
Prof. Dr. Dimitris Karagiannis (University of Vienna): Practical Aspects
in the Conceptualisation of Modelling Methods
General Chair
Pericles Loucopoulos, University of Manchester, UK and Harokopio
University of Athens, Greece
Program Co-Chairs
Ulrich Frank, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Oscar Pastor, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank
Chair of Information Systems and Enterprise Modelling
Director of IS:link
Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems
University of Duisburg-Essen
Universitätsstr. 9
D-45141 Essen
Tel.: +49(201) 183 4042
Fax: +49(201) 183 934042
e-mail: ulrich.frank(a)uni-due.de
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education:
Call for Proposals
Datum: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 14:23:07 -0600
Von: DSJIE Editor <dsjie.editor(a)gmail.com>
An: <MG-ED-DV(a)aomlists.pace.edu>, <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>,
*Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education*
*Call for Proposals for 2016 Special Issue*
TheDecision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education (DSJIE) is
solicitingproposals from individuals interested in serving as Guest
Editors fora SpecialIssue to be published in 2016. Guest Editors are
responsible for identifying anappropriatetheme that fits with the
mission of DSJIE, and for managing the process of securing and reviewing
content consistent with the journal's three types of submission:
Teaching Briefs, Conceptual Research, and Empirical Research. They may
invite papers from leading scholars in the domain of the special issue.
DSJIE typically publishes between six and eight manuscripts in each
issue. Guest Editors will also write an editorial that introduces the
Guest Editors are expected to have some editorial experience. They will
work closely with the DSJIE Editorial Team, who will provide assistance
in identifying reviewers and in managing the review process.
Proposalsmustincludethe followingsections:
·An overview of the proposedtheme of about 1,000 words.
·A draft Call forPapers.
·Qualifications of Guest Editors, includingpreviouseditorial experience.
·Contact information, includingphone,e-mail andpostal addresses, ofGuest
·Plans for disseminating the Call for Papers and for obtainingsubmissions.
·A timeline that includes the dissemination of the CallforPapers,
initial submission and revise andresubmitprocessing,and acceptance of
final papers in time for copyeditingandproduction, prior to publication
in early 2016.
Prospective Guest Editors are encouraged to consult the DSJIE journal
website (www.dsjie.org <http://www.dsjie.org>) for more details about
the mission and structure of the journal, and to contact the editor
(dsjie.editor(a)gmail.com <mailto:dsjie.editor@gmail.com>) with any
questions, or to seek guidance on proposal development. Special Issue
proposals should be submitted to the editor by November 1, 2014, and
applicants will be notified by December 1, 2014.
Description: Description: Description: Description:
C:\Users\Vijay\Desktop\bannerforeground.jpg*Vijay R. Kannan, Ph.D.*
Editor, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
email: dsjie.editor(a)gmail.com <mailto:dsjie.editor@gmail.com>
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CALL FOR PAPERS Openness and IT Track at ECIS,
May 27-29, 2015, Muenster, Germany
Datum: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 07:48:19 +0000
Von: Feller, Joseph <JFeller(a)afis.ucc.ie>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Openness and IT Track
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
May 27-29, 2015, Muenster, Germany
Submission deadline: November 28th, 2014
Notification of acceptance: End of February, 2015
Formatting and submission guidelines:
Over the past decade, IT-enabled "openness" has received an increasing
amount of attention from IS researchers, including multiple workshops,
conferences and journal special issues devoted to a variety of open
phenomenon such as open source software, open content and open innovation.
In the IS context, openness typically refers to technological and legal
accessibility of IT artefacts, transparent and permeable organizational
structures, and distributed collaborative processes based on knowledge
sharing between peers. Such technological, structural and procedural
openness has significant social and business implications.
For example, individual users actively participate in the creation of
global knowledge goods (e.g., Wikipedia or Linux). A new generation of
"open" entrepreneurs can be seen to leverage the power of crowds in the
design and delivery of products and services and in the funding of their
business ventures. For established businesses, openness has changed
approaches to business model architectures and innovation, both through
"internal openness" (e.g., inner source software, internal co-creation
platforms and enterprise social software) and "external openness" (e.g.,
open innovation markets, open sourcing, and crowdsourcing), and more often
through combinations of internal and external strategies. Likewise, open
technologies are central to new intra- and inter-organisational forms of
value creation, supporting "ecosystems" of in(ter)dependent
actors (e.g., the ecosystem around Google¹s Android OS, or Facebook¹s app
platform). What is more, openness shifts power structures by relatively
devaluing physical production facilities (which can now often been booked
as on-demand services) and emphasizing the value of information, and
IT-enabled business models. As a consequence, openness is a disruptive
force not only in digital content industries such as music and news, but
also in sectors such as manufacturing and financial services.
Increasingly, the academic sector and the research community itself face
new challenges (and opportunities) emerging from the combination of
openness and IT.
We believe that IS, as a discipline, is particularly well positioned to
study open phenomena that involve technology, individuals, organisations
and societies. The aim of the third consecutive ECIS track on Openness and
IT is to provide a forum for the most recent work in this growing and
important IS research domain. We invite theoretical, empirical and
applied research papers that will significantly contribute to our
theoretical and practical understanding of openness; its manifestations,
antecedents and, most critically, its impacts on individuals,
organizations and society.
The track welcomes theoretical, empirical and applied contributions and
encourages submission from researches using a wide range of methodological
and epistemological approaches. All though all aspects of IT-enabled
openness (or the impact of openness on IT) are of interest, we
particularly encourage submissions explore (a) the manifestations,
dynamics and characteristics of different open phenomena and (b) the
impact of technological openness in organizational, personal and
professional behaviour both on- and offline. The interplay and
relationship between technology and openness should be central to the
submissions (rather than providing only the background for studies of
general business strategy or social behaviour). Research papers,
research-in-progress, and teaching cases are all welcome.
TRACK TOPICS (include, but are not limited to):
* APIs and SOAs as an Open Collaboration/Creation Platform
* Collective Action and Collective Resources
* Collective Intelligence and Collective Creativity
* Crowdsourcing and Microwork
* Crowdfunding and P2P (Crypto) Currencies
* MOOCs and Open Education
* Open Access
* Open Business Models and Open Strategies
* Open Data
* Open Design
* Open Government
* Open Hardware
* Open Innovation
* Open Science and Citizen Science
* Open Source and Inner Source Software Development
* Open Standards
* Peer-Production and Distributed Collaboration
* Product/Service Co-creation
* Social Software as an Open Collaboration/Creation Platform
* Theories of Openness
* User-Led/Lead User Innovation
* Daniel Schlagwein, UNSW Australia Business School.
* Joseph Feller, Business Information Systems, University College
Cork, Ireland.
* Lorraine Morgan, LERO, National University of Ireland - Galway,
* Pavel Andreev, University of Ottawa
* Ivo Blohm, University of St. Gallen
* Ulrich Bretschneider, Kassel University
* Michael Cahalane, UNSW Australia Business School
* Kevin Carillo, Toulouse Business School
* Kieran Conboy, NUI Galway
* U. Yeliz Eseryel, University of Groningen
* Patrick Finnegan, UNSW Australia Business School
* Matt Germonprez, University of Nebraska at Omaha
* Rob Gleasure, University College Cork
* Jeremy Hayes, University College Cork
* George Kuk, Nottingham University
* Juho Lindman, Hanken School of Economics
* Björn Lundell, University of Skovde
* Attila Marton, Copenhagen Business School
* Jeffrey Moretz, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
* Niamh O¹Riordan, NUI Galway
* Timothy Olsen, Arizona State University
* Pattarawan Prasarnphanich, Sasin-Chulalongkorn University
* Matti Rossi, Aalto University
* Hendrik Send, Humboldt Institute for Internet and Research
* Klaas-Jan Stol, University of Limerick
* Xiaofeng Wang, Free University of Bozen/Bolano
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] ACM IUI 2015 CFP Reminder
Datum: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 10:12:50 -0700
Von: Alan Said <alansaid(a)acm.org>
An: abis(a)l3s.de, agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org,
--------------------------- Call for Submissions ---------------------------
ACM IUI 2015: ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
Atlanta, GA, USA
March 29 - April 1, 2015
ACM IUI 2015 is the 20th annual meeting of the intelligent interfaces
community and serves as a premier international forum for reporting
outstanding research and development on intelligent user interfaces. ACM
IUI is where the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) community meets the
Artificial Intelligence (AI) community. We are also very interested in
contributions from related fields, such as psychology, behavioral
science, cognitive science, computer graphics, design, the arts, etc.
Why submit to ACM IUI?
At ACM IUI, we focus on the interaction between machine intelligence and
human intelligence. While other conferences focus on one side or the
other, we address the complex interaction between the two. We welcome
research that explores how to make the interaction between computers and
people smarter, which may leverage solutions from data mining, knowledge
representation, novel interaction paradigms, and emerging technologies.
We strongly encourage submissions that discuss research from both HCI
and AI simultaneously, but also welcome works that focus more on one
side or the other.
The ACM IUI conference brings together people from academia, industry,
nonprofits and government, to showcase and discuss work results in an
intimate, focused, and interactive setting. We expect this yearâ??s ACM
IUI to be attended by a diverse and livery crowd of over 200 attendees,
a good size that allows our attendees to strike up conversations and
network with other attendees, see all the posters, and take in all the
presentations. As an ACM conference, ACM IUI papers will appear in the
ACM Digital Library and citation indices. There will also be a journal
publication path for long papers. ACM IUI is a single-track conference,
so you will not miss anything!
Topics of interest (non-exhaustive list)
* User Input
  - Processing of multi-modal input
  - Natural language and speech processing
  - Gestures, eye gaze, face, emotion recognition
* Generation of System Output
  - Intelligent visualization tools
  - Intelligent generation of user-consumable content
  - Big Data analytics of rich data types (e.g., temporal/time
series, spatial, text, sequence, unstructured, graphs/networks, etc.)
* Ubiquitous and Wearable Computing
  - Intelligent interfaces for ubiquitous computing
  - Smart environments and tangible computing
  - Smart interaction and interfaces for wearable computing
* Help and Persuasive Technologies
  - Intelligent assistants for complex tasks
  - Support for collaboration in multiuser environments
  - Persuasive technologies in intelligent user interfaces
  - Education and learning-related technologies
* Personalization
  - User-adaptivity in interactive systems
  - Recommender systems
  - Modeling and prediction of user behavior
* AI Techniques in intelligent user interfaces
  - Interactive machine learning and data mining
  - Planning and plan recognition
  - Reasoning in interfaces
* Social Computing
  - Affective, social and aesthetic interfaces
  - Social networks and collaboration
* Intelligent User Interface Design
  - Knowledge-based approaches to user interface design and generation
  - Proactive and agent-based paradigms for user interaction
  - Example-and demonstration-based interfaces
* User Studies
  - User studies concerning intelligent interfaces
  - Evaluations of implemented intelligent user interfaces
Full and Short Papers   (NEW! Special opportunity to submit to the
TiiS journal)
We invite original paper submissions that describe novel user
interfaces, applications, interactive and intelligent technologies,
empirical studies, or design techniques. Accepted papers will be
published in the ACM Digital Library. ACM IUI 2015 especially encourages
submissions on innovative and visionary new concepts or directions for
interface design. We do not require evaluations with users, but we
expect papers to include appropriate evaluation for their stated
Full papers (10 pages with unlimited references) should make
substantial, novel and relevant contributions to the field. Short papers
(4 pages with unlimited references) may present focused contributions,
ideas, and work in progress. Accepted full papers will be invited for
oral presentation and short papers either as oral or poster presentation.
Authors of accepted ACM IUI 2015 full papers will have an opportunity to
submit extended versions to the ACM Transactions on Interactive
Intelligent Systems (TiiS, tiis.acm.org <http://tiis.acm.org>) for
consideration for a special issue titled "Highlights of ACM IUI 2015".
An ACM IUI 2015 program chair will serve as an associate editor to
manage the reviewing for that special issue, and the reviewing schedule
will ensure that it appears in the ACM Digital Library in early 2016,
before ACM IUI 2016. (For information on what counts as an appropriate
"extension" of a conference paper for TiiS, see
Abstracts Due: October 13, 2014
Full and Short Papers Due: October 17, 2014
Rebuttal Start: December 8, 2014
Rebuttal End: December 12, 2014
Notification to Authors: December 19, 2014
Camera-Ready Due: January 16, 2015
Posters provide an opportunity for sharing valuable ideas, eliciting
useful feedback on early- stage work and fostering discussions and
collaborations among colleagues. We invite submissions on all topics of
the conference. All submissions should convey a scientific result or
work in progress that is not yet ready to be published as a full length
research paper at a refereed conference. The page limit for poster
papers is 4 pages. Accepted poster papers will appear in the companion
proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.
Submissions Due: January 16, 2015
Notification to Authors: February 13, 2015
Camera-Ready Due: February 20, 2015
The demonstrations track complements the overall program of the
conference. Demonstrations show implementations of novel, interesting,
and important intelligent user interface concepts or systems. We invite
submissions relevant to intelligent user interfaces and which address,
but are not limited to, the topics of the conference. All submissions
are intended to convey a scientific result or work in progress and
should not be advertisements for commercial software packages. The page
limit for demo papers is 4 pages. Accepted demo papers will be published
in the companion proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.
Submissions Due: January 16, 2015
Notification to Authors: February 13, 2015
Camera-Ready Due: February 20, 2015
Student Consortium
The ACM IUI 2015 Student Consortium provides an opportunity for Masters
and Doctoral students to present and receive feedback about their
research in an interdisciplinary workshop, under the guidance of a panel
of mentors, selected from senior people in the field. We invite students
who feel they would benefit from this kind of feedback on their research
to apply for this unique opportunity to share their work with students
in a similar situation as well as senior researchers in the field. The
strongest candidates will be those who have a clear topic and research
approach, and have made some progress, but who are not so far along
their research that they can no longer make changes.
Students who are accepted into the consortium will receive partial
financial support for their travel to the conference. Details of the
financial support will be announced soon.
Submissions Due: January 16, 2015
Notification to Authors: February 13, 2015
Camera-Ready Due: February 20, 2015
Workshop Proposals
We invite proposals for full-day and half-day workshops on topics that
are of interest to the ACM IUI community. Workshops will be held on the
first (March 29) and last day (April 1) of the conference. The
conference may provide a free registration for each workshop to assist
its organization.
Workshop proposals due: September 12, 2014
Notification: October 15, 2014
Tutorial Proposals
We invite proposals for tutorials from active researchers and
experienced presenters. Ideally, a tutorial will cover the
state-of-the-art research and development in a specific area strongly
related to ACM IUI. Tutorials on interdisciplinary areas, novel or fast
growing directions, and significant practical applications are also
encouraged. Accepted tutorial organizers will be exempt from the
registration fee (one per tutorial).
Tutorials proposals due: September 12, 2014
Notification: October 15, 2014
**** New Cooperation Agreement between the ACM IUI Conference Series and
ACM TiiS ****
The steering committee of the ACM IUI conference series has agreed with
the editors-in-chief of the ACM TiiS on the following forms of
collaboration between the conference and the journal, which will be
repeated in subsequent years:
1. Authors of accepted ACM IUI 2015 full papers will have an opportunity
to submit extended versions to the ACM Transactions on Interactive
Intelligent Systems (TiiS, tiis.acm.org <http://tiis.acm.org>) for
consideration for a special issue titled "Highlights of ACM IUI 2015".
One of the ACM IUI 2015 program chairs will serve as an associate editor
who manages the reviewing for that special issue, and the reviewing
schedule will ensure that it appears in the ACM Digital Library in early
2016, before ACM IUI 2016. (For information on what counts as an
appropriate "extension" of a conference paper for TiiS, see
http://tiis.acm.org/for-authors.html#types-of-submission ).
2. The authors of any TiiS article that has been accepted during the
year 2014 (and that does not represent an extension of a paper presented
at an earlier ACM IUI conference) will have an opportunity to present
their work at ACM IUI 2015 in a presentation slot at least as long as
that for an ACM IUI 2015 short paper.
General Co-Chairs <chair2015(a)iui.acm.org <mailto:chair2015@iui.acm.org>>:
  - Oliver Brdiczka, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
  - Polo Chau, Georgia Tech
Program Co-Chairs <program2015(a)iui.acm.org
  - Giuseppe Carenini, University of British Columbia
  - Shimei Pan, IBM Research
  - Per Ola Kristensson, University of Cambridge
Treasurer <treasurer2015(a)iui.acm.org <mailto:treasurer2015@iui.acm.org>>:
  - Jalal Mahmud, IBM Research
Sponsorship Chair <sponsors2015(a)iui.acm.org
  - Sumit Basu, Microsoft Research
Workshop and Tutorial Co-Chairs <workshop-tutorial2015(a)iui.acm.org
  - Ben Steichen, University of British Columbia
  - Nava Tintarev, University of Aberdeen
Poster and Demo Co-Chairs <poster2015(a)iui.acm.org
  - Sven Kratz, FXPAL
  - Eelco Herder, L3S
Student Consortium Co-Chairs <studentconsortium2015(a)iui.acm.org
  - Wai-Tat Fu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  - Brent Hecht, University of Minnesota
Publicity Co-Chairs <publicity2015(a)iui.acm.org
  - Alan Said (social media), TU Delft
  - Matthijs van Leeuwen (website), KU Leuven
  - Jilles Vreeken (website), MPII
  - Ali Jahanian (website), Purdue University
Alan Said
Multimedia Computing Group
Delft University of Technology
e: alansaid(a)acm.org <mailto:alansaid@acm.org>
t: @alansaid
w: www.alansaid.com <http://www.alansaid.com>
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] Call for Book Chapters: Recent
Advances in Computational Intelligence in Defense and Security
Datum: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 10:16:05 -0400
Von: CIDS-Book <cidsbook(a)gmail.com>
An: Computational Science Mailing List
** Apologies for multiple postings **
Call for Book Chapters
Upcoming Book: "Recent Advances in Computational Intelligence in Defense
and Security"
To be published in: Springer's Studies in Computational Intelligence Series
Website: http://www.ieeeottawa.ca/ci/cids-book/
Abstract submission deadline: October 30, 2014
Volume Co-Editors:
Rami Abielmona, Larus Technologies Corporation, Canada
Rafael Falcon, Larus Technologies Corporation, Canada
Nur Zincir-Heywood, Dalhousie University, Canada
Hussein Abbass, Australian Defense Force Academy, Australia
Given the rapidly changing and increasingly complex nature of global
security, we continue to witness a remarkable interest within the
defense and security communities in novel, adaptive and resilient
techniques that can cope with the challenging problems arising in this
domain. These challenges are brought forth not only by the overwhelming
amount of data reported by a plethora of sensing and tracking
modalities, but also by the emergence of innovative classes of
decentralized, mass-scale communication protocols and connectivity
frameworks such as cloud computing, sensor networks, intelligent
transportation systems and the Internet of Things. Realizing that
traditional techniques have left many important problems unsolved, and
in some cases, not addressed, further efforts have to be undertaken in
the quest for algorithms and methodologies that can accurately detect
and easily adapt to emerging threats.
We sense there is a need for gathering a representative set of the most
recent undertakings having to do with novel applications of
Computational Intelligence (CI) techniques to the defense and security
This volume aims at publishing high-quality research efforts rooted in
Computational Intelligence as applied to defense and security problems.
First-class contributions addressing research challenges in these areas
and their CI-based solutions (i.e., neural networks, fuzzy systems,
evolutionary computation, swarm intelligence, rough sets, granular
computing, and other emerging learning or optimization techniques) are
Submission Topics
Papers should present original work validated via analysis, simulation
or experimentation, including but not limited to the following topics:
Advanced Architectures for Defense Operations
- Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
- Hard-Soft Data Fusion
- Context-Aware Data Fusion
- Employment of Autonomous Vehicles
- Intelligence Gathering and Exploitation
- Mine Detection
- Situation Assessment
- Impact Assessment
- Process and User Refinement
- Automatic Target Recognition
- Mission Weapon Pairing and Assignment
- Sensor Cueing and Tasking
- Self-Healing Systems
Modeling and Simulation of Defense Operations
- Logistics Support
- Mission Planning and Execution
- Resource Management
- Red Teaming
- Computational Red Teaming
- Course of Action Generation and Recommendation
- Models for War Games
- Risk-Aware Decision Support
- Multi-Agent Based Simulation
- Critical Infrastructure Protection
- Strategic Planning
- Counterterrorism and Counterinsurgency
- Behavioral or Cognitive Learning
- Human Modeling: Behavior, Emotion, Motion
Security Applications
- Surveillance
- Suspect Behavior Profiling
- Anomaly Detection
- Automated Handling of Dangerous Situations or People
- Stationary or Mobile Object Detection, Recognition and Classification
- Intrusion Detection Systems
- Cyber-Security
- Air, Maritime & Land Security
- Network Security
- Biometrics Security
- Authentication Technologies
security and defense; surveillance; computational intelligence; target
tracking; mission planning;
multi-sensor data fusion; intrusion detector; maritime domain awareness;
multi-agent systems; unmanned aerial vehicles;
Technical Program Committee (preliminary)
Andrzej Najgebauer, Military University of Technology, Poland
David Van Veldhuizen, Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
Krzysztof Slot, Technical University of Lodz, Poland
Moufid Harb, Larus Technologies Corporation, Canada
Sansanee Auephanwiriyakul, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Suresh Sundaram, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Timothy Havens, Michigan State University, USA
Branko Ristic, DSTO, Australia
Dmitry Gorodnichy, Canadian Border Services Agency, Canada
Fred Petty, US Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Vincenzo Piuri, University of Milan, Italy
Nathalie Japkowicz, University of Ottawa, Canada
James Dankert, BAE Systems, USA
Srinivas Mukkamala, ICASA, USA
Misty Blowers, Air Force Research Lab, USA
Alain Auger, DRDC Valcartier, Canada
Submission Guidelines
Authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared
elsewhere for publication, nor is presently under review for another
refereed publication. Extensions of previously published works are
welcome as long as the contributions made in the extended version are
significant to warrant publication.
Please follow the instructions posted on
Important Dates:
* Abstract submission deadline: October 30, 2014
* Abstract notification deadline: November 30, 2014
* Full chapter submission deadline: January 31, 2015
* Full chapter notification deadline: March 31, 2015
* Camera-ready submission deadline: May 31, 2015
* Volume publication expected: Late August, 2015
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: IJBDI: Introduction of New Editorial Members
Datum: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 13:45:31 +0800
Von: cfp(a)grid.chu.edu.tw
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
[Apologies for multiple copies of this email]
International Journal of Big Data Intelligence (IJBDI)
IJBDI Announcements
1. Introduction of New Editorial Members
2. Latest published articles
3. Call For Papers: Basic and applied research, case studies, critical
reviews and surveys
1. Introduction of New Editorial Members
IJBDI introduces and welcome six new members of the Editorial Board. A
brief professional biography is presented for each. They are: Prof.
Tarek El-Ghazawi, Prof. Cho-Li Wang, Prof. Onur Mutlu, Prof. Ernesto
Damiani, Prof. Honggang Wang, Prof. Prabhat Mahanti
Tarek El-Ghazawi is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering at The George Washington University, where he leads
the university-wide Strategic Academic Program in High-Performance
Computing. He is the founding director of The GW Institute for Massively
Parallel Applications and Computing Technologies (IMPACT) and a founding
Co-Director of the NSF Industry/University Center for High-Performance
Reconfigurable Computing (CHREC). El-Ghazawi’s research interests
include high-performance computing, computer architectures,
reconfigurable, embedded computing and computer vision. He is one of the
principal co-authors of the UPC parallel programming language and the
first author of the UPC book from John Wiley and Sons. He has received
his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from New Mexico
State University in 1988. El-Ghazawi has published close to 250 refereed
research publications in this area.
Cho-Li Wang is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at The
University of Hong Kong. He graduated with a B.S. degree in Computer
Science and Information Engineering from National Taiwan University in
1985 and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from University of
Southern California in 1995. Prof. Wang’s research is broadly in the
areas of parallel architecture, software systems for Cluster computing,
and virtualization techniques for Cloud computing. His recent research
projects involve the development of parallel software systems for
multicore/GPU computing and multi-kernel operating systems for future
manycore processor. Prof. Wang has published more than 140 papers in
various peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings. He is/was on
the editorial boards of 8 scholarly journals, including IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing (2013-), IEEE Transactions on Computers
(2006-2010), Multiagent and Grid Systems (2005-), and Journal of
Information Science a! nd Engineering (2009-). He has served as the
programme chair for numerous conferences such as Cluster’03, CCGrid'09,
InfoScale’09, ICPADS’09, ISPA’11, FCST’11, FutureTech’12, Cluster’12,
MUE’13, and CSC’13; and the General Chair for IPDPS’12 and CUTE’13. He
is the primary investigator of China's 863 project "Hong Kong Grid
Point'' (2006-2011). He is also a core member of China’s Supercomputing
and Innovation Alliance.
Onur Mutlu is the Dr. William D. and Nancy W. Strecker Early Career
Professor in ECE (and, by courtesy, CSD) at Carnegie Mellon University.
His research interests are in computer architecture and systems,
especially in the interactions between languages, operating systems,
compilers, and microarchitecture. He was previously a researcher in the
Computer Architecture Group at Microsoft Research (from 2006 to 2009)
and a Research Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin (from 2007 to
2009). Before that, He was a member of the HPS Research Group at the
University of Texas at Austin, where he received his PhD in 2006. His
PhD dissertation was on efficient runahead execution processors. He
received his BS degrees in computer engineering and psychology from the
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2000 and his MS degree in
electrical and computer engineering from UT-Austin in 2002. He worked at
Intel Corporation during the summers of 2001-2003 and at Advanced Micro
Devices duri! ng the summers of 2004-2005. He received several honors
for his research, including the University of Texas George H. Mitchell
Award for Excellence in Graduate Research in 2005, Microsoft Gold Star
Award in 2008, NSF CAREER Award in 2010, ASPLOS 2010 Best Paper Award,
VTS 2010 Best Paper Award, ICCD 2012 Best Paper Award, RTAS 2014 Best
Paper Award, 2011 IEEE Computer Society TCCA Young Computer Architect
Award, 2012 Intel Early Career Faculty Honor Program Award, 2012
Carnegie Mellon College of Engineering George Tallman Ladd Research
Award, and several "computer architecture top pick" paper recognitions
by the IEEE Micro magazine.
Ernesto Damiani is a full professor at the Dept. of Information
Technology, University of Milan, where he leads the Software
Architectures Lab. Prof. Damiani holds a M.Sc. degree from the
University of Pavia, Italy, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the
University of Milan. He has held visiting positions at several
international institutions, including George Mason University (Fairfax,
VA, US), LaTrobe University (Melbourne, Australia) and Sydney University
of Technology (Australia). He has co-authored several books and
international patents, as well as around two hundred research papers on
advanced secure service-oriented architectures, open source software and
business process design, software reuse and Web data semantics. Prof.
Damiani coordinates several research projects funded by the Italian
Ministry of Research and by private companies including Siemens Mobile,
ST Microelectronics, BT Exact and others.
Honggang Wang has worked for Bell Labs Lucent Technologies China from
2001 to 2004 as a Member of Technical Staff. He is an affiliated faculty
member of Advanced Telecommunications Engineering Laboratory at
University of Nebraska-Lincoln. His research interests include Wireless
Health, Body Area Networks (BAN), Cyber Security, Mobile Multimedia,
Wireless Networks, Cyber-Physical System, and BIG DATA. He has published
more than 100 papers in his research areas, including more than 30
publications in prestigious IEEE journals such as IEEE TWC, IEEE TM,
IEEE WCM, IEEE TNSM, IEEE TETC, IEEE System Journal and Pattern
Recognition. He also published papers in prestigious conferences such as
InfoCom, ICDCS, ICC, Globecom and ICME. His research is supported by NSF
(over 1.4M USD), DoT, UMass President office, and UMass Healey Grant.
(over 2M USD). He is the winner of the Best Paper Award of IEEE WCNC
2008. He ser! ves as an Associate Editor of IEEE IoT Journal, an
Associate Editor of IEEE Communication Magazine, an Associate Editor of
IEEE Access Journal, an Associate Editor of Wiley's Security and
Communication Networks Journal and Transactions on Emerging
Telecommunications Technologies. He also serves as TPC Chair for several
conferences such as ICST/ACM BODYNETS 2013, IEEE ICCCN 2014, IEEE ICC
2015, IEEE HEALTHCOM 2015. He serves on NSF panel 2012-2014 and
currently serves as a Board Co-Director of IEEE MMTC.
Prabhat. K. Mahanti joined the University of New Brunswick, Saint John
faculty in December, 2001. Previous to his appointment as Professor at
UNB, Dr. Mahanti was the Chair and Professor of Computer Science and
Engineering Department, Birla Institute of Technology, India. Dr.
Mahanti has published over 72 research papers in referred journals and
conference proceedings including book chapters. He has been a supervisor
and thesis committee member of graduate students both in India and
Canada. He actively participates in numerous technical conferences;
including serving as a conference chair and reviewers on many of them.
Currently, he is on the editorial board for the Computer and
Informatics- Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia, International Journal
of Computing and ICT Research-Uganda, Africa, International Journal of
Network and Distributed Systems-Switzerland, Iranian Journal of Science
and Technology, Iran, and the Journal of Computing and Information
Technology-Croatia! . He is also the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of
Computers, Finland.
2. Latest published articles of IJBDI
IJBDI invites you to read the latest published articles Vol. 1 No. 1/2,
*Big data (lost) in the cloud
Beniamino Di Martino; Rocco Aversa; Giuseppina Cretella; Antonio
Esposito; Joanna Kołodziej
*Designing and implementing a cloud-hosted SaaS for data movement and
sharing with SlapOS
Walid Saad; Heithem Abbes; Mohamed Jemni; Christophe Cérin
*Multi-source streaming-based data accesses for MapReduce systems
Jiadong Wu; Bo Hong
*A new approach for accurate distributed cluster analysis for Big Data:
competitive K-Means
Rui Máximo Esteves; Thomas Hacker; Chunming Rong
*Peculiarities of numerical algorithms parallel implementation for
exa-flops multicomputers
Victor E. Malyshkin
*Towards quality-of-service driven consistency for Big Data management
Álvaro García-Recuero; Sérgio Esteves; Luís Veiga
*D-CEP4CMA: a dynamic architecture for cloud performance monitoring and
analysis via complex event processing
Afef Mdhaffar; Riadh Ben Halima; Mohamed Jmaiel; Bernd Freisleben
*An extended analytical study of Arabic sentiments
Nawaf A. Abdulla; Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub; Mohammed Naji Al-Kabi
*Health big data analytics: current perspectives, challenges and
potential solutions
Mu-Hsing Kuo; Tony Sahama; Andre W. Kushniruk; Elizabeth M. Borycki;
Daniel K. Grunwell
3. Call For Papers: Basic and applied research, case studies, critical
reviews and surveys
The International Journal of Big Data Intelligence (IJBDI) is a
multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal published by Inderscience
IJBDI welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general
criteria of significance and scientific excellence in this subject area.
Topics covered include
-The 5Vs of the data landscape: volume, variety, velocity, veracity, value
-Big data science and foundations, analytics, visualisation and semantics
-Software and tools for big data management
-Security, privacy and legal issues specific to big data
-Big data economy, QoS and business models
-Intelligence and scientific discovery
-Software, hardware and algorithm co-design, high-performance computing
-Large-scale recommendation systems and graph analysis
-Algorithmic, experimental, prototyping and implementation
-Data-driven innovation, computational modelling and data integration
-Data intensive computing theorems and technologies
-Modelling, simulation and performance evaluation
-Hardware and infrastructure, green data centres/environmental-friendly
-Computing, scheduling and resource management for sustainability
-Complex applications in areas where massive data is generated
The IJBDI has a distinguished Editorial Board with extensive academic
qualifications, ensuring that the journal maintains high scientific
standards and has a broad international coverage. IJBDI provides a rapid
forum for the dissemination of original research articles. All published
articles will be arranged for abstracting and indexing services.
Manuscripts should be submitted to the journal online at
Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it will undergo
language copyediting, typesetting, and reference validation in order to
provide the highest publication quality possible.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the
We look forward to reading and publishing your work!
Kind regards,
Robert Hsu,
International Journal of Big Data Intelligence
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please go to
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For other questions, please send email to cfp-admin(a)grid.chu.edu.tw
-------- Original Message --------
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2014 14:38:32 -0400
From: Linda Wood <linmwood(a)umich.edu>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
*Collective Intelligence 2015
May 31 â?? June 2
 Conference @ the Marriott Santa Clara in Santa Clara, CA
Call for Papers
Please go to the conference link below and click on theÂ
Call for Papers tab for more information and to make a
Please note that registration for this conference
 will be open soon.
Linda Wood
Office Assistant
Center for the Study of Complex Systems
321 West Hall
1085 S. University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] 2nd CFP: UMUAI Special Issue on Personality in
Personalized Systems
Datum: Mon, 6 Oct 2014 18:51:13 -0600
Von: Sabine Graf <sabine.graf(a)ieee.org>
Antwort an: Sabine Graf <sabine.graf(a)ieee.org>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Special Issue on Personality in Personalized Systems
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction:
The Journal of Personalization Research (UMUAI)
*** Extended abstract submission deadline: December 1, 2014
*** Paper submission deadline (for accepted abstracts): March 1, 2015
Special Issue Web site:
UMUAI Web site: http://www.umuai.org/
Personality has been found to correlate with a number of real-world
behaviors. For example, it correlates with musical taste: popular music
tends to be liked by extroverts, whereas people with a tendency to be less
open to experience tend to prefer religious music and to dislike rock music.
Personality also impacts on the forming of social relations: friends tend to
be, to a very similar extent, open to experience and extrovert. Furthermore,
there is a strong correlation between personality and how people prefer to
learn, indicating that learning styles can be seen as a subset of
personality. Since personality has been shown to affect real-world user
preferences (e.g. preferences for interaction styles, preferences for
learning, preferences for musical genres), we might conclude that the design
of online services (e.g., personalized user interfaces, music recommender
systems, adaptive educational systems, and games) might also benefit from
personality studies.
This is the reason why researchers have recently explored the extent to
which personality traits impact on the use of interactive and hypermedia
systems. They found, for example, that personality is associated with
specific preferences for music genres online, and that this greatly impacts
on music-information retrieval services. Collaborative filtering techniques
have also benefited from assessing the users' personality traits. It has
also been shown that users open to new experiences (one of the big five
personality traits) tend to prefer more diverse and serendipitous items
(e.g., movies). Furthermore, learning styles have been heavily used in
educational systems to personalize courses in terms of the structure and
presentation of learning materials. In the context of games, for example, it
has been found that personality seems to impact on the motivation for
playing online games. Also, certain personality traits have been found to
correlate with communication styles and, as a consequence, the adoption of
location-sharing social media.
The five-factor model of personality, or the Big Five, is the most commonly
used set of personality concepts and one of the most reliable and
comprehensive models of personality. In this model, an individual is
associated with five scores that correspond to the five main personality
traits. The names of those traits form the acronym OCEAN: Openness,
Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.
Other models of personality are, for example, the Four Temperaments (the
oldest general model), the Benziger brain type (a work-related model), the
Belbin team roles model, the Myers-Briggs types (general and team-working
model), the RIASEC vocational model or the Bartle types (describing
personalities in video games).
While personality traits are normally identified by asking people to
complete a questionnaire, researchers have recently shown that personality
traits can be extracted implicitly from the users' streams (e.g., tweets,
Facebook updates) without resorting to time-consuming questionnaires.
Furthermore, players' behaviors in games have been investigated and can also
provide information about a player's personality. Similarly, several
researchers have conducted studies on using data from learners' behaviors in
a course to automatically identify their learning styles.
The topics of interest for this special issue include (but are not limited
* Personality models for personalized systems;
* Personality prediction/extraction/assessment from behavior and/or
preference data in
* games
* multimedia content (e.g., music, films, etc.)
* social media
* educational systems
* business applications
* other modalities (e.g., mobile devices etc.)
* Automatic prediction/extraction/assessment of other (e.g., lower-level or
application- specific) personality factors such as
* learning styles
* cognitive styles
* communication styles
* thinking styles
* Privacy issues;
* Enhancing user/learner models with personality;
* Evaluation of personality-based personalized services;
* Novel applications considering personality including
* personality in games
* personality and learning styles in educational systems
* personality and multimedia content
* personality in social media
* personality and recommender systems
The prospective authors must first submit an extended abstract of no more
than 4 single-spaced pages, formatted with 12-pt font and 1-inch margins,
through easychair:
by December 1, 2014. This abstract should be preceded by a completed UMUAI
self-assessment form that can be found at
http://www.umuai.org/self-assessment.html, preferably both in a single PDF
All submitted abstracts will receive an initial screening by the editors of
the special issue. The authors of the abstracts will be notified about the
results of the initial screening by *** December 15, 2014 ***. Abstracts
that do not pass this initial screening (i.e., the abstracts that are deemed
not to have a reasonable chance of acceptance) will not be considered
Authors of abstracts that pass the initial screening will be invited to
submit the full version of the paper by *** March 1, 2015 ***. The
formatting guidelines and submission instructions for full papers can be
found at http://www.umuai.org/paper_submission.html. Papers should not
exceed 40 pages in journal format. Each paper submission should note that
it is intended for the Special Issue on Personality in Personalized Systems
and be submitted via email to the address mentioned in the submission
instructions given above (submission(a)umuai.org).
The tentative timeline for the special issue is as follows:
* December 1, 2014: Submission of extended abstracts
* December 15, 2014: Notification regarding abstracts
* March 1, 2015: Submission of full papers
* June 30, 2015: First round review notifications
* September 15, 2015: Revised papers due
* November 15, 2015: Final notifications due
* December 15, 2015: Camera-ready papers due
* February 15, 2016: Publication of special issue
Marko Tkalčič, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
Daniele Quercia, Yahoo Labs, Barcelona, Spain
Sabine Graf, Athabasca University, Edmonton, Canada
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