-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CrowdSourcing Workshop
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 15:49:56 +0530
From: diwt(a)dirf.org
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Papers
First Workshop on “Emerging Problem- specific Crowdsourcing
In Conjunction with the Seventh International Conference on Digital
Information Management (ICDIM 2012)
University of Macau, Macau
August 22-24, 2012
Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Technology Management Council
Accepted workshop papers will be published in the proceedings indexed by
IEEE Xplore.
* About the Workshop
In the recent period, the potential of crowdsourcing in business and social
context (Gowdy et al.,), enterprise resource planning software (Leimeister
et al) and many other fields are visualized to systematically design and
implement the Information Technology -based ideas and to deploy in many
newer intelligent applications. Crowdsourcing deployment not only addresses
the access to systems and connections, but adds discussions and research in
the problem- specific skills and technologies.
Crowdsourcing as an online distributed problem-solving and production model
has potential to pull creators and innovators for creating a new generation
of collective intelligence. To address the potential of Crowdsourcing and to
create a newer forum, the workshop on "Emerging problem- specific
Crowdsourcing Technologies' is planned.
* Themes
The workshop solicits contributions in the themes below- (but not confined)
CrowdSourcing in
- Open innovations and open source
- Software models
- Theory development and designs
- Data Mining
- Enterprise resource planning
- Business to Business
- Web technologies etc
* Submissions
Submissions should provide original and unpublished research results or
ongoing research with simulations. The papers should be between 6 to 8 pages
total in length in the IEEE format.
* Important Dates
Submissions due: May 15, 2012
Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2012
Camera-ready submission: July 15, 2012
Workshop date: August 23 , 2012
* Organizers
Daisy Jacobs (University of Zululand, South Africa)
Saba Sarasvady (Amrita University, India)
Submissions at http://www.icdim.org/submission.php
For additional inquiries, please contact the organizers - s_sarasvady at
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Workshop on Software Ecosystems: Call
for Papers
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 08:38:14 -0400
From: Slinger Roijackers (Jansen) <slinger(a)slingerjansen.nl>
To: AISWorld <AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues,
please note that the maximum number of pages for submissions
has been changed to 15 after multiple requests. The deadline
will still be 15th of April, no extensions are possible.
Thank you,
Workshop on Software Ecosystems: CALL FOR PAPERS
(co-located with ICSOB: the International Conference on
Software Business)
After three successful workshops (2009
<http://iwseco.wordpress.com/>, 2010
2011 <http://iwseco10.wordpress.com/>) IWSECO continues its
world tour to Boston, MA, in 2012. Due to its more business
oriented nature, this year we seek submissions specifically
geared towards governance and coordination mechanisms for
software ecosystems.
Software vendors no longer function as independent units,
where all customers are end-users, where there are no
suppliers, and where all software is built in-house.
Instead, software vendors have become networked, i.e.,
software vendors are depending on (communities of) service
and software component suppliers, value-added-resellers, and
pro-active customers who build and share customizations.
Software vendors now have to consider their strategic role
in the software ecosystem to survive. With their role in the
software ecosystem in mind, software vendors can become more
successful by opening up their business, devising new
business models, forging long-lasting relationships with
partnership networks, and overcoming technical and social
challenges that are part of these innovations. The focus of
the first workshop was the definition of the research field.
The second workshop?s focus was the ?ideal? architecture of
a software platform. The third workshop on software
ecosystems focuses on the management of software ecosystems,
i.e., how a software vendor can manage its network of
partners, developers, service deliverers, and other third
parties that play a role in the software ecosystem.
Typically, software vendors have several instruments
available to them for managing their ecosystem, such as the
creation of partnership models or the introduction of
component and service certification. The effects of these
decisions on the software ecosystem have not yet been made
measurable, which can be considered one of the main
challenges of the field of software ecosystems. We welcome
submissions that specifically address this topic.
A software ecosystem is a set of actors functioning as a
unit and interacting with a shared market for software and
services, together with the relationships among them. These
relationships are frequently underpinned by a common
technological platform or market and operate through the
exchange of information, resources and artifacts. Several
challenges lie in the research area of software ecosystems.
To begin with, insightful and scalable modeling techniques
for software ecosystems currently do not exist. Furthermore,
methods are required that enable software vendors to
transform their legacy architectures to accommodate
reusability of internal common artifacts and external
components and services. Finally, methods are required that
support software vendors in choosing survival strategies in
software ecosystems.
The Workshop on Software Ecosystems aims to further increase
the body of knowledge in this specific area of software
reuse and software engineering by providing a forum to
exchange ideas and discuss state-of-the-art results. It will
build and shape the community of leading practitioners and
research experts. Given the relevance of software
ecosystems, and the rather unexplored scientific and
industry contribution in this field, the workshop will
deliver a state-of-the-practice overview of the available
knowledge on software ecosystems, as well as an overview of
challenges for further research.
*Relevant Topics*
Submitted papers shall address topics of interest to
software ecosystems and software business. Topics of
interest include, but are certainly not limited to:
* Organizational openness
* Two and N-sided markets
* Application Stores
* Strategic benefits analyses of ecosystem management
* Partner management
* Software development governance
* Software ecosystem modeling
* Software ecosystem practices and experience
* Software business models
* Product software and software licensing
* Economic impact of software ecosystems
* Software ecosystem creation
* Keystone and niche player survival strategies
* Formal modeling of business models
* Architectural implications of reusability
* API development
* Publishing APIs
* Software product management
* Software product lines
* Software development community management
* Software ecosystem orchestration
* Market-specific domain engineering
* Open source software ecosystems
* Virtualized software enterprises
* API compatibility over subsequent releases
*Workshop proceedings
*The papers will be published with CEUR-WS.
*Paper preparation, submission and evaluation*
We welcome both research and industry papers to IWSECO. They
must be original and not submitted to or accepted by any
other conference or journal. To encourage industrial
participation we also welcome short industry papers and case
studies. Papers should be submitted in electronic form (PDF)
using EasyChair at
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iwseco2012 . Max
page length is 15.
IWSECO 2012 pursues the following objectives:
1. Build upon the body of knowledge in software ecosystems,
and identify challenges and future avenues for research
relevant for both academia and industry.
2. Establish software ecosystems as a research field within
the greater field of software engineering, software
management, and software reuse.
3. Provide to software product managers and researchers a
dedicated forum for exchanging ideas and best practices
and thus foster industry-academia collaboration.
The field of software ecosystems is rather unexplored both
from scientific and industrial perspectives. This mandates
IWSECO to participate in bringing researchers and industrial
representatives together, for the purpose of exchanging
ideas, but also to iteratively set the research agenda based
on industry needs. The IWSECO 2012 workshop aims at
continuing to increase the body of knowledge for software
ecosystems by providing a forum to exchange ideas and
publish research results. It will build and shape the
community of leading practitioners and research experts.
*Organizing Committee
Slinger Jansen ? Utrecht University, the Netherlands
(s.jansen(a)cs.uu.nl <mailto:s.jansen@cs.uu.nl>)
Jan Bosch ? Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
(jan(a)janbosch.com <mailto:jan@janbosch.com>)
Carina Frota Alves ? Federal University of Pernambuco,
Brazil (cfa(a)cin.ufpe.br <mailto:cfa@cin.ufpe.br>)
*Steering Committee*
Sjaak Brinkkemper (s.brinkkemper(a)cs.uu.nl
Anthony Finkelstein (a.finkelstein(a)cs.ucl.ac.uk
*Important dates*
/15 April 2012: /Deadline for submissions
/15 May 2012/: Notification of authors
/1 June 2012/: Camera-ready papers due
/18 June 2012/: The International Workshop on Software
All deadlines are 23:59 Apia, Samoa time
Slinger Jansen (Roijackers)
Utrecht University
0031 6 19 884 880
book me through Google
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: Special Issue on SUSTAINABILITY
REPORTING – International Journal of Social Ecology and
Sustainable Development (IJSESD)
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 22:55:10 +0200
From: Tim A. Majchrzak <tima(a)ercis.de>
Reply-To: Tim A. Majchrzak <tima(a)ercis.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
********************* (Final) CALL FOR PAPERS *********************
SPECIAL ISSUE ON Sustainability Reporting
International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development
Guest Editors: Tim A. Majchrzak and Imke Wasner (University of
Münster, Germany)
This issue will be devoted to sustainability reporting. Supply chains
of multinational corporations often span across several countries,
including lower developed countries in which no adequate background
institutions have been established. Stakeholders increasingly demand
products that have been manufactured responsibly. They have various
reasons such as ecological ideals, the ethical obligation, or
economic motives. In recent years, reports that shed light onto a
company´s performance regarding a sustainable economic behavior have
become popular. These reports are expected to also include
information on how companies use their power to influence their
supply chain. Whether seen as an expected necessity or used for
purposes of marketing, the number of filed reports is rapidly
increasing. At the same time, standards still emerge and reports not
necessarily draw an objective - or the whole - picture.
To scientifically asses the recent development, we solicit articles
that concern sustainability reporting in all facets as well as its
impact on neighboring fields. Additionally, requirements regarding
affected activities as well as organizational and technological
preconditions are within the scope. We welcome both empirical and
theoretical papers that advance the understanding of what
sustainability reports are used for, how they are used, what impact
they have, and how reporting can be improved. Case studies are
welcomed but should provide a methodical sound generalization of
findings. Position papers might be accepted if they provide
scientific merit; checking back with the editors is recommend.
Reports from practitioners are welcomed, particularly if they provide
multiple views.
Topics to be discussed in this special issue include (but are not
limited to) the following:
o Business intelligence to support report generation
o Case studies of companies´ sustainability progress
o Data collection and scrubbing for sustainability reporting
o Differences between sectors
o Global Reporting Initiative
o Information systems support for the achievement of sustainability
o Qualitative and/or quantitative studies of reporting activities
o Reporting and controlling
o Reporting and marketing activities
o Reporting impact on customers
o Sector-specific reporting activities or comparisons of companies´
o Sustainability and corporate responsibility
o Sustainability and stakeholder relationship
o Sustainability and Supply Chain Management
o Sustainability management and reporting
o Sustainability reporting frameworks
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this
special theme issue on Sustainability Reporting on or before April
30, 2012. All submissions must be original and may not be under
review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE
All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer
review basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.
The International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable
Development (IJSESD) addresses issues of sustainable economic,
environmental, and financial development in advancing, developing,
and transitioning economies through eco-innovation and
eco-entrepreneurship-driven ideas and solutions. This journal
contains a cross-disciplinary focus and presents leverage synergies
from the synthesis of knowledge, learning, and experience from
diverse fields of theory and practice. IJSESD provides coverage of
timely and significant issues of sustainability and development with
social ecology-driven concepts and practices.
This journal is an official publication of the Information Resources
Management Association
Editor-in-Chief: Elias G. Carayannis (The George Washington
University School of Business, USA)
Published: Quarterly (both in Print and Electronic form)
The International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable
Development is published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.),
publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea Group
Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference", "Business
Science Reference", and "Engineering Science Reference" imprints. For
additional information regarding the publisher, please visit
All submissions should be directed to the attention of:
Tim A. Majchrzak and Imke Wasner
Guest Editors
International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development
E-mails: tima(a)ercis.de, imke.wasner(a)uni-muenster.de
* * * * * *
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] 15th IEEE CSE 2012: Call
for Papers
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 12:32:55 +0300
From: Announcements <announce(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
*** Call for Papers ***
The 15th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and
Engineering (IEEE CSE 2012)
3-5 October 2012, Paphos, Cyprus
The Computational Science and Engineering area has earned prominence
through advances in electronic and integrated technologies beginning
in the 1940s. Current times are very exciting and the years to come
will witness a proliferation in the use of various advanced computing
systems. It is increasingly becoming an emerging and promising
discipline in shaping future research and development activities in
academia and industry, ranging from engineering, science, finance,
economics, arts and humanitarian fields, especially when the solution
of large and complex problems must cope with tight timing schedules.
CSE 2012 is the next event, in a series of highly successful IEEE
International Conferences on Computational Science and Engineering,
held mainly as the International Workshop on High Performance
Scientific and Engineering Computing for 10 editions. The previous
CSE-11 was held in Dalian, China, August 24-26, 2011.
CSE 2012 will take place in Coral Beach resort near the city of
Paphos, Cyprus.
CSE-2012 is to bring together computer scientists, applied
mathematicians, engineers in different disciplines and researchers to
present, discuss and exchange ideas, results and experiences in the
area of advanced computing for problems in science and engineering
applications and inter-disciplinary. We are inviting new and unpublished
papers on, but not limited to, the following topics:
* Intelligent and Bio-inspired Computing
* Distributed and Parallel Computing
* Database and Data Mining
* Cluster, Grid, P2P and Cloud Computing
* Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications
* CSE Education
* Scientific and Engineering Computing
* Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing
* Advanced Networking and Applications
* Security, Privacy and Trust
* Service and Internet Computing - Dependable, Reliable and Autonomic
* CSE applications in the following areas, but not limited to:
computational fluid dynamics and mechanics; material sciences;
computational chemistry; space, weather, climate systems and global
changes; computational environment and energy systems; computational
ocean and earth sciences; combustion system simulation; computational
physics; bioinformatics and computational biology; medical applications;
transportation systems simulations; combinatorial and global
optimization problems; structural engineering; computational
electro-magnetic; computer graphics and multimedia; semiconductor
technology and electronic circuits and system design; dynamic systems;
computational finance; data mining; signal and image processing, etc.
Submission Guidelines
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with proceedings. Papers should be at most 8 pages
including the bibliography and well-marked appendices, and should
follow the IEEE 8.5" x 11" Two-Column Format. Committee members are
not required to read the appendices, and so the paper should be
intelligible without them. Submissions are to be made to the
submission web site. Only pdf files will be accepted. Submissions
not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration
of their merits. Papers must be received by the submission deadline.
Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be
presented at the conference. Accepted papers will be published in
the IEEE conference proceedings (EI indexed). Selected best papers
will be published in special issues of high quality journals
(currently under negotation).
Important Dates
* Submission Deadline: 20 May
* Notification of Acceptance: 15 July
* Camera-ready Versions Submitted: 31 July
* Author Registration: 31 July
Organizing Committee
General Chairs
Hai Jiang, Arkansas State University, USA
Jay Larson, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Steering Chairs
Keqiu Li, Dalian University of Technology, China
Kuan-Ching Li, Providence University, Taiwan
Rodrigo F. de Mello, ICMC, University of S?o Paulo, Brazil
Laurence T. Yang (Chair), St Francis Xavier University, Canada
Program Chairs
Bo Hong, Georgia Institue of Technology, USA
Thomas Rauber, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Gudula Runger, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Workshop Chairs
Massimo Cafaro, University of Salento, Italy
Mario Dantas, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil
Program Vice-chairs
Intelligent and Bio-inspired Computing
Tony Xiaohua Hu, Drexel University, USA
Distributed and Parallel Computing
Rosa Badia, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Database and Data Mining
Gagan Agrawal, Ohio State University, USA
Cluster, Grid, Cloud and P2P Computing
Eric Aubanel, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Services and Internet Computing
I-Ling Yen, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications
Jo Ueyama, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
CSE Applications
Raphael Couturier, University of Franche-Comte, France
Scientific and Engineering Computing
Elisabeth Larsson, Uppsala University, Sweden
Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing
John O'Donnell, University of Glasgow, UK
Advanced Networking and Applications
Helen Karatza, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Security, Privacy and Trust
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Dependable, Reliable and Autonomic Computing
Amiya Nayak, University of Ottawa, Canada
CSE Education
Sushil Prasad, Georgia State University, USA
This is not SPAM. If you want to be removed from this list,
please send an email to [announce(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy] with the
single word 'remove' in the subject of the email.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: IDEE 2012 CFP - Int'l Workshop on Interaction Design in
Educational Environments (Wroclaw/Poland) Submission Extension
Datum: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 06:35:12 -0500
Von: ICEIS WS Secretariat <postmaster13(a)303media.net>
Antwort an: iceis.workshops.secretariat(a)insticc.org
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Int'l Workshop on Interaction Design in Educational Environments
IDEE website: http://www.iceis.org/IDEE.aspx
Habib M. Fardoun, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Paper Submission: April 10, 2012 (extended)
Authors Notification: April 27, 2012
Final Paper Submission and Registration: May 10, 2012
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dear Gustaf Neumann,
Let me kindly inform you that, due to several requests, the paper submission deadline for the Int'l Workshop on Interaction Design in Educational Environments has been extended to next April 10, 2012.
This workshop will be held in Wroclaw, Poland on June 28-29, 2012, in conjunction with ICEIS (International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems), a conference sponsored by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC), co-organized by the Wroclaw University of Economics and held in cooperation with the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) and with the IEICE Special Interest Group on Software Interprise Modelling (SWIM). INSTICC is member of the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) and the Object Management Group (OMG).
Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers (full, short and posters) will be published in the workshop proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support. BDJU
All presented papers will be also available at the SciTePress Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary). SciTePress is member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/).
Should you have any question or suggestions please don't hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Helder Coelhas
ICEIS WS Secretariat
Av. D. Manuel I, 27A 2.Esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 185
Fax: +44 203 014 8816
Email: iceis.workshops.secretariat(a)insticc.org
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
During the last few years, new devices have been invading the pacific waters of educational environments. Different kind of tablets, laptops, whiteboards, mobile devices and other exciting computer systems have been introduced in classrooms together with the recurrent claim for which they help to improve the learning process in.
This workshop invites authors to submit contributions on concepts Distributed interaction Design Discussion, applications, techniques or environments where interaction design play a central role by improving the learning process at all levels.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Conceptual models for educational applications
- Educational pervasive environments
- Educational Interface design
- New devices and interaction techniques for educative environments
- Instructional and Interaction design
- Student/Teacher centered design
- Educative Ambient intelligence
- Human factors in Educative UI design
- Collaboration, cooperation and coordination
- Design patterns in collaborative educational environments
- Classroom teaching techniques
- Model-Based Development Environments
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: MSVVEIS 2012 CFP - Int'l Workshop on Modelling, Simulation,
Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems
(Wroclaw/Poland) Submission Extension
Datum: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 06:37:54 -0500
Von: ICEIS WS Secretariat <postmaster13(a)303media.net>
Antwort an: iceis.workshops.secretariat(a)insticc.org
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Int'l Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems
MSVVEIS website: http://www.iceis.org/MSVVEIS.aspx
Costin Badica, University of Craiova, Romania
George Eleftherakis, CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, Greece
Grzegorz J. Nalepa, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Manuel Isidoro Capel-Tunon, University of Granada, Spain
Paper Submission: April 10, 2012 (extended)
Authors Notification: April 27, 2012
Final Paper Submission and Registration: May 10, 2012
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dear G. Neumann,
Let me kindly inform you that, due to several requests, the paper submission deadline for the Int'l Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems has been extended to next April 10, 2012.
This workshop will be held in Wroclaw, Poland on June 28-29, 2012, in conjunction with ICEIS (International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems), a conference sponsored by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC), co-organized by the Wroclaw University of Economics and held in cooperation with the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) and with the IEICE Special Interest Group on Software Interprise Modelling (SWIM). INSTICC is member of the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) and the Object Management Group (OMG).
Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers (full, short and posters) will be published in the workshop proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support. BLNG
All presented papers will be also available at the SciTePress Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary). SciTePress is member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/).
Should you have any question or suggestions please don't hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Helder Coelhas
ICEIS WS Secretariat
Av. D. Manuel I, 27A 2.Esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 185
Fax: +44 203 014 8816
Email: iceis.workshops.secretariat(a)insticc.org
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
One of the most important recurrent problems in any enterprise is how to ensure the reliability and correctness of the core processes and systems the company relies on. This event focuses on the provision of methods and tools that can increase the level of confidence on Enterprise Information Systems (EIS).
Procedures to increase the quality of the outcome for an EIS can be exercised at different levels and this forum considers methodologies that can help, either at an organizational or at a software development level, to increase the level of confidence in the IS used and produced. The complexity of modern companies, which are usually geographically distributed and support online simultaneous operations from many customers around the world, is reflected in complex operational procedures as well as in the sophisticated software that is needed to realize that operational structure. Several methodologies have been developed to analyse and develop processes that whilst reflecting the complex operational contexts of modern companies are also reliable. Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation are particularly connected with the responsible production of systems and quality assurance testing. They can be connected to each other in order to explore the behaviour of a system u
nder development and to evaluate how it relates to the intended implementation.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Formal Methods
- Combination of verification systems
- Deductive systems
- Finite-state abstractions of infinite-state systems
- Model checking
- Petri nets
- Process algebra
- Reuse of specifications and proofs
- Rule-based modelling
- Semantics of modelling notations
Modelling notations
- Business and software process modelling, simulation, analysis and design
- Information systems modelling and design
- Integration of modelling and specification
- Modelling application integration (Web services, agents, a.o.)
- Modelling business services
- Modelling guidelines
- Modelling software architecture
- Modelling using objects, components and agents
- Notation standards (BPMN, UML, ontologies, XML-based, etc.)
- Organization modelling for EIS
- Requirements specifications
Quality control and assurance
- Modelling& Simulation to increase software reliability
- Modelling& Simulation, Verfication& Validation as part of the software lifecycle
- Testing
- Validation and certification
- Workflow modelling, simulation and verification, and quality assessment
Applications and case studies
- Applications of objects, components and agents
- Business / IT alignment
- Business and industry applications
- Consistency checking and data integrity
- Large scale component based development
- Safety critical systems
- Technical frameworks and tool support
- Use cases
- Working product evaluation
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] CFP: ICT in Education - 8th Pan-Hellenic
Conference with International Participation
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 10:55:12 -0600
From: Sabine Graf <sabine.graf(a)ieee.org>
Reply-To: Sabine Graf <sabine.graf(a)ieee.org>
To: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
ICT in Education
8th Pan-Hellenic Conference with International Participation
28-30 September 2012, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
The 8th Pan-Hellenic Conference with International Participation "ICT in
Education" (HCICTE 2012) is the biannual scientific conference of the
Hellenic Association of ICT in Education (HAICTE), aiming to address the
main issues of concern within ICT in Education and e-Learning.
HCICTE 2012 covers technological, pedagogical, organizational, instructional
as well as policy aspects of ICT in Education and e-Learning. Special
emphasis is given to applied research relevant to educational practice
guided by the educational realities in schools, colleges, universities and
informal learning organizations.
HCICTE 2012 aims to serve as a forum for academicians and researchers from
around the world to present their currentwork. The Conference especially
welcomes articles coming from the Greek Diaspora, as well as the
Mediterranean countries.
The main topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- ICT-based Learning
- Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
- Learning, eLearning and Pedagogy
- Learning Technologies
- ICT and Instructional Design
- E-Content - Development and Delivery
- 21st century Education - Educational policy and ICT
- Education for sustainable development, Sustainable School and ICT
- ICT and Teachers' Professional Development
- Sociology of Education and ICT
- ICT-enhanced Science Education
- ICT-enhanced Language Learning
- Educational Gaming
- Virtual Learning Environments
- Web 2.0 applications in Education
- Social Networks for Learning and Knowledge Sharing
- Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies for Learning
- E-learning in Higher and Tertiary Education
- E-learning and lifelong Learning
- ICT and lifelong Learning
- Distance Learning ? Models, Systems and Architectures
- Digital Literacy and Digital Competence
- E-Assessment - Theories and Methodologies
Authors are invited to submit originalpapers on research results or novel
applications of ICT in education and e-learning. The Conference will be
composed of several types of contributions:
- Keynote Talks: These will be invited contributions from well-known
scholars and scientists in the field. An abstract will be included in the
conference proceedings.
- Full Papers: These include mainly accomplished original research
results and may have 8 pages at maximum.
- Short Papers: These are mostly composed of work in progress
reports, fresh developments, individual projects or on-going work of PhD
students. They have 4 pages at maximum.
- Workshops: A Workshop is a collection of papers on a theme that
has been coordinated and led by the workshop's leader(s). The aim the
workshops is to bring together various research and development groups, to
serve as a forum for establishing new collaborations, to attract both
research results and work in progress, and to define main enablers and
future challenges. The workshop leader should provide an abstract briefly
describing the theme and its significance for the field of ICT in education,
and a submission file with around 200 word abstracts of each paper. The
workshop contribution papers may publish as full papers and have 8 pages at
the maximum.
- Panels: Discussions on selected topics will be held. A proposal of
maximum 250 words is expected.
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: April 15, 2012
- Author's Notification: June 15, 2012
- Final Camera-Ready Submission: July 15, 2012
- Author's Registration: Until July 15, 2012
- Early Registration: Until August 15, 2012
- Late Registration: After August 15, 2012
- Conference: September 28-30, 2012 Volos, Greece
- Charalampos Karagiannidis (karagian(a)uth.gr)
- Panagiotis Politis (ppopl(a)uth.gr)
- Ilias Karasavvidis (ikaras(a)uth.gr)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] 10th IEEE/IFIP EUC 2012: Call for Papers
Datum: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 18:23:24 +0300
Von: Announcements <announce(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
Antwort an: Announcements <announce(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
An: telespazio.com, <WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
*** Call for Papers ***
The 10th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous
Computing (IEEE/IFIP EUC 2012)
3-5 October 2012, Paphos, Cyprus
Embedded and ubiquitous computing is an exciting paradigm that promises
to provide computing and communication services to the end users all the
time and everywhere. Its systems are now invading in every aspect of our
daily life and promise to revolutionize our life much more profoundly
than elevators, electric motors or even personal computer evolution ever
did. The emergence of this technology is a natural outcome of research
and technological advances in a variety of areas including embedded
systems, pervasive computing and communications, wireless networks,
mobile computing, distributed computing and agent technologies.
EUC 2012 is the next event, in a series of highly successful IEEE
International Conferences on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC),
previously held as ICDCS-ECS04 (Tokyo, Japan, March 2004), EUC-04
(Aizu, Japan, August 2004), EUC-05 (Nagasaki, Japan, December 2005),
EUC-06 (Seoul, Korea, August 2006), EUC-07 (Taipei, Taiwan, December
2007), EUC-08 (Shanghai, China, December 2008), EUC-09 (Vancouver,
Canada, August 2009), EUC-10 (Hong Kong, December 2010) and EUC 2011
(Melbourne, Australia, October 2011).
EUC 2012 will take place in Coral Beach resort near the city of
Paphos, Cyprus.
Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
Embedded Computing
* Embedded System Software and Optimization
* Embedded System Architectures
* Hardware/Software Co-design and Design Automation
* Real-Time Systems and Operating Systems
* Application-Specific Processors and Devices
* Power-Aware Computing
* Sensor Networks
* System/Network-on-Chip
* Reconfigurable Computing Systems and Applications
* Cyber-Physical Systems
Ubiquitous Computing
* Pervasive Computing and Communications
* Middleware and Peer-to-Peer Computing
* Internet Computing and Applications
* Multimedia and Data Management
* Human-Computer Interaction
* Network Protocols
* Wireless Communication& Networks
* Mobile Computing
* Agents and Distributed Computing
* Security and Fault Tolerance Applications
Submission Guidelines
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with proceedings. Papers should be at most 8 pages
including the bibliography and well-marked appendices, and should
follow the IEEE 8.5" x 11" Two-Column Format. Committee members are
not required to read the appendices, and so the paper should be
intelligible without them. Submissions are to be made to the
submission web site. Only pdf files will be accepted. Submissions
not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration
of their merits. Papers must be received by the submission deadline.
Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be
presented at the conference. Accepted papers will be published in
the IEEE conference proceedings (EI indexed). Selected best papers
will be published in special issues of high quality journals
(currently under negotation).
Important Dates
* Submission Deadline: 20 May
* Notification of Acceptance: 15 July
* Camera-ready Versions Submitted: 31 July
* Author Registration: 31 July
Organizing Committee
General Chairs
Erol Gelenbe, Imperial College, UK
Rajesh Gupta, University of California at San Diego, USA
George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Steering Chairs
Minyi Guo, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Program Chairs
Habib M. Ammari, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA
Marco D. Santambrogio, MIT, USA/Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Yan Zhang, Simula Research Lab/University of Oslo, Norway
Workshop Chairs
Xu Li, INRIA Lille - Nord Europe, France
Linwei Niu (to be confirmed), California State University Bakersfield, USA
Program Vice-chairs
Embedded Software and Optimization
Simone Campanoni, Harvard University, USA
Embedded Systems and Hardware/Software Co-Design
Vincenzo Rana, EPFL, Switzerland
Real-Time Systems and Operating Systems
Lamia Youseff, Google
Power-Aware Computing
Seda Ogrenci Memik, Northwestern University, USA
Wireless Communications
Abbas Mohammed, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Agent and Distributed Computing
Jinhua Guo, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA
Middleware for Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing
Xiuzhen Cheng, George Washington University, USA
Sensor Networks
Andreas Constantinides, Frederick University, Cyprus
Mobile and Context-aware Computing
Carlo Curino, Yahoo
Multimedia and Data Management
Honggang Wang, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, USA
Autonomic, Organic and Trusted Computing
Jie Shen, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA
This is not SPAM. If you want to be removed from this list,
please send an email to [announce(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy] with the
single word 'remove' in the subject of the email.
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] 10th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded
and Ubiquitous Computing: Call for Workshop Proposals
Datum: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 17:52:57 +0300
Von: George Angelos Papadopoulos <george(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
An: undisclosed-recipients:;
*** Call for Workshop Proposals ***
The 10th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous
Computing (IEEE/IFIP EUC 2012)
3-5 October 2012, Paphos, Cyprus
Embedded and ubiquitous computing is an exciting paradigm that promises
to provide computing and communication services to the end users all
the time and everywhere. Its systems are now invading in every aspect
of our daily life and promise to revolutionize our life much more
profoundly than elevators, electric motors or even personal computer
evolution ever did. The emergence of this technology is a natural
outcome of research and technological advances in a variety of areas
including embedded systems, pervasive computing and communications,
wireless networks, mobile computing, distributed computing and agent
EUC 2012 is the next event, in a series of highly successful IEEE
International Conferences on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing. It will
hold multiple workshops co-located with the main conference. We invite
you to submit workshop proposals to the Workshop Chairs. The purpose of
these workshops is to offer researchers a good opportunity to present
their work in a more focused way than the conference itself and to
obtain feedback from an interested community. Workshop organizers are
responsible for establishing a program committee, collecting and
evaluating submissions, notifying authors of acceptance or rejection
in due time, ensuring a transparent and fair selection process,
organizing selected papers into sessions, and assigning session chairs.
Proposals on emerging topics guaranteed to generate significant interest
in the community will be selected.
A workshop proposal should contain at least:
- A draft call for papers, the workshop deadlines, names and
affiliations of organizers and tentative composition of the
committees, expected numbers of submissions and accepted papers.
- Prior history of this workshop, if any. Please include: number of
submissions, number of accepted papers, and attendee count.
All workshops should maintain the same quality as the main conference.
All accepted papers will be included in the same conference proceedings
published by IEEE. The workshop proposals submission deadline is April
15, 2012. Notification of acceptance will be notified within 2 weeks
after proposal submission. Please submit your proposal to the Workshops
Chair Dr. Xu Li (xu.li(a)inria.fr <mailto:xu.li@inria.fr>)
Important Dates
Submission deadline: April 15, 2012
Acceptance Notification: April 29, 2012
Once accepted, the workshop should establish its own paper submission
system (however, for compatibility purposes we recommend Easy Chair).
Each paper selected for inclusion in the proceedings must be registered
for EUC 2012 at the same registration rates. Each paper must be
presented in person by the author, or one of the authors. All the papers
in the EUC 2012 workshops will be published in the IEEE conference
proceedings, in the same proceedings of EUC 2012, and will be made
available to all conference registrants on site. All workshop papers
will also be electronically available through IEEE Xplore Digital
Database, and professionally indexed through INSPEC and EI Index. The
accepted workshops can decide their own submission deadlines but must
follow the same camera-ready deadline and registration deadline as the
EUC 2012 main conference.
Please organize your workshop as early as possible to ensure your
efforts turn out to be fruitful. For further information on preparing
a workshop proposal, please contact the Workshops Chair Dr. Xu Li
(xu.li(a)inria.fr <mailto:xu.li@inria.fr>).
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] Deadline Extension: International Workshop on
Information Value Management
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 10:27:55 +0200
From: Mouzhi Ge <mouzhi.ge(a)unibw.de>
Reply-To: Mouzhi Ge <mouzhi.ge(a)unibw.de>
To: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
International Workshop on Information Value Management
conjoined with 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information
Systems (ICEIS)
28th June, 2012 - Wroclaw, Poland
Deadline for paper submissions: 10th April, 2012
Background and Rational
The information systems literature has consistently emphasized the need
for alignment of information systems with organizational goals and
strategies and its impact on organizational performance. One of the key
challenges and subject of continuous debate focuses on how to achieve,
measure, increase and manage information and the value it creates to
organisations. It has been concern to researchers and management for many
years and the difficulty in measuring less tangible benefits has been
Information creates not only value in financial terms but also in terms of
operational and strategic advantages. Thus exploring the value of
information and its management is crucial to the success of world-leading
organizations. The value of information can be determined by its
importance to and the impact information has on the business operations
such as decision making, strategy development or optimizing supply chains.
However, the issue of how to manage the value of information is still
challenging and research so far could only address limited aspects. It has
been argued that if information result in enhanced business value, the
focus needs to shift from project based cost/benefit analysis to managing
the overall value creation of information. Furthermore, over the last
decade a move from solely technical aspects to a combination of multiple
contextual factors such as technology, sector, organizational culture, and
management style can be observed.
With this workshop we aim to go beyond traditional IT productivity and
cost evaluations; we view information as a crucial asset that creates
value to an organizations, and thus needs to be managed accordingly for
optimal business value. In this workshop, we aim to provide a platform for
discussing approaches, models, results and case studies or experience
reports addressing a broad range of issues related to Information Value
Management. Research challenges include how to determine the Value of
Information and its impact on business performance, managing Data and
Information Quality, capturing and maintaining Information Assets, and
designing and improving Information Manufacture System.
Papers can include and discuss various research methods and can be based
on case studies, quantitative and quantitative methods, design science as
well as experimental and simulation. In addition practical oriented
research and experience reports are encouraged.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following list:
Determining Information Value
Data and Information Quality
Specifying and Measuring the Benefits from Information
Information Value Chains
Information Manufacture and Information Product
Optimising Information Value
Information Lifecycle Concepts
Modelling and Visualising Information Manufacturing Systems
Information Risk Management
Data Integration and Value Creation
Analytical IS and Value Creation
IVM Maturity Models
IVM Capabilities
IT Governance and IVM
Management Approaches for IVM
Change Management and IVM
Paper submissions
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in any of the topics
listed above. Instructions for preparing the manuscript (in Word and Latex
formats) are available at: http://www.iceis.org/papertemplates.aspx
Please also check the http://www.iceis.org/submissionguidelines.aspx.
Papers should be submitted electronically via the web-based submission
system at: http://www.insticc.org/Primoris
All accepted papers (full, short and posters) will be published in a
special section of the conference proceedings book - under an ISBN
reference and on CD-ROM support - and submitted for indexation by Thomson
Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP and EI
(Elsevier Index).
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the
SciTePress Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/).
SciTePress is member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/).
Important Dates
Paper Submission: 10th April, 2012
Authors Notification: 27th April, 2012
Final Paper Submission and Registration: 4th May, 2012
ICEIS Conference: 28th June, 2012
Workshop Program Committee
Andy Koronios, University of South Australia, Australia
Carlo Batini, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Marcin Sikorski, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Raymond Slot, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Joaquim Filipe, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal/INSTICC, Portugal
David Olson, University of Nebraska, United States
Dietmar Jannach, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany
Maria Vargas-Vera, Open University, United Kingdom
Andrea Maurino, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
José Cordeiro, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal/INSTICC,Portugal
Laure Berti-Équille, Université de Rennes 1, France
Cinzia Cappiello, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Benjamin Shao, Arizona State University, United States
Bene Rodriguez, Bundeswehr University of Munich, Germany
Ying Su, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China,China
Thoa Pham, Dublin City University, Ireland
Ke Xu, Microsoft, USA
Workshop Chairs
Markus Helfert
Dublin City University, Ireland
Mouzhi Ge
Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany
Dr. Mouzhi Ge
E-Business& Web Science Research Group
Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany
Email: mouzhi.ge(a)unibw.de
Phone: +49-(0) 89-6004-4242
Fax: +49-(0) 89-6004-4620
www: https://www.unibw.de/wow5_3/team/mouzhi-ge
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi