-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ICSOC 2011 - Call for Demo
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 00:46:43 +0100
From: Bedini, Ivan (Ivan) <ivan.bedini(a)alcatel-lucent.com>
To: elsnet-list(a)elsnet.org <elsnet-list(a)elsnet.org>,
wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>,
<eii-associate(a)lists.eii.edu.au>, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
December 5 - 8 2011, Paphos, Cyprus
ICSOC is a prime forum for researchers and practitioners from academia and
industry alike to present and discuss groundbreaking works in service-oriented
computing. This year ICSOC will focus on the challenges in transitioning from
service-oriented computing to cloud-based services. In cloud computing we use
a common service abstraction to provide infrastructure (IaaS), platform (PaaS),
and software (SaaS), meaning that lessons learned in service-oriented computing
can be extremely valuable. The Demonstration Program will therefore highlight
practical contributions that show how service-oriented techniques and tools
have assisted, or can assist, the development of cloud-based systems.
Submissions are invited for system demonstrations to be included in the ICSOC
2011 Demonstration Program. The program will provide an opportunity to discuss
emerging technologies with key researchers and practitioners, and allow the
participants to elaborate on how expertise in service-oriented computing can
help us garner new opportunities in the field of cloud computing.
The ICSOC 2011 Demonstration Program welcomes practical contributions that
address general or domain-specific challenges of service-oriented computing,
and of its transition towards cloud computing. The program is interested in
innovative software technologies, tools and applications.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
- Service-oriented Architecture
- Services on the Cloud - XaaS (everything as a service including IaaS, PaaS,
and SaaS)
- Grid and Cloud Services
- Social networks and services
- Human-provided and outsourcing services
- Theoretical and Technical Service Foundations
- Business Service Modeling and Business Process Modeling
- Service Integration and Orchestration on the Cloud
- Service Composition and Engineering
- Service Operations and Management on the Cloud
- Quality of Service for Cloud Services
- Software Engineering Models, Methods and Methodologies for XaaS
- Service Applications and Implementations
- Service Design Methods
- Service Change Management
- Service Vocabularies and Ontologies
- SOA Runtimes and Middleware
- Testbeds for Service Concepts and Technologies
- Business Intelligence and Analytics for Services
- Pervasive and Mobile Services on the Cloud
- Embedded and Real-time Services
- Service Security, Privacy, and Trust
Demonstration submissions have to include a two page description of the
contribution including a title, a system overview, a summary of its novel
characteristics, and the functions/features to be demonstrated. Descriptions
are to be written in English and must not exceed 2 pages following LNCS format
(see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for details). Additionally,
authors should provide a link to a short online video or screen cast not
exceeding 6 minutes in length (hard limit) of their demonstration. If a video
cannot be provided, authors must alternatively produce a set of at the most 8
(hard limit) screenshots of their demonstration.
Submissions have to be uploaded electronically via the conference Web site.
All submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their innovation, practical
value, presentation and relevance to the main conference themes. Accepted
submissions will be included in the ICSOC 2011 post-conference Workshop
proceedings, to be published by Springer as part of the Service Science series.
At least one author is expected to register for and showcase the demonstration
at the ICSOC 2011 conference in Paphos.
- Demo submission: August 29, 2011
- Notifications: September 19, 2011
- Camera-ready version: October 3, 2011
- Demonstrations: December 5 - 8, 2011
- Sam Guinea, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Florian Rosenberg, IBM Research, USA
- Marco Aiello, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Claudio Bartolini, HP Labs, USA
- Athman Bougettaya, CSIRO, Australia
- Ivona Brandic, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Vincenzo D'Andrea, University of Trento, Italy
- Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Howard Foster, Imperial College London, UK
- Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada
- Dimka Karastoyanova, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Raman Kazhamiakin, SOA Research Unit, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
- E. Michael Maximilien, IBM Almaden Research, USA
- Pierluigi Plebani, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Florian Daniel, University of Trento, Italy
- Armin Haller, CSIRO, Australia
- Cesare Pautasso, University of Lugano, Switzerland
- Thomas Setzer, Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Wei Tan, IBM Research, USA
- Jim Webber, ThoughtWorks, UK
- Uwe Zdun, University of Vienna, Austria
Ivan Bedini
Bell Labs Ireland
Tel: +353 1 8864525
email: ivan.bedini(a)alcatel-lucent.com
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP 41. GI Jahrestagung "Virtuelle Welten und
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 09:38:00 +0100
From: Prof. Dr. Stefan Stieglitz
Organization: Universität Münster
To: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Call for Papers
Workshop auf der GI-Jahrestagung 2011 "Virtuelle Welten und Computerspiele"
Einreichungsfrist: 24.4.2011
Allgemeine Thematik
Virtuelle Welten sind in den vergangenen Jahren mit wechselnder Intensität
in der medialen Öffentlichkeit diskutiert worden. Gleichzeitig sind das
wissenschaftliche Interesse und die Notwendigkeit zur Erforschung dieses
Plattformtyps kontinuierlich angestiegen. Die technologische Basis
virtueller Welten bilden 3D-Interaktions-räume, kombiniert mit
Avatar-Repräsentation und Voice-over-IP, die die Reichhaltigkeit und
Interaktivität bestehender Web-Anwendungen bei weitem übersteigen.
Vielfach rezipierte Beispiele bilden soziale virtuelle Welten wie „Second
Life“, deren Geschäftsmodell vollständig auf User-Generated Content
basiert und die auch verstärkt für Anwendungen im Unternehmensbereich
(bspw. bei IBM und HP) erprobt wurde, sowie die virtuelle Spielwelt „World
of Warcraft“ mit mehr als 11 Millionen Nutzern.
Diese interaktiven Unterhaltungsdienste bilden ein besonderes
Wachstumssegment. Nach einer BITKOM-Studie aus dem Jahr 2009 haben 14%
aller Bundesbürger über 14 Jahren schon einmal online gespielt und zeigen
auch eine Zahlungsbereitschaft für derartige Dienste. Das Volumen des
Gaming-Marktes wird für 2015 mit weltweit 70 Milliarden US-Dollar
prognostiziert (DFC Intelligence 2010).Für die Informatik eröffnet sich
mit virtuellen Welten ein neues Untersuchungsfeld mit einer Vielzahl von
In dem geplanten Workshop sollen dabei zwei Bereiche fokussiert werden:
1) Untersucht werden soll die Nutzung virtueller Welten für den
Unternehmenskontext. In diesem Zusammenhang sind die Potenziale für
neuartige E-Business Anwendungen zu erforschen, entsprechende
Referenzmodelle zu entwickeln, Anforderungen an die technische
Infrastruktur zu spezifizieren und die organisatorischen und
institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen zu bestimmen, unter denen
Geschäftsaktivitäten unter Einsatz virtueller Welten vollzogen werden
2) Zum zweiten besteht Bedarf an wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen für die
Entwicklung, das Management und den Betrieb von virtuellen Welten und
Online-Spielen. Die Gestaltung von Vorgehensmodellen für den spezifischen
Entwicklungskontext, der Gewinn von Erkenntnissen zur Entwicklung und
Nachhaltigkeit von Geschäftsmodellen sowie die Ableitung von
Akzeptanzmodellen, die die unterhaltenden Eigenschaften dieser Umgebungen
berücksichtigen, sind wesentliche Forschungsziele.
Spezifische Themenfelder: Der vorgeschlagene Workshop auf der Informatik
2011 soll der Konsolidierung der bisherigen Forschung dienen und einen
Ausgangspunkt für die weitere systematische Bearbeitung dieses
Themenfeldes markieren. Beiträge können sowohl theoretisch als auch
empirisch ausgerichtet sein. Sie können die folgenden Aspekte
thematisieren, sind aber nicht auf diese eingeschränkt:
• Soziale Vernetzung und Kommunikation in virtuellen Welten
• Communities im Kontext von virtuellen Welten und Computerspielen
• Kollaborative Wertschöpfung und Entrepreneurship in virtuellen Welten
• Anwendung virtueller Welten in der Unternehmenskommunikation und
• Einsatz virtueller Welten im Innovationsprozess und in der
• Integration der Technologie virtueller Welten mit anderen Technologien
und Informationssystemen
• Virtuelle Welten und Computerspiele in der Aus- und Weiterbildung
• Geschäftsmodelle in der Gaming Industrie, Geschäftsmodelle auf Basis
virtueller Welten
• Design, Entwicklung und Betrieb von virtuellen Welten und Computerspielen
• Adoption und Benutzerakzeptanz von virtuellen Welten und Computerspielen
• Vertrauen und Transparenz in virtuellen Welten und Computerspielen
• Serious Games
Die Beiträge sollen maximal 10 Seiten lang sein und in Deutsch oder
Englisch bisher noch nicht veröffentlichte Forschungsergebnisse
darstellen. Die akzeptierten Beiträge werden als Vollversion digital und
referenzierbar im Rahmen der Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) bereit
gestellt. Eine Kurzversion wird in einem gedruckten Proceedings‐Band der
GI Jahrestagung erscheinen. Erfahrungsberichte mit Neuigkeits‐ und
Alleinstellungsmerkmalen sowie interdisziplinäre Beiträge sind willkommen.
Ziel ist eine Mischung theoretischer und praktischer Arbeiten.
Alle Beiträge werden in anonymisierter Form von zwei Mitgliedern des
Programmkomitees begutachtet. Einreichungen aus dem Programmkomitee sind
zulässig. Die Beiträge müssen im LNI‐Format erstellt werden, nähere
Informationen dazu finden Sie unter
Inhaltlich: Stefan.Stieglitz(a)uni-muenster.de
Organisation: Danny.Pannicke(a)tu-berlin.de
Einreichung: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=informatik2011
Anmeldung: http://www.informatik2011.de/
Einreichung von Beiträgen: 24.04.2011
Benachrichtigung der Autoren: 23.05.2011
Abgabe der Druckversion: 01.07.2011
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Zarnekow (TU Berlin, Fachgebiet IuK Management)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Stieglitz (Universität Münster, Wirtschaftsinformatik)
Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Danny Pannicke (TU Berlin, Fachgebiet IuK Management)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Lattemann (Jacobs University Bremen)
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lechner (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Stieglitz (Universität Münster)
Prof. Dr. Susanne Strahringer (TU Dresden)
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Zarnekow (TU Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Stieglitz
Juniorprofessur für Kommunikations- und Kollaborationsmanagement
Research Group for Communication and Collaboration Management
University of Muenster, Department of Information Systems
Leonardo-Campus 3, 48149 Muenster
T: + 49 (0) 251 83 38 115, F: +49 (0) 251 83 28 002
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Final CFP: EMMSAD'2011
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 15:09:47 -0600
From: Keng Siau <ksiau(a)unlnotes.unl.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Final Call for Papers
Sixteenth International Conference on
Exploring Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design_
__http://www.emmsad.org_ <http://www.emmsad.org/>
London, United Kingdom, 2011, 20-21 June
(held in conjunction with CAiSE’2011)*
Submissions due: *February 26, 2011
Sponsors**: *
· Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
(CAiSE). As of 2007, EMMSAD is officially linked on an
ongoing basis to the CAiSE conference series
(_http://www.caise2011.com_ <http://www.caise2011.com/>).
· International Federation for Information Processing
Working Group 8.1 (IFIP WG 8.1).
_https://research.idi.ntnu.no/ifip-wg81/_. Sponsor since 1997.
· European Virtual Laboratory for Enterprise
Interoperability (INTEROP-VLab) North Pole
(_http://www.interop-vlab.eu/_). Sponsor since 2005.
· Association for Information Systems Special Interest Group
on Systems Analysis and Design (AIS-SIGSAND).
_http://nfp.cba.utulsa.edu/bajaja/Sigsand/_. Sponsor since 2005
· Enterprise Engineering Network
(_http://www.enterpriseengineeringnetwork.org/_). Sponsor
since 2009.
· The ORM Foundation (_http://www.ormfoundation.org/_).
The field of information systems analysis and design
includes numerous information modeling methods and notations
(e.g. ER, ORM, UML, ArchiMate, EPC, BPMN, DEMO) that are
typically evolving. Even with some attempts to standardize
(e.g. UML for object-oriented software design), new modeling
methods are constantly being introduced, many of which
differ only marginally from previous approaches. These
ongoing changes significantly impact the way information
systems, enterprises, and business processes are being
analyzed and designed in practice.
The EMMSAD conference focuses on exploring, evaluating, and
enhancing modeling methods and methodologies for the
analysis and design of information systems, enterprises, and
business processes. Though the need for such studies is well
recognized, there is a paucity of such research in the
literature. The objective of the EMMSAD conference series is
to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners
interested in modeling methods for systems analysis and
design to meet, and exchange research ideas and results. It
also provides the participants an opportunity to present
their research papers and experience reports, and to take
part in open discussions. EMMSAD’2011 is the sixteenth in a
very successful series of EMMSAD events, previously held in
Heraklion, Barcelona, Pisa, Heidelberg, Stockholm,
Interlaken, Toronto, Velden, Riga, Porto, Luxembourg,
Trondheim, Montpellier, Amsterdam and Hammamet.
Topics of Interest*:
Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) theoretical
and/or empirical or case-based exploration of modeling
methods and methodologies in a systems analysis and design
context. The topics of interest include general modeling
issues such as:
· Modeling languages
· The process of modeling
· Quality of models & modeling
· Experiences in modeling
· Theoretical/philosophical foundations of modeling
and/or specific modeling strategies or aspects, including
(but not limited to):
· Agile Modeling
· Business Process Modeling and Improvement
· Business Rule Modeling
· Database Modeling
· Enterprise Modeling, Architecture, and Governance
· Goal and Value Modeling
· Information Modeling (ER, ORM etc.)
· Meta-modeling
· Method Engineering
· Mobile and Ubiquitous Information Systems
· Model-Driven Engineering
· Object Oriented Methods and Methodologies
· Ontologies and the Semantic Web
· Requirements modeling
· Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
· Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Unified Process (UP)
· Workflow Modeling
· Web information systems
Important dates***(2011):
Paper submissions: February 26
Notification of acceptance: March 22
Camera-ready copies: April 10
Conference: June 20-21
Submission guidelines**:*
The conference accepts two types of submissions—/Completed
Research/ and /Research-In-Progress/. Completed research
papers should include analysis of data and discussion on
research findings. Research-in-progress papers report on
research that is well under way with preliminary results
available at the time of the conference. Please use the
following format for your submissions:
· For Completed Research submissions, the paper should not
exceed 15 pages (including references and appendices). The
paper may refer to a theoretical analysis of a scientific
challenge, as well as the presentation of a solution to an
identified scientific challenge.
· For Research-In-Progress submissions, the paper should not
exceed 10 pages (including references and appendices).
· The first page should begin with the title of the paper,
author names (contact author underlined), affiliations, and
e-mail addresses, followed by an abstract of no more than
150 words.
· Use 10 point font for the bulk of the body text.
Only electronic submissions in Adobe PDF format are
accepted. E-mail your abstract as an attachment to
<mailto:terry.halpin@logicblox.com>. Submit the full paper
using the conference management system available at _
Accepted papers will be published in the conference
proceedings, which will be available at the workshop, and
should use the Springer LNBIP style (for details, see
_http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html_). Top papers
in the completed research category may also be considered
(after extension and enhancement) either for chapters in a
book to be edited by the conference co-chairs, or for
journal publications in the International Journal of
Information System Modeling and Design
EMMSAD Steering Committee*
Dr Keng Siau
University of Nebraska-LincolnUSA Dr Terry Halpin
LogicBlox, Australia, and
INTI International University, Malaysia Dr John Krogstie
Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology,Norway
EMMSAD’2011 Co-chairs*:
Dr Terry Halpin
LogicBlox, Australia, and
INTI International University, Malaysia Dr Erik Proper
Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg, and Radboud
University Nijmegen,The Netherlands Dr John Krogstie
Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology,Norway
Program committee*:
Stephan Aier University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Antonia Albani Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Herman Balsters University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Annie Becker Florida Institute of Technology, USA
Giuseppe Berio University of Torino, Italy
Linda Bird National E-Health Transition Authority, Australia
Peter Bollen Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Nacer Boudjlida Loria, France
Sjaak Brinkkemper Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Andy Carver INTI International University, Malaysia
Olga De Troyer Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
David Embley Brigham Young University, USA
Mathias Ekstedt KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
John Erickson University of Nebraska-Omaha, USA
Gordon Everest University of Minnesota, USA
Peter Fettke Institute for Information Systems (IWi) at the
DFKI, Germany
Ulrich Frank University of Duisberg-Essen, Germany
Andrew Gemino Simon Fraser University, Canada
Reimingijus Gustas Karlstad University, Sweden
Wolfgang Hesse University of Marburg, Germany
Stijn Hoppenbrouwers Radboud University Nijmegen, The
Mike Jackson Birmingham City University, United Kingdom
Paul Johannesson Stockholm University, Sweden
Pontus Johnson KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Pericles Loucopoulos Loughborough University, UK
Kalle Lyytinen Case Western Reserve University, USA
Florian Matthes Technical University München, Germany
Raimundas Matulevičius University of Tartu, Estonia
Graham McLeod University of Cape Town, South Africa
Jan Mendling
Wolfgang Molnar Humboldt University, Berlin
Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Tony Morgan INTI International University, Malaysia
Andreas L. Opdahl University of Bergen, Norway
Hervé Panetto University Henri Poincaré Nancy I, France
Barbara Pernici Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Anne Persson University of Skövde, Sweden
Michaël Petit University of Namur, Belgium
Jolita Ralyté University of Geneva, Switzerland
Sudha Ram University of Arizona, USA
Colette Rolland University of Paris 1, France
Kurt Sandkuhl Jönköping University, Sweden
Peretz Shoval Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Guttorm Sindre University of Trondheim, Norway
Il Yeol Song Drexel University, USA
Carson Woo University of British Columbia, USA
Martin Zelm CIMOSA, Germany
For more information on the workshop, please contact*:
Dr Terry Halpin
E-mail: terry.halpin(a)logicblox.com
For general information about the CAiSE’2011 conference, see
_http://www.caise2011.com_ <http://www.caise2011.com/>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP 10th IFIP e-government conference
(EGOV) 2011 Delft, the Netherlands
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 19:34:47 +0100
From: Marijn Janssen - TBM <M.F.W.H.A.Janssen(a)tudelft.nl>
To: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
10^th IFIP e-government conference (EGOV) 2011
29 August - 1 September 2011; Delft, The Netherlands
(co-located with the 3^rd ePart conference)
CALL FOR PAPERS -- please apologize if you received this
message before
The 10^th annual international IFIP e-government conference
is the European core conference in the study domain, which
presents the state of the art in e-government and
e-governance. Since its beginnings in 2001, the EGOV
conference has provided important guidance for research and
development in this fast-moving domain of study. IFIP's EGOV
conference has grown to one of the top three conferences in
the domain besides the HICSS e-government track and the
Digital Government Society's dg.o conference inNorth
America. In 2010, EGOV became a full IFIP conference
organised by the IFIP Working Group 8.5 on information
systems in the public sector.
The IFIP e-government conference brings together leading
researchers and professionals from across the globe and from
a number of disciplines. Over the years, the interest in
this domain of study has steadily increased. The 2010 IFIP
EGOV and ePart conferences have attracted more than 150
participants from all continents including developing
countries. IFIP EGOV has accepted 36 contributions in
completed research, 31 contributions in ongoing research, 3
panels and 3 workshops. Also, the second editor-in-chief
roundtable with representatives of five key journals in the
field was held. For further details see the conference site
of IFIP EGOV 2010.
E-government research has demonstrated its relevance to
practice and consequently has influenced and shaped
government strategies and implementations. Conversely,
e-government practice has inspired e-government research. A
wide range of topics has received scholarly attention. In
recent years, the assessment and evaluation of e-government
projects, the foundations of e-government as a research
discipline, integration and interoperation in government,
transformation, organizational change, citizens at the
center, adoption and diffusion, and the role of information
and communication technology for development rank among
leading topics on the research agenda.
For the IFIP e-government conference 2011 we seek
contributions that include but are not limited to:
* Foundations of e-government and e-governance research
* Future directions in research and practice of ICT in
the public sector
* Research theories and frameworks for public sector
modernization with the support of ICT
* Research methods, method integration and techniques
* Designing and assessing systems for the public sector:
innovative cases and systems
* ICT usage, acceptance and performance of
technology-supported public sector activities: methods
and contemporary case analyses
* Open government, transparency, and collaboration
* Open innovation, innovation management, transformation
and change management, and complexity management in
shaping public sector advancements
* Crowdsourcing in government
* Evaluation and benefits management
* Stakeholders collaboration in government
modernization: Stakeholder-driven public sector
* Participative governance and policy modeling
* Legal compliance, legal shaping and legal impact of
innovative government services provision
* Mobile services and methods in government
* Cloud computing and social networks in the public sector
* Information Infrastructure, Information preservation,
information management, and information access
* Trust and privacy in e-government
* Open source and free software
* Interoperability, architectures and standards in
networked government
* Knowledge management, information sharing, semantics,
and ontologies
* Emergency and disaster response management
* Retaining public sector experiences
* Education, human resources, training courses, and
The IFIP e-government conference 2011 hosts four distinct
formats of contributions:
* Completed research papers (max 12 pages, published in
LCNS Springer (tbc))
* Ongoing research and innovative projects (max 8 pages,
published in Trauner (tbc))
* Workshops and panels on pertinent issues
* PhD colloquium submission (details to be specified)
These formats encourage scientific rigor and discussions of
state of the art in the study domain, but also welcome
innovative research approaches, work in progress, and
studies of practical e-government or e-governance projects
along with reports on system implementations. Prior to the
conference (Monday August 29), a PhD student colloquium will
be held providing doctoral students with an international
forum guided by senior scholars for presenting their work,
networking opportunities and cross-disciplinary inspiration.
We seek innovative and scholarly sound contributions.
Accepted papers of completed research will be published in
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (tbc). Ongoing
research and project papers will be published in Trauner
proceedings (tbc). Read more about the submission guidelines
and review criteria on the conference website:
The IFIP e-government conference will be co-located with
ePart, the third International Conference on electronic
participation (ePart), which will be dedicated to topics on
e-participation and e-democracy. ePart will take place
slightly overlapping with the IFIP e-government conference
at the same venue. Participants registering for one
conference can also attend the other conference.
Submission of papers:3 March 2011
Submission of workshop/panel proposals:15 April 2011
Submissions to PhD colloquium:15 May 2011
Notification of acceptance for papers:30 April 2011
Notification of acceptance for workshops/panels: 15 May 2011
Camera-ready papers of completed research:31 May 2011
Camera-ready papers of ongoing research:15 June 2011
Marijn Janssen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Jochen Scholl, University of Washington, USA
Yao-hua Tan, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Maria A. Wimmer, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Roland Traunmüller, University of Linz, Austria
Sharon Dawes, Center for Technology in Government, USA
Björn Niehaves, European Research Center for Information
Systems, Germany
Ashraf Hassan Abdelwahab, Deputy to the Minister of State
for Administrative Development, Egypt
Suha AlAwadhi, College of Social
Sciences, Kuwait University, Kuwait
Vincenzo Ambriola, University of Pisa, Italy
Kim Norman Andersen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Rex Arendsen, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Yigal Arens, Digital Government Research Center, University
of Southern California, USA
Karin Axelsson, Linköping University, Sweden
Molnar Balint, Corvinus University, Hungary
Frank Bannister, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Karine Nahon, University of Washington, USA
Victor Bekkers, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Lasse Berntzen, Vestfold University College, Norway
John Bertot, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Melanie Bicking, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Dana Boldeanu, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies and
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
Bojan Cestnik, Temida d.o.o., Slovenia
Narciso Cerpa, Universidad de Talca, Chili
Jean-Loup Chappelet, IDHEAP, Switzerland
Yannis Charalabidis, National Technical University of
Athens, Greece
Serge Chernyshenko, Khmelnitsky National University, Ukraine
Wichian Chutimaskul, King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
Flavio Corradini, University of Camerino, Italy
Ahmed M. Darwish, Minister of State for Administrative
Development, Egypt
Jim Davies, University of Oxford, UK
Sharon Dawes, Center for Technology in Government, USA
Rahul De', Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India
Elsa Estevez, UN University Macao, China
Enrico Ferro, Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB), Italy
Leif S. Flak, University of Agder, Norway
Iván Futó, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Andras Gabor, Budapest University of Economic Sciences and
Public Administration, Hungary
Rimantas Gatautis, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
J. Ramón Gil-García, Centro de Investigación y Docencia
Económicas (CIDE), Mexico
Olivier Glassey, IDHEAP, Switzerland
Dimitris Gouscos, Department of Communication and Media
Studies, University of Athens, Greece
Luis Guijarro-Coloma, Technical University of Valencia, Spain
M.P. Gupta, Department of Management Studies & Indian
Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Helle Zinner Henriksen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Zahir Irani, Brunel University, UK
Tomasz Janowski, United Nations University - IIST, Macau, China
Arild Jansen, University of Oslo, Norway
Marijn Janssen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Luiz Antonio Joia, Brazilian School of Public and Business
Administration, Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil
Ralf Klischewski, German University in Cairo, Egypt
Bram Klievink, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Trond Knudsen, Research Council, Norway
Helmut Krcmar, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Herbert Kubicek University of Bremen, Germany
Christine Leitner, Danube University Krems, Austria
Katarina Lindblad-Gidlund, Mid Sweden University, Sweden
Miriam Lips, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Euripides Loukis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Ann Macintosh, Leeds University, UK
Alexander Makarenko, Institute for Applied System Analysis
at National Technical University of Ukraine (KPI), Ukraine
Gregoris Mentzas, National Technical University of
Athens, Greece
Jeremy Millard, Danish Technological Institute, Denmark
Carl Erik Moe, University of Agder, Norway
José María Moreno Jimenez, University of Zaragossa, Spain
Björn Niehaves, European Research Center for Information
Systems, Germany
Peter Axel Nielsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Arvo Ott, eGovernance Academy, Estonia
Monica Palmirani, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
C.I.R.S.F.I.D., Italy
Theresa Pardo, Center for Technology in Government, USA
Vassilios Peristeras, DERI, Ireland
Rimantas Petrauskas, Law University of Lithuania, Lithuania
Florin Pop, Centre for Advanced Studies on Electronic
Services, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
Reinhard Posch, Technical University of Graz, CIO of the
Federal Government, Austria
Andreja Pucihar, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Peter Reichstädter, Federal Chancellery, Austria
Nicolau Reinhard, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Reinhard Riedl, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Tomas Sabol, Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
Øystein Sæbø, University of Agder, Norway
Hans Jochen Scholl, University of Washington, USA
Jamal Shahin, Institute for European Studies, Vrije
Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Henk Sol, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Mauricio Solar, U. Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile
Maddalena Sorrentino, University of Milan, Italy
Witold Staniszkis, Rodan Systems S.A., Poland
Ivar Tallo, United Nations Institute for Training
and Research, Switzerland
Efthimios Tambouris, University of Macedonia and
Yao-Hua Tan, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
John Taylor, Glasgow University, UK
A Min Tjoa, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Roland Traunmüller, University of Linz, Austria
Tom van Engers, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Anne Fleur van Veenstra, Delft University of Technology, The
Mirko Vintar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vishanth Weerakkody, Brunel University, UK
Silke Weiss, Federal Ministry of Finance, Austria
Lidwien Wijngaerts, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Maria A. Wimmer, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Petra Wolf, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Chien-Chih Yu, National ChengChi University, Taiwan
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP: GKR 2011 - 2nd IJCAI Workshop on GRAPH
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 17:38:14 +0100
From: Sebastian Rudolph
To: Sebastian Rudolph <rudolph(a)kit.edu>
Apologies for multiple postings.
The IJCAI-11 Workshop on
(GKR 2011)
July 16th 2011
Barcelona, Spain
*** Deadline: 4th April 2011 ***
Graph-based knowledge representation and reasoning is a
growing area of research, with more and more important
contributions appearing over the last few years.
Such KRR systems include Bayesian Networks (BNs), Semantic
Networks (SNs), Conceptual Graphs (CGs), Formal Concept
Analysis (FCA), CP-nets, GAI-nets, Euler Diagrams,
Existential Graphs all of which have been successfully used
in a number of applications (Semantic Web, Reccomender
Systems, BioInformtics etc.). The goal of this workshop is
to bring together the researchers involved in the
development and application of graph-based knowledge
representation formalisms and reasoning techniques.
This workshop will investigate further developments of
knowledge representation and reasoning graph based
techniques. The workshop is expected to bring together
people from different research communities that are actively
pursuing this line of research. We hope that the
presentation of different perspectives on employing graphs
for representation and reasoning will be mutually enriching
and will stimulate further research.
The papers will be judged from two perspectives: technical
and application:
* Technical results will include graph theory based
results for novel structures for representation, extensions
of existing structures for added expressivity, conciseness,
optimisation algorithms for reasoning, reasoning explanation
mechanisms etc.
* Papers reporting on application experience will be
expected to demonstrate the benefits of the proposed solutions.
* Madalina Croitoru, LIRMM and INRIA, France
* Olivier Corby, INRIA, France
* John Howse, University of Brighton, UK
* Sebastian Rudolph, KIT, Germany
* Nic Wilson, Cork Constraint Computation Centre, Ireland
For more information please check:
Dr. Sebastian Rudolph
senior researcher & project leader at AIFB
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
rudolph(a)kit.edu <mailto:rudolph@kit.edu>
phone (new!) +49 721 608 - 47362
www.sebastian-rudolph.de <http://www.sebastian-rudolph.de>
fax (new!) +49 721 608 - 45998
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Papers, Ethics & Social Responsibility in
IS Education
Datum: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 08:18:45 -0500
Von: Dr. Al Harris <harrisal(a)APPSTATE.EDU>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Papers
Special issue of the Journal of Information Systems Education on
Ethics& Social Responsibility in IS Education
Guest Editors:
Michael Lang, National University of Ireland, Galway
Albert Harris, Appalachian State University, harrisal(a)appstate.edu
Dave Yates, University of Maryland, dyates(a)umd.edu
The Guest Editors of the Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)
invite submissions for a special issue on Ethics& Social Responsibility
in IS Education to appear in the Winter 2011 issue (Vol. 22 No. 4).
There has been a growing appreciation in recent years of the need to
afford the topic of ethics and social responsibility a prominent place
within the educational curriculum. In the era of globalization, the
responsible stewardship and governance of business, government and
society impacts the lives of everyone. Information systems are now
ubiquitous and pervasive, often delivering benefits but also potentially
or actually having detrimental impacts, thus presenting challenges and
dilemmas as regards ethics and social responsibility.
It is imperative that Information Systems students gain a critical
appreciation of social, political, technological, environmental and
global issues as a fundamental learning outcome of their college
education. Contemporary issues of importance include privacy and data
protection, social inclusion and the digital divide, lifelong learning,
equal opportunities, gender issues, sustainable computing and “green
IT”, globalization, mobility, usability and accessibility, social media,
Internet propaganda and censorship, digital media rights and controls,
public advocacy and activism, and IS education in developing countries.
For this special issue of JISE on Ethics& Social Responsibility in IS
Education, we invite the submission of high-quality, innovative,
insightful articles. Topics include but are not limited to:
• Integrating ethics and social responsibility issues into the IS
education curriculum.
• Preparing IS graduates as responsible citizens within society and
the professional workplace.
• Service learning and civic engagement in IS education.
• Social inclusion, classroom diversity, and the digital divide in
IS education.
• Theories of ethics and social responsibility within IS education.
• Philosophical issues of ethics and social responsibility within
IS education.
• Approaches for teaching ethics and social responsibility within
IS education.
• Ethical and socially responsible considerations in researching IS
• Cultural aspects of ethics and social responsibility in IS education.
• Globalization within IS education.
• Impacts and consequences of IS ethical and social issues
impacting IS education in countries around the world
• Privacy and civil liberties issues within IS education.
• Absenteeism issues within IS education e.g. monitoring practices,
student motivation and responsibility, etc.
• Ethical issues with the use of social networking, virtual
communities and e-learning technologies in IS education.
• Human rights issues in IS education.
• Standards of acceptable behaviour and conduct in IS education.
• Academic honesty within the discipline of Information Systems.
• Intellectual property and digital media rights within IS education.
Initial submissions due: June 15, 2011
Notification to authors: September 15, 2011
Revised papers due: November 1
Publication of the issue: December 2011
Submission Guidelines:
Papers for this special issue are due on June 15, 2011. Prospective
authors are welcome to submit an abstract to the Guest Editors for
preliminary feedback on the appropriateness of their planned manuscript.
Please send your submission in Microsoft Word format by email to
Michael.Lang(a)nuigalway.ie with a copy to harrisal(a)appstate.edu and
dyates(a)umd.edu. You must ensure that all personal details are removed
from the document and its meta-data before submission. Papers must not
exceed 7000 words including all sections, figures, tables and
references. All papers will be blind peer reviewed and are subject to
editing for journal style, clarity, organization, and space. Shorter
teaching cases and experience reports (between 2000 and 3000 words) are
also welcome. In the event that some papers submitted to this special
issue are accepted for publication but cannot be accommodated within the
special issue, those articles will be published within regular future
For more information concerning JISE submission guidelines, please refer
to http://jise.org/Submit.htm
Dr. Albert L. Harris, Professor
Editor Emeritus, Journal of Information Systems Education
Secretary, International Academy of Information Management (IAIM)
2008-09 Exchange Professor to the University of Angers (France)
2006 Fulbright Scholar to Portugal
Department of Computer Information Systems
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608
(828) 262-6180
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP - Systems Analysis and Design track AMCIS 2011
Datum: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 15:44:31 -0800
Von: Andrew Gemino <gemino(a)sfu.ca>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*AMCIS 2011*
*Systems Analysis and Design Track*
*Call for Papers*
The chairs of the Systems Analysis and Design Track invite you to submit
research papers or panel proposals to one of our /seven minitracks/ in
AMCIS 2011 to be held August 4-7 in Detroit, Michigan. The deadline for
the paper submissions is February 28, 2011. More information about the
conference, tracks and minitracks can be found at:
*Track Description: *
Systems analysis and design (SAND) is of central importance to the
information systems discipline. The SAND track provides a forum for
discussing research related to topics such as modeling methods,
techniques and languages, agile systems development methods, business
analysis and design methodologies including open/community source
software and service-oriented computing), empirical evaluations of SAND
methods and techniques, and user participation in SAND. Minitracks
offered in the Systems Analysis and Design Track include:
·SA&D Methodologies and Processes
·SA&D Modeling Methods, Techniques, and Languages
·Analysis and Design for Service-Oriented Enterprises
·Contemporary Issues in Agile Development
·User Involvement in Systems Development and Improvement
·Business Process Management and Innovation
·Technical and Managerial Issues in Innovative Software Development
A brief description of each track is provided below.
*SA&D Methodologies and Processes *
*Chairs:Solomon Antony **solomon.antony(a)murraystate.edu*
*Akhilesh Bajaj **akhilesh-bajaj(a)utulsa.edu*
*Dinesh Batra **Dinesh.Batra(a)business.fiu.edu*
The scope of this mini-track ranges from the formative aspects of
information systems development (e.g., systems planning and feasibility)
to the “core” concepts in SA&D (e.g requirements determination,
analysis, and design), finally to delivery of the information system
product (e.g., system implementation). Also included are methodologies
of work process analysis as well as distributed and global aspects of
teamwork in the process of IS development. This mini-track is intended
to bring together researchers studying technical, empirical, cognitive,
pedagogical, theoretical, and applied aspects of IS Development
methodologies and to highlight the continuing fundamental position of
systems analysis and design in the IS discipline.
*Systems Analysis and Design:Modeling Methods, Techniques, and Languages *
*Chairs:John Erickson **johnerickson(a)unomaha.edu*
*Xin Tan **xtan(a)fdu.edu* <mailto:xtan@fdu.edu>**
*Keng Siau **ksiau(a)unl.edu* <mailto:ksiau@unl.edu>**
This mini-track recognizes modeling methods and languages’ importance
and continued relevance to the systems development process and
highlights the ongoing growth and creativity in this field. Having been
a successful AMCIS and SIGSAND component since 2003, the mini-track
provides a forum for researchers, educators, and practitioners working
in the areas of systems analysis and design, method engineering, and
modeling language development, use, modification, and assessment. This
mini-track also serves as an outlet for studies in theory development,
design science, and behavioral science. An objective is to work toward a
more standardized set of concepts which would in turn benefit
researchers, educators, and practitioners in this field. In that light
we welcome both technical and empirical pieces, and are open to all
aspect of research methods (e.g., survey, experimentation, case studies,
action research, etc.).
*Analysis and Design for Service-Oriented Enterprises *
*Chairs:Padmal Vitharana **padmal(a)syr.edu* <mailto:padmal@syr.edu>**
*Kumar Bhaskaran **bha(a)us.ibm.com* <mailto:bha@us.ibm.com>**
*Hemant Jain **jain(a)uwm.edu* <mailto:jain@uwm.edu>**
Enabled by the recent advances in web services, business process
automation, and service-oriented architectures, organizations around the
world have embarked on the development of the next-generation enterprise
infrastructures, referred to by some as "Service-Oriented Enterprises".
Essentially, service-oriented enterprises are organizations that take
advantage of service-oriented computing to support agile enterprises.
Currently, there are many open research issues on the analysis and
design for the service-oriented enterprises that need attention from the
MIS community. This minitrack provides a forum for researchers and
practitioners who are interested in presenting their work in this area.
*Contemporary Issues in Agile Development *
*Chairs:Nridhar Nerur **snerur(a)uta.edu* <mailto:snerur@uta.edu>**
*RadhaKanta Mahapatra **mahapatra(a)uta.edu* <mailto:mahapatra@uta.edu>**
*VenuGopal Balijepally **vebalijepally(a)pvamu.edu*
Agile methodologies have gained increased acceptance among software
developers and its acceptance brings to the fore a number of new
research issues. These include adoption and post-adoption experiences
with agile, agile project management, social aspects of agile
development, distributed agile development, scalability of agile
methodologies, and enterprise agility, to name but a few. The term
“agility” has now assumed a broader meaning, extending its context and
implications beyond software development to the overall organizational
climate. The growing popularity of agile principles and practices
affords IS scholars opportunities to study these and many more research
issues. This mini-track will provide a forum for researchers to address
fundamental issues in agile development and to explore contemporary
issues raised by the widespread acceptance of agile methodologies.
*User Involvement in Systems Development and Implementation*
*Chairs:Roland Weistroffer **hrweistr(a)vcu.edu* <mailto:hrweistr@vcu.edu>**
*Angela Mattia **amattia(a)ju.edu* <mailto:amattia@ju.edu>**
User involvement in information systems (IS) development and
implementation is generally considered essential for a successful
development process and outcome. However, research on the impact of user
participation or involvement on system success has been mixed. It has
also been proposed that perhaps, rather than looking at user
participation or involvement in development, it would be more useful to
look at project collaboration in the improvement of technology reliant
work systems. The objective of this mini-track is to provide a forum for
scholars to re-examine the theoretical and practical issues related to
user participation, stakeholder involvement, and project collaboration
in systems development.
*Business Process Management and Innovation*
*Chairs:Amit V. Deokar **amit.Deokar(a)dsu.edu* <mailto:amit.Deokar@dsu.edu>**
*Michael zur Muehlen **Michael.zurMuehlen(a)stevens.edu*
*Marta Indulska **M.Indulska(a)business.uq.edu.au*
Business Process Management (BPM) can be defined as methods and tools
surrounding the definition, implementation, and improvement of lateral
processes in organizations. As BPM continues to gain importance in
today’s organization, an increasing number of studies detail efficiency,
effectiveness and agility improvements resulting from process management
initiatives This mini- track seeks contributions that discuss the
management of business processes as well as technologies for process
automation. We encourage submissions from both a managerial as well as a
technical perspective.
*Technical and Managerial Issues in Innovative Software Development*
*Chairs:Manlu Liu **manluliu(a)saunders.rit.edu*
*Daning Hu **daninghu(a)cityu.edu.hk* <mailto:daninghu@cityu.edu.hk>**
*J. Leon Zhao **jlzhao(a)cityu.edu.hk* <mailto:jlzhao@cityu.edu.hk>**
Provides a forum for both technical and managerial issues in innovative
models of software development. We welcome original research
contributions on economical, empirical, practical, technical, and
theoretical aspects of software development models and processes.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] 6th W. on AI Techniques for Ambient Intelligence
Datum: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 06:32:13 -0000
Von: Augusto Juan Carlos <JC.Augusto(a)ulster.ac.uk>
An: <jc.augusto(a)ulster.ac.uk>
Dear Colleague, given your expertise in the area i thought you may be
interested on the following CFP:
6th Workshop on "Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Ambient
(AITAmI'11), Nottingham, UK. 25-26 July 2011.
Co-located with the 7th International Conference on Intelligent
See more details at:
PUBLICATIONS: all papers accepted will be published in the proceedings
of the event which will be a volume in the Book Series on Ambient
Intelligence and Smart Environments which is indexed by Thomson Reuters'
Conference Proceedings Citation Index and available through ACM Digital
Library, DBLP, MetaPress and other organizations.
Kind regards
Juan Carlos Augusto
School of Computing and Mathematics
University of Ulster at Jordanstown
Shore Road, BT37 0QB Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim
United Kingdom
http://www.infj.ulst.ac.uk/~jcaug/ <http://www.infj.ulst.ac.uk/%7Ejcaug/>
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science,
Bali, 15-17 Nov 2011 [EI Compendex,ISTP,IEEE Xplore]
Datum: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 16:04:22 +0800
Von: Jane Lew <cacs(a)cacs2010.org>
An: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Dear Author,
Please forward to those who may be interested. Thank you.
*The 2011 2nd International Congress on Computer Applications and
Computational Science*
*/(CACS 2011)/*
*15-17 November 2011, Bali, Indonesia*
CACS 2010 aims to bring together researchers and scientists from
academia, industry, and government laboratories to present new results
and identify future research directions in computer applications and
computational science.
All papers published in the CACS 2011 proceedings will be included in
the *IEEE Xplore* and indexed in both *Ei Compendex* and *ISTP*. CACS
2011 has appeared in the IEEE Conferences (Conference Record # 18959,
IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1175N-CDR, ISBN: 978-1-61284-995-9).
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
·Computer Architecture and VLSI
·Computer Control and Robotics
·Computers in Education and Learning Technologies
·Computer Networks and Data Communications
·Data Mining and Data Engineering
·Energy and Power Systems
·Intelligent Systems and Autonomous Agents
·Internet and Web Systems
·Scientific Computing and Modeling
·Signal, Image and Multimedia Processing
·Software Engineering
Bali is a favorite vacation destination for many nationalities. Bali's
natural attractions include miles of sandy beaches, picturesque rice
terraces, towering active volcanoes over 3,000 meters high, fast flowing
rivers, deep ravines, pristine crater lakes, sacred caves, and lush
tropical forests full of exotic wildlife. The island's rich cultural
heritage is visible everywhere - in over 20,000 temples and palaces, in
many colorful festivals and ceremonies, in drama, music, and dance. Bali
is also well-known for its night life. Come to Bali enjoying the
beautiful environment and fun here!
Paper Submission Deadline: *15 May 2011*
Review Decision Notifications: 15 August 2011
Final Papers and Author Registration Deadline: 9 September 2011
To unsubscribe, reply with “unsubscribe gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at ”
in your email subject or the first line of the email body.
With kind regards,
Jane Lew
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Second CFP - Mini Track Title: NEGATIVE
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 18:34:18 +0000
From: Tarafdar, Monideepa <Monideepa.Tarafdar(a)UToledo.Edu>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org <AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers
17th Americas Conference on Information Systems
August 4-7, 2011, Detroit, MI, USA
There is an increasingly persistent dichotomy in the way
that emerging Information Systems (IS)-enabled patterns for
work and collaboration are affecting IS users. On the one
hand, they enable vast improvements in processes and
decisions. On the other, they lead to negative cognitions
and outcomes such as stress, frustrations and information
overload. There has been a recent surge of interest in
negative cognitions associated with using IS, related, for
example, to technostress (Tarafdar et al forthcoming,
Ragu-Nathan et al 2008), intrusiveness and deceptiveness
(Cenfetelli and Schwarz, forthcoming), credibility and
deception (Jensen, Lowry, et al. 2010), addiction to
technology use (Turel et al. forthcoming), and distrust
(Dimoka 2010). These studies explore various facets of
detrimental conditions that users of IS experience,
conditions that, given the ubiquity of IS use, are
potentially pervasive.
The object of this mini-track is to develop theoretical
insight and understanding on HCI topics
and issues that address this "troubling" side of IS.
Submissions addressing all aspects of this topic are
welcome. We welcome conceptual, theoretical or empirical
research papers. We particularly welcome papers that apply
theories and perspectives from different disciplines (e.g.
theories of stress from the psychology literature,
information overload and interruption from information
science, and work-life balance from industrial management)
to examine various aspects of this phenomenon.**
*Suggested Topics:*
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Implications for design of systems and interfaces regarding:
Conceptualizations of troubling or negative interactions
between IS and users, such as interruptions, information
overload, constant connectivity to work related information
processing, addiction to IS use, and difficulties in
learning how to use constantly changing technologies and
2. Implications for design of systems and interfaces regarding:
Outcomes from the above interactions such as stress,
difficulty in concentrating, multitasking,
user dissatisfaction, effects on productivity and
performance, disruption of work life balance,
over-dependence on IS.
3. Any other HCI topics related to negative affective
responses and the cause and effect relationships between
cues embedded in system designs and/or methods that can
mitigate or exacerbate those negative responses.
Cenfetelli, R.T., and Schwarz, A. "Identifying and Testing
the Inhibitors of Technology Usage Intentions" Information
Systems Research, forthcoming.
Dimoka, A. "What Does the Brain Tell Us About Trust and
Distrust? Evidence from a Functional Neuroimaging Study,"
MIS Quarterly (34:2) 2010 pp.373-396.
Matthew L. Jensen, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Judee K. Burgoon,
and Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr. (2010)."Technology Dominance in
Complex Decision Making: The Case of Aided Credibility
Assessment," Journal of Management Information Systems, vol.
27(1), pp. 181---207.
Ragu-Nathan, T.S., Tarafdar, M., Ragu-Nathan, B. and Tu, Q.,
Consequence of Technostress in End Users: Conceptual
Development and Empirical Validation, Information Systems
December 2008, 19, 4, 417-433
Tarafdar, M., Tu, Q., and Ragu-Nathan, T.S., Impact of
Technostress on End-User Satisfaction and Performance,
Journal of Management Information Systems, forthcoming.
Turel, O., Serenko, A., and Giles, P. "Integrating
Technology Addiction and Use: An Empirical Investigation of
Online Auction Users," MIS Quarterly, forthcoming.
Deadline for paper submissions: February 28, 2011, 12:00AM PST
Notification of Acceptance: April 24, 2011
Final Copy Due: April 25, 2011
Monideepa Tarafdar (corresponding co-chair)
Associate Professor
Information, Operations and Technology Management
College of Business and Innovation,
The University of Toledo
Email: monideepa.tarafdar(a)utoledo.edu
Gregory Rose
Associate Professor of MIS
College of Business
Washington State University
Email: grose(a)vancouver.wsu.edu