-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: 2nd Annual AIS Student Chapter Conference
Datum: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 07:56:19 -0400
Von: Munir Mandviwalla <mandviwa(a)temple.edu>
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
2nd Annual AIS Student Chapter Conference
October 8-9, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia State University.
The Association for Information Systems (AIS) is pleased to announce the
2nd Annual AIS Student Chapter Conference. The conference in Atlanta and
hosted by Georgia State University will bring together faculty and
student leaders to share best practices of AIS student chapter universities.
AIS student chapters were started in 2009 following the Inaugural AIS
student chapter conference (April, 2009, Temple University), and there
are now more than 65 universities worldwide that have become the
founding chapters of AIS. The 2nd annual AIS student chapter conference
will provide an opportunity for these universities and others to share
their best practices in a small highly interactive workshop style event
consisting primarily of panels and breakout style sessions:
· How to start and sustain student chapters
· Leveraging student chapters to recruit and retain majors
· Best practices for recruiting members, managing the budget,
communications, external relations, fund raising, and creating and
managing value added activities
· The governance and future direction of AIS student chapters
· Partnerships among student chapters
The conference is intended for faculty advisors, department chairs, and
student leaders at universities with existing AIS chartered student
organizations. The conference is also appropriate for universities who
are interested in forming AIS branded student chapters.
As a *special benefit to AIS student chapter schools*, the registration
fee for up to two people is waived if you are an AIS student chapter AND
if you register on or before August 30th, 2010. A small number of travel
grants are also available to AIS student chapters (only) for attendees
who need support. The travel grant includes one night hotel stay for
U.S. based attendees and two nights hotel for non U.S. based attendees.
To learn more and take advantage of these and other benefits of joining
AIS student chapters and attending the conference, please view the web
page at:
Conference Chair: Ephraim R. McLean, Georgia State University
AIS Council Representative: Munir Mandviwalla, Temple University (AIS VP
for Student Chapters)
AIS Executive Director, Pete Tinsley
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] SMAP 2010 - Submission deadline extension
Datum: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 12:37:53 +0300
Von: smap-publicity(a)image.ntua.gr
An: undisclosed-recipients:;
[This is an automated e-mail. Apologies for cross-postings. Please forward this e-mail to anyone interested.]
SMAP 2010: 5th International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization
December 9-10, 2010, Limassol, Cyprus
The Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP) Initiative was founded during the summer of 2006 in an effort to discuss the state of the art, recent advances and future perspectives
for semantic media adaptation. After four successful workshops, SMAP 2006 (Athens, Greece), SMAP 2007 (London, United Kingdom), SMAP 2008 (Prague, Czech Republic) and SMAP 2009 (San Sebastian,
Spain) the Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization workshop series has consolidated as a reference event in order to discuss about the newest advances in the field, including a 2-days main
track of high-quality scientific papers.
The 5th SMAP workshop will be held in Limassol between 9-10 December 2010. The event will be organized by the Cyprus University of Technology (http://www.cut.ac.cy)
Important dates for SMAP 2010:
Submission of full papers: 30th July 2010 (extended)
Notification of acceptance: 23rd August 2010
Submission of camera ready: 10th September 2010
Main Workshop: 9th - 10th December 2010
All papers presented at the workshop will be published by the IEEE Computer Society. Extended versions of selected papers will be included either in a Springer Edited Volume or in a Special Issue of the Advances in Multimedia open access journal.
Aim and topics
SMAP 2010 aims to address several issues of semantic multimedia technologies and their use in content creation, media adaptation and user profiling. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
? Semantic content creation and modelling
? Multimedia content annotation tools
? Semantic-driven multimedia indexing and retrieval
? Intelligent search, content retrieval and filtering
? Multimodal fusion
? Multimedia and open standards
? Content customization and adaptation
? Context-aware multimedia applications
? Knowledge acquisition and management
? Semantic context modelling and extraction
? Multimedia ontologies, reasoning and Semantic Web adaptation technologies
? User modelling, intelligent personalized interfaces and dynamic profiling
? Social multimedia tagging and multimedia content communities
? Multimedia content modelling and recommender systems
Local Organizing Committee
* Nicolas Tsapatsoulis, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
* Andreas Lanitis, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
* Anastasis Kounoudes, SignaGeneriX, Cyprus
* Lambros Lambrinos, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Program Committee
* Harry Agius, Brunel University, United Kingdom
* Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, University of the Aegean, Greece
* Yannis Avrithis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
* Adrian S. Barb, Penn State University, USA
* George Bebis, University of Nevada, USA
* Maria Bielikova, Slovak University of Technology, Slovak Republic
* Matt-Mouley Bouamrane, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
* Claudia Buzzi, Italian National Research Council, Institute of Informatics and Telematics, Italy
* Silvia Calegari, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
* Pablo Castells, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
* Xiaochun Cheng, Middlesex University, UK
* Jaime Delgado, Universidad Politecnica de Cataluna, Spain
* Mario Doller, University of Passau, Germany
* Yaniv Eytani, University of Illinois, USA
* Nastaran Fatemi, Haute Ecole d'Ingenierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud, Switzerland
* Junbin Gao, Charles Sturt University, Australia
* Sabine Graf, Athabasca University, Canada
* William I. Grosky, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA
* Jesus Herrero, Fundacion Robotiker-Tecnalia, Spain
* Yiannis Kompatsiaris, Centre of Research and Technology Hellas, Informatics and Telematics Institute, Greece
* Sebastien Laborie, IRIT, France
* Chang-Shing Lee, National University of Tainan, Taiwan (China)
* John W.T. Lee, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
* Maria Teresa Linaza, VICOMTech, Spain
* Kris Luyten, Hasselt University, Belgium
* Ilias Maglogiannis, University of the Aegean, Greece
* Ferran Marques, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
* Vasileios Mezaris, Centre of Research and Technology Hellas, Informatics and Telematics Institute, Greece
* Mark Nixon, University of Southampton, UK
* George Paliouras, Demokritos National Centre for Scientific Research, Greece
* Viviana Patti, Universita' di Torino , Italy
* Jose Juan Pazos, Universidad de Vigo, Spain
* Emmanouil Piperakis, Deutsche Securities Inc., JAPAN
* Petr Saloun, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
* Ben A. M. Schouten, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, NETHERLANDS
* Panagiotis Zaphiris, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Submission Procedure
Prospective contributors are invited to submit research papers at the dedicated submission area of the workshop's web site (http://www.smap2010.org). A peer review process will be applied to all submissions, provided by the workshop's Program Committee members, being selected among well-known researchers in the area.
For any further information, please send an e-mail to:
info [@] smap2010.org
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP - Special Issue
Datum: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 13:08:00 -0400 (CLT)
Von: eCommerce List <eCommerce_List(a)noresponse.cl>
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at, neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Special Issue on E-government interoperability, enterprise architecture
and strategies
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
Guest editors; Marijn Janssen, Yannis Charalabidis, George Kuk and Tony
In the digital era public organizations are changing their strategies
and structures and processes to fully benefit from the promises of ICT.
Departments and institutions collaborate and interoperate across
organizational boundaries. Whilst e-government was initially driven by
adopting e-commerce ideas. in the last decade, it has emerged as a new
genre of research. Similar to e-commerce, e-government requires
multi-agency collaboration and integration of their disparate business
processes and information systems. The unique characteristics of
e-governme nt including accountability, transparency and equal access
have played a major role and produced a different kind of e-commerce in
meeting the broader expectations of society.
A key prerequisite for collaboration is interoperability, which can be
defined as the ability of systems to work together seamlessly and are
able to adapt in time, achieving one-stop, automated service provision
for citizens and businesses. Therefore, the design and operation of
interoperable systems require a range of consideration including
governance, organizational, strategic, social and technical issues.
Interoperability not only presents organizations with technical
challenge but also requires a shift in strategies and change in
organizational structures and business models. Traditional bureaucratic
organizations governed by command and control mechanisms are replaced by
different kind of organizational structures, aiming to build horizontal
relationships and network governance.
All these e fforts need to be facilitated by a next generation
infrastructure (NGI) enabling interoperability and reuse by sharing
services. The basic digital government infrastructure has evolved over
time.The development towards the next generation of digital government
infrastructure (NGI) based on new technologies is under development.
Yet, the siloed and fragmented nature, the lack in insight among the
dependencies among organizational and technical aspects can hamper
progress. Government enterprise architectures (GEA) or information?s
architectures are used as an instrument to facilitate these developments
by outlining the vision, providing models for technology inclusion and
integration supported by standards and principles. Whereas
infrastructure refers to the actual implementation, GEA has a conceptual
nature. Often there is no overarching framework helping to provide
guidance for ensuring interoperability, facilitating reuse and meeting
other objectives of open, inclusive and productive governance.
Interoperability, architecture and strategies are important to all types
of government activities, including policy making, services delivery,
law enforc ement, and crisis response within the pubic sector.
This special issue is aimed at contributing to the understanding
formulation and elaboration of the issues involved in e-government
interoperability, enterprise architectures, and solutions and strategies
for governments, based on a combination of sound theoretical basis and
empirical research.
Papers preferably combine theory and empirical research. The special
issue seeks scholarly manuscripts that explore the following topics in
relation to e-government interoperability, architecture and strategies:
- Example and (best) practices of changing strategies and business
models underpinned by theories
- Architecture for facilitating strategies and technologies
- Public-private architectures frameworks, collaboration in networks
- G overnment 2.0
- Government-to-citizens, government-to-business, government-to-government
- Innovations, process redesign and technologies
- Enterprise architecture standards, prin ciples and frameworks
- Free and open source software development and utilization
- Service-oriented architectures, web services, semantic web services,
service orchestration and composition
- System, data- and process-based integration and transformation
- Identity management, privacy, security, public values
- Information reuse, information quality, ontologies and semantics
- Process, data and semantic modeling
- Next generation infrastructure, grid computing, cloud computing,
ICT-(shared) services, and scalability issues
- Public values, evaluation of innovations
- Software as service, utility computing, platform as service, service
- Infrastructure, interoperability and enterprise architecture planning,
and alignment
- Evolution, impact analys es and cost/benefit analysis
- Policies, strategies and governance
The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
(JTAER) has been created to allow researchers, acade micians and other
professionals an agile and flexible channel of communication in which to
share and debate new ideas and emerging technologies concerned with this
rapidly evolving field. The Journal of Theoretical and Applied
Electronic Commerce Research is published quarterly. The intended
audience includes academicians, researchers and professionals in
computer science, information management, telecommunications, business
administration, sociology, law, financial services, as well as
specialists in the field of electronic commerce. More info:
-Full Script Submission: 30 July 2010
-Author Notification: 30 September 2010
-Revisions due by: 15 November 2010
-Final acceptance notification 15 December 2010
-C amera ready version: 15 January 2011
-Publication: 15 April 2011
We are soliciting for original works capturing aspect of business and
information technology, both theoretical and appli ed. Manuscript
capturing the e-government specific aspects and the edge of new
technology and organizations are preferred. Author guidelines can be
found at: http://www.jtaer.com/author_guidelines.doc. All submission
will be refereed by at least three reviewers. Submissions should be
directed by email to m.f.w.h.a.janssen(a)tudelft.nl.
Dr. Marijn Janssen
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management
Email: M.F.W.H.A.Janssen(a)tudelft.nl
Dr. Yannis Charalabidis
Information Systems Laboratory
University of the Aegean
Email: yannisx(a)aegean.gr
Dr. George Kuk
Nottingham University Business School
E-mail: g.kuk(a)nottingham.ac.uk
Dr. Tony Cresswell
Center for Technology in Govern ment (CTG)
University at Albany
E-Mail: tcresswell(a)ctg.albany.edu
To recommend JTAER to ISI Thomson Reuters you must fill up a
recommendation form in:
Recommending JTAER <http://ellaitun.utalca.cl/jtaer/journalrec/> with
the requested information and submit it.
*To unsubscribe from eCommerce list, please click here
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] IJUSE - Open Call for Papers, Articles, Columns and
Datum: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 20:08:11 -0700
Von: Shivanshu Singh <shivanshukumar(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: shivanshu(a)ijuse.org
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
International Journal of Unified Software Engines
IJUSE - Open Call for Papers, Articles, Columns and more
*Apologies if you got multiple copies of this e-mail.
*Please feel free to broadcast the message to whoever you feel might be interested.
The International Journal of Unified Software Engines (http://www.ijuse.org) is looking forward to e-publish papers on the theory and practice of Unified Software Engines (USEs) for any domain. Building such engines is not an easy exercise, specifically, when several factors can undermine their quality success, such as cost, time, and lack of systematic approaches. We would like to architect and develop Unified Software Engines (USEs), which have the some or all of the following properties (some of many):
Domain independence, Long Lifetime, Reusability, Easy to add, modify, replace, augment, and attach new functionalities, Provide dynamic analysis, Use Fewer resources, Generate unlimited number of applications, Scalability, Very low development costs, Adaptability, Extensibility, Stability and more.
Read more at: http://ijuse.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13&Itemid=27
We would hereby like to extend the invitation of publishing with us, on the topics related to Unified Software Engines and others.
Keywords: http://www.ijuse.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=34&Itemid…
Publishing with IJUSE would mean instant visibility across various platforms
We now have the following associated with IJUSE:
- ISSN numbers:
- ISSN 2153-8476 (CD-ROM)
- ISSN 2153-845X (Print)
- ISSN 2153-8468 (Online)
- CrossRef Membership for assignment of a doi for each article published - In Process
- Indexing with Google Scholar - In Process
- Indexing with INSPEC - In Process
Articles related to the area of Unified Software Engines and others as mentioned above are invited all round the year. We are in the process of working towards the first issue of IJUSE! Please consider this as a call for participation towards the same.
We have a paper submission system up and running on the IJUSE website. Go to http://www.ijuse.org and choose ‘Paper Submission’. The link for the same is: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ijuse1011 Please use the system to submit your work including papers, articles, columns, audio columns, video columns and video tutorials. Please make sure that you attach a very short bio and a picture for each author at the end of the article. For video columns, please make sure that this information is there in the video.
For more information about the submissions, formats, media types etc., kindly visit the ‘Information for Authors’ section on the IJUSE website: http://ijuse.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=21&Itemid=40
The IJUSE will accept a wide range of original, unpublished work. The journal will be published in an electronic form over web, rather than in print form. Floating an e journal will not only save money, but also allow us to publish articles of any length. Consequently, authors can send us articles of any length, but with a high quality tag. All articles submitted must be concise and well documented. Verbose articles are liable to be returned for further revision by the author. The IJUSE Editors, Editorial Board Members, Reviewers, and Staff are committed to work closely with the authors to get their papers to the level to be accepted. We value each submission. The IJUSE will provide coaching in writing also if needed.
Important Due Dates
• Paper Submissions: Anytime, Open Date
• Notification of acceptance: 6-8 weeks from the paper submission date
• Iteration and working with authors: As long as it takes
• Final Notification of Acceptance: One week after finalizing the iteration
• Camera Ready: Due within 10 days of final notification
Looking forward to your participation.
Shivanshu Singh
Editor In Chief,
The International Journal of Unified Software Engines.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CFP: Service Oriented Computing in Logistics (SOC-LOG) at
ICSOC 2010 (Deadline: September 14, 2010)
Datum: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 16:50:45 +0200
Von: André Ludwig <Ludwig(a)wifa.uni-leipzig.de>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Call for Papers: 2nd International Workshop on
Service Oriented Computing in Logistics (SOC-LOG 2010)
In conjunction with the 8th International Conference
on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2010)
December 7-10, San Francisco, CA, USA
Workshop website: http://soclog10.wifa.uni-leipzig.de
Workshop Theme
Logistics is of paramount importance for many industries: It plans
and realizes the flow of goods from sources to destinations by
means of transformations in space, time, and quantity. Coordinating
logistics activities faces organizational and technical boundaries
of the participating firms as well as must resolve conflicting
goals and strategies of such firms. Information plays a crucial
role in logistics, in particular in today's business environment,
which is changing significantly due to, e.g., globalization of
supply chains, stronger customer orientation and individualization,
all increasing the need for more adaptive logistics systems. IT is
the key enabler for managing these challenges, supporting supply
chain collaboration, and managing increasing economic dynamics.
Advanced IT support allows supply chains to advance their
efficiency significantly, to better fulfill customer needs, and
handle the growing organizational complexity and the associated
supply chain risks.
While existing logistics IT systems provide solid support for
static, self-contained logistics systems, research on managing the
logistics in supply chains that are dynamically changing, is still
less advanced. Service-oriented Computing (SOC) is a promising
paradigm, which automates inter-organizational processes by
loosely coupled software-based services. The focus of this workshop
is the study and exploration of SOC's potential to solve
coordination problems in logistics systems and supply chains.
Key research questions are:
(1) How to represent logistics systems in service-based computing
systems by employing and adopting constructs, models, and methods
of the SOC technology stack,
(2) how to describe software-based logistics services with service
description languages,
(3) how to coordinate software-based logistics services, by
employing and adopting approaches for service discovery and service
(4) how to negotiate and agree about the delivery of software-based
logistics services with approaches for SLA representation, SLA
management, and SLA negotiation, and
(5) how to control the delivery and how to measure the efficiency
and effectiveness of software-based logistics services?
With the set of design principles, architectural models and concepts
and last but not least with its existing and growing set of
standards, SOC promotes adaptiveness of logistics systems and supply
chains, a flexible and re-configurable provisioning along multiple
supply chains, and their efficiency.
The purpose of the workshop is to present and discuss recent
significant developments at the intersection of service-oriented
computing and logistics systems/supply chain management, and to
promote cross-fertilization and exchange of ideas and techniques
between these fields. The relation to ICSOC 2010 is that, on one
hand, the conference addresses the core concepts such as interacting
business processes, service composition, service operations, and
quality of services, and on the other hand, would receive feedback,
experiences, and requirements from a highly relevant application
domain to validate and advance its current approaches.
In particular, we are inviting papers on the following topics:
1) Logistics services representation
- Servicetization of logistics systems
- Logistics service models
- Reference models for logistics services
- Semantic models for logistics services
- Repositories and dictionaries for logistics services
2) Logistics services description
- Syntactical description of logistics services
- Semantic description of logistics services
- Logistics ontologies / ontologies for logistics services
- QoS attributes of logistics services
3) Coordination of logistics services
- Discovery of logistics services
- Composition of logistics services
- Orchestration and choreography of logistics services
- Market-based coordination of logistics services, i.e., auctions, exchanges
4) SLA Management of logistics services
- Domain-specific SLA models
- Semantic annotation of SLAs for logistics services
- SLA negotiation protocols for logistics services
- Pricing of logistics services
- Integrating logistics services into SLA management infrastructures
5) Delivery of logistics services
- Logistics service runtime management and monitoring
- Verification of logistics services
- Simulation and optimization of logistics services
- Transactional safeguarding of logistics services
- Service-oriented architectures for the setup and enactment of logistics services
Paper Submission and Publication
Authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished research papers, as
- Full papers (up to 15 pages including all references and figures) or
- Position papers (up to 5 pages including all references and figures)
on the listed or related topics.
Please, submit papers (in PDF format) via our electronic submission system which is
available at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=soclog10.
All workshop papers will be included in the combined workshop proceedings of ICSOC 2010
which are planned to be published in Springer's LNCS series.
Thus, papers should be written in English and must be prepared in the Springer LNCS
style (see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for more information).
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by members of the international program committee.
Paper acceptance will be based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and
clarity of presentation. For short position papers, clarity of exposition and the degree
of innovation will be sufficient, while for full papers, a clear technical contribution
is expected.
At least one author of an accepted paper must attend the workshop and present the work.
Attendance of the workshop requires registration to the main ICSOC 2010 conference.
Key Dates
14 September 2010: Submissions due
30 September 2010: Notification of acceptance
07 December 2010: Workshop (1 day)
10 January 2011: Camera-ready Submission
Program Chairs
Joerg Leukel, University of Hohenheim, Germany
André Ludwig, University of Leipzig, Germany
Alex Norta, University of Helsinki, Finland
Program Committee
Witold Abramowicz, Poznan University of Economics, Poland
Samuil Angelov, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Marcelo Cataldo, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Rik Eshuis, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Diogo Ferreira, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Paul Grefen, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Maria-Eugenia Iacob, Netherlands, University of Twente
Axel Korthaus, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Marek Kowalkiewicz, SAP Research, Australia
Carlos Müller, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Manuel Resinas, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Toni Ruokolainen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Jun Shen, University of Wollongong, Australia
Ingo Weber, University of New South Wales, Australia
Supported by
- D-GRID Project InterLogGrid (http://www.interloggrid.org)
- FMER Project Logistics Service Bus (http://www.lsb-plattform.de)
Joerg Leukel
Department of Information Systems 2
University of Hohenheim
Stuttgart, Germany
Phone: +43 711 459-23968
E-Mail: joerg.leukel(a)uni-hohenheim.de
URI: http://www.joerg-leukel.net
André Ludwig
Information Systems Institute
University of Leipzig
Leipzig, Germany
Phone: +49 341 9733732
E-Mail: ludwig(a)wifa.uni-leipzig.de
URI: http://www.andre-ludwig.info
Alex Norta
Department of Computer Science
University of Helsinki
Helsinki, Finland
Phone: +358 44 0303720
E-Mail: alexander.norta(a)cs.helsinki.fi
URI: http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/anorta/
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] ER 2010: Early Registration and special hotel rate
Datum: Wed, 7 Jul 2010 12:33:21 -0500
Von: Bera, Palash <palash.bera(a)tamiu.edu>
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The 29th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2010) is to
be held in Vancouver, Canada from November 1-4, 2010. The ER 2010
registration web page is up and running now. You can access this page
from the main conference page:
http://www.er2010.sauder.ubc.ca/. Please note that early registration
ends on September 15, 2010.
Also, on the main conference page, under latest news, we note the
special offer from the conference hotel. They provide a 10% discount
(i.e., $179 per night instead of $199 per night) if you reserve before
the end of August.
P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
Palash Bera
Assistant Professor
Division of International Business and Technology Studies
PH 313B
Tel. (956) 326-2508
Fax (956) 326-2494
As pursuant to Texas A&M International University rule 33.04.99.L2
concerning the Use and Disposition of Electronic Communications, this
email is a mechanism for official communication of the University.
Electronic mail (e-mail) should be used only for legitimate academic or
state business. Official email communications are intended only to meet
the academic and administrative needs of the campus community.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP Conf-IRM 2011 12-14 June in Seoul, Sth Korea
(in association with KMIS Conference)
Datum: Thu, 08 Jul 2010 10:06:10 +1200
Von: Felix Tan <felix.tan(a)aut.ac.nz>
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
2011 International Conference on Information Resources Management
in association with the Korea Society of MIS Conference
(Conf-IRM is an AIS Affiliated Conference - www.conf-irm.org)
Lotte Hotel, Seoul, South Korea
12-14 June, 2011
Call for Papers
Theme: Services Management and Innovation with IT
Important Dates
Submission date: November 1, 2010
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: February 1, 2011
Final Submission and Early Registration due date: March 1, 2011
The organizing committee invites you to submit your research work, teaching cases, and proposals for panels and tutorials to Conf-IRM. All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer reviewed.
Submission Types and Guidelines:
(i) Full Length Submissions
Submissions must be no more than 5000 words, including references, appendices and title page, with a maximum of 5 figures/tables. Submissions must be original, and previously unpublished, conceptual or empirical research manuscript for review. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings in their entirety upon payment of registration fees. Papers accepted and presented at the conference will also be placed in the AIS e-Library. Papers not presented at the conference, for any reason, will not be included in the AIS e-Library. Highly rated papers by the reviewers will be considered for publications in selected Journals. Moreover, the paper that best represents, in terms of quality and suitability to the theme and ideals of the conference will be awarded the "Best Paper" Award during the conference.
(ii) Research-in-Progress Submissions
Submissions of no more than 2000 words with a maximum of 3 figures/tables. All research-in-progress submissions will be published in the proceedings as short papers.
(iii) Teaching Cases
We welcome submissions of teaching cases. The cases should be based on real situations and targeted at specific learning objectives. Cases should be no more than 5000 words and must be accompanied by instructor teaching notes (not included in the 5000 words). The teaching notes will not be published.
(iv) Panel and Tutorial Submissions
Submissions of not more than 1000 words. Proposals should include the objectives, issues to be covered and full details of all presenters. Method of presentation is at the submitter's discretion; however, the submitter has the responsibility for providing his/her own panel members. All accepted proposals will appear in the conference proceedings (Please note that all panelists and tutorial presenters must register for the conference).
Submissions of all types must be received by November 1, 2010. Details of tracks and submission information will be announced soon.
Send all your inquiries to:
Conference Co-Chairs
Jae In Oh, Dankook University and President of Korea Society of MIS, jioh(a)dankook.ac.kr
Felix B Tan, AUT University, New Zealand, felix.tan(a)aut.ac.nz
Program Co-Chairs
Kichan Nam, Sogang Business School, Sogang University, Korea, knam(a)ccs.sogang.ac.kr
Sue Conger, University of Dallas, sconger(a)aol.com
Local Program Chair
Yong Jin Kim, Sogang Business School, Sogang University, Korea, yongjkim(a)sogang.ac.kr
Jairo Gutierrez, Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar, Colombia, jgutierrezd(a)unitecnologica.edu.co
Publications and Proceedings Chair
Lech Janczewski, The University of Auckland, New Zealand, lech(a)auckland.ac.nz
International Co-Chairs
Sherif Kamel, American University in Cairo, Egypt, skamel(a)aucegypt.edu
Gerald Grant, Carleton University, Canada, gerald_grant(a)carleton.ca
G. Harindranath, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, g.harindranath(a)rhul.ac.uk
Anol Bhattacherjee, University of South Florida, abhatt(a)usf.edu
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] Call for Special Session IEEE ICECS
Datum: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 15:12:25 +0800
Von: Chia-Hung Yeh <yeh(a)mail.ee.nsysu.edu.tw>
Organisation: "ICCSA"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for Special Session Proposals
17th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems
12-15 December 2010 Athens, Greece
The IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), the flagship conference of the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society in Region 8 of IEEE, will include special sessions. The objective is to complement the regular program with new or emerging topics of particular interest to the circuits and systems community that may also cut across and beyond disciplines traditionally represented by ICECS.
Prospective organizers of Special sessions should submit proposals indicating:
* title of the session
* rationale of the need for the special session at ICECS.
* short biography of the organizers
* list of five (5) contributed papers (including titles, authors, contact information of the corresponding author, and an abstract of each contribution). It is recommended that the first paper to be a tutorial in the field, of overview character, in order to introduce a non-specialist CAS audience to the subject.
Proposals should be sent via e-mail (in either pdf or plain ascii text form) to the ICECS 2010 special session chairs, Pau-Choo Chung (pcchung(a)ee.ncku.edu.tw) and Alexis Birbas (birbas(a)ece.upatras.gr) with email subject: "ICECS SS-proposal." Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic, the qualifications of the organizers and the authors of the papers proposed in the session. Sessions dealing with emerging technologies or sessions whose subjects are at the crossroad with other CAS fields will be preferred.
Notification of acceptance will be sent to the organizers by July 20, 2010. Authors of papers included in successful proposals should submit a manuscript on or before September 5, 2010. Manuscripts should conform to the formatting and electronic submission guidelines of regular ICECS papers (please consult the ICECS paper submission guidelines). They will undergo peer review. It is the responsibility of the organizers to ensure that their special session meets the ICECS quality standards. If, at the end of the review process, less than four (4) papers are accepted, the session will be cancelled and the accepted papers will be moved to regular sessions.
Important deadlines:
Proposals due: July 5, 2010
Notification of acceptance: July 20, 2010
Submission of full four-page papers for Special sessions: September 5, 2010
Notification of paper acceptance: September 20, 2010
Deadline for submission of final papers: October 10, 2010
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Electronic Markets - CfP Special Issue "Years Research in
Electronic Markets and Networked Business"
Datum: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 08:40:18 +0200
Von: Karen Heyden <heyden(a)wifa.uni-leipzig.de>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
- Apologies for cross-postings. -
Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to our call for papers of
Electronic Markets' special issue on "20 Years Research in Electronic
Markets and Networked Business". The submission deadline is August 31,
2010. The detailed CfP is copied below.
Please feel free to forward this e-mail to interested colleagues.
If questions arise regarding the submission deadline or potential topics
please contact the editorial office (editors(a)electronicmarkets.org
With best regards,
Karen Heyden
Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked Business
Call for Papers
for Special Issue on
"20 Years Research in Electronic Markets and Networked Business"
Coordinating business via electronic markets was a big vision of the
1990s. Cross-organizational business processes e.g. in supply chain
management via electronic communication were as seen as another big
opportunity on the way to increase the efficiency of our economies.
Research in areas such as market mechanisms, auctioning,
standardization, electronic services, intermediation etc. created a
broad body of knowledge, in theory as well as in practice.
"Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked Business"
was founded in 1991 and now celebrates its 20th anniversary. As
indicated by the journal's subtitle, the role of Electronic Markets has
undergone an evolution from being narrowly focused on electronic auction
or allocation platforms to cross-organizational systems which also
includes portals, EDI-systems, supply chain and customer relationship
management systems, and the like.
This special issue "Electronic Markets" aims to review the current
situation of research in networked business which was primarily
initiated by the seminal article of Thomas Malone, Yo Anne Yates and
Robert I. Benjamin on electronic markets and hierarchies back in 1987.
We invite contributions from the scientific community as well as from
practice to reflect on the past as well as on the future evolution of
electronic markets. We expect paper submissions to the following themes
and related subjects:
- Research field:
Electronic markets, inter-organizational processes, cross-border
networking, institutions, standardization, regulation
- Electronic markets and networks in practice:
Networking organizations and services, software for electronic markets
and networking, business-to-business, business-to-consumer, mobile
- Community and communication:
Topics raised in journals on networked business, positioning of journals
regarding networked business, social (virtual) networking, physical
- Education:
Electronic markets/networked business in academic curricula, positions
at academic institutions in this field, perspectives in academic career
- Research methods:
Rigor, relevance, journals and conferences
- Future directions:
Technological innovations, regulation, semantic
All papers for this special issue will be peer reviewed and should
conform to Electronic Markets' publication standards. Methodological and
theoretical pluralism (empirical or theoretical work, qualitative
research, design science, prototypes ) are welcomed by the journal.
All papers must be original, not published or under review elsewhere.
Papers must be submitted via the electronic submission system.
Instructions are available at http://www.electronicmarkets.org/authors.
Contact address:
editors(a)electronicmarkets.org <mailto:editors@electronicmarkets.org>
If you have any questions on this special issue please contact us.
Important deadlines:
Submission deadline: August 31, 2010
Feedback to authors: October 21, 2010
Revision deadline: November 14, 2010
Finale Decision: December 19, 2010
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP: M&C 2010 Workshop Evaluation Adaptiver Systeme
(EASYS 2010)
Datum: Wed, 7 Jul 2010 12:46:01 +0200
Von: Volkmar Pipek <volkmar.pipek(a)uni-siegen.de>
An: Mailingliste Wirtschaftsinformatik GI-FB 5
<wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>, wkwi-request(a)seda.wiai.uni-bamberg.de
M&C 2010 Workshop
Evaluation Adaptiver Systeme (EASYS 2010)
im Rahmen der Mensch& Computer 2010
15. September 2010, Duisburg
Einreichungsfrist: 23. Juli 2010
Vor dem Hintergrund der zunehmenden Verbreitung kooperativer Systeme (vgl. Wikis, Document Sharing, Web-2.0-basierte Kooperationsfunktionalität in Communities) sowie zunehmender Forschung über den Einsatz von Ansätzen zur Adaption von interaktiven Systemen zur Unterstützung von Kooperation stellt sich die Herausforderung der Evaluation der hierbei entwickelten Ansätze. Dabei ist neben der eigentlichen Systemnutzung auch die Evaluation der Anpassung solcher Systeme (z. B. über Regeln) interessant und die Bewertung der Nachvollziehbarkeit von Automatismen.
Insbesondere stehen im Workshop folgende Fragestellungen im Vordergrund:
- Inwieweit lassen sich traditionelle Ansätze der Evaluation von Einbenutzer-Anwendungen (adaptiv oder nicht) oder von nicht-adaptiven Gruppenanwendungen auf die Evaluation adaptiver kooperativer Systeme
- Welche Evaluationskriterien sind für adaptive kooperative Systeme angemessen? Wie lassen sich klassische Kriterien der Usability und Performanz von Einbenutzeranwendungen auf (adaptive) Gruppenanwendungen übertragen? Sind darüber hinaus neue Evaluationskriterien notwendig? Wie lassen sich Nutzung und Anpassung solcher Systeme gemeinsam überprüfen?
- Wie sollten Verfahren zur kontinuierlich fortlaufenden Bewertung von Effizienz, Effektivität und Zufriedenheit mit adaptiven Systemen gestaltet werden? Wie lassen sich Benutzer(gruppen) und Entwickler dieser Systeme in sinnvoller Weise zu einer gemeinsamen Community zusammenfügen?
- Mit welchen Methoden können diese Evaluationskriterien für konkrete adaptive kooperative Systeme zuverlässig erhoben und bewertet werden?
- Defizite bisheriger Ansätze bzgl. der Evaluation adaptiver kooperativer
- Beispiele für die Evaluation adaptiver kooperativer Systeme
- Evaluationskriterien für adaptive kooperative Systeme
- Evaluationsmethoden für adaptive kooperative Systeme
Senden Sie Ihren Beitrag bitte bis zum 23.07.2010 als PDF-Datei an submissions(a)easys.org. Der Beitrag sollte fünf Seiten umfassen und im Springer-LNI-Format (http://www.gi-ev.de/service/publikationen/lni)verfasst sein. Am 30. Juli werden die Autoren über Annahme bzw. Ablehnung informiert.
Bis zum 13. August sollte schließlich die fertige Druckversion vorliegen.
Einreichungsende: 23.07.10
Benachrichtigung über Annahme: 30.07.10
Einreichung der Druckversion: 13.08.10
Workshop: 15.09.10
Jörg M. Haake (FernUniversität in Hagen)
Tim Hussein (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Volkmar Pipek (Universität Siegen)
Stephan Lukosch (Delft University of Technology)
Workshop Homepage: http://www.easys.org
Prof. Dr. Volkmar Pipek
Juniorprofessur für Computerunterstützte Gruppenarbeit in Organisationen/FB 5
Universität Siegen
Hölderlinstr. 3
57068 Siegen
Tel.: +49 271 740 4068
Fax.: +49 271 740 3384
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi