-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Conf-IRM 2009 - Call for Participation
Datum: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 20:20:54 +1300
Von: Felix Tan <felix.tan(a)aut.ac.nz>
Antwort an: Felix Tan <felix.tan(a)aut.ac.nz>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Referenzen: <49D134CC0200007500057630(a)smtpdom.aut.ac.nz>
2009 International Conference on Information Resources Management
Conf-IRM is an AIS-affiliated conference
21-23 May 2009
College of IT, UAE University
Al-Ain, UAE
Conference Theme: Global Connections
Details of the conference program will follow.
Social Events
Experience a conference dinner that is different, in the desert.
A full day guided tour of Dubai is planned for 24 May 2009.
Participants can be dropped off at the airport at end of tour.
Early registration by 15 April 2009. Please visit
Keynote Speaker
David Avison, ESSEC Business School, France
President Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Designing the Discipline of IS: An Egocentric View
The keynote address reflects on aspects of the discipline of
Information Systems, in particular, the practice research and teaching
of information systems development; and lays stress on qualitative
research in information systems.
Pre-Conference Professional Development Workshops
(Thursday 21 May 2009: Open to all registered participants)
(i) Supervising PhD Students
David Avison, ESSEC Business School, France
President Association for Information Systems (AIS)
This workshop will discuss issues related to the supervision process.
It will cover such issues as the supervisor-supervisee relationship;
practical, social and academic issues; and different models for PhD
programs. The material gathered at workshops has led to the book
'Research in Information Systems: A Handbook for Research Supervisors
and their research Students' by David Avison and Jan Pries-Heje,
Elsevier, 2005.
(ii) Scaling the Ivory Tower
Blaize Horner Reich, Simon Fraser University, Canada
This workshop will be patterned on the book "Scaling the Ivory Tower"
edited by Drs Dianne Cyr and Blaize Reich. The book, based on the
stories of 9 business professors, highlights the key challenges and
rewards in each stage of scholarly life, from doctoral student to full
professor. Participants will create their own academic "roadmap" by
combining their goals, assets and roadblocks. Dr. Reich will facilitate
this journey, based on her experiences as associate dean and head of the
MIS area in the Faculty of Business Administration at Simon Fraser
(iii) Conducting Qualitative Research: Ten Things You Wanted to Know
But Never Dared Ask
Cathy Urquhart, University of Auckland, New Zealand
This workshop is aimed at both researchers who would like to try their
hand at qualitative research and those who are interested in leveraging
their existing qualitative research. The workshop will include the
● Why conduct qualitative research
● Ways to analyse qualitative data
● Building theory from case study research
● Getting qualitative research published.
Looking forward to seeing you in the UAE in May 2009.
Warm regards
Felix B Tan
on behalf of Conf-IRM Conference Committees
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institut of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFC: Certification and Security in Health-Related
Web Applications
Datum: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 07:51:13 -0500
Von: Iraklis Varlamis <varlamis(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: Iraklis Varlamis <varlamis(a)gmail.com>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Proposals Submission Deadline: 5/1/2009
Full Chapters Due: 7/1/2009
Certification and Security in Health-Related Web Applications:
Concepts and Solutions
A book edited by Dr. Ioannis Apostolakis, National School of Public
Health, Dept. of Health Economics, Greece
Mr. Anargyros Chryssanthou, MSc, Data Protection Authority, Auditors
Department, Greece
Dr. Iraklis Varlamis, Harokopio University of Athens, Dept. of Informatics
& Telematics, Greece
The main issue of concern in health-related applications is the protection
of medical data. A patient?s profile data is deemed as sensitive data and
is protected by data protection laws. Medical data needs to be accessible
only by authorized people. It needs to remain confidential, maintain its?
integrity, and be available to authorized people upon request. In the
classic model of CIA, this perspective publication seeks to integrate two
new aspects of security, authorization, and non-repudiation.
In the case of health related web applications, medical information that
is transferred across the network should be encrypted, secured, and
protected. Additionally, to secure the exchanging endpoints we need to
accurately verify the real identity of the exchanging parties, in order to
prevent cases of identity theft. Any transfer of medical data also needs
to be audited properly, in order for the administrators responsible or the
authorities to be able to connect any faulty transaction with the
exchanging parties and attribute responsibilities. Processes need to be
established to be able to certify each transacting party, each transfer,
and the associated level of security. Certification, in terms of security,
refers to the compliance to suitable standards and regulations ranging
from the ISO 27001:2005 standard to HIPAA and data protection laws.
Certification in health-related web applications springs from the need to
verify the accurate, impervious, and protected exchange! of medical data.
Objective of the Book
This book will aim to provide relevant theoretical frameworks and the
latest empirical research findings in the area. It is expected to increase
interaction between members of the medical community, IT professionals,
and all other interested parties. It is also expected to review the
certification and security procedures through collaboration, to identify
open threats and emerging needs, and to provide solutions. With this book,
we intend to provide a valuable tool for every professional intending to
develop, support or participate in a health related application over the
internet. The chapters that will be published are expected to cover as
many security and certification issues as possible and provide practical
solutions and case study applications. This publication aims to become the
initial reference book, the gateway, which can lead to potential solutions
for issues that lurk in the background.
Target Audience
The target audience of this book will be composed of professionals and
researchers that employ, study, design, and implement health related web
applications. Students of management of healthcare systems and healthcare
managers in general will use this book as a companion that helps them
avoid design pitfalls and a walkthrough towards building trustful medical
communities. Security professionals working in medical institutions will
be able to identify compliance requirements and implement the proper
measures to achieve an adequate level of security for medical data and
certification, either by certification bodies or by data protection
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability in health related web
Risk analysis in health related web applications
Medical computer networks and security management
Applying ISO standards (ISO 27001:2005, ISO 17999:2005) in healthcare
Compliance in health related web applications
Health related web applications and data protection laws
Trust in healthcare communities
Certification in medical applications
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before May 1,
2009, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and
concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals
will be notified by June 1, 2009 about the status of their proposals and
sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by
July 1, 2009. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind
review basis.
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group
Inc.), publisher of the ?Information Science Reference? (formerly Idea
Group Reference), ?Medical Information Science Reference,? and ?IGI
Publishing? imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher,
please visit http://www.igi-global.com. This publication is anticipated to
be released in 2010. Additional information regarding this publication can
also be found at http://wim.aueb.gr/iraklis/igibook/.
Important Dates
May 1, 2009: Proposal Submission Deadline
June 1, 2009: Notification of Proposal Acceptance
July 1, 2009: Full Chapter Submission
October 1, 2009: Notification of Full Chapter Acceptance
January 1, 2009: Final Chapter Submission
March 15, 2010: Final Deadline
Editorial Advisory Board Members
Prof. Arie Hasman, University of Amsterdam, Dept. of Medical Informatics,
The Netherlands
Prof. Sokratis Katsikas, University of Piraeus, Dept. of Technology
Education and Digital Systems, Greece
Assistant Prof. Spyros Kokolakis, University of Aegean, Dept. of
Information & Communication Systems Engineering, Greece
Assistant Prof. Ilias Maglogiannis, University of Central Greece, Dept. of
Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, Greece
Assistant Prof. Panagiotis Bamidis, Medical Education Informatics, Medical
School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Lecturer Athina Lazakidou, University of Peloponnese, Dept. of Nursing,
Lecturer Panagiotis Nastou, University of Aegean, Dept. of Mathematics,
Dr. Panagiotis Rizomiliotis, University of Aegean, Dept. of Information
and Communication Systems Engineering, Greece
Dr. Maria Katharaki, Dept. of Economic Science, National & Kapodistrian
University of Athens, Greece
Dr. Anastasia Kastania, Athens University of Economics and Business, Dept.
of Computer Science, Greece
Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document)
or by mail to:
Mr. Iraklis Varlamis
Harokopio University of Athens, Department of Informatics and Telematics
Tel: +302109549295 Fax: +302109549281
E-mail: varlamis(a)gmail.com, achryssanthou(a)gmail.com
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institut of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] JITCAR Volume 11, Number 1 has been published
Datum: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 17:08:48 -0400
Von: Gordon, Steven <gordon(a)babson.edu>
Antwort an: Gordon, Steven <gordon(a)babson.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Dear Colleagues:
It is my pleasure to announce the 41st issue of JITCAR (Volume 11, Number 1) -- Journal of IT Case and Application Research. Details are provided below.
Steven R. Gordon
Editor-in-Chief, JITCAR
Professor, Information Technology Management
Babson College, Babson Park, MA 02457
Tel: 781-239-4571
Web: http://faculty.babson.edu/gordon
JITCAR Volume 11, Number 1, 2009 (http://faculty.babson.edu/gordon/jitcar)
Editorial Preface
Why Technology in the University Classroom is Necessary
Daniel A. Peak, PhD
University of North Texas, USA
Research Article One
Fueling Community-based Knowledge Management: Matching Peer-to-Peer Technology and the Social Architecture of Knowledge
Stefan Baldi, Munich Business School, Germany
Hauke Heier, Accenture - Strategic IT Effectiveness
Research Article Two
A Failure to Learn by Software Developers: Inhibiting the Adoption of an Agile Software Development Methodology
John McAvoy and Tom Butler
University College Cork, Ireland
Teaching Case Article
Integrating ERP Systems in a Decentralized Company: A Case Study
Gee-Woo Bock, SungKyunKwan University, Seoul, Korea
Emilia Flores, Donald Latumahina, Harry Cheng, Vu Tung Lam, Stephanie Chan and Ronald Soeharto, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Youn Jung Kang, SungKyunKwan University, Seoul, Korea
The Expert Opinion
An Interview with Capers Jones
Chief Scientist Emeritus and Founder Software Productivity Research
Software Management Consultant
Conducted and Documented by Daniel A. Peak, PhD
University of North Texas
Book Review
Financial Intelligence for IT Professionals
By Karen Berman and Joe Knight with John Case
Published in 2008 by Harvard Business Press
ISBN: 978-1-4221-1914-3; 296 pages
Reviewed by Richard G. Platt, University of West Florida, USA
Editorial Preface
Why Technology in the University Classroom is Necessary
Daniel A. Peak, PhD
University of North Texas, USA
Significant changes to higher education have followed the acceptance and adoption of internet courses, which now are being offered at a most universities in this country. Still, the vast majority of courses offered continue to be face-to-face, with a comparable majority of students wanting at least some of their courses to be face-to-face. Despite their desire for classroom instruction, students also want the benefits of current classroom technology and instructors who can use technology to enhance their learning experiences. As technology professors, I believe that we have a duty and a responsibility to make that happen.
Research Article One
Fueling Community-based Knowledge Management: Matching Peer-to-Peer Technology and the Social Architecture of Knowledge
Stefan Baldi, Munich Business School, Germany
Hauke Heier, Accenture - Strategic IT Effectiveness
Earlier research has shown the interdependence of knowledge management systems (KMS) and organizational factors. This study explores how peer-to-peer (P2P)-based KMS are perceived by users and whether those perceptions have impact on user acceptance and system usage. By employing a case study approach we bring together the overlapping disciplines and practices of information system architectures, knowledge management, and organizational behavior by exploring structural analogies between the social architecture of knowledge and the technical architecture of decentralized KMS. Our case analysis suggests a range of potential benefits: saved time in making knowledge available, higher levels of reciprocity and transparency, as well as faster knowledge creation.
Research Article Two
A Failure to Learn by Software Developers: Inhibiting the Adoption of an Agile Software Development Methodology
John McAvoy and Tom Butler
University College Cork, Ireland
The adoption of an Agile software development methodology can be impacted by many stakeholders. In the parlance of Chris Argyris, the adoption of Agile is an exercise in learning - behavioral change created by Agile's values. This paper presents a case study investigating the failures associated with the introduction of elements of a new software development methodology by the software developers within a software development team. Although Argyis' work is often portrayed at the organizational level, this case study examines individual learning. The failure to adopt aspects of the new methodology is seen as a failure to learn by the individual software developers within the team. This paper posits that learning is more than a pedagogical view of learning a new skill; learning also involves changes in individual behaviors, attitudes and opinions. As methodology adoption involves changes to the software developers' activities and values, this study investigates the introduction of an Agile Method as a learning experience. This case study concentrates on one particular group of stakeholders - the software developers - and examines the affect their traits can have on the learning activity of adopting an Agile methodology in a project. Extant research focuses on the traits of software developers but does not incorporate influences from the values inherent in Agile. The objective of this case study is to examine the traits of individual programmers to determine the impact they can have on the adoption of an Agile methodology by examining, in depth, the introduction of Agile by the software developers in a team. This leads to the research question which asks if and how the traits of software developers can negatively impact on the behavioral changes required for the learning inherent in an Agile adoption?
Teaching Case Article
Integrating ERP Systems in a Decentralized Company: A Case Study
Gee-Woo Bock, SungKyunKwan University, Seoul, Korea
Emilia Flores, Donald Latumahina, Harry Cheng, Vu Tung Lam, Stephanie Chan and Ronald Soeharto, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Youn Jung Kang, SungKyunKwan University, Seoul, Korea
System integration across regions is essential for global operations, especially in business-to business (B2B) transactions. Medical Device Corporation[1] (MDC), a medical-device manufacturer, aims to implement an e-procurement system to increase efficiency in group purchasing transactions and to enhance customer service. However, the company needed to standardize work processes in its various regions and integrate disparate regional ERP systems prior to the implementation of an e-procurement system. To achieve this objective, MDC is currently conducting a two-phase system integration strategy. This study describes MDC's system integration promotion strategy in the context of the unique features of the medical supply industry and an environment in which work processes vary enormously with distinct regional environmental characteristics.
The Expert Opinion
An Interview with Capers Jones
Chief Scientist Emeritus and Founder Software Productivity Research
Software Management Consultant
Conducted and Documented by Daniel A. Peak, PhD
University of North Texas
Capers Jones, an internationally recognized consultant, speaker, author and seminar leader in the field of software management, is Chief Scientist Emeritus of Software Productivity Research LLC (SPR). Mr. Jones is the designer of many software cost and quality estimation tools. He is also well-known as a speaker for his company's research programs into critical software issues, such as:
* Software Project Management: A Survey of the State of the Art
* Software Cost Estimating: A Survey of the State of the Art
* Software Quality: What Works and What Doesn't?
* Empirical Results of Software Process Improvements
Book Review
Financial Intelligence for IT Professionals
By Karen Berman and Joe Knight with John Case
Published in 2008 by Harvard Business Press
ISBN: 978-1-4221-1914-3; 296 pages
Reviewed by Richard G. Platt, University of West Florida, USA
In A Sense of Urgency (reviewed in JITCAR 10:3), Kotter describes the frustrations of one head of technology who spent considerable time developing the business case for overhauling his company's antiquated systems. Ultimately, the project failed, but not due to any lack of completeness in the business case proposal for the system changes. The failure had to do with the lack of commitment to the project. Lack of commitment was one of Kotter's key points in A Sense of Urgency, but that is not why this reviewer introduces this example. In the description of that less-than-successful IT project, Kotter actually praises the quantitative analysis performed by the technology officer, especially the financial analysis that was necessary to persuade the board of directors to approve the project.
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institut of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] EC-WEB 2009 | deadline extension - new deadline
April 10
Datum: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 19:01:51 +0200
Von: Tommaso Di Noia <t.dinoia(a)poliba.it>
Antwort an: Tommaso Di Noia <t.dinoia(a)poliba.it>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
[We apologize for multiple copies]
======================= CALL FOR PAPERS ============================
10th International Conference on
Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies
EC-Web 09
Johannes Kepler University of Linz
Linz, Austria
31 August - 4 September 2009
- Submission of abstracts: April 10, 2009
- Submission of full papers: April 10, 2009
!!! NEW !!! Journal publication for selected papers.
LNCS Transactions Subline
Selected and reviewed papers will be published in LNCS Transactions
Subline (Springer Verlag)
"Transactions on Large Scale Data and Knowledge Centered Systems"
Abdelkader Hameurlain (University Toulouse)
Josef Küng (University of Linz)
Roland Wagner (University of Linz)
EC-Web 2009
After the initial enthusiastic initiatives and investments and the
eventual bubble, Electronic Commerce has changed and evolved in a
well established and founded reality both from a technological point
of view and from a scientific one. Nevertheless, together with its
evolution, new challenges and topics have emerged as well as new
questions have raised related to many aspects of Electronic Commerce.
After the lesson learned during last years, for its 10th edition
EC-Web completely renews its structure trying to provide a clearer
description of the Electronic Commerce universe focusing on some
relevant topics. The main focus is not only on Internet related
techniques and approaches. The aim of EC-Web 2009 is to cover also
aspects related to theoretical foundation of E-Commerce, Business
Processes as well as new approaches exploiting recently emerged
technologies and scenarios such as Semantic Web, Web services,
SOA architectures, mobile and ubiquitous computing, just to cite a
few. Due to their central role in any realistic e-commerce
infrastructure security and privacy issues are widely considered,
without excluding legal and regulatory aspects.
We encourage papers that present innovative solutions for classical
E-Commerce issues, such as e-negotiation, recommender systems,
secure payments, as well as for new emerging areas, such as the
Semantic Web, applied Web services, applied soft computing and
information retrieval techniques in web and/or e-commerce
Although the conference seems naturally focused on computer science
issues, we welcome and encourage research contributions from
economics, business administration, law, sociology and other
disciplines. In particular, papers about web marketing and its
non-technical aspects, as well as about social aspects of
e-commerce are encouraged. We also welcome papers reporting
about innovative applications and case studies in the field of
E-Commerce and/or Web Applications, like, e.g., Electronic Voting
and Sponsored web search.
In order to provide a better categorization and classification
of its main goals, Ec-Web 2009 will be organized as a multi-track
conference. Each track will be organized as a mini-conference with
corresponding reference area chairs.
Even though the main focus of the conference concerns the
relationship between E-commerce and emerging technologies, with
strong attention toward semantics aspects, contributions about
theoretical issues as well as cross-track contributions are very
* Service Oriented E-Commerce and Business Process
o Business process modeling and analysis
o Software architectures
o Processes and service composition
o Business process and e-service repositories
o Quality of Service in business processes
o Security in business processes
o Cross-organizational process support, contracts
o Workflow management systems
o Process modeling and enactment in ERP, CRM, and SCM systems
o SOA and Process Management
o Resource management in business process execution
o Enterprise Application Integration
o Inter-organizational Systems
o SOA approaches to E-Commerce
o Virtual enterprises, supply chains, coalitions
* Recommender Systems
o Innovative applications of recommender technology
o Recommendation learning and reasoning
o Industrial application of recommendation technology
o Recommender system user interfaces and conversational approaches
o Explanations in recommender systems
o Group recommender systems
o Consumer decision making and consumer buying behavior models
o Collaborative Filtering
o Appraisal of Recommender Systems
o User Issues in Recommender Systems
o Recommendation Interfaces
o Computational advertising
o Decision theory and preferences
* E-Payment, Security and Trust
o Payment and authentication protocols
o Micropayments
o Access Control
o Privacy-enhancing technologies
o Information Hiding and Watermarking
o Reputation and trust systems
o Security and privacy issues in electronic commerce
o E-Commerce Dependability
o Transactions and Contracts
o Legal and Regulatory Issues
o Electronic voting
* Electronic Commerce and Web 3.0
o Ontology engineering for E-Commerce
o Taxonomies and Web directories for semantic E-Commerce
o Semantic-based discovery of resources in a marketplace
o Semantic electronic markets
o Semantic Web Service architecture for E-Commerce
o Semantic E-Procurement
o Ontology-based user profiling
o Application of standard and non-standard reasoning in E-Commerce
o User tagging for item annotation and discovery
o Cloud computing in E-Commerce scenarios
o User interface to exploit Web 3.0 technologies in E-Commerce
o Emerging languages for E-Commerce
o Mobile and Pervasive Commerce
o P2P E-Commerce
o Experience with e-commerce systems
o Usability of e-commerce systems
* Francesco Buccafurri - Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
* Tommaso Di Noia - Politecnico di Bari
Service Oriented E-Commerce and Business Process
* Stefan Tai - Karlsruhe University
Recommender Systems
* Giovanni Semeraro - Università degli Studi di Bari
E-Payment, Security and Trust
* Barbara Masucci - Università di Salerno
Electronic Commerce and Web 3.0
* Martin Hepp - Bundeswehr University Munich
- Submission of abstracts: April 10, 2009
- Submission of full papers: April 10, 2009
- Notification of acceptance: May 15, 2009
- Camera-ready copies due: June 10, 2009
Authors are invited to submit original research contributions in
English, following the LNCS format
Duplicate submissions are not allowed and will be rejected
Papers should not exceed 12 pages (i.e. 12 LNCS formatted pages).
Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality,
significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition.
All accepted papers will be published in "Lecture Notes in Computer
Science" (LNCS) by Springer Verlag.
At least one author is required to attend the conference and
present the paper. For paper registration, electronic submission and
further information please see http://sisinflab.poliba.it/ecweb09/
and http://www.dexa.org.
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institut of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: First Int. Workshop on
Distributed XML Processing: Theory and Practice with JCSS Spec Issue
Datum: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 18:04:34 +0200
Von: Alfredo Cuzzocrea <cuzzocrea(a)si.deis.unical.it>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for Papers
First International Workshop on Distributed XML Processing: Theory and
Practice (DXP 2009) (http://si.deis.unical.it/cuzzocrea/DXP2009/)
in conjunction with the 38th International Conference on Parallel Processing
(ICPP 2009) (http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~icpp2009/), September 22-25
2009, Vienna, Austria.
Selected papers from the workshop will be invited for submission to a
special issue of Journal of Computer and System Sciences
(http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jcss), Elsevier (http://www.elsevier.com)
Workshop Co-Chairs
Alfredo Cuzzocrea (http://si.deis.unical.it/cuzzocrea/), ICAR-CNR and
University of Calabria, Italy
David Taniar (http://users.monash.edu.au/~dtaniar/), Monash University,
Aim and Scope
XML is widely recognized as the standard de facto for coupling with the
heterogeneity of data repositories and software platforms of distributed
environments. In light of this, distributed XML processing play a key role
in the context of a plethora of modern distributed data, information and
knowledge management applications and systems. Distributed XML processing
deals with both theoretical and practical aspects, ranging from
sophisticated theoretical contributions and tools to efficient algorithms
and frameworks. Topics of interest include a wide range of areas of
meaningfully using XML in distributed environments. Detailed information can
be found at http://si.deis.unical.it/cuzzocrea/DXP2009/
The First International Workshop on Distributed XML Processing: Theory and
Practice will be held in Vienna, Austria, during September 22-25, in
conjunction with the 38th International Conference on Parallel Processing
(ICPP 2009), focuses but it is not limited to the listed research topics, by
posing the emphasis on a theoretical as well as a practical point of view,
and provides a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in
distributed XML Processing to meet and exchange preliminary ideas and mature
Workshop Location
The Vienna University of Technology (http://www.tuwien.ac.at/tu_vienna/),
Submission Guidelines and Instructions
Contributions are invited from prospective authors with interests in the
indicated workshop topics and related areas of application. All
contributions should be high quality, original and not published elsewhere
or submitted for publication during the review period.
Authors are invited to submit research and application papers following the
IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style: two columns,
single-spaced, including figures and references, using 10 fonts, and
numbering each page. Maximum submitted paper length allowed is 8 pages.
IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Author Guidelines are available at the
following web page:
Abstracts (deadline: April 13, 2009) should be submitted by e-mail
(preferably in an enclosed MS Word file) to the Program Committee Co-Chairs
Alfredo Cuzzocrea (http://si.deis.unical.it/~cuzzocrea/) at
cuzzocrea(a)si.deis.unical.it and David Taniar
(http://users.monash.edu.au/~dtaniar/) at
David.Taniar(a)infotech.monash.edu.au. Abstracts must include paper title,
abstract, list of keywords, and list of authors with full names and
affiliations. One of the authors must be designated as the primary contact
point to receive notification and reviews.
Papers (deadline: April 20, 2009) should be submitted by email (preferably
in an enclosed PDF file) to the Program Committee Co-Chairs Alfredo
Cuzzocrea (http://si.deis.unical.it/~cuzzocrea/) at
cuzzocrea(a)si.deis.unical.it and David Taniar
(http://users.monash.edu.au/~dtaniar/) at
Submitted papers will be thoroughly reviewed by members of the Workshop
Program Committee for quality, correctness, originality and relevance.
Notification and reviews will be communicated via e-mail. All accepted
papers must be presented by one of the authors, who must register.
Paper Publication
Accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press
Authors of selected papers from the workshop will be invited to submit an
extended version of their paper to a special issue of Journal on Computer
and System Sciences (http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jcss), Elsevier
Important Dates
Abstract submission: April 13, 2009
Paper submission: April 20, 2009
Notification of acceptance: May 26, 2009
Camera-ready paper due: June 28, 2009
Workshop: September 22-25, 2009
Program Committee Co-Chairs
Alfredo Cuzzocrea (http://si.deis.unical.it/cuzzocrea/), ICAR-CNR and
University of Calabria, Italy
David Taniar (http://users.monash.edu.au/~dtaniar/), Monash University,
Program Committee
Please, access the updated list at
For more information and any inquire, please contact Alfredo Cuzzocrea
(http://si.deis.unical.it/~cuzzocrea/) at cuzzocrea(a)si.deis.unical.it
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institut of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Now available: The Inaugural Issue of AIS
Transactions on HCI
Datum: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 08:30:22 -0500
Von: Dennis Galletta <galletta(a)katz.pitt.edu>
Antwort an: Dennis Galletta <galletta(a)katz.pitt.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Announcing the Publication of the
Inaugural Issue of AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction
As co-Editors-in-Chief of the new journal, AIS Transactions on
Human-Computer Interaction (THCI), we are proud to announce the
publication of its inaugural issue. THCI is located within the AIS
(Association for Information Systems) e-library (http://aisel.aisnet.org).
To increase awareness and readership, THCI is freely accessible to
everyone during its first two years of publication. You can find
information related to all aspects of THCI at its website, including how
to submit.
In this inaugural issue
Editorial One:
�Welcome to AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction�
By David Avison and Guy Fitzgerald
AIS President and VP of Publications describe the important role of THCI
as an integral member of the AIS journal family and credits AIS SIGHCI
leaders for the creation of the Transactions series for the AIS.
Editorial Two:
�Praise for AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction�
By Jane Carey
As the Chair of AIS SIGHCI Advisory Board, Carey provides some brief
background of the journal�s roots in SIGHCI, and explains what it takes to
launch a high-quality successful journal.
Editorial Three:
�A New Era for the Human-Computer Interaction Community�
By Eleanor T. Loiacono
Current AIS SIGHCI Chair Loiacono discusses how THCI will serve as an
international publication outlet for HCI research conducted around the
globe, providing a high number of diverse perspectives.
Editorial Four:
�Introducing AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction�
By Dennis Galletta and Ping Zhang
We lay out some historical development of the journal, and state the
context, editorial philosophy, statements of scope, publication
categories, and directions. We acknowledge a large group of people who
made this journal possible.
Research Article:
�The Reader-to-Leader Framework: Motivating Technology-Mediated Social
By Jenny Preece and Ben Shneiderman
Preece and Shneiderman demonstrate that our concept of �users� has become
obsolete in these days of Web 2.0. Networks with user-contributed content
contain many types of users, in a hierarchy in ascending order. At the
bottom are readers, who absorb the content. The next level involves
contributors, who provide some of the content. Some of these move on to
become collaborators, who work with others to provide content. Finally,
some become leaders, who manage and/or govern the sites. By adopting this
perspective, firms and groups can have a richer set of titles and
functions, and can better plan for, and manage, electronic communities. We
are excited that these fine, established, and well-known scholars chose to
submit their paper to THCI and we anticipate that this paper will have a
significant and lasting impact on the field.
Call for Papers
THCI is a high-quality peer-reviewed international scholarly journal on
Human-Computer Interaction. As an AIS journal, THCI is oriented to the
Information Systems community, emphasizing applications in business,
managerial, organizational, and cultural contexts. However, it is open to
all related communities that share intellectual interests in HCI phenomena
and issues. The editorial objective is to enhance and communicate
knowledge about the interplay among humans, information, technologies, and
tasks in order to guide the development and use of human-centered
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and services for
individuals, groups, organizations, and communities.
Topics of interest to THCI include but are not limited to the following:
� The behavioral, cognitive, motivational and affective
aspects of human and technology interaction
� User task analysis and modeling; fit between representations
and task types
� Digital documents/genres; human information seeking and web
navigation behaviors; human information interaction; information
� Social media; social computing; virtual communities
� Behavioral information security and information assurance;
privacy and trust in human technology interaction
� User interface design and evaluation for various
applications in business, managerial, organizational, educational, social,
cultural, non-work, and other domains
� Integrated and/or innovative approaches, guidelines, and
standards or metrics for human centered analysis, design, construction,
evaluation, and use of interactive devices and information systems
� Information systems usability engineering; universal
� The impact of interfaces/information technology on people's
attitude, behavior, performance, perception, and productivity
� Implications and consequences of technological change on
individuals, groups, society, and socio-technical units
� Software learning and training issues such as perceptual,
cognitive, and motivational aspects of learning
� Gender and information technology
� The elderly, the young, and special needs populations for
new applications, modalities, and multimedia interaction
� Issues in HCI education
The language for the journal is English. The audience includes
international scholars and practitioners who conduct research on issues
related to the objectives of the journal. The publication frequency is
quarterly: 4 issues per year to be published in March, June, September,
and December.
The AIS Special Interest Group on Human-Computer Interaction (SIGHCI) is
the official sponsor for THCI.
Editorial Boards
Dennis Galletta, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Ping Zhang, Syracuse University, USA
Advisory Board
Izak Benbasat, University of British Columbia, Canada
John M. Carroll, Penn State University, USA
Phillip Ein-Dor, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Jenny Preece, University of Maryland, USA
Gavriel Salvendy, Purdue University, USA and Tsinghua University, China
Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland, USA
Jane Webster, Queen's University, Canada,
K.K Wei, City University of Hong Kong, China
Senior Editor Board
Fred Davis, University of Arkansas, USA
Mohamed Khalifa, Abu Dhabi University, United Arab Emirates
Anne Massey, Indiana University, USA
Lorne Olfman, Claremont Graduate University, USA
Kar Yan Tam, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, China
Dov Te'eni, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Viswanath Venkatesh, University of Arkansas, USA
Susan Wiedenbeck, Drexel University, USA
Associate Editor Board
Michel Avital, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jane Carey, Arizona State University, USA
Hock Chuan Chan, National University of Singapore
Carina de Villiers, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Matt Germonprez, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire USA
Khaled Hassanein, McMaster University, Canada
Milena Head, McMaster University, Canada
Traci Hess, Washington State University, USA
Shuk Ying (Susanna) Ho, Australian National University, Australia
Netta Iivari, Oulu University, Finland
Zhenhui Jack Jiang, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Weiling Ke, Clarkson University, USA
Sherrie Komiak, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Paul Benjamin Lowry, Brigham Young University, USA
Ji-Ye Mao, Renmin University, China
Scott McCoy, College of William and Mary, USA
Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Sheizaf Rafaeli, University of Haifa, Israel
Stefan Smolnik, European Business School (EBS), Germany
Jeff Stanton, Syracuse University, USA
Heshan Sun, University of Arizona USA
Jason Thatcher, Clemson University, USA
Noam Tractinsky, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Horst Treiblmaier, Vienna University of Business Administration and
Economics, Austria
Ozgur Turetken, Ryerson University, Canada
Mun Yi, University South Carolina, USA
Managing Editor
Michael Scialdone, Syracuse University, USA
Dennis Galletta and Ping Zhang
AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institut of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] The contents of the latest issue of IJDET Vo. 7, No. 2
Datum: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 22:53:11 +0900
Von: Qun Jin <jin(a)waseda.jp>
Antwort an: Qun Jin <jin(a)waseda.jp>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
The contents of the latest issue of:
International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET)
Official Publication of the Information Resources Management Association
Volume 7, Issue 2, April-June 2009
Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically
ISSN: 1539-3100 EISSN: 1539-3119
Published by IGI Publishing, Hershey-New York, USA
Editors-in-Chief: Qun Jin, Waseda University, Japan
Advanced E-Learning Technologies and Applications
Frederick W.B. Li, University of Durham, UK
Howard Leung, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
E-learning has become very popular recently as it allows students to study
without any time and location constraints. Through the advanced
technological support in e-Learning, the learning outcome of the students
can be maximized according to their learning ability; many institutions or
organizations have begun to adopt e-learning systems to enhance both the
learning and teaching process. However, there still exist some substantial
problems to solve before e-learning systems can be made ideal for serving
the community. In particular, we need a way to formulate e-learning content
such that one may effectively retrieve relevant pieces of learning material
from an e-learning system. Moreover, e-learning content should also be
presented in an organized way in order to provide a good perception and
understanding for e-Learning users. The sixth International Conference on
Web-based Learning 2007 (ICWL'07) was held in August 2007 in Edinburgh,
United Kingdom. It was part of our continuous effort to address many of the
above-mentioned issues. This special issue collects the extended version of
some of the best papers presented at the conference.
To read the guest editor preface, please consult this issue of IJDET in your
institution's library.
A Novel Architecture for E-Learning Knowledge Assessment Systems
Krzysztof Gierłowski, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Krzysztof Nowicki, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
In this article, the authors propose a novel e-learning system dedicated
strictly to knowledge assessment tasks. In its functioning it utilizes
Web-based technologies, but its design differs radically from currently
popular e-learning solutions which rely mostly on thin-client architecture.
In their design, the authors employ a loosely-tied distributed system
architecture, strict modularity, test, simulation-based knowledge and skill
assessment, and an original communications package called communication
abstraction layer (ComAL), specifically designed to support communication
functions of e-learning systems in diverse network conditions.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
Supporting Interoperability and Context-Awareness in E-Learning through
Situation-Driven Learning Processes
Stefan Dietze, Open University, UK
Alessio Gugliotta, Open University, UK
John Domingue, Open University, UK
Current e-learning technologies primarily follow a data and metadata-centric
paradigm by providing the learner with composite content containing the
learning resources and the learning process description, usually based on
specific metadata standards such as ADL SCORM or IMS learning design. Due to
the design-time binding of learning resources, the actual learning context
cannot be considered appropriately at runtime, what limits the usability and
interoperability of learning resources. This paper proposes situation-driven
learning processes (SDLP) which describe learning processes semantically
from two perspectives: the user perspective and the system perspective. A
learning process is composed dynamically and accomplished in terms of SWS
goal achievements by automatically allocating learning resources at runtime.
Metadata standard-independent SDLP are mapped to established standards such
as ADL SCORM and IMS LD. This article describes a prototypical application
to prove feasibility.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
Adaptivity in ProPer: An Adaptive SCORM Compliant LMS
Ioannis Kazanidis, University of Macedonia, Greece
Maya Satratzemi, University of Macedonia, Greece
Adaptive educational hypermedia systems provide personalized educational
content to learners; however, most of them do not support the functionality
of learning management systems (LMS) and the reusability of their courses is
hard work. On the other hand some LMS support SCORM specifications but do
not provide adaptive features. This article presents ProPer, a LMS that
conforms to SCORM specifications and provides adaptive hypermedia courses.
ProPer manages and delivers SCORM compliant courses and personalizes them
according to learner's knowledge, goals and personal characteristics. In
addition learner's progress and behavior is monitored and useful feedback is
returned to tutors. ProPer is used for an adaptive java programming course
distribution for CS1 students. Statistical feedback will be gathered by
tutors in order to improve course effectiveness. The authors analyze the
system's architecture and functionality and provide a brief technological
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
A Rule-Based System for Test Quality Improvement
Gennaro Costagliola, University of Salerno, Italy
Vittorio Fuccella, University of Salerno, Italy
To correctly evaluate learners' knowledge, it is important to administer
tests composed of good quality question items. By the term "quality", the
authors intend the potential of an item in effectively discriminating
between skilled and untrained students and in obtaining tutor's desired
difficulty level. This article presents a rule-based e-testing system which
assists tutors in obtaining better question items through subsequent test
sessions. After each test session, the system automatically detects items'
quality and provides the tutors with advice about what to do with each of
them. The proposed system has been experimented in a course at the
University of Salerno.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
Statistical Inference-Based Cache Management for Mobile Learning
Qing Li, Zhejiang Normal University, China
Jianmin Zhao, Zhejiang Normal University, China
Xinzhong Zhu, Zhejiang Normal University, China
Supporting efficient data access in the mobile learning environment is
becoming a hot research problem in recent years, and the problem becomes
tougher when the clients use light-weight mobile devices such as cell
phones. A practical solution is to store the cache data at some proxies
nearby, so that mobile devices can access the data from these proxies
instead of data servers in order to reduce the latency time. However, when
mobile devices move freely, the cache data may not enhance the overall
performance because it may become too far away for the clients to access. In
this article, the authors propose a statistical caching mechanism which
makes use of prior knowledge (statistical data) to predict the pattern of
user movement and then replicates/migrates the cache objects among different
proxies. The authors propose a statistical inference based heuristic search
algorithm to accommodate dynamic mobile data access in the mobile learning
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
A 3D Geometry Model Search Engine to Support Learning
Gary K.L. Tam, Durham University, UK, and Zhejiang Normal University, China
Rynson W.H. Lau, Zhejiang Normal University, China, and City University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jianmin Zhao, Zhejiang Normal University, China
Due to the popularity of 3D graphics in animation and games, usage of 3D
geometry deformable models increases dramatically. Despite their growing
importance, these models are difficult and time consuming to build. A
distance learning system for the construction of these models could greatly
facilitate students to learn and practice at different time and geographical
locations. In such a system, an important component is the search engine,
which serves as both the source of teaching materials and a platform for
sharing resources. Although there have been a lot of works on text and
multimedia retrieval, search engines for 3D models are still in its infant
stage. In this article, the authors investigate two important issues:
feature analysis. The method offers a mechanism to extract, index, match,
and efficiently retrieve features from these models.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the
International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET) in your
institution's library. This journal is also included in the IGI Global
aggregated "InfoSci-Journals" database: www.infosci-journals.com.
Mission of IJDET:
The International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET)
publishes original research articles of distance education four issues per
year. IJDET is a primary forum for researchers and practitioners to
disseminate practical solutions to the automation of open and distance
learning. The journal is targeted to academic researchers and engineers who
work with distance learning programs and software systems, as well as
general participants of distance education.
Coverage of IJDET:
Discussions of computational methods, algorithms, implemented prototype
systems, and applications of open and distance learning are the focuses of
this publication. Practical experiences and surveys of using distance
learning systems are also welcome. Distance education technologies published
in IJDET will be divided into three categories, communication technologies,
intelligent technologies, and educational technologies:
Automatic assessment methods
Automatic FAQ reply methods
Broadband and wireless communication tools
Copyright protection and authentication mechanisms
Distributed systems
Effective and efficient authoring systems
Individualized distance learning
Intelligent tutoring
Mobile systems
Multimedia streaming technology
Multimedia synchronization controls
Neural network or statistical approaches to behavior analysis
New network infrastructures
Practical and new learning models
Quality-of service issues
Real-time protocols
Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission
guidelines at www.igi-global.com/ijdet
All inquiries and submissions should be sent to:
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Qun Jin, jin(a)waseda.jp
Qun Jin, Ph.D.
Department of Human Informatics and Cognitive Sciences
Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University
2-579-15 Mikajima, Tokorozawa-shi, Saitama 359-1192, Japan
Phone/Fax: +81-4-2947-6906 E-mail: jin(a)waseda.jp
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institut of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] International Journal of E-Business Research: TOC
5(2) and CFP
Datum: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 18:10:58 -0500
Von: In Lee <I-Lee(a)wiu.edu>
Antwort an: In Lee <I-Lee(a)wiu.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
The contents of the latest issue of:
International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR)
Official Publication of the Information Resources Management Association
Volume 5, Issue 2, April-June 2009
Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically
ISSN: 1548-1131 EISSN: 1548-114X
Published by IGI Publishing, Hershey-New York, USA
Editor-in-Chief: In Lee, Western Illinois University, USA
Special Issue: Privacy
IJEBR Special Issue on Privacy
George O.M. Yee, National Research Council, Canada
Larry Korba, National Research Council, Canada
Ronggong Song, National Research Council, Canada
There are three categories of e-business applications: internal business
systems, enterprise communication and collaboration, and B2B or B2C
electronic commerce. The recent rapid growth of the Internet, together
with similar increases in computerization, has been accompanied by soaring
deployments of e-business applications. Since e-business ultimately
depends on the consumption of ordinary citizens, this has led to more and
more consumer personal information in the possession of enterprises. In
this special issue, the authors offer a scholarly collection of articles
that provide significant new insights.
To read the guest editorial preface, please consult this issue of IJEBR in
your library.
Privacy Factors for Successful Ubiquitous Computing
Linda Little, Northumbria University, UK
Pam Briggs, Northumbria University, UK
Certain privacy principles have been established by industries, (e.g.
USCAM, 2006). Over the past two years, we have been trying to understand
whether such principles reflect the concerns of the ordinary citizen. The
authors have developed a method of enquiry which displays a rich context
to the user in order to elicit more detailed information about those
privacy factors that underpin our acceptance of ubiquitous computing. The
authors use the exchange of health, financial, shopping, e-voting
information, and a large scale survey to investigate the use and
acceptance of videotaped activity scenarios. This article presents a
detailed analysis of user concerns.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
Consumer Responses to the Introduction of Privacy Protection Measures: An
Exploratory Research Framework
Heng Xu, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Information privacy is at the center of discussion and controversy among
multiple stakeholders including business leaders, privacy activists, and
government regulators. The conceptualizations of information privacy have
been somewhat patchy in current privacy literature. This article reviews
the conceptualizations of information privacy through three different
lenses and then try to build upon previous literature from multiple
theoretical lenses to create a common understanding of the
organization-consumer information interaction in the context of
business-to-consumer electronic commerce (B2C e-commence). The author
argues that consumers' privacy beliefs are influenced by the situational
and environmental cues that signal the level of privacy protections in a
particular environment. The framework developed in this research should be
of interest to academic researchers, e-commerce vendors, legislators,
industry self-regulators, and designers of privacy enhancing technologies.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
Business Associates in the National Health Information Network:
Implications for Medical Information Privacy
Edward J. Szewczak,, Canisius College, USA
Coral R. Snodgrass, Canisius College, USA
This article examines the role of business associates of healthcare
providers (BAHP) in the National Health Information Network. Current
health insurance portability and accountability legislation has little to
say about BAHPs and their potential impact on medical information privacy.
For the good of the business enterprise, managers who are BAHPs or who
supervise BAHPs need to be aware of potential pitfalls of ignoring medical
information privacy and need to take a proactive stance in protecting
medical information privacy within the National Health Information
Network. In this article, the authors provide approaches that managers can
to properly dispose of medical information after their use.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
A Model-Based Privacy Compliance Checker
Siani Pearson, Hewlett Packard Research Labs, UK
Damien Allison, Hewlett Packard Research Labs, UK
Increasingly, e-business organizations are under pressure to be compliant
to a range of privacy legislation, policies, and best practices. There is
a clear need for high-level management and administrators to be able to
assess dynamic, customizable degrees in which their enterprise complies
with these. The authors outline a solution to this problem in the form of
a model-driven automated privacy process analysis and configuration
checking system, and they also develop a prototype that provides this
functionality in the governance audit context. This approach may also be
tailored to enhance the assurance provided by existing governance tools.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the
International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) in your institution's
library. This journal is also included in the IGI Global aggregated
"InfoSci-Journals" database: www.infosci-journals.com.
Mission of IJEBR:
The primary objective of the International Journal of E-Business Research
(IJEBR) is to provide an international forum for researchers and
practitioners to advance the knowledge and practice of all facets of
electronic business. Emerging e-business theories, architectures, and
technologies are emphasized to stimulate and disseminate cutting-edge
information into research and business communities in a timely fashion.
The secondary objective of this journal is to develop a comprehensive
framework of e-business by taking a multidisciplinary approach to
understanding e-business and its implications on businesses and economies.
This journal serves as an integrated e-business knowledge base for those
who are interested in contributing to the advancement of e-business theory
and practice through a variety of research methods including theoretical,
experimental, case, and survey research methods.
Coverage of IJEBR:
IJEBR appears quarterly and maintains rigorous review processes.
Theoretical, experimental, survey, and case studies are all appropriate.
Among topics to be included (but not limited) are the following:
Applications of new technologies to e-business
Collaborative commerce
Consumer behavior
Developing and managing middleware to support e-business
Digital libraries
E-business models and architectures
E-business process modeling and simulation studies
E-business standardizations
E-business systems integration
E-business technology investment strategies
Economics of e-business
Electronic markets and infrastructures
Electronic supply chain management and the Internet-based electronic data
E-procurement methods
Evaluation methodologies for e-business systems
Global e-business
Intelligent agent technologies and their impacts
Mobile commerce
Trends in e-business models and technologies
Trust, security, and privacy of e-business transactions and information
Valuing e-business assets
Web advertising
Web personalization and mass customization technologies
Web services-based e-business systems
Web-based languages, application development methodologies, and tools
IJEBR accepts all other related issues that will contribute to the
advancement of e-business research.
Interested authors should consult the Journal's manuscript submission
guidelines at www.igi-global.com/ijebr.
All inquiries and submissions should be sent to:
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. In Lee at I-Lee(a)wiu.edu
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Start of this years ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge 2009
Datum: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 16:06:22 +0200
Von: Andreas Hotho <hotho(a)cs.uni-kassel.de>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, ak-kd-list(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de,
kdml(a)cs.uni-kassel.de, fg-db(a)informatik.uni-rostock.de,
Call for Participation
ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge
Bled, Slovenia, September 7-11 2009
============== Challenge starts right now ======================
This year's discovery challenge deals with three tasks in the area
of tag recommendations for social bookmarking services. The first
task covers content-based and the second task graph-based tag
recommendations. An additional third task allows participants to
deliver online recommendations to a running social bookmarking
service. The dataset the challenge is based on is a snapshot of the
social bookmark and publication sharing system Bibsonomy
<http://www.bibsonomy.org/>. More details about the tasks can be
found at the challenge website:
Important dates
* March 25, 2009 Tasks and datasets available online.
* July 6th, 2009 Test dataset will be released (by midnight CEST).
* July 8th, 2009 Result submission deadline (by midnight CEST).
* July 10th, 2009 Workshop paper submission deadline.
* July 14th, 2009 Notification of winners,
publication of results on webpage,
notification of paper acceptance.
* August 5th, 2009 Workshop proceedings (camera-ready) deadline.
* September 7/11th, 2009 ECML PKDD Workshop
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institut of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA