-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CfP: Special Track "Business Value of SOA" and 2nd
general CfP of SEKE'09 (21st International Conference on Software
Engineering and Knowledge Engineering), Boston July 01-03, 2009
Datum: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 11:09:46 +0100
Von: Daniel Beimborn <daniel.beimborn(a)uni-bamberg.de>
Antwort an: Daniel Beimborn <daniel.beimborn(a)uni-bamberg.de>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
CALL FOR PAPERS of the Special Track "Business Value of Service-Oriented
Architectures" at
The Twenty-First International Conference on Software Engineering and
Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'09) Boston, July 1-3 2009
(URL: http://www.ksi.edu/seke/seke09.html )
SCOPE of the Special Track:
Service-based computing and service-oriented organizational paradigms, often
jointly captured by the term of Service-oriented Architecture (SOA), promise
to support the implementation of large-scale business processes and
simultaneously to offer increased flexibility in reacting to changing
processual and market demands. There is many ongoing research on the
technical aspects of effectively designing, implementing and maintaining
SOA, but one of the most fundamental questions has still found scarce
attention: What is the actual Business Value from adopting SOA? And
moreover, how can we evaluate and measure it - ideally before adopting the
service-oriented paradigm both on the business level and on the IT
architecture level. In order to determine the importance of different
aspects of SOA from an economic and strategic perspective, potential
adopters need support in estimating the benefits, risks, and efforts
associated with SOA. This should help aligning business and IT side of the
firm in order to accomplish efficient and effective decision making about
introducing SOA.
This special track is organized in SEKE'09 to bring together researchers and
practitioners from both the service engineering and the business management
side to discuss pressing issues regarding the Business Value of SOA. Topics
of specific interest for this track are:
. Methods to evaluate the Business Value of SOA (such as, economic
evaluation instruments, real-option approaches, etc.)
. Value of SOA-based application integration and legacy applications
. Relationship of SOA and Business/IT Alignment
. Role of SOA for Efficient Business Process Outsourcing
. Determining re-use and re-usability of services
. Migration to SOA-based Enterprise Architectures ("Service-oriented
. Case studies on determining the Return of implementing SOA
. Methods, frameworks, and tools to assess the business benefits and risks
from running SOA for companies
. Successful application of SOA in the finance industry, logistics,
The track is also open for additional related topics not listed, however all
submitted papers should clearly focus on the application in a SOA setting.
IMPORTANT DATES (as for the main conference):
. Paper submission due: March 1, 2009
. Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2009
. Camera-ready copy: May 1, 2009
. Conference: July 1 - 3, 2009
Papers must be written in English. An electronic version (Postscript, PDF,
or MS Word format) of the full paper should be submitted using the following
URL: http://conf.ksi.edu/seke09/submit/SubmitPaper.php.
Manuscripts must include a 200-word abstract and no more than 6 pages of
IEEE double column text (include figures and references).
Tim Weitzel (tim.weitzel(a)uni-bamberg.de), Chair of Information Systems,
University of Bamberg, Germany
Guido Wirtz (guido.wirtz(a)uni-bamberg.de), Distributed and Mobile Systems
Group, University of Bamberg, Germany
Daniel Beimborn (daniel.beimborn(a)uni-bamberg.de), Department for Information
Systems and Services, University of Bamberg, Germany
If you have any questions regarding the special track or whether your
research fits into its focus, don't hesitate to contact one of the
The Twenty-First International Conference on Software Engineering and
Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'09) will be held at the Hyatt Harborside at
Boston's Logan Int'l Airport, Boston, USA, July 1-3, 2009.
The conference aims at bringing together experts in software engineering and
knowledge engineering to discuss relevant results in either software
engineering or knowledge engineering or both. Special emphasis will be put
on the transference of methods between both domains.
Solicited topics include, but are not limited to:
Agent architectures: ontologies, languages and protocols, Multi-agent
systems, Agent-based learning and knowledge discovery, Interface agents,
Agent-based auctions and marketplaces, Artificial life and societies, Secure
mobile and multi-agent systems, Mobile agents and mobile systems
Autonomic computing: Adaptive Systems, Integrity, Security, and Fault
Tolerance, Reliability, Enterprise Software, Middleware, Process and
Workflow Management, E-Commerce Solutions and Applications, Industry System
Experience and Report
Service-centric software engineering: Service oriented requirements
engineering, Service oriented architectures, Middleware for service based
systems, Service discovery and composition, Quality of services, Service
level agreements (drafting, negotiation, monitoring and management), Runtime
service management, Semantic web
Requirements Engineering: Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Software
Engineering, Component-Based Software Engineering, Automated Software
Specification, Automated Software Design and Synthesis, Computer-Supported
Cooperative Work, Embedded and Ubiquitous Software Engineering, Measurement
and Empirical Software Engineering, Reverse Engineering, Programming
Languages and Software Engineering, Patterns and Frameworks, Reflection and
Metadata Approaches, Program Understanding
Knowledge Acquisition: Knowledge-Based and Expert Systems, Knowledge
Representation and Retrieval, Knowledge Engineering Tools and Techniques,
Time and Knowledge Management Tools, Knowledge Visualization, Ontologies and
Methodologies, Learning Software Organization
Human-Computer Interaction: Multimedia Applications & Frameworks, Multimedia
and Hypermedia Software Engineering
Smart Spaces, Pervasive Computing, Swarm intelligence, Soft Computing
Software Architecture, Software Assurance, Software Domain Modeling and
Meta-Modeling, Software dependability, Software economics, Software
Engineering, Decision Support Software, Engineering Tools and Environments,
Software Maintenance and Evolution, Software Process Modeling, Software
product lines, Software Quality, Software Reuse, Software Safety, Software
Security, Software Engineering Case Study and Experience Reports
Web and text mining: Web-Based Tools and Applications, Web-Based Knowledge
as well as System Applications and Experience, Validation and Verification,
Formal Methods
Papers must be written in English. An electronic version (Postscript, PDF,
or MS Word format) of the full paper should be submitted using the following
URL: http://conf.ksi.edu/seke09/submit/SubmitPaper.php .
Please use Internet Explorer as the browser. Manuscript must include a
200-word abstract and no more than 6 pages of IEEE double column text
(include figures and references).
If you have any questions or run into problems, please send an e-mail to:
SEKE 2009 Conference Secretariat
Knowledge Systems Institute
3420 Main Street
Skokie, IL 60076 USA
Tel: 847-679-3135
Fax: 847-679-3166
E-mail: seke(a)ksi.edu
Web: http://www.ksi.edu/seke/seke09.html
Paper submission due: March 1, 2009
Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2009
Camera-ready copy: May 1, 2009
Conference: July 1 - 3, 2009
Dr. Daniel Beimborn
Assistant Professor
University of Bamberg
Dept. for Information Systems and Services
Feldkirchenstr. 21
D-96049 Bamberg / Germany
email: daniel.beimborn(a)uni-bamberg.de
web: http://www.uni-bamberg.de/isdl/beimborn
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Last CfP: 5th CIAO! workshop at the CAiSE'09 conference
Datum: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 10:59:10 +0100
Von: Albani Antonia <antonia.albani(a)wiwi.uni-augsburg.de>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
5th International Workshop on
Cooperation & Interoperability - Architecture & Ontology
(CIAO! 2009)
08 - 09 June 2009
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
To be held in conjunction with the
CAiSE 2009 conference
Proceedings published in
Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
Modern enterprises face a strong economical pressure to increase
competitiveness, to operate on a global market, and to engage in
alliances of several kinds. Agility thus has become the new guiding
principle for enterprises. This requires flexible organizational
structures and business processes, as well as flexible supporting
information systems and a flexible ICT-infrastructure. In addition, an
enterprise needs to be able to easily expand or shrink, be it through
cooperation with other enterprises, through mergers or acquisitions,
or through insourcing or outsourcing of services.
In order to meet these economical requirements, enterprises rely
increasingly on the benefits of modern information and communication
technology (ICT). However, the appropriate knowledge to deploy this
technology as needed, and in an effective and efficient way, is
largely lacking, particularly knowledge regarding the cooperation in
and between enterprises and knowledge regarding the interoperability
of their information systems.
Focus and Goal
The CIAO! workshop is a leading workshop in the emerging field of
Enterprise Engineering, which is based on the notions of Enterprise
Ontology and Enterprise Architecture. Enterprise Ontology is
conceptually defined as (the understanding of) the essence of an
enterprise. Operationally, it is its highest-level constructional
model, completely independent on the way in which it is implemented.
Enterprise Architecture is conceptually defined as the normative
restriction of design freedom. Operationally, it is the set of design
principles that are applicable to the (re)design of the enterprise's
business processes, organization, information systems, etc.
The goal of the workshop is to gather academics and practitioners in
order to share innovative research issues and practical experiences,
and to facilitate profound discussions about these issues, in
particular about the application of the notions of architecture and
ontology in dealing with inter- and intra-organizational business
processes and the interoperability of supporting information systems.
Topics of interest to this workshop include, but are not limited to:
* Modeling (cross-enterprise) business processes
* Reference models for (cross-enterprise) business processes
* Cooperation theories (e.g., the language-action-perspective)
* Domain reference ontologies
* Enterprise ontologies
* Enterprise architectures
* Business rules
* Information system ontologies
* Information system architectures
* Component-based system development
* Ontology-based web services
* Interoperability testing and verification
* Service Oriented Architecture
Organization of the Workshop
The CIAO! 2009 workshop is the 5th workshop of a series of successful
workshops. (CIAO!'08, MIOS-CIAO'06, MIOS-INTEROP'05, MIOS'04) held at
the CAiSE and OTM Federated conferences so far.
We are looking for articles on current or recently finished research
projects as well as articles from practitioners. Based on our
inspiring experience of the 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2008 workshops, the
CIAO! 2009 workshop is planned again to be a real workshop, providing
ample time for discussions and group works, during two days.
Consequently, the paper presentations will be short, covering only the
highlights. In addition, the focus of discussion will be on CIAO: the
problem areas Cooperation and Interoperability, and the application of
Architecture and Ontology in dealing with them.
We are honored to announce Professor Dr. Robert Winter, full chair of
information management at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) in
Switzerland, as keynote speaker for the 5th CIAO! workshop.
Submission Conditions
Papers should be submitted in PDF format. The results described must
be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Submissions
must conform to Springer's LNBIP format and should not exceed 15
pages, including all text, figures, references and appendices.
Submissions not conforming to the LNBIP format or exceeding 15 pages
will be rejected without review. Information about the Springer LNBIP
format can be found at Springer LNBIP Web page (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-487211-0
Three to five keywords characterizing the paper should be indicated at
the end of the abstract.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission: February 15, 2009
Paper Submission: February 22, 2009
Notification of Acceptance: March 14, 2009
Camera Ready Paper Due: April 21, 2009
CIAO! 2009 Workshop: June 08-09, 2009
CAiSE 2009 Conference: June 08-12, 2009
Program Chairs
Antonia Albani (a.albani(a)tudelft.nl)
Chair of Information Systems Design
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Jan L.G. Dietz (j.l.g.dietz(a)tudelft.nl)
Chair of Information Systems Design
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Program Committee
Wil van der Aalst Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Joseph Barjis Delft University of Technology
Bernhard Bauer University of Augsburg, Germany
Emmanuel delaHostria Rockwell Automation, USA
Johann Eder University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Joaquim Filipe School of Technology of Setúbal, Portugal
Rony G. Flatscher Vienna University of Economics and
Business Administration, Austria
Birgit Hofreiter University of Vienna, Austria
Jan Hoogervorst Sogeti Netherlands, The Netherlands
Christian Huemer Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Peter Loos University of Saarland, Germany
Graham Mcleod University of Kaapstad, South Africa
Aldo de Moor CommunitySense, The Netherlands
Hans Mulder University of Antwerp, Belgium
Moira Norrie ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Martin Op ‘t Land Capgemini, The Netherlands
Erik Proper Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Gil Regev École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL),
Itecor, Switzerland
Pnina Soffer MIS department, Haifa University, Israel
Pedro Sousa University of Lisbon, Portugal
José Tribolet INESC and University of Lisbon, Portugal
Jan Verelst University of Antwerp, Belgium
Robert Winter University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Journal of Computer Information Systems: Call for
Datum: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 08:33:12 -0600
Von: Lin, Binshan <Binshan.Lin(a)lsus.edu>
Antwort an: Lin, Binshan <Binshan.Lin(a)lsus.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Journal of Computer Information Systems: Call for Papers
The Journal of Computer Information Systems (JCIS, ISSN 0887-4417) is the official publication of the International Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS www.iacis.org) published on a quarterly basis. The Journal is a refereed publication containing articles related to information systems research including innovative and advanced technologies. The aim of the Journal of Computer Information Systems is to provide academically robust papers, research, and critical reviews on the issues associated with computer information systems. It is designed to be read by academics, scholars, professionals, practitioners, and those seeking an update on current experience and future prospects in relation to contemporary computer information systems. Each issue of the JCIS provides a wealth of relevant and informative articles.
The JCIS interests are wide ranging, seeking contributions that build on established lines of research work as well as break new ground in computer information systems. High-quality research in computer information systems is welcome, including theoretical, analytical, and empirical studies in computer information systems. The JCIS acceptance rate is 12-13%.
The JCIS editorial team is committed to providing subscribers with the best quality articles in a timely manner, ensuring a journal that subscribers will find stimulating and useful in their professional and teaching activities. Both list of JCIS Editorial Advisory Board members and list of JCIS Editorial Review Board members are printed in each JCIS issues, and are available online at www.iacis.org/jcis.
Listed below are the guidelines www.iacis.org/jcis/jcis_guidelines.html that must be followed when submitting a manuscript to be reviewed for publication in the JCIS:
1. Manuscripts must be word processed and electronically submitted as a Word document attached to an e-mail to Editor-in-Chief at Binshan.Lin(a)LSUS.edu. Hard copy submission will not be accepted.
2. Articles should be approximately 20-25 pages.
3. All manuscripts should be formatted as double-spaced, in a 12-point font with one-inch margins.
4. The first page of the manuscript should contain only the following information: title, name and institutional affiliation of the author(s), address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address. An asterisk should be placed next to the name of the corresponding author.
5. The second page should contain the title, an abstract of not more than 150 words, a set of key words to serve as indicators of the paper's contents, and the beginning of the article. Do not include the author(s) name on this page.
6. Center primary headings in all caps. Place secondary headings at the left margin.
7. Tables and figures must be prepared and captioned exactly as they are to appear in The Journal and numbered consecutively in the text.
8. References must be complete and listed alphabetically at the end of the text according to the first author's last name. Each reference should be preceded by a number enclosed in square brackets. Citations in the text, referring to this list, should be made as numbers in square brackets, e.g., [10].
9. Manuscripts are first reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief. Those suitable for further review are forwarded to members of the JCIS Editorial Review Board. This double-blind review process takes approximately six to eight weeks. Contributors of articles accepted for publication will receive a complimentary copy of the issue in which their article appears.
Dr. Binshan Lin
BellSouth Corporation Professor
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Computer Information Systems http://iacis.org/jcis
College of Business Administration
Louisiana State University in Shreveport
Shreveport, LA 71115
Phone: 318-797-5025
Fax: 318-797-5127
Email: Binshan.Lin(a)LSUS.edu
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] International Conference on Information Quality
(ICIQ) Cfp
Datum: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 15:57:54 -0500
Von: Paul L. Bowen <pbowen(a)cob.fsu.edu>
Antwort an: Paul L. Bowen <pbowen(a)cob.fsu.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
14th International Conference on Information Quality (ICIQ)
November 7 - 8, 2009
Submission Deadline: July 6, 2009
Hosted annually from 1996 to 2008 at MIT in Cambridge, MA, the
International Conference on Information Quality (ICIQ) will celebrate its
14th anniversary in 2009 in Potsdam, Germany. Each year, the conference
attracts numerous researchers and practitioners from the academic academy
and both the public and private sectors. In addition to the official
program, there are plenty of opportunities for informal discussions. The
conference program will include tracks of practice-oriented papers,
research papers, and panel sessions. ICIQ strongly encourages
practitioners to submit papers that report experiences, lessons, and
The 14th International Conference on Information Quality (ICIQ-09) will be
held at the Hasso Plattner Institute on November 7.-8.
July 6: Submission deadline
August 17: Notification of acceptance
September 18: Camera-ready copy due
November 7-8: Conference
Corporate and organizational IQ
_ IQ Management
_ Alignment of IQ Management with Business Strategies
_ Business Process Performance
_ IQ Education and Curriculum Development
_ Data Governance
Measurement, improvement, and assurance of IQ
_ Data Scrubbing and Cleaning
_ Record Linkage and Entity Resolution
_ IQ Assessment
_ Cost/Benefit Analysis of IQ Improvement
_ IQ Policies and Standards
_ Privacy Preservation and Security Issues in the Process of Data
Methods, concepts, and tools for IQ
_ IQ Concepts, Metrics, Measures, and Models
_ Method Engineering for IQ
_ Trust, Knowledge, and Society
_ Data Provenance and Annotation
_ Information Product Theory and Practice
_ Metadata and IQ
_ IQ of Unstructured and Extracted Data
_ IQ in Probabilistic, Fuzzy, and Uncertain Data Management
_ IQ in Sensor Networks and Information Fusion
_ Data Quality Systems and Tools
IQ cases and applications
_ IQ Practices: Case Studies and Experience Reports
_ Community Input, Pay as You Go, and Crowd Sourcing
_ IQ in the Web, Data Integration, and eBusiness
_ Scientific Data
_ Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence
_ Master Data Management
Each submission must be identified as a completed academic paper,
research-in-progress, or a practice-oriented paper. The review process is
double blind, i.e., authors and reviewers are anonymous. Authors should
avoid identifying themselves in the submitted materials. For further
information, such as program committee, reviewer guidelines, directions to
the conference site, and conference registration, please visit the ICIQ
website at www.iciq2009.org.
Past events: mitiq.mit.edu
General Chair
Felix Naumann, Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany
Program Chairs
Paul Bowen, Florida State University, (pbowen(a)cob.fsu.edu)
Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Purdue University, (ake(a)cs.purdue.edu)
Hubert Oesterle, University of St. Gallen (hubert.oesterle(a)unisq.ch)
Kai-Uwe Sattler, Ilmenau University of Technology, (kus(a)tu-ilmenau.de)
Carlo Batini (University of Milan, Italy)
Laure Berti-Equille (University of Rennes, France)
Mokrane Bouzeghoub (Universite de Versailles, France)
Ismael Caballero (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain)
Tiziana Cartaci (University of Roma La Sapienza, Italy)
Tamraparni Dasu (AT&T Labs, USA)
Helena Galhardas (University of Lisboa, Portugal)
Floris Geerts (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Michael Gertz (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
Eberhard Hechler (IBM, Germany)
Markus Helfert (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Theodore Johnson (AT&T Labs, USA)
Barbara Klein (University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA)
Andrea Maurino (Universita di Milano Bicocca, Italy)
Paolo Missier (University of Manchester, UK)
Boris Otto (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland)
Mourad Ouzzani (Purdue University, USA)
Elizabeth Pierce (University of Arkansas, Little Rock, USA)
Leo Pipino (University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA)
Erhard Rahm (University of Leipzig, Germany)
Friedrich Roithmayr (University of Linz, Austria)
Monica Scannapieco (University of Roma La Sapienza, Italy)
Yasuki Sekiguchi (Hokkaido University, Japan)
Valerie Sessions (Charleston Southern University, USA)
Kai Simon (Gartner, Germany)
Divesh Srivastava (AT&T Labs, USA)
Dan Suciu (University of Washington, USA)
Panos Vassiliadis (University of Ioannina, Greece)
Vassilios Verykios (University of Thessaly, Greece)
Anette Weisbecker (Fraunhofer Institute, Germany)
For questions about submissions and the program, please contact the ICIQ
Program Chairs (see below). For questions about local arrangements, please
contact naumann(a)hpi.uni-potsdam.de.
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] ICOODB 2009: Deadline Extended to February 2009
Datum: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 19:14:43 +0100
Von: Grossniklaus Michael <grossniklaus(a)inf.ethz.ch>
Antwort an: Grossniklaus Michael <grossniklaus(a)inf.ethz.ch>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TO FEBRUARY 9, 2009 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Call for Papers
International Conference on Object Databases
(ICOODB 2009)
1-3 July 2009
Zurich, Switzerland
ICOODB 2009 is the second in a series of international conferences aimed
at promoting the exchange of information and ideas between members of
the object database community. A key feature of the conference is its
goal to bring together developers, users and researchers as well as to
bridge the gap between the fields of database systems and software
engineering. At the same time, the conference aims to meet the needs of
the different sub-communities. The conference therefore consists of
three different tracks offered as a tutorial day, an industry day and a
research day.
The conference will offer presentations on a wide range of issues
related to object databases, including topics such as applications,
programming languages, methodologies, design tools, frameworks and
standards as well as core object database technologies. ICOODB 2009
invites contributions in any of the following categories: tutorials,
industrial presentations, research papers and demonstrations. Details of
how to submit proposals for contributions are available on the Web site
General topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
- object data models
- design of object databases
- application development and application frameworks
- software engineering issues
- programming language issues
- semantics of object databases
- object storage systems
- object query languages
- transaction management for object databases
- access structures and indexing in object databases
- constraint models and mechanisms
- event models and mechanisms
- distributed object databases
- architecture and engineering of object database engines
- object-oriented frameworks for data management
- evaluation of object databases
- novel applications of object databases
- object databases in education
Important Dates
Submissions 09 Feb 2009 (extended)
Notification of acceptance 06 Mar 2009
Camera-ready copy of papers 27 Mar 2009
Conference Organisation
ICOODB Steering Committee
Mike Card, Syracuse Research, USA
Rick Cattell, Independent Consultant, USA
William Cook, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Stefan Edlich, TFH Berlin, Germany
Anat Gafni, db4objects, USA
Robert Greene, Versant Corporation, USA
Leon Guzenda, Objectivity Inc., USA
Moira C. Norrie, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
James Paterson, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Jeffrey Wagner, Progress Software Corporation, USA
Roberto Zicari, Goethe University, Germany
General Chair
Moira C. Norrie, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Scientific Programme Chairs
Moira C. Norrie, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Michael Grossniklaus, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Scientific Programme Committee
Suad Alagic, University of Southern Maine, USA
Sonia Berman, University of Cape Town. South Africa
Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA
Alan Dearle, University of St Andrews, UK
Giovanna Guerrini, University of Genoa, Italy
Antony Hosking, Purdue University, USA
Geert-Jan Houben, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Matthias Jarke, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Epaminondas Kapetanios, University of Westminster, UK
Gerti Kappel, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Stefan Keller, University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil, Switzerland
Jessie Kennedy, Napier University, UK
Michele Missikoff, IASI-CNR, Italy
Dennis McLeod, University of Southern Califonia, USA
Oscar Pastor, Valencia University of Technology, Spain
Norman Paton, University of Manchester, UK
Gunter Saake, University of Magdeburg, Germany
Stefano Spaccapietra, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland
Krzysztof J. Stencel, University of Warsaw, Poland
Kazimierz Subieta, Polish-Japanese Institute of Technology, Poland
Bernhard Thalheim, University of Kiel, Germany
Industrial Track Chairs
Stefan Edlich, TFH Berlin, Germany
Anat Gafni, db4objects, USA
Tutorial Chair
Roberto Zicari, Goethe University, Germany
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP: Information Systems Frontiers - Special Issue
on Terrorism Informatics
Datum: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 20:26:09 -0500
Von: Yilu Zhou <yzhou(a)gwu.edu>
Antwort an: Yilu Zhou <yzhou(a)gwu.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
[We apologize for multiple copies]
======================= CALL FOR PAPERS ============================
Information Systems Frontiers
Special Issue on Terrorism Informatics
Since September 11th, the multidisciplinary field of terrorism informatics
has experienced tremendous growth, and research communities as well as
local, state, and national governments are facing increasingly more
complex and challenging issues. The challenges facing the intelligence and
national security communities worldwide include accurately and efficiently
monitoring, analyzing, predicting and preventing terrorist activities.
The development and use of advanced information technologies, including
methodologies, models and algorithms, infrastructure, systems, and tools
for national/international and homeland security related applications have
provided promising new directions for study.
Terrorism informatics has been defined as the application of advanced
methodologies, information fusion and analysis techniques to acquire,
integrate process, analyze, and manage the diversity of terrorism-related
information for international and homeland security-related applications.
It is a highly interdisciplinary and comprehensive field. The wide variety
of methods used in terrorism informatics are derived from Computer
Science, Informatics, Statistics, Mathematics, Linguistics, Social
Sciences, and Public Policy, and these methods are involved in the
collection of huge amounts of many types of multi-lingual information from
varied and multiple sources. Information fusion and information technology
analysis techniques, which include data mining, data integration, language
translation technologies, and image and video processing, play central
roles in the prevention, detection, and remediation of terrorism.
The purpose of this special issue is to bring together international
researchers, engineers, policy makers, and practitioners working on
terrorism informatics as well as related fields such as the organizational
and social sciences. This special issue will outline the major challenges
in supporting terrorism prevention, detection and response worldwide, as
well as future perspectives on counterterrorism research in the
information age.
The special issue will cover the scope of research relevant to terrorism
informatics, including but not limited to the following topics:
� Terrorism knowledge portals and databases
� Terrorist incident chronology databases
� Terrorism social network analysis, visualization and simulation
� Terrorism analytical tools and methodologies
� Terrorism data mining and text mining
� Terrorism root cause analysis
� Bioterrorism
� Cyber terrorism
� Forecasting terrorism
� Countering terrorism
� Impact of terrorism on society
� National and international security and webmetrics
� Web-based intelligence terrorism monitoring and event detection
Important Dates
� Submission deadline: July 31, 2009
� Notification of first round reviews: October 31, 2009
� Revised manuscripts due: December 31, 2009
� Final acceptance notification: March 31, 2010
� Submission of final paper: May 31, 2010
� Publication date: Fall 2010
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word or LaTex
format via http://www.editorialmanager.com/isfi/ no later than July 31,
2009 with the phrase - "submitted for consideration for the special issue
of ISF on Terrorism Informatics." Paper submissions must use the layout
and format guidelines in Information Systems Frontiers. Instructions for
Contributors can be found at: http://www.som.buffalo.edu/isinterface/
To enable anonymous review, papers submitted should have a separate title
page to include only the article title, author name(s), institute, and
email addresses. The remainder will contain an abstract, 4-10 keywords,
and the paper itself.
We will also invite authors of selected best papers to submit an extended
version from the IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and
Security Informatics (ISI) 2009 that the guest editors are organizing. The
conference Website is at http://www.isiconference.org/2009/.
Guest Editors
Hsinchun Chen
Department of Management Information Systems
University of Arizona, U.S.A.
Email: hchen(a)eller.arizona.edu
Yilu Zhou
Department of Information Systems and Technology Management
George Washington University, U.S.A.
Email: yzhou(a)gwu.edu
Edna F. Reid
Department of Library Science
Clarion University, U.S.A.
Email: ereid(a)clarion.edu
Catherine A. Larson
Department of Management Information Systems
University of Arizona, U.S.A.
Email: cal(a)eller.arizona.edu
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: The 2nd International Workshop on
Resiliency in High Performance Computing (Resilience 2009)
Datum: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 20:52:51 -0500
Von: Christian Engelmann <engelmannc(a)ornl.gov>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.
Call for Papers
2nd International Workshop on Resiliency in High Performance Computing
(Resilience 2009)
in conjunction with the
International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC)
June 9-13, 2009 Munich, Germany
Recent trends in high-performance computing (HPC) systems have clearly
indicated that future increases in performance, in excess of those
resulting from improvements in single-processor performance, will be
achieved through corresponding increases in system scale, i.e., using a
significantly larger component count. As the raw computational
performance of the world's fastest HPC systems increases from today's
current tera-scale to next-generation peta-scale capability and beyond,
their number of computational, networking, and storage components will
grow from the ten-to-one-hundred thousand compute nodes of today's
systems to several hundreds of thousands of compute nodes and more in
the foreseeable future. This substantial growth in system scale, and the
resulting component count, poses a challenge for HPC system and
application software with respect to fault tolerance and resilience.
Furthermore, recent experiences on extreme-scale HPC systems with
non-recoverable soft errors, i.e., bit flips in memory, cache,
registers, and logic added another major source of concern. The
probability of such errors not only grows with system size, but also
with increasing architectural vulnerability caused by employing
accelerators, such as FPGAs and GPUs, and by shrinking nanometer
technology. Reactive fault tolerance technologies, such as
checkpoint/restart, are unable to handle high failure rates due to
associated overheads, while proactive resiliency technologies, such as
preemptive migration, simply fail as random soft errors can't be
predicted. Moreover, soft errors may even remain undetected resulting in
silent data corruption.
The goal of this Workshop is to bring together experts in the area of fault
tolerance and resiliency for HPC to present the latest achievements and to
discuss the challenges ahead. Accepted papers will be included with the HPDC
conference proceedings published by ACM. Resilience 2009 is the follow-on to the
successful Resilience 2008 workshop <http://xcr.cenit.latech.edu/resilience2008>
held in conjunction with CCGrid in Lyon, France.
Important Dates:
- Paper Submission Deadline : February 25, 2009
- Notification Deadline : March 18, 2009
- Camera Ready Deadline : April 2, 2008
Submission Guidelines:
Original, unpublished work is required. Submissions shall be a maximum of 10 ACM
SIG style pages (<http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates>),
including tables and illustrations. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed
by a distinguished international program committee. Accepted contributions will
be published with the HPDC conference proceedings through ACM. Papers should be
submitted electronically via <https://ssl.linklings.net/conferences/hpdc>.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Reports on current HPC system and application resiliency
- HPC resiliency metrics and standards
- HPC system and application resiliency analysis
- HPC system and application-level fault handling and anticipation
- HPC system and application health monitoring
- Resiliency for HPC file and storage systems
- System-level checkpoint/restart for HPC
- System-level preemptive migration for HPC
- Algorithm-based resiliency for HPC
- Fault tolerant MPI concepts and solutions
- Soft error detection and recovery in HPC systems
- HPC system and application log analysis
- Statistical methods to identify failure root causes
- Fault injection studies in HPC environments
- High availability solutions for HPC systems
- Reliability and availability analysis
- Hardware for fault detection and recovery
General Co-Chairs:
- Stephen L. Scott
Computer Science and Mathematics Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Chokchai (Box) Leangsuksun
SWEPCO Endowed Associate Professor of Computer Science,
Louisiana Tech University, USA
Program Chair:
- Christian Engelmann
Computer Science and Mathematics Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Program Committee:
- Ann Gentile, Sandia National Laboratory, USA
- Aurelien Bouteiller, University of Tennessee, USA
- Chokchai (Box) Leangsuksun, Louisiana Tech University, USA
- Christian Engelmann, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
- Daniel S. Katz, Louisiana State University, USA
- Dan Stanzione, Arizona State University, USA
- Franck Cappello, INRIA, France
- Geoffroy Vallee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
- George Bosilca, University of Tennessee, USA
- George Ostrouchov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
- Greg Bronevetsky, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
- Gregory M. Thorson, SGI, USA
- Hong Ong, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
- Jim Brandt, Sandia National Laboratory, USA
- John T. Daly, Center for Exceptional Computing, USA
- Jon Stearley, Sandia National Laboratory, USA
- Li Ou, Dell, USA
- Mihaela Paun, Louisiana Tech University, USA
- Nathan DeBardeleben, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
- Paul Hargrove, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
- Stephen Poole, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
- Stephen L. Scott, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
- Sudharshan Vazhkudai, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
- Thomas Naughton, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
- Tong Liu, Mellanox, USA
- Xian-He Sun, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
- Xubin (Ben) He, Tennessee Tech University, USA
- Yung-Chin Fang, Dell, USA
- Zhiling Lan, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Dr. Christian Engelmann Phone: +1 (865) 574-3132
Research and Development Staff Member Fax: +1 (865) 576-5491
Oak Ridge National Laboratory One Bethel Valley Road
mailto:engelmannc@ornl.gov P.O. Box 2008, MS-6173
http://www.csm.ornl.gov/~engelman Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA
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Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Final CfP: MobileHCI 2009 (with Track on Industrial Case
Datum: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 00:45:12 +0100
Von: Volker Wulf <volker.wulf(a)fit.fraunhofer.de>
Antwort an: volker.wulf(a)uni-siegen.de
An: Liste@fit.fraunhofer.de:Wirtschaftsinformatik
11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile
Devices and Services (MobileHCI 09) in Bonn, Germany
Submission Deadline for full and short papers: February 6, 2009
General Chair
- Reinhard Oppermann - Fraunhofer FIT
Program Chairs:
- Markus Eisenhauer, Fraunhofer FIT
- Matthias Jarke, RWTH Aachen and Fraunhofer FIT
- Volker Wulf, University of Siegen and Fraunhofer FIT
MobileHCI 09 will be held 15-18 September 2009 in Bonn, Germany, and
will be start with the MobileHCI 2009 Doctoral Consortium Day, Workshops
and Tutorials on 15 September 2009. MobileHCI09 is organised by
Fraunhofer FIT and University of Siegen, in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI
The MobileHCI series provides a forum for academics and practitioners to
discuss the challenges and potential solutions for effective interaction
with mobile systems and services. It covers the design, evaluation and
application of techniques and approaches for all mobile and wearable
computing devices and services.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
- Novel user interfaces and interaction techniques
- Interdisciplinary perspectives towards mobile interaction e.g. Social
- Intelligent environments
- Context-aware systems
- Perception and modelling of the environment
- Personal assistance with mobile devices
- Multimodal interaction (including audio and speech)
- Group interaction and mobility
- Mobility and work environments
- Mobile special purpose interfaces assistance for all
- Mobile social networks
- Interfaces for mobile communities
- Mobile devices PDA, Pocket PC, WAP phone, etc.
- 3G/4G devices and services
- Services for mobile devices
- Wearable computing, Smart clothes
- Mobile Entertainment & Urban and Location based gaming
- Designing Web sites for mobile devices
- Evaluation and Usability of mobile devices and services
- Methods for evaluation & mobile usability
- User centred design tools and methods for mobile systems
- Ethnographical and field studies with mobile technology
- Model-based design of interactive mobile systems
- Visualization techniques for the mobile context (including 3D graphics
on mobile devices)
- Safety issues e.g., in-car user interfaces, payments
- Trust, privacy, content protection, legal aspects & issues in mobile
applications & services
- Roman Englert, T-Labs, Deutsche Telekom AG
- Knut Manske, SAP-Research, Darmstadt
The Industrial Case Studies track aims to provide the opportunity to
present industrial developments and case studies that relate to the
conference topics. Presentations can be either practical, i.e.
prototypes, or software demonstrators, or a combination of both adorned
with posters. Applications for the Industrial Case Study track should
contain a description of the presentation. Please send your application
to hci09-industrialcasestudychairs(a)mail.fit.fraunhofer.de (Anmerkung:
diese Adresse funktioniert nicht. Muss bei FhG geprüft werden)
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP: Provenance in Practice Workshop 2009 (PPW '09
Datum: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 11:01:18 +1100
Von: Samar Zutshi <SZUTSHI(a)groupwise.swin.edu.au>
Antwort an: Samar Zutshi <SZUTSHI(a)groupwise.swin.edu.au>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Provenance in Practice Workshop 2009 (PPW '09)
Colocated with NbiS 2009
Indianapolis, USA, 19-21 August 2009
Provenance and related issues have gathered interest in the e-Research
community. These include mechanisms to validate data that is generated
through in silico experiments, to provide the context of the data and to
help interpretation of experiments to name a few.
Provenance is not a new concept and has been used in historical studies
for centuries. However, the new context of e-Research where the
provenance concept needs to be applied, poses new challenges, which need
to be solved as a multi-disciplinary effort.
In this workshop, we invite authors to submit their work on provenance
in e-Research. As it is a relatively new area, the workshop aims to
provide a place to discuss challenges, issues and success stories that
authors may have so far experienced.
The workshop encourages submissions from the end users of provenance
systems such as those used in computational chemistry, physics, biology,
history, etc. The submission should discuss the provenance requirements
of their domain and experiences in using existing provenance system.
It is envisaged that the workshop will be a meeting place of the
providers (computer scientists) and the users of the provenance system
where lively discussion can take place.
Topics of interest to the workshop include:
- Provenance requirements from different domains (chemistry, physics,
arts, scientific publication, etc).
- Data provenance
- Process/Workflow provenance
- Storing, querying and visualisation of provenance data
- System prototypes
- Contemporary issues and challenges in provenance practice and research
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: Mar 21, 2009
Author Notification: May 5, 2009
Author Registration: June 1, 2009
Final Manuscript: June 5, 2009
Submission Guidelines
Submit a full paper in English of at most 6 pages according to the IEEE
Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts Style: two columns,
single-spaced, including figures and references, using 10-point fonts.
The details of the style are at:
Paper submission must include contact addresses of all authors,
telephone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses. All papers will be
reviewed by at least two reviewers. Submission of a paper should be
regarded as a commitment that, if the paper is accepted, at least one of
the authors will register and attend the conference. Accepted papers
will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.
Paper submission should be done at:
Programme Committee
PC Chairs
- Eric Pardede, Latrobe University, Australia. E.Pardede(a)latrobe.edu.au
- Maria Indrawan, Monash University, Australia. Maria.Indrawan(a)infotech.monash.edu.au
Publicity Chair
- Samar Zutshi, Swinburne University, Australia. szutshi(a)swin.edu.au
PC Members
- Ilkay Altintas, University of California San Diego, USA
- Sandro Fiore, University of Lecce, Italy
- Irit Askira Gelman, University of Arizona, USA
- Paul Roe, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Claudio T Silva, University of Utah
Samar Zutshi
LD 145
9215 7193
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.