-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] EJIS special issue on RFID
Datum: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 16:59:20 +0200
Von: Sarah Spiekermann <sspiek(a)wiwi.hu-berlin.de>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Call for Papers
European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS)
Special Issue on
Managing RFID Projects in Organizations
Radio frequency identification (RFID) allows automated identification of
products by embedding chips with wireless antennas or objects and has been
adopted in many application areas ranging from inventory control in supply
chain management to customer relationship management in retailing. The key
advantage of RFID is that it leads to increased visibility of items, pallets
or people on the move and allows for real time querying of the location of
these entities. The increased data on movement of items has the potential to
enhance various activities related to organizational decision making such as
demand forecasting, shelf space management, target marketing, prevention of
stockouts, among others.
A new market research report from IDTechEx covering the adoption and usage
of RFID reveals some surprising new trends. In 2005, 1.8 billion RFID tags
were sold and it is estimated that the market for RFID will increase to
$24.50 billion by 2015. Among RFID tags sold worldwide, it is estimated that
by 2010, 48% of the RFID tags will be sold in East Asia, followed by 32% in
North America (IDTechEx, 2005). This optimistic report is in sharp contrast
to the finding that only 9% of retailers have adopted RFID technologies and
among them only 29% of the retailers opened a RFID enabled pilot store by
the end of 2006 (Kilcourse, 2006). There is no denying that in spite of the
tremendous fanfare on RFID by the popular press, organizations remain
cautious and conservative when it comes to the adoption of RFID
technologies. Many organizations set up pilot programs to test RFID
technology in their operations but withdraw later on due to uncertainties
related to return on investment or lack of technical know-how.
The theme of the special issue will be to discover the challenges faced by
organizations in execution of RFID projects. It will address every aspect of
RFID project management starting from requirements analysis, to
implementation, and maintenance. It will include papers that examine either
successful or unsuccessful RFID projects and garner important lessons learnt
from such projects. This special issue will focus on advancing research in
RFID project management by publishing forward-thinking, rigorous research
that stimulates future research in this area. The special issue will
encourage research that uses empirical, analytical, or case study approaches
and either strives to generate insightful theoretical principles, provide
validation of existing theories in the context of management of RFID
projects, or compare and contrast RFID project management with other
enterprise system implementation projects. Research from diverse academic
disciplines such as information systems, operations management, computer
science, operations research, marketing, strategic management, and other
related areas are welcome for this special issue. We seek original
manuscripts that are previously unpublished and that present an
interdisciplinary approach in solving problems related to the theme.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
l Protocols for RFID project management
l Requirements analysis for RFID projects
l Estimating return on investment for RFID projects
l Managing financial and human resources for RFID projects
l Automating RFID projects
l Knowledge management in RFID projects
l Evaluation of RFID projects
l Critical success/failure factors for RFID projects
l Outsourcing RFID projects
l Risk assessment for RFID projects
l Projects to integrate RFID technology with enterprise systems
l Scheduling and time management in RFID projects
l Strategic and financial impacts of RFID projects
l Tradeoff analysis in RFID projects
l Benchmarking and standardizing RFID projects
l Addressing security and privacy in RFID projects
l Barriers and smart solutions for RFID project management
l Country and industry specific studies on RFID project management
Guest editors for special issue:
Dr. Indranil Bose The University of Hong Kong bose(a)business.hku.hk Dr.
Eric Ngai The Hong Kong Polytechnic University mswtngai(a)inet.polyu.edu.hk
Dr Thompson S.H. Teo National University of Singapore bizteosh(a)nus.edu.sg
Dr. Sarah Spiekermann Humboldt University sspiek(a)wiwi.hu-berlin.de
Important dates:
1 November 2008: Due date for full paper submission for special issue
1 December 2008: Outcome of initial screening sent to authors
1 March 2009: Outcome of first round review sent to corresponding authors
1 May 2009: Due date for resubmission of paper with required revisions
1 July 2009: Final decision
1 August 2009: Due date for authors to submit final version of paper
End 2009: Target publication date of special issue
Submission instructions:
Please submit original manuscripts which observe the EJIS published style
preferences: http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ejis/author_instructions.html
Contact the special issue editors for further submission instructions
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP: IJBIDM Special Issue on "OLAP Intelligence"
Datum: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:51:32 -0400
Von: Alfredo Cuzzocrea <cuzzocrea(a)si.deis.unical.it>
Antwort an: Alfredo Cuzzocrea <cuzzocrea(a)si.deis.unical.it>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining
Special Issue on �OLAP Intelligence: Meaningfully Coupling OLAP
and Data Mining Tools and Algorithms�
Aim and Scope
Nowadays, it is widely recognized that OLAP technology provides powerful
tools for extracting useful knowledge from large amounts of data stored in
different and
highly-heterogeneous formats, and very often distributed across networked
ranging from conventional wired environments to innovative wireless and
P2P networks.
Several advantages confirm the benefits coming from such an analysis
model: (i) the
amenity of �naturally� representing real-life data sets that are
multidimensional, and highly-correlated in nature; (ii) the amenity of
multidimensional data according to a multi-resolution vision; (iii) the
rich availability of a
wide class of powerful OLAP operators (such as roll-up, drill-down,
slice-&-dice etc) and
queries (e.g., range-, top-k, iceberg and gradient queries); (iv) the
integration of OLAP with
more complex analysis tools coming from statistics, time series analysis,
and Data Mining.
An elegant and successful solution in this line of research consists in
coupling OLAP and
Data Mining tools and algorithms, which is the basis of the so-called OLAM
� OnLine
Analytical Mining model, proposed by Jiawei Han in his seminal paper in
1997. Basically,
this proposal consists in meaningfully combining the powerful of OLAP with
effectiveness of Data Mining tools and algorithms capable of discovering
knowledge from large amounts of data (e.g., the data cell set of a given
OLAP data cube)
by means of clustering, classification, association rule discovery,
frequent item set mining,
and so forth.
During the last decade, researchers have devoted their attention on the
issue of
meaningfully coupling OLAP and Data Mining tools and algorithms, leading
to the term
�OLAP Intelligence�, which can be reasonable considered as one of the
emerging research
topics of next years in the context of knowledge discovery methodologies.
This great
interest is essentially due to both exciting theoretical perspectives,
such as complexity
issues of executing time-consuming Data Mining routines over very large
OLAP data
cubes, and relevant application issues, which have a great impact in a
plethora of real-life
scenarios ranging from conventional distributed database management
systems and
cooperative information systems to innovative data stream management
systems and
sensor network data analysis tools.
Despite these efforts, many aspects need to be further investigated in
order to achieve a
reliable convergence between OLAP and Data Mining, thus making this
technology a
reference for next-generation data-intensive analysis tools. Among those,
we recall:
- Data Warehouse Support for OLAM Architectures
- Database Support for OLAM Architectures
- Complex Knowledge Representation Models for Data Cubes in OLAM
- Complex Knowledge Reasoning Models for Data Cubes in OLAM
- OLAP Data Cube Integration
- Advanced Clustering Algorithms for Very Large OLAP Data Cubes
- Advanced Classification Algorithms for Very Large OLAP Data Cubes
- Advanced Association Rule Discovery Algorithms for Very Large OLAP Data
- Advanced Frequent Item Set Mining Algorithms for Very Large OLAP Data
- OLAM over Multiple Data Sources
- OLAM over Highly-Heterogeneous Data Sources
- OLAM over High-Dimensional Datasets
- Multi-Cube Mining Algorithms
- Multi-Layer Mining Algorithms for OLAP Data Cubes
- Mixture Models in OLAM
- OLAM over Imprecise/Incomplete Data Sources
- Statistical Tools for Very Large OLAP Data Cubes
- Probabilistic Tools for Very Large OLAP Data Cubes
- Privacy Preserving OLAP
- OLAP Visualization
- Intelligent Clustering Methodologies for Large Sets of OLAP Data Cells
- Feature Selection for Data Mining Algorithms on OLAP Data Cubes
- Data-Mining-Aided OLAP Browsing
- Data-Mining-Aided OLAP Exploration
- Data-Mining-Aided Interactive Analysis of Very Large OLAP Data Cubes
- Machine Learning for OLAP
- Ensemble Analysis of Mining Results Extracted From Very Large OLAP Data
- Intelligent Interpretation of OLAM Results
- Constraint-based OLAM
- Performance Issues for OLAP (e.g., Data Cube Compression Algorithms)
- Query Languages for OLAM
- Query Evaluation Plans for Complex OLAM Procedures
- Integration of SQL with OLAM Procedures
- Novel OLAM Paradigms
- OLAM in Specialized Context: Web, XML, RDF, Ontology Bases, Data Stream,
Sensor Network Data, RFID, Peer-To-Peer, Process-Log Repositories,
Management Systems, E-Commerce, B2B, B2C etc
The Special Issue �OLAP Intelligence: Meaningfully Coupling OLAP and Data
Tools and Algorithms� of the International Journal of Business
Intelligence and Data Mining,
InderScience Publishers, will explore these research themes and will be
focused on
theoretical foundations as well as innovative models, techniques,
algorithms and
applications of OLAP Intelligence.
Important Dates
Abstract submission: May 1, 2008
Paper submission: May 15, 2008
Paper Acceptance/Rejection Notification - First Round: July 1, 2008
Revised Paper Submission: August 1, 2008
Final Paper Acceptance/Rejection Notification: August 15, 2008
Camera-Ready Versions on Accepted Papers Submission: September 5, 2008
IJBIDM Special Issue Publication: December 2008
Submission Guidelines and Instructions
Submitted papers should not be currently under consideration for
publication elsewhere. Submission process includes abstract and paper
Abstracts (deadline May 1, 2008) should be sent by e-mail (preferably in
enclosed MS Word file) to the Special Issue Editor Alfredo Cuzzocrea at
cuzzocrea(a)si.deis.unical.it. Abstracts must include paper title, abstract,
list of
keywords, and list of authors with full names and affiliations. One of the
authors must be designated as the primary contact point to receive
notification and reviews.
Papers (deadline May 15, 2008) should be submitted in PDF or Postscript
format using the Online Submissions of Papers
(http://www.inderscience.com/mapper.php?id=35&jid=143). If you
experience any problems submitting your paper online, please contact
submissions(a)inderscience.com, describing the exact problem you experience.
Please include in your email the title �IJBIDM - Special Issue on OLAP
Intelligence�. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant
information for submitting papers are available in the Full Submission
Guidelines (http://www.inderscience.com/mapper.php?id=31) Web page.
Program Committee Chair
Alfredo Cuzzocrea (http://si.deis.unical.it/~cuzzocrea/) � ICAR Institute
and University of Calabria, Italy
Program Committee
Alberto Abello (http://www.lsi.upc.edu/~aabello/), Polytechnical
University of Catalunya, Spain
Yuan An (http://www.ischool.drexel.edu/faculty/yan/), Drexel University,
Antonio Badia (http://date.spd.louisville.edu/badia/), University of
Louisville, KY, USA
Ladjel Bellatreche (http://www.lisi.ensma.fr/members/bellatreche/), LISI
Laboratory, ENSMA, France
Jerome Darmont (http://eric.univ-lyon2.fr/~jdarmont/?lang=eng), ERIC
Laboratory, University Lumière Lyon 2, France
Karen C. Davis (http://www.ece.uc.edu/~kcd/), University of Cincinnati,
Todd Eavis (http://users.encs.concordia.ca/~eavis/), Concordia University,
Joseph Fong (http://www.cs.cityu.edu.hk/~jfong/homepage/), City University
of Hong Kong, China
Pedro Furtado (http://eden.dei.uc.pt/~pnf/), University of Coimbra,
Matteo Golfarelli (http://bias.csr.unibo.it/golfarelli/), University of
Bologna, Italy
Carlos Hurtado (http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/~churtado/eindex.html),
University of Chile, Chile
Jens Lechtenborger (http://dbms.uni-muenster.de/people/Lechtenboerger/),
University of Munster, Germany
Jason Li (http://www.ischool.drexel.edu/faculty/jli/), Drexel University,
Pat Martin (http://www.cs.queensu.ca/home/martin/), Queen's University,
Ontario, Canada
Rokia Missaoui (http://w3.uqo.ca/missaoui/), University of Quebec, Quebec,
Muhesh Mohania
IBM India Research Lab, India
Mirek Riedewald (http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~mirek/), Cornell University,
Timos Sellis (http://www.dblab.ece.ntua.gr/~timos/), National Technical
University of Athens, Greece
Alkis Simitsis (http://www.dblab.ece.ntua.gr/~asimi/), Stanford
University, CA, USA
Igor Timko
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Juan Trujillo (http://www.dlsi.ua.es/~jtrujillo/), University of Alicante,
Wei Wang (http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~weiw/), University of New South
Wales, Australia
Robert Wrembel (http://www.cs.put.poznan.pl/rwrembel/), Poznan University
of Technology, Poland
For more information and any inquire, please contact Alfredo Cuzzocrea at
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] [His 2008] Special Session on "Hybrid
Intelligent Systems for Data Reduction in Data Mining"
Datum: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 17:26:59 +0200
Von: Salvador García <salvagl(a)decsai.ugr.es>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
8th Hybrid Intelligent Systems Conference - HIS 2008
http://his2008.lsi.upc.edu <http://his2008.lsi.upc.edu/>
Technical University of Catalonia, UPC
Barcelona, Spain
10-12 September 2008
The special session on "Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Data
Reduction in Data Mining" (http://sci2s.ugr.es/SS-HIS2008) at the
8th ^ Hybrid Intelligent Systems Conference (HIS 2008,
http://his2008.lsi.upc.edu <http://his2008.lsi.upc.edu/>) aims at
bringing together researchers and practitioners in Data Reduction
for Data Mining (DM). The goal of the session is to serve as a
forum for the exchange of ideas and discussion on recent and new
trends for research in the field. The huge amount of data in DM
processes could be tackled through the scaling down of the data.
The main problem of this task is to select the most relevant data
depending on the DM process. A number of approaches have been
successfully applied in data reduction, such as feature and
instance selection. We encourage authors to submit original papers
as well as preliminary and promising works in the topics of the
special session.
The topics for the special session include but are not limited to:
- Dimensionality reduction
- Scalability
- Sampling Methods
- Classification, Regression, Data Association
- Feature Selection
- Feature Extraction
- Feature Construction
- Feature Ranking
- Knowledge in Feature Selection
- Feature Selection Ensembles
- Instance Selection
- Instance Generation
- Data Clustering
- Data Squashing
- Data Condensation
- Data Edition
- Data Reduction in recent challenges of DM: Imbalanced domains,
Multiple Instance Learning, …
- Real World Applications
Authors are invited to submit papers through HIS2008 web site.
Papers are
up to 6 pages and must be formatted according to the IEEE Journal
format. The Proceedings will be published by IEEE CS Press. A
number of selected high quality papers will be published in
special issues of several international journals (to be
announced). For more details, please visit HIS 2008 web site:
http://his2008.lsi.upc.edu <http://his2008.lsi.upc.edu/>
Submission Deadline: 31 May 2008
Author notification: 30 June 2008
Camera-ready due: 15 July 2008
Conference days: 10-12 September 2008
Please feel free to send this invitation to other colleagues that
may be interested in these topics.
José Manuel Benítez-Sánchez
Research Group of “Soft Computing and Intelligent Information
Systems”, Department of Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Contact: J.M.Benitez(a)decsai.ugr.es <mailto:j.m.benitez@decsai.ugr.es>
Web: http://sci2s.ugr.es <http://sci2s.ugr.es/>
Salvador García-López
Research Group of “Soft Computing and Intelligent Information
Systems”, Department of Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Contact: salvagl(a)decsai.ugr.es <mailto:salvagl@decsai.ugr.es>
Web: http://sci2s.ugr.es <http://sci2s.ugr.es/>
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For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP: Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS)
Datum: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 12:56:54 -0500
Von: Changchit, Chuleeporn, Ph.D. <Chuleeporn.Changchit(a)tamucc.edu>
Antwort an: Changchit, Chuleeporn, Ph.D. <Chuleeporn.Changchit(a)tamucc.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS)
Editor-in-Chief: Chuleeporn Changchit, Texas A&M University - Corpus
The mission of the Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS) is
to serve both academics and practitioners as a reliable source on issues
of information privacy and security. The Journal is a high quality
refereed journal that seeks support from academicians, industry experts
and specific government agencies. The JIPS focuses on publishing
articles that address the paradoxical nature of privacy versus security
amidst current global conditions. It is increasingly important that
various constituents of information begin to understand their role in
finding solutions to achieve a delicate balance between security and
The JIPS will facilitate understanding of the information assurance
technical framework as it pertains to government agencies, companies and
individuals. The topics may include the information privacy and security
issues pertaining to initiatives on counter-terrorism efforts around the
world, the impact of U.S. federal regulation and compliance issues
facing global corporations, the impact of privacy and security
initiatives within small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and e-gambling.
Article submissions are encouraged from both academics and
practitioners. Each issue will include high quality articles from
academics and practitioners, case studies, book reviews, and industry
interviews. The Journal addresses issues of privacy and security from a
global perspective and will consider articles with a cross-functional
focus. The Journal will include articles in the following areas:
- Information Assurance frameworks
- Network security and impact on corporate infrastructure
- Privacy laws and impact on information compliance issues
- The duality of privacy and security and impact on corporate operations
- Governmental regulations and changes on information security
- Data transfer issues across nations, states, and corporations
- Privacy and security requirements in B2B and B2C information flows
- Cross-functional aspects of information assurance and requirements
faced by various business functions within companies
- Web sites, portals and the issue of trust
- Information privacy and security as it relates to end-users
- Applications and case studies in privacy and security issues facing
business organizations, government agencies and individuals
- Emerging topics such as biometrics, software utilities, and IT
obligations and how they change the business environment
Review Process
Each article will be blind-reviewed by three members of the editorial
review board. Reviewer recommendation will be considered by the
Editor-in-Chief or an Associate Editor. For a revision and rewrite, a
revised paper will be sent to one of the Editors for final approval. The
final decision will be made by the Editor-in-Chief.
Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission
guidelines at http://jips.cob.tamucc.edu/style.htm
All inquiries and submissions should be sent to:
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Chuleeporn Changchit at
Chuleeporn Changchit, Ph. D. Phone: (361) 825-5832
Associate Professor of MIS Fax: (361) 825-5609
Room 136 Faculty Center E-mail:
College of Business
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
6300 Ocean Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS)
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] SKM2008 - Call for Papers
Datum: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 16:30:29 -0400
Von: Jaideep Vaidya <jsvaidya(a)rbs.rutgers.edu>
Antwort an: Jaideep Vaidya <jsvaidya(a)rbs.rutgers.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
2008 Workshop on Secure Knowledge Management
(SKM 2008)
November 3-4, 2008, Richardson, TX, USA
URL: http://cs.utdallas.edu/skm2008
Knowledge management is the methodology for systematically gathering,
organizing, and disseminating information. It essentially consists of
processes and tools to effectively capture and share data as well as
use the knowledge of individuals within an organization. Knowledge
Management Systems (KMS) promote sharing information among employees
and should contain security features to prevent any unauthorized
access. Security is becoming a major issue revolving around KMS.
Security methods may include authentication or passwords, cryptography
programs, intrusion detection systems or access control systems.
Issues include insider threat (protecting from malicious insiders),
infrastructure protection (securing against subversion attacks) and
establishing correct policies and refinement and enforcement.
Furthermore KMS content is much more sensitive than raw data stored in
databases and issues of privacy also become important.
Since the attacks in 2001, many organizations, especially the US
government, have increased their concern about KMS. With the advent of
intranets and web-access, it is even more crucial to protect corporate
knowledge as numerous individuals now have access to the assets of a
corporation. Therefore, we need effective mechanisms for securing
data, information, and knowledge as well as the applications. The
proposed workshop in Secure Knowledge Management will help in raising
the awareness of academics and practitioners in this critical area of
research and develop important questions that need to be tackled by
the research community.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Secure Languages (Secure Knowledge Query Manipulation Language,
Security Assertion Markup Language, B2B Circles of Trust)
- Return of Investment on Secure Knowledge Systems
- Digital Rights Management (Digital Policy Management)
- Secure Content Management (Secure Content Management in
Authorized Domains, Secure Content Delivery, Content Trust Index)
- Knowledge Management for National Security (Securing and
Sharing What We Know: Privacy, Trust and Knowledge Management,
Identity Security Guarantee, Building Trust and Security in the B2B
- Security and Privacy in Knowledge Management
- Wireless security in the context of Knowledge Management
The workshop will have a best paper award as judged by the program
All the papers will be compiled on a CD-ROM. Selected papers will be
recommended for submission to a special section in a journal such as
MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Frontiers (tentative).
Paper Submission
Authors are requested to submit extended summaries not exceeding 2
pages, including five to ten key words, and contact address. Any
figures, tables and bibliography must be contained within the 2 pages.
The accepted final papers should be formatted in two-columns not
exceeding 6 pages. The summaries should be sent electronically
using http://www.easychair.org/conferences?conf=skm2008
Important dates
o June 13, 2008: Abstract submission
o July 11, 2008: Paper submission
o August 22, 2008: Author notification
o September 22, 2008: Submission of Camera-ready papers
o November 3-4, 2008: Workshop
General Chair
Bhavani Thuraisingham, The University of Texas at Dallas
Program Chairs
Murat Kantarcioglu, The University of Texas at Dallas
Program Committee
Manish Agrawal, University of South Florida
Vijay Atluri, Rutgers University
Elisa Bertino, Purdue University
Huseyin Cavasoglu, University of Texas at Dallas
Chris Clifton, Purdue University
Wenliang Du, Syracuse University
Elena Ferrari, University of Insubria
Ram Gopal, University of Connecticut
Tyrone Grandison, IBM Almaden Research Lab
Manish Gupta, M&T Bank
Dan Kim, University of Houston-Clear Lake
Jinkyu Lee, Oklahoma State University
Bradley Malin, Vanderbilt University
Robert McGraw, National Security Agency
Barry Mishra, University of California at Riverside
Insu Park, State University of New York at Buffalo
Dipak Pravin, Xerox
Srinivasan Raghunathan, University of Texas at Dallas
Indrajit Ray, Colorado State University
Farookh Salam, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Vidyaraman Sankaranarayanan, Microsoft
Raghu Santanam, Arizona State University
Yucel Saygin, Sabanci University
Ben Shao, Arizona State University
Jaideep Vaidya, Rutgers University
Jingguo Wang, University of Texas at Arlington
For additional information, please visit the Workshop web site at:
For inquiries, please contact us at: skm2008(a)utdallas.edu
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Intelligent Systems and Agents 2008 in Amsterdam: submit until
12 May (last call)
Datum: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 23:21:25 +0200 (SAST)
Von: Ana Sofia <ana.sofia(a)isa-conf.org>
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested colleagues and
-- CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline for submissions (last call): 12 May 2008 --
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 22 to 24 July 2008
part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information
Systems (MCCSIS 2008)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 22 to 27 July 2008
* Keynote Speakers (confirmed):
James Hendler, Tetherless World Constellation Chair, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, USA
Lucia Rapanotti, Department of Computing, The Open University, UK
* Conference background and goals
The IADIS Intelligent Systems and Agents conference addresses in detail
two main aspects: intelligent systems and agents. The conference has the
intention to provide a
contribution to academics and practitioners. So, both fundamental and
applied research are considered relevant.
* Format of the Conference
The conference will comprise of invited talks and oral presentations.
The proceedings of the conference will be published in the form of a
book and CD-ROM with ISBN, and will be available also in the IADIS
Digital Library (http://www.iadis.net/dl).
The best paper authors will be invited to publish extended versions of
their papers in the IADIS Journal on Computer Science and Information
Systems (ISSN: 1646-3692).
* Types of submissions
Full and Short Papers, Reflection Papers, Posters/Demonstrations,
Tutorials, Panels and Doctoral Consortium.
All submissions are subject to a blind refereeing process.
* Topics related to Intelligent Systems and Agents are of interest.
These include, but are not limited to the following areas:
Area 1 Intelligent Systems
- Algorithms
- Artificial Intelligence
- Automation Systems and Control
- BioInformatics
- Computational Intelligence
- Expert Systems
- Fuzzy Technologies and Systems
- Game and Decision Theories
- Intelligent Control Systems
- Intelligent Internet Systems
- Intelligent Software Systems
- Intelligent Systems
- Machine Learning
- Neural Networks
- Neurocomputers
- Optimization
- Parallel Computation
- Pattern Recognition
- Robotics and Autonomous Robots
- Signal Processing
- Systems Modelling
- Web Mining
Area 2 Agents
- Adaptive Agent Systems
- Agent Applications
- Agent Communication
- Agent Development
- Agent middleware
- Agent Models and Architectures
- Agent Ontologies
- Agent Oriented Systems and Engineering
- Agent Programming, Languages and Environments
- Agent Systems
- Agent Technologies
- Agent Theories
- Agent Trends
- Agents Analysis and Design
- Agents and Learning
- Agents and Ubiquitous Computing
- Agents in Networks
- Agents Protocols and Standards
- Artificial Systems
- Computational Complexity
- eCommerce and Agents
- Embodied Agents
- Mobile Agents
- Multi-Agent Systems
- Negotiation Strategies
- Performance Issues
- Security, Privacy and Trust
- Semantic Grids
- Simulation
- Web Agents
* Important Dates:
- Submission deadline (last call): 12 May 2008
- Notification to Authors: 30 May 2008
- Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration: Until 13 June 2008
- Late Registration: After 13 June 2008
- Conference: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 22 to 24 July 2008
* Conference Location
The conference will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
* Secretariat
Rua Sao Sebastiao da Pedreira, 100, 3
1050-209 Lisbon, Portugal
E-mail: secretariat(a)isa-conf.org
Web site: http://www.isa-conf.org/
* Program Committee
Intelligent Systems and Agents 2008 Conference Program Chair
Antonio Palma dos Reis, ISEG - Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
General MCCSIS Conference Co-Chairs:
Piet Kommers, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Pedro Isaías, Universidade Aberta (Portuguese Open University), Portugal
Nian-Shing Chen, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
Committee Members: *
* for committee list please refer to http://www.isa-conf.org/committees.asphttp://stats.images11.com/home/r.asp
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CfP/Extended Deadline: Use In Context, Workshop at
the Informatik 2008
Datum: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 23:34:01 +0200
Von: Volkmar Pipek <volkmar.pipek(a)uni-siegen.de>
Antwort an: Volkmar Pipek <volkmar.pipek(a)uni-siegen.de>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
CC: Mailingliste Mailingliste ISWorld <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>,
Mailingliste Wirtschaftsinformatik GI-FB 5 <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>,
Mailingliste British HCI News <hcimail(a)napier.ac.uk>, Mailingliste GI-FG
CSCW <fgcscw(a)gi-ev.de>, Mailingliste Mailingliste CHI-Announce
Referenzen: <78DF480F-64B9-4AB2-AE72-C29DAADBAE0D(a)uni-siegen.de>
We apologize if you received multiple copies of this Call for Papers.
Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested.
Use In Context
Between adaptivity and adaptation in context-based interactions
Workshop at the Informatik 2008
September 12, 2008
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Extended Submission Deadline: May 9, 2008
Context-based systems slowly emerge from research settings to usage
practice. Consequently, next to questions dealing with the
technological feasibility, questions dealing with the manageability
and transparency of context-based services from a user perspective
come to the fore. In particular, ubiquitous computing applications
help bridging between virtual and real-world context dimensions
(both, concerning virtual and real context sensors and virtual and
real context factors). The resulting system often remains
intransparent to users, it is not immediately accessible recurring
on conventionalized behavioural practices.
This workshop aims to contribute on the one hand to the collection
of use-oriented problems in context-based interaction. Furthermore,
we aim to discuss resulting implications regarding the technical
design of interfaces as well as soft- and hardware architectures.
Special attention is given to context modeling and implementation of
the various application scenarios as well as to the associated
possibilities of manual (adaptability) or automatic (adaptivity)
in-use-adjustment. A further special area of interest within a
user-oriented perspective is the understanding of problem dynamics
in scenarios with multiple-context systems and –technologies, and
problem dynamics of emergence or evolution of context-based systems.
We would like to invite in particular researchers and practitioners
to contributions dealing with the following questions:
- What practical experiences – positive as well as negative – have
been made with regard to the usage of context-based systems in real
organizational settings? What experiences have been made with
adaptation mechanisms (automatic as well as interactive) of such
systems in these settings?
- How can relations between context descriptions/models, context
sensors and context-based services become describable in a way that
they can be inform end users? What framing conditions apply for
interfaces that aim to achieve this?
- What experiences have been collected with ontologies and
folksonomies? How can systems be designed more practice-oriented?
- How can context architectures be effectively designed for
sustainable usages (Context evolution, context adaptation,
traceability for end-users)?
- How do architectures look like that are appropriate for the
realization of context-adaptive systems that remain modifyable
in-use? What services have to be provided by such a context-adaptive
system? What interfaces are needed for a context-dependent
adaptation of the system behavior?
The contributions should derive out of various application areas, such
- Context-based Information Retrieval
- Location-based Services
- Mixed-Media Environments
- Tagging Systems, other Semantic Web Applications
- Mobility Services
- Knowledge Management and Knowledge Media Creation
- Community Applications
We request for contributions to those topics in relation to research
as well as practice.
Guidelines for papers
The papers should not exceed six pages. They may be written in
German or English language (English preferred). Accepted papers will
be published in the workshop volume of the Informatik 2008. The
guidelines of the GI
for authors have to be considered and all papers have to be handed
in via EasyChair
Selected papers may be considered for a book publication.
Important Dates
- Extended Deadline: Due-date for workshop papers: May 9, 2008
- Notification about acceptation/rejection: June 9, 2008
- Due-date for ready-to-print manuscripts: July 1, 2008
- Workshop: September 12, 2008 (The workshop will be bi-lingual German/
English with a preference for English presentations)
- Prof. Dr. Stephan Lukosch, FernUniversität in Hagen
- Prof. Dr. Volkmar Pipek, University of Siegen
Program Committee
- Prof. Dr. Jörg Haake, FernUniversität in Hagen
- Prof. Dr. Matthias Jarke, RWTH Aachen
- Dr. Ralf Klamma, RWTH Aachen
- Leonardo Ramirez, Fraunhofer-FIT, St. Augustin
- Dr. Markus Rohde, University of Siegen
- Gunnar Stevens, University of Siegen
- Prof. Dr. Volker Wulf, University of Siegen
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Ziegler, University of Duisburg-Essen
Prof. Dr. Volkmar Pipek
Juniorprofessur für Computerunterstützte Gruppenarbeit in
Organisationen/FB 5
Universität Siegen
Hölderlinstr. 3
57068 Siegen
Tel.: +49 271 740 4068
Fax.: +49 271 740 3384
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] WSE 2008 - Call for Papers
Datum: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 10:59:55 +0200
Von: Massimiliano Di Penta <dipenta(a)unisannio.it>
Antwort an: Massimiliano Di Penta <dipenta(a)unisannio.it>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Call for Papers
The 10th IEEE International Symposium on Web Site Evolution
(WSE 2008)
October 3-4, 2008; Beijing, China
Co-located with the
24th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance
(ICSM 2008)
Since its inception in 1999, the Web Site Evolution (WSE) series of
events has provided a forum for researchers and practitioners to present
original work on subjects related to the disciplined evolution of
large-scale Web sites. Now celebrating its 10th anniversary, WSE 2008
aims to attract participants from different research communities,
ranging from software maintenance & evolution to Web engineering and
service oriented computing. WSE 2008 will provide researchers and
practitioners with an exciting environment to discuss results and
exchange ideas.
WSE 2008 will be held in Beijing, China on October 3 and 4, 2008. It
will be co-located with the 24th IEEE International Conference on
Software Maintenance (ICSM 2008). The technical program of WSE 2008 will
include invited talks, paper presentations, panel discussions, and
working sessions.
Topics of interest include but are not restricted to the following
aspects of Web based application design, development, maintenance &
- Migration towards Web 2.0
- Migration towards SOA
- Empirical studies
- Model-driven reengineering of Web applications
- Security
- Testing
- Quality assessment of Web applications
- Tools, environments, and technologies
- Multilingual Web sites
The Symposium foresees the submission of research papers or experience
report, not exceeding 5000 words (10 pages using 10-point font type),
including figures and references. It also foresees short papers, which
can present novel ideas and preliminary results. Short papers should not
exceed 3000 words (4 pages using 10-point font type). Paper submissions
must be received by Friday, June 6, 2008, and must be in Adobe Acrobat
PDF. Papers must be submitted online via the EasyChair system. Authors
of the best papers from WSE 2008 will be invited to submit an extended
version of their papers for consideration of publication in a special
section of the STTT: International Journal on Software Tools for
Technology Transfer.
- Paper Submissions: June 6, 2008
- Author Notification: July 7, 2008
Massimiliano Di Penta - Univ. of Sannio, Italy
Filippo Ricca - University of Genoa, Italy
Liu, Chao - Beihang University, China
Damiano Distante - Univ. of Sannio, Italy
Wu, Ji - Beihang University, China
Alessandro Marchetto - FBK-irst, Italy
- IEEE Computer Society (Sponsorship Pending)
- The Reengineering Forum
- University of Sannio, Italy
- University of Genoa, Italy
- Beihang University, China
- Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] RIGiM'08 in conjunction with ER'08 - Last CfP
Datum: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 05:21:01 -0400
Von: Selmin NURCAN <nurcan(a)univ-paris1.fr>
Antwort an: Selmin NURCAN <nurcan(a)univ-paris1.fr>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Call for Papers
Second International Workshop on Requirements, Intentions and Goals in
Conceptual Modeling (RIGiM)
in conjunction with ER 2008
October 20� 23, 2008, Barcelona, Spain
Colette Rolland, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Carson Woo, University of British Columbia, Canada
Camille Salinesi, Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne, France
Papers submission deadline: May 9, 2008
Detailed Call for Papers is below.
RIGiM'08 Call for Papers can also be downloaded from the Web site :
RIGiM 2008
First International Workshop on Requirements, Intentions and Goals in
Conceptual Modeling
in conjunction with ER 2008
October 20� 23, 2008, Barcelona, Spain
Papers submission deadline: May 9, 2008
Colette Rolland, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Carson Woo, University of British Columbia, Canada
Camille Salinesi, Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne, France
Selmin Nurcan, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France
The use of intentional concepts, the notion of "goal" in particular, has
been prominent in recent approaches to requirement engineering (RE).
Goal-oriented frameworks and methods for requirements engineering (GORE)
have been keynote topics at requirements engineering conferences, and at
major software engineering conferences. What are the conceptual modeling
foundations in these approaches?
Traditionally information system engineering has made the assumption that
an information system captures some excerpt of world history and hence has
concentrated on modeling information about the Universe of Discourse. This
is done through conceptual modeling that aims at abstracting the
specification of the required information system, i.e., the conceptual
schema, from an analysis of the relevant aspects of the Universe of
Discourse about which the user community needs information. This
specification concentrates on what the system should do, that is, on its
functionality, serving as a prescription for system construction.
Whereas conceptual modeling allowed system developers to understand the
semantic of information and led to a large number of semantically powerful
conceptual models, experience demonstrates that it often fails in
supporting the delivery of systems that were accepted by the community of
users. Indeed, a number of studies have shown that many systems fail due
to an inadequate understanding of the requirements they seek to address.
Furthermore, the amount of effort needed to fix these systems has been
found to be very high.
To correct this situation, it is necessary to view information systems as
fulfilling some purpose in an organisation. Understanding purpose, goals,
and intentions is a necessary condition for the design of successful
systems. Conceptual modeling therefore needs to go beyond functionality
requirements that specify the �what,' to encompass the deeper contextual
understanding of the �whys.' The why questions are answered in terms of
organisational objectives and the desires and motivations of stakeholders
and participants. modeling the �whys' helps in requirements elicitation,
validation, and specification in a more focused manner. Goal-oriented
approaches in requirements engineering has emerged to meet this
The Workshop aims to provide a forum for discussing the interplay between
requirements engineering and conceptual modeling, and in particular, to
investigate how goal- and intention-driven approaches help in
conceptualising purposeful systems. What are the fundamental objectives
and premises of requirements engineering and conceptual modeling
respectively, and how can they complement each other? What are the demands
on conceptual modeling from the standpoint of requirements engineering?
What conceptual modeling techniques can be further taken advantage of in
requirements engineering? What are the upcoming modeling challenges and
issues in GORE? What are the unresolved open questions? What lessons are
there to be learnt from industrial experiences? What empirical data are
there to support the cost-benefit analysis when adopting GORE methods? Are
there applications domains or types of project settings for which goals
and intentional approaches are particularly suitable or not suitable? What
degree of formalization and automation or interactivity are feasible and
appropriate for what types of participants during requirements
engineering? e.g., business domain stakeholders, requirements modellers,
ontology engineers, etc.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* modeling and semantics in GORE frameworks
* analysis and reasoning with intentions and goals
* ontological and epistemological foundations
* cognitive, behavioral, and sociological perspectives
* goals, scenarios, and business process modeling
* goals and viewpoints, management of conflicts and inconsistencies
* goals in requirements and design patterns
* goals in reuse
* goals and traceability
* goals and aspects
* change management, versioning and view management for GORE
* visualization and tool support for GORE
* software engineering process and organization for GORE
* GORE and agile methods
* GORE in distributed software development
* GORE for COTS system development and selection
* GORE for product families and high-variability software
* GORE for adaptive systems and agile enterprise
* comparison and evaluation of GORE approaches
* industrial experiences and empirical studies
* GORE for services engineering
* GORE and business modeling and strategy reasoning
* goal-oriented conceptual modeling for security, privacy, and trust
* goal-oriented modeling for user experience and interaction design
* goal-oriented modeling of system architecture
* interaction and integration with other conceptual modeling
paradigms, e.g., object-oriented and agent-oriented models
* goal-oriented modeling for specific application domains - e.g.,
healthcare, e-government, mobile commerce, ambient intelligence
Format and Duration:
We aim for a highly interactive forum. Discussants and discussion
facilitators will be formally appointed for each paper and session,
respectively. The working language is English, and will last one full day.
Workshop proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS
series. Thus, authors must submit manuscripts using the Springer-Verlag
LNCS style for Lecture Notes in Computer Science. See
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for style files and details.
Submission and types of papers:
We solicit technical research papers, industrial experience reports, and
speculative/visionary papers. Submissions should be in LNCS and pdf
format. The maximum length is 10 pages. Accepted papers will be published
in the LNCS workshop proceedings.
Submit papers by e-mail to:
Paper submission: May 9, 2008
Author notification: June 6, 2008
Camera-ready: July 16, 2008
Ian Alexander, Scenario Plus, United Kingdom
Daniel Amyot, University of Ottawa, Canada
Mikio Aoyoma, Nanzan University, Japan
Aybuke Aurum, University of New South Wales, Australia
Franck Barbier,University of Pau, France
Daniel Berry, University of Waterloo, Canada
Lawrence Chung, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Luiz Cysneiros, York University, Canada
Eric Dubois, Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Vincenzo Gervasi, University of Pisa, Italy
Aditya K. Ghose, University of Wollongong , Australia
Jaap Gordijn, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Peter Haumer, IBM Rational, USA
Aneesh Krishna, University of Wollongong, Australia
John Krogstie, NorwegianUniversityofScienceandTechnology , Norway
Lin Liu, Tsinghua University, China
Peri Loucopoulos, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
John Mylopoulos, University of Toronto, Canada
Selmin Nurcan, Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne, France
Andreas Opdahl, University of Bergen , Norway
Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Yves Pigneur,University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Klaus Pohl, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Jolita Ralyte, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Bjorn Regnell,Lund University, Sweden
Motoshi Saeki, Tokyo Institute Of Technology, Japan
Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
Carine Souveyet, Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne, France
Yair Wand, University of British Columbia, Canada
Roel Wieringa, University of Twente, Netherlands
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP: Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2008
last call
Datum: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:37:36 -0400
Von: Natalia Teixeira <nat(a)iadis.org>
Antwort an: Natalia Teixeira <nat(a)iadis.org>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested colleagues and
-- CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline for submissions (last call): 12 May 2008 --
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25 to 27 July 2008
part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information
Systems (MCCSIS 2008)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 22 to 27 July 2008
* Keynote Speakers (confirmed):
Professor Tom Gross, Faculty of Media, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany
Professor Matthias Rauterberg, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The
* Conference background and goals
The IADIS Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction (IHCI) 2008 conference
aims to address the main issues of concern within Interface Culture and
Design with a particular emphasis on the affective
aspects of design, development and implementation of interfaces and the
generational implications for design of human and technology interaction.
This conference aims to explore and discuss innovative
studies of technology and its application in interfaces and welcomes
research in progress, case studies, practical demonstrations and workshops
in addition to the traditional submission categories.
* Format of the Conference
The conference will comprise of invited talks and oral presentations.
The proceedings of the conference will be published in the form of a book
and CD-ROM with ISBN, and will be available also in the IADIS Digital
Library (http://www.iadis.net/dl).
The best paper authors will be invited to publish extended versions of
their papers in the IADIS Journal on Computer Science and Information
Systems (ISSN: 1646-3692).
* Types of submissions
Full and Short Papers, Reflection Papers, Posters/Demonstrations,
Tutorials, Panels and Doctoral Consortium.
All submissions are subject to a blind refereeing process.
* Topics related to Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction are of
interest. These include, but are not limited to the following areas:
- Affective User-centred analysis, design and evaluation
- The value of Affective Interfaces/ Systems/Application/ Interaction
- Generational differences and technology design
- Measurement of success of emotional technology/interfaces
- Supporting user populations from difference generations
- Supporting user populations with Physical Disabilities
- Supporting user populations with Intellectual Disabilities
- Creativity Support Systems
- Emotional Design issues/methods/experiences for novel interfaces
including tangible, mixed reality
interfaces and multi-modal interfaces
- Emotional Design issues/methods/experiences for mobile and ubiquitous
- Usability
- User studies and fieldwork
- Methodological implications of emotional user studies.
- Participatory design and cooperative design techniques
- Ethical issues in emotional design
- HCI education and design education
- Eliciting User Requirements
* Important Dates:
- Submission deadline (last call): 12 May 2008
- Notification to Authors: 30 May 2008
- Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration: Until 13 June 2008
- Late Registration: After 13 June 2008
- Conference: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25 to 27 July 2008
* Conference Location
The conference will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
* Secretariat
Rua Sao Sebastiao da Pedreira, 100, 3
1050-209 Lisbon, Portugal
E-mail: secretariat(a)ihci-conf.org
Web site: http://www.ihci-conf.org/
* Program Committee
Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2008 Conference Program Chair
Katherine Blashki, Deakin University, Australia
General MCCSIS Conference Co-Chairs:
Piet Kommers, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Pedro Isaías, Universidade Aberta (Portuguese Open University), Portugal
Nian-Shing Chen, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
Committee Members: *
* for committee list please refer to
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.