-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] [Fwd: CRITIS'07 CFP]
Datum: Tue, 22 May 2007 16:19:42 +0800
Von: Jianying Zhou <jyzhou(a)i2r.a-star.edu.sg>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
** Apologies for multiple copies **
C a l l F o r P a p e r s
Second International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures
Security (CRITIS'07)
October 3-5, 2007
Benalmadena-Costa, Malaga, Spain
CRITI'07, co-sponsored by IFIP WG 11.10 on Critical Infrastructures
Protection, IEEE Computer Society Task Force on Information Assurance,
and Joint Research Center Ispra of the European Commission, wants to
bring together researchers and professionals from universities, private
companies and Public Administrations interested or involved in all
security-related heterogeneous aspects of Critical
We invite research papers, work-in-progress reports, R&D projects results,
surveying works and industrial experiences describing significant security
advances in the following (non-exclusive) areas of Critical Information
Infrastructures for which we plan to have sessions:
- Code of Practice and Metrics
- Communication Risk & Assurance
- Early Warning Systems
- Economics on CIP
- R&D Agenda
- SCADA and Embedded Security
- National and Cross Border Issues
- Information Sharing and Exchange
- Policy Options Elaboration
- Threats and Attacks Modeling
Furthermore, the following topics are within the scope of CRITIS?07:
- Continuity of Services and Resiliency
- Dependable Infrastructure Communications
- Internet-based remote control
- Forensic Techniques
- Incident Response
- Network Survivability
- Trust Models in Critical Scenarios
- Security Logistics
* Instructions for paper submission
All submissions will be subjected to a thorough blind review by at least
three reviewers. Papers should be up to 12 pages in English, including
bibliography and well-marked appendices.
As in the case of CRITIS?06, it is planned that post-proceedings are
published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)series.
Pre-proceedings will appear at the time of the conference.
To submit a paper, follow the specific instructions on the Workshop website
The submitted paper (in PDF or PostScript format), which should follow the
template indicated by Springer
must start with a title, a short abstract, and a
list of keywords. However, it should be
anonymous without author(s), affiliations,
acknowledgements, nor obvious references.
* Important dates
Submission of papers: June 25th, 2007
Notification to authors: July 30th, 2007
Camera-ready copies: August 24th, 2007
* Program Committee Co-Chairs
Bernhard Hämmerli, HTA Luzern, Switzerland
Javier Lopez, University of Malaga, Spain
* General Co-Chair
Sokratis Katsikas, University of the Aegean, Greece
Saifur Rahman, Advanced Research Institute, Virginia Tech, US
* Sponsorship Co-Chairs
Marcelo Masera, IPSC, Italy
Stephen D. Wolthusen, Royal Holloway, UK
* Program Committee
Fabrizio Baiardi, Università de Pisa, Italy
Stefan Brem, Federal Office for Civil Protection, Switzerland
Jim Clarke, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Jorge Cuellar, Siemens, Germany
Weidong Cui, Microsoft Research, US
Yvo Desmedt, University College London, UK
Ed Dawson, QUT, Australia
Myriam Dunn, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Paul Friessem, Fraunhofer, Germany
Urs Gattiker, CyTRAP Labs, Switzerland
Adrian Gheorghe, Old Dominion University, US
Eric Goetz, Dartmouth College, US
Solange Ghernaouti-Hélie, Univ. de Lausanne, Switzerland
Janusz Gorski, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Rune Gustavsson, Blekinge Inst. of Technology, Sweden
John Griffin, IBM T.J. Watson, US
Stefanos Gritzalis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Ming-Yuh Huang, Boeing, US
Håkan Kvarnström, TeliaSonera, Sweden
Diego Lopez, RedIRIS, Spain
Eric Luiijf, TNO, Netherlands
Tom McCutcheon, NISCC, UK
Yuko Murayama, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan
Simin Nadjm-Tehrani, Linköping University, Sweden
Syed Naqvi, CETIC, Belgium
Eiji Okamoto, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
Andrew Powell, CPNI, UK
Kai Rannenberg, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Dirk Reinermann, BSI, Germany
Michel Riguidel, ENST, France
Roberto Setola, Univ. Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Italy
Sujeet Shenoi, University of Tulsa, US
Robin Sommer, LBNL/ICSI, US
Paulo Veríssimo, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Yuliang Zheng, University of North Carolina, US
Jianying Zhou, I2R, Singapore
* Information about past CRITIS'06
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] DEECS Call for Participation
Datum: Mon, 21 May 2007 18:45:11 -0000
Von: Sayal, Mehmet Oguz <mehmet.sayal(a)hp.com>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message.
Call for Participation:
International Workshop on Data Engineering Issues in E-Commerce and
Services (DEECS 2007)
June 12, 2007, San Diego, California
In conjunction with the
8th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'07)
The International Workshop on Data Engineering Issues in E-Commerce and
Services (DEECS) will be held in San Diego in conjunction with ACM
Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'07). This is the third year of the
DEECS and it has been receiving more attention every year. The DEECS
workshop aims to provide a venue for discussion and exchange of ideas on
data and knowledge engineering issues in the dynamic environment of
e-business, enterprise computing, and business services and
transformation. You can find more information at
We hope to see you in San Diego!
DEECS Organizing Committee
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Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] [INFO-CFP] SECOND CFP CANA'07
Datum: Mon, 21 May 2007 16:23:05 +0200
Von: Marcin Paprzycki <paprzyck(a)ibspan.waw.pl>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
* We apologize if you receive this CFP more than once.
* PLEASE CIRCULATE this CFP among your colleagues and students.
Workshop on Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms (CANA'07)
Wisła, Poland, October 15-17, 2007
Organized within the framework of the International Multiconference on
Computer Science and Information Technology (IMCSIT)
Post conference selected papers will be invited to a Special Issue of
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Numerical algorithms are widely used by scientists engaged in various
areas. There is a special need of highly efficient and easy-to-use
scalable tools for solving large scale problems. The workshop is devoted
to numerical algorithms with the particular attention to the latest
scientific trends in this area and to problems related to implementation
of libraries of efficient numerical algorithms. The goal of the workshop
is meeting of researchers from various institutes and exchanging of
their experience, and integrations of scientific centers.
* Parallel, distributed and grid numerical algorithms
* Data structures for numerical algorithms
* Libraries for numerical computations
* Numerical algorithms testing and benchmarking
* Analysis of rounding errors of numerical algorithms
* Optimalization of numerical algorithms
* Languages, tools and environments for programming numerical
* Paradigms of programming numerical algorithms
* Contemporary computer architectures
* Applications of numerical algorithms in science and technology
* Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their
scientific merit and relevance to the workshop
* Accepted and presented papers will be included in the Conference
Proceedings and published on a CD (ISSN 1896-7094)
* Authors should submit draft papers (as Postscript, PDF of MSWord
* The total length of a paper should not exceed 10 pages (LNCS
style).LNCS style templates are available here.
* Extended versions of selected papers presented during the
conference will be published as a Special Issue of the
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer
Science http://www.amcs.uz.zgora.pl.
Submission of Papers: June 25, 2007
Notification of Acceptance: August 06, 2007
Final Camera-Ready Papers: September 07, 2007
Conference: October 15-17, 2007
Przemyslaw Stpiczynski
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland
Beata Bylina
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland
Jaroslaw Bylina
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland
* We apologize if you receive this CFP more than once.
* PLEASE CIRCULATE this CFP among your colleagues and students.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: computational.science-unsubscribe(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [wkwi] 1. CfP: Teilkonferenz "Intelligente Syst
Datum: Fri, 18 May 2007 23:53:45 +0200 (CEST)
Von: lars moench <lars.moench(a)fernuni-hagen.de>
Antwort an: postmaster(a)idefix.buva.sowi.uni-bamberg.de
An: undisclosed-recipients:;
Call for Paper
Teilkonferenz „Intelligente Systeme zur Entscheidungsunterstützung“ im
Rahmen der Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik,
26.02 – 28.02. 2008, München
Unternehmen können als dynamische und stochastische Systeme aufgefasst
werden. Verfahren zur Entscheidungsfindung in Unternehmen müssen
folglich in der Lage sein, diese Eigenschaften zu berücksichtigen.
„Intelligente“ Systeme sind unter anderem durch Lernfähigkeit,
Adaptivität sowie kooperatives und zugleich autonomes Verhalten
gekennzeichnet und stellen somit eine Klasse von Systemen dar, die als
Träger moderner Verfahren zur Entscheidungsunterstützung dienen können.
Moderne Informationssysteme erlauben es, große Mengen an digitalen,
strukturierten Daten für die Entscheidungsfindung zu verwenden. In den
letzten Jahren wurde die Leistungsfähigkeit von Hard- und Software
entscheidend gesteigert. Durch moderne Middleware können verteilte
Lösungen heute viel leichter als noch vor einigen Jahren entwickelt
werden und stehen nicht nur dem entsprechend spezialisierten
(akademischen) Anwender zur Verfügung. Dadurch können teilweise sehr
große Praxismodelle mit vertretbarem Zeitaufwand gerechnet werden.
Während viele in der Literatur diskutierte Fragestellungen statischer
und deterministischer Natur sind, sieht sich die Wirtschaftsinformatik
der Anforderung ausgesetzt, konfigurierbare Verfahren für dynamische und
stochastische betriebswirtschaftliche Anwendungsszenarien zu entwerfen
und dann als Bestandteil von Dispositions- und Planungssystemen auch
softwaretechnisch zu realisieren. Trotz der günstigen Vorbedingungen
kann von einem breiten Einsatz moderner Verfahren und Systeme zur
Entscheidungsfindung in der Praxis nicht gesprochen werden. Die
Teilkonferenz „Intelligente Systeme zur Entscheidungsunterstützung“*
*der MKWI soll dem wachsenden Bedarf gerecht werden, indem Potenziale,
Anwendungen und zu lösende Probleme bei der Gestaltung und Nutzung
intelligenter Systeme für die Entscheidungsfindung diskutiert werden.
Die folgende, nicht abschließende Aufstellung nennt beispielhaft Themen
und Fragestellungen für einzureichende Beiträge.
- Anwendungen fortgeschrittener Verfahren der Nachbarschaftssuche, z.B.
in der Produktions-, Dienstleistungs- oder Logistikdomäne
- Simulationssysteme für den betrieblichen Einsatz
- Anwendungen der simulationsbasierten Optimierung und der
simulationsbasierten Ablaufplanung
- Dispositions- und Planungssysteme für den betrieblichen Einsatz
- Verfahren des maschinellen Lernens zur situationsabhängigen
Parametrisierung von Verfahren zur Entscheidungsunterstützung
- Verfahren zur Lösung multikriterieller Entscheidungsprobleme
- Anwendungen der Agententechnologie, z.B. in der Logistik-,
Dienstleistungs- und Produktionsdomäne
- Mechanismen zur Koordination autonomer Akteure in verteilten
- moderne Prognosemethoden
- softwaretechnische Infrastrukturen für die betriebliche Nutzung von
Verfahren zur Entscheidungsunterstützung
- Leistungsbewertung von Entscheidungsunterstützungsverfahren und -systemen
- Fallstudien, welche die erfolgreiche Einführung der genannten
Technologien in der betrieblichen Praxis zum Gegenstand haben
Einreichungsfrist für die Beiträge: 30.09.2007
Benachrichtigung der Autoren über Annahme/Ablehnung: 03.12.2007
Einreichung der druckfertigen Version: 01.01.2008
Eine Veröffentlichung der Beiträge in einem bei SCS Publishing House
erscheinenden Tagungsband ist vorgesehen. Eine entsprechende
Formatvorlage finden Sie auf der Webseite der Teiltagung. Alle
eingereichten Beiträge werden von Mitgliedern des Programmkommittees
Eingeladener Vortrag: Dr. Jörg Dickersbach, SAP AG
Thomas Barth, Universität Siegen
Ulrike Baumöl, FernUniversität Hagen
Martin Bichler, TU München
Jörg Dickersbach, SAP AG
Klaus Dorer, Hochschule Offenburg
Günter Fandel, FernUniversität Hagen
John W. Fowler, Arizona State University
Hermann Gehring, FernUniversität Hagen
Martin Grunow, Technical University of Denmark
Hans-Otto Günther <mailto:Hans-Otto%20G%FCnther>, TU Berlin
Jörg Homberger, Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart
Herbert Kopfer, Universität Bremen
Dirk Mattfeld, TU Braunschweig
Peter Mertens, Universität Nürnberg-Erlangen
Volker Nissen, TU Ilmenau
Erwin Pesch, Universität Siegen
Dirk Reichelt, Quimonda, Dresden
Franz Rothlauf, Universität Mainz
Wilhelm Rödder, FernUniversität in Hagen
Sven Spieckermann, SimPlan AG, Maintal
Stefan Voß, Universität Hamburg
Oliver Wendt, TU Kaiserslautern
Prof. Dr. Lars Mönch
Unternehmensweite Softwaresysteme
FernUniversität in Hagen
Universitätsstraße 1
58097 Hagen
Lars.Moench(a)fernuni-hagen.de <mailto:Lars.Moench@fernuni-hagen.de>
Tel.: 02331/9874593
Fax: 02331/9874519
Dr. Giselher Pankratz
Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftsinformatik
FernUniversität in Hagen
Profilstraße 8
58084 Hagen
Tel.: 02331/987-4432
Fax: 02331/987-4437
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] 2nd Call For Papers - ACM GIS 2007
Datum: Thu, 17 May 2007 10:50:24 -0400
Von: (David) Jing Dai <daij(a)vt.edu>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
15th ACM International Symposium on
Advances in Geographic Information Systems
(ACM GIS 2007)
Call for Papers
November 7-9, 2007
Seattle, Washington, USA
In cooperation with ACM SIGMETRICS
Corporate Sponsorship by Microsoft
The ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information
Systems in 2007 (ACM GIS 2007) is the fifteenth event of a series of
symposia and workshops that began in 1993 with the aim of bringing
together researchers, developers, users, and practitioners carrying
out research and development in novel systems based on geo-spatial
data and knowledge, and fostering interdisciplinary discussions and
research in all aspects of geographic information systems. The
symposium provides a forum for original research contributions
covering all conceptual, design, and implementation aspects of GIS
and ranging from applications, user interface considerations, and
visualization down to storage management and indexing issues. This
year, a novelty is that ACM GIS has separated from its long-time host
conference in order to become independent and more visible to the GIS
community, further expand the spectrum of research topics covered by
the symposium, and grow over the next years.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
Modeling and Querying
* Constraint approach for spatial databases
* Spatial data quality
* Image Databases
* Integration and management of raster and vector data
* Spatial and spatio-temporal data modeling
* Spatial and spatio-temporal data mining and knowledge discovery
* Spatial and spatio-temporal predicates
* Spatial and spatio-temporal query languages
* Spatial and spatio-temporal reasoning
* Spatial and spatio-temporal uncertainty, vagueness, and fuzziness
* Visual query languages
* Spatial and spatio-temporal visualization and analysis
* 3D spatial modeling
Systems and Implementation
* Computational geometry
* Geospatial data integration
* Geospatial data versioning
* Interoperability and standards
* Large-scale GIS servers and parallel GIS
* Middleware architectures
* Multiple representations in spatial databases
* Performance metrics and issues
* Query processing
* Spatial data warehousing and decision support
* Spatial query processing and optimization
* Spatial, spatio-temporal, and multidimensional access methods
* Spatial data mining
* Stream processing
Applications like
* Earth observation
* Geosensor networks
* Geovisualization
* Image databases
* Location-based services
* Mobile and distributed geographic computing and information services
* Novel and challenging applications
* Photogrammetry
* Real-time applications
* Risk prevention
* Spatial and spatio-temporal Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
* Traffic telematics
* Transportation
* Urban and environmental planning
* Web applications
* Wireless networks
Authors are invited to submit full, original, unpublished research
papers that are not being considered for publication in any other
forum. Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format and formatted
using the ACM camera-ready templates available at
Papers cannot exceed 8 pages in length. In addition to the regular
full-length papers, the Program Committee may accept some as poster
papers which may be requested to be shortened. All submitted papers
will be refereed for quality, originality, and relevance by the
Program Committee. The acceptance/rejection of the papers will be
based on the review results. All questions should be addressed to the
Program Committee Chair. One author per paper is required to register
and attend the conference to present the paper if accepted for
Submissions to the conference will be electronically and online only.
Authors are asked to submit an Abstract first, and then to upload the
full paper in PDF file format. The online submission system will be
available from April 30, 2007.
Abstract Submission: June 11, 2007
Full Paper Submission: June 18, 2007
Notification of Acceptance: August 11, 2007
Camera Ready Copy: August 31, 2007
Symposium Date: November 7-9, 2007
General Chairs: Hanan Samet, University of Maryland, USA
Cyrus Shahabi,
University of Southern California, USA
Program Chair: Markus Schneider, University of Florida, USA
Local Arrangements Kentaro Toyama, Microsoft Research, India
Chairs: Pusheng Zhang, Microsoft Research, USA
Treasurer: Yan Huang, University of North Texas, USA
Publicity Chair: Chang-Tien Lu, Virginia Tech, USA
Proceedings Chair: Alejandro Pauly, University of Florida, USA
Poster Chair: Jagan Sankaranarayanan, University of Maryland, USA
Program Committee:
Peggy Agouris, George Mason University, USA
Houman Alborzi, Google, USA
Luc Anselin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Walid Aref, Purdue University, USA
Lars Arge, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA
Michela Bertolotto, University College Dublin, Ireland
Thomas Brinkhoff, Oldenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Christophe Claramunt, Naval Academy Research Institute, France
Eliseo Clementini, University of L'Aquila, Italy
Isabel Cruz, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Leila De Floriani, Universita di Genova, Italy
Matt Duckham, University of Melbourne, Australia
Peter Fisher, City University of London, UK
Andrew Frank, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Le Gruenwald, University of Oklahoma, USA
Ralf H. Gueting, FernUniversitaet Hagen, Germany
Stephen Hirtle, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Erik Hoel, ESRI, USA
Yan Huang, University of North Texas, USA
Edwin Jacox, National Institutes of Health, USA
Christian Jensen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Christopher Jones, Cardiff University, UK
Craig Knoblock, University of Southern California, USA
Marc van Kreveld, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Robert Laurini, National Institute for Applied Sciences, France
Scott Leutenegger, University of Denver, USA
Ki-Joune Li, Pusan National University, South Korea
Mario Lopez, University of Denver, USA
Chang-Tien Lu, Virginia Tech, USA
Nikos Mamoulis, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Mohamed Mokbel, University of Minnesota, USA
Richard Muntz, UCLA, USA
Brad Nickerson, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Eyal Ofek, Microsoft Research, USA
Beng Chin Ooi, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Peter van Oosterom, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Dimitris Papadias, HKUST, Hong Kong
Alejandro Pauly, University of Florida, USA
Dieter Pfoser, CTI, Hellas
Sunil Prabhakar, Purdue University, USA
Philippe Rigaux, University of Paris-Dauphine, France
Alan Saalfeld, Ohio State University, USA
Jayant Sharma, Oracle Corporation, USA
Timos Sellis, National Technical University of Athens, Hellas
Shashi Shekhar, University of Minnesota, USA
Emmanuel Stefanakis, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece
Egemen Tanin, University of Melbourne, Australia
Kentaro Toyama, Microsoft Research, India
Vassilis Tsotras, University of California-Riverside, USA
E. Lynn Usery, U.S. Geological Survey, USA
Agn? Voisard, Fraunhofer ISST and FU Berlin, Germany
Peter Widmayer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Stephan Winter, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Ouri Wolfson, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Michael Worboys, University of Maine, USA
May Yuan, University of Oklahoma, USA
Donghui Zhang, Northeastern University, USA
Pusheng Zhang, Microsoft Corporation, USA
To unsubscribe, e-mail: computational.science-unsubscribe(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [Odrl-interest] CFP: Virtual Goods and ODRL International
Datum: Fri, 18 May 2007 11:19:21 +1000
Von: Renato Iannella <renato(a)odrl.net>
An: odrl-interest(a)odrl.net, "ODRL Version 2.0" <odrl-version2(a)odrl.net>
*** REMINDER: Submissions are due 1st June 2007 ***
5th International Workshop for
Technology, Economy, and Legal Aspects of Virtual Goods
incorporating the
3rd International ODRL Workshop
**** Call for Participation ****
11-13 Oct 2007, Koblenz, Germany
With the rise of new digital music portals, the development
of copyright laws world-wide and the increasing success of
alternative models, the discussion on digital rights management
is even more intense than ever before. Any business model of
virtual goods must include not only the virtual objects and
their technical control functions, but also the human actors and
their personal and economic interest. What is needed is a simple
and safe technololgy which supports a balance of interests between
creators, providers and consumers of digital goods. Current
technology does not give satsifactory answers.
The goal of this conference is to bring together experts
from scientific and practical fields, researchers from different
disciplines, developers, and users interested in electronic
commerce of virtual goods.
Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to,
the following aspects:
* Content protection (watermarking, encryption, signatures)
* Technical solutions in digital rights management
* ODRL Rights Expression Language
* User acceptance of digital rights management
* New business models and solution architectures
* Peer-to-Peer systems
* Virtual goods services such as payment and delivery
* Fraud management
* Security and privacy
* The economic role and perspective of the actors
* The economic/cultural/legal impact on the society
Papers sumissions are due: 1 June 2007
For complete details, including important dates, committee members,
please visit the Call for Papers site at:
Odrl-interest mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: 2nd International Workshop on
Scientific Workflows and Business Workflow Standards in e-Science
Datum: Wed, 16 May 2007 14:28:26 +0200
Von: Adam Belloum <adam(a)science.uva.nl>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for Papers for the 2nd International Workshop on Scientific Workflows
and Business Workflow Standards in e-Science
in conjunction with 3rd International Conference on e-science and Grid
computing (e-science2007), Dec 10-13, 2007, Bangalore, India.
Aims and scope
In e-Science environments, Scientific Workflow Management Systems (SWMS)
hide the integration details at different layers of middleware such as for
managing Grid resources, computing tasks, data and information, and automate
the management of experiment routines. Recently development in Grid
technology have shown a convergence between business workflow standards such
as BPEL4WS and scientific workflows and scientific workflow management
systems: design, implementation, applications in all fields of computational
science, interoperability among workflows and the e-Science infrastructure,
e.g., knowledge framework, for workflow management.
Concerted research is carried out in several projects along the complete
e-Science technology chain, ranging from applications to networking,
focusing on new methodologies and re-usable components. The workshop focuses
on practical aspects of utilising workflow techniques to fill the gap
between the e-Science applications on one hand and the middleware (Grid) and
the low level infrastructure on the other hand. The workshop aims to provide
a forum for researchers and developers in the field of e-Science to exchange
the latest experience and research ideas on scientific workflow management
and e-Science. Live demos of workflow systems and workflow application are
The 1st International Workshop on Scientific Workflows and Business workflow
standards in e-Science was successfully held in the context of IEEE Int'l
Conf e- Science and Grid computing in Amsterdam in Dec. 2006.
The workshop invited 6 well known researchers representing both academia and
industry. The workshop consists of two oral sessions and one panel session.
This year we will widen the participation to SWBES workshop by inviting
submission of original work.
For more information, please have a look at the website:
Best regards,
swbes pc-chairs
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: NWESP-2007, Web Services, IEEE CS
+ Journals
Datum: Thu, 10 May 2007 19:35:29 +0900
Von: NGWSP Conference <ngwsp05(a)gmail.com>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
NWESP 2007: 3rd International Conference on Next Generation of Web Services
October 29-31, Seoul, Korea
Proceedings: IEEE Computer Society & Special issues of journals
Submission deadline: June 30, 2007
Topics of interest include all areas of Web Services and Web Applications.
session, workshops, and cultural events are planned.
Web Services Architecture, Modeling and Design
Semantic Web, Ontologies (creation , merging, linking and reconciliation)
Database Technologies for Web Services
Web Services Security
Quality of Service, Scalability and Performance
User Interfaces, Visualization and modeling
Customization, Reusability, Enhancements
Web Services Standards
Web Services Applications
Web Based Applications
Information Retrieval
Web Services Intellectual Property
June 30: deadline for full paper submission
August 30: Notification of acceptance
September 30: Deadline for camera ready papers and authors' registration
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: WfMP'07 - Workshop on Workflow and Process Management
Datum: Fri, 11 May 2007 11:02:02 +0200
Von: Eckert, Klaus-Peter <Klaus-Peter.Eckert(a)fokus.fraunhofer.de>
An: Eckert, Klaus-Peter <Klaus-Peter.Eckert(a)fokus.fraunhofer.de>
Apologies if you receive multiple copies
WfMP'07 - Workshop on Workflow and Process Management
in conjunction with SYNASC 2007
9th International Symposium on
Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing
Timisoara, Romania
September 26 - 29, 2007
Workshop Chairs
- Laura Maruster, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- Teodor-Florin Fortis, West University of Timisoara, Romania (local
The aim of WfPM'07 workshop is to bring together researchers and
practitioners in workflow and business process management- The WfPM'07
workshop intends to identify current trends and research related with,
not restricted to, workflow modelling, workflow patterns, workflow
methodologies, workflow execution engines, workflow verification and
validation, interoperability, human interaction management.
Topics of particular interest for WfPM'07 workshop include, but are not
limited to:
- Workflow and process modelling;
- Workflow and process management;
- Agent-based workflow management;
- Process mining and process reengineering technologies;
- Formal representation, workflow patterns;
- Workflow methodologies;
- Workflow verification and validation;
- Workflows and GRID environments;
- GRID workflows;
- Workflow and human interaction;
- Business and scientific workflow-based applications;
- Solutions for the eSociety (eHealth, eGovernment, eLearning, etc.)
The workshop, a one-day event, is a satellite event of the "9th
International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for
Computing, SYNASC 2007" that is to be held in Timisoara, Romania, on
September 26-29, 2007.
Please check conference website (http://synasc07.info.uvt.ro/) for
information about the conference and the WfPM07 workshop
Original papers reporting new results as well as experimental evaluation
comparisons of existing techniques are expected- We are requesting
submissions in the form of:
- full research papers,
- short papers (work in progress), system descriptions and software
Papers must describe original work, and should not substantially overlap
with already published papers or papers that are simultaneously
submitted to
a journal or a conference with refereed proceedings- Submissions for
research papers are limited to 8 pages (IEEE conference style).
Extended abstracts (up to 4 pages) may be submitted for short papers and
system presentations- Only full papers will be considered for
publication in
post-proceedings- Papers must be submitted electronically to
Workshop deadlines
Paper submission: June 30, 2007;
Notification of acceptance: July 31, 2007;
Final version of papers: September 1, 2007;
Registration: September 1, 2007;
Symposium starts: September 26, 2007;
Revised papers for post-proceedings: October 30, 2007.
Program Committee
- Alexandru Cicortas, West University of Timisoara, Romania
- Klaus-Peter Eckert, Fraunhofer FOKUS - Research Institute for Open
Communication Systems, Germany
- Teodor-Florin Fortis, West University of Timisoara, Romania
(local workshop chair)
- Elena Ivanova, Institute of Computer and Communication Systems,
- Rafal Knapik, "Adam Mickiewicz" University Poznan, Poland
- Ana Karla Alves de Medeiros, Eindhoven University of Technology,
The Netherlands
- Laura Maruster, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
(workshop co-chair)
- Jan Mendling, Vienna University of Economics and Business
- Alex Norta, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Corina Raduescu, University of Queensland Business School, Brisbane,
- Jan Recker, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
- Hajo Reijers, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Todor Stoilov, Institute of Computer and Communication Systems,
- Nick Szirbik, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Organizing Committee
Alexandru Cicortas,
Teodor-Florin Fortis,
Laura Maruster.
Alexandru Cicortas (e-mail: cico(a)info.uvt.ro)
Department of Computer Science
West University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania
tel: +(40) 256 592284
Teodor-Florin Fortis (e-mail: fortis(a)info.uvt.ro)
Department of Computer Science
West University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania
tel: +(40) 256 592248
SYNASC 2007 (e-mail: synasc07(a)info.uvt.ro)
Department of Computer Science
West University of Timisoara
Timisoara, Romania
tel: +(40) 256 592155; fax: +(40) 256 592316
Fraunhofer FOKUS - Research Institute for Open Communication Systems
CC MOTION - Modelling and Testing for System and Service Solutions
Working group - Business Process Engineering
Dr. Klaus-Peter Eckert
FhI FOKUS Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31 D-10589 Berlin
+49 30 3463 7227 (phone) / -8227 (fax)