-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: Special Issue of "Journal of
Systems and Software"
Datum: Wed, 10 May 2006 21:03:14 +0900
Von: Sangkyun Kim <saviour(a)yonsei.ac.kr>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Special issue on "Methodology of Security Engineering for Industrial
Security Management Systems"
1. Objectives
The security engineering is the application of scientific and
engineering principles to practical ends such as the design,
manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures,
machines, processes, and systems which minimize the risk of exposure of
assets and resources or the profession of or the work performed by a
security engineer.
The methodology of security engineering is a set of tools, perhaps even
research methods, or a bridge, translating theories of security
engineering to management practice of industrial security management
To provide practical methodology of security engineering to security
practitioners is the purpose of this special issue. With the research
papers of this special issue, security practitioners could make
practical activities on industrial security management systems.
2. Subject coverage
This special issue focuses on the following topics
. Modeling, analysis and assessment of industrial security systems,
. Strategic or tactical planning of industrial information security,
. Economic justification of security systems,
. Decision support methods and systems for industrial security
. Governance of industrial security systems,
. Application of enterprise architecture (EA) approach for industrial
security management.
3. Important dates
. Due date of submission for manuscripts: June 30, 2006
. Notification of acceptance: August 15, 2006
. Due date of revised manuscripts: September 30, 2006
. Publication date: To be determined
4. Instructions for submission
The paper should be in English and contain unpublished contributions to
topics of the special issue. The guest editor will make an initial
determination of the suitability of the manuscript. Papers that lack
clarity in presentation or are outside the scope of the special issue
will not be sent for review. The guest editor will send the manuscript
to at least two competent referees. Based on the recommendations by the
referees, the guest editor will determine whether the manuscript should
be accepted, accepted with minor revision, accepted with major revision
or rejected.
The submitted paper must be formatted according to the rules of
Elesevier. For formatting information, see the publisher's web site
cription#description). For all questions related to this special issue,
please contact the guest editor. To submit a paper, please send one copy
in the form of an MS Word file attached to an e-mail to the following:
Dr. Sangkyun Kim (saviour(a)yonsei.ac.kr)
5. Guest Editor
Dr. Sangkyun Kim
Yonsei University, Korea
e-mail: saviour(a)yonsei.ac.kr
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: Special Issue of the ACM
Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS)
Datum: Mon, 8 May 2006 12:48:39 +0200
Von: Andrea Omicini <andrea.omicini(a)unibo.it>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
************************* CALL FOR PAPERS *************************
Special Issue of the ACM Transactions on
Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS)
AgentLink has just recently closed after eight years of fruitful and
successful activity, as a series of European Commission (EC)-
sponsored projects. In particular, AgentLink III has worked in the
last two years to put Europe at the leading edge of international
competitiveness in the increasingly-important area of agent
technologies. To this end, and in order to support co-ordination and
collaboration of European research efforts, AgentLink III established
a series of research meetings, called the AgentLink III Technical
Forums (TFs).
Each of these Technical Forums included a number of parallel
workshops, called Technical Forum Groups (TFGs), on specific hot
research topics suggested in response to a call for proposals issued
before each Technical Forum meeting. Three TF events were held under
AgentLink III: in Rome, Italy; in Ljubljana, Slovenia; and in
Budapest, Hungary. Participants came mostly from European and
neighbouring countries, but also from Australia, Japan and the USA.
The outcomes of TFG activity were outstanding, in terms of both the
communities that developed around TFGs, and the scientific results
emerged from the discussions at the TFG meetings.
AgentLink now aims to collect, select and publish the most important
advances produced by the AgentLink Technical Forum activity that fall
in the area of Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, within the
prestigious ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems
(TAAS). We are therefore soliciting submissions that summarise and
expand on the TF activities, and therefor encourage potential authors
to visit the web pages of TAAS (http://esoa.unige.ch/taas/), to
understand the aim and scope of this journal.
Potential authors for this special issue should be researchers who
have actively participated to the AgentLink Technical Forum
activities in the last two years, along with their colleagues and
usual collaborators. Each submission should be accompanied by a
message (mail or letter) explicitly stating that at least one of the
authors has actively participated to the activity of one or more of
the AgentLink III TFGs, and that the article submitted develops along
the lines elaborated in the TFG discussion. All papers should present
original research and innovative results.
Themes of the submitted articles should first of all fall within one
or more of the areas that were the subject of the scientific work of
the 14 AgentLink III TFGs:
- Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE TFG)
- Agents in Bioinformatics (BIOAGENTS TFG)
- Agents Applied in Healthcare (HEALTHCARE TFG)
- Intelligent Information Agents for Web Economies (IIA4WE TFG)
- Law and Electronic Agents (LEA TFG)
- Networked Agents (NETAGENTS TFG)
- Programming MultiAgent Systems (PROMAS TFG)
- Self-Organisation in MultiAgent Systems (SELFORG TFG)
- Trust for Open Collaborative Agent Business Environments (TRUST TFG)
- Environments for Multiagent Systems (ENV TFG)
- Multiagent Resource Allocation (MARA TFG)
- Towards Semantic Web Agents: Knowledge Web and AgentLink (SWA TFG)
- Towards a Standard Agent-to-Agent Argumentation Interchange Format
- Coordinating Agent Standardisation Activities (CASA TFG)
Submitted papers should also explicitly indicate which (one or more)
TFG activity was the origin of the paper contribution.
For more precise information, please consult the AgentLink III TFG
pages at (http://www.agentlink.org/activities/tfg/).
Naturally, papers submitted to the special issue should also foucs on
themes which are of interest for the hosting journal: potential
authors should carefully take into account TAAS aims and scope as
specified in the journal web pages at (http://esoa.unige.ch/taas/
Submissions should fall in any of the areas of interest of TAAS, be
related to at least one of the AgentLink III TFGs, and should include
at least one author who actively participated in one or more of the
AgentLink III TFG activities over the past two years. To this end,
submissions should be accompanied by a message stating the
involvement of the authors (at least one) in the AgentLink III TFG
activities, and indicating the reference TFGs (at least one, possibly
more than one) for the paper.
Papers should be formatted according to the "Instruction for
Submission" at (http://esoa.unige.ch/taas/authors.html) and be sent
in PDF format to
Andrea Omicini <andrea.omicini(a)unibo.it>
*** BEFORE July 15th, 2006 ***
Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least three different expert
reviewers, coming from both the AgentLink community and the TAAS
editorial board.
The review process will be driven by the Guest Editors of this
Special Issue (Peter McBurney, Andrea Omicini, Terry Payne and Paolo
Petta) and by the Editor-in-chief, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo.
Final versions of accepted papers should be ready for publication by
the end of 2006.
For any clarification please contact Andrea Omicini at the address
Prof. Andrea Omicini
DEIS, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
== Via Venezia 52, 47023 Cesena, ITALY
ph.: + 39 0547 3 39220
fax: + 39 0547 3 39219
== Viale Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna, ITALY
ph.: + 39 051 20 93047
fax: + 39 051 20 93073
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] IA&B - ISDA , Shandong, China
Datum: Wed, 10 May 2006 09:49:56 +0200
Von: Khalid Saeed <khalids(a)wp.pl>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
**** IA&B - ISDA'06 ****
^^^ We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this LAST CFP ^^^
The First International Workshop on
Image Analysis and Biometrics
(In conjunction with ISDA'2006)
16-18 October 2006, Jinan, Shandong, China
Workshop Chair
Khalid Saeed (Faculty of Computer Science, Bialystok Technical
University, Poland)
Biometrics and Image Analysis Approaches, of which are:
Preprocessing Methods
Noise Elimination
Feature Extraction
Face Methods of Description and Identification
Iris Methods of Identification
Hand Palm
Hand Geometry
Signal Processing
Speech and Speech Signal Analysis
Methods of Image Classification
Methods of Medical Object Classification and Identification
... and all other Human Description and Identification Approaches
Paper Presentation
Regular Papers, Oral Presentations and Posters.
All accepted papers (presented orally or as a poster) are published in
the ISDA conference proceedings after having them reviewed by at least two referees.
ISDA'06 proceedings and its Workshops will all be published by
IEEE Computer Society.
All IA&B Workshop papers will also have the opportunity to be published
in their extended versions in an International Journal on Image
Processing (IP&C edited by Professor R.S. Choraś).
Instructions to Authors
Please write your paper according to:
IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings Author Guidelines
Full Instructions (Word, PDF, Postscript) can be found on
Paper Submission
Please upload your paper via the conference web site
with an electronic copy to the Workshop chair
at aida(a)ii.pb.bialystok.pl or khalids(a)wp.pl
Important Dates
Paper Submission: May 15, 2006,
Notification of Acceptance: June 15, 2006
Final Paper Submission: June 30, 2006
Mail Addresses of Correspondence
Khalid Saeed: aida(a)ii.pb.bialystok.pl or khalids(a)wp.pl
International Scientific Committee
Ajith Abraham
(Chung-Ang University, Korea)
Marwan Al-Akaidi
(De Montfort University, UK)
Anna Bartkowiak
(Wrocław University, Poland)
Ryszard S. Choraś
(ATR Bydgoszcz Institute of Telecommunications, Poland)
Adam Dąbrowski
(Technical University of Poznań, Poland)
Leonid Kompanets
(Częstochowa Technical University, Poland)
Kurosh Madani
(Paris XII University, France)
Alexander Petrovsky
(Belarusian State University, Belarus)
Waldemar Rakowski
(Bialystok Technical University, Poland)
Władysław Skarbek
(Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
Jarosław Stepaniuk
(Bialystok Technical University, Poland)
Ryszard Tadeusiewicz
(AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Sławomir Wierzchoń
(Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
Toru Yamaguchi
(Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] Cyberworlds 2006 - submission extended
till 24 May
Datum: Wed, 10 May 2006 16:14:48 +0800
Von: Alexei Sourin (Assoc Prof) <assourin(a)ntu.edu.sg>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
2006 International Conference on CYBERWORLDS
November 28-30, 2006, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Organized by EPFL VRlab
In cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM SIGWEB, EUROGRAPHICS, CUSO, and INTUITION EU Network of Excellence
Cyberworlds are information worlds being formed on Internet either intentionally or spontaneously, with or without design. As information worlds, they are either virtual or real, and can be both. In terms of information modelling, the theoretical ground for the Cyberworlds is far above the level of integrating spatial database models and temporal database models. This conference will deal with large distributed information worlds on Internet as well as methods and tools used for creating such worlds.
The conference topics include but are not limited to the following areas.
- Philosophy, Evolution, and Ethics of Cyberworlds
- Cyberworlds and their impact on the real worlds
- Cyberethics and Cyberlaws
- Cybersecurity
- Visual Cyberworlds
- Human animation in Cyberworlds
- Virtual Reality in Cyberworlds
- Computer vision and augmented reality for Cyberworlds
- Intelligent agents in Cyberworlds
- Communication in Cyberworlds
- Distributed virtual environments
- Shared virtual worlds
- Data mining and warehousing in Cyberworlds
- Bioinformatics for Cyberlife and medicine
- Healthcare in Cyberworlds
- Cyberworlds for bioengineering
- Cyberinformation systems
- E-business in Cyberworlds
- Cyberworlds for education
- Collaborative work using Cyberworlds
- Cyberworlds for manufacturing
- Cyber fairs and Cyber museums
- Multi-user web games
CW2006 will provide an opportunity for scientists, engineers, and researchers from around the world to share the latest research, ideas, and developments in these fields. The conference will consist of formal paper sessions and hands-on demonstrations where research groups and vendors will show the state-of-the-art in the field.
Paper Due: 24th May 2006
Notice of Acceptance: 1st July 2006
Camera Ready Due: 28th July 2006
Conference: 28-30 Nov 2006
Full and Short Papers (in English) containing original and unpublished results are solicited. Full papers are limited to maximum 8 pages (single space, two columns) including figures. Short papers are limited to 5 pages. All paper submissions must reach us by 24th May, 2006. Accepted papers will be included in a conference proceedings published by either IEEE Computer Society.
Submission Information: http://vrlab.epfl.ch/cw2006/
For general enquiries please contact
Daniel Thalmann, EPFL VRlab, Station 14, CH 1015, Lausanne, Switzerland
E-mail: Daniel.Thalmann(a)epfl.ch
Fax: 41-21-693-5328
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] Call for Papers: Critical Information
Infrastructures Security (CRITIS'06)
Datum: Mon, 08 May 2006 08:52:13 +0200
Von: Javier Lopez <jlm(a)lcc.uma.es>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
*Apologies for multiple copies*
First International Workshop on
- in conjunction with ISC'06 -
August 30 - September 2, 2006
Samos Island, Greece
CRITIS'06: http://critis06.lcc.uma.es
ISC'06: http://www.icsd.aegean.gr/ISC06
Workshop scope
Key sectors of modern economies depend highly on ICT. The information
flowing through the resulting technological super-infrastructure
as well as the information being processed by the complex computing
systems that underpin it becomes crucial because its disruption,
disturbance or loss can lead to high economical, material and,
sometimes, human loss. As a consequence, the security and dependability
of this infrastructure becomes critical and its protection a major
objective for governments, companies and the research community.
CRITIS has been born as an event that wants to bring together researchers
and professionals from universities, private
companies and Public Administrations
interested or involved in all security-related heterogeneous aspects of
Critical Information Infrastructures. We invite research papers,
work-in-progress reports, R&D projects results, surveying works and
industrial experiences describing significant security advances in the
following (non-exclusive) areas of Critical Information Infrastructures:
- Continuity of Services
- Dependable Infrastructure Communications
- Early Warning Systems
- Embedded Technologies Security
- Incident Response
- Infrastructure Interdependencies
- Information Assurance
- Internet-based remote control
- Forensic Techniques
- National and Cross Border Activities
- Network Survivability
- Trust Models in Critical Scenarios
- Policy Management
- Resilient Software
- Secure Information Sharing
- Security Logistics
- Security Modeling and Simulation
- Security Risks
- Threats Analysis
- Vulnerability Assessment
Instructions for paper submission
All submissions will be subjected to a thorough blind review by at least
three reviewers. Papers should be up to 12 pages in English, including
bibliography and well-marked appendices. Pre-proceedings will appear
at the time of the conference. It is planned that additional
post-proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) series.
At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register with the
Workshop and present the paper.
To submit a paper, please follow the specific instructions on the Workshop
website (http://critis06.lcc.uma.es).
The submitted paper (in PDF or PostScript format), which should follow the
template indicated by Springer
must start with a title, a short abstract, and a list of keywords.
However, it should be anonymous with no author names, affiliations,
acknowledgements, nor obvious references.
Important dates
Submission of papers: June 16th, 2006
Notification to authors: July 7th, 2006
Camera-ready copies: July 24th, 2006
General Co-Chairs
Sokratis Katsikas, University of the Aegean, Greece
Reinhard Posch, Technical Univ. Graz, Austria
Programme Chair
Javier Lopez, University of Malaga, Spain
Organization Chair
Stefanos Gritzalis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Program Committee (more to be added)
Marc Dacier, Institut Eurecom, France
George Davida, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, US
Ed Dawson, QUT, Australia
Yvo Desmedt, University College London, UK
Myriam Dunn, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Claudia Eckert, Fraunhofer-SIT, Germany
Steven Furnell, University of Plymouth, UK
Urs Gattiker, CyTRAP-RiskIT, Switzerland
Adrian Gheorghe, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Eric Goetz, Dartmouth College, US
Juan M. Gonzalez-Nieto, QUT, Australia
John Griffin, IBM T.J. Watson, US
Stefanos Gritzalis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Dieter Gollmann, TU Hamburg, Germany
Bernhard M. Hammerli, HTA Lucerne, Switzerland
Tom Karygiannis, NIST, US
Hakan Kvarnstrom, TeliaSonera, Sweden
Diego Lopez, RedIRIS, Spain
Eric Luiijf, TNO, Netherlands
Masahiro Mambo, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
Fabio Martinelli, CNR, Italy
Simin Nadjm-Tehrani, Linkoping University, Sweden
Eiji Okamoto, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
Kai Rannenberg, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Rodrigo Roman, University of Malaga, Spain
Roberto Setola, Univ. Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Italy
Sujeet Shenoi, University of Tulsa, US
Stephen D. Wolthusen, Royal Holloway, UK
Moti Yung, Columbia University, US
Yuliang Zheng, University of North Carolina, US
Jianying Zhou, I2R, Singapore
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] NWeSP'06 - Call for Papers
Datum: Sun, 7 May 2006 19:03:01 +0900
Von: NGWSP Conference <ngwsp05(a)gmail.com>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
** Call for Papers **
International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices (NWeSP'06)
September 25-28, 2006
Seoul, Korea
Proceedings published by IEEE CS press
NWeSP'05 Proceedings:
Call for Papers
International Conference on Next generation Web Services Practices
(NWeSP'06) is a forum which brings together researchers and
practitioners specializing on different aspects of Web based
information systems. The inaugural conference will bring together the
world's most respected authorities on semantic web, Web based
services, Web applications, Web enhanced business information systems,
e-education specialists, Information security, and other Web related
technologies. The aim of NWeSP'06 is to serve as a forum to present
current and future work as well as to exchange research ideas in this
field. NWeSP'06 invites authors to submit their original and
unpublished work that demonstrate current research in all areas of Web
based information systems and their applications in science,
technology, business and commerce. You will find NWeSP'06 as the best
forum to share your knowledge with other peers in the Web services
NWeSP'06 will focus on the following themes:
Web Services Architecture, Modeling and Design
Semantic Web, Ontologies (creation , merging, linking and reconciliation)
Database Technologies for Web Services
Web Services Security
Quality of Service, Scalability and Performance
User Interfaces, Visualization and modeling
Customization, Reusability, Enhancements
Web Services Standards
Web Services Applications
Web Based e-Commerce, e-learning applications
Home Network
Grid Based Web Services
Web Services Intellectual Property
We invite you to submit a:
- full paper of 6 pages (Letter or A4 paper) for oral presentation
- proposal to organize a technical session and/or workshop (see the
call for events proposals for more information).
Submitted papers have to be original, containing new and original
results. A post conference proceedings of the conference are
anticipated to be published by IEEE CS Press (same like NWeSP'05).
Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to
register and present the paper. All full papers are to be submitted in
PDF electronically via the web site. Hard copies should be sent only
if electronic submission is not possible. All papers will be peer
reviewed by at least three independent referees of the international
program committee of NWeSP'06.
Papers Formatting
The paper must be prepared according to IEEE CS style format. Authors
may find additional information from the following link:
Journal Publication Opportunities
Good quality papers will be invited for publication in the
International Journal of Web Services Practices (IJWSP -->
http://www.nwesp.org/ijwsp). Several other International Journal
special issues are being planned and will be available in the
conference web site very soon.
Important Dates
June 15, 2006: Deadline for full paper submission
July 15, 2006: Notification of acceptance
July 31, 2006: Deadline for camera ready papers and authors' registration
For more information, please contact General Co- Chair, Dr. S.Y. Han
or Program Co-Chair, Dr. A. Abraham <ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org>
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] ICITST'06 CFP
Datum: Sat, 6 May 2006 22:37:44 +0900
Von: jin(a)waseda.jp
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
[Apologies if you receive this CFP more than once]
International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions 2006 (ICITST-2006)
September 11-13, 2006, London, United Kingdom
Sponsored by eCI, UEL and in cooperation with IAP, BCS, IEE, STFX, The IT Advisory Group, KSU
The International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2006) is an international refereed conference dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practical implementation of secured Internet transactions and to fostering discussions on information technology evolution. ICITST aims to provide a highly professional and comparative academic research forum that promotes collaborative excellence between academia and industry.
The objectives of ICITST-2006 are to bridge the knowledge gap between academia and industry, promote research esteem in secured Internet transactions and the importance of information technology evolution to secured transactions. ICITST-2006 invites and welcomes research papers that encompass conceptual analysis, design implementation and performance evaluation.
Topics of Interest
The coverage of ICITST-2006 includes, but is not limited to, the following subjects:
Application of agents
Application security
Blended Internet security methods
Boundary issues of Internet security
Broadband access technologies
Challenges of content authoring
Data mining security
Globalisation of information society
Government, and corporate Internet security policy
Internet architecture
IPSec quality of services
Regulation, self-regulation, and co-regulation
Web services
Secured database systems
Synchronising e-security
Technology-enabled information
Trust, privacy, and data security
Wireless transactions
All papers accepted for the conference, including special sessions papers, will be published in the proceedings. The Proceedings of the International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2006) will be published by the e-Centre for Infonomics in a book (CD) with ISBN 0-9546628-2-2.
Best Paper Award
Author(s) of best paper will receive one of ICITST-2006 awards and certificate of achievement and contribution to research within the subject area of the paper.
Important Dates
Paper submissions
1 June 2006 - paper submission
1 July - notification of acceptance
15 July 2006 - final paper submission
Poster submissions
10 June 2006 - poster submission
1 July 2006 - notification of acceptance
15 July 2006 - final poster submission
Conference Venue
University of East London (UeL), Docklands, London, United Kingdom
The ICITST-2006 conference location is 3 to 5 minutes drive from London City Airport. It will take 15 to 20 minutes by Train to central London. On arrival at the hotel or conference venue each participant will be giving detail map of important places to visit in London.
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