-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] 2nd CFP - The First International
Workshop on RFID Technology - Concepts, Applications, Challenges
Datum: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 09:23:07 +0400
Von: Zakaria Maamar <Zakaria.Maamar(a)zu.ac.ae>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for Papers - IWRT'07
The First International Workshop on
RFID Technology - Concepts, Applications, Challenges
12 June 2007, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
In conjunction with the 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'07)
Workshop Background and Goals
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a wireless communication technology that uses radio-frequency waves
to transfer information between tagged objects and readers without line of sight. This creates tremendous opportunities
for linking various objects from real world. These objects are numbered, identified, catalogued, and tracked.
In recent years, RFID has gained a significant momentum and is emerging as an important technology for revolutionizing
a wide range of applications including supply chain management, retail, aircraft maintenance, anti-counterfeiting,
baggage handling, healthcare, just to cite some.
While RFID provides promising benefits such as inventory visibility and business process automation, some significant challenges
need to be overcome before these benefits can be realized. One important issue is how to process and manage RFID data,
which is typically in large volume, noisy and unreliable, time-dependent, dynamically changing, and of varying ownership.
Another issue is how to seamlessly integrate low-level RFID data into (existing) enterprise information infrastructures
(e.g., upper-level business processes). Finally, given the ability of inexpensively tagging and thus monitoring a large number of
items and/or people, RFID raises some serious security and privacy concerns. Indeed, RFID privacy and security are stimulating
research areas that involve rich interplay among many disciplines, like signal processing, hardware design, supply-chain logistics,
privacy rights, and cryptography.
The workshop's objective is to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners, and users to exchange new ideas, developments,
and experience on issues related to this emerging field.
Topics of Interest
We welcome papers that focus on novel RFID technologies and applications. Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
* Data management issues in RFID applications
* Innovative RFID-enabled applications
* Security/privacy and RFID
* RFID and sensor networks
* Web services and RFID
* RFID and semantic Web
* RFID standards
* RFID case studies
* RFID middleware
* Next generation RFID technologies
* Commercial experience with RFID
* RFID network management
* COTS and Open Source RFID infrastructure
* Integration of RFID with other applications
* Performance evaluation
* Business process redesign and RFID
Submission of Papers
All papers must be written in English. There will be two types of papers: long (approx. 5000 words) and short (approx. 2000 words). Papers should be prepared in postscript, PDF, or Word and should be submitted through ICEIS web-based paper submission system.
Format of the Workshop
The workshop will consist of oral presentations. The proceedings of the workshop will be published in the form of a book by INSTICC Press and indexed in DBLP.
Journal Publication
Best papers of the workshop will be considered for publication in a Special issue of International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT).
Important Dates
Paper Submission: February 19th, 2007
Author Notification: March 23rd, 2007
Final Camera-Ready and Registration: April 9th, 2007
Workshop Co-Chairs
Dr. Michael Sheng (Primary Contact)
School of Computer Science
The University of Adelaide
Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
Prof. Zakaria Maamar
College of Information Systems
Zayed University
Po Box 19282, Dubai,U.A.E
Dr. Mark Cameron
Information Engineering Lab
Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
Workshop Program Committee
Rebecca Angeles (University of New Brunswick, Canada)
Zaheer Asif (Temple University, USA)
Paul Brebner (CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia)
Christian Floerkemeier (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Hector Gonzalez (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Rajit Gadh (UCLA, USA)
Sozo Inoue (Kyushu University, Japan)
Shawn R. Jeffery (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Roger Jiao (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Mohamed Latrach (ESEO, France)
Xue Li (University of Queensland, Australia)
Weifa Liang (The Australian National University, Australia)
Zongwei Luo (University of Hong Kong, China)
Paris Kitsos (Hellenic Open University, Greece)
John Mo (CSIRO CMIT, Australia)
Melanie Rieback (VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Ramesh Raskar (Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, USA)
Jukka Riekki (University of Oulu, Finland)
Quan Z. Sheng (CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia)
Agnes Voisard (Fraunhofer ISST and FU Berlin, Germany)
Fusheng Wang (Siemens Corporate Research, USA)
Eiko Yoneki (University of Cambridge, UK)
Workshop Venue
The workshop will be held in conjunction of the 9th International Conference on Enterprise
Information Systems (ICEIS 2007) in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
Registration Information
At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the workshop. The registration
information can be found from http://www.iceis.org
ICEIS 2007 Secretariat - The First International Workshop on RFID Technology (IWRT 2007)
E-mail: workshops(a)iceis.org
Web site: http://www.iceis.org
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CfP: Multimedia Semantics - The Role
of Metadata
Datum: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 11:54:18 +0100
Von: Harald Kosch <Harald.Kosch(a)uni-passau.de>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for Papers: Workshop Multimedia Semantics - The Role of Metadata
6th Workshop of the Multimedia Metadata Community
Aachen, Germany, March 5-6, 2007.
The web 2.0 will be a multimedia web. In order to make multimedia
services ubiquitous, accessible and interoperable we need new mechanisms to
describe and process the semantics of multimedia artefacts on the web.
Metadata, mostly linguistic data about multimedia artefacts, will play an
important role in these mechanisms.
The overall objective of the workshop is to investigate the current
practice of multimedia metadata for contextualized ubiquitous, accessible
and interoperable services on a higher semantic level, e.g. in
collaborative working environments. We concentrate on the development of
services and test beds for MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 based services, but also
contributions related to other multimedia metadata description standards
are welcome. The majority of multimedia metadata description standards in
use is based on XML. This has important consequences on the development of
services and test beds on the database, the infrastructure and the
interface level. We are encouraging especially contributions from
interested research groups from the database, the web service and
the web 2.0 area.
This is the 6th Workshop of the Multimedia Metadata Community
(http://www.multimedia-metadata.info). We want to extend this very active
and successful community with new members.
Important Dates:
* January, 7, 2007 Paper submission
* January, 29, 2007 Notification of Authors
* February, 14, 2007 Final papers
Topics of the workshop are listed here but not limited to
* Multimedia Semantics
* Metadata Crosswalks
* Metadata Interoperability
* Multimedia Metadata
* Attention Metadata
* XML Databases for Metadata Management
* Metadata based Web Services
* Model Management
* Emergent Semantics
* Multimedia Authoring
* Multimedia Databases
* Multimedia Retrieval
* Personalizing Multimedia Content
* Cross-media Clustering
* Mobile Multimedia
* Multimedia Programming
* Web 2.0
Submission & Contact
Submissions can be in German or English. All submissions will be reviewed
for relevance, originality, significance, soundness and clarity by three
reviewers. The page limit is 20 pages for full papers, 10 pages for short
papers. The submissions should follow the LNI format specification (see
The proceedings will be published within the Proceedings Band "Aachener
Informatik Berichte". Selected workshop papers will be invited for a
special issue of the Journal of Universal Knowledge Management (JUKM,
To submit a paper please use the Chairhelper:
online submission system for the Workshop. Further questions regarding the
workshop and the submission should be directed to:
Workshop Chairs
* Ralf Klamma, RWTH Aachen University
* Harald Kosch, University of Passau
* Michael Granitzer, Know-Center, Graz
Program Committee (preliminary)
* Werner Bailer, Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria
* Susanne Boll, University of Oldenburg, Germany
* Lionel Brunie, INSA de Lyon, France
* Vincent Charvillat, ENSEEIHT, France
* Richard Chbeir, LE2I Laboratory (UMR - CNRS) - Bourgogne
* Mario Doeller, Passau University, Germany
* Jost Enderle, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
* Victor Manuel Garcia-Barrios, University of Technology Graz, Austria
* Christian Gtl, University of Technology Graz, Austria
* Werner Klieber, Know-Center Graz, Austria
* Klaus Lepold, Klagenfurt University, Austria
* Mathias Lux, Klagenfurt University, Austria
* Sven Meyer zu Eissen, University of Weimar, Weimar, Germany
* Vincent Oria, NJIT, USA
* Peter Schallauer, Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria
* Vedran Sabol, Know-Center Graz, Austria
* Marc Spaniol, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany
* Benno Stein, University of Weimar, Weimar, Germany
* Georg Thallinger, Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria
* Christian Timmerer, Klagenfurt University, Austria
* Ingo Wolf, T-Systems, Germany
* Martin Wolpers, KU Leuven, Belgium
To unsubscribe, e-mail: computational.science-unsubscribe(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] MMM-ACNS-07 - First Announcement and
Call for Papers
Datum: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 20:44:13 +0300
Von: mmmacns(a)comsec.spb.ru
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.
The First Announcement and Call for Papers
International Conference "Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures
for Computer Networks Security" (MMM-ACNS-07)
September 16-18, 2007, St. Petersburg, Russia
1. Office of Naval Research Global, USA
2. European Office of Aerospace Research and Development USAF, USA
3. Russian Foundation for Basic Research
* St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS)
* St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
* Binghamton University (State University of New York)
Title and scope:
The First, Second and Third International Workshops "Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Networks Security" (MMM-ACNS-2001 (http://space.iias.spb.su/mmm2001/main.jsp), MMM-ACNS-2003
(http://space.iias.spb.su/mmm-acns03/index.jsp) and MMM-ACNS-2005
organized in 2001, 2003 and 2005 respectively by St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation,
Binghamton University (SUNY) and supported by the European Office of Aerospace Research and Development USAF,
Office of Naval Research Global, and Russian Foundation for Basic Research were very successful.
These workshops demonstrated the high interest of the international scientific community to the theoretical aspects of the computer network and information security and the need for conducting of such workshops as on-going series.
The proposed MMM-ACNS-2007 Conference is intended as a next step in this series and will be focused on theoretical problems in the area under consideration.
Its objectives are to bring together leading researchers from academia and governmental organizations as well as practitioners in the area of computer networks and information security, facilitating personal interactions and discussions on various aspects of information technologies in conjunction with computer network
and information security problems arising in large-scale computer networks engaged in information storing, transmitting, and processing.
Topics of interest:
Papers offering novel research contributions to the theoretical aspects of the computer network and information
security are solicited for submission.
Papers may present theory, technique, and applications on topics including but not restricted to:
* Adaptive security
* Authentication, Authorization and Access Control
* Computer and network forensics
* Covert channels
* Data and application security
* Data mining, machine learning, and bio-inspired approaches for security
* Deception systems and honeypots
* Denial-of-service attacks and countermeasures
* Digital Rights Management
* eCommerce, eBusiness and eGovernment Security
* Firewall Technologies
* Formal analysis of security properties
* Information warfare
* Internet and web security
* Intrusion detection and prevention
* Language-based security
* Network survivability
* New ideas and paradigms for security
* Operating system security
* Risk analysis and risk management
* Security and Privacy in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing
* Security for Grid Computing
* Security of emerging technologies (sensor, wireless/mobile, peer-to-peer and overlay networks)
* Security of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems
* Security modeling and simulation
* Security policies
* Security protocols
* Security verification
* Software protection
* Trust management
* Viruses, worms, and other malicious code
* Vulnerability assessment
Submitting a paper
The conference welcomes original papers from academic, government, and industry contributors on mathematical
approaches and models, state-of-the-art techniques, and novel applications in the above proposed areas. All
submissions will be subjected to a thorough review by at least three reviewers.
Draft versions of original full papers up to 12 A4 pages in English using at least 11-point fonts with
reasonable margins, including abstract (up to 300 words) and keywords (5 to 8), should be submitted
by March 15, 2007 or sooner through the upload facilities at the Conference web site
http://www.comsec.spb.ru/mmm-acns07/ .
Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered.
Authors must also indicate the conference track to which the paper is submitted.
The Program Committee will make the final selection based on peer reviewers' evaluation.
The primary focus is on high-quality original unpublished research, case studies and implementation experiences.
Notification of acceptance/rejection will be disseminated by May 1, 2007.
Camera-ready versions of accepted papers (see below) are due June 1, 2007.
Program Committee plans to publish the Conference Proceeding in Springer series "Lecture Notes in Computer
Science" (LNCS).
Instructions for authors will be provided at the MMM-ACNS-2007 web site
Camera ready paper submission can be uploaded through the Conference web site at
Conference Languages
The working language is English.
Dates of meeting:
Inclusive dates of meeting: September 15-19, 2007
(arrival and registration - on September 15, technical program - on September 16-18, departure - on September 19)
Important dates
For submission:
Paper drafts: March 15, 2007
Acceptance/rejection notification: April 25, 2007
Camera ready papers: May 25, 2007
For registration:
Early registration deadline: August 10, 2007
On site registration: September 15-18, 2007
Hotel reservation request: August 10, 2007
Notice: The dates of the Conference can be slightly changed if a conflict with other security oriented scientific
event is revealed.
All materials concerning MMM-ACNS-2007 preparation, program, and other arrangements will be posted on a
regularly updated web site http://www.comsec.spb.ru/mmm-acns07/.
Conference Co-Chairmen
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Prof. R.M. Yusupov, Director of the St. Petersburg
Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS)
Phone: 7-(812) 328-33-11 Fax: 7-(812) 328-44-50
E-mail: spiiran(a)mail.iias.spb.su
Dr. Robert L. Herklotz, Program Manager: Software and Systems
US Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Phone: +1-(703) 696-6565, Fax: +1-(703) 696-8450
E-mail: robert.herklotz(a)afosr.af.mil
Local contact person
Irina Podnozova
Phone 7-(812)-328-44-46 Fax: +7(812)-328-06-85
E-mail ipp(a)mail.iias.spb.su
Local Organizing Committee
R.M. Yusupov, Director of the St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation (SPIIRAS)
Organizing Committee members:
A.Tkatch (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg, Vice Chairman)
D.Bakuradze (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg)
V.Bogdanov (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg)
O.Chervatuk (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg)
V.Desnitsky (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg)
O.Karsaev (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg)
V.Konushy (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg)
E.Mankov (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg)
I.Podnozova (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg)
V.Samoilov (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg)
E.Sidelnikova (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg)
A.Tishkov (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg)
A.Ulanov (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg)
V.Vorontsov (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg)
Program Committee
Vladimir Gorodetsky (Russia)
Igor Kotenko (Russia)
Victor Skormin (USA)
Program Committee members:
Julien Bourgeois (France)
David Chadwick (UK)
Shiu-Kai Chin (USA)
Howard Chivers (UK)
Christian Collberg (USA)
Dipankar Dasgupta (USA)
Naranker Dulay (UK)
Dieter Gollmann (Germany)
Dimitris Gritzalis (Greece)
Stefanos Gritzalis (Greece)
Alexander Grusho (Russia)
Ming-Yuh Huang (USA)
Sushil Jajodia (USA)
Angelos Keromytis (USA)
Victor Korneev (Russia)
Klaus-Peter Kossakowski (Germany)
Christopher Kruegel (Austria)
Antonio Lioy (Italy)
Javier Lopez (Spain)
Fabio Martinelli (Italy)
Catherine Meadows (USA)
Nasir Memon (USA)
Ann Miller (USA)
Nickolay Moldovian (Russia)
Wojciech Molisz (Poland)
David Nicol (USA)
Yoram Ofek (Italy)
Monika Oit (Estonia)
Udo Prayer (Austria)
Bart Preneel (Belgium)
Roland Rieke (Germany)
Andrei Sabelfeld (Sweden)
Ravi Sandhu (USA)
Antonio Gomez Skarmeta (Spain)
Anatol Slisenko (France)
Igor Sokolov (Russia)
Michael Smirnov (Germany)
Duglas Summerville (USA)
Shambhu Upadhyaya (USA)
Alfonso Valdes (USA)
Vijay Varadharajaran (Australia)
Valery Vasenin (Russia)
Paulo Verissimo (Portugal)
Diego Zamboni (Switzerland)
Peter Zegzhda (Russia)
Location of the Meeting, Accommodation, Cultural Program
According to the preliminary agreement, the MMM-ACNS-07 Conference will take place in the historical building
"Palace of Grand Prince Vladimir Romanov," now "House of Scientists," located in the heart of St. Petersburg,
address: 26, Dvortsovaya emb., St. Petersburg, 191186, Russia. This venue allows the conference organizers to
arrange for the Conference itself, as well as for the associated events (informal discussions, reception, breaks,
All participants are expected to arrive to St. Petersburg directly. Conference organizers intend to arrange for
transportation upon arrival and departure and to/from Conference venue/other hotel upon a separate request of
The following assistance in housing could be provided by local organizers. We intend to engage a Destination
Management Company "Monomax" to assist participants in housing and cultural programs
(http://monomax.ru/langeng). It is possible to make reservations at reasonable prices in hotels
in the St. Petersburg downtown area from $120 per night (single room), and from $130 per night (double room).
Also, reservations in better and more expensive hotels at $150 - $600 per night are available
(hotels like Astoria, Europe, Radisson SAS, etc.).
For students, the hostel from about $50 may be organized on special request.
Visa Issues
To come to Russia, all foreign participants will need an entering visa. As a host institution SPIIRAS will
handle this issue through a formal invitation letter to every participant.
To issue such a letter, we shall need the following details to include in the above letter for every individual:
first name, middle name, surname, date of birth, citizenship, passport No., expiration date
(as appear in a valid passport) and the city where the visa is applied in.
In addition, each individual has to fax copy of the first page of his/her passport at +7(812)328-06-85
containing personal data and dates of the passport number and expiry date.
Note that about one month is required only to arrange formal invitation in St. Petersburg. Time for invitation
mailing to the addressee and for getting visa at local consulate has to be added to calculate the deadline to be
met for receiving request for invitation letter by organizers.
Contact us
Program Committee Co-Chairman
Prof. Igor Kotenko (MMM-ACNS-2007 PC Co-chairman)
Head of Computer Security Research Group
St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
39, 14th Liniya, St. Petersburg, 199178, Russia
Telephone: +7-(812)-328-2642
Fax: +7-(812)-328-4450
E-mail: mmmacns(a)comsec.spb.ru
Local contact person
Irina Podnozova
Phone: 7-(812)-328-4446 Fax: +7(812)-328-06-85
E-mail: ipp(a)mail.iias.spb.su
To unsubscribe, e-mail: computational.science-unsubscribe(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Call for papers
Datum: Sat, 2 Dec 2006 08:02:24 -0500
Von: Samuel Pyne <spyne(a)cis.famu.edu>
An: <spyne(a)cis.famu.edu>
*Apologies for cross posting. Please forward to interested
www.PromoteResearch.org <http://www.promoteresearch.org/>
The 2007 International Multi-Conference in Computer Science,
Engineering, and Information Science will be held during 9-12 of July
2007 in Orlando, FL, USA. The multi-conference consists of four major
events namely
**International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern
Recognition (AIPR-07)**
**International Conference on ****Enterprise**** Information Systems and
Web Technologies (EISWT-07)***
***International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking
and Communication Systems (HPCNCS-07)***
***International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and Practice
All these events will be held simultaneously at the same place. Click on
www.PromoteResearch.org <http://www.promoteresearch.org/> for more
Samuel B. Pyne
Publicity committee co-chair
Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Florida A&M University
Tallahassee, FL 32307, USA
Email: spyne(a)cis.famu.edu <mailto:spyne@cis.famu.edu>
PS: please send an email to the above address in case you are not
interested on further emails on this event.