-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] ICAC'07 CFP
Datum: Thu, 28 Dec 2006 00:03:48 +0100
Von: Beniamino Di Martino <beniamino.dimartino(a)unina.it>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
The 4th IEEE/ACM International Conference on
Autonomic Computing (ICAC-07)
Call for Papers
11 - 15 June, 2007, Jacksonville, Florida, USA
WWW: http://www.autonomic-conference.org
E-mail: icac(a)caip.rutgers.edu
Sponsored by:
IEEE Computer Society
Cooperation with:
AAAI (approval pending)
Title/Abstract submissions:
10:00 PM PST, Jan 5, 2007
Full paper submissions:
10:00 PM PST, Jan 10, 200
To deal with the increasing complexity of large-scale computing systems,
computers and applications must learn to manage themselves, in accordance
with high-level guidance from humans -- a vision that has been referred
to as ``autonomic computing". Meeting the grand challenges of autonomic
computing requires scientific and technological advances in a wide variety
of fields, as well as new software and system architectures that support
the effective integration of the constituent technologies.
The purpose of the 4th International Conference on Autonomic Computing is
to bring together researchers and practitioners addressing aspects of
self-management in computing systems, thereby developing and nurturing a
community that can work together to realize the vision of large-scale
self-managing systems. Papers are solicited on a broad array of topics of
relevance to autonomic computing; particularly those that bear on
connections and relationships among different areas of research or report
on prototype systems or experiences. Topics of interest include, but are
not limited to:
o Autonomic computing systems or prototype systems that exhibit
self-monitoring, self-configuration, self-optimization, self-healing,
and/or self-protection.
o Specific self-managing components, such as server, storage, network,
data center or specific application elements. Emphasis should be placed
on techniques or lessons that may generalize to other components.
o Management topics, such as specification and modeling of business
level policies and their mapping to runtime management, including
service-level agreements, negotiation or conversation support, and
behavior enforcement, design processes, tie in with IT governance, and
interaction with legacy systems.
o Fundamental science of self-managing systems: understanding, controlling,
or exploiting emergent behavior, fault-tolerance, machine learning,
control theory, predictive methods and their use to automate manual
operations and enforce behavior.
o Software architectures for self-managing systems, based on interoperable
Grid Services, agent-based systems, Web Services, model-based systems or
novel paradigms such as biological, economic or social.
o System-level technologies, middleware or services that entail interactions
among two or more components of self-managing systems (e.g., health
monitoring and performance understanding, dependency analysis, problem
localization or remediation, workload management, and provisioning).
o Operating system support for autonomic systems, including virtualization,
migration, and distributed systems technologies.
o Interfaces to autonomic systems, including user interfaces, interfaces for
monitoring and controlling behavior, techniques for defining, distributing,
and understanding policies.
o Toolkits, environments, models, languages, runtime and compiler
technologies for building self-managing components, systems or applications.
o Experiences with autonomic system or component prototypes: measurements,
evaluations, or analyses of system behavior, user studies, or experiences
with large-scale deployments of self-managing systems or applications.
Full papers (a maximum of 10 pages in length) and posters (2 pages) are
invited on a wide variety of topics relating to autonomic computing as
indicated above. All manuscripts will be reviewed and judged on merits
including correctness, originality, technical strength, quality of
presentation, and relevance to the conference themes. Submitted papers
must include original work, and may not be under consideration for another
conference or journal. They should also not be under review or be submitted
to another forum during the ICAC-07 review process. Posters are not
subject to any of these restrictions.
Authors should submit full papers or posters electronically (PDF or
postscript) via the ICAC-07 conference web site at
and should follow IEEE CS format - style files can be found at
Accepted papers and posters will appear in proceedings published by
IEEE Computer Society Press, which will be distributed at the conference.
ICAC 2007 will feature a demo and exhibit session consisting of prototypes
and technology artifacts such as demonstrating autonomic software or autonomic
computing principles. A separate call for demonstrations and exhibits will
be issued. Entries will be judged by a separate subcommittee led by the
demo/exhibit chair. Please see the conference web site for more information.
ICAC 2007 will feature workshops and tutorials on topics related to
autonomic computing. The objectives of the workshops are to complement the
main program and to extend the scope of the conference. Proposals for
half-day and full day workshops and tutorials are solicited. Entries will be
judged by a separate subcommittee, headed by the workshop and tutorial
chairs respectively.
A student best paper award will be presented. It will consist of a plaque,
complimentary student registration to the conference and an honorarium
that will partially cover travel & hotel costs. A student paper is defined
as one in which the principal (not sole) author is a student. The student
will be required to present the paper to receive the award.
ICAC 2007 will be held in Jacksonville, Florida, USA, at the Hyatt
Regency Jacksonville Riverfront Hotel, 225 East Coastline Drive,
Jacksonville, FL 32202.
Title/Abstract submissions: 10:00 PM PST, Jan 5, 2007
Workshop proposals submissions: December 11, 2006
Demo/Exhibit/Tutorial Proposal submissions: March 3, 2007
Full paper submissions: 10:00 PM PST, Jan 10, 2007
Author notification: February 27, 2007
Final manuscripts due: April 03, 2007
Mazin Yousif, Intel Corporation, USA
Omer F. Rana, Cardiff University, UK
Salim Hariri, Univ. of Arizona, USA (Chair)
Jeffrey Kephart, IBM Corporation, USA
Karsten Schwan, Georgia Tech, USA
Manish Parashar, Rutgers Univ., USA
Mazin Yousif, Intel Corporation, USA
Omer F. Rana, Cardiff University, UK
David Kaminsky, IBM, USA
John Strassner, Motorola, USA
José Fortes, Univ. of Florida, USA
Kumar Goswami, HP Labs, USA
Tarek Abdelzaher, U. of Illinois U-C, USA
Karl Aberer, ETH, Switzerland
Cristiana Amza, Univ. of Toronto, Canada
Ozalp Baboglu, Univ. of Bologna, Italy
Claudio Bartolini, HP Labs, USA
Umesh Bellur, IIT Bombay, India
Ken Birman, Cornell Univ., USA
Ying Chen, IBM Research Beijing, China
Tom Christian, HP Labs, USA
Jose Cunha, Univ. Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Yixin Diao, IBM, USA
Petre Dini, CISCO, USA
Vincent Freeh, N. Carolina St. Univ., USA
Richard Golding, IBM, USA
Moises Goldszmidt, HP Labs, USA
Alexander Keller, IBM, USA
Ravi Iyer, U. of Illinois U-C, USA
Duncan Johnston-Watt, Enigmatec, UK
Gail Kaiser, Columbia Univ., USA
Emre Kiciman, Microsoft Research, USA
Tao Li, Florida International Univ., USA
Julie McCann, Imperial College, UK
Daniel Menasce, George Mason Univ., USA
Priya Narasimhan, Carnegie-Mellon Univ., USA
Akhil Sahai, HP Labs, USA
Jacques Sauve, U. F. Campina Grande, Brasil
Daniel Scheibli, SAP, USA
Richard Schlichting, AT&T, USA
Onn Shehory, IBM Research Haifa, Israel
Sharad Singhal, HP Labs, USA
Rolf Stadler, KTH Royal Inst. Tech., Sweden
Francis Sung, Nanyang Tech. Univ., Singapore
Peter Toft, HP Labs, UK
Jordi Torres, Tech. Univ. Catalonia, Spain
Aad van Moorsel, Newcastle Univ., UK
Johan van de Groenendaal, Intel, USA
Dongyan Xu, Purdue Univ., USA
Xiaoyun Zhu, HP Labs, USA
Naveen Sharma, Xerox Corporation, USA
Simon Dobson, UCD Dublin, IE
Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, UAE
Beniamino di Martino, Sec. Univ. Napoli, Italy
Casey Jeffery, Univ. of Florida
Sven Graupner, HP Labs, USA
Renato Figueiredo, Univ. of Florida
Renato Figueiredo, Univ. of Florida
Kelly Sutton, Univ. of Arizona
Patricia Rago, IBM Corporation, USA
Beniamino Di Martino, PhD
Professore Ordinario / Professor
Seconda Universita' di Napoli
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Facoltà di Studi Politici "Jean Monnet"
Real Casa dell'Annunziata via Roma, 29
81031 Aversa (CE) - ITALY
Phone: +39-0815010282
Fax: +39-0815037042
e-mail: beniamino.dimartino(a)unina.it
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OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: Special Issue on Engineering
Environments for Multiagent Systems
Datum: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 11:17:00 +0100
Von: Andrea Omicini <andrea.omicini(a)unibo.it>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
International Journal on Multiagent and Grid Systems (IOS Press)
Eds. Danny Weyns and Andrea Omicini
Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline : March 15, 2007
Paper notification : April 30, 2007
Camera ready paper : May 31, 2007
Planned publication : September, 2007
The successful series of workshops on Environments for Multiagent
(E4MAS) at the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2004, 2005, and 2006 have put the environment
on the agenda of the multiagent system research community. Research on
environments recognizes the environment as a first-class abstraction in
multiagent systems. On the one hand, the environment is an essential
of any multiagent system, it is the part of the world in with which the
agents interact and in which the effects of the agents will be observed
and evaluated. On the other hand, the environment can also be used
creatively in the design of multiagent systems. Agents can exploit the
environment to share information and coordinate their behavior. A clean
separation of agent and environment concerns helps to manage the huge
complexity of engineering complex real-world applications.
The focus of this special issue is on the engineering of environments
in multiagent systems (MAS). Topics include but are not limited to:
- Responsibilities of environments in MAS
- Modularization of environments
- Software architecture and patterns for environments in MAS
- Agent architecture versus environment architecture
- Design and implementation of environment infrastructure for
perception, interaction, and communication
- Environment support for social structures (organizations, roles...)
- Design and implementation of indirect interaction and stigmergic
approaches (use of marks, digital pheromones, field-based approaches,
overhearing, tag-based interaction, etc.)
- Topology and distribution of environments
- Middleware and environments for MAS
- Aspect-oriented software development for environments in MAS
- Environments for emergence and self-organizing systems
- Environments for MAS and autonomic properties (self-configuration,
self-tuning, self-healing, etc.)
- Engineering of electronic institutions
- Engineering of law governed interaction
- Environment support for service-oriented agent systems
- Environment support for mobile and ad-hoc agent systems
- Environments in MAS simulation
- Experiences with developing MAS applications in which the
environment plays a central role
We welcome the submission of original research papers that are not
under review for a workshop, conference or other journal. We seek
theoretical, experimental, methodological as well as application papers.
Submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three reviewers. Selection
criteria include: relevance, technical correctness, originality of
the contribution and quality of exposition.
The submission should be 15-18 pages in length, including figures and
references. The paper must be formatted according to the MAGS style
Submissions must be sent in PDF format to mags-e4mas(a)cs.kuleuven.be.
Danny Weyns, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Andrea Omicini, Università di Bologna, Italy
Website: http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~distrinet/events/e4mas/2006/mags/
Email: e4mas(a)cs.kuleuven.be
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Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP - ICAC'07
Datum: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 07:43:16 +0400
Von: Zakaria Maamar <Zakaria.Maamar(a)zu.ac.ae>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
The 4th IEEE/ACM International Conference on
Autonomic Computing (ICAC-07)
Call for Papers
11 - 15 June, 2007, Jacksonville, Florida, USA
WWW: http://www.autonomic-conference.org
E-mail: icac(a)caip.rutgers.edu
Sponsored by:
IEEE Computer Society
Cooperation with:
AAAI (approval pending)
Title/Abstract submissions:
10:00 PM PST, Jan 5, 2007
Full paper submissions:
10:00 PM PST, Jan 10, 200
To deal with the increasing complexity of large-scale computing systems,
computers and applications must learn to manage themselves, in accordance
with high-level guidance from humans -- a vision that has been referred
to as ``autonomic computing". Meeting the grand challenges of autonomic
computing requires scientific and technological advances in a wide variety
of fields, as well as new software and system architectures that support
the effective integration of the constituent technologies.
The purpose of the 4th International Conference on Autonomic Computing is
to bring together researchers and practitioners addressing aspects of
self-management in computing systems, thereby developing and nurturing a
community that can work together to realize the vision of large-scale
self-managing systems. Papers are solicited on a broad array of topics of
relevance to autonomic computing; particularly those that bear on
connections and relationships among different areas of research or report
on prototype systems or experiences. Topics of interest include, but are
not limited to:
o Autonomic computing systems or prototype systems that exhibit
self-monitoring, self-configuration, self-optimization, self-healing,
and/or self-protection.
o Specific self-managing components, such as server, storage, network,
data center or specific application elements. Emphasis should be placed
on techniques or lessons that may generalize to other components.
o Management topics, such as specification and modeling of business
level policies and their mapping to runtime management, including
service-level agreements, negotiation or conversation support, and
behavior enforcement, design processes, tie in with IT governance, and
interaction with legacy systems.
o Fundamental science of self-managing systems: understanding, controlling,
or exploiting emergent behavior, fault-tolerance, machine learning,
control theory, predictive methods and their use to automate manual
operations and enforce behavior.
o Software architectures for self-managing systems, based on interoperable
Grid Services, agent-based systems, Web Services, model-based systems or
novel paradigms such as biological, economic or social.
o System-level technologies, middleware or services that entail interactions
among two or more components of self-managing systems (e.g., health
monitoring and performance understanding, dependency analysis, problem
localization or remediation, workload management, and provisioning).
o Operating system support for autonomic systems, including virtualization,
migration, and distributed systems technologies.
o Interfaces to autonomic systems, including user interfaces, interfaces for
monitoring and controlling behavior, techniques for defining, distributing,
and understanding policies.
o Toolkits, environments, models, languages, runtime and compiler
technologies for building self-managing components, systems or applications.
o Experiences with autonomic system or component prototypes: measurements,
evaluations, or analyses of system behavior, user studies, or experiences
with large-scale deployments of self-managing systems or applications.
Full papers (a maximum of 10 pages in length) and posters (2 pages) are
invited on a wide variety of topics relating to autonomic computing as
indicated above. All manuscripts will be reviewed and judged on merits
including correctness, originality, technical strength, quality of
presentation, and relevance to the conference themes. Submitted papers
must include original work, and may not be under consideration for another
conference or journal. They should also not be under review or be submitted
to another forum during the ICAC-07 review process. Posters are not
subject to any of these restrictions.
Authors should submit full papers or posters electronically (PDF or
postscript) via the ICAC-07 conference web site at
and should follow IEEE CS format - style files can be found at
Accepted papers and posters will appear in proceedings published by
IEEE Computer Society Press, which will be distributed at the conference.
ICAC 2007 will feature a demo and exhibit session consisting of prototypes
and technology artifacts such as demonstrating autonomic software or autonomic
computing principles. A separate call for demonstrations and exhibits will
be issued. Entries will be judged by a separate subcommittee led by the
demo/exhibit chair. Please see the conference web site for more information.
ICAC 2007 will feature workshops and tutorials on topics related to
autonomic computing. The objectives of the workshops are to complement the
main program and to extend the scope of the conference. Proposals for
half-day and full day workshops and tutorials are solicited. Entries will be
judged by a separate subcommittee, headed by the workshop and tutorial
chairs respectively.
A student best paper award will be presented. It will consist of a plaque,
complimentary student registration to the conference and an honorarium
that will partially cover travel & hotel costs. A student paper is defined
as one in which the principal (not sole) author is a student. The student
will be required to present the paper to receive the award.
ICAC 2007 will be held in Jacksonville, Florida, USA, at the Hyatt
Regency Jacksonville Riverfront Hotel, 225 East Coastline Drive,
Jacksonville, FL 32202.
Title/Abstract submissions: 10:00 PM PST, Jan 5, 2007
Workshop proposals submissions: December 11, 2006
Demo/Exhibit/Tutorial Proposal submissions: March 3, 2007
Full paper submissions: 10:00 PM PST, Jan 10, 2007
Author notification: February 27, 2007
Final manuscripts due: April 03, 2007
Mazin Yousif, Intel Corporation, USA
Omer F. Rana, Cardiff University, UK
Salim Hariri, Univ. of Arizona, USA (Chair)
Jeffrey Kephart, IBM Corporation, USA
Karsten Schwan, Georgia Tech, USA
Manish Parashar, Rutgers Univ., USA
Mazin Yousif, Intel Corporation, USA
Omer F. Rana, Cardiff University, UK
David Kaminsky, IBM, USA
John Strassner, Motorola, USA
José Fortes, Univ. of Florida, USA
Kumar Goswami, HP Labs, USA
Tarek Abdelzaher, U. of Illinois U-C, USA
Karl Aberer, ETH, Switzerland
Cristiana Amza, Univ. of Toronto, Canada
Ozalp Baboglu, Univ. of Bologna, Italy
Claudio Bartolini, HP Labs, USA
Umesh Bellur, IIT Bombay, India
Ken Birman, Cornell Univ., USA
Ying Chen, IBM Research Beijing, China
Tom Christian, HP Labs, USA
Jose Cunha, Univ. Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Yixin Diao, IBM, USA
Petre Dini, CISCO, USA
Vincent Freeh, N. Carolina St. Univ., USA
Richard Golding, IBM, USA
Moises Goldszmidt, HP Labs, USA
Alexander Keller, IBM, USA
Ravi Iyer, U. of Illinois U-C, USA
Duncan Johnston-Watt, Enigmatec, UK
Gail Kaiser, Columbia Univ., USA
Emre Kiciman, Microsoft Research, USA
Tao Li, Florida International Univ., USA
Julie McCann, Imperial College, UK
Daniel Menasce, George Mason Univ., USA
Priya Narasimhan, Carnegie-Mellon Univ., USA
Akhil Sahai, HP Labs, USA
Jacques Sauve, U. F. Campina Grande, Brasil
Daniel Scheibli, SAP, USA
Richard Schlichting, AT&T, USA
Onn Shehory, IBM Research Haifa, Israel
Sharad Singhal, HP Labs, USA
Rolf Stadler, KTH Royal Inst. Tech., Sweden
Francis Sung, Nanyang Tech. Univ., Singapore
Peter Toft, HP Labs, UK
Jordi Torres, Tech. Univ. Catalonia, Spain
Aad van Moorsel, Newcastle Univ., UK
Johan van de Groenendaal, Intel, USA
Dongyan Xu, Purdue Univ., USA
Xiaoyun Zhu, HP Labs, USA
Naveen Sharma, Xerox Corporation, USA
Simon Dobson, UCD Dublin, IE
Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, UAE
Beniamino di Martino, Sec. Univ. Napoli, Italy
Casey Jeffery, Univ. of Florida
Sven Graupner, HP Labs, USA
Renato Figueiredo, Univ. of Florida
Renato Figueiredo, Univ. of Florida
Kelly Sutton, Univ. of Arizona
Patricia Rago, IBM Corporation, USA
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For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Calculemus 2007: Second Call for Papers
Datum: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 11:31:20 +0100
Von: Manuel Kauers <mkauers(a)risc.uni-linz.ac.at>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
[apologies for multiple postings]
Second Call for Papers
C A L C U L E M U S 2007
June 27--30, 2007
RISC Institute
Castle of Hagenberg, Austria
Calculemus is a series of conferences dedicated to the integration of
computer algebra systems (CAS) and automated deduction systems (ADS)
towards the development of universal mathematical assistant systems
Currently, symbolic computation is divided into several (more or less)
independent branches, traditional ones (e.g. computer algebra and
theorem proving) as well as newly emerging ones (on user interfaces,
knowledge management, theory exploration, etc.). The main concern of
the Calculemus community is to bring these developments together in
order to facilitate the theory, design, and implementation of
integrated MAS that will routinely be used by mathematicians, computer
scientists, and engineers in their every-day business.
For the upcoming Calculemus meeting, which will be held jointly with
MKM2007 in Hagenberg, Austria, we seek original research papers in
this context.
The scope of Calculemus covers all aspects of developing mathematical
assistant systems, in particular, the interplay of automated reasoning
and computer algebra. Potential areas of interest are:
o) Automated reasoning in computer algebra
o) Computer algebra in automated reasoning
o) Interdisciplinary systems
o) Infrastructure for mathematical services
o) Theory exploration techniques
o) Theory, design, and implementation of MAS
o) Case studies and applications of MAS
Keynote Speakers
Thomas Hales, University of Pittsburgh
John Harrison, Intel Inc.
Peter Paule, RISC-Linz
Important Dates
February 12, 2007: Submission deadline
March 12, 2007: Notification of acceptance
March 26, 2007: Camera ready copies due
June 27--30, 2007: Calculemus 2007 in Hagenberg, Austria
Please submit your full paper of at most 12 pages prepared with the
standard LNCS class style as pdf or ps file via
on or before February 12, 2007. Detailed formating instructions can be
found on the Calculemus website.
Accepted papers will be published in the LNAI series of Springer.
Program Committee
Alessandro Armando (University of Genova, Italy)
Christoph Benzmueller (University of Cambridge, UK)
Olga Caprotti (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Jacques Carette (McMaster, Canada)
Timothy Daly (Carnegie Mellon, USA)
William M. Farmer (McMaster, Canada)
Keith O. Geddes (Waterloo, Canada)
Tom Hales (Pittsburgh, USA)
Hoon Hong (North Carolina State University, USA)
Deepak Kapur (New Mexico, USA)
Manuel Kauers (RISC-Linz, Austria; Program Co-Chair)
Laura Kovacs (RISC-Linz, Austria; Local Chair)
Petr Lisonek (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Roy McCasland (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Renauld Rioboo (Universtite Pierre et Marie Curie, France)
Volker Sorge (University of Birmingham, UK)
Klaus Sutner (Carnegie Mellon, USA)
Thomas Sturm (University of Passau, Germany)
Wolfgang Windsteiger (RISC-Linz, Austria; General Chair and Program Co-Chair)
The conference will be accompanied by several satellite workshops,
which are currently under negotiation. Watch out for up-to-date
information on our website.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CfP CoMA Workshop at IEEE WETICE-07
Datum: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 11:19:07 +0100
Von: Manfred Bortenschlager <manfred.bortenschlager(a)salzburgresearch.at>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
International IEEE Workshop on
Interdisciplinary Aspects of Coordination
Applied to Pervasive Environments: Models and Applications (CoMA)
Web: http://mowi.salzburgresearch.at/wetice
At the 16th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies:
Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE)
Web: http://www.wetice.org
June 18-20, 2007
Institut National des Telecommunications INT, Paris, France
Coordination is significantly responsible for the effectiveness,
performance and quality of complex systems and as a concept it is not
restricted to computer-based systems. An explicit handling and a careful
integration of accurate coordination mechanisms enables an enhancement
of the overall system behaviour and contributes to improvements in terms
of flexibility, adaptability, maintenance, and exchangeability. The
concept is cross-sectional and a great impact may be reached in
different application areas if effective methods and models can be
designed, implemented, validated, and deployed. Coordination, moreover,
is an essential prerequisite for collaborative and telecooperative
applications, which are of prime interest to the WETICE series.
The CoMA workshop aims at the interdisciplinary aspects of coordination
in general, and examines their application to ubiquitous and pervasive
environments in particular. The overall goal is to support the users'
collaborative intentions in such environments as effectively,
imperceptibly, and unobtrusively as possible. An incorporation of
appropriate coordination mechanisms shall deliver the improvements
stated above to pervasive systems.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together on the one hand,
scientists who are either conducting research directly on pervasive
computing systems, coordination science, or indirectly in related fields
such as artificial intelligence, collaborative systems, CSCW, systems
research, complexity management, or process management. On the other
hand, this workshop particularly welcomes the contributions of
researchers and/or practitioners who concentrate on concrete
applications where a combination of coordination and pervasive systems
appears to be beneficial, such as emergency management or health care
systems, and can report on that.
The workshop particularly focuses on discussions about coordination and
pervasiveness, the current state of research efforts, and practical
experiences with the clear vision of generating mutual benefits for the
participants. To support this, opportunities for showcases,
demonstrations, and in-depth discussions will be provided. Eventually,
interdisciplinary and joint efforts shall be fostered and future
co-operations on research activities shall be triggered.
All topics related to the interdisciplinary aspects of coordination are
welcome as soon as these are in some way relevant for or applicable to
ubiquitous and pervasive systems. The following incomprehensive listing
gives examples of such potential topics:
* Theoretical coordination models and foundations for pervasive systems
* Coordination middleware (such as space- or event-based approaches)
* Coordination mechanisms in service-oriented architectures
* Distributed and P2P-based coordination
* Coordination in embedded and real-time systems
* Coordination issues in sensor networks
* Coordination dependent on context
* Strategies to cope with heterogeneity, dynamics, mobility and/or
* Distributed constraint satisfaction
* Location-based coordination models
* Coordination in multi-agent systems
* Improved intuitive usage through integrated coordination
* Case studies, evaluations and assessments about the benefits of
* Interdisciplinary aspects of coordination
Coordination and contained topics are multidisciplinary and, hence, can
be viewed as orthogonal to a multitude of pervasive application areas
which shall be explored in this workshop, too. Examples include but are
not limited to:
# Coordinative aspects in collaborative applications like CSCW,
groupware, or games
# Emergency management systems
# Health care systems
# Decision-support systems
# Geo-Collaboration
# Operations research
# Complexity-, constraint-, conflict-, and workflow management
# Special-purpose coordination languages and tools
Full paper submission: February 15, 2007
Authors Notification: April 13, 2007
Camera-ready versions: May 12, 2007
WETICE advanced registration with discount: June 1, 2007
WETICE workshops and on-site registration: June 18-20, 2007
Deadline for final reports by workshop Chairs: July 9, 2007
Papers up to six pages (including figures, tables and references) can be
submitted. Submitted papers have to follow the IEEE Proceedings Format,
which is singlespaced, two columns, 10pt Times Roman font. Papers should
include a title, the name and affiliation of each author, an abstract of
up to 150 words and no more than eight keywords. Please submit papers in
PDF or PS format via the paper submission system on the workshop website
(http://mowi.salzburgresearch.at/wetice) according to the given deadlines.
Submitted papers will be evaluated on the basis of significance,
technical quality, presentation, novelty, and originality and should not
be published or submitted elsewhere. Papers should clearly state the
research contribution and relate it to previous research works. All
submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by a minimum of three program
committee members. Please note that each accepted paper should have at
least one author registered to present the paper at WETICE in order to
get the paper published in the post-conference proceedings (to be
published by the IEEE Computer Society Press).
Manfred Bortenschlager
Mobile and Web-based Information Systems Group
Salzburg Research
Email: manfred.bortenschlager(a)salzburgresearch.at
Web: http://www.salzburgresearch.at
Gabriele Kotsis
Department of Telecooperation
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Email: Gabriele.Kotsis(a)jku.ac.at
Web: http://www.tk.uni-linz.ac.at
Marco Mamei
Agents and Pervasive Computing Group
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Email: mamei.marco(a)unimore.it
Web: http://www.agentgroup.unimo.it
Please have a look at the CoMA website to get an updated list of the
committee members:
Web: http://mowi.salzburgresearch.at/wetice
Email: manfred.bortenschlager(a)salzburgresearch.at
Phone: +43 662 2288 308
Fax: +43 662 2288 222
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: BLSC-07
Datum: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 20:13:15 -0400
Von: Laurence T. Yang <lyang(a)stfx.ca>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for Papers
The 2007 IEEE International Symposium on
Bioinformatics and Life Science Computing
Niagara Falls, Canada
May 21-23, 2007
Sponsored by
IEEE Technical Committee Distributed Processing (TCDP)
Submission deadline: January 15, 2007
Paper acceptance decision: February 1, 2007
Final revised draft due to publisher: February 19, 2007
For more details see http://www.laas.fr/BLSC07/index.html <http://www.laas.fr/BLSC07/index.html>
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OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] IJCIR Special Issue on Particle Swarm
Datum: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 10:11:31 +0100
Von: Patrick SIARRY <siarry(a)univ-paris12.fr>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for papers
Int. Journal of Computational Intelligence Research (IJCIR)
Feature Issue on
Particle Swarm Optimization
Guest editors: Maurice Clerc, James Kennedy and Patrick Siarry
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a stochastic, population-based
optimization algorithm introduced in 1995 by James Kennedy and Russel
Eberhart. Many variants of PSO have been developed since, including
constrained, multiobjective, and discrete or combinatorial versions, and
applications have been developed using PSO in many fields. An international
three-year project, XPS (eXtended Particle Swarms Project
http://xps-swarm.essex.ac.uk/) involving five universities, was launched in
October 2004.
Instead of competition/selection, like say in Evolutionary Computation, PSO
makes use of cooperation, according to a paradigm sometimes called "swarm
intelligence". Such systems are typically made up of a population of simple
interacting agents without any centralized control, and inspired by examples
that can be found in nature (ant colonies, bird flocking, animal herding,
bacteria molding, fish schooling, etc.)
We take the opportunity of the second French-speaking PSO seminar OEP'2007
in April 2007 in Paris (http://www.particleswarm.info/oep_2007) to prepare a
special issue of IJCIR about this method (that issue will include the
extended versions of some communications presented at OEP2007, but all
contributions outside the frame of the seminar are welcome). The goal is to
collect state of-the-art research papers that discuss recent developments in
that area and to highlight some general ideas.
Therefore, authors are invited to submit their original and unpublished
works including, but not limited to, the following:
Modelling and analysis of PSO variations. Works about easy to use
methods adaptive or even parameter-less ones would be particularly
Theoretical optimization studies applicable to PSO
Comparisons with some other methods
Hybrid methods that make use of PSO
Real life applications
Important dates
Deadline for submissions: April 30th, 2007
Date of completion of the reviewing process: June 30th, 2007
Submission process
We encourage authors to send submissions via email in PDF or Postscript
format to Maurice.Clerc(a)WriteMe.com. The length of the camera-ready papers
(if accepted) will be limited to 8 IJCIR style (use link
http://www.padath.net/ to access LaTeX and Word styles) pages.
Alternatively four hard copies could be sent by mail to:
Patrick Siarry
University of Paris 12, LiSSi
61, avenue du Général de Gaulle, 94010 Créteil, FRANCE
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: Int. Symp. Intell. Distr.
Computing - IDC2007
Datum: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 10:14:41 -0200 (BRST)
Von: hslopes(a)cpgei.cefetpr.br
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
************************ IDC'2007 - call for papers ***********************
International Symposium on Intelligent and Distributed Computing - IDC'2007
October 18-20, Craiova, Romania
Call for Papers
Intelligent computing is a quite mature field of information and
communication technology covering a hybrid palette of methods and
techniques derived from classical artificial intelligence,
computational intelligence, multi-agent systems a.o. Intelligent
computing is generally known to be computationally intensive from
the point of view of resources required: time, memory, bandwidth. As
this is usually thought to be a drawback, distributed computing is
expected to give an impetus to its practical applications. Moreover,
intelligent techniques have also proved their usefulness to core
distributed computing technologies like: planning & scheduling, load
balancing, replication, resource allocation and management, etc.
Therefore, the emergent field of intelligent and distributed
computing is expected to pose new challenges of adaptation and
fruitful combination of both areas. The aim of this symposium is to
bring together researchers involved in intelligent and distributed
computing to allow cross-fertilization and synergy of ideas and to
enable advancement of researches in the field.
The symposium welcomes submissions of original papers concerning all
aspects of intelligent and distributed computing ranging from
concepts and theoretical developments to advanced technologies and
innovative applications. Papers acceptance and publication will be
judged based on their relevance to the symposium theme, clarity of
presentation, originality and accuracy of results and proposed
solutions. Topics include, but are not limited to, broadly
- Intelligent service composition and orchestration
- E-service and Web intelligence
- Multi-agent systems
- Information extraction and retrieval in distributed and environments
- Data mining and knowledge discovery in distributed environments
- Semantic and knowledge grids
- Intelligent integration of data and processes
- Distributed problem solving
- Ontologies for describing resources and services
- Autonomic and adaptive computing
- Intelligence in mobile and ubiquitous computing
- Intelligence in cooperative information systems, groupware and
workflows, virtual enterprizes
- Intelligent applications in e-business/e-commerce, e-learning, e-health,
e-science, e-government, .....
- Your Topic
Paper Submission and Publication
All accepted papers will be included in the Symposium (Post-)Proceedings,
which will be published by Springer as part of one of their series Studies
in Computational Intelligence or Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing.
Papers should have at most 10 pages length and must be formatted according
to Springer format. Submissions and reviews will be automatically handled
by a system provided by the organizers.
Extended versions of the best papers accepted and presented at this
symposium may be considered for publication in a Special Issue of an
international journal.
Steering Committee
Costin Badica, University of Craiova, Romania
Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Marcin Paprzycki, Warsaw School of Social Psychology, Poland
Program Committee
Janos Abonyi, University of Veszprem, Hungary
Galia Angelova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Nick Bassiliades, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Giacomo Cabri, Universita' di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Jen-Yao Chung, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Chris Fox, University of Essex, UK
Maria Ganzha, Elblag University of Humanities and Economics, Poland
Adrian Giurca, Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus, Germany
Henry Hexmoor, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA
De-Shuang Huang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Axel Hunger, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Mirjana Ivanovic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Halina Kwasnicka, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Heitor Silverio Lopes, Federal University of Technology - Parana, Brazil
Yannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Urszula Markowska-Kaczmar, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Beniamino Di Martino, Second University of Naples, Italy
Alexandros Nanopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Pavol Navrat, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
Ngoc-Thanh Nguyen, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Elena Paslaru Bontas Simperl, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Jaroslav Pokorny, Charles University, Czech Republic
Shahram Rahimi, Southern Illinois University, USA
Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK
Leszek Rutkowski, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Yucel Saygin Sabanci, University, Turkey
Philippe Trigano, University of Technology of Compiegne, France
Laurentiu Vasiliu, National University of Ireland, Ireland
Peter Vojtas, Charles University, Czech Republic
Gerd Wagner, Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus, Germany
Organizing Committee
Costin Badica University of Craiova, Romania
Dumitru Dan Burdescu University of Craiova, Romania
Dan Popescu University of Craiova, Romania
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] IAS'07 - the First Call for Papers
Datum: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 02:30:23 +0900
Von: Ajith Abraham <ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org>
Antwort an: abraham.ajith(a)gmail.com
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for Papers
The Third International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security (IAS'07)
August 29-31, 2007, Manchester, United Kingdom
Information assurance and security has become an important research
issue in networked and distributed information sharing environments.
Finding effective ways to protect information systems, networks and
sensitive data within the critical information infrastructure is
challenging even with the most advanced technology and trained
professionals. The International Symposium on Information Assurance
and Security aims to bring together researchers, practitioners,
developers, and policy makers involved in multiple disciplines of
information security and assurance to exchange ideas and to learn the
latest development in this important field.
Previously unpublished work offering novel research and application
contributions in any aspect of information assurance, security and
privacy are solicited for submission to the IAS'07 symposium. Topics
of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Agent and Mobile Code Security
- Anonymity and User Privacy
- Authentication and Identity Management
- Authorization and Access Control
- Biometrics Security and Applications
- Computer Forensics
- Cryptographic Protocols
- Data Integrity and Privacy
- Database Security
- Denial of Service and Intrusion Detection
- Distributed System Security
- E-Commerce and E-Government Security
- Fraud Control
- Information Warfare and Cyber-terrorism
- Intellectual Property Protection
- Internet and Web Services Security
- Key Management and Recovery
- New Ideas and Paradigms for Security
- Operating System Security
- Secure Hardware and Smartcards
- Secure Software Technologies
- Security Education and Training
- Security Management and Strategy
- Security Models and Architectures
- Security Verification, Evaluations and Measurements
- Trust Negotiation, Establishment and Management
- Ubiquitous Computing Security
Paper Submission:
Papers should be original and contain contributions of theoretical,
experimental or application nature, or be unique experience reports.
The page limit is 6 pages in IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format with
fonts not smaller than 10 points. Each paper should contain up to 5 keywords.
Electronic submission in the PDF or Word format is required.
Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity,
and soundness. Except for invited papers, all papers will be reviewed
by at least three independent reviewers.
Conference Proceedings:
Accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press.
Selected papers presented in the conference will be considered for
publication in a special issue of an international journal.
Best Paper Awards:
The IAS'07 Program Committee will select one winner for the Best Paper
Award (all regular papers are eligible) and one winner for the Best
Student Paper Award (to be eligible, the student must be the sole
author of the paper, or the first author and primary contributor. A
cover letter to the General Chair/Program Chair must identify the
paper as a candidate for this competition at the time of submission).
The award winners will each be presented with an award certificate and
a direct payment of £200 at the conference, and an invitation to
submit an extended version of the award-winning paper for the
consideration of publication in an international journal, JIAS.
Key Deadlines:
Paper Submission Deadline: March 20, 2007
Author Notification: May 20, 2007
Camera Ready Submission Deadline (6 pages): June 20, 2007
Author Registration Deadline: June 20, 2007.
Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: February 10, 2007.
Workshop Proposal Notification: February 15, 2007.
Panel/Tutorial Proposal Submission Deadline: April 20, 2007.
Proposal Notification: May 20, 2007
Instructions for workshop proposals:
IAS'07 invites workshop, panel and tutorial proposals. A workshop
proposal should include the following items:
(1) Title of the workshop.
(2) Scope and Topics.
(3) The workshop chair (or co-chairs) with a brief biography.
(4) Contact information (email address and phone number).
(5) Expected number of attendees.
Additional notes for the workshops:
- The organisers of a workshop can decide their own paper submission
and notification deadlines.
- Each workshop should have at least ten papers.
- A list of accepted papers (Authors, Titles, Email addresses and
Review Results) must be sent to the IAS'07 Program Chair
(ias07(a)cs.man.ac.uk) by May 20, 2007.
- IAS'07 will provide administrative support for workshop room
booking, registration, and publication. All papers accepted by the
workshops will be published in the IAS'07 proceedings.
- All other workshop related matters, such as collect, review and
accept papers, should be planned and organised by the workshop
organisers, independently of the IAS'07. Workshop organisers should
make sure that the papers be reviewed by at least three reviewers.
Financial support for workshop chairs:
If workshops are constructed successfully (with at least ten papers),
their organisers (one organiser per workshop) will get:
- Free registration,
- Free accommodation (up to 3 nights).
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CDS 2007 - Cooperative Distributed
Systems - CFP
Datum: Sat, 16 Dec 2006 19:19:28 -0400
Von: Elhadi Shakshuki <elhadi.shakshuki(a)acadiau.ca>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
CDS 2007 Call for Papers
First IEEE International Workshop on Cooperative Distributed Systems (CDS)
in conjunction with The 27th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
Toronto, Canada
June 25-29, 2007
Most real world systems and applications are
inherently distributed. Distributed systems
provide extensibility, protection against single
failures, and an adequate architecture to cope
with spatially distributed real-world applications.
These systems are widely used in distributed
databases, telecommunication, groupware,
security, monitoring habitat and education.
The challenge in developing cooperative
distributed systems (CDS) is in modelling and
engineering the interactions between the entities
of the system.
The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum
for academic and industry professionals to
discuss recent progress and challenges in the
area of cooperative distributed systems. We
encourage contributions that describe innovative
work and results on CDS. The topics of
interest include but are not limited to:
o Agent-based architectures for CDSs
o Agent-based Infrastructure for Autonomic Computing
o Cooperative Agents Design Issues
o Cooperation Strategies
o Coordination Models
o Grid Systems Computing
o Intelligent Systems for CDSs
o Learning Agents in CDSs
o Mobile and Pervasive Collaboration Systems
o Peer-to-Peer Systems and Applications
o Security in CDSs
o Wired and Wireless Distributed Systems
o Workload Characterization for CDSs
Submission Instructions:
Only full papers in English will be accepted.
The length of the paper is limited to 6 singlespaced
double column IEEE format pages.
Papers should be submitted by email to the
workshop organizers in PDF format. All papers
will be reviewed by independent reviewers.
Accepted papers will be published by IEEE CS Press as IEEE 27th ICDCS 2007 Workshops Proceedings.
Important Dates:
Paper Submission: 05 January 2007
Author Notification: 15 February 2007
Final Copy Due: 02 April 2007
Workshop Organizers:
Elhadi Shakshuki, Acadia University, Canada
Darcy Benoit, Acadia University, Canada
Tomasz Müldner, Acadia University, Canada
Program Committee:
Abdelhamid Abdesselam, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Ali M. El Kateeb, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA
Andre Trudel, Acadia University, Canada
Christel Kemke, University of Manitoba, Canada
Danny Silver, Acadia University, Canada
David Taniar, Monash University, Australia
Greg Leighton, Calgary University, Canada
Hisham Al-Mubaid, University of Houston-Clear Lake, USA
Iker Gondra, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Ismail Khalil Ibrahim, Johannes Kepler University of Linz,Austria
Jiang (Leo) Li, Howard University, USA
Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan
Jiannong Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Kuo-Ming Chao, Coventry University, UK
Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Leonard Barolli, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan
Makoto Takizawa, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
Mieso Denko, University of Guelph, Canada
Ming Yu, Florida State University, USA
Mohammad Eyadat, California State University, USA
Mounir Boukadoum, University of Quebec, Canada
Muhammed Younas, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Pawel Gburzynski, University of Alberta, Canada
Qusay H. Mahmoud, University of Guelph, Canada
Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Tarek Sheltami, King Fahd University, Saudi Arabia
Wlodek Zuberek, Memorial University, St. John's NF, Canada
Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, UAE
Elhadi Shakshuki, Acadia University, Canada
Darcy Benoit, Acadia University, Canada
Tomasz Müldner, Acadia University, Canada
Yours sincerely,
Elhadi Shakshuki, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Graduate Program Coordinator
Jodrey School of Computer Science
Acadia University
Wolfville, NS
Canada B4P 2R6
Tel: (902) 585-1524
Fax: (902) 585-1067
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