-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP of WAMIS2006
Datum: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 12:50:52 +0100
Von: Kuo-Ming Chao <csx240(a)coventry.ac.uk>
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
____________________________Call for Papers________________________________
The 2nd International Workshop on Web and Mobile Information Systems (WAMIS'06)
in conjunction with the IEEE 20th International Conference on
Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2006)
April 18 - April, 2006, Vienna, Austria
Recent technological advances in the Web, Internet and mobile devices offer exciting ways to distributed and large scale complex information systems in various domains such as e-business, healthcare, entertainment, and scientific activities. To effectively process such information, researchers from different disciplines have been exploring new ideas and developing new approaches. In database research community, researchers have developed a wealth of techniques including, efficient query processing, transaction management, indexing algorithms, efficient data distribution. Similarly, agent research community have developed many techniques and tools to construct large scale complex, self organising and autonomous systems with capabilities of effective problem solving, communication, knowledge representation, negotiating on complex issues and coordinating complex activities. In addition to that, network research community has developed numerous models and protocols to efficientl!
y and reliably communicate data between different distributed systems in large scale and complex networks which are used by large population of users across the globe.
Much work in the above disciplines has traditionally been operating on different levels, distinct research issues, and several technology directions. Our theme of WAMIS 2006 is to unify the picture of these disciplines such that they can support each other. We are currently witnessing that the boundaries between these disciplines are disappearing. For example, multi-agents have been used at the network as well as database levels. Likewise, database techniques are applied to multi-agents and to the network data management.
This workshop aims to bring together researchers from the above disciplines in an effort to highlight the state-of-the-art and discuss the challenges and opportunities to explore new research directions and develop new ideas. We strongly welcome submissions that include results which advance the state of the art relating to the theme of the workshop, either through theoretical analysis or experimental analysis, in order to bridge the gaps and strengthen the connection between these areas. The main themes, to be addressed include, but not limited to:
- Agent and multi-agent systems and their applications
- Architectures for Web and mobile information systems
- Data models and query languages
- Human-Web agent interactions
- Information searching techniques
- Network performance and reliability
- P2P data and knowledge sharing
- Semantic web and grid services
- Transaction and workflow models
- Web services architectures and protocols
Papers will be published by IEEE CS Press. Authors of high quality papers presented at the workshop will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication in a special issue of an international journal (to be announced).
Only full papers in English will be accepted. The length of the paper is limited to 6 single-spaced double column IEEE format pages (http://computer.org/cspress/instruct.htm). All papers will be reviewed by independent reviewers.
Please, submit your papers (in PDF format) to the workshop Organizers: E. Shakshuki (elhadi.shakshuki(a)acadiau.ca), M. Younas (m.younas(a)brookes.ac.uk), Dr K-M Chao (k.chao(a)coventry.ac.uk). Paper submission must include contact addresses of all authors, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses.
Paper Submission: October 10, 2005
Author Notification: November 15, 2005
Camera-ready Paper: December 15, 2005
Program Commitee
Alex Gray, Cardiff University, UK
Andre Trudel, Acadia University, Canada
Athman Bouguettaya, Virginia Tech., USA
Barry Eaglestone, University of Sheffield, UK
Christophe Claramunt, Naval Academy, France
Chi-Chun Lo, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
David Duce, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Ee-Peng Lim, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Genoveva Vargas Solar, National Research Council of Scientific Research, France
Ghazi I. Alkhatib, Qatar University, Qatar
Irfan Awan, University of Bradford, UK
Ismail Khalil Ibrahim, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria
Ivan Tomek, Acadia University, Canada
Jen-Yao Chung, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan
John Nealon, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Kwei-Jay Lin, University of California, USA
Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Leonard Barolli, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan
Liping Ma, University of Ballarat, Australia
Makoto Takizawa, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
Michael Sheng, University of New South Wales, Australia
Norman Revell, Middlesex University, UK
Qusay H. Mahmoud, University of Guelph, Canada
Rachid Anane, Coventry University, UK
Rick Giles, Acadia University, Canada
S.M.F.D Syed Mustapha, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Tomasz Muldner, Acadia University, Canada
Von-Wun Soo, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan
Weiming Shen, National Research Council, Canada
Ying Huang, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Yinsheng Li, Fudan University, China
Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, UAE
WORKSHOP Organizers:
Dr Elhadi Shakshuki
Acadia University, Canada
Email: elhadi.shakshuki(a)acadiau.ca
Dr M. Younas
Oxford Brookes University, UK
Email: m.younas(a)brookes.ac.uk
Dr Kuo-Ming Chao
Coventry University, UK
Email: k.chao(a)coventry.ac.uk
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Reminder: Call for Papers: The International Joint Conferences
on Computer, Information and Systems Sciences and Engineering CISSE 05
Datum: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 14:37:25 -0500
Von: International Joint Conferences 2005 <info(a)cisse2005.com>
Antwort an: info(a)cisse2005.com
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Colleagues,
This is a reminder to submit your work to the CISSE 05 international
e-conference. We also hope that you will inform your colleagues of this
world-class pioneering event and encourage them to submit their quality
Please note that the paper submission deadline is 9/30/05.
Looking forward to receiving your submissions.
Please note:
(1) If you wish to unsubscribe from this e-mail list, please visit:
(2) If you need more information about CISSE 2005, please visit:
and/or e-mail info(a)cisse2005.org <mailto:info@cisse2005.org>
(3) If this is Call for Papers is outside the scope of work of your
department, we would appreciate it if you can forward the Call for
Papers to the appropriate department in your institution.
International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information,
and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 05)
December 10-20, 2005
Technically Sponsored by:
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
University of Bridgeport
CISSE 05 provides a virtual forum for presentation and discussion of the
state-of the-art research on computers, information and systems sciences
and engineering. The virtual conference will be conducted through the
Internet using web-conferencing tools, made available by the conference.
Authors will be presenting their PowerPoint, audio or video presentations
using web-conferencing tools without the need for travel. Conference
will be broadcast to all the conference participants, where session
participants can interact with the presenter during the presentation
and (or) during the Q&A slot that follows the presentation.
This international conference will be held entirely on-line. The accepted
and presented papers will be made available after the conference both on a
CD and as a book publication.
Conference participants - authors, presenters and attendees - only need
an internet connection and sound available on their computers in order to
be able to contribute and participate in this international ground-breaking
The on-line structure of this high-quality event will allow academic
professionals and industry participants to contribute work and attend
world-class technical presentations based on rigorously refereed
live, without the need for investing significant travel funds or time out of
the office.
Potential non-author conference attendees who cannot make the on-line
conference dates are encouraged to register, as the entire joint conferences
will be archived for future viewing.
CISSE 05 is composed of the following four conferences:
(1) International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology &
Automation (IETA 05)
Topics: Advanced and Distributed Control Systems, Intelligent Control
Systems (NN, FL, GA, .etc), Expert Systems, Man Machine Interaction, Data
Fusion, Factory Automation, Robotics, Motion Control, Machine Vision,
MEMS Sensors and Actuators, Sensors Fusion, Power Electronics, High
Frequency Converters, Motors and Drives, Power Converters, Power Devices
and Components, Electric Vehicles and Intelligent Transportation,
Process Automation, Factory Communication, Manufacturing Information
System Advances in Manufacturing Systems, Industrial Applications of
MultiMedia, Intelligent Systems Instrumentation, Industrial
Instrumentation, Modeling and Simulation, Signal Processing, Image and
Data Processing, VR and Parallel systems.
Conference Page: http://www.cisse2005.org/ieta.aspx
(2) International Conference on Telecommunications and Networking (TeNe05)
Topics: Optical Networks and Switching, Computer Networks, Network
architectures and Equipment, Access Technologies, Telecommunication
Technology, Coding and Modulation technique, Modeling and Simulation,
Spread Spectrum and CDMA Systems, OFDM technology, Space-time Coding,
Ultra Wideband Communications, Medium Access Control, Spread Spectrum,
Wireless LAN: IEEE 802.11, HIPERLAN, Bluetooth, Cellular Wireless
Networks, Cordless Systems and Wireless Local Loop, Mobile Network Layer,
Mobile Transport Layer, Support for Mobility, Conventional Encryption and
Message Confidentiality, Block Ciphers Design Principles, Block Ciphers
Modes of Operation, Public-Key Cryptography and Message Authentication,
Authentication Application, Stenography, Electronic Mail Security, Web
Security, IP Security, Firewalls, Computer Forensics.
Conference Page: http://www.cisse2005.org/tene.aspx
(3) International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software
Engineering (SCSS 05)
Topics: Grid Computing, Internet-based Computing Models, Resource
Discovery, Programming Models and tools, e-Science and Virtual
Instrumentation, Biometric Authentication, Computers for People of
Special Needs, Human Computer Interaction, Information and Knowledge
Engineering, Algorithms, Parallel and Distributed processing, Modeling
and Simulation, Services and Applications, Embedded Systems and
Applications, Databases, Programming Languages, Signal Processing Theory
and Methods, Signal Processing for Communication, Signal Processing
Architectures and Implementation, Information Processing, Geographical
Information Systems, Object Based Software Engineering, Parallel and
Distributed Computing, Real Time Systems Multiprocessing, File Systems
and I/O, Kernel and OS Structures.
Conference Page: http://www.cisse2005.org/scss.aspx
(4) International Conference on Engineering Education, Instructional
Technology, Assessment, and E-learning (EIAE 05)
Topics: Instructional Design, Accreditation, Curriculum Design,
Educational Tools, 2-2-2 Platforms, Teaching Capstone Design, Teaching
Design at the Lower Levels, Design and Development of e-Learning tools,
Assessment Methods in Engineering, Development and Implementation of
E-learning tools, Economical and Social Impacts of E-learning, Platforms
and Systems for K-12 / Industry and Higher Education Cooperation.
Conference Page: http://www.cisse2005.org/eiae.aspx
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers electronically in
Microsoft Word or PDF format through the website of each conference at
Accepted papers must be presented in the virtual
conference by one of the authors.
To submit your paper, visit http://www.cisse2005.org/author/submit.aspx
or visit the individual conference pages.
Paper submission: September 30, 2005
Notification of Acceptance: October 28, 2005
Final Manuscript and Registration: November 18, 2005
CISSE 2005 · 66 Glenbrook Rd · Stamford, CT 06902
This e-mail message is an advertisement and/or solicitation.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP: ACM TOIT Special Issue on Middleware for Service-Oriented
Datum: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 10:52:24 -0400
Von: Qusay H. Mahmoud <qmahmoud(a)cis.uoguelph.ca>
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for Papers
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology
Special Issue on
Middleware for Service-Oriented Computing
Middleware is a distributed software layer that sits above the network operating
system and below the application layer and abstracts the heterogeneity of the
underlying environment. It provides an integrated distributed environment whose
objective is to simplify the task of programming and managing distributed
applications, and to provide value-added services such as naming and
transactions to enable easier development and integration of applications and
services. Middleware is about integration and interoperability of applications
and services running on heterogeneous computing and communications devices. The
role of middleware will continue to become increasingly important especially in
emerging technologies such as mobile- and service-oriented computing and web
services, where the integration of different applications and services from
different wired and wireless businesses and service providers become
increasingly important.
Service-oriented computing is based on the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA),
which is an architectural style for building software applications that use
services available in a network such as the web. It promotes loose coupling
between software components so that they can be reused. Applications in SOA are
built based on services, which is an implementation of a well-define business
functionality, and such services can be consumed by clients in different
applications or business processes. SOA provides a level of flexibility that
was not possible before in the sense that services are software components with
well-defined interfaces that are implementation independent, that services can
be dynamically discovered, and composite services can be built from aggregates
of other services. Especially applications running on mobile devices can
benefit from the flexibility which is provided by SOA. All those benefits,
however, raise challenges that need to be addressed by middleware. Middleware
will play an essential role in managing and provisioning service-oriented
applications. As a result, middleware will be everywhere!
The aim of this special issue is be to present most recent research findings on
“middleware for service-oriented computing”. We are seeking papers that are
original, unpublished and not currently under review by workshops, conferences,
or other journals.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to the following:
Middleware for selection and interaction among services
Middleware for dynamic selection and composition of services/applications
Middleware for dynamic coordination of services/applications
Middleware for context-aware services/applications
Middleware for managing services/applications
Middleware for provisioning QoS-enabled services/applications
Middleware for interoperable services
Performance evaluation of middleware for service-oriented computing
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be submitted by the midnight (EST) of December 1, 2005. The page
limit is 50 double-spaced pages, with a 12pt font size. Please email your paper
in PDF format to papers AT cis.uoguelph.ca.
Important Dates
Papers are due: December 1, 2005
Notifications: March 1, 2006
Revised papers: May 1, 2006
Notifications of final acceptance based on Editor-in-Chief’ comments: July 1,
Final papers: September 1, 2006
Publication: First available issue (possibly third or fourth quarter of 2007)
Guest Editors
Qusay H. Mahmoud
Dept. of Computing & Information Science
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, N1G 2W1 Canada
qmahmoud AT cis.uoguelph.ca
Peter Langendoerfer
Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
langendoerfer AT ihp-microelectronics.comhttp://www.ihp-microelectronics.com/~langend/home.html
To unsubscribe, e-mail: computational.science-unsubscribe(a)optimanumerics.com
For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)optimanumerics.com
Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Embedded Systems for Portable and Mobile Video Platforms
Datum: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 16:19:54 +0200
Von: EURASIP JES Alert <es(a)alert.hindawi.com>
An: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems
Special Issue on
Embedded Systems for Portable and Mobile Video Platforms
Call for Papers
Video coding systems have been assuming an increasingly important role
in application areas other than the traditional video broadcast and
storage scenarios. Several new applications have emerged focusing on
personal communications (such as video-conferencing), wireless multimedia,
remote video-surveillance, and emergency systems. As a result, a number
of new video compression standards have emerged addressing the requirements
of these kinds of applications in terms of image quality and bandwidth. For
example, the ISO/MPEG and ITU standardization bodies have recently jointly
established the new AVC/H.264 video coding standard.
In such a wide range of applications scenarios, there is the need to adapt
the video processing in general, and in particular video coding/decoding,
to the restrictions imposed by both the applications themselves and the
terminal devices. This problem is even more important for portable and
battery-supplied devices, in which low-power considerations are important
limiting constraints. Examples of such application requirements are currently
found in 3G mobile phones, CMOS cameras and tele-assistance technologies for
elderly/disabled people.
Therefore, the development of new power-efficient encoding algorithms
and architectures suitable for mobile and battery-supplied devices is
fundamental to enabling the widespread deployment of multimedia applications
on portable and mobile video platforms. This special issue is focused on the
design and development of embedded systems for portable and mobile video
platforms. Topics of interest cover all aspects of this type of embedded
system, including, not only algorithms, architectures, and specific SoC
design methods, but also more technological aspects related to wireless-channels,
power-efficient optimizations and implementations, such as encoding strategies,
data flow optimizations, special coprocessors, arithmetic units, and electronic
Papers suitable for publication in this special issue must describe
high-quality, original, unpublished research. Prospective authors are
invited to submit manuscripts on topics including but not limited to:
o power-efficient algorithms and architectures for motion estimation,
discrete transforms (e.g., SA-DCT, WT), integer transforms, and entropy
o architectural paradigms for portable multimedia systems
o low-power techniques and circuits, memory, and data flow optimizations
for video coding
o adaptive algorithms and generic configurable architectures for exploiting
intrinsic characteristics of image sequences and video devices
o aspects specifically important for portable and mobile video platforms,
such as video transcoding, video processing in the compressed domain,
and error resilience (e.g., MDC)
o ultra-low-power embedded systems for video processing and coding
o heterogeneous architectures, multithreading, MPSoC, NoC implementations
o design space exploration tools, performance evaluation tools, coding
efficiency and complexity analysis tools for video coding in embedded
Authors should follow the EURASIP JES' manuscript format
described at the journal's web site: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/es/.
Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their
complete manuscript through the EURASIP JES' manuscript
tracking system at the journal's web site, according to the
following timetable.
Manuscript Due June 1, 2006
Acceptance Notification October 1, 2006
Final Manuscript Due January 1, 2007
Publication Date 2nd Quarter, 2007
Guest Editors:
Leonel Sousa, INESC-ID, IST, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 1000-029 Lisboa,
Portugal; las(a)inesc-id.pt
Noel O'Connor, School of Electronic Engineering, Dublin City University,
Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland; noel.oconnor(a)eeng.dcu.ie
Marco Mattavelli, Signal Processing Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale
de Lausanne (EPFL), 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland; marco.mattavelli(a)epfl.ch
Antonio Nunez, IUMA, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 35017 Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain; nunez(a)iuma.ulpgc.es
Please visit http://www.hindawi.com/journals/es/ for more
information about the journal. EURASIP JES publishes as
many issues as required based on the flow of high-quality
manuscripts and current scheduled special issues. To submit
a proposal of a special issue, please contact the journal's
In order not to receive any future "EURASIP JES" alert
messages, please click on the following link:
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Reminder: Call for Papers: The International Joint Conferences
on Computer, Information and Systems Sciences and Engineering CISSE 05
Datum: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 12:32:57 -0500
Von: International Joint Conferences 2005 <info(a)cisse2005.com>
Antwort an: info(a)cisse2005.com
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Colleagues,
This is a reminder to submit your work to the CISSE 05 international
e-conference. We also hope that you will inform your colleagues of this
world-class pioneering event and encourage them to submit their quality
Please note that the paper submission deadline is 9/30/05.
Looking forward to receiving your submissions.
Please note:
(1) If you wish to unsubscribe from this e-mail list, please visit:
(2) If you need more information about CISSE 2005, please visit:
and/or e-mail info(a)cisse2005.org <mailto:info@cisse2005.org>
(3) If this is Call for Papers is outside the scope of work of your
department, we would appreciate it if you can forward the Call for
Papers to the appropriate department in your institution.
International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information,
and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 05)
December 10-20, 2005
Technically Sponsored by:
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
University of Bridgeport
CISSE 05 provides a virtual forum for presentation and discussion of the
state-of the-art research on computers, information and systems sciences
and engineering. The virtual conference will be conducted through the
Internet using web-conferencing tools, made available by the conference.
Authors will be presenting their PowerPoint, audio or video presentations
using web-conferencing tools without the need for travel. Conference
will be broadcast to all the conference participants, where session
participants can interact with the presenter during the presentation
and (or) during the Q&A slot that follows the presentation.
This international conference will be held entirely on-line. The accepted
and presented papers will be made available after the conference both on a
CD and as a book publication.
Conference participants - authors, presenters and attendees - only need
an internet connection and sound available on their computers in order to
be able to contribute and participate in this international ground-breaking
The on-line structure of this high-quality event will allow academic
professionals and industry participants to contribute work and attend
world-class technical presentations based on rigorously refereed
live, without the need for investing significant travel funds or time out of
the office.
Potential non-author conference attendees who cannot make the on-line
conference dates are encouraged to register, as the entire joint conferences
will be archived for future viewing.
CISSE 05 is composed of the following four conferences:
(1) International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology &
Automation (IETA 05)
Topics: Advanced and Distributed Control Systems, Intelligent Control
Systems (NN, FL, GA, .etc), Expert Systems, Man Machine Interaction, Data
Fusion, Factory Automation, Robotics, Motion Control, Machine Vision,
MEMS Sensors and Actuators, Sensors Fusion, Power Electronics, High
Frequency Converters, Motors and Drives, Power Converters, Power Devices
and Components, Electric Vehicles and Intelligent Transportation,
Process Automation, Factory Communication, Manufacturing Information
System Advances in Manufacturing Systems, Industrial Applications of
MultiMedia, Intelligent Systems Instrumentation, Industrial
Instrumentation, Modeling and Simulation, Signal Processing, Image and
Data Processing, VR and Parallel systems.
Conference Page: http://www.cisse2005.org/ieta.aspx
(2) International Conference on Telecommunications and Networking (TeNe05)
Topics: Optical Networks and Switching, Computer Networks, Network
architectures and Equipment, Access Technologies, Telecommunication
Technology, Coding and Modulation technique, Modeling and Simulation,
Spread Spectrum and CDMA Systems, OFDM technology, Space-time Coding,
Ultra Wideband Communications, Medium Access Control, Spread Spectrum,
Wireless LAN: IEEE 802.11, HIPERLAN, Bluetooth, Cellular Wireless
Networks, Cordless Systems and Wireless Local Loop, Mobile Network Layer,
Mobile Transport Layer, Support for Mobility, Conventional Encryption and
Message Confidentiality, Block Ciphers Design Principles, Block Ciphers
Modes of Operation, Public-Key Cryptography and Message Authentication,
Authentication Application, Stenography, Electronic Mail Security, Web
Security, IP Security, Firewalls, Computer Forensics.
Conference Page: http://www.cisse2005.org/tene.aspx
(3) International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software
Engineering (SCSS 05)
Topics: Grid Computing, Internet-based Computing Models, Resource
Discovery, Programming Models and tools, e-Science and Virtual
Instrumentation, Biometric Authentication, Computers for People of
Special Needs, Human Computer Interaction, Information and Knowledge
Engineering, Algorithms, Parallel and Distributed processing, Modeling
and Simulation, Services and Applications, Embedded Systems and
Applications, Databases, Programming Languages, Signal Processing Theory
and Methods, Signal Processing for Communication, Signal Processing
Architectures and Implementation, Information Processing, Geographical
Information Systems, Object Based Software Engineering, Parallel and
Distributed Computing, Real Time Systems Multiprocessing, File Systems
and I/O, Kernel and OS Structures.
Conference Page: http://www.cisse2005.org/scss.aspx
(4) International Conference on Engineering Education, Instructional
Technology, Assessment, and E-learning (EIAE 05)
Topics: Instructional Design, Accreditation, Curriculum Design,
Educational Tools, 2-2-2 Platforms, Teaching Capstone Design, Teaching
Design at the Lower Levels, Design and Development of e-Learning tools,
Assessment Methods in Engineering, Development and Implementation of
E-learning tools, Economical and Social Impacts of E-learning, Platforms
and Systems for K-12 / Industry and Higher Education Cooperation.
Conference Page: http://www.cisse2005.org/eiae.aspx
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers electronically in
Microsoft Word or PDF format through the website of each conference at
Accepted papers must be presented in the virtual
conference by one of the authors.
To submit your paper, visit http://www.cisse2005.org/author/submit.aspx
or visit the individual conference pages.
Paper submission: September 30, 2005
Notification of Acceptance: October 28, 2005
Final Manuscript and Registration: November 18, 2005
CISSE 2005 · 66 Glenbrook Rd · Stamford, CT 06902
This e-mail message is an advertisement and/or solicitation.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP: IEEE International Sympoisum on Secure Software
Engineering (ISSSE 2006)
Datum: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 16:09:24 -0400
Von: Qusay H. Mahmoud <qmahmoud(a)cis.uoguelph.ca>
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
IEEE International Sympoisum on Secure Software Engineering
(ISSSE 2006)
McLean, VA, USA
(Near Washington, DC)
March 13-15, 2006
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society, Technical Council on Software Engineering,
and in Cooperation with the IEEE-CS Task Force on Information Assurance.
Scope and Purpose
Today, security problems involving computers and software are frequent,
widespread, and serious. The number and variety of attacks by persons and
malicious software from outside organizations, particularly via the Internet,
are increasing rapidly, and the amount and consequences of insider attacks
remains serious. Over 90% of security incidents reported to the CERT
Coordination Center result from defects in software requirements, design, or
Successful software security, however, is fundamentally a software engineering
problem – encompassing producing and evaluating secure software. This new
Symposium series is an effort to further the professional community's response
to this need and reflects the growing interest existing within the commercial,
governmental, educational, and research sectors on improving secure software
engineering and its supporting knowledgebase to meet this need.
The Symposium covers all aspects of the processes, techniques, technology,
people, and knowledgebase that have or need the capability to contribute to
producing (more) secure software including their characteristics,
interrelationships, creation, sources, transfer, introduction, use, and
The Symposium series is international in involvement and scope with the 1 st
ISSSE having Co-Program Chairs from the US and Europe. Reports on research and
experience as well as survey/historical articles will be welcome if they meet
the expected professional standards of quality, relevance, importance, and
interest; and are not published or submitted elsewhere. Panels, workshop
reports, and invited speakers will also occur as well as possibly tutorials.
Technically, software security preserves properties – confidentiality,
integrity, and availability (CIA) – and aids security external to the software
from threats' capabilities. Security is not just about security functionality;
these are emergent systems properties and omnipresent issues throughout the
lifecycle. Potential
topics include:
- Threat modeling and analysis of vulnerabilities
- Secure architectures & design
- Formal specification, designs, policies, and proofs
- Model checking for security
- Coding practices
- Static analysis and other automated support
- Processes for producing secure software
- Testing of security in software
- Certification and accreditation
- Relationships among software correctness, reliability, safety, and security
- Market and legal forces
- Lessons learned
- Ethics and human factors
- Technology transfer
Panels and Tutorials
Proposals for panels and tutorials should be sent to Professor Sam Redwine
(redwinst(a)jmu.edu). Please see the conference web page for details.
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit papers in any of the areas listed above. Papers
are not to exceed 8 pages (IEEE Computer Society conference format), and shall
be in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF formats. All submissions must be sent to:
Important Deadlines
Paper Submission September 13, 2005
Author Notification December 6, 2005
Final Manuscript Due January 6, 2006
Organizing and Program Committees
General Chair
Sam Redwine, James Madison Univ., USA
Program Co-Chairs
Anthony Hall, UK
Jeannette Wing, Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA
Panels and Tutorials Chair
Sam Redwin, James Madison Univ., USA
Publicity Chair
Qusay H. Mahmoud, Univ. of Guelph, Canada
Program Committee Members
Matt Bishop (US)
John Clark (UK)
Noopur Davis (US)
Andrew Gordon (UK)
Cynthia Irvine (US)
Jan Jürjens (Germany)
Khaled Khan (Australia)
Jean-Louis Lanet (France)
Gary McGraw (US)
Mattia Monga (Italy)
Peter Neumann (US)
Peter Ryan (UK)
John Viega (US)
James Whittaker (US)
Bart De Win (Belgium)
Further Information
Please see the conference web site (http://www.jmdu.edu/iiia/issse) or contact
Professor Sam Redwine (redwinst(a)jmu.edu).
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [GMW05_INFO] Konferenzen und Meer
Datum: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 09:45:45 +0200
Von: Kristin Nölting <kristin.noelting(a)informatik.uni-rostock.de>
Firma: Uni Rostock, Fachbereich Informatik
An: gmw05_info(a)list.uni-graz.at
+ + + Veranstaltungshinweis + + +
13.-16. September 2005
10. Europaeische Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft
fuer Medien in der Wissenschaft (GMW05)
3. Deutsche e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik
der Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (DeLFI 2005)
>> Moechten Sie einen Konferenzbesuch mit einem besonderen Erlebnis verbinden?
In Kuerze finden mit GMW und DeLFI die zwei renommiertesten
wissenschaftlichen eLearning-Fachtagungen im deutschsprachigen Raum
unter dem gemeinsamen Motto "Auf zu neuen Ufern!" an der Universitaet
Rostock statt.
>> Was wird Ihnen fachlich geboten?
Im Tagungsprogramm sind enthalten:
* Teilnahme an beiden Tagungen
- 3 Keynote-Vortraege
- 1 Panel
- 7 Workshops/Tutorien
- 70 Fachvortraege
- 9 Posterpraesentationen
- Industrievortraege
- Ausstellungen
* beide Tagungsbaende
* Verpflegung in den Kaffeepausen
* Social Events an 3 Abenden
Besonderes Highlight ist die festliche Verleihung des mit 100.000 Euro
dotierten MEDIDA-PRIX durch das BMBF. Darueber hinaus erwartet Sie in
Rostock die einmalige Atmosphaere einer traditionsreichen Hansestadt an
der deutschen Ostseekueste.
>> Wieso sollten Sie Ihren Partner mitbringen?
Fuer Ihre Begleiter koennen Sie bei der Registrierung oder vor Ort
Tickets fuer die Social Events der Tagungen erwerben. Darueber hinaus
wird waehrend des Fachprogramms ein gesondertes Partnerprogramm
angeboten, z.B.:
* Rundgang durch Rostocks historische Altstadt
* Rundgang durch Warnemuende
* Stadtrundfahrt (einschliesslich Ausflug nach Warnemuende)
* frauenhistorischer Stadtrundgang
* Exkursion mit der Schmalspurbahn "Molli" zum Doberaner Muenster
und in die Ostseebaeder Heiligendamm und Kuehlungsborn
* Exkursion zum Jagdschloss Gelbensande / Koehlerhof Wiethagen
* Hafenrundfahrt mit dem Ausflugsschiff
* Segeln auf der Warnow
Die Teilnahme erfolgt auf Selbstzahlerbasis. Bei genuegend Teilnehmern
wird eine sachkundige Begleitung angeboten. Fuer Ihre Kleinen bieten
sich darueber hinaus folgende Aktivitaeten an:
* Besuch auf Carls Erdbeerhof
* Besuch im Rostocker Zoo
und natuerlich ein Bad in der Ostsee am breiten Warnemuender Sandstrand!
Details zu diesen Angeboten finden Sie im Web.
>> Warum nicht etwas laenger bleiben?
Wir moechten Sie ermutigen, die Region im Anschluss an die Tagungen
weiter zu geniessen:
* ein Verlaengerungs-Wochenende in den Hotels
- Radisson SAS Hotel
- Courtyard by Marriott
- Steigenberger Hotel Sonne
* ein Wellness-Wochenende im Trihotel Rostock
mit der praemierten Wellness-Oase AQUA am Schweizer Wald
* ein Wellness-Wochenende im Kempinski Grand Hotel Heiligendamm
* ein Wellness-Wochenende im Cliff-Hotel in Sellin auf Ruegen
* ein Wochenende auf der Insel Ruegen im Travel Charme Hotel Kurhaus Binz
* ein Wochenende in der Mecklenburger Seenplatte im Mueritz Hotel Klink
Diese Post-Conference-Specials bieten i. Allg. besondere Konditionen
fuer Tagungsteilnehmer.
Details und Buchungsinformationen finden Sie im Web.
>> Wie hoch sind die Tagungsgebuehren?
350 EUR fuer regulaere Teilnehmer
300 EUR fuer Hochschulangehoerige
250 EUR fuer GI/GMW-Mitglieder
125 EUR fuer Studenten
60 EUR fuer Begleitpersonen zu Social Events
Sie koennen sich wahlweise als Teilnehmer fuer DeLFI oder GMW
registrieren. Wir wuerden uns freuen, Sie im September in Rostock
begruessen zu koennen!
Prof. Dr. Djamshid Tavangarian
fuer das GMW05 / DeLFI 2005 Organisationsteam
Universitaet Rostock
Institut fuer Informatik
Lehrstuhl Rechnerarchitektur
Albert-Einstein-Str. 21
D-18059 Rostock
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