Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2005 23:11:43 +0900
From: John Brine <brine(a)U-AIZU.AC.JP>
Subject: ICCE 2005 Workshop - Call for Papers
Dear colleagues,
The following workshop has been accepted for ICCE 2005 in Singapore.
We would warmly encourage your attendance/participation and are
therefore sending you an overview of the workshop in question. Should
you be unable to be involved, please forward this call for papers and
attendance on to colleagues whom you believe would be able to provide
a valuable contribution.
Learning Management Systems as Communities of Practice:
Collaborative engagement designs and implementation techniques for
interdisciplinary studies
ICCE2005 Workshop
28-29 November 2005
This workshop, run in conjunction with the 13th International
Conference of Computers in Education, focusses upon bringing together
colleagues from diverse disciplines to share their strategies for the
design and use of computer-assisted collaborative learning methods
and environments. Over the past two decades, the transition from
models of individual learning to sociocultural models of learning has
been accompanied by the rise of networked communications. In
recognition of the isolation experienced by many online learners,
learning management systems (LMS) are increasingly being designed to
provide socially-situated and flexible learning environments. They
also have the potential to involve participants in real-world,
authentic social practices, and to distribute the information and
communication flow in a rhizomatic (connected) fashion. Thus, the
continued development toward digital communities of practice is
significant for all educators.
The workshop will commence with a panel consisting of 5 workshop
presenters. Following this panel session, each presenter will speak
on their specific topic. Topics covered in this workshop will include:
Identifying affordances and constraints in the use of LMS
Design of generic LMS learning tools and objects
Pedagogical implementation strategies for
promoting social interaction via LMS
Current and potential LMS applications for
interdisciplinary studies
The role of cultural learning styles in LMS
software and curriculum design
Where possible, workshop presenters will be currently implementing,
testing or researching ways in which collaborative techniques and
generic learning tools can be incorporated into a LMS environment.
For more information regarding attendance or paper presentations,
please refer to the attached document.
10:15am Implication of Cultural Learning Styles
11:00am Implementation strategies
11:45am Use: Affordances and Constraints
1:30pm Interdisciplinary approaches to LMS use
2:15pm Generic learning tools/software
3:00 - 3:30pm Open forum and workshop close
Workshop Attendance
Persons wishing to attend in this workshop should indicate
their preference by emailing Deborah Turk turk(a)
before August 4th, 2005. Attendees will be required to
pre-register and will be notified by email.
Workshop Paper Submissions
Persons wishing to present as part of this workshop should also be
willing to take part in the panel session. Each workshop must
consist of two sections:
1. Pedagogical framework (10 minutes)
2. Practical application/ presentation of work in progress (15 minutes)
Each section will be followed by a short 5-10 minutes discussion
session in which audience members may ask questions or make
comments. The total duration of each workshop presentation is
likely to be 40 minutes.
Deadline for a full paper draft (5 pages): July 27th, 2005
Notification of Acceptance: August 4th, 2005
Camera-ready deadline: August 15th, 2005
Please send all paper submissions to John Brine: brine(a)