-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Wed, 07 Dec 2005 16:19:17 +0100
Von: Flavio Corradini <flavio.corradini(a)unicam.it>
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Workshop on
In memory of Sauro Tulipani
Camerino (Italy), April 20-22, 2006
Sponsored by
AILA (Italian Association of Logic and Applications)
Supported by: University of Camerino, Italy
Mathematical Logic has been contributing in a relevant way
to the birth and the development of Computer Science.
the AILA Logic, Models and Computer Science workshop
LMCS06 just
aims at bringing together researchers interested in the
between Mathematical Logic and several fields in Computer
LMCS06 wishes also to honour the memory of Sauro Tulipani,
who so largely and brilliantly, and for so many years
contributed to this research area.
Hence the workshop will focus in particular on Sauro's
main research interests
- computability and computational complexity,
- uncertainty logic,
but it will also deal with other topics such as
- logic of concurrency,
- game semantics
and further themes concerned with the relationship between
Mathematical Logic and Computer Science.
Submissions may be of two forms:
- Short papers (not included in the proceedings): up to 4
typeset 11 points
- Full papers: up to 12 pages, typeset 11 points
bibliography and technical appendices)
Simultaneous submission to other conferences or journals
is only
allowed for short papers. Submissions may already use the
ENTCS-style format.
The proceedings will be published after the workshop in
(Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science).
A printed preliminary version of the proceedings will be
at the workshop. Authors will be asked to prepare their
version using the ENTCS-style format.
Authors of selected papers will be invited after the
workshop to
submit for publication of a full version in a Special
Issue of the Mathematical Structures in Computer Science;
submissions will then be subject to a separate
reviewing procedure matching the standards of the journal.
Deadline for Paper Submission: February 4, 2006
Notification to Authors: March 15, 2006
Final Version of Accepted Papers due: April 1, 2006
Luca Aceto (Aalborg, Denmark/Reykjavik, Iceland)
Riccardo Camerlo (Polytechnic Turin, Italy)
Andrea Capotorti/Marco Baioletti (Perugia, Italy)
Rocco De Nicola (Florence, Italy)
Mariangiola Dezani (Turin, Italy)
Wilfrid Hodges (QMUL London, UK)
Giuseppe Longo (ENS Paris, France)
Angus Macintyre (QMUL London, UK)
Johann Makowski (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology,
Haifa, Israel)
Daniele Mundici (Florence, Italy)
Giovanni Sambin (Padua, Italy)
Flavio Corradini (University of Camerino, Italy)
Carlo Toffalori (University of Camerino, Italy)
Rajeev Alur, Pennsylvania, USA
Flavio Corradini (co), Camerino, Italy
Zoltan Esik, Szeged, Hungary/Tarragona, Spain
Annalisa Marcja, Florence, Italy
Simone Martini, Bologna, Italy
Alberto Policriti, Udine, Italy
Simona Ronchi Della Rocca, Turin, Italy
Carlo Toffalori (co), Camerino, Italy
Patrizio Cintioli, Camerino, Italy
Flavio Corradini, Camerino, Italy
Stefano Leonesi, Camerino, Italy
Sonia L'Innocente, Camerino, Italy
Emanuela Merelli, Camerino, Italy
Carlo Toffalori, Camerino, Italy
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Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP : Distributed Shared Memory Workshop, CCGrid06, May 16-19,
2006, Singapore (fwd)
Datum: Thu, 8 Dec 2005 02:40:28 +0100 (CET)
Von: Laurent Lefevre <Laurent.Lefevre(a)ens-lyon.fr>
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
We apologize if you received multiple copies of this announcement.
Call for Papers
Sixth International Workshop on
Distributed Shared Memory on Clusters
DSM 2006
Organized At
IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid
(CCGrid 2006)
May 16-19, 2006, Singapore
Important Dates:
Papers due on: December 15, 2005
Notification of Acceptance: January 21, 2006
Camera Ready Papers: February 15, 2006
CCGrid'2006 Symposium: May 16-19, 2006
With high performance clustering solutions, Distributed Shared Memory (DSM)
systems provide easiness of programming a shared space combined with high
performance architecture.
The DSM 2006 workshop organized at the CCGrid 2006 symposium will serve as a
major forum to present and share the latest research results of the work by
international researchers, developers, and users. Topics of interest include,
but are not limited to:
- DSM Systems Implementation on clusters
- DSM on High Peformance Networks
- Memory Models
- Consistencies Models and Protocols
- Hardware support
- Compiler Support
- Fault Tolerance
- Applications on DSM systems
- OpenMP Deployment
- DSM Benchmarking
- Performance and Debugging Tools
- DSM on wide area networks
- DSM and Grids
We also encourage authors to present novel ideas, critique of existing work,
and application examplers, which demonstrate how DSM technology could be
effectively deployed. We also welcome practical work which applies DSM in novel
and interesting ways.
You can find here http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/laurent.lefevre/dsm2005 program and
slides of last DSM workshop.
Paper Submission:
Authors are invited to submit papers of not more than 8 pages of double column
text using single spaced 10 point size type on 8.5 x 11 inch pages, as per IEEE
8.5 x 11 manuscript guidelines, see
http://www.computer.org/cspress/instruct.htm. Authors should submit a
PostScript (level 2) or PDF file that will print on a PostScript printer.
Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register
and present the paper. To upload your paper use:
All papers selected for this workshop are peer-reviewed and will be published
as a part of the CCGrid 2006 Proceedings. .
Workshop Co-Chairs:
Laurent Lefevre
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
46, allee d'Italie - 69364 Lyon Cedex 07 - France
Tel: +33 4 72 72 82 28
Fax: +33 4 72 72 80 80
Email: laurent.lefevre(a)ens-lyon.fr
Michael Schoettner
University of Ulm
Department of Distributed Systems
Informatik o-27, 89075 Ulm, Germany
Tel: +49 731 50-24138
Fax: +49 731 50-24142
Email: michael.schoettner(a)uni-ulm.de
Program Committee Members:
- Lionel Brunie, National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon INSA, France
- Rasit Eskicioglu, University of Manitoba, Canada
- Zhiyi Huang, University of Otago, New Zealand
- Liviu Iftode, Rutgers University, USA
- Laurent Lefevre, INRIA RESO / LIP, France
- Alba Cristina M. A. de Melo, University of Brasilia, Brazil
- Jason Hickey, Caltech, USA
- Christine Morin, IRISA / INRIA, France
- Michael Schoettner, University of Ulm, Germany
- Peter Schulthess, University of Ulm, Germany
- Assaf Schuster, Technion, Israel
- Hadi Shahriar Shahhoseini, Iran University of Science Technology, Iran
- Jackie Silcock, Deakin University, Australia
- Evan Speight, IBM Austin Research Lab, USA
- Florin Sultan, NEC, USA
- David Taniar, Monash University, Australia
Important Dates:
Papers due on: December 15, 2005
Notification of Acceptance: January 21, 2006
Camera Ready Papers: February 15, 2006
CCGrid'2006 Symposium: May 16-19, 2006
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For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP : Grids and Advanced Networks Workshop, CCGrid06, May
16-19, 2006, Singapore (fwd)
Datum: Thu, 8 Dec 2005 02:40:50 +0100 (CET)
Von: Laurent Lefevre <Laurent.Lefevre(a)ens-lyon.fr>
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
We apologize if you received multiple copies of this announcement.
Call for papers
Fourth Workshop on Grids and Advanced Networks
Organized At
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid
May 16-19, 2006 Singapore
Important Dates:
Papers due on: December 15, 2005
Notification of Acceptance: January 21, 2006
Camera Ready Papers: February 21, 2006
CCGrid'2006 Symposium: May 16-19, 2006
The rapid rise of the grid computing concept is leading to the development of a
wide range of capabilities for managing distributed applications and services.
These applications and services, in addition to the grid infrastructure itself,
all rely on network communication. Effectively utilizing high-speed networks,
however, is not entirely trivial. Network communication will also encompass far
more than simple, point-to-point data transfers. Advanced network capabilities
will include quality of service, security, filtering, reliable multicast, high
performance transport protocols, monitoring, performance measurements and
content-based routing, to name a few. In many cases, new network services will
offer applications a control plane whereby it can control network behavior in
the data plane. Hence, grid applications and middleware that can be more
network-aware, and even topology-aware, will be able to achieve higher
performance, and responsiveness while lower network demand. Meanwhile,
performance and specific requirements of Grid applications will push the
evolution of network protocols.
For these reasons, the Workshop of Grids and Advanced Networks (GAN'06) will be
convened as part of CCGrid 2006 to bring together researchers in both grids and
networks to present the latest work integrating these two fields. The topics of
interest include, but are not limited to :
- Grids and High-Performance Networks
- Communication Middleware
- Multicast for Grids
- QoS for Grids
- Grid Network Security
- Grid Network Services, e.g., monitoring, filtering
- Transport protocol for Grids
- Network resource allocation
- Content-based Networking
- Bulk Data Transfer
- Active and Programmable Networks for Grids
- Resource Discovery
- Topology Construction
- Network Protocols Enhancement for Grids
- Grid Applications using advanced network capabilities
- Optical network solutions supporting Grids
You can find here http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/laurent.lefevre/gan05 program and
slides of last GAN workshop.
Paper Submissions
GAN 2006 invites authors to submit original and unpublished work. GAN 2006 also
encourages the submission of outstanding "work-in-progress" papers. Authors are
invited to submit papers of not more than 8 pages of double column text using
single spaced 10 point size type on 8.5 x 11 inch pages, as per IEEE 8.5 x 11
manuscript guidelines, see http://www.computer.org/cspress/instruct.htm.
Authors should submit a PostScript (level 2) or PDF file that will print on a
PostScript printer. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the
authors to register and present the paper. To upload your paper, use the
following link : http://www.easychair.org/GAN06/submit/
All papers selected for this workshop are peer-reviewed and will be published
as a part of the CCGrid 2006 Proceedings.
Workshop Co-Chairs
Dr. Laurent Lefevre and Pascale Primet
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
46, allee d'Italie
69364 Lyon Cedex 07 - France
Tel: +33 4 72 72 82 28
Fax: +33 4 72 72 80 80
Email: laurent.lefevre(a)ens-lyon.fr
Program Committee Members
- Cosimo Anglano,Universita del Piemonte Orientale, Italy
- Micah Beck, University of Tennessee, USA
- Andrew A. Chien, University of California, San Diego, USA
- Yves Deneullin, ID-IMAG, France
- Michel Diaz, LAAS / CNRS, France
- Wu-chun Feng, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
- Tiziana Ferrari, INFN, Italy
- Alex Galis, University College London, United Kingdom
- James Griffioen, University of Kentucky, USA
- Olivier Gluck, INRIA RESO/LIP, France
- Robert Harakaly, CERN, Switzerland
- David Hutchison, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
- Gigi Karmous-Edwards, MCNC Grid Computing and Network Services, USA
- Dieter Kranzlmueller, GUP, Joh. Kepler University Linz, Austria
- Tomohiro Kudoh, Grid Technology Research Center, AIST, Japan
- Craig Lee, AeroSpace Organization, USA
- Jason Leigh, UIC/EVL, USA
- Gabriel Montenegro, SUN Labs, France
- Hidemoto Nakada, AIST Tsukuba, Japan
- Cong-Duc Pham, INRIA RESO / LIP, France
- Paul Roe, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Alain Roy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
- Volker Sander, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany
- Osamu Tatebe, AIST Tsukuba, Japan
- Brian Tierney, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
- Franco Travostino, Nortel Networks, USA
- Kun Yang, University of Essex, United Kingdom
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Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP: 2nd Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligence (UWSI 2006)
Datum: Thu, 8 Dec 2005 06:49:35 +1100
Von: Eric Pardede <ericpardede(a)iinet.net.au>
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
(Our sincere apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message)
Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligence (UWSI'2006) Workshop
in conjunction with
International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications
(ICCSA'2006) http://www.iccsa.org/
Glasgow, 8-11 May 2006
Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligence represents a vision of the future
whereby information access and discovery is available everywhere. It integrates
concepts of ubiquitous and pervasive computing, web computing, and intelligent
systems, whereby people are able to access information from various sources
using ubiquitous devices. These information may also be in a form of knowledge
discovered by the system. All of these are realized through the use of ambient
intelligence in which humans are surrounded by an environment which is sensitive
and responsive to them.
[1] Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing
- Mobile Information Systems
- Ubiquitous Web Access
- Location Aware and Location Dependent
- Web-Based Cooperative Work
- Wireless Web Intelligence
- Mobile User-Interface Design
- Languages and Tools for Mobile Applications
- Emerging Technology (Grid, P2P, Pervasive, Embedded Computing)
[2] Web Information Systems Management, Access and Discovery
- Web Databases, Web Warehousing, and Web OLAP
- Heterogenous Databases
- Data Models for the Web
- Web Software Lify Cycle
- Personalized Information Management
- Metadata
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- Web Mining and Farming
- Mobile Data Mining
- Multimodal Information Retrieval
- Ontology-Based Information Retrieval
[3] Web Knowledge and Intelligence
- Ontology Engineering
- Semantic Web
- Visualization of Information and Knowledge
- Web-Based Decision Support
- Web Intelligence
- Web Agents
- Ambient Intelligence
- Information Filtering and Recommender Systems
- Navigation Guides
- Web Intelligence Development Tools
[4] Web Business
- Business Intelligence
- E-Commerce and E-Business
- M-Commerce
- Web Services and Grid Services
- Web Marketing and Merchandising
- Web Auctions
[5] Human-Web Interaction
- Adaptive Web Interfaces
- Multimedia Data Processing and Representation
- Mobile Multimedia
- Mobile Web Design
Deadline for Online Paper Submission: 15 December 2005
Notification of Acceptance: 20 January 2006
Camera Ready Papers and Pre-registration: 1 February 2006
Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be published
by Springer-Verlag as part of their Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
series. For initial submissions, authors are strongly encouraged to use
Springer's manuscript submission guidelines at
We invite you to submit a draft of the paper of up to 10 pages in an LNCS format.
Submission to UWSI 2006 Workshop occurs through the ICCSA 2006 Cyberchair system
(http://cyberchair.iccsa.org/). The electronic submission is articulated into
three phases:
Phase 1
Abstract submission: during the first step the contact author specifies the
title, the author(s), and other relevant information related to the contribution.
Pay attention during this phase to select UWSI 2006 Workshop, just before
specifying the Abstract of the contribution. After that submission, the contact
author receives the login (the e-mail address he specified for the Contact author)
and a password that will be required to proceed with step 2 (Paper submission)
and, if the paper is accepted, with step 3 (Camera Ready submission).
Please save the login and password for subsequent operations. If you loose them,
send an e-mail to osvaldo at unipg dot it
Since the workshop will have different due dates with the ICCSA general
submission, please ensure that you select UWSI 2006 during the submission!
Phase 2
Paper submission: by specifying the above mentioned login and password,
the contact author submits the full paper in one of the following formats:
PDF (strongly recommended) or PS.
Phase 3 - Camera ready submission:after the reviewing process, if the paper
has been selected for publication in the LNCS Proceedings of ICCSA 2006, the contact
author must submit the revised Camera ready version of the paper and all source files
(including graphs, tables, images). Again the login and password are required.
Selected papers will be invited to be extended for a publication in a UWSI'2005
special issue of the following journals:
1. Intl. Journal of Web Information Systems, Troubador Publisher
2. Intl. Journal of Web and Grid Services, Inderscience Publisher
David Taniar, Monash University, Australia - Email: dtaniar(a)gmail.com
Eric Pardede, La Trobe University, Australia - Email: ekpardede(a)cs.latrobe.edu.au
Barbara Catania, University of Genova, Italy
Bernhard Scholz, University of Sydney, Australia
Chengfei Liu, Swinburne University of Technology, AUstralia
Dan J Kim, Michigan State University, USA
Elisabeth Metais, CEDRIC/CNAME of Paris, France
Eng Wah Lee, SIMTech, Singapore
Gustavo Rossi, LIFIA-UNLP, Argentina
Jairo Gutierrez, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Jidong Wang, RMIT, Australia
Junbin Gao, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Key Pousttchi, University of Augsburg, Germany
Marios C. Angelides, Brunel University, UK
Massimo Marchiori, W3C, Italy
Pedro Isaias, Universidade Aberta, Portugal
Qing Zhang, CSIRO, Australia
Richi Nayak, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Roland Kaschek, Massey University, New Zealand
Simon So, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong
Stephane Bressan, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Timothy K. Shih,Tamkang University, Taiwan
Torab Torabi, La Trobe University, Australia
Viacheslav Wolfengagen, Institute JurInfoR-MSU, Russia
Vladimir Oleshchuk, Agder University College, Norway
Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, UAE
Zheng Da Wu, Bond University, Australia
Zoe Lacroix, Arizona State University, USA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 2nd CFP - Workshop on Visual Computing and Multimedia (VCM06)
Datum: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 11:54:02 +0000
Von: Abel Gomes <agomes(a)di.ubi.pt>
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
[ We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this CFP ]
2nd Call for Papers
Workshop on Visual Computing and Multimedia (VCM)
as a part of
The 2006 International Conference on Computational Science and its
8-11 May 2006, The Hilton Glasgow, Scotland
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
- Color and Textures
- Segmentation and Grouping
- Image-based Modeling
- Image and Video Retrieval
- Image and Video Communication
- Web Based Graphics
- Rendering Algorithms
- Volume Visualization
- Multiresolution Surfaces and Algorithms
- Implicit Surface Modeling
- Geometric and Solid Modeling
- Modeling for Games and Entertainment
- Collaborative Virtual Environments
- Virtual Reality and Multimedia
- Multimedia Information Retrieval
- Multimedia Service Composition
- Multimedia for Human Communication - From Capture to Convey
- Multimedia Sensing, Networking, and Streaming
- Multimedia Description Languages and Standards
- Multimedia Systems and Applications
Papers submission: December 15, 2005
Notification of acceptance of papers: January 15, 2006
Camera ready papers and pre-registration: February 1, 2006
We cordially invite you to submit a paper presenting the results of
research or innovative practical applications in the area we describe
You may submit a full paper of a maximum of 6 to 10 pages (Letter or A4
paper) for oral presentation. Submitted papers have to be original,
containing new and original results. The submitted paper must be
camera-ready and formatted according to the rules of LNCS. For
formatting information, see the publishers web site
(http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html ). Submission implies the
willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the
paper. The submission must be performed electronically only through
http://cyberchair.iccsa.org . Electronic submissions will be in MS Word,
PS, or PDF. The acceptance can be conditional on the basis of
improvements as advised by the referee or program committee suggestions
or because of inappropriate formatting and preparation of the paper.
Whether your paper is finally accepted is subject to the discretion of
the ICCSA organizers, on the basis whether the suggestions and
guidelines have been followed. Please submit your paper for review by
November 21, 2005.
The papers accepted and presented in the workshop will be published in
the Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series
and will be collected in the Science Citation Index (SCI) Expanded
database of Thomson ISI.
Registration and oral presentation in the "The 2006 International
Conference on Computational Science and its Applications" is compulsory
for at least one of the authors of the accepted papers. The URL for
registration is: http://www.iccsa.org/
Workshop Program Chair:
Abel J.P. Gomes (agomes(a)di.ubi.pt ),
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Pólo de Coimbra - Lab. Covilhã
Dept. Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior
6200-001 Covilhã, Portugal
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Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: ICOCI06: Final Call for Papers
Datum: Sun, 4 Dec 2005 21:24:19 +0800
Von: suhaidi(a)uum.edu.my
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Referenzen: <1229.>
Dear Colleagues,
[Please help us to disseminate the following information]
Final Call for Papers
2006 IEEE International Conference on Computing & Informatics
(ICOCI 2006), June 6-8, 2006, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.
The IEEE Computer Society (Malaysia Section) and the Universiti
Utara Malaysia are pleased to announce the final call for papers
for the International Conference on Computing & Informatics
(ICOCI 2006) to be held in Kuala Lumpur on June 6-8, 2006. ICOCI
2006 is a wonderful opportunity to find out about the most recent
developments in computing and informatics and meet researchers
and managers from all over the world to exchange knowledge and
We are very pleased to host ICOCI 2006 in the city of Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. A delightful mix of cross-cultural influences
and tradition - Kuala Lumpur radiates an exciting, enticing
charm, which piques your interest throughout your stay. Let the
city's warmth embrace you and lose yourself in its unique blend
of tradition, culture and sophistication. Visit the gleaming
Petronas Twin Towers - towering 451.9 metres and 88 floors over
the city, that lays claim to being the world's tallest
freestanding twin towers. The towers are world-renowned icon of
Malaysia, they are truly an awesome sight in the day and majestic
by night; where the twin towers prominently sculpts the KL city
skyline. When you are done, treat your palates to Kuala Lumpur's
various cuisine; it is a tasty adventure in itself! And, just
when you think that's all to be discovered, there are more to
explore and experience in Kuala Lumpur!
The ICOCI 2006 organizing and program committees invite papers
which will summarize on-going and future efforts in understanding
the underlying processes of management and knowledge changes. ICOCI 2006
expects to include but not limit presentations to the following topics:
AI And Intelligent Systems
Algorithms And Complexity
Bioinformatics and Applications
Computer And Information Security
Computer Communications Systems
Databases and Information Retrieval
Embedded Systems Programming
Graphics, Visualization, Multimedia
High Performance Computing
Information Systems
Internet Computing
Mobile And Wireless Computing
Advanced Computing Applications
Formal Method And Applications
Multimedia Systems
Operating Systems
Real Time Systems
Software Engineering and Architecture
Software Reliability Engineering
Systems Performance Evaluation
Web-Based Systems/Technologies
Special tracks:
1. Advanced Grid Technologies, Systems & Services
2. MyREN Applications and Research Initiatives
Important dates:
Submission deadline: 31 December 2005
Notification to authors: 31 January 2006
Camera-ready version due: 15 February 2006
Early-bird registration: Before 31 Mac 2006
Important addresses:
Conference website: http://www.icoci06.uum.edu.my
Final CFP: http://www.icoci06.uum.edu.my/DATA/CFPICOCI06.pdf
Tourist and City information: http://www.tourism.gov.my
For general information, email us at icoci06(at)uum(dot)edu
Conference Chairs:
Suhaidi Hassan PhD
M. Rawidean Kassim
ICOCI 2006 Organizers/Sponsors:
IEEE Computer Society (Malaysia)
IEEE Malaysia
Faculty of Info. Technology, Universiti Utara Malaysia
Suhaidi Hassan PhD MIEEE
ICOCI06 General Co-Chair
Universiti Utara Malaysia http://www.icoci06.uum.edu.my
06010 UUM Sintok Phone: +60 (4) 928 5702
M A L A Y S I A Fax: +60 (4) 928 5765
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Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP Using drama and storytelling for innovative educational
technology (fwd)
Datum: Sat, 03 Dec 2005 18:50:51 GMT
Von: zgpan(a)cad.zju.edu.cn
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for Papers for a session on =93Using drama and storytelling for =
innovative educational technology=94 at Edutainment 2006=2E
Edutainment 2006 is an international conference focused on research =
and development in E-Learning and digital entertainment=2E It is being =
held on April 16-18=2C 2006 at Zhejiang University=2C Hangzhou=2C China=2E=
More information about this conference can be obtained at =
As part of this conference=2C a special session will be held that =
focuses on the use of drama and storytelling in educational =
technology=2E For this session=2C we aim to bring together a =
multidisciplinary range of international researchers=2C with papers =
invited on any subject relevant to the use of drama and storytelling =
for innovative educational technology=2C including=3A
- Theories / models for drama and storytelling
- Investigating user and stakeholder requirements for drama and =
storytelling applications
- Interactive narrative and virtual storytelling
- Use of synthetic characters in interactive narrative
- Applications using narrative=2C storytelling and / or drama
- Measuring and evaluating drama and storytelling in innovative =
educational technology
Submissions should describe original and unpublished work about the =
above or closely related topics=2E Each submission should include the =
title of the paper=2C authors=92 names=2C affiliations=2C postal addresse=
s=2C e-
mail addresses and the contact person for the paper=2E All accepted =
papers will be published in the Edutainment =9106 conference proceedings=2E=
The submission deadline is the 9th of December and we are accepting =
extended abstracts (1500 words) as well as full papers=2E However=2C =
should the abstract be accepted=2C the deadline for the camera ready =
copy is the 15th of January=2E
Papers should be submitted by email to lynne=2Ehall=40sunderland=2Eac=2Eu=
k =
Receipt will be acknowledged by email within 3 days=2E
Submissions will be judged on relevance to the session themes=2C =
originality=2C quality and clarity=2E Each paper will be reviewed by at =
least two referees=2E Authors will be given feedback on their papers by =
the reviewers=2E
FORMATTIN INSTRUCTIONS - Camera ready papers =
The camera ready paper should not exceed 12 pages single-spaced in =
length including images=2C figures=2C tables and references=2E The format=
being used is that of Springer LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer =
Science)=2E For detailed format templates and downloads=2C please access =
Information for LNCS Authors on Springer LNCS website =
http=3A//www=2Espringer=2Ede/comp/lncs/=2E =
- Paper submission=3A 9th December 2005
- Notification of decision=3A 20th December 2005
- Camera ready copies by=3A 15th January 2006
- Conference=3A 16-18th April 2006 =
Session Organisers
Professor Ruth Aylett =96 Heriot-Watt University
Professor Paul Brna =96 The University of Glasgow
Dr=2E Lynne Hall =96 University of Sunderland
Professor Rose Luckin =96 University of Sussex
Dr Judy Robertson =96 Glasgow Caledonian University =
Dr=2E Lynne Hall=2C
Principal Lecturer in Digital Media=2C
School of Computing =26 Technology=2C
University of Sunderland=2C PO Box 299=2C Sunderland=2C SR6 0DD
Tel=3A +44 1661 844696 =
Home Page=3A http=3A//osiris=2Esunderland=2Eac=2Euk/=7Ecs0lha/
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Reminder: CFP The Second International Workshop in Modelling
Complex Systems]
Datum: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 12:49:53 +0000
Von: John.Burns <jburns(a)computing.dcu.ie>
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
--------------------CALL FOR PAPERS:------------------------------
The Second International Workshop in Modelling Complex Systems
In conjunction with ICCSA 2006
Glasgow, Scotland, 8-11 May 2006
Important Dates:
Deadline for Paper Submission (Extended): 18 December 2005
Notification of Acceptance: 20 January 2006
Camera Ready Papers and Pre-registration: 1 February 2006
Conference: 8 - 11 May 2006
Workshop Website: http://computing.dcu.ie/~jburns/iccsa2006/cfp.htm
Workshop Theme:
The session will present recent and novel findings in the area of
Modelling Complex Systems and is intended for both basic and
applied research in complex systems, with particular emphasis on emergent
behaviour. The investigation of nonlinear processes, predictability
and concepts (such as order, complexity and information interdependence),
informs our understanding of how complex systems behave and may
provide insight into dynamics, development and control. The emphasis
of this workshop is on research that demonstrates originality in all
areas of Modelling Complex Systems.
We invite applications for high-quality original contributions of
(maximum) 10 pages in length in the following area of modelling and
simulation (but not restricted to):
* Biological Processes
* Financial Systems
* Traffic Flow, Control and Prediction
* Systems of Self-organisation and Emergent Behaviour
* Cellular Automata and Applications
* Multi-agent systems
* Artificial Life and Autonomous Systems
Publication Information:
All accepted papers are published by Springer Verlag in Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS)
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OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 2nd CFP: Workshop on Peer to Peer Info Management (Hong Kong,
May 2006)
Datum: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 10:47:41 +0800
Von: ZHENG Baihua <bhzheng(a)smu.edu.sg>
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
(Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP)
Call for Papers
Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Information Management (P2PIM'06)
29 May, 2006, Hong Kong
in conjunction with
The 1st Int. Conf. on Scalable Information Systems (INFOSCALE'06)
Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems have emerged as an active research field that
combines principles from networking, database, distributed computing, and
information retrieval. Different from traditional client-server model, a
host node in a P2P system can act as both a server and a client, which has
significantly changed the way of online information sharing and distribution.
P2P techniques bear the potential to realize information systems that scale
to voluminous information on very large numbers of participating nodes,
while facing many fundamental research challenges for information management.
This workshop intends to bring together researchers and practitioners working
on P2P information systems from different disciplines. We invite papers that
facilitate better understanding of challenges of P2P information management,
apply ideas and techniques from different aspects, and propose innovative
solutions to those challenges. Topics of interest include, but are not limited
* P2P Applications and Services
* P2P Information Systems and Architectures
* Models and Query Languages for P2P Information Systems
* P2P Information Search Techniques
* Indexing, Caching and Replication Techniques for P2P Systems
* Metadata for P2P Information Management
* P2P Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
* Adaptive P2P Information Systems
* Mobile P2P Information Retrieval
* P2P Multimedia Information Management
* P2P Content Delivery
* Security and Robustness in P2P Information Systems
* Inter-operability Issues in Heterogeneous P2P Information Systems
* Dynamics of P2P
Original and previously unpublished technical papers are solicited. Papers
reporting original research, applications, development of prototypes,
industrial experiences, technologies and standards are welcome.
Submissions must not exceed 8 pages in IEEE conference paper format
(including references, figures and tables). All submissions should be submitted
electronically in Postscript or Adobe PDF format through the COCUS web site.
Detailed information can be found in the workshop website (www.p2p-im.org).
All paper submissions will be carefully reviewed by experts and returned to the
author(s) with comments to ensure the high quality of the accepted papers. The
authors of accepted papers must present their papers at the workshop. At least
one author of each accepted paper must be registered for the workshop in order
for that paper to appear in the proceedings and to be scheduled for presentation.
The accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. The
conference proceedings will be published by IEEE Press and available online
through IEEE Xplore.
Important Dates:
Paper Due: January 1, 2006
Author Notification: February 7, 2006
Camera-Ready: February 22, 2006
Program Co-chairs:
Jianliang Xu, Hong Kong Baptist University (Hong Kong)
Xueyan Tang, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
Baihua Zheng, Singapore Management University (Singapore)
Wang-Chien Lee, Pennsylvania State University (USA)
Program Committee:
Ugur Cetintemel, Brown University (USA)
Guihai Chen, Nanjing University (China)
Qianni Deng, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China)
Yanlei Diao, University of Massachusetts (USA)
Asuman Dogac, Middle East Tech. Univ. (Turkey)
Lee Giles, Pennsylvania State University (USA)
Takahiro Hara, Osaka University (Japan)
Sumi Helal, University of Florida (USA)
Jun Hong, Queen's University Belfast (UK)
Anastasios Kementsietsidis, University of Edingburgh (UK)
Chen Li, University of California, Irvine (USA)
Jie Lin, Xerox Lab (USA)
Yunhao Liu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong)
John C.S. Lui, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Xiaofeng Meng, Renmin University (China)
Eva Pitoura, University of Ioannina (Greece)
Keith W. Ross, Polytechnic University (USA)
Kian-Lee Tan, National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Chunqiang Tang, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (USA)
Ouri Wolfson, University of Illinois at Chicago (USA)
Li Xiao, Michigan State University (USA)
Jun Xu, Georgia Tech. (USA)
Clement Yu, University of Illinois at Chicago (USA)
Aoying Zhou, Fudan University (China)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Final CfP UASS'06 Session on ICCSA 2006
Datum: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 14:14:47 +0900
Von: UASS'06 Cyber-chair <verysecure(a)gmail.com>
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
** We apologize if you receive the CFP more than once! ****
The First Call for Paper UASS'06 Session on ICCSA 2006
- Ubiquitous Application & Security Service -
** Deadline for paper submission: 7 December 2005( Extended) **
UASS'06 (ICCSA'06) 8 - 11 May 2006, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
The 2006 International Conference on Computational Science and its
Applications (ICCSA 2006) will be held at The Hilton Glasgow,
Scotland, an excellent hotel set in one of Europe's most vibrant
cities only a short journey from some of the most beautiful
countryside in the world from 8-11 May 2006.
UASS'06 is Special Session on ICCSA'06 and its aim is as follows:
Ubiquitous Computing is emerging rapidly as an exciting new paradigm
to provide computing and communication services any time, any where.
For realizing ubiquitous computing, UASS is needed. Our Session (UASS)
provides a chance for academic and industry professionals to discuss
recent progress in the area of ubiquitous Computing Environment
including models and systems, new directions, novel applications
associated with the utilization, and acceptance of ubiquitous
computing devices and systems.
Topics(included, but are not limited to):
* Ubiquitous Application:
Home-network applications, Intelligence Service, U-business and
other applications,Context awareness Model for Ubiquitous Service
* Ubiquitous Security:
Ubiquitous Sensor Network / RFID security, Ubiquitous Multimedia
Security (DRM, IPMP), Key management and authentication in Ubiquitous
Network security issues and protocols in Ubiquitous Environment,
Access Control in Ubiquitous Environment, Security in U-commerce,
Commercial and industrial security, IPv6, Forensics for Ubiquitous
- Session Chair : Prof. Yeong-Deok Kim
(Woosong University, Korea, E-mail: ydkim(a)wsu.ac.kr)
- Program Committee
Prof. Ilsun You (Korean Bible University, Korea),
Dr. Byoung-Soo Koh (DigiCAPS Co., Ltd, Korea)
Dr. Nicolas Sklavos (University of Patras, Greece),
Dr. Eun-Sun Jung (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea)
Prof. Xinwen Fu (Dakota State University, USA),
Dr. Vesna HASSLER (European Patent Office, Austria)
Prof. David Chadwick (University of Kent,UK),
Dr. Qi Shi (Liverpool John Moores University)
Prof. Xinmiao Zhang (Case Western Reserve University, U.S.)
Dr. Myung-Chan Park (International Graduate University for Peace, Korea)
UASS'06 Cyber-Chair (E-mail: verysecure(a)gmail.com)
Important dates
Deadline for paper submission: 7 December 2005(Extended)
Notification of acceptance: 15 January 2006
Camera Ready Papers and Pre-registration: 1 February 2006
ICCSA 2006 Conference in Glasgow: 8 - 11 May 2006
Author Instruction
Authors are invited to submit original papers: they must not
substantially duplicate work that any of the authors have published
elsewhere or have submitted in parallel to any other conferences that
have proceedings. The submission of contributions to UASS '06 occurs
through the ICCSA 2006 Electronic Submission system. Paper must be
prepared with PDF. See http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html
for formatting information. Submission of a paper implies that should
the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will register and
present the paper in the conference (If your paper is accepted and
don't present the paper on conference, we will reject paper without
reviewing at our next workshop / conference).
The proceedings of the Conference will be published in the
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
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