-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: invitation to contribute to the AXMEDIS 2005: an international
conference on the management and distribution of media content
Datum: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 15:35:43 +0100
Von: Juergen Nuetzel <Juergen.Nuetzel(a)TU-ILMENAU.DE>
Antwort an: Juergen Nuetzel <Juergen.Nuetzel(a)TU-ILMENAU.DE>
I got this Call for Paper from Paolo Nesi.
Please also remember the Virtual Goods Workshop:
Please freely distribute this call for papers.
Best regards
Dear owner-virtualgoods
Current developments in the cross media domain require innovative and new
technologies to meet the challenges of the marketplace. The AXMEDIS
conference combines the activities of the successful WEDELMUSIC conference
series (www.wedelmusic.org) with the AXMEDIS consortium which consists of
leading European digital content producers, integrators, aggregators,
distributors, and information technology companies and research groups
involved in content production, protection and content distribution via
different channels including interactive TV (i-TV), DVBT, DVBS, personal
computer, kiosk, mobile phone, PDA and others.
We are organising the conference with the support of several prestigious
industrial partners and research institutions, such as: COMVERSE, CPR, CRS4,
Univ. Firenze, DSI - Univ. Firenze, EPFL, EUTELSAT, FHGIGD, FUPF (Univ.
Pompeo Fabra), Giunti ILABS, HP, OD2, SEJER, TISCALI, ICSRiM - Univ. Leeds,
Univ. Readings, etc. with the Support of the MUSICNETWORK and the European
We hope that you will be interested to participate this exciting event, by
submitting some papers, and/or proposing workshops, panels or tutorial, and
we are we looking forward to welcoming you to the event.
The final programme will include: tutorial on innovative technologies,
industrial presentations, scientific papers, workshops, panels, presentation
of a call for "take-up" actions (for details, please see www.axmedis.org),
MUSICNETWORK Open workshop, poster sections, social activities, etc.
Best regards,
Paolo Nesi
(General Chair)
Ps: Apologies for disturbing you with this email. I hope this is related to
your interests and I would like you to be aware of this event directly so
that you may consider contributing to this conference. Please feel free to
distribute this email to your colleagues who may be interested these
----AXMEDIS 2005 Call for Papers----
1st International Conference on
Automated Production of Cross Media Content
for Multi-channel Distribution
30 November - 2 December 2005
Florence, Italy
Sponsored by AXMEDIS Consortium:
SEJER, TISCALI, ICSRiM Univ. Leeds, Univ. Readings, XIM.
Supported by: MUSICNETWORK, European Commission
This event seeks to promote discussion and interaction between researchers,
practitioners, developers and users of tools, technology transfer experts,
and project managers. AXMEDIS-2005 will bring together a variety of
participants from the academic, business and industrial worlds, to address
different technical and commercial issues. Particular interests include the
exchange of concepts, prototypes, research ideas, industrial experiences and
other results.
The conference focuses on the challenges in the cross-media domain
(including production, protection, management, representation, formats,
aggregation, workflow, distribution, business and transaction models), and
the integration of content management systems and distribution chains, with
particularly emphasis on the reduction of costs and solutions for complex
cross-domain problems.
Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to, the following
- Automatic cross-media production, gathering, crawling, composition,
formatting, P2P, etc.
- Formats and models for multi-channel content distribution
- Multimedia standards such as MPEG-7, MPEG-21, DMP, etc.
- Legal aspects related to digital content
- High quality Audio Video Coding
- Multimedia Music representation and formatting
- Watermarking and fingerprinting techniques
- GRID and Distributed systems for Content production
- Multimedia Middle Ware
- Workflow management systems
- Web services for content distribution
- Distribution with P2P architectures
- Semantic Web and P2P
- Collecting and clearing of rights and licenses
- Formats and tools for Content Aware
- Archives managements for cultural and educational applications
- Digital Rights Management (DRM), models and tools,
and interoperability
- Synchronisation technologies and solutions
- Business and transaction models
- Systems and approaches for content production/distribution on demand
- Digital Content User Interface
- Digital Content accessibility
- Payments model
- Novel applications and case-studies of relevant technologies
--RESEARCH PAPERS (long and short):
Papers should describe original and significant work in the research and
industrial practice of related topics.
(i) Research studies, applications and experiments are particularly welcome.
Papers should be limited to 8 pages in length.
(ii) Shorter papers on work-in-progress, interim results, advanced topic
position paper are also welcome. Submissions should be limited to 4 pages in
length. Document style can be found at the conference website.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Proposals for presentations of Applications and Tools are welcome. These
include reports on the application and utilisation of tools, industrial
practices and models, or tool/system demonstrations. A summary of up to two
pages of accepted proposals will be published in the conference proceedings.
Proposal for panels, workshops and tutorials are invited - please contact
conference(a)axmedis.org for details. AXMEDIS and other Tutorials will be
-- ALL submissions and proposals have
to be written in English and submitted in PDF format via email to
conference(a)axmedis.org by 20 March 2005. The conference proceedings are
intended to be published by the IEEE Press. Selected papers from the
conference will be considered for publication in special issues of one or
more major peer-reviewed Journals in this domain.
Convitto della Calza, Oltrarno Meeting Centre, Piazza della Calza, Florence,
Italy (http://www.calza.it ).
--------IMPORTANT DATES--------
Paper submission: 20 March 2005
Notification of acceptance: 15 May 2005
Camera ready: 10 June 2005
--------Technical Committee-----
General chair:
Paolo Nesi, DSI-DISIT, Univ. of Florence
Florence, Italy nesi(a)dsi.unifi.it
Scientific Program co-chairs:
Kia Ng , ICSRiM, University of Leeds
Leeds, UK, kia(a)computer.org
Jaime Delgado , Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Barcelona, Spain, jaime.delgado(a)upf.edu
Atta Badii, IRC, University of Readings
UK, atta.badii(a)reading.ac.uk
Industrial Program co-chairs:
Claudio Marangoni, HP, Italy
Laurence Pearce, xim Ltd, UK
Publicity co-chairs:
Gian Maria Brega, Giunti Interactive Labs, Italy
Local Committee chair:
Pierfrancesco Bellini, DSI-DISIT, Univ. of Florence
Secretarial & Administration:
Simonetta Ceglia , DSI-DISIT, Univ. of Florence
Bee Ong, ICSRiM, University of Leeds
### to whom it may concern. //fw.
From: Tobias Scheffer [mailto:scheffer@informatik.hu-berlin.de]
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 3:54 AM
Eighth International Conference on Discovery Science
October 8-11, 2005, Singapore
Call for Papers
The 8th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS'05) will be
held in Singapore, Marina Mandarin Hotel, from 8-11 of October
2005. DS'05 will be collocated with ALT'05, the 16th International
Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory. The two conferences will be
held in parallel, and they will share their invited talks.
The proceedings of DS'05 will appear in the Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence by Springer-Verlag.
DS 2005 provides an open forum for intensive discussions and
interchange of new information among researchers working in the area
of Discovery Science. The scope of the conference includes the
analysis and development of methods for intelligent data analysis,
knowledge discovery and machine learning, as well as their application
to scientific knowledge discovery.
We invite submissions of research papers addressing all aspects of
discovery science. We particularly welcome contributions that discuss
the application of data analysis and other support techniques for
scientific discovery including, but not limited to, biomedical,
astronomical and other physics domains.
Two types of submissions are solicited: regular and long papers.
Regular papers will be presented in an oral spotlight presentation and
a poster; authors of long papers will have the opportunity to give an
extended oral presentation. The submission web site will be available
at http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~achim/DS05/.
A paper submission must be formatted according to the layout supplied
by Springer-Verlag for the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
Regular papers must not exceed five (5) pages, whereas long papers may
contain up to twelve (12) pages.
Mentoring Program
DS 2005 features a new mentoring program. Students who are first
authors of papers are invited to submit a paper draft on or before the
mentoring deadline. They will receive a comments from a PC member
that will help them to prepare the final submission.
Submission Topics
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
* Logic and philosophy of scientific discovery,
* Knowledge discovery, machine learning and statistical methods,
* Active knowledge discovery,
* Text mining, named entity recognition, etc.
* Information extraction from scientific literature,
* Knowledge discovery from text and the web,
* Knowledge discovery from unstructured and multimedia data,
* Knowledge disvovery in network and link data,
* Knowledge discovery in social networks,
* Data and knowledge visualization,
* Human-machine interaction for knowledge discovery and management,
* Biomedical knowledge discovery, analysis of microarray and
gene deletion data,
* Applications of the above techniques to natural or social
Important Dates
Mentoring deadline: March 4
Submission deadline: May 20
Notifications of acceptance: June 26
Camera-ready copy due: July 20
Conference: October 8-11
General Chair: Hiroshi Motoda, Osaka University
PC Co-Chairs: Achim Hoffmann, University of New South Wales
Tobias Scheffer, Humboldt University of Berlin
### to whom it may concern. //fw.
>> Call for Participation Deadline: April 28th <<
* Please forward to a colleague *
E-Learn 2005
World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate,
Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education
October 24-28, 2005 * Vancouver, Canada
** Submission Deadline: April 28, 2005 **
Organized by
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Co-sponsored by
International Journal on E-Learning (http://www.aace.org/pubs/ijel)
** What are your colleagues saying about E-Learn conferences? **
Available to Print & Distribute (PDF to print; 200kb)
>> CONTENTS & LINKS (details below) <<
1. Submission Information, Deadline April 28th:
Call for Presentations: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/call.htm
Submission Guide: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/submitguide.htm
Presenter Guide: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/PresenterLounge
2. Major Topics: www.aace.org/conf/elearn/topics.htm
3. Presentation Categories: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/categories.htm
4. Proceedings & Paper Awards: http://www.aace.org/pubs
5. For Budgeting Purposes: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/rates.htm
6. Vancouver, Canada: http://www.aace.org/conf/Cities/Vancouver
7. Deadlines: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/deadlines.htm
E-Learn 2005 -- World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government,
Healthcare, & Higher Education is an international, annual conference which
serves as a multi-disciplinary forum for the exchange of information on
research, development, and applications of all topics related to e-Learning
in these four sectors.
E-Learn Is Unique:
E-Learn is an innovative collaboration between the top public and private
academic researchers, developers, education and business professionals, and
end users from the Corporate, Healthcare, Government, and Higher Education
All presentation proposals are reviewed and selected by a respected,
international Executive Advisory Board
(http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/exec.htm) and Program Committee, based on
merit and the perceived value for attendees.
E-Learn, the premiere international, non-commercial conference in the
field, spans all
disciplines and levels of education and attracts more than 1,000 attendees
from over 60 countries. We invite you to attend E-Learn and submit
proposals for presentations.
All presentation proposals are peer reviewed and selected by three
reviewers on the respected international Program Committee for inclusion
in the
conference program, proceedings book, and CD-ROM proceedings.
* Keynote Speakers
* Invited Panels/Speakers
* Papers
* Best Practice Sessions
* Roundtables
* Demonstrations/Posters
* Research/Technical Showcases
* Products/Services Showcases
* Tutorials/Workshops
For Call for Presentations, connect to:
All authors MUST follow the submission guidelines and complete the Web form
at: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/submitguide.htm
For Presentation and AV Guidelines, see:
The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to, the following
topics as they relate to the e-Learning and the technologies supporting
1. Sectors or Application Domains:
General & Cross-Domain
Health Care
Higher Education
Informal Learning (Museums, Communities, Homes)
Military Training
Professional Associations & Non-Profits
2. Major Topics relating to or technologically supporting E-Learning:
Content Development
Implementation Examples and Issues
Instructional Design
Policy Issues
Social and Cultural Issues
Standards and Interoperability
Tools and Systems
3. Specific Topic Examples:
Asynchronous Learning
Authoring Tools
Building E-Learning Architectures
Collaborative Learning
Community Building
Courseware Development
Customer Training
Developing an Organizational e-Learning Strategy
Developing, Integrating, and Delivering E-Learning Solutions
Digital Libraries for E-Learning
Distance Learning
Electronic Publishing Tools for E-Learning
Evaluation/Performance Measurement & Assessment
Good Practice Concepts & Examples
Human-Computer Interaction
Industry-University Partnering
Infrastructure of E-Learning Environments
Innovative Curriculum in E-Learning
Instructional Design for E-Learning
Intelligent E-Learning Technology
Interactive E-Learning Systems
Knowledge Management in E-Learning
Learning & Content Management Systems
Management of Learning Resources
Marketing/Promoting Learning Activities
Multimedia-based E-Learning Systems
Organizational E-Learning Strategies
Pedagogical & Issues
Policy and Law
Quality Management and Assessment in E-Learning
Research Perspectives for E-Learning
Societal Issues, Including Legal, Standards, & International Issues
Virtual Universities, Classrooms, and Laboratories
The Technical Program includes a wide range of interesting and useful
activities designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information.
Organizations have the opportunity to demonstrate and discuss their
e-learning related
products and services in through Products/Services Showcases &
Accepted papers will be published by AACE in the Proceedings Book and on
CD-ROM. Proceedings in this series serve as major resources in the
hypermedia/telecommunications community, reflecting the current state of
the art in the discipline. In addition, the Proceedings also are
internationally distributed through and archived in the AACE Digital
Library, http://www.aace.org/DL
Selected papers may be invited for publication in may be invited for
publication in AACE's respected journals especially in the
- International Journal on E-Learning (IJEJ),
- Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH), or
- Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR).
All presented papers will be considered for Outstanding Paper Awards within
several categories. Award winning papers may be invited for publication in
the AACE journals.
The conference registration fee for all presenters and participants will be
approximately $395 U.S. (AACE members), $450 U.S. (non-members).
Registration includes proceedings on CD, receptions, and all sessions
except tutorials. The conference dinner will be an extra fee.
All conference sessions will be held at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre
Hotel (http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/hotel.htm) Vancouver's premier hotel
- ideally located in the heart of the city's business, financial and
shopping districts - with magnificent views of the mountains and the
Pacific Ocean.
Special discount hotel and Delta Airlines rates have been obtained for
E-Learn 2004 participants.
Vancouver, Canada
Vancouver is a dynamic, multicultural city with a cosmopolitan flair set in
a spectacular natural environment. Nestled between majestic mountains and
sparkling ocean, Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Explore Vancouver online at: http://www.tourismvancouver.com
Submissions Due: April 28, 2005
Authors Notified: May 28, 2005
Proceedings File Due: September 12, 2005
Early Registration: September 12, 2005
Conference: Oct. 24-28, 2005
To be added to the mailing list for this conference, link
to http://www.aace.org/info.htm
If you have a question about E-Learn, please send an e-mail to
AACE Conference Services, conf(a)aace.org
Mailing address:
AACE, P.O. Box 3728, Norfolk, VA 23514 USA
### to whom it may concern. //fw.
ICODL 2005
Third International Conference on Open and Distance Learning:
'Applications of Pedagogy and Technology'
Hellenic Open University, Hellenic Network of Open & Distance Education
Patra, Greece
Conference Languages: Greek and English
Call for papers January 2005
Beginning of registration 10 May 2005
Paper submission deadline 5 April 2005
Acknowledgment for acceptance of papers 15 May 2005
Submission of final papers 15 June 2005
Conference 11 - 13 November 2005
Conference Themes
The papers should concentrate on the following themes:
a.. European Union, Open Universities and ODL
b.. The Hellenic Open University: challenges and perspectives of open
access and distance learning
c.. Teaching and the role of the tutor
d.. Learning in an ODL environment
e.. Cultural Studies and ODL
f.. Social Sciences and ODL
g.. Sciences and ODL
h.. ODL and languages teaching: the teachers training
i.. ODL, Adult Education and life long learning
j.. Information and Communication Technologies
k.. Planning and development of teaching material and innovative ODL
In order to follow the conference programme, the manner of registration,
the dates and
further instructions as to how to submit your paper, please visit the
websites of the
Hellenic Open University (http://www.eap.gr/) and the Hellenic Network
of Open and
Distance Education (http://www.opennet.gr/) after the end of January
Antonis Lionarakis
Hellenic Open University
Sahtouri 23, Patra 26222
E-mail: alionar(a)eap.gr
Hellenic Network of Open and Distance Education
E-mail: alionar(a)otenet.gr
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: IASTED International Newsletter on Internet and Applications
Datum: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 21:03:30 -0700
Von: <info(a)iasted.com>
An: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
*The IASTED International Conference on*
*~WTAS 2005~
*** July 4-6, 2005
Calgary, Alberta, Canada*
The International Association of Science and Technology for Development
Technical Committee on the Web, the Internet, and Multimedia
*Submissions due* *March 15, 2005*
*Notification of Acceptance* *April 15, 2005*
*Camera-ready manuscripts due* *May 8, 2005*
*Registration Deadline* *May 15, 2005*
To view the call for papers, including the scope and international
program committee, for this conference, please visit:
* The Ninth IASTED International Conference on*
~ IMSA 2005 ~*
*August 15-17, 2005
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA*
The International Association of Science and Technology for Development
Technical Committee on the Web, The Internet, and Multimedia
World Modelling Simulation Forum (WMSF)
*Submissions due* * April 15, 2005*
*Notification of Acceptance* *May 15, 2005*
*Final manuscripts due* *June 1, 2005*
*Registration Deadline* * June 15, 2005*
For more information please visit:
* 4th IASTED International Conference on *
~ CIIT 2005 ~*
*October 31 - November 2, 2005
Cambridge, USA *
The International Association of Science and Technology for Development
(IASTED) Technical Committee on Information Systems
Technical Committee on Telecommunications
Technical Committee on the Web, Internet, and Multimedia
*Submissions due* * June 1, 2005*
*Notification of Acceptance* *July 15, 2005*
*Final manuscripts due* *August 15, 2005*
*Registration Deadline* * September 1, 2005*
For more information please visit:
The International Journal of Computers and Applications - First
published in 1979 this journal covers all aspects of contemporary
computers and their applications including technology hardware and
software systems networking and communications multimedia systems and
the Internet as well as microcomputer applications such as engineering
science business management robotics medicine manufacturing and the
humanities. It also includes book reviews conference notices call for
papers and new publications.
Co-Editor-in-Chiefs: Dr. L. Monticone and Dr. J. Wu
Frequency: 4 issues per year
2005 Rate: US$330.00
Postage & Handling: US$25.00
ISSN: 1206-212X (202)
Membership pays! One of the benefits of IASTED membership is a
complimentary one-year subscription to an ACTA Press journal of your
choice. Renew or become a member today!
Past conference proceedings in the area of Internet and Applications are
available for purchase from ACTA Press
For more information or to join one of the following mail groups: Power
Telecommunication Control Modelling and Simulation Bio-Medicine Signal
and Image Processing Artificial Intelligence Business Software
Engineering Education Databases and Knowledge Engineering Parallel and
Distributed Computing please contact:
#80 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W.
Calgary Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851
E-mail: calgary(a)iasted.org <mailto:calgary@iasted.org>
Web site: http://www.iasted.org
To unsubscribe from the email list please visit the following link and
click on the Unsubscribe button:
Or email to unsubscribe(a)iasted.org <mailto:unsubscribe@iasted.org> from
your email account (gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at) and copy and paste the
following lines into the body of the email:
Internet and Applications Newsletter
Unsubscribe gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
### to whom it may concern. //fw.
Dear colleagues
Three weeks are left in paper submission deadline for IEEE International
Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (deadline: February 4, 2005).
5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
(ICALT 2005)
July 5-8, 2005
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Theme: "Next generation e-learning systems: intelligent applications and
smart design"
** Proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. **
Also includes:
* 3rd International Workshop on Technology for Education in Developing
* 4th International Conference on Educational Technology in Cultural Context
* Important Dates
February 4, 2005 - Paper submission
March 25, 2005 - Notification of acceptance
April 15, 2005 - Copyright form submission
April 15, 2005 - Final camera-ready manuscript
April 29, 2005 - Author registration deadline
* Paper Submissions
Submissions are invited in the following categories:
- Full paper: 5 pages
- Short paper: 3 pages
- Posters: 2 pages
- Tutorial proposals: 2 pages
- Panel proposals: 2 pages
- Workshop: 2 pages
Submission information is available at:
* Highlights
ICALT2005 will also host following activities:
- "3rd International Workshop on Technology for
Education in Developing Countries"
In developing countries, conditions, constraints, and resources
differ sharply with industrialized nations, creating special
challenges for the technical and educational research communities.
The goal of this international workshop is to bring together
researchers, and educators to discuss various issues involved
in developing new techniques and on novel uses of technology for
education in developing countries.
- "4th International Conference on Educational
Technology in Cultural Context"
The ETCC conference focuses on issues of cultural context in the
application of educational technology. The initiators of the
conference wish to bring together experts, especially those in the
field of computer science, education, humanities and cultural
studies, with a specific interest in discussing the application of
educational technology in various cultural contexts. The issue
involves both pedagogic and technological points of view.
Information Systems Dept., Massey Univ., Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston
North, New Zealand
Tel: +64 6 3505799 ext. 2090 Fax: +64 6 3505725