---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Extension of submissions deadline until May 21: Int'l Business Information Management Conf
Date: Wednesday 05 May 2004 03:17
From: "Dr. Khalid S. Soliman" <khalid.soliman(a)hofstra.edu>
To: "Dr. Khalid S. Soliman" <khalid.soliman(a)hofstra.edu>
We have received requests to extend the deadline. To accomodate those who
would like to participate in this major international event, the
conference organizing committee is extending the paper submission deadline
until May 21, 2004. Please pass this extension note to interested
At a glance: Call for papers
The 2004 International Business Information Management Conference IBIM'04
General Theme:
Information Technology in Organizations in the 21st Century
Amman, Jordan, 4 - 6 July 2004
Website: http://www.ibima.org
(If you have already submitted paper(s) to be considered for the
conference, please visit http://www.ibima.org/acceptedpapers.html for
updated list on accepted papers)
- Paper Submission: Now Open
- Notification of Acceptance: Within 3 week from submission date (in most
- Extended Paper submission deadline: May 21, 2004
- Camera ready and registration: June 15, 2004
Conference proceedings will be published as an e-book on a CD (ISBN:
High quality papers will be further considered for publication in the
following Journals:
- Journal of Enterprise Information Management
- Saudi Computing Journal
Part of the conference is:
Workshop on Method Engineering for Object-Oriented and Component-Based
Development (ME-OOD 2004)
IMPORTANT: Four types of submissions:
1) full research paper: (5000 words) with complete references section
2) Extended abstract or paper draft (1000 words)
3) Invited sessions: You can also submit a proposal to organize an invited
session/workshop. A 100-word description of the topic of the session
along with your information
4) Virtual presentation: Those who are unable to attend the conference in
person but wish to participate in this major international event, virtual
presentation is available. Virtual Presentation allow participants to
submit papers for refereeing and publication in the conference
proceedings, just like a regular paper. Virtual participants will
receive a full copy of the conference proceedings.
Please visit conference for complete list of themes and tracks
ARRANGED TOURS for conference participants before,during,
and after the conference. Visit the conference website for complete
details: http://www.ibima.org/tours.html
Excellent opportunity to combine a world-class research & intellectual
event with the mystical environment of Jerash, Petra, and the Dead Sea
We'll be delighted to meet you in Amman.
Khalid S. Soliman
IBIM 2004 Conference Chair
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
Final CFP >> Only Six Weeks Left
Minitrack at the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
(HICSS-38; Internet and the Digital Economy Track); January 3-6, 2005, Big
Island of Hawaii.
HICSS has activated the electronic paper submission system.
Templates and formatting instructions are available at:
The Internet and wireless communication networks are transforming how
society handles the explosive growth yet dwindling half-life of
environmental information. Addressing the transition to knowledge-based
economies, the interdisciplinary minitrack on environmental online
communication investigates the role of information technology in advocating
sustainability and ecosystem protection.
The minitrack focuses on the design, implementation, management, funding,
promotion, use and evaluation of environmental information systems. It
explores the role of such systems in building communities, maintaining
organizations, engaging groups in decision-making, and supporting education
and advocacy campaigns. Theoretical work on the methodological,
technological and organizational foundations of environmental online
communication will complement case studies of planned and successfully
deployed systems.
Selected papers will be fast-tracked to the third volume of the
"Environmental Communication Yearbook", edited by A/Prof Stephen P. Depoe
15 Jun 2004: Paper Submission
15 Aug 2004: Notification of Acceptance and Reviewer Comments
01 Oct 2004: Camera-ready Copy of Revised Papers Due
03 Jan 2005: HICSS-38 Conference
01 Nov 2006: Environmental Communication Yearbook, Volume III
Prof Arno Scharl (arno.scharl(a)uwa.edu.au)
University of Western Australia, Business School
35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley WA 6009, Australia
A/Prof Susan Senecah (ssenecah(a)mailbox.syr.edu)
State University of New York
College of Environmental Science and Forestry
1 Forestry Dr, Syracuse NY 13210, USA